iMP K-itsai!MCrx2 -T,-;7..-,1sKr,i.-5 r-'i?5T"l " ' V P yjf f '.a a .r 'i cramTO ' w W!" ijytf WWJ P?'?'- '"iv. V. i-.v iijjr vm jirtf IPPIPHF'W", .l.n ,'. ! I r- ' i aaanimii- mil mmwW ig tf .-S.,tV I vfl EVBKINO DBliIO MDBR-PIIJADBIiPHIA TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31 1922 K HtMl Colonial ftraektt In (Aett "" or sfl tier wlfft cendl. BJ A tuharm net magnificent furnishing! orAeerationi make a hema charming. Delightful details, in appointments tuch aa these Biddle-Gaumer sconces add far mera te" tha alaganca of ream than far cettliar decorations. Priced at all Biddle-Gaumer preducta moderately. Lighting Fixtures ' IIDDLE-QAUMER 00. .e- V , 3846-96 Lancaster Are. Tk We; 10 C In Sabwtr mm Aln 0780 Opm Sit till . x. aaj Platefted 4n ereM or ffr adorned tdlH out plef candle' cape 4 clear crystal drept. MISSING MAN'S 10DY POUND New Castle,, Pa., Oct. tl.Gnrtt n; McCnstlen, thirty-two ' years old, World Wnr veteran. dlsaeDeared (ram all home In Wayne ' Township, near, en, i which ltlvr boys found his' body en a ninsiae. ' SIIK yVOUNOID MAN'S KIN , Search Is heiag made for relatives el August Mtrs, sixty-nine years old, wne wasiieuna iasi mgnt at ueerges inets Tim walmlilti l'ripv wltn tarn hi ... ' .mwi.ii, .. ... ..w mi ! ll kal atri mma Im tlm nha.l Urn ibsi Armistice umj, leaving a note i" "! "S" j ." i" " l : IV " f , read: "I am going te cms the who Is believed te have shot himself, is Jerdan." ftnnda neon thi-M In a serious Condition in the West Itv a remote cave Philadelphia General Homeopathic Hes pital. . If you enjoy CARBONATED BEVERAGES Send in the coupon below , for full information con ctrning the most eco nomical manner in which your home and office can be kept regu larly supplied with the beet. A revelation in quality and' reasonable prices. Pleas send information retarding car bonated bereragee at advertised, te Ni ) Add: .,- aw i Charles E. Hires Company, Philadelphia (Announcing The New Leng-wearing Woolen Hosiery THE warmth and beauty of sturdy wool combines with unusually long wear and durability in this sci entifically strengthened and reinforced silk and WOOL, and WOOL and cotton hosiery ABET HOSIERY X suiNiuicaur raiwuxaswD W igaNieaczD In die put, Hosiery containing wool has worn mere or less unsatisfactorily. Cadet Hosiery new fulfills the demand for a woolen hose that is' made for WEAR and DOES wear. It includes all colors and color combina tions, for sports wear and general use. Fer Women .30 and up Fer Men 75c. and up Fer Children 75c. and up AT DBPBNDABLB DBALBRS BVBRYWHBRB Origmtted, tiumuftcturti end guantntted by Cadet Knitting Company :: Philadelphia, Pa 2nd STREET 6 ALLEGHENY AVENUE (I bbbbA bbbbbbbbbbbV c ' UllanV. mmmKn I mKT V eVBaHaattUiBBflv' jK ml mmllfk y That Dingy Film Which old-way brushing left en teeth r Under old brushing methods, as most peo ple knew, teeth etill discolored, still decayed. Beautiful teeth were seen less often than to day. Teeth troubles had se constantly in creased that very few escaped them. New it is known that the chief reason lay In film. That is the cause of most teeth troubles. That is what makes teeth dingy. Ne ordinary teeth paste could effectively combat film. Se much film was left te dim the teeth and threaten serious damage. Tha great teeth enemy Film is that viscous coat you feeL It clings te teeth, gets between the teeth and stays. The film absorbs stains, then forms cloudy coats. Tartar is based en film. Film also holds feed substance which fer ments and forma acids. It holds the acids in contact with the teeth te cause decay. Germs breed by millions in it They, with tartar, are tha chief cause of pyorrhea. Brushing could net combat these troubles when it left that film Intact New ways te combat it Te meet this situation, dental science sought for film combatants. Twe effective autheds were discovered. One acts te curdle film, one te remove it, and without any harm ful scouring. Many careful tests proved these methods efficient Authorities endorsed them, then leading dentists everywhere began te urge their