Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 28, 1922, Night Extra, Page 3, Image 3

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'WHBffllll i1 1 'BlTlMHIt i lilllllMUlB
'-. VtBWJMAV IwiWM III! i I HmmMmmmrms
Fled After'Slayers Killed Recter,
Hid In Bushes, but Was
Found by Flashlights
f n uif Cnirtmnmb ii
w iiriiiiMilih. X '.- "'' -"-
r . ..J ..m.u'Utin fit.
.-..llMnC I""-'' '" .. ""..,.. .
. . i... ! iii i im itnv. iuur i
Mills " J1""?,, from liMlirt and
The .""". .... ' ,, -he returned l,i
r:"vri i lM.lllli,- r.irm four bems Mler
"" I..- MImI III"' "'' " '"'"
thr imiril i 'J,,,. ,,;,, lltl( u-ecplng
Mi'i'Jrh "' l,'"M "';' """
M,,f .1,.. s-tw wh" '' m'iulers ""
hud i '"I ver-hni t,i
mr"i. .,,
NT . ,. in given te "" iiiHln.1
!",,"1"lMr I.hm.. II'- -'"'" -TP
,1'" , '. , ..i.nnli of 1'iihlif- nil"." "hoi i
Mr-. Mt'i'
rinnrtlil M'lU
I ..I ll
ihll, ..r I'liHim,.
lagged "'' """' lta& ,
';;,. ;,1, l.u.il.-il for Mr- MIIIh
' ''l r U.I ' " '" h''0t V,,,W r-
e'''1,..' i I, ln. Tlir I"i- "'-re
,,h" it, .! l"irV head a- -1,.- i'cn,led
i'Tnirn''. Tl.culep-.v J""," 'llliiil
'" "....I 1....1 lii ell III llllltll rnilXllll.
dlb-en mid t't'1'i'l.v Alterney
lllill MM" rcium'Si ," uii
ii,.inlir "ill curle-lt)
'c'!" .. ..-,. -in- " 'i'f,iM'''i "in- -f
i""1 ;;''.-hI.i. Ir!HB i-r IHbM uii
1'T ."". ..r.. .. il. iinir.lt r.
nicli in " nn,.,l i
rriiuiivi mii' - ".-'-
fill tn mdiij mm ninini (
i . t. It. i. fiii Inilu In I
. ...Ill I lit i llM I I ' ' I I I
Mill IJHHI " ' , . .
" S"" ' . ' ll if. 1
I. Il'lll'l. )l) I III iii.1I"!, I"ill.
" .. ... 1 .. I
Ml. Mlri.li , ""' '"' n '!.";
M,l nm i; -"
. ..... , , (.. ...iii'.ii fmiiifii'
leJ.j I-" '"'" V"
or r" ,,",'"
Is New
"t, j - y j"' ',?" '' VB
Phcrne, lh:rv te Study Art,,
Say "Pent of the Siarrds" i
Was Toe hlealistw te Vn
deMand Commercial World
Presidents of Organizations
' Have "Old-Time" Spell
ing Bee.
-- i .Se-Called Eeventric Meeds
MRS. GEO. WHEELER WINS' Were Only Reactions Frem
Score iinetlier point for tlic olit elit
i fashioned He!lliK bee, for it previ'il
mibtle mid fnKcinntln Piilertnliiinnt for
n liedt of r'uliwemcn nt tin' l'liilemiiinii
Club jpstpr.Iii.v,
Mr. f'linrles I'iiriu'11
thn Hatliinvny Club, under wliRi.e tin
spiWN tlip ben vn I'uiiduc'pd hurled
111) BockwliellopccH nt twi'iiiy or mere
I presidents of uemeti'M elulu of the city,
i find thpy nit Htii'i'timljed hut one.
' The "one" is Mrs. (ieurge Wheeler.
of the (prmniitavii Hub. She Meed i Heii'hts,"
resolutely before the eiiftiitiKht
Hpellf.l correctly hen nil ether.-, fnlled.
IJy n vote of the prestd"iitii, iiniiiiii-
tiltieti wlilfli foil in! its iiuii'lc uii.h Im
mediately dlHearded. It Wlis net trleil
Attempts te Play Down te
Level of Pilgrims
nieee of the Inte .fnrtiitiu ,. Miller,
ii wimmmmmmmrmmmmmmm
.Mr; KUiuier Itciiiltttrilt .Mill (uithetit (lie hut), he wus Miiirilr.nl
ullh the Itev. Dr. Kdnnid Wlirelrr Hall en Iho hIrIH of September
II. nml Mr. KrancrK SletriiH ll.ill (ueiirlni; hat), nldew of the Main
rertur, vim Iiiih liren lilintlllcil hv nil alleged eye-witness us bciiiR
liiict'iit Mhen Hip deiihle kllllne uas eeminlted
eeeenlrle "tmel of the SlerrtiH.
president of 1 1Ivtn in Camden, N. I.
