Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1922, Night Extra, Page 6, Image 6

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r - '. " ' ' " T
IS? "
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The Unfairness of Jeering at
T 80MRTIMKH wonder nlfy It Is tin
In plays and hooks mid jokes, mi
rtn in cimvt-isntiiui, n much dfing-'"i"
tOfy filti Is alined nt clcrgvtuci'. When
flne hops wrung hi real lliV his culling
H continually, alluded tu as though
the Reverend" vvne ii i:nt nf Ms mis
demeanor; when In- Is imnli te leek n
feel Mill "Ollli'llllli't htuivc mi the
Itage. his tellir iiml unit me held ii)
far ridicule loe as though linn weie
flart of his xilliiicK. Anil when n
clergyman is i nricutuied in :i pit imp.
kid lint brim is caticattirt'd loe as
thou (tli I hrri" was something intiinslonl intiinslenl
If ludicrous anil di serving of n kkk Mini
laucli in n t let hoi hat
i4 . ,, , , , , ,,
It is n though deep down iiihI.t flit
fun or tlii iiitiif thci" ti something
resentful and almost i ptiRcftil en the
part of the wrili'i or nrtll or ipspiui
Ive tiublli' nf thp .whole nflii of the
clergy nnd all the emblems of servlie
that go with it. ftem tli" tint en his
head te m worn, unfashionable shoes
M his feet.
I de net knew what lies nt the but
Win of thnt resentment unless it is n
fueling that tin' clergy t themselves
lip n better than ether uiPti. se thnt
te show them up us being hypm uti- "i
feels or bores is ;i snli.tntv pr.itess for
the clergvman nu.l .i n,.ilntu one fnt
the plain ln'iti who Im.s net pl.u ed iiim
Klf en n piniiniti ami i.mtiet fall
off from a:n hitfli steel .f he steps new
ltd then into the mud of .-wi -tlaj
WH A HI' iii-Tpr lift n isneinnce
wdien a clersMimn i a filiate. Krep
theitch we hnu never benid of lilin
before, we hear of linn then. Hut ter
one fleryman who tut in out te be n
hypocrite or epaP tn be K ll.l puerile
and i known for wlr t in if, a weak
breaker of the law . tliPre are !heiiniidi
that go thrnitsh life Mid take death
when It renics Mretielt without faillni:
te be wiinr tiny '"H out te b". spjvnnt
f find anil of thir fellev men Ter
that i" whir thev "et out te be -men
who tulniter te nttipr'
And tint miniMrr or servlie lifcati
te bp Mi Ileal -v -It li the f dlewets nf e-ir
Lord brratl'e of 'l srinlielie nit of His
en the last tnsht of His inrthlv life.
few hours be feri1 tie went out te be
It wni net a ' unite i t m one that
wuld ever be tnken n in" thing that
He reuhl de and no one ,1" oeuid np
Tt was quiie a- tn'ip'' heiitaei- t
future followers nf Ills !. wn the
fenpt of felleTlilp an I sfrtfne thnt
preredrd i'
He cirdei' III use f - ' h n mvel,
nil tal.tvs the iiain i' 1 the ewer of
nrfnrme. f.i,. His .nN .1... msntnt
te... ,'-..,!- , ii... ..."J-.T' U'1
office thnt ttn fstinllr the i rvb e ren
dered b slnvps or fun lnnnhleet of
frrants for thp sj'f'st of I'xnr mnsleis
lip wished the feet nf UN iljsrlphw
Seme of tlipm were tee nwpd tn object.
Htne tce bewildered One of them was
neither nwed nor hewlldrted He n-as
Indignant thai l,l Slaster should ..
rtrvp him. And tlieu wlnm he 'aught
the niPMilng of the svmbe'. utnlprstned
that It wn a veritable baptNtn of serr.
Ice whlrh was bn? adti tntprpil. he
ehnrneterltpally demanded 1.1 go
threiifh the whole rerenienv of ileitis.
Fer the fivsr 1rie 'n the h.tmrv of
rlrtliratinn the itlenl r.f s"ring ethers
vrnn put en a plane hlche- thin the iden!
of being sc-ied In etheis. im the tet
RSnjer Keep Out:
Be charv of advlre '
for, 10, t win lie us ttPi.'nniP as
Bether blue law
Adire is a benmer.'itig tnat ttirs up
the gossip n the return t-ip. The
woman who i-etinels a nlghber ntilr
awakes suspicion unto her e-n house
hold. If your friends hu'band nt ei.t
late e1 nights, den t suggest a wst te
twp him. Alns, sn.(l fnend will quickiy
fetfct her own woes and divert her
efforts te d'seevrr'ng hew you happen
te knew se miieh nbeu; ! for curlns.
Ity 1r akin te lore And if a wife Is '
disappointed in love you ran he sure !!
