PWBbBWMCtTTTivTTR VI.-' k ii 9Sg " $ IMtcr iiSciif i . yt j w '.ri..rt .c y. r TMt r vivar .u ' BHsHafK!kHI mMmvWSWwh, . ?ts . "' 7 ty ri 32. J.1SJS '.'.. 'r " y..1 y.v.T'Nf-.TjWIU.ti i! - I. l1? H ' V4 R: hi V tm jl 1 .. $lBf,M Province of Alberta 5 Bends Due May 1, 1925 Principal ana Half -Yearly Interest payable In New Yerk Price 99.31 and Interest Yielding 5.30 Full Particulars P-10SI Request en Weed, Gundy & Ce. Ineorpera ted 14 Wall St, New Yerk TVlentpeg Terente Mnetreat Londen, Fnc GOSSIP OF THE STREET Richard L. Austin, chairman of the Federal Reserve Hank, In ".ummnrhlng btiftlneiA conditions In the Philadel phia Federal Itcscrve Bank district, In the monthly report Issued by that Institution says: ''That the movement of business ts definitely upward is no longer open te question. The Improvement during the last few months hns been consistent and rapid, and nltheugh much of the bet terment durlmr the last six weeks is nttributnblc te seasonal Influences, the larger part by far represents fundu- 'Company, $10,OOU,UU(i. mental business rpreverv. Kvidenee of. cent notes, tliia (u fniim! in lm fr.iin tn r.tni1 nml VCinber -- wheleale trade, In the larger demand for almost all raw material-" and manu factured products, In the expansion of the volume of production and the re- sminni mi'rensc n cmn nvmeiu, in imp . "'",'nn.J V ;...,. .. vwmk 1 steady gain In cnrleadlngs and In theue In 1023. for payment ,ecmbcr 1. rise in ine wneiesuie romiiieuiiy-i'ricei- ,. ," i .. .... . i. ...,..(, ... . nti..kA.j i iiriuiin iauiurn ni-iu . wklsa hat called ter MraktM ra, No vember 10, at IDS, 4f BMjOpO Vk Pr cent bend net due until 1.096. Invincl. Me Oil Company ha called S2.3M.8W 8 per cent bends due In 1931, payable November 24, at 110, and la paying them en through sale of stock. Total of corporation bends called In November Is 10O,74D,l)O0. against $113,862,000 in October nnd $2,lS4,r00 In November, 10'Jl. Of the total, $1)5. 403.800 represent Issues called In en tirety, while the balnnee In nearly every case Is te meet sinking fund require ments. American Light nnd Trnctlen Company has called $3,000,000 0 per cent bends for payment November 1, at 101. Among issues cnlled in entirety are Virginia-Carolina Chemical Cem- fillip Ul'Ul'IllU iv 7" J I" M w w ber 1, at 103, and American Tobucce HMHKJ,UWii. series r. i per due In 1021, payable No Ne nt 11)1. American Power and Light Company will payoff ?3,o00. ?3,e00. 000 8 per cent bends, due In 1041, November 1, nt 107 Vi, and Milwaukee Klectrlc Hallway nnd Light Company has called S4.050.000 7 per cent notes, We will buy 400 shares of Cities Service Ce. Common Stock at 197 per Share We will buy 400 shares of Cities Service Ce. Preferred Stock at 69 per Share Henry L. Doherty & Company 604 Merria Building, Phila Pa. Phene. Spruce "Sii COf ORPORATIONS -hich produce and sell electric current for light and power pur poses differ from manu facturing companies be cause they are dealing in something that in dustry cannot get along without. We recommend the mortgage-secured bends and preferred stocks of wel'-established electric light and power com panies. List furnished en request. HARPER &TURNER Inrestratwt Banker mtmtww AMUtWpAb SteeA aSrakmg STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING Philadelphia lllllllllllllllllllllllll UAAJJJ, BOND TOPICS