She In "Minn Plierne .Miller, dmiKnter
of .leii(iiln's brother, Jtunrs II. It.
Miller, n Meektunn in Oregon. She
hns ednie Hnitt te btudy nrt.
Ah ii fhlld Mn Miller mi.h the en en
je.eil tiimit pnrtlculiirly lier lnitn ti Uer
uncle's relrent, wlijeli Im jnlled "Tl,r
Heii'hts." neiir iil(linid. Cnllf. Sim
,ijihiis played nreiind nn the tillln villi
.Minima .timer, nun Mrnuije jeuri;
daiiKhteref hie, who pl Inte print with
lit r rlfenMriHiN nnirrliiKe and her twilight
marriage prreineulal with "111; -white
love lllliier (lie ,prl Inoeil
i,f ii"-
i far
In Hi
livmhlervd Prosemlers linn lieiuid in Circles as Inscrutable
! ii, hiiv itl Imp Mieller. in ulve tier anv I ".Tmniii, Xdltnc ,.nu , ..,..(
"opnerlunltj te linprep en the up"ll-, Sllrt Mlllir. "and In iiiimj' waji
' I".' .... , . ,. luanltu fellow- iilens ami eiisteis tli'a
i The lew: hall wn crewdrd with nie net PoiitPiiiieunl.
i..i.i. .i- i ..,.. i 'ii i,,.l .... . . '. .
.11'1,,,,-uiiwni riiiunuinrii, i hv f.vi.-. 'i.neie .ieiiiiiiii ins i eftl name unni
I .1.... . .I t.1 (..HfAllI .... lllrt Llll.l.l l........ . ..... . .. '
I .i.-ni.i iii, .-ii urn .,,, no hi.- en.,,-. , iiifiiniiiiiM ii'iiif uiiier was liern in
Wrtlnn.irv Was "Ble un" , .'' "f ideuee, patents en (he read
Mrs. I'urnell und artillery were nt a ! LH.?-0M !?fM "'"' ',' ."' . . ,
dek in the rear of the room. Amiii-' , ','l, ",' Wi,s f." '"f 'I""V"J- "
Millien eenslMed of olio large Mimdard .Mnrted h pnp-r. uhleh was .,iiptee,
. illelliiniipt.. le nliriilireil illetletiarles I '"'rilKf tile nil War. lie traeled'
'and two or three Kiiellers. ; eer all tii eejnitrj . te Alaska: he
Slayer Calmly It niches Chailly Comedy
Without u ar .or laer event fer
Imps ill one iuMiiliee, Mr. I'urnell
Hluni:her words. The one exerpilvn
bin; uii e Mrs. Maxwell Ste
memhei' of the llnlhawi
I 'tub, rihe gnve her "eaouteliein.'," and
lnteft( of p-pelling It, Mr-i. HtevPiisen
- . ..,;.... . .
"I kncs you d de that:' jilbt lib If !'" overieoynp
Mie were exwelltiu fear and favor. Her" lie mine t.ir t,
nit Mdus is Hewetelt a hlrtliilny urn
feildit with the In
In hi wedded III', .
"Later he unni
Jjls li('tltreTtelie.
sllrred the Hrlti.sl
WashliiRteii, l. i
MilU If Mil rrtM
i,,!f. "M 1 1 1 f . huEbntid of i'ie niurdvi-d
t Ul , ,
nrtlKIIU, "I"
In the n
lllit 111"1
llllt til"
eellur of I In
llll 'i Mell t ei ii-'nuilild '
New Ilrutisuliis, N. J., t(et. 'JS.
Of all tin weird A I lee in iitidnltiin!
mjMerler, that haMj ,aitf.ed the eol eel
1eetlv rpltie of the eenntr te creep,
the New I!ruim,'l; Hull-Mills murder
takes tlu palm.
