?W 'Ttzfa wFmjm w't- vt&, vyi?m'i!'$,$yfi-ij& TTTWf W8 "VTTfT v "&( x V m ; 'A&P EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 81, 1922 .Vl3i 25 "Ifc ,'' w& "! J ssr -. - ',?, renn oceui warns Ked and Blue Against Over-Confidence m the Game Asrainst Alabama ... ' - . W&XMMW i. LL CREDITED WITH PENN'S former Captain Said te Have, Devised Defensive 'Game in First Half te Tire Out Navy; Alabama Geed. .Says McNamara WOODARD INJURED By JOSEPH T. LABMJM Dfi BCNNKVILL-E HELL, known te thousands of students and gradu ates nt the University of Pennsylvania ts pleln "Hcrt," Is the real here of the Jlfd nml nine victory ever the Navy last Saturday. That is the contention of many of the players en the team and these conversant with what went en In the preparation for the contest with Beb Folwell's Middles. It wet Hell who designed the strategy that called for the Penn tenm te lay bck 'In the first half ; it wns Hell who laid the foundations of the splendid light and morale that mode of CeptnJn Miller and his mate a tlghting. slushing tlsven capable of nicrltorleiw ucts that rose te spectacular heights egaintt the Jfavy, and finally It was Hell who fought against the wishes and advice of ethers te have his team battle en the defensive when they should have te me the words of one conch carry the figikln. Bert Hell Knew tue ruiweu tjmeui. H pleyed under it during iiis collage days and studied the changes In it from the time of his leaving college until he became n coach. The short forward pats eer the line of scrimmage v,ns meat for renn alter lien weruen uuring i, ntln week te make the It- nml I uii,' nlmiMtt mrfeet neniust it. Net only did the 101t captain describe the plnv in detnll and work up plans te ecmbnt It. but he p1ncd a lull erini- jnnc nRi'lnsl tiu arMiy 10 simw imw and ulicii it ;as used. V 7A' HAVi: it that the ilin linit'.vc Vr quaitcrhack of three ticari n;it vat the renter of n snlhiwj ueimI in the fir-f half around tin I'cnn Utich, ttie imhtal that the itiateny hfinn ic lit' '7.'ilflf alt thr vi:i cliilci iif fnuthall nml that I'm a icci Jeiiineil le irttatu I'lfeitt. TvnrTANT ngainst odd". Hell held out, U and hew brilliant was hN Urate?; Mil enlv be d-meintriitrd bv readin; the! detail piny of the tuini nnu pair w ti:e fnmHi ncrleiN. The Navy wii'. tired in ,1 the cer mid linlf. one of tie Middy stills Rdielliius the I act mil t-avins that tee mu.li inntidence nnd tee much weik emblned te sink them le defeat. Audi llnni'i It I. II xtneil the linlllilllt lieail vurl; of Ilert Hell, unknown and tin- reiii:ni7ed until Tcsterday. when a re jiri.li of the game brought out the sur prisins facts. Others Alse Helped AM of whirh is net te rletrnct one Ieta from Jehn W. Ilelsninn, the head , (eieli el I'.e team, '.a row te greater helxlils than ever before since cemlny ! frnm the Miuthlnnd te tiiKe tlie leinB of lVim t'i'etliall. IJierj bend coach isenlv "f 'lien.' as his jis-Iht.inls. anil therein lies the sncicss of the former (Srergia Teeh l'lentnr tlilf. year. Hell. I)iies, MrXuninr.i and (iiisten nil li.ive cetitilbuterl greatly in the re- Ciiidrscem eef the Penn fight and spirit. Alenj; with the heail couch, tlcy worked hnrd nml Umit mT (he tii-lil n nil ilnrlnir I leitiirrs and cousiiltntieus te hulld an ' cITeiisn nnd defenre that would thwart! the hc!.t plinih of the Ninj, ! Gasten linn n line this tear that can reinpnre with the best in the Imslnei-i. riiflilcis Ihet are from stnrt te tlnUh. The nuu man ban taught the linemen wets aiient their play tlint lias maile it them ii brilliant combination. I)avic: nas lentributed with his experience, while McNnmui-ii with his tlgliMng Jcruhs hits enabled the varsity te yet the kind of practice that fits them for bat- lies wieli as were feimht en Kiitunl.iy. Tlie s:i out Penn u in I in. innilieu Plnjeis and etliirs thut'cinsten taught the teiiiu much of the brilliant defense that tiler llllll. Inmrflt llin lillnlfn ,iw tn blerli and break up the best luld plain, cf the Navy nnd taught them in the end te built ns Penn tennis in the pant were ent te de. yilKttj: is credit enough for evn y one In the victory that put Penn amani these in the Hint light an fur football is cenucrncd, anil it he he he hoerri in te tell the facta rn no liraiil ihrm. Hell Hnijuc-itinaU') Ms the man lehiwl the imn.i in the MUlnnt iilailna of the tram. .If Mt' hefete, he hretri trhnt tin tanner from Mullira Hill trachri kh wen, and he knew what te crmr! Jrum the .Vary. He imparted Am Miritrlrrfpc te the team se veil that inn rote te the occasion and tic Hated a team talcd at the thhd hctt in the country. pm;i'AHATIONS for the iVlubiimn ' - snnie this Saturday get