la going te grab en te tue ttrsr let
of curiosity that comes her wav
Wisdom in marring i u-efii' nuly
M s shock absorber
Rempmber, aUe, that no one who l
married ever gives nny one else who i
married the ereilil of having any ral
Keep ye tr own ee.ni'e' !f ymi would
keep jour husband
CGSlrifllit Ut7, t 7'jh.lc I.'Jurr Cempnij
What I'rupy Wears
This isn't abeiu l'ejgi especialh, it's
bout IVggj's hwentet But first jeu
must see I'egy She is th, with dnrlt
hair and wise yet mischievous dnrk eyes,
A sort of singing voice and n tun or
ordering around her email hi ether and
following her e.der one impli irl Te
cotne te the kweatir First n win, ju'
something jem hem! of
"Barbata's p ,il, tig t ami it has ill
little trees en it si wmld 'bant
happily ii je knew n must tm ,i
beautiful thing Imt you reuldn't finite
picture it U'n tin ti pjii e 'he d.i wb'ti
she walked ecr te sre mu -i n 1 actually
had it en. lnim(llnlelv j i i"iegtiiid
the little trees ipininr tin iniingular
ones. Thre they vere nnildrig a
border nreutnl a green -wentir. and
which with tin- design iuf ntted
I'eggy's br.iwii-e.teil 1 1'lghlne.. and love
f make believe
llu llihn 1) it
Wlllle t e dHVit of lilt' t sn .t tlnj)
erensgu seem "1 have pised forever
them arc tunes ami plm s win 11 .ui.i
where a stlrl who has any tegaril for her
reputation should nut vintuie uiiHti.em
pinled by n iluetin.i of some kind
The Kiel liliisiintrd for 11. stance
swhu In uttntid ng a ilinilei given In .1
Irian's rooms wlvre there in n nn ei'it
men pies, tit Is putttmr ImrSelf in -i
:y bail llfbl le tha assembled mi,
7 iGLircSBciV
'iff r and te Ml one who may havu
.WvS fct errterlne tin' bachelei np.irttner
kt$t ' "et I'0'!' mJtieis te huve ni
ment it
1 "Wi Itl vviin nt'i
MiTlUuifi' .v.Vl,B, .'
'Ate&sjetWMi. '1 be host
Jfiff'tjit ehe would no
lUr chaucren. tvvi
heuhl be a tnarrleil
tuny have supposed
t lisve nrriveri a one
1 n,i. ca'ti ..r ,.,is sort a man who
I v'liirt. wuai hiiuuni nave inviieu
ukUr wimiiin niu. nr alu .attmiM
W. '-"-- '""'"' "" , , " T .y.. .w
Bur" susir sunreiy a sis party,
Men Who Minister te Others
if Setmliln of (tinl was set upon the
I '. -i h nf w hut u mini gave hack ti (let!
hlinsi'lf iMslt-id uf what m.in gut fuuu
"'"I f"V hllMelf.
rpi!N von of man eiiim' net te be
lulitstercd in, Imt te minister iiml
give liri life a tuusein for tiiiinj "
Christ Iiml r i ill tlint meic tlwui ii"'
iiml In tnerr vvti.vs that. nuc. iiml He
mi about te ny It. with III life bleed,
bill, lest these who wire te "catr.v en"
t fiittnc geiiciiitlens this meat truth
Hint "le ki'iMi is te Imc, and te give
1 te (tn In" should miss th iieint. lie
ryiiibidfretl the Irulli b taking wit the
humblest tn' thi humble acts of a s,.- .
em unit mine uinse mie iisiiiicii m cc
m fnlletvers leinciuhcr that service te
nut Mtid limit' these who aspired te be
"thers whs the ritlp of life,
Slnei' that dn te this theie haxe bieii
IllPtl who dedie'lted their lli". te n eon
tiniial seniee of their fellow men out of
ft link adimiiitieii of the founder e,
t'hrlltinlill.v. That is. the, de what
IIipj de. iln !u iiml 1 : i out, iiml for
life, for no eonipeniitieii I'emnietiMiirate
with thele .eniee. and at n sacriliee of
I'omteit in their Mititiger life and of n n
sered siipiimt for their old ii'p. 'I'lie
fersn ambit ion net only for them-ehe.
but for t licit families, and the. de net
depend en a let ignition of their serviee
fiem tin no ii ami women ami children
whom the eiie. Thev de net euieet
1'"' '" r di'in.iii'l nppieeiatleii
lb;'. lr-Hs n Hieli n wa that they
"'" 'K '" "-"''T' "' "1rv,,,1", -""'
be enlletl upon for erlri' b an ime
'who needs them
I hey liit slinpii nnd in 1 sense apart
from iprtaiti tlnin;. first lieem i thij
imist be ftee te sene, s.i'her 'ban fipe
' be mnuiPil or entertilineil : im'h d.
be'iltlke most nmtlMMiienf- iumi i
nieiiej . ami they hnp t.e tii"fp money
than thpv neetl for tiettial lnitiff, ainj
third, thev must net etTeiiii the weak'
et of Mn-lr brothers b taking part in
fliinqs that may be temptii'leiis te
some f.ilienns followers f their
- beitrr than the rest of u. het tl.ey
giie ihi'inselvf s with merp engernpss te
Mi- seiriie. haxitiB npparentl nmre ti
gip and mere te he grateful for than
most of us .If we lesetit their nt'i
tn Ip we hip open te Mmpieien of bi'it g
utiwilliiig te havp ethers gie whnt we
In net wili tn give nineves m pet
li'ljis, f'ltinnf give ourselves. A deg-Ill-llip-tnatuer
pniut of view that l1- ot:ie et:ie
what ignoble I" sn tin1 leant.
Tn rp'eiie that 'i gift nil the part of
one nf ihee ""rum's Is verv frierfeef.
"; te tike a m. pt.nstirp in the total
llinbl'llv nf i. Tie 'ii hl's set nut tn
be n ervn'it tn serve ntveptnlilv hns
nnietiiitig nii"pPin .lhiitit it fur we
,, ,, ,
reilli.V rejnlee t (III t til"
(ied nnd I'ather
f hi all bi liei'ii merked bv a false
ni t of worship
Seii" one sniil te me net long age
thai it the i ler.: rne i.p and p'"
tesml ,g.ii"st the evd that nn deit"
'hem en the -tage mil in novels an
by tiieturea, the evil would reap.
