mil i m wwmmmmp WW 4 Hi rrtce 'il'"" v . ... .. r- LAND IN GALA ' pi Hf?S -fSfflSii JEW' ' V i? y 'j'W'W I 'itr?rVr DEDICATION FETE Ufity Teyw Joins "World's Oreatest" With Widest Cem- - merclal Street t. nvm: . . ' x " -ki k tv ti m - cf-: .. .ti VWW 4W; i j EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA; MONDAY, OCTOBEK 30, 1922 wmpwm IAMES MARK CELEBRATION " rnland wn threnttd today by rls rls teri from far Bml nrnr n'",n,llnK l,c JZntitrtWm of the tewn'n loO-feot-wlile SXt btielnfM Mrffl.,, WCw.ii In the air this celpernllim k'.i- flutter of th" tins', the flnetinic '!" ... .M ami hallrtnnu niirl fhn in sraviv ! i. .".." ,... nv "- w-j- -v 8 fH.k of tin whistles nna nerns. "JRi. rwl and irecn nnd yellow pot-ters IK fd. 'of the wideat pned bind 7 trwt In Ms country. Aute nnd LT,trUI exblblt. Chilian's pastime 2S intWB. Delly parades band Sater!. drnielnt. Woed-cliopplntr con E! Bl Hnlletteen pnrndc. T.iinteru fcrtureV VenWll bridle. l'rl for S'vV. T-edaj. of fill., and l faille Fre act i". " " 2..'....Mn Its length through the tkn like a pnlc. ijriiy loop of ribbon, F.mlia nvenue. nnmed for the founder Sffiwtand. Charles K. Lamlla, was 7dlctd this nfternoen by Dr. Jehn Hand"', formerly pastor of the Mne 555 Methodist tiptacepal Church. Dr. ffiKv. who( Mibject xvn "Making v. Highway Safe for Demecrnrj, 11 Confetti batlle royal', followed by Epectacular frce act. ' Visiting Mayers Expected A representative of Governer Ed- ntu's-. thc ?,fl70(?.,.Jf Clayten, Mill, vllle, Cape May, Wlldwoetl, Hrldgeten, Gloucester, Plttmnn, GIiiksew and Ha Jem nrrhed today te attend tbu ecle ecle bratien. The liuluMilnl parade, which begnn at .!:4.", whs ihree miles Ions, nceenllnij te It mnrtlinl, Walter J., 'luriier. Headed by Maver Keetz nnd Councilman Tlennmln Hto Hte yena and Trcd A. Rtigbce, the parade Included n float as a tlirnm fur "MIrs Vinelnnrl," Mary 11. IMwnrds, who represented the city at the Allan U'! Pity pageant i frntcrnnl order, merchants, innntifeeturcrn and pro pre dticers: decorated automobile, poultry men, farmersi, gnfdenera nnd florists and misei'llaneeus floats', RECEivERSAREAPOINTED , Three Named for M. A Q. Ce., Ice Cream Manufacturers of Allentown WHEN YOU DRINK WATER DRINK ONLY THE BEST POLAND WATER Natural Sparkliag AMERICA'S rOKEMOHf NATOHAt MtMERAt. water rex even SEVENTY TEARS. Poland Wfttar hm bin jrtierlbed for tli put 70 Tr m a'eurttlit nt md medletatl tld In the treatinmt of riTeri and dlnerdara of kldnarf, bladder, and urinary duct. ORDVR HT THK CASE FROM YOUR DEALER Judge Dickinsen today appointed re ceivers for the M. & U. Ce., one of the largest lee cream manufacturing 'concerns In Allentown, Tnmaqim nnd contra! Peniis.hiinlii. The company, It Is claimed, Is vulvrnl, Its hclH at luek nli)R being t.lMHi.OI 4.tt4 nnd 11-' llnbllltles Tat.'