under way ysierda afternoon with the varsity ting but with tlm first string sub JtitiitPs and scrubs working treni oertly nfter four o'clock until dark n put n halt te the forlmmnge dull. ii 8Jren1R',',t fnm in the land, but that 'lie Southerners nre liable te spring tlie -"..i.wuii iiiei ueiciu tne ed and Jiiiie. "Alabama has n team tlint l, net te be ficd but must be ie pected," said Tem Mc.Vunmru who fronted tlm tenm from below the Mawm-il vnn lln.. ' rri,. i .. ngiiliiig aggregation coached by 01m of " m tun-si ncnoei conrnes n tlm country, Xen Scott. A Big Line 'They have n ImsLv i.i ia .,.i eeuple of powerful backs who mlclit ran;' no end of tieuble. Anether thine Hie peculiar fermntinnt they use. InWtt wll'! V-.M: ' pnmu ""Mil l"-.."12". cnnilniicd the scrub tutor-. i hey used n let of freak formations lllllt cnilseil no eml nt Inivi.. .,..,1 .. !!.. ulted In the defeat of Penn. That fc. ""i""m ! "vnr. Any team that jay u formation that spreads ever the t-. . ... , ,.,, ,, iiiineril IU"H piny IS W te get away with It and is ngereus. Ibe Aliiluiniii tenm hnsn't hnd the rentrst recenl of tlm von.. i,n, ,),,, re Just coming along, fhey have been ing In regular summer weather in St nnimi ilil.,K ,.b... i ....- ,. - Tn' N.c,1V,',f " ,l1" '(P atmosphere the North thev will mt unlnir 11111I iln raething, We nre getting prepared r tllem. Alnhflliei Iriyf In I !iirii..,ln lh itn.l ,1.. v 1 . .1... .,.!,... fir'- mum un- .miv.v e.'iu me iienieii rnaden, Then ulnae comes Penn a wallops the .Middles. Of course SSGn,'Ve eertH ,wttn netn'"f ' . Mea-HtiwiM tavf liliwiUra wr GREA T PL A Y Expect Harvard te Draw Over $500,000 Cambridge, Mai Oct. 31. A recerd-biHaklng attendance, ut Hnr vard football games this fall, an well S,?. ten et mere than 9ii00,0(M), seem nssured, In the opln epln opln en of Crimson ntliletlc authorities, wue linve already counted 100,000 alienators nt the' sciiseii'h first five contests. Unincs with Flerida, i 'V 0V' J,reWM "' Yjile. the last scheduled for the Yule Hewl, are expected te shatter nil marks. Forty, seven thousand implication have been received for the Pilnreten game en November 11. fcltV ffifltn ll.A .1.... A, . . l"" liny oil jPMerGUV. Het a HiwrUrr,"?1,0". ",0 lew S uniform! sfitf.SL?i,Ci,-w,.i,,,B rriietloe. Including the etbew were nwny from the held. EVERY nan tche played against " the Middle- came out of the B7hTM ' Vmtoer In. ,,,wl i ar.c. "!'' o'er such a SK. ff""u' .'"' " '"J""-J bach: and llanwi'. .. .i i.. '. AN'I;-'fnTUNATn accident te Hejd Woednrd. the Warren. Pa.. thn7St7"ly w,n, Pl-nbly VprlVe tlie tnm of his sen res diirlnc the re mainder of tli.. rweii. ifp drenched the Franklin und Marshall jranic early ll """ nnd had te l"w The Injury ci me ftem a floating ca cording te I)r. X.ipslat. th ten"' phv- slclan, Woediinl will Up unuhle te de! , . V',., "."""" n"V ," ''' prehublc ;.-,'". V" '''. "- ". All I nner.it Ien t ,..,,... .i. '..'.... i nletit tlm nnlv .,. ', j.. '"iii1 ?p , .." I Wendnid around te hu (,,r,n. .',. L-.u' . Ilelsninn sent Frink Dewlilmf iVeiii nt end hitherto, tr. t!.n u,, ,...::: at tnrM... tli p,Ht (hat gnimxl him lame us n fi-eslunan last yenr. The bin relle'v j,myrd a Inl(. f a game In (! tninnge. IIU ns en the scrub line !th Kauilmnn mid .d-mis. f tl,,. Vnr fity b-iimd, te pet I raining en the de tense. tfeerge Kulllnn who was kept en the bc:un ,S.itiirdn.v. wns the Mar of the M'rliumnge vestcnlnj. The three-lclter m.in rempel through the scrubs for Mil Manual g.ilni all nfturnoeu, scoring the hist touchdown en n 45 -yard tun. WOMEN SOCCER PLAYERS Tn 00r llrn. , TO ARRIVE HERE TODAY viBltlna Ennllch Laeslen tn n. "9linaMCn ua'e8 Oppose Philadelphia F. C. en Saturday l!i( women's rercer eleven (mm Kni. land that is nitirin.er Ameibn will play the Philadelphia F. C. of tlic Ameri can I.ei'guc, iip',1 Snturdn'. ut the Phillies' bull park. Tem Scott, m.innger of the locals, announces that the f.m- visitors will arrhe here this morning and will be euartered nt the Wurhingten lintel, OermauteMi n enuc and Dauphin street They have picked out nil uptown locution in order in he near the PhlllitM' park, whens they 'ill lield practice twice a daj, starting tomorrow, In preparation for the Ms game. Considerable Interest bns been shown hi the fnns, who are nn.leun te Ke till' isiters In action. nnJ n rpr'nrrt crowd is expected. Public High Scheel Spert Card for Today Cr-"t-r.l H!ch mi. Seullicrn Illah. nt South Seuth nil li'lull (!ermanten Hluli mi N'nrthnnH H'i'i. at Tntnt-nlnlh rt I'.cftrfli'M mmtii, r.HMKNTAnY srjtoei. HcyneMii ut Hiirrll.. lllHlnn nt Krlloj Krllej Krlloj lUsslen in J!iisw.uP vei,i.::yhai.