use. A new-type teeth paste was created, based en modern research. It brings five effects new considered essential It avoids some old mistakes. These two new film combatants are embodied in it The name of that teeth paste is Pepsedent Old affects ravsrtad Pepsedent also multiplies the starch digss tant In the saliva. That is there te digest starch deposits which may otherwise ferment and form acids. It multiplies the alkalinity of the saliva. That is there te neutralise mouth adds which cause teeth decay. Every use gives manifold power te these great teeth-protecting agents in the mouth. Old-type teeth pastas, based en soap aad chalk, brought Just opposite effects. They weakened Nature. That is why these princi ples were changed. Pepsedent also polishes the teeth se film less easily adheres. IVKRMLE LI JONOmiES 77iis Test is Free The coupon will bring you a 10-Day Tube of Pepsedent. Mail it today. Yeu ewe this test te yourself and your family. It will show the way te benefits which none would go without. Watch the changes which one week will bring. Then new beauty came te millions Pepsedent came quickly late very wide use, largely by dental advice. New careful people of some fifty nations employ it Te minions of people it has brought new beauty, new protection. Nete the glistening teeth you see en every side today. Nete the smiles that ahew them. These pearly teeth mean safer, cleaner teeth. All can easily sse that a new era has came in this branch of dents! hygiene. Send the coupon for a 10-Day Tube. Nete hew clean the teeth feel after using. Mark the absence of the viscous film. See hew teeth whiten as the film-coats disappear. The results will surprise and delight you. And they will lead you, we think, te gain the benefits which millions new enjoy. Cut out the coupon new. V eMsBsaWseBBeMslMseV PAT. OFF. J PsSESSasfivL REG. U.S. Tht Ntw- Day Dtntifric A new-type teeth paste, made te secure five new effects, new known te be essential. Advised by leading dentists Ike world ever. All druggists eupply.tbe large tubes. 10-Day Tube Free 10" THS PEPSODENT COMPANY, Dept. F-S5, 1104 80. Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. Mail 10-Day Tube of Pepsedent te ' '" Qmy""i'M tubi'te "a" ramify. BaMisii"iii""ss"aMSBd Would Keep Alt American Po litical Controversies Within Borders of Natien WILLING TO ASSIST EUROPE Beaten. Oct, 81. The foreign policy of the Harding Administration is nn American policy, aiming at hclofelnora and understanding among the nations, but net at the expense of entanglements hampering American independence, wee- ing Hui fectlre and constitutional leadership. That Is the reason wasteful expendi tures have been cut, necessary ccoiio cceiio ccoiie rales enforced, efflclenrj vastly In creased and our great national concerns safeguarded, "This method and result nre due te the ftpirit and purpese which have dominated the Administration. They are due te the sagacity, the steadiness, the inexhausttble energy, the constant labor, the intimate knowledge of human nature, as well ns of govern mental affairs, the Immediate, and Just appraisement of difficult situations, the courteous consideration and kindly dis position, and especially the untiring seal for the public Interest which char acterizes our chief, Warren O. Hard ing, the President of the United States. "It would be difficult te imagine a worse tangle In our foreign relations than that with which this Administration was required te deal. It took office two cars and nearly four months after the armistice, but we were ret at war. The peace negotiations had evoked a bitter and undying controversy. It had been IT ENFORCEMENT retary IiugbeS'aald in an address last patent, I think, te these who had en night at a ..Republican rally in Sym phony Hall, held te forward the cam paign of Senater Ledge. Republican candidate te succeed himself. Secretary Hughes reviewed the rec ord of the Administration in its deal ings with ether countries. "I de net think the foreign policy of the Administration needs defense, but I should like as far as