-' bill. It ui Mated, It lurks Mifllcleiil fund" t' con cen con tlniie lis buslnebs. .Teseph M. Steele, a bulldi' of this city; fill M. HcrMicy and A. It. h'enl were appointed temporary recehers under it joint bend of $23,000. They will operate the two large plants of the company Jr.' Allentown nnd Tama nun. nnd a lnrae niinihrr of senli'e tla- tlens in Hcranteti. imes-nnric nmiirhe,) Hiram Ricker & Sens Ce. 4t Real Eatata Trua Btd.. Cor. Bread ft Cheitnut Bui., Phlb.. fa. Tel. Walnut 3631 6'enrf for " Itlustratcd ISoeUltl ""(I hill LBhJJCwJS sai.asaap;! ter Open Dltr at A. M. tJlesea r.iae , MtuerriPm HATS TRIMMED FREB Of CHARGE PhemOidenFm! Market I Eighth J ONE YELLOW TRADING STAMP WITH EVERY 10c PURCHASE ALL DAY Filbert Seventh NEW ARCHDEACON ARRIVES poke at Beiileuird and Landl avenue Hloemburi; for u limited period for tlie( li annl lliere ine leiiiiii'T ui im nil lnri'0e ei remiie ine r(inii:in imm erere the Urt hlnke In ISrtl. Street Fifteen Miles lxmr At each end of Landli aenue, which ill be about fifteen miles long, a State Mid 'a bein? paved, connecting Bridge m in the wes with Atlantic City te the east. Today s program fellows : 10 A. M. Trapshooting events at Gait Field (Landis nvenue, north side, htrVeen .West avenue and Malaga rSeW). Entries include Piatt, Tremaine, Tomlin, .'sewcemu, unwarus, Aumncic, Wb1ew, MeCarthy and ether notables. Etant under the direction of the Trap Trap Trap ihoetlng Club pf Vlncland, Dr. J. 11. fflnslew In charge. President, Dr. William Mennles; vice president, Fred Glilwi Mcretnry. Themas DeT.uca j trwiurer, Eilward AMell. "12 M. IiUiieheeii t Mating otiieiale tf Stani'lcs' Hall. 1:4." P. At. Dedication of new pnv- Ini'and effieifil epeulns of I.aiidls nve . ...., I 1 T I!. Ita temperar) cinb:irras-nicii1 . TWO HURT: DRIVER HELD, Dr. Elliet White Assumes Charge of Episcopal Diocese The Tlcv. Dr. Elliet White, who haJ been MTiini; f)S ,ican of St. Paul's i Cathedral, in fend dit Lac, Wis., nr-' in this city today te become relidoneen In l,e dlecc.n of l'ruu.iliinlti ; i r 4 I npreKcntntive of Ihu Epbi'upiil ItMieps of the Stnte In con st 'gallons litre foreign languages are spoken. Tim new archdeacon it well known te J.piJcepnllans In this city, having Fear That Victims of Aute Collision May Have Fractured 8kulls Helen Uller, seventeen jears old, 112 served for mere than six years as rector East Leuden street, and Huge Carl, j of St. Mark's Pretestnut Episcopal also seventeen, of 121. Weft Lurny street, were severely Injured last night ...hnn tin iitnmi-hile in which they were rlrline- rnlllded with another machine Church. Loeilftt ntrcet nenp HlrUenlh It was in 1IVJ0 that Dr. White resigned as rector of St. Mark's te go te Fend du v j driven by Michael A. Smith, l-.i tia , rollege nnd of tlm General Theological Soldiers' read, t lielteiiham. Setnlnar. New Yerk. His first charge 'i iip iiriTiiirni. uitiiiicu vm ' - ln.ei nSete Adainx. Beth were tnl te the .FewMi Hpllnl. The ha e fractured .-Mill. .... , cliiiri-h.w in the Seuth, nnd at New At a hearing in uie in n- ":" "V ' yurl, Newark nd Branch, N. J. :e ftntien lieferc MiiBslrntc Uiidel . I . 'iiiiiHrj, ,-w ierK. ins nrst cnarge ,ii.t.i w',,, ''" "" "'''''lant at Trinity Church, , '! i Trenten, X. .1., wlu-re he vns stationed ,M"J In iss,. fn t,'r mm". uvx.idated "-lib liare tlrit (tiike wim drhen 2:4." Industrial uud IrateniaT parade .7 Community nuiicc en l.anillri iTsnue. from Sixth te Seenth M reels. CelebrAteil jasii ercln-htrn uud one of VlntlAiul's bunds. 