Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 30, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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11 and 4:45'
Ctilmci at Noen
Stere Opens at 9
Stere Closes at 5
presenting, Each Day, Seme New and Levely Phase of Fashion
t "H
' -$y
A Wise Man Is
- He must net lie still and wait for them te come
Jeng, for they de net always come when wanted.
Heiust take time by the forelock and see te it
that opportunity does net ride by him while he plays
peel, or gees te the races or the pugilists' show.
Neither should he oversleep himself.
October 30, 1032.
Distinctive Tailleur Frecks for
$bung Women, $37.50 te $65
I Tnilnrerl nf fitll! Pnirpt t.WllU 111 fhe fnvnvite mulninhf
blues and the fashionable browns.
An extremely effective model
m its surplice bodice fulled into
t bread low hip-band of bright
colored embroidery, matching the
M ruffs.
On another the gavly embreid-
ncd belt darts
un the bodice in
.X - m
Still another has its wide
The Fur Cleth Suit
for Mademoiselle
One of the, smartest sartorial notes of the
Carried out completely in black moire caracul
cloth, perfectly resembling the actual fur. The
becoming bloused jacket cellared and cuffed with
brown wolf. Priced $110.
With skirt of handsome duvetyn, topped by
jacket of the caracul cloth, cellared with black fox.
Jackets lined with crepe de chine or duvetyn
and warmly interlined,
In sizes 14 te 20 years.
(en mill I luiir)
Women's Tailored Suits
at $35 Notably Geed
Here are eight styles of the severely simple and practical
tyles of Buits which five out
dispensable te the Winter wardrobe.
They are cut from Peirct twill.
icetinc and various mannish mn
Hsls in hrewriH. hlnrU.nnil-v.'liite
Knocks, nnrl npcv nnl Itlnel.- iUn
pst two colors being rather un
gual in suits that cost se little.
New Black Silk
Blouses. Conservative
or Otherwise
l mimhni nf cti'lfa tViv ii'iiiiiiin
Jhp want something quite plain
11(1 (llftllflnl r ,..:!. .(-....I..
"llered suit. Most of these are in
ll-blnck Mlk or satin.
Al bhick silk blouses which are
most frivolous with bands and
wilar and rtifTs of the briehtest
? blue, for example. Such a
;ue, and a h se pretty, is
Anether round-neck blouse with
WKing ,U, front nm uack ju H.
"lack (-repp ,e chine is $10.85. And
"luck satin blouse with 11 souure
jSk and turnover cellar edged
" (milling is $7.r.0.
(Tlilril Fleer)
Woolen Remnants
Short lengths of serge, tricetlnc, Peirct twill,
broadcloth, wool crepe, crepella, chnllls? vcleur, coot-.
in,', skirtings and ether seasonable wool fabrics.
Hanging from a yard or less te enough for a
dress or ceat.
Savings uverage one-third. .
, , UlrU Fleer) '
a Maker of
sleeves and belt embroidered in
silver. A number of ether models.
Priced at $37.50, $48, $55 and
$65, and presenting the utmost of
quality and style distinction at
each price.
In sir.es 14 te 20 years.
of every ten women feel are
Anether thing te remember is
thnt large women can be fitted in
these suits the sizes running
from fit te i'OM: inches in the let.
Many of the coats, incidentally,
button high at the threat.
Most Women Cheese
Rninnnats in Colored
Oil Silk
They a-e pretty and cheerful en
a dull day, there is no question
about thnt, but they have many
ether geed qualitic 10 recommend
Many women appreciate the
lightness in weight, the fact that
thev can be folded up into n very
small space te tuck into 11 traveling
hag, nnd then there is the wear.
Frail as they leek, they are really
remarkably durable.
Men important than all. no rain
can Ret through. In all the pret
tiest colorings, amply full te go en
ever a suit, $-0.
(Flrnl Fleer)
Women 's
Special at $1.75
Full-fashioned silk stock
ings, smooth and fine, are
silk from top te tees and
come in black, white and
Weel stockings are in
heather mixtures, camel's
hair tan or black with verti
cal stripes of silk.
Sizes 82 te 10 in each
(Wtt AIkIc)
Deep Bertha Cellars
$1 and $1.50
Small prices for becoming bertha
cellnis of net, often trimmed with
lnce! Very effective and very
(Main Fleer)
Prices Are Lowered
en Manicure Sets
Many men's sets are included,
and all are in geed leather cases,
nicely lined. Instruments are of
the best quality steel, and the num
ber of pieces varies from four te
a dozen or se. They are well
worth buying ahead for gifts.
