'vwS1 mmMiiaaMmmau2Mmmmmmmivraitm V'"' if'.iwt'wgw; ftssff?? "wvzw EWPilS nuin'iHHHimriRHi-Tiv ,iv nr. rwt- "wnwpri 2 J" ' WM-Tmn R'O ' wxrtjixrrxTn imttrm t .niivetiutr . A nw.T ,unf A WTTTCHIiAY. rKlTOttKR ill. 1922 bsbbI e -J r SMlU,wKt T Pf K I .f Ul - i-l ! ' ' SJ (' nfnMnlinimwfmHmMnmMIIMRiil if' Srf ttxi .' " .d IDLE FUNDS 01 ! ' I Individuals, Executers, Trustees, Firms and Corporations deposited with this Company art Well Protected by our ample resources a wwa ea ' .4 ' i If NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE TRANSACTIONS Onfr Attntwn Jtsaart In PhltmMpMm Quoting Frntl LM SUPPING PRICES Emergency Support Prompted Opening Recovery, but Ral lies Fall toxeid .? t-' i -t m jft'(" Interest allowed en J t average daily 4 ?!' haJaneea iSjfl , , "" J2 Years of Service J iUW vl aTHcSlw S I rerwx v IA22i--Usii I vTTilitTsfieiCrisii ftVfif L i i. r- nBH)i - - -- vsr i S Irii. i nn 1 1 1 1! i! i nun iiuiiiiM' in uiiiniiiiii'iniiiuu'i n I i.iim i ih mi mi .it 5aS2Ifiai5aB2E2I52I52raSE i I 5 1 42 YEARS OF INVESTMENT I SERVICE is the record en which we solicit your busi ness for Bends or In vestment Stocks. Bend Department and Stock Department equippe'd te give the best service. Established 1880 Offices in Fourteen Cities $ame, WLtVbtv & Company 1422 S. Pean Sq., Phils. Member ,V. Y. Stock Exchange Bosten New Yerk , Chicago New Yerk, Oct. 31. The mnrkct to day drifted Inte n trsdlnc . area, nnd tiripl tlintfitmntif . In (.nnitMiilanpn- vna 1 1 highly Irregular. Wlmt is .technically Known eh emergency support tviw np tlllfwl fit tlin nlltanf tn nUttnh ttm Mivlffr. running reactionary currentc. nnd the downward plunge e( MCttrlty vnlues . wiw temnnrnrllv at leant nrrentcl. It 1 eWus ebvimm. however, ns the (r-xslnii j , progrewed. that the mnrkct wim ntllt I Biniii - --'-iiv-i'iii. in iiii-iiij imnrr. xiiit 3 1 rallies Incited xtnblllt)' nnd modcrnti medcrnti a f, recoveries ecemed te tiring-out u frcdi j I let of long nteck. a I It whn quite gpnernllr J)dmltted be- fore the opening thp market had vlr- lllnlll fflnitttml t. 1i..il4.aj. ..lt.A. It .tn njnbefutely neccKniry for It te get n utile du better, or pIkc the llqiiidntins inevement wns likely te renchriiorcBPrl renchriiercBPrl renchriiorcBPrl eils propertlonii. The concentration of buying erclrrw In n number, of the spec- illative fnverlten nt the opening, there .fore, emitted little mlrprlse, nnd the whole list under these Nitppertlng or er idcrs Ktnrtril upwnrd. .uhlrh, . .turn, prompted free cevcrlnj ofthe shorts. r.nriy gains ranging from 1 te 4 points were lurgely canceled before.inld befere.inld dn.v, due Id heavy bcIIIiiu of Httidpbiiker, which dropped mere fhnn' 2 points in reflection of upcculntlw (llt.npiwlntmp.it in the failure of the, directors te de clare the predicted extra dividend. 'Jhl'i, with the marked venkin"ts In domestic oils, turned prices downward ngniit just before neon. Mny De partment Ktores, bow eVerhad' extended It ten In te 10 points -beferp men te wenknef-s set In throughput ,thc list, ltarti'-dnll A. Producers and HcMners Tidewater, Asecintril, Cetden nnd l'n clHc Oils and l'hllllps I'ctrelciim nil dropped 1 te II points. Weakness also cropped out in a number of special is sues. (JpiiciiiI American Tank Car de clining -HI points, Delaware nnd Hud Hud eon .'I, National Iliscuit and American Steel Foundry preferred '2U each and I'.mei'tcnn Smtft" '. Commodity Markets GRAIN MARKET Chicago, Oct. III. Scattered com mission house Kcllinir. tezether with laik of demnnil, (ireved Hiifficieut te held (Iemi rallies In Hip wlient marKet today during the early denlliiKs. Ap parent Meppngc of expert buyiiiK counted in pnrllculiir as a bearish in fluence. The fact that the Liverpool (imitations displayed no new upturn ww. also n subject of comment. Ini tial prices here, which ranged from Vic te '' lower, with December 1.14'. te 1.14's and Mny 1.12-Ji te 1.13, were followed by u slight rally ami then u f l call- decline. Kxpectance of cnlni'Ked receipts of corn acted ns a weight both en corn and eats prices. After opening c te "if oil. Iiecember tm-Nc te llu-ftc the tern market continued le sac. Oats started unchanged te ',ic lower. December 41-Jic te 4Tsc. and later (lr.-.ceii(lt'(l a little all around. Previsions had a downward drift in response te lower bes allies. rrev. ie-ia upn r. m. A Message of Safety The message of S. W. Straus & Ce. te the invest Ing public is a message of safety. Fer 40 years, every security we have sold has been paid in cash when due, both principal and in terest, without less or de lay. Investigate Straus Bends and the Straus record. Write today for BOOKLET 909-1, IW. STRAUS &CQ IKCOXrOIIATBO . MTAMMHIDlU cock Exchange Bldg., Phils Telephone Spruce 0,187 161T Walnut Stteet 40 -rM.ru without loll ia hut Inwiter (C) 1022. 