7:15 Automobile parade of exhibitors I In Aute Shew, led by Military l'niul. : 10:30 A warding of prizes for Indus trial and fraternal parade. n., tedn. Smith was held under )fflO bail te await the result of tin.' injurlc.i. FALLS FROM FIRE TOWER Bricklayer Suffers Concussion of Brain and Other Injuries William llolleran. n liriel.lnjer, 't2. Spruce Mreet. fill tbr'c steeli while unrklnif In u lire toner III 1200 liest- tinl tlet;t. ill HI u'clnek this nHiriillllJ. He was taken te the .leffeiMjii tillnl. uliere It wan found 111' c ufl'i rlnc from i onriiieii 10:45 Community dancine in tha' and liijurlca of the bed Midway. Celebrated jassis Orchestra. tlen i wrieiif. lle- Wilt! of tin binlli His cenill-, A GUMP HAS CLARION CALL TO AROUSE TOWN-PUMPERS Energetic Candidate for Congress Cemes Out for Great Sesqui- Centennial Celebration Despite Old-Fegy Creahings TODAY'S MARRIAGE LICENSES Julm MullinlUii.1, -lyi ,. H'iwtir'1 t.. Bii'l I". teili 1. Mnrtln, !IS". I .N. Ileo tt. )pnli Mi'i'.rth. 4J1S KI'Ike km',, mid Mr?iiMli M. llnbln, 1:1 :! I'lirlteu iv -. Antlii nv 'I iiii"!,i, Is-fj H, inh hi.. Mini iSer- nlilli I'.w,i,iiii. rj-.'.'i .-. 7Hi el. .I.iii k ,iIhti loll ,- Mli i., uli, I Ktli.l HIiiBfr sill ". 4h M. Kiirl s v.irl. T''" . HuhII ii , uml Ol.i ,r:::s ivttrr , i i:,liir,l im .(n r.,ui ii. r.i., nnd f-ephl llulvtltii, UVJ V 7'ii . A'leli.h A Unite, Vutt'- . J . nii.l ri"r- IH', II Ultl. 2'tl ,, MtlMlIf Ht. .Miilthfu ,1 K"'lciJ I,, s Hurl n , mul Miny A. Mill II. Mum Mulbiirn hi. Jufliti IC man. !JH Wlntni Kt., uinl ,.il- Urn Vijrt.t.nlh. " i:rls .no. l'mrk ll.irli i. 11.17 I.ciiiImhI (,, Jl n- uli. Jiiywy, llnrl. . .1 j llnn ' l'lL'.i Weed ct.. and Katip ' SHU. lulu Kiit.-r Pt. IV', 1 llil(F. lUln l.nnilinrd St., and 7',ll,:;i-i I.Mh M. Ile.xi IL'J.'i S, Hull hi. , ,'nliti M I'm. Siiiiirur ruf t ll'Htiiurnnt. mid, i - '"iuii, AWivliliiKten Ijiie and Fer-1 ft v. "Backward, relL backward. h, lime In our (light. Werk the old pump again Ter Dad batbe tonight.' they'll have te watch that fellow Wash- I Ingtiin. He leek- like n coiner. These couriers with the English arc using! time horses a day In carrying dis-1 nnleliea from Alnrvlnild te West Vir- Deep furrows In thc forehead of Andy Rinia." , Oump nnphalreU his war-llke attitude 'Vliat's the matter with the tele- I .. v. e u i .L. l v. t, ' phone, the telegraph, the airplane i" , M he unfolded this thought. Before Jll(l,flj i!ks. He was geltlns slightly aim was a copy of the Declaration of befuddled, tee. Independence, a picture of an airplane ,, . . .i...i nd a radio set. "eW Time, t hanged Redtie Id Hinkr. who Is looking after . "If jeu don't beliee that this is the coiicrewienal cnndiihitf's mm- 1741." shouted Gump, as he pounded pilga, could net repress amaiement en i his desk, "then ask the town-pump Wlng the odd collection. i party. J knew history sajn something Incidentally . the alert eve of Hanks about a Revolution, and a man named. jctlced a let of newspaper clippings Washington crossing thc Delaware, and selling with the Scsqiii-CentenniaUen a gu named CernwiilllB handing ever Andy's desk. Seme were marked with his sword down here at orktewn. but Tlcleus red lines. i It can hardly be true? for the town pump part wen t celebrate about It llSTRIKEJ CIGARETTE It's toasted. This one extra process gives a delightful quality that ean net be duplieated iiet mc the tullew candle and put It In a bottle." said Andy. "?e ns I n hunt the harness for the' old mule that s geln" te take me down te the pier where I tMke the sailing vessel for my trip abroad." Hanks looked alarmed. He wondered If thei strain of the campaign had tnjeted the candidate mental!. Hanks spluttered. 