h- ifii km 'i- F hniiRT.nAiinHTFR . aawwaiw iriiwwmwn SLEW CHRISTLER Mether of Mrs. Carleton Un- willing te Accept Verdict of 3 Corener's Jury MYSTERY OVER REVOLVER Hare. Ment., Oct. f'.O---"W'liile Mr Chrlsthr today was en nn cnstheuml train accompanying the body of her tilaln hubarid. the Rev. Leenard J. Christlcr, i ft ler of St. Merit' Lpi Lpi .epal Chun-h and known n the "BMiep of. nil iitilenr-." Miv. Jeeph Vi mother of Mr Mntsaret Carleton whose body was found bciile tha' ' Clirliile w attempting te prove thit her dautfhtu' did i"'t leminit murder and sujikie . A Coronet'" jtirv t.r-ucht in a v. -.cterda Matin-: thai Mis. i..i,..te Mlled Mr t'liti" ' 'ir"1 ,,,cn rher h,r. self while fcmpei.il 1 ilxratiRci Thleian tel.l ihe jur h li"llc fl M Carleton hj in n from nn r dose ei" Oceviti?, pewdurs. Mr. Chrlstlcr left wiih tbe tiedy at her tun band for A .it?rl"e. N V . r"tcrdaj In .pltc of thr lorencr i jur voMiet. Mr rle hn Ktriplcye'l " nttorney ml is rhdoaerin.' t Hnd ''vidti.-... that nlll pnn l'T djush''' 1" ,ir" ''','" mit the Tim .. , . . "I de ti" boliTe Aiarcaret lid it. Mild Mr. P1'" bnrt nfter hT n'rival in lt.ir' from her home ill Bill ip 1 oed'tho1;,,;8 l!.'r "Vuce . " rf rai,;ibe-:,lr7b1:;;r ii;' vac iiiceevercd. .m.lr ..nrned w a feiuid In Mrs. ,- et ,nMui.ifH.S . . Mr' lve in r.ew enp5e l piecinjr together bits of h tern l-ttr found in th nti-hiU. ' i" '" diiushter'v ne'ii nil which n.-declares ! In Mr Clirit- Itr's "triune That Mnv Carleton had an n. it i.itieii ter th" mitii-;.'r is adnnt'e. Mr. r.' , , A loner, sjie. i.. " neiii .hi. ."; ion. da 'I -'i i jine-n:, .iiipUM -i, cajs in pirt: . , da 'I -'i I'jlife'iini. Autist 'Je, l 1 le Wl HI riK Jl i r.'t- .1.-.. lateh lb t ' ii net fur that. 1011 saeuiu haxe" ni le.-il r-train t upon jeu. TVn.re t nlinlutel. no rbance for hap- nines for ou as my wife Ther are lets of Reed 5ue.estiil men wne weuia make ten happv. l'mbably jeu have iner ene or. this If hfs i tn, 1 am l'rnbably jeu have inlghtj happy and will de nil I can te fix thlncs - that ou enn be froe te marry." Anacbe.1 te th's l-'ter fias ene nld re be In tl.e barewntins 01 Mr Ch-ls-tlcr. In Jiart it -ay: "Am Biiiuz,d at Krank's ottirnne. Why net be henc-t with earlve? When bis beglnnlns of bonevty t 10 Jirst ray the d'Ms h" contraeted vi'i!' you two wre partners, then tilk aW.u ';i mev.1 te tie nest step; why buck in such a manner what be em- ye-n mnther ami olsewbore tl e Ita'iil tl - of heth of ou and pack all the burden tus liter. His wite toiephenoo. f- Pr. of debt en your heart and shoulders? .Jehn N. Hpangler. of Ieen, but he "Any hew I want te ?"Q you rlesn was our. tnl pre then nimmoned Pr. the "tlate at Havre. Am coming te Iel!. H Will. im. of Berw.xn help. Yenr eteck is coins nn there pr W'ill.am- raeied the houe be Keep It going. Your own etanclard for teen .". ' 0 :.nd tt I'. M., .inH. fernd pluck, common i-ense nnd honesty In the husband ii bed, ery 111. Mentana, your home is gelne te be "Hid Mr'. Merrett tell yef: her In." In." recegnljeu and respected, r time, bind had lien poisoned?" Th'. phc health and Gods bl'lrjs enl sie'tn was n'-ked t day. permit " "Tha 11 eue-tinn T cannot eiV Pr. U'lr'nc - 1 1 mi'tiiRly "This .s les Aneeles. O" n -Iy A. P.) a efts f,,- (i,0 Cuener " Prank Carleton. former Mentana .luds-. a nurse vm'ini wlt'i the r l-'."