- iwv IlAChe nt Nnrlliuest DODORIIAI.If UUVS Mopklmen . Key. at Nertlivtwiii .Silwel. neuur.uAt.T. amu iroiil.lif.en mi Tassirt, at N'ei ilmeit Scheel. YKbTKItDAVS HCSl'Il.s FOOTUAL.I. U3: Natlilty. u. SOCCKU ft CeluinLii Citr.il Tlleli S.etil, a, acrieM.lm-n lll.li S(S O.Ml '' 'e-t I'.'illRjr-lElila ll!t;:i HjceiiJ n N01 th en '. Hih s.nnl 0. Plmlice Entries for Wednesday I'list rac-K. rune $1300, fe- two- ir-ul In, lllni. 1 (ullmiKS ilelrl Mount . ..1"' I'Hlth V . . HI !tnt . toil AlMiitui)i . ..100 TrU" Tbi-r . 107 Hwwt nnil l'retty )i iCciilicniw .. 110 At Ueul 100 St AiiKellns . 1" VipNetth ... lO'l h.'lnmi 'luU.tAll 107 1'ilnnn . . ..UU I Hey . ..110 Te r Spert . .110 I'lhiee Siiumu tun IMuti't'i Htn ..107 Hemiiil inn, imriu $!i00i. for m.ilfien two- l,(tlfli4tMU10 . . 1 in ; Prir-'H'l1, wti up iitu it',biiii"i v iMct"'vi 2 mllci (HiWhlt Hlil.-ii IIUI Ulfnnr , . 130 'lnt-et .. la IV mr ...1BH Crmtiie HI l'iiB"brii(il ..Hi in MiiUt-in I'iiii iintrv. 'I lilnl into, 1'iirte E1.100. clulnilng, for thitfi'-snir-elil", 1 mlle anil 11 hIMIi Sniith flrci: ,, 10.1 Tuiiilltv , . .IDS I'nlly Will .101 Miles H . . .JOS Krlw'iln .. .100 Jorilen 10s lilselut .lei) (nitulin Menlll AM UDMIjiii .l"" Hlltl M.ir 111 The Hull I' ill l"il Hi i.ie ruitci . , I Mme I (nlll, . ruiamna-J M. feUlim 'ntry., rnurlh in"", purji s.luoe, nil urn. I'lm lien Hrrlut. welii.1t lur u.-e iiice -Ne. 1, 0 I'nr'ful ., I-" On Wslcli .13n ll..mlrl,lll.i lltft lltinlltl Ill (o)M.el liilter . l.e (.iilOiniiM .180 (n) nil (h)UIH'I . ...111 l.lttlP O.t . , .180 TnKt-ii ik-tt Pal "!l20 ix :euh . .in i.. n..n. .ou miuMa ntr. Kirili race imrr.. fiiril. Ihc HUffei.l Hun illcxn, for iliMe-yeer-ulJi aul up, I inlle riwiVal""?"".. IH -Hlrv un im1ffi . I"7 Jehu I'u ul Jenr-Kllimi Inb" (In ml . II J J'aul J"ii. . 10 J tUlh rnVfl. uuik MSii'i. Hid lir.iU Mill ...C.i7' ........ r.nlrl 11 flirlnilKH 'AstmSnt T:."TM J';.l.l,riT-s .130 K'ii .1111 M-..rie lllnnche 1" '"" ....lu "s'eilth rn""?rur i f'noe. lh (lnn Oak Pume. rlalmln. linen )rar-eld and up, U furliinvu! t'uni Sllll .,114 Tem MrTniiart..l14 inn 'hKl-bnn leu , ..llill MicK rlcut HID . . en I'uilveuidlne .,.,101 ..111 'lit Pama ...inil ,,ini Torch 1 09 in I iieni. tiuby . . .leu 1,111 KV lllllieil I'Mider lem rnsld 1 Maeurnen , Melhl Meld . Or. Jehnaun . Tarn inn iiu'i'iim iuv Chnrlettn rinilth li . m Appivnlliu nlluuiiiK-d of n pounds elalmid, , M . Witliir r-lt-nr: trade faM. Pout, t:ia i' m Reuting Welcome for Notre Dame Ceiitli llrnil. Inl.- ' t,, '! - .M-nilr of llin Nei i I'u"- fneil'MJI I'lim )! iit runleil bis- iinmatr.itliin hv rluili-nln of ill unhervlir, mi ili'lr Hrrlwil irem Al l"liU. whrV they iWriataO. lltnrflu rr-h. cJ"h Knuu KK.kn nl lh plni wr crrl"d vfr bleeki en thaaheuiiKr of ehterlna itudtnt. who tHrepitdtht down town frti. fi'iiif.r,. t.ii """" ri,sai,i u.tit, if nnilth tin. il7n7'r '? h'"'.rr ,,","" thnnhrtm the tegular- said rlituallu the amc tnttty, Beth State and Felwells former 0XK et "'P most "llPer,UMt eracB scheduled for this week is the one ut ishinglen en Friday, where the Knvy ...III -1H.t. ...1.1. V tt...... ...!. -t. l " euif, iiuiu uuu Folwell II ll.l HllL'e ISezilek. the rival "mclies. are believer in a "hert forward P"?" nml ".! lil,,'-v. !".lU l"c sume I,,a' wi'l wl "y petn elevens The "bnsetiall pass." or "tcreen puts," lies been Folwell's pet piny for several ears, at Washington ami Jeff Jeff ereon, Pennsyhnnln and new the Navy. While be wna conch nt W. nnd J. bis team ued this play twenty-one times ngalnst Vnle and it was completed for gninw twenty time,. It wus used successfully in the fust half against Penn last Saturday and an off-tackle run from this formation NORTHEAST READY ER OPE 1we Games On Today Start of High Scheel League for CENTRAL VERSUS SOUTHERN By PAl'Ii PREP Twe contests will mark the opening of the Philadelphia High Scheel Soccer League this afternoon. Northeast High, the present tltlehelders. and German town High will battle en the fermr's field, nnd Central will oppose Southern High en the Intter's grounds. There were originally three games scheduled for the opening dny. which would have breueht nil six tenuis in ac tion. But the West Philadelphia High High Frnnkferd clnsh has been postponed te Thursdny afternoon. This gnme will be played nt the Harry Mackey Held, Forty -seventh nnd Spruce streets. The Archives have n veteran eleven this year und Coach (icrney thinks the tmva nlll win nnntlier title. Oerinnn- 1 town High, nfter getting off te n peer btnrt, lins shown some line rerm in re cent games, especially against Catholic High lust week, and should give the champions a tough tusHle. Net much is known of Southern or Centrul High. The Intter has