$4.50 te $10.
(Mnln Fleer)
Men's, women's and children's
sizes 28, 26 and 24 inch sizes
respectively; all with strong
paragon frames covered with
block cotton taffeta. The men's
have weed handles; nnd the
women's and children's usually
have weed handles with bakc
lite rings.
(Main Fleer)
Square Veils Have
Flowing Grace
that no ether veils can claim.
These are particularly pretty for
such inexpensive veils, an they
have charf ing border?. There" is
a variety of meshes in tones of
brown, blue, taupe and gray, nlse
in black and white. $1..'0.
(Mulu Doer)
Nevel Printed Silk
Gayly printed Canten crepes are
the latest things in the petticoat
world, nnd among the prettiest
with their scallops and deep silk
fringe. They come in several dif
ferent color schemes and are $10.50
nnd $15.30.
With them arc heavy black satin
petticoats with straight edges and
borders embroidered in strong
colors. These arc $1."..'0.
(Tlilnl Fleer)
A Case of Old-World
in "Antiques" is interesting te
these who love .such things. They
are portraits of a poed deal of per
sonal charm, delicately painted en
ivory. Seme are in locket form,
ethers framed in carved ivory or
weed. Priced from $20 up.
(I'lflll Fleur)
Sweater Sets
It l.-i
diflieult te get enough of I
mem, ier nicy ue su whiiu
se cunning that every mother with
a child of two te four years wants
one. Ne wonder, either, for they
make children leek like co?y little
Teddy bears.
Of brushed wee), mostly In tan
or white, each set includes a sweat
er, a cap, drawer leggings and
mittens. $6.50 te $10.
(Tlilril Fleer)
Tree Elastic Girdles
in Beautiful Novelties
Among the newest nre some in
silk breche and elastic combined,
ethers nre all elastic and they come
j in pink or maize color at S?le,."0,
I $15, $10.50 and ?18,
I There are nlse n number of less
I expensive models in elastic, plain
ceutil or breche finish at $i!.'r0 te
I $10. Step-in girdles which nre en-"
1 tirely of elastic arc $7 and $8.
' They all have a special strip at
i the waist line te keep t'icm from
I riding up en the figure,
(Tblrt Fleer)
Duplex Lisle Gloves
Give Deuble Warmth
Made of two thicknesses of lisle.
Perfectly cut anil finished in an
excellent suede d"ect.v If alway.i
washed in cold water, the fine finish
Is permanently retained.
Women's tab-wrist gloves with
flvc-inch tops, in tan, beaver,
brown, pray, black or white, .$1.63
n pair.
Twc'.ve-bulten length mousquu meusquu
tairc, in tan, beaver, white, $2.23
a pair.
(mum Fleer)
Levely Beaded Net
Tunics Quickly
Change Inte Gowns
And such gorgeous evening
gowns as they de make! It requires
only an under-sllp of silk or metal
cloth te complete the transforma
tion. Steel, jade, flame, c m e r a 1 d,
fuchsia, bronze, apricot, white,
mauve and black one scarcely
knows which is the mere beautiful.
Seme arc in the new draped fash
ion, ethers arc plain or have flying
panels. They are from $22 te
(Mnln Fleer)
Halloween Costumes
in a Hurry!
That is where the Halloween
Stere en the Seventh Fleer can be
of real service. Halloween cos
tumes of every kind are here, for
i children nnd grown-ups, priced
from $1.C0 te $20.
Masks, stars, coin spangles, etc.
ever$hing for Halloween and
costume parties!
Children's Black-and-White
Clowns at $1.50
Patch clowns arc $2 and pocket
clowns (with big shirred pockets
en each side for nuts) are $2.50.
Fer Grewn-Ups
i Yama yama suits, in purple,
black or green, are $tf.
Carmen suits, all complete, are
Turkish women's costume, $0.30;
a French maiden, SO.
The sheik's suit is $8.
Glittering Head-dresses
of various kind:, from geld-braid
bands with three upstanding
(e ruth
Halloween Candies
Child k in Halloween colors
yellow and orange tones, that
will glisten in the candlelight.
Chocolate straws (some in de
licious orange flavoring), hard
candies of many sizes and shapes,
spun .sugar wafers, etc., 70c a
(Down Mnlr
The" Whirlpool ' 'Electric
Dishwasher Is aPractical
Household Convenience
"Dees it really work?"
"Dees it wash the dishes clean?"
"But, what about drying the dishes?"