'But firat I'll have te get a flint tone te Ktart a fire." interriinted Andy, "nd then boil the nerrldce. I'll ' Hill and the Bosten Tea ve te set Mln te liml in leather I Colonial abaret wow and haie 'em well greased, an I wish you'd leek about te :-ee if ieu '" fmd the bootjack." Fer the love of . " gasped Hanks. anything By the great hernsw aggie, what the "And then there was some talk about a party of soldiers being up at Valley Ferge and a llek of Hesnlan.s being licked up here nt Trenten." said fiiiinp. "and a eiiugster named Paul Heerc. riding about. Yes, they're even trying te give the Impression that the Battle i of Bunker Hill was the battle of Bunce OUR 31st ANNIVERSARY SALE All Goods Purchased Tomorrow and Throughout November Will Be Charged en December Bill, Payable in January, 1923. Mutchless Anniversary Bargains right straight fireughl There Is no vnlue here tliut you can match any ether place you could net nmtch them even Jure at any ether time. Our Annlvcrmry Sale is surely your big thrift opportunity! Party was a And' Is Het L'p "And then," rambled tJump, "I wlh eud hltcb up Napeleon and go down Jerry, the blacksmith, and tell him ; ii nep in mere te get r the mule." ..ii, jeu re taming awnj 11 eat D "Yea, they're stodgy," agreed Hanks. Will They Ever Wake l'p? "'Stodgy.' Confound it! The must slpep with an anchor en their bed bed ieMs. Think of It '. They want te ee. hratc the birth of the greatest nation In all the world with a bag e' peanuts' and a gla. of pink lemonade. That, 4 1. At I1,1 t I . I rs .1. AaL t .tiStl i-i T Heln. ii couple bhee-j b , ',(, Brtnt ()f,cts ,lf tn 1010 .. i.. i ... r- a..'.. .-11.1 ,.... W II" IIIHll' !! III'. I .villi" IHIKIIIK HWll UHI'K. !,,, 1, l,e . I, I , I, ll.nt " v Wrenc?" llnnU mnnnsr.l te .i.,."'".,nf? ,.lV".k "l". 7 T.. V llj - " j " niev ueu t tuinit. I'uin t uie sain 4'TeU ee ,bnt calendar?" srewled i a,IR ebi:vt V lWnK "", I";!!. ,,un,1 Andr. r...i.i ,1 A... ... " ,. ., ' eve? a hundred years age.' 'I lie el "We'll i : "',, ''", w""' "' Itewn-piiiiipers didn't like the women I n . .. . ef,i,J,.li'1,.r.,in"- 'folk te inne tuinn comfortable, but' Reeeis Peet suits and --...,. ivn- ua inn meniu ei weioecr ...i i v. j: ..e ...... .....l i . . i.::;r"X" overcoats net emy wear well, but leek well exactly Hew easy te pass muster when there's nothing te criticize ! , r ,' wn- uu hi,, iiiwiiiu i ?. ground t under hi-, heel i.anKS was a armed. Fur n moment I k V- " iiii uirij, r tr it ui(Mn'ui thought of getting n doctor ur at least i. . candidate pushed a brand-new ill t01rrl Hanks and a jnr of to te H.t?', ,Tntn h filled his own pipe and "in ed It. As the smoke formed n be 'Ming hale about his fhim bead, he if,d, eerrm. ver voluble nhil.ei,liv. ,-TI'is ain't 122." said And, "it's 'll'The French and Indian War is n. Then we'll haie the rtewdtitiiiu. I