Cur current number of BON'D TOPICS contains Instructive ar ticles covering the PUBLIC UTILITY INDUSTRY. Te these Interested In Public Utility securities a free copy of BOND TOPICS will be mailed upon request. IE We advocate and recommend the ijj purchase of fundamentally sound p power and light bends. A Our November list of suggestions C is new availably for distribution. X Fairman & Company Draxel Building, Phil. jjj Established 1903 Correspondents J A. H. Bickmore & Ce. Ill Broadway, New Yerk index numbers. I "The latest available reports en re tail trade indicate that the volume of sales Is steadily crew In;. Sales by 4S0 i dipnrtmetit stores throughout the United States that make reports te the twelve Federal Heerve Ilanki were 11.0 per rent larger In September, l0'-'2, than In the Mime month of the previous year. In the Philadelphia dlxtrlet the Increase in retail trade was 15.3 per cent. Mail order houses and many of the rhaln stores aha reported rnln n the volume of business. Wholesale trade likewise has been active, and In 1 most cased sales In September were i InrRrr than In August of this cnr and in September. 11VJI. Ne Mntlsties arc as yet available en Oetnlier's business, i but current reports from wholesalers point te further betterment. 1 "Figures from eighty banks In thi district show a decline of 0.4 per cent In savings deposits during September. The monthly changes thus far In the jear, stntcd in percentages, have been ns fellows January. -rO.O ; Februnrv. -O.'J; March. --(U : April, 0.2; 1 May, 0.7: June. 0.3; July, 0.02: 1 Augut, O.Ti. In Septenil er eight of the thirteen cities shared In the general j dedine. and of these enlv two could I be called typically coal cities, wmc''. might be expected stl'l te show a fall ing off in savings deposit". The ethers ' wer a wide runge of manufacturing activity." Coppers Surprisingly A iilnerable Since the market turned tail, weak ness lias erep'wi nur n surpriMin: quarters, revealing the fictitious char ! if ter of much of the recent strength. I One of the surprlcs In this cennc tien j estenlnv vns the eonrl''ueis Hil ! ness of the entire copper group. Ann i cenda wis offered In lnrge blocks and j seemed te be friendless. According te the Street theory, pressure en the group resulted largely beeiuse of the fni'ure ef the red metal shares te participate mere i pTtinslve' in the leeent r." Fer some days, however, there had i I been hints of shading prices In thp metal mniket. the technical position e which apparently as no strong r than thut for the recurltles. The only known reason for the de clining tendency wns the falling off In demand nnd the attitude toward the market, which has been sp-'ken of In past weeks en the part of the Seuth American interests, netablj these con trolling the Chile Copper Company. Apparently wmc one in the trade Is unwilling te permit prices te be ad vanced or even firmly held at the mo ment. There 1 considerably mere talk in the trade regarding this condition and net all the discussion Is of e eemi 1 mentary nature. It is contended opera tions at the Chl'u properties bine re cently been increased mainly for the purpose of discouraging the American products and preventing any censldera- , tien of possible increase in output , in this country. Aa a matter of fact, the le.tilir.c JlBteriean'cempanlcs are