-I new practicin? law im Les Ansd'-, will nn,i wife Thurdnv nl.-ht, and Mr-, leave today for Hiiro, Ment . te t.M.i sterrett ,. -oce.l t" the l.ev; if il harge of the body t' his wife. Mr- 1 rida merniri; and hr h'f-bar- t yn. Margaret Carleton .fudz r.irlei. n jaj nfternnen was en a meter trip m the Jmpn il , "v pon-nier'em wis trad 'esterday Valley, California, and Lewer Talit.-r. ' en s-err.r's bedr bv 1 -. Herbert nla, when T?nrd rcaeht-.l b , r'lativ. here of 'he Jiath of lii wife j-i.I th. TUt, Leenard J hnsrier it tiavre. W.TCHDt OVE.MHnR ISTO Felltlcil enarci t t-n penirr'rr -ttirtllnc fr3'in y sli efr the v r!j h ih rtil-!t1er C L1ed Oert w pr. 11 the men jmi .n. h N it ra 1 In Le-.den ana -rre;-er!frs eev " prltlf! I1.. f ta" " h' h " Ttced tsr.' " ' w j ' 1' irtii rurstel-.' madt k- " n--s "' " -Z.IC Liters "JIn I Jy.0 'tot. E fesnai -We-fflf?3k. T - iEEfflRnfenHSBVLfHEEMttaHsa j .ii' ti im mptM f smie PlIL.rjIMt BKMfiLfeailWlSwS MiiUsiiuaninHsiii inflKSL BPIbIBSBKpI mIeIB SPLa5fr! saWfK r V, HOME OP Postal Officials Trail Poisoned Cake Sender . tentlnnM from Pice On V(.mr, flr n,ir,MhlnB iba -n.,1 - b en tb myvW n - 1otters an 1 nther papers found in the .. , , ,... . ... .. . i vre.i-ern-r-. neu-u. n,u, ...... .u,, ,., . the lnvetlsnter. Anether so.ireti vat ' .tartf,j tedav. , str'-ett told Innoetor lr-n. ! Mr"' fr.' "a imp, ter . irr.p I en in the prwenrc ..f ( -pen.l Fer, 0f the Star poliec, ihit -he ba.t 1 m.'h a' ln.ve en Tlmr-da.v and tlir.t lu n:..inre.j id hejhc anu (hiukiii. u" .-.nisien. , teiped at the P'ven vntht'e nrl MS SOIl UJe .-III.' lt;in- l u," -' B .1 liill's, po-.itutres. 1 he ran e had a epp.'inl delierj stam line are no xaouuies ni imnn inr 1 1 - i ni'diate iipateh of p"ei'il in.! Mrs. Sterrrti r) a ted bnetl; -m'Ii 'he petnust' and tin lit te b. 1 , .1 Thei.. she epeini me ii'iekisi. anu t mi a r ee of "ifc. well baked and - ir ir ir moiiire.1 with wlite i.-tnir. Oth.'iiW h h h Iioe the ichk hid been impresn-i'-'d VMtll pol-eil Mr. Merret tr'.ej t.. lon'eetu'e vi"n hid at tb- enke. he .-et it te one side. Her liub.nd came home .1 n. ' ,". P M. and d.nmr w i kerv.d 11 ' 'M o'clock. Ir. S'erret cut the cii.c in ha"' hofern tie nie.il. eaeli pnr takini; '' the iin-T-'rieiib sift. Striihen After Kalinj: Cakr Mr. Sterren be. aim' ill tifteen n.ii- 'H,stoek. phtinan te t'orenor Nirtlle. nt iVinshnneeken. A la'oe-itnr etami- nation will be made of the n.rfu and an inquest Ocn mi,1 be rrde-ed - '. t b t- Hnl'-MTls t ijrder . ae a Vew Br . ' , two e ipt'r n". ' fronted jr. t e vct f-atnr vtr r. r f 1 ed ' Jli'ijri' n I . n r 1 0 P ' n V ' ' d ' ' P " r r I I T , ' "e flMSSVHSQ''SvHBBnHlBiS. y Hp tT ,HS3EHHk !?aaF5JH"XlUll5 - ' , "..:JC' '" ';:r,:z,.v;.... IrtTl iPiWRS. i, fc,sw'yfr'' " waj " y" iJBBMBlMBPWWBBBBMBBBBBBBBHBBBPPBHPpyBTBBBPBiyA " J. M-Bra Mfcr'IBIilBBiWBBBBBBHIBBitf' BSCflMBBMBKtJTS s;1iBPv? vH L? RiSMilHaWSBH c WHY PA Y"$400 for any P!ayr-Plane. if en can buy a new. hijrh-gTade and guaranteed instru ment or less, en easy weekly or monthly payments, with