nce that C.eneral Braddecl, K doing "me geed work for the FuglWi, but Reported Minting ttimu. Amerelll, nineteen ,cnrs old, " Uinbridge.slre.ei, ihe tVri tall, s.i. ""ds. dMrkJcompleslen, dark atJfti b,"e ,irr' brew" t-e,,f. black wcklngn and gray coat. v1 Kinsley, twel erth heventeenth st cs mil, brown I sweater, dark lnl, scout shoes and llchl enn bU ,."2., Tomlinson. sixteen years a, 118 West Wlshart street, five feet yl lncJ' tall, 130 pounds blue rc. bTaS." h1' ,t" built, brown rult and low ?h0n " mlrtl rnv HnA br0W" wvu lv"an. elghteef jean old, 4500 tali "Vetreet, he fee.t feicii Inchel .i C. Pe'inda, i tool. build brown rill aIT.' b,,m cJ0-. blue suit, light 'Pnd,bl.',ck lowdierc. Jlil'en fireet. ri ti? Plndi, blue tin, fair complexion, hewers of weed. "Don't ou belieie that" "f don't beliee in anything but a I great, real mun-sld celebration in honor of ihe world's greatest event. I Let's be llkn Farragut "Dam the tor pedoes! i.Je ahead!' Blew them out of I the read and when the smoke clears I away ".uui'll see that our real pert Is 'a great exhibition, which will be heard i in cery nook and corner of that ter restrial spliere benietimei unewn h the world." "I'll roll up m sleetps new," said Henks. "Yes, an' push them past jour el bows!" ordered Andy. Ive jenrs old, 211 reel, four feet tix iair, brown c.ies, pains, brown MeeL' 1MM'TIIIIH IIKNS Tt may ti ncMry " Innnch an ' fat. an egR rampalKii t Jllllrc nit Uik preduc- tlen uf Amerlca'H acilf li-n. In ih- llual- 1 nf m spriiiin- inn nunin' ninn a rrierenc leek- ieinmnt was rrnth niada a te thai uniuuiil aup.M.i (it B I" Morale, ler b. urm fan. rrart ttif rmil1 I..Dirn. "Jlaka 1 lit i JIa Hit,' .l.f. the sort of clothing you al ways find in the wardrobe of a well-groomed man. Prices precisely the same as in Rogers Peet's own stores in New Yerk. FERRO & COMPANY Rogers Peet Clethes Exclusively Chestnut St. at Juniper fifty tear old, 14"0 e feet kIx inches tall, brown raustnehc. smut build. tartfA Llllf MBO.. U.. I.ln.l 1.AA. mm 4 , .v, nm.v uai, lilllVb I liuvr. --. eiuvKingn. our years Mm' el'rtl, JVS"tre',-. tw enty . f, flfclLIuiJUIWl3r H "ns IMPORTANT SILVER DINNER AND TEA SERVICES It l advisable that selection be made -rly alvlncj ample time for inscclptlen. Special Anniversary Offer! YELLOW TRADING STAMPS FREE Te Every Purchaser of One Dollars Werth or Mere Series Nes. "HI" & "112" Coe i In Any YUew Trading Stamp Boek Ne matter hew many elner "Extra" Stamp yea may already have efH Special Tomorrow! 85c Figured Armure Drapery TlOTiriaM TA I i iM-MmfLmmmmm ' Similar te poplin but in beau tifut figured effect. Liked im nenaety by women of geed taite for winter draperies. Light in weight, re doubly desirable! Beau tiful quality; fine assort ment of wanted shades. Keversible; for windows or tloers. Mail ntid iphe'nc orders tilled. :I.H llrelhers THIUD FLOOIl Special Tomorrow! $22.50 Dining) $Q QC Roem Tables! O.Ve A value such as only a sale like our Anni versary could make possible! Geed construction. Selected golden oak in attractive Colonial design. 