net likely te make any plntis ter enlarging- their op erations nt this time. Officials of the big producing organizations knew the situation and will net take step which may lend te any disturbance. Therefore, inim ftiitnm wer ward ns being causes for the further unsettleinent of values In yesterday s market, which carried prices of many Issues te the lowest lcels touched In seme time. There were indications et various groups of stocks being affected bv hpcelal conditions. The wenktirs of stocks In which the late William Uocke Uecke feller had been most heavily concerned were among the weakest features and these stocks which had been looked en as In extremely strong position were pressed en the market nt sovere de clines. Consolidated Oas, In which there has been steady selling since the beginning of last week had a further less of ever S points te VW). the St. ram common was INVESTMENT SECURITIES OF SUPERIOR QUALITY , We shall be glad te send our weekly listte any investor en request. ISAAC STARR, JR., CO. 16th and Sansom Stt. Philadelphia aiemeers rMladelpMa Stock Keen; Xete Yerk Cotten Exchange rWOrkaMk Strrkt, he ' lttARrfSt Dm.OcL, IMS 90 A Int te YWd 5.70 Tevt Rttuni in Ptnnm. Frern etf Mve Nermal Fatfsrml fieema Tax Circular en Bttttstt Tewmend Whclen db Ce. BOB Chestnut St. Membera tr. Y. m PMIa. Stock h'tettangtt down 2f'S points nnrl the iireferreii stock which sold heavily dropped nearly I 4. Anaconda, another stock in this greun largely held by v liiiam iieckc feller, declined 2SS nelnts. nin TTtADKB. CONVICT PHILA. AUTO THIEF Yerk Read Man Found Guilty a' Atlantic City Atlantic City. Oct. .'II. A Jury In the Crlminnl Court yesterday convicted Geerge W. Hare, twentj -one, et B'.l.ll erk read. Philadelphia, of the theft I of an automobile from Jehn Pnrsum, of this city. Sentence was deferred. Mr'. Parsons ldentllied Hare ns the t an she saw drive nwny in the me- i chine from in front e' their home. Ilnre had been ni rested before by police of Uican City, fellow Inc a down the const te Sea Isle City. At the time lie nnd Dennelly, a real estnte man" of Atlantic City, were al leged te have been riding in a machine sie'en fiem Ocean City They are under -i()00 lull awaiting trial in" Cape Mnj County. Ready Reference Booklet Fer Savings Banks And Trustees We have combined in one 52-Page Booklet the latest official lists published by the Banking Departments of New Yerk, Massachusetts and Connecticut, of U. S. Government, State, Municipal, Railroad, Corporation and ether Bends legal for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in these states. Copies of the booklet will be furnished investors gratuitously. Mmenil &Ce. 1427 .Walnut Street, Philadelphia New Yerk Bsltimers Pittsbargk WtiUagtea l!mbrs Kn Yerk, t'hlUdelphla, TitUburfh ad W'aehlngteD Stock Uxchtngei BALDWIN-PHILADELPHIA LOCOMOTIVES IN A NOTABLE BRAZILIAN UNDERTAKING American visitors te the Brazilian Government's Interna tional Exhibition nt Rie de Janeiro will be interested in seeing four six-wheeled switching locomotives built by us for work in connection with the lazing of the Morre de Castelle ridge, which will add 150 acres of ground te that city. Baldwin Locomotives are used all ever the world. THE BALDWIN LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Philadelphia an Increase in production in this ceun try ,n fit., , i ii'i v-. ". ....