am j c; v ', . W aw Our New Machine Is Here ? "l a- 1- ??. -c '. , m BVEKHTO PUBLIC UiDGBR PHI1jADE!LPHIA. WEDlfBBDAY. NOVEMBER 1, 1923 ,, y , , .v'rlft Remington Ne. 9Hjfl I ( ?y mwK 3teWBliff fcfcaWHIB. Hl B8BHBvnwwlnBflfiKJflllBi!9KMJilHBW Te QwzeJ Typewriter Seme of the 14 Neise-Eliminating Features of New Ne 12 Remington A new cushioned cylinder which gives clean cut originals and carbons and is Quiet. A new type of bail which prevents any air chamber between paper and cylinder and takes another "click" out of typewriting. A new method of eliminating noise from the escapement. The escapement deg strikes against a spring instead of solid metal. The result isQuieU A new cable anvil, made of finest piano wire, spiraled in two directions. In reality it is a shock absorber for the type mechanism and it is Quiet The body of the machine is enclosed in sound proof plates Quiet. Even the slight noise caused by the type falling back in the basket has been reduced. Eight ether sound-reducing features complete this great Remington contribution te quiet and every advantage which quiet confers en a business office. H r The New Medel 12 Remington is the herald of a new era in typewriting. It is quiet in operation. And it has been made se without the slightest impairment of the speed, easeef operation and depend ability which are essential in a first-class writing machine. This problem of achieving relative silence, combined with the full measure of Remington efficiency, was net solved in a day. The New Medel 12 is the product of years of con tinuous laboratory work by Remington Engineers the most skilled and experienced in the typewriter world. As a phy sician listens with his stethoscope, se these engineers listened te every "click," every "hum," every sound produced in the act of typing and experimented with every possible means for transforming noise into silence. The result is a crowning triumph in typewriter construc tion; a machine which retains every basic Remington feature, every quality for which the Remington is famous, every dis tinctive Remington improvement, including the famous self starter and the equally celebrated "natural touch," and in addition no less than 14 neiseeliminating features The sum of these improvements is a degree of silence that enables the busy business man te think andwerk without dis dis tractien, even though the machine is also working at his elbow The price of this new Medel 12 Remington, with "A" carriage is $110 just $7.50 mere than the Standard nr -hine a $750 premium for quiet. Under conditions where quiet is net essential, we continue te recommend our Standard Correspondence Machine the Improved Self-Starting Remington the typewriter that is making "natural touch" famous, the machine that has made automatic indenting an accomplished fact. Please call and see and listen te the new Remington Ne. 12 or phone us for a demonstration. A geed typewriter deserves a geed ribbon. Paragon ribbons made b? us 75 cents each, $7 a dozen Remington Typewriter Company 110 Seuth Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. TelepheneBell, Walnut 6750; Keystone, Main 5949 If "A M I ;4 fl 1 ,-Ja h tfriferrtW-V' twrifiismi ' ..JWl ' A