partici pated in several prc-league buttles and did net show se geed. Coach Jenes, of the We"t Philadel phia High tenm, declares this year's eleven Is stronger than the one that fought Northeast te a tie last year. Fraukfenl Oume Ileal Test He thinks the Fraukfunl game will i test the real strength of his team. The Pioneers have one of the strongest elevens that ever represented the fchuel and Bebby Wetter, the basketball star, plays a prominent part in making it se. Soccer has been rapidly gaining favor in the high schools of the city. There wns a time when Northeast High wns the only liiHtitutien that could beast of a icnl team. l;or yeurs thli achoel wn the Hchelnstic tltleiieiuer, nnu en peverni OCi llelUIIH eriruiVll (Oil ril vnviiifit. v college elevens of this vicinity. An new high schools sprang up and the populeilty of the sport increased, Northeast wan prensed haul te letaln the championship honors, lutcrcleas soccer lcurtues were organized in various schools te bring out as many candidates a h possible for the elevens. ln 1017 the report of the toeeer com mittee showed that ln the public high schools there were fifty-nine class teams, consisting of 010 IndlvldiinlB. The next year there were four school teams, seventy -thrce section or class teams nnd 114,1 participants. This number was even further Increased in 11)10. One hundred nnd thirty-four teams, which brought 2054 boys Inte action, were uncovered. At present every high nchoel In the city conducts an intcrclass lrague. These leagues nre each made up of from twenty te sixty elevens, Hueh organi zation has uuite naturally given great impetus te tlie development of ceceer. Committee Nnineil in 10 1 H In April, 101 S. the first committee was appointed by the Supervisory Heard. In the following season the Soccer Commlttee recommended among ether things that soccer be recognized ns a major sport, that Istturs he awarded te the contestants as in the case of the major sports. It was later Mtigested that each school furnish Jts uniforms nnd pro fessional referee be used in the gumes, Then in 1010 it was unanimously agreed te obtain approved leferees and te asses caen scnoei for tne payment of their services. My 1020 every high ! ' ll'l llin I'tl.'IMl 111 i school in tue uiy reccguizui soccer ns n major sport. The winners of the scholastic chain plenshlp since 11)10 have hien as fol fel fol eows: 1017-18-10. Fruukferd High; lja0. West Philadelphia Hlfhi 1021, a. - anp mure our Q SECONDARY - 2 7 J2JPJ WJ& AM BOTH LEFT AND RZCEVES PASS M JSfe W RGHT MPS VUOW FROM CEHrER fft SWV COURSE OF &LACK fifZ32SJSm.n?Jfr Uv . LMES MP AWAtr WSS 1 FOR SOGC e Navy Elevens Screen Pass in By HEIMK MILLEIl Penn Football Cnntaln and All-American web even mere effective than the tms itfelf. Huge Bezdek first snw the short pass play when I'enn played his Oregon eleven nt Pesadenn en New Year's Day. 1017. lie ndepted It for his State eleven in 1011) and used it' te butt us en Franklin Field that year, 1(1-0. The play is tun from either u bal anced or unbalanced line. The succcsh of it depends en the linemen taking out the secondary defense nnd the backs and ends getting ever in time te be in position for the bnll before the opposing linemen can cut in en the passer. As seen as he pasties the bull te the man who is going te threw the pas.4, the center rushes in te lilt the opposing suepperback, and he has the left gunid tn help him. The right guard dip the OS .( lHEMEH I PUSH THROUGH VILLA WINS IN GREA T BOUT WITH WALLACE Filipine Proves Himself '! Brilliant Little Battler in Cutting Down Pats y's Early Lead and Finishing in Frent - I .. . i.-ait-r i-iiusiii ier atoning, uura- utls "".ti.".1!' 1' "flTM KI1 Hnlm. third ttatt-w. ww rrrnIiNre-N ?l ickcy Moen)- dfatpl WATJ.tlP H ART) V,lk" Ur' Veiinr nrtl mei.K-il ei-t llnrn BOTH . .. inric if ninn,, II.V LiULlS II. .lAI'Tb pANCHO VILLA is n great little a battler, and he Is going te be a popular champion. The little Filipine. who became America's flyweight title holder by dethroning Johnny Buff, proved all of that en bis Philadelphia mom in tne unai trains nt the uiynipin Club last night, winning In a hectic eight-round bltfest with Patsy Wal lace, local Italian. Flat-footed, hardly ever en bis tees, taking chances of being lilt In order te get ever his own hefty wallops. Villa Wallace re.lllv never wns nut nf the running for the lnureh until the last round. In the enrly sessions the Philn delphinn unfurled se terrific nn nttncl; that he looked like a winner for u while. Hut Patty tired in the lait thier rounds and Villa, punching hard and often, finished up in a stiim of rallien that carried him through ir jrum