-I nays one of the blc New YerL ' len hnue-. "and net with Unlisted Stocks & Bends Correspondence Invited Chester B Cook &Ca 42 Broadway NewYirk. TilepheNe Bread 3895 SUCCESSFUL MEN Keallte Ihnt drpendnhU flnanclul cuunsrl U it rcul nrcrxlt). We iirp ulwii) pltaxil la consult tvitti jeu en qurttleriii thut muy lie (Irlnc you tome cuncrrn. The Real Estate Trust Ce. Bread and Chesln.,1 Sts. rtiuri GRADE SECURITIES ! Yielding from i SVz te 6 ! R03T. GLtNuiltairiii & CO. KftahlUbfd 1(105 400 Cheatnut St. s Wvt. Steele & Sens Ce, WMB l i ', 4MHS0T-BfGUUUtKB-C(flWBVC3taMI HIGH-GRADE BONDS Mmb, Watsen & Rapp US- taM nti au. IHIIIWIII I ! I . I lb out of the qu"-tIen just new. I Become a World Mart ' "T, l i't inc. tn fnt V.tu .. 1 tie time te reallze that it Is bcceuilnpr n mart tnai ueais in worm is",, ru cemuili- lt ininv I lnnnl rnr!.i(lirn t Inns which ii :ilp (nit. 'tlalty stock inevenicnta of nn-at si;-lilficnnc?. I "The T.nn-len market ven of fifteen yt?ars ni;' could break hailh jti one I iiuartcr nnrI nj(iv n boom in another ar the same time. "We are grew-In;; threush a mew educational preces-. 01 ucvriep- , ment Inte a Flmllar Mtuatlen. witn u market fully the rqunl of Londen's. , We are t;cttlr.u te be n 'wer'd market,' In which a tloer trader may learn te ndmlt that even It he can knock a half point from the quotation for a miner Industrial 1&mic It does net quallfv him for n teat In the g:anl jury of the world. 'Hie u'tlraate judgment of po pe lltienl activity is nf nece--lt.v reserved for six mehthi cf'er election, when per formances mnv be considered, hut It is felt that the Interest of the owner of pub1ic Issues i concerned w.rli main tenance of the pre-ent political balance In State nnd Natien." Pere Maiquettr ("ens'derln- capita! i-tructure of pi-rt-.Marquette ltnllwaf (.'empany and its proven abllit te t-hew geed cirnlnss under It, tlie .". per cent preferred teek seems te warrant nn Investment rating. Prier preferred has aluedy attained Maui, ns li.dicated by the ti 1 per eeut Tleld nt i-irreiit price et nrnunl 7S. The preftrred jte'ds about 7 t per rent nt tt't nf'er allow 'ns top 'J per "'nt hack divllcnd" -t i ' i unptu I. K'lni.n.'" have been sutS' lent te pay th - n" n" eimu'atien. bur aft.r pajlnj of 10 per cent In January minagcmrnt purnieii the conservative policy of pnjuiu' 1 per cent each dlvi lend period. Pere Marquettn has elijht'v mere than SI." IiOO dOO bends euttandin'. Including eqti.pinent l--iieK. 1'ellnwitu tliefe is .$11 fie.Oni) prier pref .rred Htoek. SUM'-'iMKX) j.rcf.'rnl and .si,".. OlCiOIXI common Less than -Id per cent of capl'nlliatieTi .s fin, 'led debt. rare percentage under presnnt coinlt ceinlt t ens. As te prnnei tj weium the pre ferred stocks nrc in n r.dutie',, urnns pesit.un. itli read ami (iiuipimnt in vestment Uems en the balance -L- t u aebut S12.'J.0U0.)0. Since In KM", except In 1!20. earnluH have hein tunple, Kivlnj both preferred issues Inrge m;ir Kins of hnfety. After deduction for in tereit charCf. net hhev tlie fellow ln liercentaces en prier pieferred: l!il" 11 (l.'i. 1DH 17 S3; 1111!). I.'l l.'i ; UCU, 0 0; 10'Jl. 27 71. After deduction for 'prier preferred dividends, pei-dntage arn UK en preferreil were. 1H17, ,", j-, . Tn1, nr.7; line. aii."i, nw, o.e: UiL'l. UO.Ut. Ne dividends hae been paid en tee l.'