42-inch top; ex tends te six fee t. Extra - heavy ped estal. Highly pol ished. Ketnvnt fleer JfSb 5!Sar'v!Ntv. f Hretliera m Special Tomorrow" Beys' $8.50 1 Rainy Day Outfits Hat te Match $J.98 4 louble-breasted ceata as shown; belted ull around and with con vertible cellars that button close te the neck and water-proof hat. Full cut; splendidly sturdy; all seams cemented and taped; wanted shade of tan. Sizes 6 te 18. They're eptendid gifts for a bey'e Christmas and worth buvinm wall !l in advance at this fine saving! -t Uretlwra SKCOND FLOOR, SEVENTH ST.- ! Special Tomorrow! $25DinnerSets,14-95 Popular blue-bird design full 100-pieee eels. Sets are very attractive consisting of 12 cups, sau cers, dinner plates, tea plate;, bread and butter plutes, soup plates, dessert Miucers; tw'e covered vege table dishes; open vegetable covered butter dish, sugar bowl, cream pitcher, sauce beat, pickle dish, two meat dishes and a bowl. New octagon shape in such high fancy dainty blue line edges and handle. Brether. THIRD FLOOR Special Tomorrow! 5 Solid Geld I Cuff Links l $2.98 WW (f rw SXJ llrethera- Here'e your chance , te get a most accept' able Christmas gift for surprisingly little! rhe 're beauties ! just the kind men like best for soft cuffs. Reman or bright finish; oval and round effects in pleading: variety. . Twe styles shown. FIRST FLOOR, SOUTH- Special Tomorrow! Women's and Misses' $ 35 te $40 COATS $19.75 A vrry special Anniversary Let -quite u few stunning sam ples included. 1-Jxtrcniely Reed-looking s.tyle3 loee liantfin or belted, and with raglan or set-in sleeves. All with bier patch pockets, some, tee, with slashed breast pockets. Many ure enriched with beautiful fur cellars. All the fashionable winter ehades in high gradu. Velours, Deuble-Faced Fab rics, Sports Coatings and Diagonal Herringbones. Finely tailored and Jined throuRheut. Ilrelher Si: OVT FLOOUy ill nriS vtCl Ml Special Tomorrow! $1.50SeamlessSheets,98c PLHL r ,j i I 'SSSSaSgZI i i a Hrelher IHRrfT "I Mill clearance of a famous make. All perfect. Just an other of the Anni versary Sale's won derful opportuni ties! Of c x c optionally sturdy bleached muslin; medium weierht and in the wanted 81x90 size. Ne mail or phone orders. ,0'JR, north Special Tomorrow! 4 Ready-te-$ .98 Wear Hats f ! Hats Trimmed Free of Charge Big Anniversary purchase great variety of smart styles in the all-black ef fects se very fashionable. Of excellent Len-: and paen velvet in pretty com binations'. .Medium and Miuill shapes with teft velvet rosettes or bewt-. One shown. Ilretlirr, FJRf-T FLOOR, NORTH -V''Mr Mt Special Tomorrow! ,55c Heavy Turkish ) Bath Teweh S 39c ket i ; ' . ' ' ... I :" "' ' til I . ..i.'l.i- i II . f"Tiii, naeiiii ' casaanjnitim. Ml Hretliera lUt.-r Clearance of a well known maker big, thick, heavy kinds dozen, S4.HS. Of double Terry yarns; thick and .-penpy; pretty blue a n d red border". i"2x-U inche. 1 LfiOR. NORTH JSft.-) TO Vk Xk Ml nrethers Spei-'nl Tomorrow! Women's $2 )OA Silk Stockings) OJ'C Afeaf exfroenymorv let! Alt pure thread silk and full fathiened. Ulack, white n'l wanted shades of brown and f ; excellent qual ity; se gu'sulv lowered in jirtcc bpcuusn of wvi 1 ririinc irrnr-nln,- ilies. Ne flaw- tn affect wear KIRi- r I I -R. OT TIL- T ,Hl ,AV! Tn l7 .',''f Vt r. . . ., " . '4 i m 41 Ml Siiecial Tomorrow ' llrethrri, Women's $1,511 0Ci Long01eveslvv An Annireriaty special of much mere fn-nri ordinary interest! Kxtra fine ciameis-iuede; lo' le' button len?t j-iew silk em em em broidereil bn.k'. Light gray, mode, beaver, brown, sand, biscuit and i ert elindcs. FIRST 1 iyr ' T. IH U. S. Army Surplus Goods On Sale Subway Stere Special Tomorrow! ' a4 $2 Famous G. Washington Soluble Coffee, 48c 71 quarter-ounce Package IV7i, . 