These are some of the questions that interested
housekeepers ask. The "Whirlpool" certainly does
work and it does wash dishes clean cleaner than
the average hand method. The dishes are put into a
wire rack and het soapy water is run ever them with
suflicient strength te cleanse them thoroughly.
Te dry them, simply drain off the soapy water
and run het, clear water ever the dishes and they
will dry in the racks in almost no time.
Each dishwasher is mounted en rollers and can
be rolled into the dining room for the gathering up
of the dishes and pushed te the kitchen for then
washing. ' Of sound copper construction, this dishwasher
is one of the happiest illustrations of the application
of electricity te modern housekeeping problems.
Price, $95.
(Fourth Fleer)
A Bicycle With a Reputation,
the Wanamaker "Continental"
The reputation of the "Continental" is based en service,
service proven by the test of
This year the "Continental" Is, if anything, better than
ever ; and the price is lower.
Every "Continental" machine is handsomely finished,
pquipped with heavy read tires, coaster brake, front and rear
mud guards, rear red light, tool-bag and tools.
Men's and Women's Arc New $32.50
Junier Medels Are New $30
(The lnllcr
Real Comfert in
These Down Quilts
$13.50 and $20
Made in our own workrooms
and made with extra cans te in
sure excellence of leeks nnd
Filled with clean, deodorized
down and covered with bateen
in plain shades of rose, blue,
green, gftiy and copper, at
Others in coverings of the
best habutai, or Japanese sill;,
interlined, priced at 20.
All nre nut 2 yarh s-junre.
(Mlli Meer)
Werth While
New Beeks
"The Heuse That Died," by
Henry Berdeaux,, member of
the French Academy, is a
deeply moving story of the
life of a French family in the
mountains bordering en Swit
zerland. $1.75.
"Pippin," by Archibald Mar
shall. A novel of uncommon
charm, even 'for this writer.
"Support," byMnrgaret Ash
num. A tale which deals
with the complexities of fam
ily life. $2.
"Gigele," by Edna Ferber.
Eight remarkable short
stories are included in this
book. $1.75.
"Frown Justice." bv Ejnar
Mikkolsen. Alaskn's frozen
snows are the story's back
ground.. $l.7e.
"The Poisoned Paradise," by
Kebert W. Seivicc. Mr. Serv
ice's ..first novel for many
years. $2.
"The Kingmakers," by Burten
Stevenson. $1.90.
(Main Fleer)
spangled stars te elaborate jin
gling coin-head coverings, are 75c
te S1.50. Anklets, armlets and
bracelets", necklaces, ca.Tings, etc.,
arc 35c te" $1.50.
Te Complete Costumes
There arc coin spangles at loc
a dozen; silver and geld-colored
tassels, stars and everything one
could need. Masks, noise-makers
and novelties of all sorts are 5c te
The bcsl salted peanuts are SUc
a pound and the hostess almost
always waits te get them until the
day of the party.
Other salted nuts are $1.50 a
Halloween surprise packages of
candy are $2.25.
New Decorated
Crystal of Unusual
Fine, clear crystal glass, with
a one-inch border of pebbled en
crusted geld between two black
'Iln effect h particularly at
tractive. In the collection ate these
as well as many ether piece? :
Competes. $3.7.1 and Sit.
Cheese and cracker dishes, $6.7.).
Hnndled sandwich (rays, $f.7.".
Ma)onnuie sets, $1,30.
Footed candy boxes, $fi.".".
lien bon trays, $3.50.
Footed Iruit bowls, $12,50,
Similar pieces may be had in the
same geld decoration, but en n
jnde colored glass, instead of the
idem riyslul, prices being about
thp 8anief
V (r-eaHk Fleer)
Frem the Orient Orient
Ivery Necklaces
Newly arrived necklaces of plain,
rather small round beads at $7 a
string; of plain beads with three
carved beads among them at $10
a string; and of plain graduated
beads, somewhat larger, at $12.50
u string.
Strings of richly carved ivory
beads are $40.
Seft creamy-toned ivory pend
ants are $8.50. Pendants of a
whiter ivory nre $10.50 and $15.
"Ivery earrings are $17.50 and
(Main Fleer)
Queen Mary
Bouquet d'Orient
Extract, $1.23 and $2.30.
Toilet water, $2.50.
A delightful fragrance and the
fact that it is our own Queen
Mary brand speaks for the quality
of both.