ey a cemfnnauie margin. T WAS Just getting warmed un." ! said the little brown man nfter the contest. "That young fellow is a1 gruiy nine eatuer, ana lie certainly rnn take It. Even thins; I hnd I nut Dehlnu my punches, especially te the body, In the enrly reundn, thinking that i would drop him in the later nerleds with a punch te the jaw." Wallace LauiIx Villa Villa then smiled nnd continued In his fluent English: "Yeu knew, 1 think I would have been uble te knock Wallace out in about two mere rounds," Anxious te knew if his boxing hnd nppenled te the fans, Villa asked, with another smile: "Did 1 pleuse? I tried hnrd. De you think thev were ,llsim. came t ireucH 'with n brilliant- victory ' e'""i .",",'" .'"" ,,,m' y wn,i I !KSr'fi!:te".lfi"'UlS7 ttMSnVfc K-'""'hi """" 15-' .SSflT-K. TEN pei".t!' hope net." J- flstmnn. who has been making his Wullnce, who Incidentnlly believed j home ln New Yerk, collided with n tai -he had wen from the champion because tar in the pugnacious person of Mike of his ndynntage In thu early rounds, Meran. -i Pittsburgh entry, nnd nt the lauded Villa. "He's a great little, ilnlsh of eight rounds there was little te scrapper,' said Patsy, "but I though, cheese between them. While Leenard I wen. I knew I lest one or two en pertunitles te catch Villa when he wns off his guard. "I think another bout a longer one with u decision at the Ilnlsh would prove that I mil Penche's superior and i tue cnampien. lleth boys camu In undsr the recog nized flyweight limit. Wallace welshed in nt lll- pounds while the title holder tipped the beam nt 110',;,, each bteppinjr en the scales nt 2 o'clock. At the clang of the opening gong U'ollace and I ilia sprang from their respective corners bent en being the aggressor. Patsy, for the first time in many matches, forget his foolish antics and really meant business. There teas no doubt that Villa also teat in there te battle his best, FROM the stait they pegged away at each ether with terrific punches. There wns little boxing en either side, .. ... ---. .-... 'n.1'11 I,r,,'nc,1l ,0. H" ,mr'' ",rt,Pr " km"', out. lleth lauded t-eiiie vlcieim wullnps In the opening canto, which ended eenly, Wallace AgKresier The second enrned with 'nlln May Use Friday's Game BOB POLWELVS FAMOUS SCKOT POI?WAI?D Knd. fulll ecU und the right taille takes care of the cppeslng left bulfbiirk. The left tackle Ins the responsibility of cutting down the defensive right halfback. Beth ends cress the line of scrimmage nnd turn when they nre U yards dis tant, ready te take the pass. Tlie tliree backs dnth behind the de fending line and turn when they are " yards bejend the line of scrimmage. They, tee, 'must be prepared te catch the bnll. The passer leccives the bnll from the center and throws It almost imme diately He knows where the five eligi ble men will be se that he can get rid of the bnll In no time. It is up te the passer te de this, for he has the oppos eppos oppes ln; linemen mining in en him and no one te protect the threw. Boxing Decisions of Bouts Held Last Night OijmnU A A. I'anche Villa wen from rainy Wall-tie. Xfikn Meran nnd BnltllnK l.ennril 1ia, Kill 1Vclf ilcfuatnl Nl frp. Iv.- hni!vr lvat Johnny H.ne th iiToree MprlnT the bout In th fourth, Mnrtln .7ml wallei.e.1 Iluildy ntrrulil Ari.ANTIC j'lTY ItUbbv WeU-ait wen "r t .' Ilu,'",11 l' sh'ule. Wlllle Alln Hn 1 fourth"' 'Snmn,y rulten toPOeJ Al WlnlcleTjn ,, " 7 JiAiV.t:.?r.r?. (KM Brown lec!fleiy ilpfntnl Hud Chrl'llannn. ' L& ciKrHiH'J,lninv KrUy ,von ev,r Be1- ..,? 'frw nl,",y.:AsST?',.n..vP.il5r W m ,r-.-i ..r....,n , .. .. ' i. incillR I.eurtilln. nr 1-t.fhlnh, . ....,.. iiiiuj i,rui-iiuii uegan wen or reu'stnus, e O'Dn'Ml. -Pete ZI)e wen ecr Phil lA.N'CAPTl:!! l'onnle Ilni r . i,.. Mey- quarters, Patsy stnrted te send both hands te the body, and while Villa at tempted te light back the Philndelphlun plied up an earlj lend. After about n minute nnd a hnlf, newem Villa began te gauge his punches tiicelv nnd rencheil Wnltni-e u-ltl. I several blows te the head. Patsy was punches, nnd In the melee n right up perrut staggered Wullnce Just before trie bell, giving Villa a blight edge for the Wnllnce's het offensive i. nr,i.u.l i In the next three rounds. He carried the third, fourth and fifth periods be cause of his aggressiveness and his uiiiiity te get ever harder blows. The i tliial minute of the fifth ensued In n I whirlwind of lints, the llnli. fail...... bllttlillg llWIl.V IlllUCh tnv mmnli unrt I both ntinenreii fntluneil nt fh.i iw.ll That onslaught of Wallace's evhlentlv ' "red him, for In the remaining three r.el.""ls it wns nil A Ilia, nltheugh Patsy did net slacken up because be wanted