possible te have It understood," he said, "it is net a partisan policy. Would that we could keep all our political disputes within the three-mile limit. It is an American policy, and I believe te nny one who had the intimate acquaintance with situations which can only be had by these entrusted with the confidences of foreign relations, it would appear te be the only policy which properly serves American Interests." Mr. Hughes' address drew enthusi astic applauee from the well-filled hall. The Secretary of State was Introduced by Jehn L. Dates, former Governer. Tribute te Mr. Ledge Secretary Hughes In his address ct tolled Senater Ledge, chairman of the Committee 'en Foreign Relations and Republican leader of the Senate. "I cannot think that at such a time Massachusetts would permit the country te be deprived of the benefit of the service of the most experienced man In the 8enat In foreign affairs," he said. "It would only be In a miner degree the less of Massachusetts; It would be the Irreparable less of the Natien. Ne differences ever particular points of policy can obscure the long record of distinguished services, the accurate knowledge, the intimate ac quaintances with every foreign problem, and the bread culture of tha senior Senater from Massachusetts. "This Administration ,s untangling the skein which it received. The result is a restored confidence and prosperity, a better understanding, and an en hanced influence." Helping Hand te Europe. Se far as Europe is concerned, Mr. Hughes declared. President Harding and his advisers always have been ready te lend a helping hand where It would de the most geed, but are net willing te fritter away the influence of the United States by intervention in con troversies thnt nre rooted in age-old national rivalries. The Secretary declared that In a humanitarian way and through the channels of trade the United States was really giving aid of a value Incalculable. He praised the Arms Conference agree ments as meaning "the rescue of the world from despair" and predicted that desnlte the present delay the Washing ten treaties would be ratified by all the rewrrtf signatory te them. Ultimate failure of the conference program, he asserted, had been precluded in nny cese by the ratifications already voted by the United States, Great Britain and Japan. Among the ether accomplishments re viewed by Mr. Hughes as a part of the constructive program of the Administra tion were the negotiation of a peace treaty with Germany, the Yap agree ment protecting American ietereets in the mandate islnnds of the Pacific, the reorganization of Cubn'n finances, the Tacna-Arica arbitration agreement be tween Chile and Peru, the calling of n conference here of Central American re. publics, and the stabilization of Haiti and San Dominge. tidying , I thli UPHELD BY Fllffi T Mtii ;"f'v-E Baltimore Yearly Meeting Agrees That Velstead Law Should Be Supported ENGLAND SENDS MESSAGE aeavereu 10 estimate tne pumic Judg ment that the American people would never consent te assume any obligation, moral or legal, which would fetter their appropriate freedom of action in un known contingencies. rvers World Court "We favor, and always have favored, an international court of Justice for the determination according te Judicial standards of Justiciable international dispute. "I believe that suitable arrangements can be made for the participation by tins Government 111 tne election n Judges of the International court which has been set ud se that thlH Government may give its formal support te that court as an independent tribunal of international justice. 