If I knew ilm i-lerg . they will let
Pietest Hut f evert lavtniin who pin-
fessi s te he a l'hrltlatl lretefled III
- m.I , "
?. ' '"." r' . "I1 .r:fVr.?.'
iiie name nt 'n
te rail n gibe at that sprviee or that
livery, feed for jeering laughter, the
diy might mine w) en ueh ministers.
new tup imsiness of only a tew men
weit'd b ihe reiegnieil gnnl 'f most
' ' Net t,e
minister 'in
mlmsieritl unto, bi.t
I te give III" life
sakah n. Lnwitn:
Dashirif! Separate
Jackets 4re Smart
It ('OKI.N.NK .0M.
It n nut the ehI Mether (Jcese .tiania
of ' Unrber, Harber, Shave i 1'ig '
which is observed in iiutiimn fashions
'Ihe new motivation is "Hesigtirr, de
signer, shave a lamb .'inveti lamb
is one of the IBO"t empliatle stvle jietis
nt l'aris. anil this felt i ertu.nl v has
the iiuvuiitii.'p of gteat llnvib.iltv. What
is lie .re it takes te ue m the tliOst
fncndlv fashion Ameii its most stic
ii'ssful tints are old tes,. lll(l inaineii,
but it is nei a failure . .'en in m.iie pm
phatic colenngs
Till novelty is utilized fi n, ,m p ,t .
pints. Whole hats me itmtpil nf it.
It lerniH lianils en frocks ami wraps
And II is espei'inlh fnttuiillte wiien
fnrmillK the dllshltl little Inese Jnekl'l
et us the I'lcinh 1'iiil it, paletni, te be'
wnlll Willi tl 'kill of man hllig i lutb
e.l e fur-; a.e used for th v ara e
, ,' , '""'" v s'pnrHii
jacket, which mate ing i ,e!or the
fr.s'k worn vv. ii , it, is one nf the sen-
et mil sua veil limit), nut various
son's newest Ideas H,.r, we have ,1
lUrnJl'ln Va! no Ve Jr ,n w I.'!!"',!' ',"' '
' ,. "n" "'?. "n."".. i.T-V
,.,,.... ...... ...... .-.,.,.. ... .. ,..,,.,.. in
milted reNi color crepe. u Jllkt ,,
men vviiu crepe ni 1 ue - nine color
Tl 'I'I I i
the I liree-rteee Suit
VI.imt. l tlti. tn.iiluls r., ..I ,1.,.
stu'iit. practical sort ji I'lutume. tninie
I ''"." ,. 7d nr.Vui ,1 il . fi 1 , 1
"S1" ' n.'"1 """" "'' Ml" Oihers!
with the rumlllar cunt penllued In a
are n mixture of mat and cape, and a
remaining group Is dedicated te the
Htcreil dogma that t.ething is mere love
ly than 'i tupe uucnrruptetl bv anv
fiat motives Tie fjit of jt is tlin'r
he cape thice pi cm suit Ih glowing
.... . 1 .1... ."... , ",..... .,.."" 1
. :"".? 'iZZ.T' I
1 '"'" - "..... .......,,,.,,-
central ins ttnen this tVM nf tha three.
. - y .
jitcis un
'bfe: A AJk
Can Yen Tell?
Hi, . . utii .1. II". llnlmrr
Where Was Snime' Hide
M Millie's Mele" wn cniinipteil with
the tnenrx nf the mterlnr nf the e.iriii.
pretnulgnti'd h .fehn t'leav. s Sj mines,
tn l1"-!!. whl-'h was long after the
""r'.l in general 1ml proved te Its own
atNfa.len flat the interior of the
arth wa a mere nr les solid mass,
tli'iu.'h In a nivltPti t.te in portions of
IVpvIehs tn his -ttnlv nf planetary
fei illations. S.Mitines had bi-n a t'nitetl
Sta'es Artn nptltn He beilpved the
firth peti-ls'i'd if a iiumher of ion ien
enr:ii' spin re4, ntie within the ether,
mi'! that theie wen- nn -s between
full of these sj.hi ri s which wem lighted
siniilnrlv te th" outside of the eirth.
nnd that ea'h of these Interior sphere
weie ti" niih habitable, but that it
would be pe.JiMp for people from the
nut-dde ciifh le viit th" pmple nn the
'nsidi S mni"s i laimed ihnf theie was
n l.n'i' mini' AVtift miles w 1 1 1 e near the
Vnith Pele, into whle'i it ship eeiild
sftll nnd ii.iitinni' it teuinet te the
tr.slde (arihs He went s,, ft,r n ie
ptibllsh i bonk mi the -tibji i i tn prm '
his thenrt nu I 1 1 en mnde it sieit.
flit etlili t tn imluee ("nllgress te lit nut
an I'xpeilliinii wl.,eb. under hi- giibi
li tee, wnllltl make the jeurinM H'
n!d tint a hlp sailing ever ihe pijqe
of j mines Hele Inte the interior would
net tmtli e that it wn going Inte a
hole, a" theie would be no apparent
change of itnvnture.
S mines' theory never recehed the
serious attention of I'duenti'tl people,
fnf '.us belief flint the earth was hol
low v as opposed te the known fneis
,f sf eiiei. Hut a great many tliou tlieu
'nids nf uned'i' nteij feil: thought
"as i great Mej '.t that time, tie
iilsivivi r of tl " net inl conditions at
'Ii- I'eIps had mi 1 pen made AVI en
le ttist leuiehe.l this theory Syintiu'"
was a weilthr man Se cenvltii eil
'tn lip of hli tlieerv ihnr he npi nt nil
of his menev making lepture tours nil
ever the inuntrv te nui'inlnt tl. "i
pie with l.isi Idcis
.Monday Who Discovered the ( li'in.
Iinl MUnlly of Substances?