ie. lie uui net nave the Rtnm en in keep up his rapid -fire nttuck, while N Un regained his vitality during each minutes intermission and continued te "linns nwny te nuvnntnge m several torrid slugfests. When it icrt; all ever, many fan exclaimed: "He'll de; he', a nreat little hattler." Othtrn cams hack. "Se is WeHnee." Hath ceuten- fiem nre correct. pATTLING LKONAUD, local clever wns the cleverer, und once, ns the bell rang ending the fifth round, had Mernn knocked out ngnlnst the ropes, Mike showed sufficient form, mostly through un mm; inwiii, ie ciirn n uruw, Wolfe llenfs Carp A Wolf met a Carp In the third pre. liminnry and they went at it like n pair of tigers, with Kid Wolfe winning from Nate Carp, of Haltlmete, after a hard punching eight -rounder. Carp went way off into the lend in' i mi nisi ruiiiin, uui ineicaiier Wolfe gradually went In front and wen bv a big advantage before the end of 'the set-te. Johnny Hene wns outclassed bv lew Srjder and Heferee Frank O''Hr0n stepped the bout in the fourth round. Martin .Indue ndmlnistered n lacing te Buddy I'ltrgernld In the opener. Darby Rama Seek Game The pirb nm want n nnii for Moeb rark. U-irby for in'xt Mniuntnj, a nil wii .? thm dam will until. Hill Is th'. it ?f ei.rm fur tl.i cluh and ilurlmc that tiini t wen four of th (It,. Kiimei plnVid HiaiiiK inn i'ip "ennui., k'iiim. in c Iarneli t, ii. niiii:i. in ii iiiiib .naw n.M tleiurli'n ete Inli A. A., Hiintlne X t I UJdi klunn itnil We.ttlllr, and no ; cm. of Bm miar.M i. j, urinin, builntii min ALABAMA STAR IN OUADC rflD DmiM ennrL run rum 'Country Oliver Recovers Frem i Injuries Te Play Against Quakers en Saturday HAVE LOST TWO GAMES I'nlverslty, Ala., Oct. 111. The Unl lerslty of Alabama players returned te their nlmii lfinter yeBterdny nftcr losing te Texas, 19-10, nnd will take the first real workout terlar for the battle against the I'liherslty of Pennsylvania eleven In Philadelphia en Saturday. The team was a bit down-hearted ever the reverse in Tevns. but the stu dents took en new hope tndnv when It wns learned the"('euntry" Oliver would be in condition te pluy against the lied and Blue, Oliver Is one of the hncltfleld stars who has been out of the game for some tlnu en nci'eunt of Injuries. He Is one of I he best open field runners In the Seuth and twice this senten has tun back klckeffw for touchdowns. Ne nulled off n O.'-.vnril sprint for the only seine made against (Jeorgia Tech. Kven the met ardent admirers of the Crimson Tide de net i-rpect te s-ee the Alabama bejs beat Penn, i specially after what the Ited find lllue did te the Navy, but they nre imping for n moral vleteiy. The local boys will feel satis fied if Heismiin's eleven is held te a close score. Wen Only Twe damn In the five games played te date, two have resulted In victories, two in detents and one wns a tie. The record for the seaten fellows : Alabtima 110 Morien n Alabftma 4'J r)ltherp.i 0 Alab&nm 7 Oiumln Tifh.. 23 Aliibnma 7 IT. et Meuth.... 7 Alabama 10 1xun 10 Total 191 Total r.O With excellent material fiem which te meld n crack eleven, Couch Scott will present n hefty bunch of football talent ngnlnst Penn. The present raptuln, "Shorty" Cooper, and two former captains, ('lemons nnd Iluuiter. are tliree of the regular Crimson forwards. Cooper 1 a tnli. roving tackle, weighs in the neigh borhood of 100, is a gicnt leader and Is sure te make an impression en tjuaker City grid followers. Al Clcmnns, V.C'O captain, is holding down one of the thinks, while next te liitu at 11 tackle is .Tack Ilnvater, leader of the Crimson team of 11)17. demons received nil-Southern choice in IDliU and wns mentioned last year, Hevntei' flood Tackle Hovater returned te college this fall and new is pin ing tnckle. being shifted from end enrly In the season. Hevnter tips the beam at 100. fellows the ball well and is nt his best in a tough game. "Stumpy" Burtlett, the "He .McMil lan" of the Crimson eleven, will weigh in around H0. He is a flashy, peed back, runs the tc.im well and i-.ui bur' a pats, and hurl one accurately. If need be, be can nsuinn the punting unties and get nwny with it. P.artlett is a etcran, this season being his third en the sipind. Hulett Whlttaker, fullback, and W. C. Bnty. half, are the two battering rams that Coach Scott will turn loose nt the Bed and Blue line. Wliittnker is n bear en defense, backs up the line In nerfeetien. runs low- hn Trent ilriv. ini newer in his lees nnd necr tire. 1 Allen MncCartce, Grnlinin McClin- tock nnd "Poelej Hubert round out the first-string hacks. MaKartce, while ' bit light , weighing lid pounds, is goedi en receiving pusses ami Hhlnen in a broken field. Propst Star