8. W. B. . Ce. Cern tJcccmbc- ,Mn.v Julv.... I Whi-nt- Dpcemlicr. Mny Ju'V Oats Oats Oats Detomber. Ma:- Jul- IIM Drmb-r Me l.anl .'anuary. . May Octebci . . .CI7, .00 I.I.". 1.13N t.e:.f. .4l- .4I. ,IW1. .00'. .07'. W .07 .IJD'i I.H'.alM.ll-, I. lit bl.U'x l.Ofi .1l?ii) .41JW .303 .V! .hO'j ll'i ll" .0(1 .11111.. .IU, i.nr. i i.etu M, 30',. .!0 (l.fli It HT 10.4:i COTTON MARKET New 'erh. Oct. 31. The opening of the local totteu market was n disap pointment, in view of firm Liverpool cables. December was - points lower 011 first sales mid Inter mouths 3 te 5 points higher. Pressure was put en the market bv Japanese, interests nnd Liverpool, the latter helling late months. The Smith In general was also l a seller. Spot houses and New Orleans bniiRlii. winie wan mrfci irnueii en leth nides of the market. AftT the opening, the uuirkei iidcd Mend.v with n rising tcmlenej. YfM. drum Oprn Pecembcr iM.20 24. an Januarv Sa.li.l 23.9.-. Mnri'li 24.01 24.04 Mv 2S.P0 2.1H2 Julv 23.07 2:1.70 12 M Vt.iQ 2:1.1).'. 24.1)3 S3 00 Republic of Columbia eVii 1927 Price 98, te Yi.ld 79c Frinclpil and Xntarcit piytbl In U. 8. geld coin. F. P. Rittine & Ce. Widoner Building, Philidclphia Nw Yerk Elliabeth. N, J. Jicmbcrs Ntw Yerk ant PhllaMphia BtecU BrchaiWft NEW YORK COFFEE MARKET New Yerk. Oct. 31. Kceent ad vances In coffee, which carried all ac- I tlvc months well into new high ground I for the movement, seemed te have at tracted a little renllzlni.. and this morn I iiu: first prices were 3 te 3 points lower. Late in the forenoon, there was med- crate demand from shorts for December contracts, this position selling, net un changed, nt It.THc with the Inter months about at initial figures. The local spot market was ngain wry linn. Prv CIose December . . OSiffSI January 0.73 March B.eaWfll May n.4n4n .lul 0.21 W 23 .September O.un Hlil. Open 0. 75fi80 11.70 e.r.msinn It.4043 iMOWin S.8OWO0 Keptember uris Executive Available Man of cxteiiule cxpcrlciicii n Salci Management ami Bualnesa organization U available for new .'ormectlen with greater opportunity. Rtply C 801, Ledger Office. IDLE MONEY Will find profitable Investment In n security absolutely as safe ns n GOVERNMENT UOND. Ias 8 fltvldends April and October. Address A 328, Ledger Office. Nelle t Ike Membtri of Ik New Yerk ft Pkilt. Stock Excki Are j 011 centaniiiliitlni.iir are you underwriting itw-k liauef , I liave l organliatten ami im Teady te rentraet t" lire Uih lm n U dlittlbutlen. Strictly loinuiliileu Im'ue te b aold.under the nam end pirn the ofleea of tntmundirwrlur. aakUg rafireacw. . I. A US.' RAILROAD EARNING8 PENNSYLVANIA HY TUM llf.'J Inoreane Senirnibcr sieas . .800 MM.712 lll.ofie.THn Net nfler tnxes . . 7,(137,702 l,S01,34S Net f.per. p;ume . . 7.427,r.4l l.'lll.niift Nine nientlia' KrnH ,,5n.-.,03il 721 S,77l.24 Net ufler tiixen ,.,. fl'i.ui.l.nss :''.14il..,.n Net eper. liKeme .. 03,000,301 H0.n2S.SSI ST. I.OIMS AND KAN FttANTIHCO HYS1 IIM Senlcmber lien ... JO,730,ni I 87,l)ll ' (lpeiallim exneiiaB . .-. 40-.-.ni2 ; M Operating ekpemca,. n.4im.M2 .,, 4 "n" innntlW Vrea, .. n.sin.nRR 2.'M.W Ilalance tl,.130,r14 1.702.33S I WU8T JKRSKY ANI SUABHOItr: l,ft74,fl01 $20S 041 23,07.'i 02,37:, Nine nmiithV arns? .. H'-S0' '? - Net after mxea I,3lll.0r0 r.11,01.' NHV YOIIK, CIIIl'AfiO AND .ST. I.OI'IS Sentemlier areFi .... S3 283 203 tn,l2'i Net oper Incenu. . 330.170 I4K.S10 Net uper. Income.. ft, 121.803 1,0110,370 CIIICACIO AND ALTON Senlcmber Biees .. HI.RIt.niB Ht.0fln.8St .sine , BSmlh" me.a.. Hl.nnT.110 3T3.J0 Net npr. Incmne. . 470.112 54R,n4 MICHinAN CKNTRAL Net ep-r. IntPine... 1.027.211 408.7R2 New mnnth' areis.. r.0.3S4.S40 S.VMfl 01e Net etiir. Inronie.. 12.483.207 2.008.71S heck island livi:h Nine ineatlia' Bre.s.lJ.0S.r,7J 1R.in4.nrin Net lifter taxes ... 12,040 8(11 2.420.BIS Total llicome 13.120.880 '.SSS.TOS NOItl'lUJRN PACIKIC Semember srn,. .... 8IJ.N4n.408 118.004 VAI (I DOT 1 IH. "ill" l m, l"lF("rn- 'n(l,tll Nine monllia'Vrea... ns.Snj.Tjn 1.204,470 Net eper. Inrema . . . 8.280,743 4,858,748 ST. LOUIS BOHTIIWHHTIJIIM SYSTKM Sent, iirnm f2.HH.74n ,330,000 BNet after le . . . Mi.im 110.77 Tulnl Inc'iili' 1144,18.1 80,,2n Nln" inentha- u-n.H.. 1.J 230.l'l 310,42:. Net nfler laxei . . : 1.2: IS S2n JM.JJT Tetnl Income ... . 