10 support an Institution you must have proper pro pre vision for a voice in ice constitution, and I thing that prevision te this end can he made. "The fundamental and pressing prob lems of Europe are political problems involving national hopes and fears; deep-seated convictions as te national safety and opportunity; national ambi tions, in some cases long cherished, in ethers recently awakened; established policies which have become postulate in the thought of peoples. The reason that the main problem of Europe cauuet be solved save as Europe helps herself lies in the fact that each major diffi culty centers in the self-determined action of Independent state end I r r yeml external control. There is no reason why we should fritter away our helpful Influence by becoming a parti san of either party te such controver sies, much less make the fital mistake of nttempti::g te assume the role of dictator. Handicap of Europe "Hurepe Is at this moment burdened with the expense of large nrmies heavily disproportionate te the financial ability of the respective states te maintain Baltimore, Oct. 31. The annual business session of the Baltimore yearly meeting of Friends convened yesterday in Park Avenue Meeting Heuse Repre sentatives from the subordinate meet ings in Maryland, Virginia and West ern Pennsylvania and several visiting Friends from ether meetings were pres ent. Edward C. Wilsen was presiding clerk, assisted by Susan T. Prldgeen and Helen E. Harper. The proceedings began with a prayer for consecration by Isaac Wilsen, after which a minute was read from the Westbury, L. I., Meeting. There were also two minutes read from England, commending the mlMlen te this coun try, ey J. Rowntree Glllett and Dr. Henry I. Glllett. In responding te a welcome the Eng lish Friends spoke of their growing at tachment te American Friends. That, they said, wae greatly helped by their co-operation In the reconstructive work In Europe. Londen Epistle Read The general epistle from the Londen Tcarly Meeting said that the duty of Friends was te cheese the dangerous and difficult path rather than te go along in an easy and comfortable way of compromise. That would call for selt-aacrlflce and temporary defeat, but in the end the Christian ideals would be realised. In the discussion which followed Dr. O. Edward Janney, Alice Robinson, Mary Magruder, Daniel Batcheller and Isaac Wilsen took part. The epistle from New Yerk told of much work done along various lines and of hew the fundamental truths of Christianity were being set forth in new forms of service. The epistle from the Philadelphia Yearly Meeting urged a deepening of the , religious spirit for every phase of life. What they needed was net complacency, but strength te meet the difficult duties before them and te rle te what the world expected of them. Dr. O. Edward Janney read n report of the 230th anniversary of the Halt!- Wmi.i k a x k ' -aT Ynuntr ivisaiifi UUUUllUiuiy ':.::," An important Philad.lahkVCv manufacturer nates a cape , . ble young man te prepare ,'! and execute tha publishing c and mailing of sales prema- tien literature for a, new but nationally advertised prod- . uet. Willingness te work, ideas,, , some writing and layantitt experience, together with euf- ficient personality te, davalSs) ' ink an able executive, ,ar essential. Please state education, age," : experience, salary require ment and incleee samples of work. A 330, Ledger Office. Policy Toward Mexico the Toward the people of Mexico Secretary said, the United States enter tains only the friendliest sentiments, although It Is unwilling te recognize any Mexican internal policy based upon confiscatery measures against for eigners. He alluded also te the Near Eastern situation, repeating the declar ation that the American Government, although interested deeply in some phases of the Near Eastern settlement, cannot appropriately attend the Lausanne peace conference because it was called te settle a war te which the United States was net a party. "Of course there have been differ ences of view, freely expressed," Mr. Hughes said. "That is a wholesome DRIVER HURT AS AUTO CRASHES INTO POLE William CnnipTiell, 19 Neith Thiity-feurth street, wa3 badly injured today when an automobile he was drivin cgrashed into a telegraph pole at Seventy-ninth street and Lyens avenue. He is in the Mlsci'.cerdia Hospital. TACNA-ARICA DEBATES STILL DRAG ALONG SANTIAGO, Oct. 31. Interest in debates ever the Tacna Arica protocol has decreased in the Heuse, but the discussions are