several dozen music relltw a bench and cabinet thrown In? A well-made Player-Piane, If carefully handled, will last from 25 te 35 year and be a constant source of pleasure and entertainment tn its owner. The Cunningham PlayerPlane Is manufactured with the celebrated REO STYLE patents owned and controlled exclusively by us, in our modern, well equipped factory. Se perfect in construction l this instrument that a child can play with all the expression of the master composer himself. Elvery Player-Piane we manufacture has a double valve action und metal tubing. De net let anybody talk you Inte buying an instrument with a single valva action, as it has net the power or endurance) If It had. why should we spend twice as much money in developing a double valve action? The very fact that for ercr a quarter of a century we have been efferinj: 110,000.00 for a better piano than the MATCHLESS CUNNINGHAM should he efllclent proof of Its quality! All our instruments are priced from 20 te 30 per cent. lower than any dealer anywhere (whether large or small) can afford te fell. Terms arranged te suit the purchaser! CASH, OPEN BOOK ACCOUNT OR EASY PAYMENTS IT PAYS TO THINK! FIAlSIO CO- llth and n eii r,Tcnin;p Factery: SOth and Parkaide Avenue) EVENING PUBLIC THE STERRETTS IN ed here when reld tbeir 1 refher nm unc. Tlipi are .loseph I; Merrett, et New lerk. a monibei. et 'be u .'OMitlng I'.nn el I'll... :iterelic.ii-' A. Ce , and .Ia J Stem m and Helnil S Sterrett, Iniriii'rs "t Urorklej villi. l':i Mi.s Mnr Sterrett, -'!' S"lth Sev- erith street." n moeo 'of Steirett. was wltli him when he died. Mr- Martha ("ampbell. of Warren, l'a . hatened te her frtriekuii daughter and son-in-law and is new at Mm. Slcrrett' bedside. "I learned my daushter did net wnnt me notified faid Mrs. Campbell te- , ..but ft nurw fpnt R tpl(1(;ram t0 rnc. T oeuldn t (-ee my dnunuter e tereday becnuse of her condition. When J. d1'' "' ll,r X wnR shocked nt the chnnKe In her nppnrance. due te illness nnd worn She looked like nn entirely different person, "Mr. Sterrett and my daushter vl- itlVi nil. .n nv home near iVnrreii re lently. While tho-e they cef wen! taut eiiienniit nn.i cone tt.reutn 'or the I....ie he planned te buy nt St. Pau.l- I 11,1 were very happy and At 2212 Spring Poplar 8490 A BIG OPPORTUNITY NOTE Witn t1-. r- P't a hit l- I y.!- la a 1- 11 e r h 1 ' u'."' '- .. '1 "X-rr- ..nv will 1 ' t .sen t i.apRC !t - Jt. -e u a cal rhnee fn Tter tli's fiel.l or .i'Jd '" M.',r j.rc" r t.t qui'1" etit eonuitieneu liberal and Traffic Truck Sales Ce. of Phila. Direct Factory Branch All JUkM of T.llilnt Marhlnet at Rducml Yrct. Chestnut Sts. c j We are tha Only Piane Mmnu- faeturtri in Ptnna. Famous for Selling from Factory te Heme Dirtct fj f IGER-PHmAi)jtapmA. MONDAY, DEVON talkel ever many plans for their new ueine. Mr. ramnbell said her da i. liter J t'. ft-l jcars old, the che' of ten children. .loxeph I,1. Storrett, npe et i'i- dead mail . hrother-, vubmltted nlnrinntlj te quonteii'iii: today. He h:id uddem wmieu ii'3 nreinvr s neine, no sniu. uui e far as he Luew his brother nnd his slfrtcr-in-lnw were happy. Aslted if he knew the authorities be- ' nVe JIJ0UST