3,1128,13.; 4S0,:i0S Dtcirnae, DIVIDEND8 DECLARED llae Wheel f'enipapj. rmerlerly 7.V. pny. able lweirber HI I" ateck of rcveril Nu. "(ItileraT'AiPliaU fempany. quarlrrlv V per cent en preferre.l. p-ijable Derember 1 te aiecK nr ateck of record NuyemberlD. Inlornitlenal roire IB cent a. rYtnene roeord Nevambir tty ,r,..A,tlnri.l Patreleum Company. Ltd.. ffi rVnuT payable Nevembar 80 le aleclc of - . Cv. Ba'ea In f 400 .... 1100 200 100 7500 300 500 ..100 200- 400, STOCK Utah ., Aaama Express..,. 78 4 Air Reduction.... t. 60 W . AJaxnubber '13H ' Alnekn Oeld Mines, H A'lled chem ft Dye. 70 H 4 Allls-Chalmers .... 40 . Am Agrle Chem.... 32 3 Am Bnnk Note pf,. S44 Am Beet Sugar.,. , 37 ii Am Besch Marnete. se 2400, ;; Xm cr. ::::::. r: wu t Am Can pf ItOfi 13 Am Car ft Fdy 181 Vi '. Am Cotten Oil 22 ,. Am Druit Syn 0 8 Am Express 147 . . Am cotton Oil pf . . . E0 : Am Hide' Leather 12yt " Am Ice 107 ... Am Internat Cerp.. Seli 1 Am La Prance Ung M- Am Linseed 34 ..'Am Linseed pf 55!j 6 Ant Locomotive . . . . 1 26 " 7 Am Loce pf.' 121 3 Am Metals..., 47 4 Am Radiator 116"a U Am Safety Rater. 8 .. Am Ship Cem.... 2U4 . . Am S'me'.t t6 0 Am .Smelt Sec A... 100 6 Am Hnuft pf 1007a .1 Am .Steel Foundries 42 H 7 Am Stcel Fdya pf.. 1054 .. Am Sugar ltef 76 . . Am Sumatra 33 i. Am Sumatra Teb pi 62 M 9 Am Tel ft Tel 122 . Am Tel & Tel rts.. 3?i 13 Am Tobacco' 16 8 Am Tobacco pf new 108 12 Am Tobacco n 1S3 ,. Am Waterworks... VI Vi 1 Am Woolen 96 7 Am Woolen pf 110 .-. Am Zinc Ld ft Smelt 17J4 . . Anaconda Copper., 48 fi 4 Asse Dry Goods... . 61 0 Asse Oil. 1164 6 Ateh Tep & San FeK3 B Ateh Tep & 8 V pf 92 V .. Atlan Blr ft Atlantic 2U ,7 Atlantic Coast LlnetlB! .. Atlantic Fruit W . . Atl CJulf & W I S 3 23 12 Atlas Powder 152 .. Austin Nichols 32(4 7 Austin Xtche's pf . . 86ft . . Aute Sales Cerp of 15 7 Baldwin Locemotlve132J. .. Baltlmore & Ohie.. 50 4 Baltimore & O pf . . . 62 .. Barnsdall Class A.. 32 .. Barnsdall class B.. 2131 200 48e Beclmut Packing... 39 i 500 .. Beth Sttel pf new.. 97 ft 5600 S Beth Steel B 72 430 8 Brooklyn Edisen... 1 17 H 500 .. Bklyn It T ctf 14 tee .. Brunswick Term... 2 103 10 Burns Bre3 A 122 913 2 Burns Bres B 48 100 7 Bush Term Bid pf . . 99 9J'J . . Butte Cep & Inc. . . 7 U 4J0 .. Butte & Sup Cep... :0 700 .. Cadde Ccn O & It.. 9i 2930 .. California Petrel... I 100 7 California Pet pf... 92H 29J0 .. Cnl Zluc nnd Lead. 8 1930 ie Canadian Pacific. . .143J4 1400 ., Central Leather.... S8 400 .. Cen Leather pf 75H 2000 .. Ccrro-de-Pasce .... 37 240J 6 Chandler Meters. ..; 61 1100 4 Chesapeake x, Ohie. 74 600 C',i Chesapeake & Oh pf103( 100 100. 203' 300 100 tee 700 400 803 200 1000 tee. 4030 101 300 500 2300 2200 . 1200 400 100 2733 200 2030 500 100 3203 19503 203 500 1100 203 3503 300 100 10100 1703 . 200 3003 100 600 303 tee 1000 103 2330 1030 200 9633 8300 100 3403 100 1003 400 3300 200 3203 68J3 930 10Q 2700 100 333 4033 2203 330 2830 100 700 6100 600 630 7233 1630 1500 2930 15330 100 6330 100 700 103 500 200 203 200 200 1700 100 4033 203 tee 2933 100 100 100 1500 3200 2200 200 100 9J0 500 700 500 4800 1JU 200 3333 6330 203 100 200 403 203 1400 203 130 100 3)0 C933 633 103 2530 7)3 403 103 12)0 130 100 100 103 El ioe 2)0 19)0 B 400 500 103 Chicago & Alte 2 4 . . Clil it I'. III 36 -U . . Chicago & Gr West, bj'a . . Chi & Or West pf. 12H .. Chi Mil & St P.... 28 .. Chi M & St P pf... 43 V2 5 Chi & Northwestern tQli 4 Chicago Pncu Teel. 79Ji .. Chi It I & Pac 40j'a 6 Clt It 1 & Pe 6 pf 89 7 Chi It 1 St Pc 7 Pf 56 Ka . . Chile Copper 24 .. Chlne Copper 25)i . . Cluott-Pcabedy .... 65 4 Coca-Cela 77 3 Cel & Southern 46 ! 6 Celum Gas & Lice. .1C7'i . . Celum Graphaphene 3?a ;. Cel Graphaphene pf 12 . . Consel Cigar 37 la 8 Consolidated Gas...136U .. Consel Textiles.... 11!i . . Continental Can.... f4& 4 Cern Products Ref.l?3 4 Cesdeu & Ce 4Hi 7 Cesdeu & fe pt....100 .. Cruclble Steel 76 7 Cruclble Steel pf... c.3i .. Cuban Am Sugar... 21 fi 7 Cuban Am Sugar pf 97 M . . Cuba Cane Sugar. . . 12H . . Cuba Cane Sugar pf 35 H . . Davisen Chemical.. 33 J. . . Jtebcers C Mtn Ltd. 22J U Delaware ft Hudsen ISO 6 Del Lack & West... 1 34 8 Detroit Edisen 109 2 Deme Mints 444 8 Du Pent (L l.) Ce.153' 0 Eastman Kodak new e4j 3 Elcc Storage But... X.5 .. EIU Hern Coul.... tB'j . . Enierien-Brantlng . 5J .. Emersen-Brant pf . . 27 G Endlcott-Jelmson . . 84 ? .. Erie 14!$ .. Erle 1st pf 21 .. Erie 2d pf 16J-J . . Fairbanks 14 8 Famous Player. L.. 93 Ts .. Flsk Rubber 129 . . Frecpert Texas. ... 22 H 3 Gen Am Tank 73 .. General Asphalt.... 58 JJ C General Asphalt pf. 90 8 Gen Electric 175 Ji . . Genl Elec special pf . . 10 ', .. General Meters.... 