Adventure. With a Ptwie
YJjnV.S I was a very little gnl
' nf- ti v eiir te fie retintn t "s'r
in n'd t,unt of mine nml the liisi th i,.
I old was te go te n shelf in tl. r, ii
wnv nml teach for a crock iuvk iuvk
r'ede (unities Ami such d''in j
fl .tigs tliev w'ip tiin The ntinr 'bl
I s'eiijiul In a store and the i i agT
" 'l tn me 'I wain eit tn tiisn t',.
i d he gate t e a eoekit' Mid le n-'.v
if isMfd J'lt-r etaith like these i,siil
tn get In mi iluniili'lliMP I'lniinrv h )t n
II llttiP intlt link's tliecP is,f nf
cookies, four 'Hflerent kintK, r n I t
are triih tiie "kiml meth'r ' , 'n
I bilte ' The lie seM'iiH -fit' ii i
I box anil ifs'lil.e well, its like L"iti'ig
i bin 1: te 'he old siwiiiimlng r
t hen'iiniisp 'e ent them.
wnriu bath, fi'sh linen Ui ' .'.
iri of friigrniif iilnini pnwd.r '
thing niore ifllcaclnm te lake nw that
tirnl fiid-ef-the-dav feeling' I .nel
n iihw kind et talcuiu pnn.l. ns
ftdgnitit nnd i's fresh a ii'it j f.
i'i an alttiit tiv bottle win . i I
i e.'isuv si-no us an urnaiii' at f '
1 (Ireswltig tnblrj ter SI
I'er intmrs nf shops nililrrss tliimm 'ir
r.lin.r lining lnlnnl AOIIII in- Muln tltnl
l.riHetii llu- liuiir nf tl suit .1
Imt They're Wi'tirilit!
, ,. ,,. ,,., , ., ,""
III ereinlig gowns nln' t.ini.t nj.
r.hiiiz.- ten urntiglv the vegu.. . t .,,.tnl
Whs "a uf her s I v the tX , c
iieiiih un iiniu si 11 , 1 r,
.J", "dZn
j m'( ,jllmm L(, ,,., ,, ,.,,,. j;,";,
!"'"" ZL ...., v !, t ......
K"'"""" " '" ,""1 WU'
, .
, . ,,..,,,.
-it n -,... ........
'"e ''HI still .' t inie- i.i-iis 111 .j. 1
tertnlniinr vnur ciu-ls nn ll.'ill.a. .
Yeu CHI still get Millie bns I 1, e,).
tertalniiig your giie-ls en H.'iIImv -eel.
Ilemeinber theie s u ' ,i ,,f
riime" party fur giewnups, ,) u
Garden I'nrty for I'lnldrni both nf
which me full of Ideas for .1 n,ts
and games that will till the iveuu,,'
will, fun Send n self adiliisn ,,
Stamped envelope te In" iillini- of
the Weman's I'nRe. if vnu want the
suitgestleiin, They will h mailetl
Immediately sn thai .mu will stirely
cct them la tlmt.
... . .1
eel. Itemem IPC t ll'le S II 'Hi nf
4-ips-''ri r it i: .v x sif j -.is" -.i'. -
t lielliiT II lie Ml i llinlM't' stum liUnUnWII Wit II II IIHF eKe MlU lllllinll
girdle, a negligee nf satin riepe w lib h envelops the figure Mid is i aught
with a geld tassel at the bail;, a nightie of daintiest baiistp, lace
trltnmid. or a new sn',. ,,f lotiibliiatien trlinmetl with a blanket stitch.
he loves te see it mil gmat nver it and wish she leuld have one just
like It
The Weman's Exchange
Why Net a Canary? 'dances i ),;iVe ,, KOed h.t of t.inaty
. ,,,, . volereil hatlu Will veu pleai.e telt ine
I' ! ille- e lt'emati j Pmjr r,.ii. ,,Ji,, ,t ,'.,.i.i i. , ,,l..
I''r Mailam am eight, en jears
H'l. Mid am (telnir te a few If illevven
TIIE uemi:
Humid I)nnaldr,n Kberlnn
llu meM letiuMif-a EWrluu
, j
,i " ii.:
scuiiit iiugs
il.lpe I ij i ellle fl-ell the nlll I'llg-
tvcavint.' preMlH p of IIpipj! iii Nnrlliein
I'usi.i . mm v striking idiiirHi-tcriti'
of .1,..,. ,.lifs .1..,, th. y are mere pre-
leiinied III heir Migllialt Mid bold-
T "f ',W-,M ,hJ" "" ?"y "f ?'"
l' i-ini, rujs. .ellectiui; in a marked .K-
tn.' ti." wild nature of the weavers
'rll"L" "" ,1,,V" " '"'n'nt lltriil
"-'Mi.- m...u.i..h by. nn elaborate vine
,t,.r I,.,!!,.... u 1 Hi. (lie cnt'iierM Mi
' KI.. iin ,. .11,..,
1 ,,... ,. .iiv , slmdi
. .1' ,.l''lll I ...l'. .- ..r.l.M,., .-.- .........
. I . 1. I. ....1 l.tnn i. ... .I.itl t.Tirr imItpiI
.1 ii" 11 i'-'t. c. ...tn 01 ..in. .,. ....-.-.
with dark blue The berdcis have a
. I I. I. .....I .l..Dl ... 1,. .1.. mV. I.tti.
ii-.iii' I'.iiK-ti il'-iii.ii I" 11.11 ""
Hciiipp tugs Hheubl last u lifetime
Thev aie of the lliiest iiunllty of Per
Mil 11
wmil wliuli, with nR. becomes
vv 1 11 t
I'lesely aneela.ed will, Kerape rugs
. -. . ...n... (.. .... . ........ -..