ma7. aT? prompted the I crIme- -nr hterrett said: i surmise tnere is such a thought, but the police often formulate views which de net held water." Hterrett Popular in Office Jehn U. Lynn, associate manager of Prlc. AVnlerheuse & Ce., scouted a theory that Mr. Sterrett'f. death may have been diircd by home member of a buMr.c-s tirm whose accounts had been overhaul! d by the accountant with ' antm! culau8' "T cannot understand why any one Garden St. Race 1.H09 is titfcrcil the individual or firm who c an utilize meter truck equipment te start in business en an "EA Ri BEFORE YOU PAY BASIS" We .ire offering new and re- trucks umiMul en most term6. mtt RYABTAawn M ."i- .' would with te take the Urea of Bter rctt and his wife," he said. "Hterrett was one of the most popular men In our office. He was regular In his du tlM and had absolutely no sporting proclivities se far as I knew." Charles 11. Lehman, a (Ironist of Deven and an intimate friend of Hter rett, believes a woman sent the poi soned cake. Who the woman was or why she 'did It, I cannot imagine," Mr. Lehman l continued. "Hterrett was ther kind et jmin who never looked nt n woman. I knew him intlmntelv. We hnve been en trip together ami sooner or Jater, in n friendship of this kind, one fel low gets te knew the ether one pretty well. Seme men, while perfectly en the level, nre a type which will often call attention te a pretty fnce or a pretty ngure en tue street or in a train, uttr. Steirett could walk past n million of them and never ree a Mngle one. Thinks Cake Was for Wife "He was always home en the dot when his day's work was done and he lived n tine, upright, clean life. He was unlet, unobtrusive and would walk away from a dispute rather than nrgue. t never heard him use profane language in any degree, and I de net believe that the poison was Intended for him. "1 believe It was intended for Mrs. Sterrett. It was carefully timed and mailed te reach here at n time of day when Mrs. Hterrett would be alone. The whele cake was hardly enough for ene' person, and Mrs. Hterrett could have disposed of It alone, but It was ere like her te sare It and share It with her husband. "I have known Mrs. Hterrett for many years, even before she was mar ried. She is a fine woman, bnt net the type, that ene might call attractive. Mr.I.ehman and I have been In their house tlme and time again and we have neu'r observed a single action or heard a single word that could possibly lead Sports Suits Redaemd Smart tweedg and hemespuns j many trim med with for. They worm srp te $49M $29M 8f i I ' - This Extraordinary Offering Coats, Capes & Wraps At Savings of $10 te $50 a Garment With ever three hundred new coats, this event takes en a new attractiveness, while ' retaining all its former diversity and variety. It is a rare opportunity at this time of year te buy "Stecker' style and "Stecker" tailoring at these unusually low prices. The Fabrics Marceva Gerena Marvelfa Lmtrma Fashem Ormendale Velcerettc Broadtail Fnffllah Ttceedn S ! Plain i m Daytime&Dinner Dresses-Dance Frecks i - 3 BMa'iiiniiii iriiPplM OCTOBER 80. 