14)4 0 General Meters Pt. . 83! 6 Gen Meters deb 6"e 82 .. Glmbel Bre 39Jj 7 aimbel Bres pf 96 .. Gllddcn Ce 11!4 .. Geldwjn Pictures.. 7 .. Goedrich B F 32U 7 Goedrich B F pf.... 834 '. . Granby Mining.... 26 .. Gray & Dn!s 10J4 7 Great Northern pf. . SO 4 Grt North Ore ctfs. 34 'b .. Guantanamo Sugar. 10ft .. Gull States Steet... CO?; .. Ilablrshaw Electric. Z'.i .. Itendee Mfg 20 K 3 Homestake, Mining. 71 ?i .. Housten Oil 01 i 2 Hudsen Moter Car. 20 1 Hupp Moter Car... 21 . . Hydraulic Steel.... 5 7 Illinois Central 112 6 III Cent pf A 115 .. ludlahenm ltef 4)4 .. Inspiration Cen Cep 334 Inter Cen Cerp.... ?i Inter Cen Cerp pf.. J ' Inter Agrle pf ?'H 700 fl.'. Tnternnt Celllent. . 32 1100 2 Intercom EnB 25U . Inter Rapid 6 Int Harvester new.. 104 7 Int Harvest new ptllSJj . Inter Marine 12)4 C Int Mer Marine pf.. 52 ,. Inter Nlcltel 14 .International Paper 57 . Invincible Oil Cerp. 1574 . Iren 1'ieducts 44 100 400 500 1100 4400 1700 2300 3200 1000 1200 500 200 400 100 2100 2100 100 2300 . . Island Oil i u , . Jewel Tea 19 4 Jenes Bres Tea.... 50)4 . . Kan City Southern. 21 H . . Kansas & Gulf 21i . . Kayser & Ce new.. 44 . . Kelly-Springfield .. 40)4 8 Kflly-Spfi T 8f I"'100 . . Kennecett Copper.. 31 Lew 76 60 13 H 74 J4 45 31 ri S44 37 y 33 69 110 181)4 224 6 147 50 ll 107 J.9"4 12 34 5Sya 123K 121 46 116 VH 21 55 100 100J4 41ft 104ft 74 33 ft 62 H 121 3 155 107 151 27 ft 96 H 110 17 ft 47 59 115ft 102 92 2 1 17 ft Hi 2274 152 30 86)4 15 131 49 'A 62 29 ft 21 396 97 ft 71 110ft 14)4 2 132 47 ft 99 7 30 ft 9(4 52 92)4 8 142)4 37 75)4 36 59 73 ft 103 2)4 36 ft 5 12ft 7)4 42 ft 87 ft 7974 39 ft 89 CO 23 25 64 ft 76 46 ft 106 2 74 10 37 134 11 14 93)4 125ft '6ft 100 74 93 ft 21 97 ft 12 35 32 ft 22 ft 130 132 109 42)i 153 04 !i 54 18)4 5)4 27 83 14 20( 16ft 14 93 12 22 ft 72)4 57 90 175)4 10 1374 83)4 82 39 ft 95 74 11 6 32)4 83 ft 26 9 88 34 10ft C9,ft 2,'a 20 ! 79ft iO 21 5 112 115 4)4 32 1ft 31 32 24 ft 23 104 118)4 11 50 14 56ft 15 43 19 50 ft 21 U 2 42 74 39 tee 3114 14 14 14 , ft J4 ft 14 14 v ' !i 74 ft Yl V 1 74 14 2 Ti 1 1 1 2)4 1 ' ' ti V4 1 Hi i ft 1ft H ' 'A 'ft ft HI 3 i Si I 70 'ft 'ft ft ft 1 1(15 Net V. M. ChK. 76- 2 60 ft 43 3114 4 54 37 ft 33 -69H 110 181ft 22 0 147 50 - 11ft 107 29ft 12 34 -05 ft- 126 ! 121 - 47 ! 116 - 7 21 V , EG ! 100 100J4 41 ft 105 ft 75 ft-S3ft-62- 12174 3 156 107 151 ft 27 ft 97)4 110 17ft 48 61 115ft- 102 92 J4 2 H8ft H4 23 152 -S0-86 ft v 15 -132 74 4974 62 31 ft ! 21 . 39 ft i 97 ft 72 117 14)4- 2 -132 47 ft 99 7 -30 ft 4. 9ft 53 ft I-92)4- 8 143 37- 75 ft-36-59 -73Ji- 103 -2)4-33 -5H-12 -18 4274 08 74 i- 96 - 24 25 -65 !- 76 ft . 46)4 107 -i 3 10 i- 37 - 136ft 2ft 11 ft 94ft 127)4 47- 100 -76 ft -97)4 12 35 33ft 22)4 130 - 132 109 44)4 153ft C4ft 55ft 18ft I 5)4 27 83 74 4 14ft -93)4 I- 12 -22ft-72ft-57 90 175)4 1074 13J4- BJ',2 82 - ft 39ft 1 6ft - ft 32 ft . 03)4 26 9- 90 -: 34 ft 10ft- 90 ft ! 2 20 -;-71 -80-! 20 ft - 21 14 S ! 7 1 4 I HI i.i t 1 i ft1 Hi Dlv. Sales In 8 STOCK Rich 100 , .- Keystene T ft R 6 200 7 Kreage S 0 174 1600 . . Lackawanna Steel.. 82 ft 100 . . Lake Erle ft West pf 74 200 2 Lee Rubber 25 ft 1000 3ft Lehigh Valley 68 100 7 Liggett & Myers pf.121 2100 34 Lima Locomotive... 59 1400 .. Loews Inc 19 100 1 Left Candy 12 ZOO .. 13030 Wiles 50 12 Lerlllard (Pierre). .161 7 Lerlllanl (Pierre) pt121 . . Mack Truck 55 7 Muck Truck 1st pf. 90 .. Magma Copper 31 .. Malllnsen Ce 32)4 7 Jfanlmt Kiev Guar. 4 .. Manlmt KIev ctfs... 52ft 2 Manhat Shirt 57 6 Mar St Uwy pr pf. . 66 4 Marland Oil 32 ".. Mnrlln Rockwell... 14 2 Martin Parry 28 .. Math Alkali 48)4 .. Max Meters Clan. A 48 ft .. Max Meters Class B 14 8 Mny Dept Stores. . .144 t Mclntyre Mining... 17ft 12 Mexican Petroleum. 26ft 6 Mex Seaboard 1 6 6 Mex Seaboard Oil ct 15 2 Miami Cenner 7! 4600 1.20 Mlddle States Cerp 12 4500 .. Mldvale Steel 31)4 100 .. Me Kan & Texas. . . 10ft tee . . Me Kan & T of Pd 35 . Me Kan & Tex (wl 16 . Me K & T (wl) pf. 43 ft . Missouri Pacific... 19 . Me Pac pf 52 .1 Mentana Power.... 70 7 Mentana Power pf.108 . Montgomery Ward. 21)4 1 Moen Moter Car... 14ft ,'j Mether Lede Mining 974 . National Acme 1 3 7 Nat Biscuit 230 . Nat Cleak & Suit. .. 56 . Nat Cen & Cable... 1 . Nat En & Stamp... 64 C National Lead 108 . Nat H II of M 2d pf 3ft . Nev Cen Copper.... 14 6 N O Tex & Mex... 77)4 . N Y Air Brake 34 ,. NY Air Brake A.. 50 0 N Y Central 98ft S N Y r & R L 1st pf 99 . New Yetk N II & H 29 5 X Y ft Harlem 132 2 Xcw Yerk Ont & W 2374 7 Norfolk & Western. 119ft C Xertli Amei lean .... 95 ft 5 North Pacific 84 ft . Ohie Bedy & Blewer 6)4 . unt Sliver Mining.. 