IHakhsliis an, loes,., of inferior color".
I lll-ciimblneil, ami show etldencc nf
.. I .. a. . j. . n s . I I 1 I. I u I liOSII
ilf 'Itiifillil nnu ini.insiur.. ...... '' emMllS''. lUri mill lite lllliu; uver l'IMCP 10 SpCIIIl, IIP Hlllltll Ve l,'.
varieties, vvliiib are renlly fereruniipis W, tw r(.?t of the ulrN. decld" up.ui icUlne. the eiitlie 1 1 nt It an hi.- iji'hr
nf the ilerape- have Ihe lliedalllnil ,1 regular line '" ?,"'! ''"V, '',' r,''1' "' 1 but Instead he had ileunuuced her.' he ,
forms but net ihe ib.,,.l .leidcn. which hlrli i'"' ' ',f'' .V,' ' l . , , ,,, ,,,, lMnA , , ,.
,,eri it, r,,..,, iliU T.1,.1,11. Modern Is te be held. After tiwi lie rest in , , . pl.-n,.. ,",i, , ',"'".
aft "4 jXmM "
i ; jsvft,' s
"',l i""lJIIt- I till i I Ullltl tjr titles "
"loin ml.l mtln" 1 thruitht te cembitin
, " ' lt'1 '''-icl. iibl...n would he pretty.
Klnd'y te'l th.. e'vaet date of Hal
leween, "till i r .'.1st
an inti:hi-;ti:i) i'.i:.i-i:n
Wlr. dot ' veu dtfss as a canary t
, ' ,J1) (-"1'1 " '"' t!l- dress short with a
snort hiiir .mil titijii nulc. ami wear n
'i of the yellow material,
Wings 111.1 In
blat k f.i'iti i
he lie MTV
01t til" (
f lardbtntnl covered with
i black crepe p-iper would
s'rlklinr, nnd would give
tnmblnutlnn ou I. lie
i en the ':t
Would Like Recreation
7n He ii ri ,' Wemnn'i I'ti'jr
Pfittr M.nlaiii -I have been mat tied
'for five Murs have two chllilit.n, ivve
end f i i v. its of um'. within which llmi
I I hav n m Iiml lecreittlen of nny kind
AltlietiKl. .in Im - a iiMChlne, tin m.iktj
i no step'
In tiin. n piac.m In which I could leave
j the chlidiPti for tbret) or tour heuis of
Inn tvMiiic; I would Kindly pay any
charm's I lutvrt no nplchbem or rela-
ti.- MltS n
I de ret I t,ew of any place of this I
,'",J ' "" " """M '" lmrd '" (1" ll''
an b'. Itut don't you knew tf seme
vv ii wheiii ou uiiilil pav te ceinn
whom you 1 hum pav te com
in 1
.is,t,i..ill and Htay while you
u uf .nut,-. I M'tillu it would
I c some niif whom veu could
-I ill. .1 ureal many penpie tin
Mid n h1 net keIiik tn bv us bind
as e,VV.,iuk tn fin,, iffe Vert ,f p,r,e
v mi i,,M Iti'iulu Miiemj your friends,
. w.'i .'.W&VoTe til" "" "ta
wiiium .
A Club She'd Like
'hi 0- I ltnr nf Weman's IViye
I). ,t Mndmn Wn arn night Kills be
.v en twelve ami feuiteen jcais of age,
and I should like te eriraulrn a club.
Jl'.iv lui'ild I it' 1 about It' What kind
f iltb would .veu advise iim tn have'
I bav.t been cnnsldeilntr ti llleiatutc 1 lub
I'e.NfsTANT m:.iJi:t:
I in ente veu would like semsthlnu of
iim suit, and jeu could mil It th"
t the
II. miner I 'lull. HI
1 'lub. Hlnce thnre aie pet
iminv of 1011, your ineetltiKH would be
W""- " VA Les ' a a esblen
..t.,, turns eincriainiuH mu tin,,. nivi;v
'.J l0'eki pd when the iiieetliiK Is
f,0i,i lnnn each girl lead a Hills of It tu
i '-
The Superior Sex
Jehn Stcrlc marries tmir Temple
hnuv nujlhiit the Aim ferret in her
im irhirh she irfuiei In ilivulije. lie
.neti , Ien, thai hr lines net lure
him, bul dilliitf Ihrir honeymoon Ihrtl
nrr turpt irrviitttblii tniicther, nml
fur n time, am very happy. Thru
Slrrlr henins te think about .-Imic'
paf, mill when he flntilly mmui-ris
that tic Ad chlUl, his mintl Irtipi
le bul one conclusion nnd he accuse
her of the. worst, Anne, ivhe has
anne thieuyh the lieriible iteortdalien
of ii 4i'dii tiunrbifr, is tee ercr
irhclmcd bu his nnycr tn deny on en
thin;. That night she leave hnme
te go tn her child and Ims Arr lit
ullh pneumonia. Three dnys later
Ihe baby din, nnd Anne feeh that she
I M e blame fur every thing.
1 What Marcia Said
JOHN' STKW.K steed facing
.narcia was ilipssitig te go out te illti-
. ..
nor. She di-llkcil very much heitijt in -
iPiriipt-d at such ,, time nn this, but
ilnhti had been m. insistent thnt she bad
i siipppii into a negligee unit iiilmitli'd
him te her s-metuin boncteruni,
Maicia'i hair was inctlctileuMv mar.
. Ol...t I f..n .l ... !. ..:.!..'.. I
.1.. ., iiim inii-in-il III 1IIU null' 111 III"
bi'iitl with a glittering comb. Menealli
l he fel mill tv of her heaiblress. bei'
vvpll-preservetl face t-hone evenl pink
Mid white, hut just nt this time n little
fiewu nf aniievMicp had spread aciesf.