Iit nti'ltf that nn nrtcst,
ceuid net come tfi mjeu te
He appeared te h" plwihed
lii,., illation at lust nipeitiel
.. i... i,il.lt,!; nenev.113 .
v ,.1 liil niizllt 111 Hie
,., i, f St. .lelm tie' I Mitisell!, ,t
"". '.' . .i . ..... Mill urn I I t...!AL ...1 ., -.,
,..,,. P v (ll,. ' ,'M,,i. ."in, ll.i. i r, mi. i -......... ,.i .111. , en, i in, mill ,,.-,,-, ,
init I Indlltu WP"d iicalnt Hie ,miII inid'er iniiiili rern, mi .emev here, lneiu-ihiiltlat-'
"i'1' '''" welf-je!ir-el, -,t, ' table. ' waleiiitif; tin- Khnsilj coined),
lhiiirl. wli" wiii tiwiuj; I'"' wed te, A c'cieimiii, liend of an arlto arlte
1,iw fsliier iiiecc i piece fi mil a weed- I eratlc l-.pienp,il imrNh Ml'ed with
Tlii- j,".lei
riiiirlette Ii 1,1
tin- iiileriin'ii
"Oil. l'e set Sti. thru ought I"
enmirfli for tliii' eenini;." tw Mild.
Her ilre tedar i sill., her coat
of I, row i, biendrlnlh with heaver cellar.
Her hat iK-ded with mi ostrich
feather Silk hr,.e :u-e en lier stocky
effi. und liliii-k -iinilc slipper'1 are en
.her fe, . She points In a cameo rlnc
1 ,,..!.. i .1 1... I.,fl i, ..... I
iiimiii !( ii i iii iinirnr in hit ii ii iiiiikm
I u.se.liard(iied crime reporter'- held , ,,. il,i v" Mi- remiirli.s with pride,
dlj liend. bewildered i,neeuli,rv.riin I "I Just lieuclif it."
i I'm within iiij richtn if I u-e phone) ic, few
.-pelliny. Se therel ItsV-a H-li U-) e '
I tii r Mr.". I'uriHI nfii.ied te accept
I he r.te lillK.
'I'hc lir.'t misspelled word
te an inndierlence, Mrs. .1
Inns; he liml trenbli
te MtiKland, where
,s ami his ahlllt)
i. lie returned te
.. mid short I) after
eeii) .two-acre Irmt "n
hill-idc li;icl( of Onklnnd.
lie lieldeil fiate.
I and illlietllde. Ill
order te rejrinn ln. I Itl,. tic Imlll u
U. r'W1,f-iZ?.M
w- ?'' ''JHS'HUliiH
' Mws&. i
jLYuunniu . -" wm
J" ""tls"
Fer overy day use.
Plotce Cups and Soucers.
Wise Acre "Old Tem Wil Wil
eon told mc this Ks the way nc
picked his cur. He rrpent a
Sunduy afternoon watching
them take this hill. U, it
-cnnifl te me he didn't make any
miatake buying that Moen."
I'rlccs (F. 0. II. rartery):
i'llW, H1IW.-,. SI78.i, $248.
.T, ay V'nderrlft, Pre.
SiJ ,V. Bri I Street rhenn tenlr 70H
Di-pli" nreim Op"n t tenl-ifn
Moter Gars
Thr rmr of leu prevrn mill
went te liK
the bnrren
Itlie weiii.ui lie li,e,l. '( In s i,i.ii found
Mini that liN daughter I beneath a cr.ihapple tn,.' Sin mii of
one te I'atcrvin mrlv in ' humble ericiii. Oi-.lln.irll) enniijih. audi
ie i"-it tier num. .iti-M. ie ,ie e,ieic,i, pcrimps. micIi ntlnir
I Me liitiili.ndt iKiiliers nail lehi i ire,neiiin eiiu iii grii'l und uiNer).
f.f en inlbisill. lllK enrllee in the lUt (lie eleic) niati v ej e were caie
i'iii. when t'harlelti' had bronchi"! I he fully closed, his Imin! wus idiic.-d in
nliji".. cf tlii" trip, but lllic "an I. n e aiicciieii'iic pesi" mi the
li.in'l Hill, about that." Mieiilder, ns I he) In) deal
i.i i" -ii" ned ah", ul Inn news of Mri.i lll. sp-i"iiteb' were peii'lud jaunlll) '
.1 -i lii ,,il'-el,' ')'-wilec.'-s "-(or) . tlifjUpOM lil nose. ill. ,-rtllliiK ce.nl steed
n,ln aid' "I b'eks a If the) w"ie ' ."K.ilirl his ei. Proper. Tilcnllieil,
ftlilis. s niicwln'ie new. ,,"eiii'i llViu'l a n clerfr.iiniiii t-linjlcl ,e in death.'
TIip unit '' thrmivh with il lum , ., ... ... , ,. .