7ft . Okla Pred St net... 2ft . Orplieum Circuit... 21 . Otis Steel pf 53 2 Owens Het Mnch.. 39 Pacific Dcvel Cerp. ,'! Pac Gas ft Elcc... 79 Pacific Oil 49ft Pan Amcr Petrel. ... SO 74 PauAmcrB 8974 Pennsylvania It n. . . 49 . Pcnn Seaboard Steel 3 5 Peeples Gas Chicago 93 . Pcre Marquette.... 24ft 3 Philadelphia Ce.... 40ft 2 Phillips Pet 46 . Plerce Oil 5 G Pnclllc Tel ft Tel pf 90 . Pierce Oil pf 45 4 Plggly Wlggly Stere 42 Ji . Pitts Ceal 5774 . Pitts ft W Va 37 ft 6 Pitts ft W Vn Pt. . . 94 Pend Creek Ceal... 19 Pestum Cereal 108 ft Pestum Cereal pf..110 7 Pressed Steel Car pf 99)4 Producers & ltef... 44 jj 100 100 100 , 100 200 103 tee 100 100 100 10003 103 200 100 100 200 6203 900 "4200 930 300 200 1503 1430 2103 200 100 100 903 100 100 203 200 100 100 4933 300 200 803 100 700 100 6203 tee 3403 100 100 1303 409 3900 100 500 300 900 100 1303 203 200 22703 6400 5800 3100 333 930 1800 200 9500 1100 .. 100 C 600 .. 1400 4 1203 .. 603 .. 103 0 400 li'. 1033 r, 100 8 100 11600 2ft i 1 ft (4 ft 4 : 'a 1ft I &' ?a 1ft Vi V- ' ' ft i ft H4 ft ft ft 1 ft 14 74 3 74 'a 100 .Vi Producers & Rcfpf 400 200 1830 50 1033 5600 403 103 1603 6100 600 1303 100 tee 4200 43 ft (1 Pub Ser Cor of N J. 95 ft R Pub Scr of X J pf.105ft 8 Pullman Ce 126 . de Odd Lets 126)i . Punta A'egre Sugar 427s 2 Pure Oil 29)4 8 Railway Steel Spg..115 7 Rv Steel Spg pf 118 . Ray Cen Copper... 13ft 4 Reading 8174 . Replogle Steel 28 . Repub Iren ft Steel. 49 . Rp Iren & Steel pf 82 . Reynolds Springs... 1674 5 Reynolds Teb B 57 2500 1.13 Royal Dutch X Y. . 55)4 St Jeseph Lead.... 18ft St Leuis San Fran. 26 St Leuis Southwest. 32 St L Southwest pf . . 54ft ! ?4 I Si Ml 4 ' 1ft I J4 11J -115 4ft . 3J . 114 . 31 32 24 74 23 104 - I18ft- 1 1 51ft (- 14- 57ft I- !i 19 50)4-21ft-2 I 43 ft ! 39 ft -100 31ft ft ft ft Hi ft 200 600 803 503 COO 200 300 600 100 300 10303 103 2903 103 4200 2100 1100 4300 5100 200 300 400 400 23600 " 200 3200 1030 6903 2400 400 1400 200 3100 403 1300 3400 203 100 1500 3100 100 500 100 3800 300 400 10500 1400 800 300 25200 200 200 2330 330 2500 200 1200 1803 2400 103 303 1703 800 400 100 100 3500 600 400 430 400 330 103 2700 1200 600 930 200 100 200 Savage Arms 19 .. Saxen Moter 3ft .. Reab Air Line pf . . . 97d .. Sears-Roebuck .... 84 .. Shattuck Ariz Cerp. 8 fi Shell Union Oil pf. . 93 2 Sinclair Consel 32 8 Sinclair Cen pf. ...101 .. Skelly Oil 9 .. Sless-SheOleld 43 6 Southern Pacific... S3ft .. Southern Rail 24 ?i .. Southern Rait pf . . . 6SJ4 4 Standard Oil of Call 19ft B Standard Oil of X J21 1 ft 7 Stand Oil of X .1 pf117 3 Sterling Products. . . 56 4 Stewart War Speed.. 51ft 4 Stromberg Carb.... 51)4 le Studebaker 128ft . e? , 5 . 9 5i . 48 . 63 . 26 . 23 .1331', , 31 . 55 . 81 a Sub Beat Cerp .. Superior Oil . . Tenn Cep & Chem. 3 Texas Ce 4 Texas Gulf Sulphur. . . Texas & Pacific. .. 1 Tex & Pae C & O. . . Tidewater Oil i Tlmken Rell Br. . . . . Tobacco Products. 7 Tobacco Pled A. . . .. Transcontinental Oil 14 2 Transun Wms Steel 32)4 fi t'nlen Bug ft Peller. 69ft . flilen Oil 16ft 10 Union Paclfle 145ft 4 Union Pacific pf.... 77ft .. United Drug 78 .. United Rwy Inves.. 12J4 .. United Retail Stores 84 . U S c- I P & Fdy. . ZB . . US Feed Products ..US Ind Alcohol... . U S Realty ft Imp. ..US Rubber 8 U S Rubber 1st pf S U S Steel 7 U h" Steel pf 3 U S Tobacco 2 Utah Copper .. Utah Securities... .. Vanadium Cerp... . . Vn-Car Chem pf . . .. Vlwideu Inc . . Wabash . . Wah.ish pf A .. Wabash if B 1 Weber & Hcllbrener 1 1 .. Western Maryland. 14 .. W Maryland 2d pr. 24 .. Western Pacific... 16ft B Western Pacific pf. 57)4 7 Western Union Tel.111 4 Westing E & M.... 60ft .. Wheeling & L B.... 10 .. Wheeling & L E pf. 18)4 2 White Eagh OIL... 30)4 4 White Moter 48 .. Whlte Oil Cerp.... 5ft .. Wlcklre Spenc 3tl.. 10 .. Willys Oxerland.... 6 .. Willys (.nerland pf. 30 ft .. Wilsen S. Ce 41 .. Wisconsin Central.. 28 5 Woolworth F W... 183 ft 7 Woolworth F W nf.125 1 Wright Acie 10ft 6ft . 67 ?i . 89)4 . 52)4 . 95 ft .106ft .122 . 58 ft . 62 , 18 . 40 !4 . 62 , 13Ji . 10ft . 29 ft . 19 Ux-ulvldtndi. Leir 6H 172 82 74 25)4 67 ft 121 SB 1914 12 50 161 121 55 SO 31 32 ft 54 52)4 57 66 31ft 14 28 48 ft 48 ft 14 '?7 222 ft 16 15 27 ft 12 30 1014 35 16 41ft 18ft 52 70 108 20 14)4 9?i 13 230 56 1 63 ft 108ft 3ft 13ft 77 33 50 97 ft 99 28 132 2374 119 95 83)4 6ft 7 21 53 38 ft 2 79 46 74 89 88 ft 48 74 3ft 92 33(4 40 44 ft 5 90 44 42 57 37 94 18 108 110 ' 9974 42 43 ft 94 105ft 125 125ft 42 28 115 118 13 81 ft Z8 48 82 1674 56 ft 54 18 25 32 ft 54 ft 17 3ft 9 74 83 8 92)4 32 101 9!4 43 92 ft 24 ft 65)4 118 208 117 56 51ft 50 J4 125 6 5 9 47 62 26 22 ft 132 31)4 54 ee 14 '4 32 ft 69)4 16 144ft 77 ft 77 r 12 ft 83 ft 27 6 65ft 88ft 51ft 94 105ft 121 58 61 17 ft 39 ft blft 12 10ft 28 fi 19 1114 13)4 24 16)4 571, 110)4 59ft 9 18)4 30ft 48 51 10 6 38ft 41 20 1 83 )i 123 10 ft tiin p. M, 6 . 