It, bringing into view the wrinkles jliat
.Ill ,!.?v
nili il.i
Iter milsseus(. fnutjllt se hllltl v
in eradicate
She was irritutptl at bcinc Intprrinite.l
at iieli a time. Dressing was te licr a
acred piecedure, but the minute she
looked into .Tehn's face she knew thnt
letui'thini; had happened, nnd she dN
misnil Clnrn, tin- maid, with a f i w
crisp words.
".Inhn, what Is it, what has happen-
iieniu nci- nreiiy. mm lltiB net i ng.
iiml Man in heard him te the end. Then
sue spei;,, (lM sentence.
"WIipip Is she new''"
"I don't linnu. "
"lln at... t.fi ..,...',
in- siu-iiggi-ii iiih HiieuitiPi's "i tiiilii l
stnp te .'isi'irQn ihnt. .Hut whv de
VOU llsl!.'
What tllfferencc def it
She loekitl nt hltn for a long moment.
It curious eM'H'ssleli ill licr eves. "I
tlmni-ut von levid her
slip remarket
"", V "i, ,t""
. ',,111 '".V,1"'1'', ,h" ,,,"'h, ,!"1 m'
nn. nil.. I. . 1 lilt, .- - nun II IIIM I
was blind nml d-iif te ever thltiu. I
bad te have l.er."
"Yes, nnd jiiii vveip willing te iiimiv
her. knnvviiik. that she hail a scpici in
her life." Jli rcla Ititei ruptcd. "Well,
riming is it'.iuv cliailgcll, Nile Is CX
mil III" "aillP gill lOlllly IIS KIP WHS
Imlere .miii 'l.sdiveri'il all this. If .villi her se.s. or his ,,. us beltm' all alike."
leally 'lived Itr, If u really inrcil Ih theie iiii.vihliig n. oil- fnellsh thati that
as much lis veu pieleiidul tn, nothing ' " "unlit : What nf nur fatbcis and1
ttiiubl Mattel but tlmt." l!"",tl.,cr':,', ."1"" """ "" "1IK-" Aml
.1, Sini.li, t,i,,,.i ... i.iu i.- .bad' All of tliein . i
" . ,,, fllpi ,,,i, I(,,- i,i. -
she met ills L'a7i frnnlili 1'lir.n slu. '
' vveiit en speaking iillcklv.
''fnn'v man led her. (Jetl kunwi
at one lime I would biive given nnj
thing 111 the world le have liii'Vi'lited it.
''"' ll"t,,H "" '" "'' past. The fact
r,,'"mj" V.",",! : J"v' ""'''.l"' a scaiuLli
bio I'veniuall.v te sepiiiHi... veu must
m,mR() It ipileth, nr iiMui'allv ,vnu
won't V'lillt tn go nu living with In r
won't v-Mlt tn go nu living with In r
knowing what iii.itiuer nf woman she
!s" .
.Maicia s tone was Inft.v. SI e snnlte
flimiL'b her hfe u.,.., .. 1.. ,
w 1 r.
nil sucli sordid things, ami at Ids muili-
, tone Vl ".leuh ",l , " tdl 1
ut(.ln'H mintl wben he Imd (Irsi .. .nJ,..
An dl ifAWS h H
w.nngdelng, iclurne. win, disturbing
hiiuiii'iinesN. u was one tiling tu aci us,,
her himself and tlillr. another tn htar
Mliithcr pi'lsiui denounce her,
Mnivi.i bad saitl that he vvnulilu'l
want te go 011 living with Ainie know
ing what manner of wnuuiu she wth.
Mill what milliner uf woman was she'',
In his lii-ait of heaits, dbl he rciillv
believe tliese horrible things about her'
As he thought about It his brain cleareil '
Hiililenl and he bi'L'.in in think ra-
1 . .,,- .; 11 r i.v
'":""' ,' ", ".".'' "V" '"."
..IIIM- ,,l,....l .. ... II.IIh III' Hill
iudged her entmdv nn i In umslMillal
I'Viili'tiip. He Hheubl have glwn her it
1 ; -vi. .,..... .
of the story.
(Te Ue Continue)
Women Always Want td Knew
What Happens After 4he TragedjM
One Reason for This Is That We
lO l lie eiiiur m vi uiav eku tjuntv nuppmess
"WOMKN are auih queer tlilngn,"
" 'remarked n man In nn nmtlaed
tone. "They aee n beautiful tragedy
acted en the alage. nnd then they want
te knew what happened te the mnn nft
erward!" Win- net If he'a lnteretln Unci
attrnftlve. If he's lifeh Buffering thtetltli
n whole thri'PMU't play, why, naturally
we want te ktidw what brenme of the
peer thing!
Olir aymtiAlhlea have been Areuietl by
Fill drendfttl plight nnd Ida geed loeltif,
tee, iiprhnps nnd we want te fellow
Ida adventures en bark te happiness
When we love, we Hit It ungeMMily.
If our benrlH go out te the peer sufferer
ue want te nee lilin happy before we
learp htm.
We are net content te leek upon the
surface of the play and think, "Oh,
well, Iid'h just doing perfectly wonder
ful acting, but of course It Isn't true."
It'a real te ua. We go deep into hla
Bufferings with him, our very hearts
nre touched.
And naturally vie want te knew hew
It nil turns out.
IWOXDEIt if thnt Isn't the rearen
why no many nf ua women de Insist
upon a book's finishing definitely?