' (Main Fleer)
Many Masqueraders
Will Wear Earrings
Leng earrings of glinting crystal
light, bio; rings of jet black, bright
red or green earrings earrings
of the right kinds will give accent
te one's whole costume. Of course,
one might like te wear them after
wards, as well! 50c te $2.50 a
(Main Fleer)
New Geld-Plated
Photograph Frames
With the Charm of
the Antique
Everything about them is se '
well made, se carefully and artisti- '
cally finished! They are per- I
feet in every detail, from the .
many delicate and lovely designs
of the antique-finished, geld-plated I
frames, themselves, te the dull '
gray velvet backs. j
They have easels and al.e rings
with which te hang them up. In
many sizes with various widths '
of frames. $4 te $16.
(Matn Fleer)
Artificial Flowers of
Great Naturalness
aie ready te fill the vases that the
frost is emptying. They're re
markably geed reproductions of
real flowers, and their variety
seems endless geraniums, nas
turtiums, Autumn leaves, wistaria,
daisies, hollyhocks, chrysanthe
mums, asters, sweet peas, carna
tion's, roses and nearly a dozen
ether kinds.
(Fourth rioer)
Little Beys' Suits in
Fresh Colorings
Such clear, pretty colors nnd
such sturdy fine materials that one
can judge hew well they'll launder!
Styles are net one whit behind in
attractiveness either. Seme of
them show smocks. Others are
in Oliver Twist styles. Many show
hand-work. Sizes two te five
years, ?'J.50 te $6.50.
(Third Fleer)
The Town and
Country Ceat Is a
Useful Garment
Active men like it, and no
Fine for golfing, sheeting, skat
ing, or in fact any outdoor sport.
Leather-lined and made with
leather sleeve".
In plaid", herringbone weaves,
wool coatings and tweeds.
Light in weight, yet affording
jxcellent protection from cold and
The leather-lined body and
leather sleeve keep the wind out
and the warmth in.
Liked also by net a few women.
especially these who are much
1'rices, $lfl..")0 te ?J2.50.
(Thf fidllrrj)
Many Fine New Chinese Rugs
in the Oriental Rug Sale
Small, large and medium size pieces, all of superior qual
ity and in a fascinating selection of color effects.
There is a wonderful choice in carpet sizes, ranging from
6x9 te 12x10 ft. at $75 te $825.
In between are many beautiful weaves, all of extra-heavy
quality in the most desirable dimensions, such as SxlO, 9x1'-',
12x15 and 10x1(5 ft.
Among the smaller Chinese nifjs there is a choice in
size 2.6xl.S ft., at M0 te $L, and in size .'l.v ft., at $1.)
te $55.
These arc just one feature of the ak', which embrace a
magnificent assortment of Persian and Caucasian rugs in al'
desirable sizes from mats te great, wonderful carpets in color-
and designs of rare interest and charm.
(Sm-iiiIi I'liMir)
The Ampice
The Chickering
The Knabe Piane
in the favorite diminutive grand form (five feet
two inches) in which it most commends itself te
dwellers in apartments or homes of small dimen
sions. Priced $2850
An unequaled reproducing mechanism in two
of the most exquisite pianos in America in their
most attractive and convenient form.
Making possible the ever-present delight of
music perfectly played by the master pianists of
the world.
Only the marvelous Ampice would be worthy
te couple with pianos of the superb merits .of
these two.
Distributed only by the Wanamaker Piane
Salens in Philadelphia.
(Egyptian Hall. treiid Meer)
A Let of Men Want Shirts
With Stiff Cuffs
In fact, it's somewhat of a fashion, and two smart groups
are here.
First of all. the geed old woven madras, firm and durable,
is in a bevy of stripes as neat as a pin. The besoms are soft
and plain. Price $,'.
Then the fast-color percale shirts with pleated besoms
are favorites with many men. In stripes and checks, $2.
(Mnln Fleer)
Yeung Men's New Oxfords
Have Repe Stitching
It's a new ornamentation that young men like and it gees
cry well with the general style of these new brogues of tan
Viking calf. They aie built for service and long wear and have
the right touch of youth in their line?. $10.
(Mnln Fleer)
Much That Is New and
Interesting in
Particularly in novel and clever individual pieces.
There are new secretaries, new library table-desks
of the drop-lid type, new folding-top tables, new highboys-,
new corner cabinet?.
Many are decidedly ingenious adaptations of fine old
Sheraton. Hcppulwhilc a'd Chippendale originals.
All are made en handsome lines typifying the best
ideas in furniture designing.
They are of mahogany and, as a collection, are as
fine examples of crotch veneering as we have ever shown.
Prices from $G0 for a console table te 9350 for a
Chippendale secretary.
I liflti I loerl
'' If T. " jl I
lv ?. il- 1T.1 i ; tft .
A" i