172 82 ' 74 25 ft 67 ft 121 -59 50 161 121 55 90 31 Nat Chte. 2tf 1 32)4 ft 57 1 V ft I N LOCAL MARKET Lake Superior Made New Lew . for Year en Relatively Small Offerings The Unproductive Dellar: rWXM r.iX?M fi&vi .' KV3 -I 4 14 - 14 20 - ft 40ft- 1ft 43)4 .. 14 144 10(4 17ft- 224ft 1)4 16)4 Vi 15 .. 27 ft - 12 14 31 (4 10ft 35 ..W 16 - 42 ft 1874 14 52ft- S4 70- H 108 - 2 ?.0 - 14 14J4 ft 9ft 13 .. 230 - 2ft 5b - 1 1 63 ft 1- )4 108 I- 3 14 77 33 - 1 50 97 ft 99 29 H 132 - 4 23?i ft 119 95 ft ! e4ft 6)4- ft 7ft- 2ft .. 22 53-2 09 ft A 1 2 -1 ft 79 ft 47 14 - 1 90 74 I ft The local market showed nn incllnn lien te slip bnek. This was mere be cnuce of the lessened buying newer nnd .the. narrowness of 'the market rather fli'rtn tin' reult of nny nrent Influx in felling orders. As rensennbly would be expected. In view of the changing ns- ...... .. I.A ahII-h Lennrltv mitruef- Sit 66- ft unljett, there win n noticeable; Increas. 31 ft - ft ing desire te reduce nil market com mitments. , , The. latter condition was rencueu m the' increasing number of transactions in betni of the recent nctlvn favorites, the denllng". in which during the Inst few days have been en the perfunctory order. The Htneunt of liquidation was comparatively small, nnd, eensldcrlns nil circumstances, the market took well ; in fact, much better tlinn could reason reasen ublv linvu been expected. Weak spots were few nnd far be tween, although most of the local stocks showed n drooping tendency. Lake Su perior was among the softer spots, es tablishing n new low record nt 0. The offering were very light, indicating no urgency in the selling. Twe striking Illustrations of the narrowness of the mnrkct were given In n point decline in Klwnlelir te 84 nnd Ivi in I'biladel pli in Company te 4(H6. IJ. ti. J. gave tunnel' greunn en lim ited Mile te GOi, or mere thnn 3 points from the lop price made last week. Fractional shading also occurred In Philadelphia Klectrlc and I'. It. T. Union Traction, however was an ex ception, with a 1.4 point advance. 'American Stores, nftcr dipping te leJ, rallied le 1e.".i... Prnnt.ylaiil:i Hnilrend's dip under 41) wns hemewlint disappointing In view of tiic highly favorable statement of earnings for September, which came in for mere attention because of conlier cenlier able difference rfiewn in the reports of ether large systems, all which hhnwing serious inroads en revenues iiinc' by the shepmen's strike. The "Pennsj figures were very encouraging with n ncerd gie.s return for the month. I it it deiiblvdlv the beard nnd these gratify ing figures before thcin Inst Wednesday when thrv icstered the 0 per cent divi dend inte". Then "lViinsy" handled the labor troubles with n mere sensible and sclent Hie policy. The statement for September showed net railway eneriitin!: Income of SO,- 1.1)S.iVIU', en Increase of S.I,4."(l,0,Tr ever September. 11)21. Tetnl gross revenues were $(50,71 2..'U.". or S10,:i21,00 mere that, u year age but rnilwny eperntlng I expenses increas-ed !H,44I5,Oiu, te n total of !f,i.!i;i,eia tins year. Fer the lirst nine months of the jenr gross revenues were .Siril).7."2,4D4, nn increasi' of S.'.SSl ,!I7.'! ever lout year, while nel railway operating Income wns S:i(l,712,ri0.-f nn increase of .$32,S11. til.", as compared with the correspond ing period of 1021. Hallway operat ing expenses, totaling $:i7."(.021.20 fur the nine months, were $24,002,152 less than yeni age. 89 1 4874- ! 3 .. 93 -t 1 34 40 ft 45 90 - 1 44 42 ft : 57 37)i 94 1 19 . 108 ft no - 9974- 43- 43 ft- 95 - 105)4- 126ft 126ft 42 ft r 29 - 115 - 118 ! 13 - 8U4 28 49 82 167a 56)4- 55 J4 18 ft ?6 19 3)4 9 74 83 8 92ft -32 ft ; 101 9 : 43 -92 ft f 24 ft J. 66 118 210ft 117 - 56 ! 51 Ji -51ft 126ft - 6H 5 9 - 48 ft 63 1 26 , -31 ' 55 -81 ft H 14ft 32 ft -69 ft ' 16ft 1447, (. 77 ft -78 12ft I 84(4 4. 