We are net content with these vagus
"artistic" endings, which leave the
here nnd heroine In n state of Indecision
or uncertainty while the read keeps nn
winding down through the trees, the
wind blows the young spring lenves
gently, nnd n flower preps tip shyly
from under Its rnVerlng of leaves.
TIip nullier leaves It te the render
did they marry nnd lire happily ever
after, or did Ids Infatuation for the
lady-villain triumph ever his deep love
for the sweet young girl?
"Suit venrself, end it any way you
want te'." The author Is generous about
Hut most of us don't want te.
Please Tell Me What
Te "F. A. B."
'.'yntlila canrtet answer questions
about health. She does net prefess te
knew. Yeu can receive treatment free
of charge In the dispensary of nny hos
pital whre the best nf service Is given.
Scolds "Caruso" Well
near ("yntlila Please pardon nny
slang ttlllcb hppenrs In tills inlssUe. but
as It Is "met p txpressUe than elegant'
It serves my purpfe.
S'ener "I'aruFe." il6 veu believe "peo
ple who live In glass beuses should net
threw Mencs"? If se, why de you ac
cuse "nitinil'ft" of centnnlctliiif nnu
then tuin mound mid commit tliH sailie
fault eiirM'lf "Hew come?" you itsic.
Well. ou ileclr.ir nil men are net pikers.
et eii linnicdlstely tcfute this etrtte
ttienl liv sajlnif you give a ladv frlentl
of veurs a "poed time," but when you
wish te linve a "wild time" eursslf
veu nlt one who you luiew will net
tulneJ InvptiiitkiiiK
'Dili proves "UlenillA's" theerv that
all men me pllicm and bclleve In the
put-mid-talie system.
Write again, "Blondle," and prove te
"(aruse" that jeu are net ene of thp
klnrt te b plaed with nnd then cast
UHl.te until scm future ilste.
Oh for a leal rttati who reuld be
Jellv and witty, chummy and niendlv
nml expect only the same In return! (I
rear "Wem itnys if none terever.- i
Threa cheers for "Veel" "Them's my i
Ilv the way. what illd you think of
"Kentucky's" Itlenl? llu wants r horse,
net a girl.
If you've mads this out, you've done
meie than many of your predecessors.
ttoert luck and many thanks, Cynthia.
Much Truth in T-hl
I Hear 1'inthln I ellie
' r .7. j
your column
very union anil una
be my flsst
'atfrnpt at It.
I . '" ',?; l"5 ! .f! JlSa!iees liS "t
' B,m r.,en ieB9' ,,nt """ ,'0e, "et B"
wi, dniit ecrbedy slam and bans
.around "the Mappers'' In their lettei
",' ou' n,,d ",!, ln "Pwhs at clubs,
.etc . '
De i.ti litu-w that we fellows and
men m ilie lliein what thev are? Kel-
lewe, don't put the blame en tha gills. ,
bpcnurt they knew Hint If they dan t
kiss .veu when .veu take tliem out, jeu'
won't ceim aicund again. i
At fur "l.n Pensettt." I rnn't eteni es4 1
I !"' " ,Jlp1h,,,,l" words, unjwaj. he sure
pi n dumbbell
Hemcml.iT the wiyliiK ".veu made me
VVllUt 1 Mil untli'lfl 19 iniuit u ruiuj.iui( ui.is v.
Well, fellows, the next lime ou r.et lolered beads en elastic. A buckle It
a "wild tlappei, think .f that and den't1 innile nf the bends strung en tine will
sit down end wrlte te Cynthia about ,llu fnstiiied te the band with wire. Te
"the euiraeeutis gills." loin the alcevi- nal'ts te the bracelet
AM 1 HlCllT.'
. , ..- . ,. - . .
A Letter te Unfortunates
Dear I'tutuln I am writing te
the .-01110111 for the tlrst time, although
, ,mVl1 etiiec.l some very eenslble let -
, iers from various contributors for the
last few year' May I say a few weul.'i
' thiin .ill pleae
fTe Unfertunates:
A few uiifnitun.itfs prejudiced bv tils-
appointments fmiu lielh sexes reetu te,
lese uiPir neaus in u in or remorse .inn
write tn Cvnthi.i nf things tlmt de net
neiuer nu seiinii cnmni ni sense i uo ue uo
lleve tliiuiGh, atlir these letnerseful inrs
inetits have pussetl they are willing le
take back what they have said con cen
rntttliiL' both HPXPK 111 cenei.il Hut
tbi.v i.innet .vlthdiaw n letter from a
mail be nfler thev have dreppeil It In
Ami tiie isiiii- I'ynnim rcceivts a
letter fiem "Di'.ippnliited " A letter
wtltten en the spur of the moment that
puiti.i.va a memei t ihngiln. and gives
a vvrenir liupn ssie'i of a lifetime rf
feellm; New 1 nu au thnt that applli'-i
te only tbese wlie wilte te cyntuiii nnu i
tell her such foolish things h fellows
"A jeiiiik mnn "i wemuti writes of a
Meat ills.ipieltiiiiit nt bieught u limit by i
mar.ilx.iu , l lilh ..v..n i.ml ili.nnilnees
lllll. u
vem wlie 1 11 mu ' nu- me all
' tal:e that iifiriew thmitthi out if,
our heads TIutu Me t;oed and bad, I
mnlu and female Loek fei the geed I
eiii't and fniget the bail I
Wi'i'dH glow In all Katdeni Weeds I
thai huidi'i and abuse beautiful llevveis I
If ll, weeds ure allnwed te (flew with-
out an effmt te pull thi'tii theso beau-1
llful llnweis fraj and die I
.s-Niinti piuplu keep afler the weeds I
Tin li- KMdi'iis me btautlfiil and a thliiK
nf profound etije ment Othur jittplu
iillnu the weeilil tn i-imv iiiililnitn. 0.1 I
Their utiidelir am a total tuin The
pietty llnwem tiled fiem lick of erne
I s,,,,l'J.:).li!!,",,,.,..L,',0ll.?,,.'.,r "'V':lu,lf.111' .