still continuing aiid.the same arguments are being made arm lc-mnde for and against the agreements reached with the Peruvian delegates at Washington. A preiuiiunt congressman picdictcd about seventy votes would favor latifying the proto col with twtuly-five against. them. These armies are maintained ' mere Yearly Meeting at which thirteen became of dictnist, apprehension nnd ' Ycflr,y Meetings were represented, notional aspirations. Every effort te Dry Law Is Upheld remove the burden bv agreement as te The reading of the querle"!, with the limitation of land armament has failed. ?""ri,lx;L1!,Vli1').ti.CfV fT T , ... . . . 1 incs summarized tuc reports 01 all the It is recognized that nothing eon be 'Monthly Meetings, were di-cussed. The done without the consent of tli Powers chief intereht centered en the eighth directly concerned and that they are , 'il1,?';' r?1"ti,W Uii.VS'il 1? S" net remlv te eniiEeni cetic In the discussion it was gen- net reaiiy te consent. rn,. nreii ,i.nt ti. Vn Utnmi iw But while the question of reduction should be strongly fiipperted Celebrate Hallewe'en Tuesday, October 31st ; in tha T Lerraine Winter Garden Bread St. at Fairmount Ave. t Five All-Star Cabaret Act Dancing Special Souvenir. Black Cats, Spooks, Wltchas,. j Pumpkins, Confetti, I Paper Hats, ate. ' nesting etpMitr 600 Make reservations na Phene Poplar OHO. Atk for Bead "Waitf sMBVsWsHaaaBMBVBsVaVsl . s ' i'M, 'a? aJggwl sgsV. Vj r .&-. lis I T'fBBswPrW' Vm I -' 'WBB J-l-1 - r'SJ The Lariton is typical of the many valu able hotel properties which Wilsen has beautified and protected with the skillful use of paints and painting that will stand the test of time. ,. Painttn einee 1851 2039 Arch Street SraCCS SS1T-SB7S BACK 4Btfr4Set Jams S. Wiliea k Sea, lac. iiffifn sat vfc WlTRwWsj in land at moments could net be solved phin WbI because of conditions in Europe, there nff &"VYtfrm2: was en opportunity presented te us. be- nfT Jeseph I. Knight and dau Mm. pa . a.... .ni.ll .1n4lAM .a ,l. .B..KAlln Pnl).. f((la.l TVl n-tl I II ! cause of our special relation te the matter, te deal with the question of sign; there have been no attempts t0 navnl nrmament and te step the naval establish a one-man rule. The Execu tive haa fully eppreclated he great powers confided te him by the Consti tution and he is exercising them. "The American Government is being conducted without usurpation and with the proper influence and power or ef- A National Bank Under Gov- ernment stipends i e n insures Strength and Security. 4 Interest en Savings National Bank of Commerce 713 Chestnut St ihu T. VMnll. tail-tai menp Philadelphia Friends present , William ;. .Tnn- ' dauchter. 1 Vrabella Carter. Miriam Tomlinson and Charles Bransen and wife. competition upon which we had entered with Great Britain and Japan. "The conference 011 this subject net only furnished nn oppeittinlty for, but the eijency required, the considera tion of I'nr Eastern problems. When this Administration tame into power the air ni life with vuinnis, and the ' RUIN FRANKLIN RELIC Souvenir Hunters Destroying His Flrat Heme Here The first Iieubb occupied by Ben jamin PranWln en coming te this city n...i.i.,.li, ,i,.. mnt.-n i, s arauueuy msappcanns uue te w f"- uii iliUke 110 Mtiixi 11 j - - -- biisliiftt te Mir up Mispkien and dls- 1 renewed activities of souvenir hunters. truBt by attacks upon the motives and -1,0 within the last two weeks have in-purpeM-B of ether peoples, weie at work 'vnjc,i it bv hundreds and carried it with a larger mcuMire of sticresB than,nwev piecemeal, according te efficers1 any uettial point of difference justified. 0f the Peer Htchard Club. J It was one of these conditions which 1 N b b k b th requires the immediate application of 1 nlltilel.lti0, ,0 nrcaerve the relic which preventive medicine, and this was ap- Anmf. lmed" adelphia Delaware River Bridge, nnd "Then, and of outstanding signifi- which eventually will be demolished tin tin cance in the interest of peace, there ie(.