27 ft- 6 - 67 1 89 .; 52 ' 94 106(4 )- 122 58 ft 62ft 1 18 ! - 13ft 4 1014 -i The tame cash will liquidate: a aeries of btisi ntta obliga tions It perco perce lales thru many business channels. mnWrrriJrrWnllmnrsmBWsriWrii De you realize that there is probably"' Vf wards of FIVE BILLION UNPRODUCTtVI DOLLARS among the assets of business concerns in his country IB.OOO.OOCLOOf,. their capital doing nothing? Can they'ef they'ef Xerd this and hew much m6re profit cewti they make by putting that money te irerkT . This enormous sum lies idle in the form ef Credits Receivable the indebtedness of year customers who de net even pay you interest. If your Accounts Receivable were turned into dollars and you discounted your pur chase bills, and the concerns you paid in tarn discounted their bills, and se en down freM one branch of business te another dollars in their Banks instead of Accounts en then ledgers it is plain te everyone hew much mero liquid each such concern's financial statement would be, and hew much mere they could de with this cash in place of their intangible accounts en their ledgers. Our business is te buy these Accounts, In stallment Sales Contracts and ether forms of credits receivable from Manufacturers, Wholesalers and Dealers for cash and at cost of probably less than the discount they offer their customers for the money and we will buy them when their customers won't discount them. Every ether kind of business asset has (jeneral established market but only spe cialized concerns, such as ours, are equipped te purchase and safeguard intangible or unbankable credits receivable. Why net sell yuch assets te 113 en the very same principle that you sell Acceptanct'3 te Banks or mer chandise te customers and relieve you of that financial burden? ::iuruiLrnnrfJ!i)i.n'a,.nmcr.;JniKiiriaTnuriiiuiinti.;iiifiinii:.iiHnniiipn; n'ii'riuri:n:n,iii'ainniimiuniinHuir:Hijinnunpi:miimmjMiimr'nmfeHHP5 Commercial Credit Company Cash Capital and Surplua $7,230,000 BALTIMORE SAN FRANCISCO Represented at Philadelphia, 1210 Stock Exchange Bldff. (riirni. Spruce B31I) Amiiiitcfi nitii C0HMEBCIAL ACCEPTANCE TRUST COMMERCIAL CREDIT O0HFANT. IM0. Clin Capital and surplua ti.oeo.ucu i.asn uapuai ami eurpiug jeuv.wu CHICAOO NEW ORLEANS SniiaMea ii ft 4ft Ha 2 4 ft 4 1 Ha 2 ' j; i 'a 1ft Philadelphia Stocks Illsh Ijdw 2." Am Ons. . "t" "" tilt Am Sti..l.""li L"2 1(1 Climb Iren 41 41 7." Hire Ster. ." " lll.itttcn Mtrs 14 1 1 Net 1 T M. c.hgc. It .. i i.i 14 Vl rfrta-il gygP SECjjgN ince 4 Life Insurance and 28 ft 19 -It ft -14 J 24 J 16 ft ! S7 1, HI i 60 -9-18 ft 4 30 ft 48 5ft 10 b 38 ft f- V -i 28 10ft j Raw 8ugar Active and Firm New erk, Oct. 31, The raw auaar mar ket la fairly actUa and firm, with Cubna for N"oembcr elilpment nt ill, crnta le a 1 1 ills, rout hiiu friMKht It Id Undaratnuil hut 'abuut 110 000 tiHiia 1'uIj.im . for prompt ahlimient are anltati1 lit 111" lilBtier IeipIm Tl.nie uxru mi HAlca -iU'iilny ullur thnn iliuae rt'lierlcil. Arrhnl of ma liirlinlut 10, MOO liasa Cubaa te Iho AunrlPan Susav Jtellnlim Company and 11,000 (.'ubua tu (lie Nadennl Susar Heflnlna Company. The lecnl rrfWtt market la uiichannei, both aa le condition an) price. AR SILVER Bar allvtr waa Hd lewar In Lanflen t 4MP, at IS 1I:1M, Liverpool Cotten Liverpool, Oct. 81, Spot cotton a in limited demand today ylth intern, xtcady en the baala of nn ndtunce of It pelnta for inlddllnr. at H.KTcl. 'Ilie tmlea who 10.UUII bale!. TIih tecnlpta Mern 111, 0(11) balea, In cluding 1S00 bulea American, l-'illuiea weiu loud In cuily cli'nlhib'i, Knet piIcph wetv; Aniurtcan, niljdllnu fnlr lA.OSd: Reed mid. illlnir, 14. KM; fully mldilllnif, U.71M; mid dling. H..17d: low Hilddllnli. H.SVdi Reet eidlnary, 13,5"d, and ordinary, 13 HIM, ankere Meet at Down Town Club Th annual meatlns of Oinup One. l'cnn aylvsntk Bankra Aaaoclatlen, will be held nut Monday ut 4 o'clock at tlia Down Town Club. . MONEY-LENDING RATES M1W 10RK Jfeney en cull, both clasnet nt collateral, opened today ut 6 per cent for lending and renew Inc. PIIIMIiKI.HliA- ran. r. 1-1 cent, nine, I'a le 4 per tent, tuminciclal paper, tlue tu sU muntha. 44 te 4 ier cint. Ne Extra Dividend en Studebaker e- lerk. Oct. ill. HtuOebaker baa d. elmeil lb rpjv.'r ilivlri'iul of Sa.'Jil n thij conimen .mil 1 15 en the preferred, lih pajabla December t tu ateck of recrnd No Ne ember 10, In July the dlractnr declared an axtra dividend of $1.60 en the common mention te incraaBimr In annual rata ."OtKcnn Cep .".Us :H; 31Ts vs J00 LaKe Sup. li - TO T.eh Val . . (IS 1S fiS 4- ' a .-.OtMar Parry 2S 2S 2S -- v't 10."i O Ei.enl'r "" "4 74 1 HOtl'nu Oil.. 4S 4"14 -i"1! l!is SlHPentmUIt 4!N -IS" :10 I'hiln Ce. 4(l. 4(i'a 40j 1 IV) de cum pf 42 42 42 . . 2:!.-. l'liiia Klec si's :n'i ::i'4 J5 2!K! de pref.. l' :u',a .'tPi is IU.-i I'liilu It T .".! :ti. V.l-- 's -lOtKepleStl. 20-s 21T 20T, ii, 500 Tone Helm 1's l'a li 's 1110 VnienTiac 40Vi 40, 404 'i 275 1 ' U 1 . . . . ." I .re:(i nei 1 1 leutrs steei. ie.-n; ier:is ie."iR 1." War KVS. !)'j 11' i ft1.. 