:;;, '""","'';' " "',!' :,',. ."," "I ,,",-
"" ' " "" ,",.,...", "T. . ". .nviliK
inenuini'iit te a liapp
life. Nuireiv
is thought te go a long way but
Geed Judgment gees farther.
ine tea tnat Is
aiu.u , co; WKOijjeAy..
Want te Ge On SymfaMfaA
We hnve tnken the here unit I1..V1
jtrnlK it into our l.cnrtH. have'
the r Uvea nlenc with tiiem ...7..une
worried nbetit their h..m"",
mlftllt be nbetit our -own. ,
Wcretild fix It tin If ,ve ,,M , '
nnu iiiiricen out 01 tnirteen of m n:Xi
mnke the infin marry the wm3SH
but wp would much nnU i.-i,?!
down In blink and i,i(f ',',, '." K
TT I8.VT because we're tee bralnW
A or Insty te de It ourselves. J
inn ii iiurm 10 icei tnnt en mu
for whom, we have gene tluetishT!
inucn worry niieuiii ne lert nt niM, T.i 1
..",jfc saw! v1ft2.
iiii-ini nen; it'll wiin n scramMpil life.
Men don't seem te he nhi. .. . '. l!rA
peicennl feeling about the charactir jj j
. It Is nil just fietlnn. eoed ne k.4 tJ
them, nnd the style, technique H l
make most of the dlffefene n " ,n-iAI
If the tragedy Is well done, the .
Iintmlness of the principal chsneM
well depleted, a man Is satlsfled
Hut n woman wants his smfferlac
niade up te him in happiness of mb
Or, If he s geinc te go en MifferlnKl
she wants te knew Irtw. M that . I
can sympathize thoroughly. w I
TSX'T that the reason for it nil? if
it isn't mere must De some ether fau
ns goedi '
Fer It Is undeniably true that 1
woman does wnnt te knew what hit"
pens te the mnn after the "beautlM'
And while there nre times when i,
de things blindly and instinctively win,.' 1
1711 iiuiiiuii.t niiunniR wny tve (10 tneia
soma geed excuse for the deed lnrarli
lily turns un sooner or Inter,
Usually later about the time tint
seme man wemlera just why we shinll
have behaved ns we did.
te De
Lrtttrs td Cvithlas CAttimit null m
written en one slit" of the tinp'r el
niM mutt bi! slotted tellh th ii'rittr'i
I 1C1III I1 t'TIUff
Tli itpme teltl no)
itnttie nnd niMr'H, Tim net
be vuhllihfa If the tcrltrr tine nni mi,i
fit 1 fie i
ed Ulten
II. t'tiMtmrd lcllr and I'tftn utiiiM
-nirr fetw nor IP
en liefh ildf s. of flie tinner trill itel
hnvtm .i.OI m.i sa
itiU',rrd. It Viler vne ti ifrtnL
niisurr rant can ej fiirm (it Ih
celimni will pteiue leek llicre. n ttr
seital Illcrs urn enu tirlUm vim
niisurrs fnnr
nfjsutulrlu fticeiaru.
thoughts breurht about by disappoint disappeint
nients breed uusatlsned minds. Vt
ltemtit mlndri that make veu a hermit it
life. Alene! Hymnntlilaed with, taiii
dots sympathy help when you don't,
iimp juurBt-u t .i,vnipainy nr limes
comes a thing of beauty. Hut t wendir
If a strop?, healthy person likes era),
pathy of that kind 7 ,
I've been disappointed. CeuntlNii
ethers, tee. Still selne of us go enwtnl
In life with a creat hope anil faith Id
the future. Why enn't ou
Te the Fertunates:
Can't some of us get tethtt
tliretifh Cynthia's column am! lnMt
a little hope into the unfortunates and
help pull the weeds out cf their git
Things You'll Leve te Make
nracelct Joins the Twe Pilrts of ThU
,, , .
'ihe unusual sleeve still preraik
1 tat,, la m... .lli.l.ln.1 t.iln tivn ttsrtl.
, h,. upper rather tight, the lower loeil
I nn , f)unnir. ieiiied by n bracelet. Tb
""' u,f. '.. f..:.. ...... i. v ..
stitch silk ti the sleeve tup, striiK sons,
beans en it una run ine mik mreuim
.ms nf the band. Thin fasten it te
! the lower sleeve. Fnsten the iiarts el
i), ieeve ln this malum' in screr.il
' ",' " , .,.,' ',, ...u.V X M evel anil
Pi'"'' I his biaci'lct gives n novel anil
" ii "tni i" "
Sold Everywhere
X Oppeille Inilependcnca Hull
1887 iu
Silk Shades
In bewildering naterttnent A col
lection unlque In the citv Ipr
brntttv and ertUtic merit.
Alie fine telectleu e(
Vase Lamps
In design nnd colon ulted te
every tante Unifernil m'
ernte In price, An impet
Hen cordially Invited
isiaimsa fixwkks of
Waller & KeDleri
531 Chaitnut St. j
always Rellam'. vj
; yfxzttr. wmjU,
9. ' (!$m
C4B& 'jiirr
1 IetS-
11 hW psm
nvu mm
a;. " pi j,
i. ,
;v" r
f!iWOfy pat.il. j.e'
..ffiVftgfeSfa.-.rt AH&, ....
uk'tf A& .AsL,J.v, , ;.4A.!jdte
. B,
.hJJVV- 1 UJ '?