102b us te believe they had ever been any thing but happy and contented. "They had just purchased a fine new home at Ht. Davids and were te have made the settlement for It during the coming week. It is the deepest mystery that has ever come info my life and I hope it rnn be solved." It was rumored In Deven today that several weeks age two foreigners claimed they were attacked by a deg nt the Hterrett home. The attention of the authorities lias been celled te the sup posed incident. Real Cowhide Suitcases An Ideal ' Lightweight Case for Myladyfs Week-end $9.75 An uAunl ralus tot this wek iu Um M fa 0 Inchr. Llnd with silk, S lilrrd rockets. Atari (e Keith's Theatre JTNtijt BBBMiaiBiaiaiaamiiiiHBiMHAl --'--'""llhl'illhlri!, .u.,,-::,!..,!-.!: -,- MIT':;,; lKi;; ,,,,:,:,,, ,:., -mM1 1:,;!.,.. ...Imm!.,, 1 , I ' I ' J . 1 1 ,.!,,,.',:. T . I . ; ' , ! : M I ! ! i : i ; ! ' , I I ! i ! M M i ! J M i ' 1 1 ' : ' ' ! I ' ) i i : I f I 1 ! : ,1 , M .1 ,7? ,V I , , ) , ! : l',, , .' , ft ",?! .!, :-W jiaXHm bjHaamTvBLVav J9tttmBtPVrtttttt tmMStSSw JwJtAjimfmi SSBm mSmM. vWu $$8mk WWUv A ITi IV SfepA WH iilSHal4 ill all llKMSWly' 11 '11 fSmkWi liV H pJBlllsIl n SSBJ Km 'BJJUXJruL and Fur Trimmed Sports $25, '35, $45 & Values $35, $55 te $85 Tep Coats, Wraps and Capes S89.50f S97.50 t0 $185 Values $69.50, $95 te $235 JO te 25 Lewer in Price Several bundled distinctive and individually styled frocks. rcvenlinR net only the newpst fashions uh conceived by tin foremost American artists, but including as well, a limited number of original French models, imported by us, from Jenny. Drecoll, Lanvin, Maurice and ethe.ia. In many canes, there are no duplicates of them in this country and ihcy rep resent the last word in exclusive style. $39-50, '95 SF.COND FLOOR All Purchases Billed December 1st 1220-22-24 Wall Falls Inte Cellar The brick wall of the Quaker City Japanning and Knamcllng Company, 016 Cherry street, collapsed yesterday and carried tens of debris Inte an 8 P. M. 8 P. M. Monday Tuesday Veu and your friends nre specially inviteil te attend lectures my Dr. Geonre ti. Clark, en Scientific Employee Selection OCTOBER 30TH and en Attention and Memery OCTOBER 315T Esuh lecture will be followed by nn analysis of some person selected from the audience. Free lectures wilt be given every Tuesday evening' en some phase of Vocational Analysis. Merten Institute, 1702 Walnut St. Sm A Rundown BJ M with it fc M A wonderfully H H refreshing H '" ailiHHBHHBlHHBViaBgM $65 '55, '65, te '245 Walnut Street WM excavation beside It at 014 Ghs street, intended os a basement faJT B...Hnv wm.eu v VVilOllUCllOQ, ' Pearls Re-struhff Pflcfs lmtft In the cltr, Kn,,f ?v MX kln.U of recklnrrn reitriin," ttVS tins ft DcllM. S4-heiir 7inR!L' W?V Ideal Pearl Ce., 153ffCfcMtgrt 3t MSB Celebrate Hallewe'en Tuesday, October 31t in the Lerraine Winter Garden Bread St. t Fairmount Ave. Five All-Star Cabaret Actt Dancing Special Souvenir Black Cats, Spooks, Witehae, pumpkins, Cenfetti, Paper Hatt, etc. festlnjr eseMltr tAO-MnkeresenatleBiam Phene Poplar OStO. Atk for Tttad Watt Tailored $idt8 Kedueed Twill cerdg, marlyne and veldynea. In black, brown and navy; Thmy worm mp te $89A0 9S9S0 The Furs Fex Wolf Beaver Squirrel Mele Caracul Lynx Fitch Raccoon Coats imW n TO MI!9MiWI. t"