5 Wcht Ceal T:i", 7.'l", 7.'!?41,-j tNet thansc mad bv cotnimrlen llh latt .il" en New Yerk KteiU i:chaiige. P1IIUI)KU'II HON IIS 11100 l.lbertj 2d 4I',s '42 OS.. 12 lf'OO !,fi V con 41...1 '2,1 res. !I!)1S .'iiHt I'hiln Klectrlc 1st 5s 101 200 I'hiln Klectrlc 1st 5s 100 (IlltiO I'hlla Klertric 1-t 5-...ln1.s 1)!)'.'. 1000 I'liilu Klectrlc (ii 104 HKI0 IlcadiiiK ccncrnl 4 SI MARKS TAkFaNeFhER DROP Decline te .02!8, Against Nermal Quotation of 23.8 New Yerk. Oct. ill. As against the preliminary Munintleni this mnrninc tnnlvliir' n new low rererd for German ninrU at .02U, the npenln? here today nnc in the iievlniii extreme low record of .02 il-10. as nRiilnst .02U. Monday's close. Tin feature of the market was cxten-le fevering of shorts in c chnnge, with the result of gains of 8',i in frnnc., 7 in I'dgluns, 10".. in tire, il in Ilanl-li. 1!! in Norway and .1 In gulldci. Swis weie down 2, pesetas down ,1 and Swedish down 1. The re bound in Italian exehance wns direct ly due In cable advices of n mere rcas-lriiiR eharacter relntlie te the pelitiuil situation in Italy. Most of the momentum pf 'he prevent month was of -peciiinttVe origin. tjuotntienh at ihe epeniiiK ere; Sterling c.ibles 445I,!, dcmnntl 4 45's ; frnnc cables 7.Q;H. clieeks 7.02'-,4 ; Belgian cables fi.eil, tiiecUs tl.524 ; lire r.ihlea 4,10'..., checks 4.10 ; Swiss cables 1S.03, cliecks 18.00; peseta cables 15.21, checks 15.22; Hanlsh cables 20.10, checkh 20.14; Nerwav cables 18. IS. checks ltt.1.1: Swedish cebles 20 7", checks 20.72; guilder cables IIO.OS checks .111.03; murks .02 S -10. In the Central Kuiepeaii exchanges, HulBiiriiiu and Hiimaninii were tin- I I'liangcd. I'elMi ul'-ii Meed at the new low record i"-tablislicd yesterday. Ser bian wns down 1:ij, Czecho-Slevnkinn ft I iLiwn -h niul Austrian oil ., the lnkt ' lit te about the low record. On the ntlier liunil, I'iiinisii rei-e li points nnd (, reeks j gained 2. Hungarian was unchanged. in; Kiimniiinii, , ti recks. 2.10:1 inn. .'1.15: .liiL'O-Shivinn. .iXV'i l'uli-h. .007: rinnUh. 2.52:, Aiisirinn. .oeiii'i.; Hungarian. .0004. I The diniiiit en New Yerk funds in Mellt-enl was utifliit iiirttl us fin. ever I a week pat ill 'u te ft -.12 per tent, Tlie premium en Canadian funds in New Yerk w.is unchanged at H le ft. ,12 per cent. YCSTUnUAY H CI.OSINn QUOTATIONS Merllnu Kranca r.lce fJulMurs rinmnnd 4.45'j (M141, .1 imi . as.its Cablea 4 4ri tl 0.1 '5 3.011 a,0 ft ft 4 1ft Hi 'ft ft ft ft Hi 1 i ! ft ft ft 2 1ft i 1 1 COl JlWMItlllllHij Statement of Condition October 18, 1922 The Company's Funds are invested as follews: Cash $291,885.S6 Leans Secured by Collateral 1,139,147.38 Leans en First Mortgage 2,166,190.90 U. S. Government and K. R. Bends 621,142.03 Commercial Paper 127,777.35 Banking Heuse & Other Real Estate 234,481.56 A Total of $4,580,625.08 Te Protect $2,423,447.81 of Deposits T. MORRIS PEROT, JR., President United Security Life Insurance and Trust Company of Pennsylvania 603 Chestnut Street Philadelphia 1 "4 I ft ft H4 ft !4 ft '4 H4 Preferred Stocks of certain com panies provide A substantial income 2. Adequate safety 3. Satisfactory marketability Possibility of appreciation in value Exemption from normal federal 1 4. 5. income tax TTrtfa for descriptions of fc- turh preferred stecfti Auk for l.Ut Ae -3ii Bonbright & Company New Yerk 437 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia Bosten Chicago Detroit 4 4 ft 2n l.'iiutatiuiis : Tlulgnrlan .lili ; Serbian. I. (Hi tVeclie-Sliiiakiiin, of 17 te (10 i bar. TODAT'S Ol'UMXO Ul'OTATtON.l Pcmand Cables , HlmJ.ni: J'rmica T.ira Uulblria T.,U'i "-7. ,,11, .11,111 4 15 'j 7.0.1 13 ! 10 Vj 3-j etj KKCKNT rOMTICAt. EVENTS I'hatearaphtra liava lnew buay m Knulnnd the; laat few- wee!'", wltb cablnat rliane.a, nelltlcal actlvltlea. prier te the 'Irctreti. Many axcaptlenal i.wa, repreducad In aapla. apprar In tha Rotegravur. Sartten of th. ta.,nrfv ttff,.n I.M.t Kll.b. f. . -w.X .7 vnt, .Jta NVeuld you recommend m tin box as a place for safe guarding valuables in preference te a vault made of steel plate? Ne, of course you wouldn't! And yet many pcople still pluce their cotifldenco in a small tin cash box. The cost uf a Safe Deposit Bex is trifling compared te the ab-i-elute sufcty nfTorded. Hers your valuables would be read ily accessible te you at all tines, yet hopelessly beyond the reach of robbers or the elements, North Philadelphia Trust Ce. Bread St. and German town Ave. Above Erie Ave., Philadelphia M i A m M '? :!: a i 'V; I t. t.'i ' . I 'ill 4 4 vM nu Mi Wl SM m ij-.vy ri T t i.if.yi'E.v.fcfrT ;-. .'( ' ! '$ --