(, it js removed. "ft,!eee? llLTTZ Vm C, A. Stlnsen. president of the Peer Hilt. ! " tWIMIII VMMIllllln ' V IVM PLUMBING FIXTURES OF DISTINCTION Th- ntneliit iitiltiirT nnl 8ILENT ft"-r of lUIi tnlil ral.9 It rr cM,lrn.iK Ker. Ineli Is uneir-wMtK. far rlcnet Prt faction tliti eutBt If flrit. riamblnc nnd Hratlnx Srtnnllf SO N. 5th St. 529 Arch St. Pails. Camden, N. J. I.unntlmvnr, l'a. I'lnhnn, fMttM ti'sntn t llnnfntnlii K Mates te any alliance, nietliled that p , , ctHtP ucant wl,e own &rTrin&n.:Wr Kffi Z HrbtepV ,? "- .,"""""""":";: et tne rtrencm nnd mnae unuwn me .1 . .! ... a . ui iur iiiuiiviu comer wgcti cr wm 1 pec ' "ny lntPntlen of th,. Pib te move the heu controversy that might arise Invoking , p.irmninit Pirk such rights. The tes.ilt is that we have te roirmeunt iarn. established coil will and co-operation in the Far Kast In the place of mutual . SHORE FISHERMAN DROWNS distrust. I Coated Tongue Nature's Warning of Faulty Elimination When you are constipated, net enough of Nature's lubricating liquid is pro pre duced in the bowel te keep the feed waste soft and moving. Doctors prescribe Nujel because it acts like this natural lubricant end thus replaces it. nuiei is) a lubricant net a medicine or laxative se cannot gripe. Try it today. A UiBWCANf -NOT A CAXATlVt ' "This conference was net a partisan I enterprise, and I de net speak of It In n partisan wa. It is but just, how hew how ever, te give te the Administration 'credit for the conference, which ceula 1 net have been called, and for the re sults, which could net have been achieved without its leadership. , "There is tome tendency, en the part I of our critics, te comment cynically upon the fact that the conference 1 treaties hae net jet been ratified by all the Powers, and hence, nre net yet 'In effect. Hits comment Is lcally Guests en Moter Cruiser Save An An other Who Gees Overboard ' Charles Godfrey, a fisherman living at Georgia nnd Arctic avenues. At lantaie City, drowned nnd Jeseph ' Tayler, of the same millions, had n narrow iscepe last night when a small' beat they had In tow of their cruiser capsized as they were endcnxeiing te! toss seines evet beard. ' P. J. Daley, of Baltimore, and Prank M. .Tenes, of rrankfenl. guestH 11 be.i rd the cruiser, lewucn la; Iur bv in effect. This comment Is u-ally i"" '"' ""',,. ', ,."V.' V'-""' ' tribute, for it eulj serves te emphasize tes,B hlm n llnr- l)l,t Godfrey was 1 Ihn importance of the conference nnd its !? ""'J'- , , , , ... ... 1 achievements and hew much would be . ' h,,,cr"'8n ","171 ,,,' , n' ,l J ' lest if the trellies failed Well I ler ,,1 h"'1 llP'l ",te unconscious- , think, the? need nel go'inte nmurnlng ?" "V" revivfd and breU8,,t ,0 , as jet. The treaties, in my opinion, are net going te full. "Great Britain and Japan have rati fied nil the treaties: thus the three J great naval Powers which were in com petition the L'nlted States, Great j Britain and Japan- have done all with , in their power te make the action of mr ruiiiereni'e I'lifiiivt. uai in m wie utmost significance; that precluded all thought of the ultimate failure of the work of the conference. I have no reason te believe that the ether signa tories France and Italy will fall te ratlfy."i his home here. Court Cites Read Men Ilarrisburg. Oct. .11. - Peremptory mandamus proceedings were filed j ester day by ( K. Alter, Attorney Gen einl, agatic-t Samuel Bulley, James llelnly nnd Jacob H. Seldel, rend su su iiervlseis of Greenwich Township, llerka County, te compel them te hie reports for 1(1110 anil lUlil showing amount of highway taxes levied and collected, read repair an;' improvement work done In tuelr dijrlct In these Se'3ai YEJeBKM I 1 A Treat At Mid-day Luncheons Like This Greet Yeu Daily 11 te 2:30 75c I'lckM Pet Bei-lx WeMerf hMed I'rt'.li 1 ulna te with I! Ice Soup tntreei CIieIcp nf Hrtlint 1 nub rimpt l'nt ltnA.t -Krltil Chicken Mrtr Vge'.ibla Msthcil reta tees llncet A Rhuc btrlng IKies Umertt Ch'jhn I'uninVIn I'U uf . , lc Cruaa Apple Tirt llrur) pi'U Melen Cnfffn T Milk $1 Table d'Hete Dinner, 1 I He 8t30 cAlCLUBlN WALNUT STREET ABOVK TWEUTTU m W 'U 1 L JVi I -m( '.t