Center i It would net be fnlr te mention the I Crimson line and leave off the name of Propst, center. This lad, nicknamed ' "Shorty," is a fraction eer six feet II inches in height, weighs a trltle under U00 pounds nnd is one of tint best, if net the foremost, lentcrs in Dixie, He was given a place en several mythical teams in 1020. The Alabama line is cenched by l"Bull" Vnndegrnuf, great Alabama taclile of seven jears age. anclccrnni. one of the few men ever picked from the Seuth en an nll-Ameiicnn selec tion, together with Head Coach Scott. bus de eloped one of the stiengest lines h Alabama ever boasted. VETERANS BACK FOR PENN LACROSSE Coach Lattimer Hopes for An An other Championship Ag gregatien rVim.'i iirm-r T.ntttmei nf lee l'enn lacrosse team, hones for another i ham- plenshlp crown. Ten veterans nre bncl; this venr, nnd virtually the entire d' Tensive machine of last year's uggregn- t en remains timet. Although the sohei'.ule will net get under wa.t i-ntll earlt spring, Conch Lattimer U clvlng his charges dai'v drills with t'ui stlrka nnd is tutoring n host of freshmen the rudiments of th" yntne. Thltty or mere candidates, mer of them green material, are trying for ' berths en the Mirslty twelve. i Among the likeliest looking are Welir, Ilorrecks, Nerrls, Mnthews, Paten. ' linn and (l.trdner. Lattimer sheul 1 , And It no mean task te whip into shnpe a winning combination from this col lection. Bill Kelly, a former Broekhn Cres cent star, and Andy Prlngle, n varsity man of two cnrs age, are welcome ul I illttbiis te the squad. I There is n urn material, new plnjlncl football, and just as seen as the giid season Is ever the squad will be nnu- , iiientfsl te sevent.t-flve or possibly 100 candidates. Te stir up Interest ln lacrosse, ex- i hlbltlnn gnme will be plnjed this .', '1. which will nlse ennble Lattimer te tot nn Inkling en the merits of his candi- I dates In actual contest. Negotiation j nre under wuy te meet the fast Niw Yerk Lacresse Club Montclair Lncrese Club of New .ler.-ev and a fetv ether meritorious lacrosse aggregation , Pcnnsjlvnnlii will utnlii be repre- i tented in the InteriMlleglute Leiiirur I this spring, in which Bulgers, Penn1 State, telgate and Prlncetim may gum i representation. L.ist yenr the Pent. ' slickmen succeedisl In copping the championship of the southern division, I but this yenr it will encounter stiff op position If these new members are ml- I mttted Inte the circuit. ' New Ball Park for Kansas City I Knnanrt Cltr, Mu . Oct 31. Tlm Kana iiw l .aeii 1 rtiuni ir'iii .rfto-!Rl!en will ii,..-,. ,, ? ,u,a.i , ill umAmnn In m ,.u.. ...,-t Hrcnrdlnv te Hn unnnuiicinint bv lliurtn tlilAhlAhnnl, n-a.l.l.n, ,1.. ..I..,. m..' ........".'.., I'lv.iunu ,-, ,i . i-mii 1 111 lit! I ptllt will edit 12.10 010 i anlii ex tiii: iwinvw '"".' ' reutlful full iIhiImh limn utl 1 '".J'T ,,ul cl "dtiuilnue, ,y ra, tr HARVARD PREPARING rUJK I1U&K ,L,,VH,1 Princeton's Great Finish in Chicago Sets Crimson Players and Officials te Thinking MEET ON NOVEMBER 11 f'nmlirlilge. Mtwi., Oct. .'11. Hnr varrl s varsity football sound rested njniri yesterday, for aenlnst University L or l-leridn here Saturday the couches ........ ,,, .,,, ,, iniui.v ru me Fiiusii- tntes as possible, the match with the sntltherneru helm, rm "in.V.v..n.." ne. fair nnd one which will he bundled from Ilnrwirrl h standpoint very much as Is the annual panic with Itrmtii, which is tcheduled between the Crimson's battles wiiii iTincctep nnrl lnle. Ilarvnid will immediately bead for Uenttle, who get Inte the game an half -the lr.nceten gnnm in the stadium here bncl: .Saturday, and Crum, who pushed i 7.J nmuniny. ami ter which across two of the Tigers" touchdowns, the f rimsen new reelies it will hne te ! The second vnisity lined up ngnlnst n.','i?i, i,!!" '""i'1' I,''l''1''etr)n,f( great ,l(. fre-binei. eleven and scrlmmngcd for ! ..1! fit C? lV Bet ''" fniahrldge three-quarters of un hour. The jcar tilajers th nk nL'. for. until Ins u-nnlr. i , ...1.1 .1 . 