'j I The COffee SUDDlipH in rnntisnmnf en battleships and te headquarters mess, I .llia, Night ShirU, $1.28 Medical Department Cenvales cent night Shirts. Evtr lienx-v l(. ..AlU ll , . -..n nun wwusr ana pecKet- in iia resun wnn ceuir and pod i " T1t Wnxk. SUBWAY STORE Special lomerrow ' U.S.Army Weel Overcoats, $3,88 Smart Style .Shown Olive drab, made from strictly all-wool niateiials. Medium, short and long lengthn. All sizes. Ne mail or phone orders filled. X.H Jlrnllirra SUBWAY STORIJ kW '''WRjSW :- r f&. v mnnwHk Wr ,M i i Tl 1 1 Yeu Bet Wide-awake Buyers Enderse This Policy At Perry's you get the kind of clothes you want at prices you cheerfully pay. That's what our Super-Value Policy has accomplished. We urge you te leek around and compare the fine qualities in Suits and Overcoats which we sell at our Super Value Prices $28, $33, $38, $43 and up with the offering of any and all ether geed stores. And don't put it off till next week. De it new! PERRY'5 Largest Selection in Philadelphia of Winter Overcoats A bread statement, but a visit will prove it te you be yond a doubt Yetilt Knew You're Wearing the Best If you have en a Crembic. J. & J. Crembic of Scotland make the fin est Overceatings in the world. And we are won derfully fortunate in having the city's largest stock of Crombie Over coats. Our Super-Value prices for Crembies be gin at $53. Our Super Value price for Crombie Mentagnacs, made our way, is $85. Loek and Compare Ask te see a Crombie Montagnac in any ether geed store if they have them. Compare the tai loring, the trimming, the silk lining with our Crombie Mentagnacs. Let your eyes be the judges. American Woolen Company's Beat Quality Overceatings The best the American Woolen Company has t offer. Rich mixtures with warm, cheery plaid back that "brighten up the corner where you are." Perfectly draped Raglans, Full - Belters, Half-Belters, big roomy Ulsters and Stermers. Bex back Overcoats. Single and double Breasters. Semi-Conservative Coats with cloth or velvet cellars. Our Super - Value Policy means that every indi vidual Ceat no matter what the price is sold en our Super - Value Basis. Every single garment in this store however fine the quality, is priced en our Super-Value Policy, which is a definite, concrete saV' ing te you of many dollars. Loek and compare! Perry & Ce. 16th & Chestnut SUPER - VALUES in Clethes for Men MacDonald & Campbell Chauffeurs Overcoats (At Illustrated) $38, $48, $65 Dark Gray Frieze, heavy wool lined and ") with wind cuffe. n ery smart, and serviceable. ! Chauffeurs' Suits, $38 te $50 1334 I H6 CVbUhiI Street Sk sWem ' lateHakjl BaaaKaV It BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBL. 8 raRHMHRrSi MtZeem ft eBfliVB4HtvaalaV'A VF ' ,v Mi &m i J Jm5I 5 'J ft lit. i I- ;l - ' T T C J t.:r. ... :. .'r3M hU'illimm