.OOO 000 lommen Nteek eiit-taiMlni',' Instead cnriiiiiKs hoe been turned liiTe imprevemcnth te nruperty and equip, meat nnd te buildlui; up a surplus wnieii n.s et ueccmuer ai, iui'1, noed I at $0,778,420. I November ltend .AfatiiTliifs I (''ornerntliin bends en 1 lei I for tun . incut In November, 1H'.'2, In advance of maturity, relleet cafy money rates und r.blllty of cnrperatiniiH te refund leans put out nt hich rates (f interest with new isMicH nt mere n-iiKenahlc rates. Keine ceiiipiniled Iiuvk been able te re place leans by hteck Ihsuvh notably Sinclair Consolidated Oil Ceuiputi) , i . .... li;;iiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiii:iiTi::.nii:i!iiiiiiiiimiiKiiiiiiii;inniiiiiiii,r"iiiMmiiii iMrmiiiiiiiiiiiiiji" """" ii M r i . t . .. ... .. . u "'' MmmarnkMi m 4mmmm 'E liiH N l .iSftelteWsT'Maw'ffle'SlsSlSaJlII 1 1 111 . laif-.S, I 5 1 I l THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE I 1 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1 jl OF PHILADELPHIA g! DESIRE TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF THE j I BROAD STREET OFFICE I1 CORNER BROAD AND SANSOM STREETS 1 j A COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE WILL I BE AVAILABLE AT THIS OFFICE I B NOVEMBER 1S1 lQll NA1 lUAL HANK I n " " """" " "- w "" "" mm 'mwmm -mm a OF PHILADELPHIA MB38BB I 1 . 1. .1 1 T 1 1 1" HiWI . ' s y. . - ' -i s -' jl ' 1 l TftU i' -t "i1 " t ' j('Baifc i' if' i''t'ii !'& EQUIPMENT TRUST CERTIFICATES Wa Offer Subject te Prier Sal and Change In Price Company Rate Maturity 'American Refrigerator Trantlt . . 6 Chicago, Milwaukee it St. Paul Railway 6 Erie Railroad 4 ft Erie Railroad i: : Great Northern Railway . . , . Illinois Central Railroad - . Illinois Central Railroad . . Kanawha 4b Michigan Railway Michigan Central Railroad c New "Yerk Central Lines .... New Yerk, Chicago A St. Leuis R. R. "Pacific Fruit Express ...'.. "Pennsylvania Railroad . St. Leuis-San Francisce Railway St. Leuis-San Francisce Railway St. Paul Railway ...... St. Paul Railway "Seaboard Air Line Railway . . . ;. 'Seaboard Air Line Railway . . ; "Seaboard Air Line Railway . . . . 'Seaboard Air Line Railway . . ,. 4A 6 4Wc 6 6 Stf- B 79i 07e 57' S Bee S 5 8 ft S(! July Jan. April June Jan. Oct. Jan. Jan. March June Sept. June Jan. Sept. Sept. July July Oct. 1, 1929.37 IS, 1929-34 1, 1925-27 1, 192S Dec. 1, 1928 18, 1938 1928 1931 1933-35 1929 1930-34 1926-29 1932-38 1. 18, IB, 1, 1, 1. 1, 18, 1. 1. 18, 18, 18, 1932-33 1923 1928 1924 1926-33 1928 April 1 8-Oct. 18, 1926 April 18-Oct. 18, 1927 April 18, 1930 Yield S.607c 8.40?r 8.60?i 8.60 8.309; 4.94 8.IOV0 8.30 8.00 4.989'e s.qs'c 8.089c 8.350c 4.78-rc 8.08 8.00 8.20 8.80 8.707, 8.78 S.70 'Issued under the Philadelphia Plan JANNEY & CO. 133-135 SOUTH FOURTH STREET PHILADELPHIA Telephone, Lembard 4320 I Municipal Bends An Improved r . . Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes " Prica or Tax Chart Yield 525,000 'Manchester, N. H., 4s 1939-42 4.00 465,000 "Chicago, 111., Geld 4s 1926-38 99 5,000 State of California, 4s 1930 4.10 ( We have available 5,000 ::'MinneapeI, Minn., 4s , r 1945 . 