1..1- Old Nnssnu probably bad been under csiiinateri. A J ear age when the Tigers Ih-.U the Cilmsen at Niissim, I'lshcr luid three iniicn-iiceueii iiiicks out or the game These were Cebiirn, ( Impiii and Beull- mm, iJinuies ewen .Ping hurt In the game and Ilnnnrd eventually pliuing nut-,- f jinn iui i'iirj je int. imejuieiil, Fisher new has the men mentioned pretty nearly ready for the Jerseyincn. Against Dartmouth Harvard's line was net up te the mark offensively, although It plnyed splet.dld football when the Hanover team was rushing. YALK The men who have been suf fering from injiitles or Illness nre fast getting Inte shape. It was said by Trainer Johnny Mack that Bill Mnlleiy will be readv for the Brown game Sat urday nt fullback, and that Charley O'Henril Ulid Geerge Ile-ket limy be ustd for n few minutes nt quart eib.n k, Mallery, who has suffered from bells, started the signal ielieats.il which con stituted the enh activity jeMerdav for the first siring siiind, although Ilenrv f.'cett repined him enrly. Scott nnd Nmle, who were kne'-lced out Suturdnj, showed no ill Heels from the collision with the cadets. C'OKNEMj. Full speed ahead is the slogan this week as Conch liable kejs up the Bed and White for the annual game with Columbia Saturday. Dinger sirtis ftem Hanover, by way of the Harvard g.une, and net.iblv fiem Philadelphia, where a Pennsjlvaiila cemebui-k Is in pregiess, have been duly noted h CennH's mentor, nnd begin ning today the Jthacans started un In tensive drhe. With the varsity eleven in geed pin sit nl toaditlen after a rela'iveiy easy week, Oenrge Pfniin. the quarter", sent them threuuh their puces at a smart gait, and though many of the pbiwrs vi re Inte in reaching the Held, a geed two-hour work-out was c.uiiisl through under the Heed lights. PUINCKTON The grldmen. who took the measure of Chicago last Satur- Tem Maleney, Mgr. wvJaflBfi . h', ' -ntm t mum, 'v. .'-r. y.iiianB : wmm t " " '-'a ffiSfi 1 mmM-T7 A r,A ' -,'-." - "WKm? iim.Bm R -TWi &. ' sffil H .3 ibfmUl'- A JjmmSSmmmm u ' M. Rm& ? mWmfSmrimmWm I .Jmtm. ' Wmk. 9SmWSamWm I mmmWk. "' ' T iHRflBBW I ID ,' S-f4 fOaaai B HKh. '":m t&mWWk B BlRffffB Au efJfHfp I WEmMEXiZ-i. kJ ? mKmmmWmO!mSSBKkLySSft Wmi''TX4 P. B. White & Ce. Philadelphia's Larrjcat Men's Merchant Tailors 808 Chestnut St. OPEN MONDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. America's Biggest Value Get acquainted with the new Girard. YeuUl say it's the friendliest, most satisfying- cigar you've ever smoked. Antonie RuIr & I.nnfjstlerf Philadelphia K.lahll.liril til imr. GIRARD Never gets onyeur Dies Frem Injuries Sustained at Football Dninllle, Va Oct. ai.Eugenle rratarcangcle, Seuth Bosten Mili tary Academy halfback, died ut a hospital here of Injuries sustained In n football game Saturday with Chat ham Ti nitiing Scheel. Frntnrcangeln complained during the third period of feeling 111 nnd walked te the side lines, where he dropped unconscious. Pliylsleinns said they believed he hnd received n blew early In the game. I day, were clven complete rest jesterday by Condi fllll Helier. Only two of the men who plnjed in the gnme appeared en the field, nnd they were given the , lightest sort of a workout. These were which Ileigen chalked up late In the afternoon . IIAVKK! OHI The varsity Ivcld n light workout jvsterday, but no fcrlm- mage was called for tlie first-line men Cnptain Biown.whe was the mainstay in Mitunlii) 's game, hurled n few pn-ses te Sassiiumn, who showed up splendidly in tne lrny with t-muKlln nnd Mar shall, belii-5 the only linesman who could constantly get through the Blue and White's luteifciciicc. Blown also puiitfd for n while. Most of the ncthlty lest'-d with the scrubs, when the sec ond and third teams lined up for a snappj s'l-iminngij. Mnny of the regular-, 'i.nc suiTeied slight Injuries, wlucn iii keeping them en the sidelines. VILLANOVA Yesterday was tin off d.iy for Vilhinevn foeibull warriors, but Tiainer .lack O'Brien took the men en n long hike dm Ing the atternoen. To day premise te be a strenuous en.t for the M.iin l.iueis. as there will be only two ilnys prnetiee nt home this vrek and one dny at Bosten College. The tenm leftM's for Bosten Thursday iifieiiioen, VIlhinnvi'N line is lmpreg nnblu and lias je give nway te nny team. Such star- Slmmendinger, of Hely fiess, who found it easy te piling" "neil, h the leu w tied Harvard line, wns unible te gain an inch through Villa -nevi's line. ll,itiea has Iet two games, one te Hely Cres and th" ether te tlettjsburg, and both times weie di'l'talcd bj an aeilal attack. W. AND .1. Twe changes in the line are te be made for the genie with Ln- ri.xette at the 1 ele (iieunils, ew leru f'"- nf,v-t Snturday afternoon. Al Creek, who last ncn'en proved that In "lls ,,,,n " "' ,m,st dependable centers in enlleglnti. football, Is te be used nt riKht end te fill the vacancy caused by theinjiuy te Call Konvolinka. '''he ether chunge in the line that will be made will be the playing of Ilnlph Vince. guar-1. nt left tackle. Olthe nnd Ilnddnn are scheduled te start tlie gnme in the guard position.". EXTRA TROUSER SUITS Made-te-Measure Values Up te $49.50 IIIIOKKH 1 for 2.1c Wt hum iacieu 1.1 e hlmlEllt nerves 1JUK1 IM'lll llll'Ol IU OIIU lUUCIIUVW $25 1 m M mi XI I 4 A M l '!l 1 tfi ..jf ... v t .' i ,1 nt I'l i 41. .va V, f 4 KiV,