4.10 for distribution a , 34000 'lEnglewoed, N. J., 5f ' WlZM 4.15 t;it-::i 135,000 Milwaukee, Wis., 5 ' 1924-34 4.25 parative 10,000 Flint, Mich., Scheel DUtrict 5s 1940 4.25 i in net yield 40,000 Sacramento, Cal., Scheel District 5s 1951-61 4.30 j betntennen-taxehle 144,000 Wace, Texas, 5s 1924-52 4.50 bends and these 15gO0O Cnariejten County, Se. Car., 6s 1937 4.60 i letdZl State 95000 Cuilferd County, Ne. Car., 514 1940-47 4.60 I or Municipal ' 595,000 First Texas Joint Stock Land Bank 5s 194232 4.6S ( j "va"'"'!- -Legal for Savings Banks and Trust Funds in New Yerk I ' I We shall be pleased Ccmplete circulars or. any of the above sent upon request te mail a copy tipet rrewt , W. A. HARRIMAN & CO. INCORPORATED 751 Drexel Building, Philadelphia ! SKV YORK CIIICAfiO IirPFALO SYHACUSE I 1 I 1 1 Sales Managers ! Sales Forecast UMap Sent Free Without Obligation In order te prove te you that your sales can be in creased 10 te 30 en every dollar you spend by the use of the Babson Sales Forecasts which cover every territory and industry we want you te accept the Sales Fore cast Map for the winter of 1922-23 without cost! It shows you where busi ness will be best in every state in the union. Con centrate en these fertile fields! Remember, no cost or obligation just tear out the Meme newand hand it te your secretary when you dictate the morning's mail. Tr Out lktMi N fail r ObHiili.i Babson's .........REPORTS Service for Kxecuttvts i MEMO for Your Sctntary .. . raiiiiiT BJmral HI u -uqea a I Write Balmin Stutlitieil OrKanlwlien- Wftllenley Hills, 82. Mass ,-, fellow.: "I'lcase tend mu without charge or ebli- ration bampleef Salci I-erecast Map Ne. . 34 , copy of 32 pige booklet, Inc fating I I Altt Prefit: J I 0 01 L"l 1 0 r 8 0 y S 1 1 -i S a '1 S, rrjtrjxrjunJJtgjg tfSffigpB THE SANITARY COMPANY OF AMERICA, INC. 5000 Shares Par $100 8re Camnlative, Participating, Preferred Stock HcrtlclpatinR with Common Stock up te 10'i Full Paid, Nen-Assessable Dividends Payable Quarterly February, May, Augutt, Nevembir Sound N-t Wnrt'a J750.970 73 ValttMlnrt of Amerlriiii AiipnilHiil Company, Net Hurtling Yearly Mern Tlian Three TiiiiBs Dlvlilrnrt Itenulrcmetits, l'iiil)en--T(i Jlxi aiul the Already I.iube lliislniHH and Take Advantage cil' the HulUlnn Hoeiu en In I'lilludell'lil nl ThreiiKhciut the Country. 1'reductH -Seil Hpf, Different Types of Flttlngi, nnd All Klndi uf I'luinblrifr Hpeclaltle. THE STONE PLAN of Investment Service 4-POINT SECURITIES 1 Safety of Principal Managed by Stene Engineers. 2 Surety of Dividends Guaranteed by Stabilizing Fund. 3 Quick Convertibility Resale at pur upon request. 4 Profit-Sharing At Retirement of Preferred. Te be Retired et a Premium of $102 with Accrued Dividends and 'i there of common stack with each share of Preferred. In Over Six Years Net a Single Client of Thousands Has Ever Lest a Dellar of Principal or Dividend Through Invest ment in Stene Safeguarded Securities under The Stene Pan, Writs er Cell far Full Information, uiitlwtt Obliiotien H. A. STONE & COMPANY Widener Building, Philadelphia Sprue 7183-4 .rnrjTiirjiiJiiiiijiir & Bends for Investors Reed A. Morgan & Ce. i mliiTK uf th 1'lilla, Ntnik KnU. West End Trust BUtq,l'httu, BANKERS hmlri'a of tliuruuBht cviiiu'ctien ornec I limn uii'hhlii uf iiriiithe n I lwnU In Phil.. ' fv a m, itvazn 01 !;. lily (iMicrleiu'til tttiilt uthe nlillllr, ten lm ultli Lawrence E. Brown & Ce. CERTIFIED FUILIC ACCqUNTAIlW 1S10 RJCAT. nivi'siigate imr'iier'hln Inreme Tin; w.La 0011 Ilttiiru v,l dm ill fl "VI 41 I , i i 12 tt V (Au-j i.A!Si!.jL :