,;,,(,!, , I , Tl i.p. the) , "' '" l'e Wwiiaii
tin'. I'm. nrn't llie Iiett"! for inc. I' Heside him 1 iv i,ic wmnii,. Her
n.,,1,1', i -" thniucli this' airaiu feri hrent Mashed in a "nrek'nee eul"
""tiiluii f"i .nine one nlpc'n dirty. 'rn,u '"ir te eir. One bullei
v,,rli." I head, ihre- in Inri. Her gown
epiH4 ll lee. lier ee
"In the Name of Huinauit) ''
C'hailelie Mills ruuiiiiiiced tlireujjh
her liiether'.-i seminc basket. She found
the Im.. leKers her mother treasured.
These mit"' tint letter ".llmnile" Mills
mUli! mice hiuc written. They were
from Ihe l")e-drlen pen of lier mother n
I She sold them. Her xelunteer friend
in -n I and lecni ndii'-er. Miss riorcnce
North, a.linil.s ishe reld litem. Florence
North was the Ke lief.ieeii, the ti(;ent.
"I entered this case." said Florence
North, "in the nmne of humanity
neek, of the I.ntiMlnwnc Wnniini'i Club,
spe.led "threshold" "llicrshehl." ll
iiilRht liac elicit' il )iiie sie,:lii di pen
pHti'iii, but rules N ni,", and Mrs.
T'enneek had te leine the platform.
She reeeiNed a small tieuipict for "keIiir
i, ewn'' the lit si.
Cilttnite". t t: 1 1 1 . I Ireex. lnlsle.s.
mini reilllW!l)s, i rcc(e, several linjlill-
iiieiith le men f Iii jdeiiK pond and
fmitilalna cptn,lip, , I'miili'c.
Mm due' What wae en.-.. lcrren 1,111m.!,. of
Ii. l'eii- fvenlj-tW", nere ,. no-? a huwer of
te three. Mrs. A. II. ISe s. Nnrlurlh
iWetuails I lull : .Mrs. W 'iiliinn Sliellei-.
.. . .. ,i.i... ..i . . . .. . . - -
mines the pie woman, m1 is president ,ii tin- Kimcw llub of Oak
wemnn Is a clergyman " widow, sue is l.tim., nin the winner.
a former circus rider, she liTcsneai the ; t wnH "hnttalleu" had .Mis. Shel-
I treni. . ti vrj., ,, rpfnse. Alt
refuse from dlshenr,.Mrd but nnibiiiou nnibiiieu
men or wenieti w,n lettclit a refuse
from n pruninercial world that did net
understniid. , P.nt Men hrre de did net
llnd the seclusion licit 1C 1iiCp, for.
I Ii was nnne.Md bi)end endurance lie
curlesitv sietfrrs I'r..,n ..,.. ,.. ,:rt
lleni ,re Hie "Hard Ones" ( persons n ,a. would folew the Ien;
The ".shots" whicli'ltiid the spellers, mad tip te the 'lleiditH.'
low were, in the fellow-in; erder: "They were nul interested in his
)hr: held, archipelago, accommodate. .
prncimurp, iiticniier une woman who anAnnV PnuCM IC untT
inissprll,.,! t,N wrd snid bhe knew UAUUT lUHbN IS HOST
ii'jthini: about 'cmj, lialtiMcr. nplar),
iepuiehral, caiu-0. frivolous, plenty,
battalion, colonel, psjeholeg), fli.liuji.
n r) .
The spellern dwindled slewlv down
IO(l IN mii.i.i.i:
"I'eet uf the Merras." and III- '
iileie, I'lierne. new llilnc in I.iim
ill ii, anil who defends uncle's
, neet ill-It Irs
work. Muni had never read one line
from lit pen I nev cnnie te, .'' Iiini.
I") lllLu 111 pielure, I", re v ll'lt !l
looked like and win' be d'd. He wi' .
asked Indiiri'er.ihle .ri:.ele's f,i"tleii! .
and nianv 11 di.sappeinteij if h"' did
net de emethln; peculiar, for thev
had beard tint -e w',i eeeentric. Thei I
wanted t, 1. utertniiifd.
"The nc'i'iiM en I'ncle .Tenrpjin'i pari ,
were often for effect, S"li,f time, te en
tertain, but nianv timet the result of n
dlFturbed. di'he'irti in d. disgusted soul.
"I'licle loin , lit, "in tJm iiigfc'est
lienrl for i,e unfei Itinate. lie via i
always km, vu und ufien criticied fm i
taklllC the p.irt uf ihe 'mulei -d"ig.'
Authorized Dealer
Xirkpitrick fr Heilrr
1114 M'lkel b.
United Sirvice Moen Ajrv
419 Cnear A.
WrilwettUrirl Meler il e
33!.". N. Bnid, St
Jalin A. Merriiun
IHO Kiniltiften Ar
I vr Rflrly Oimjr
Kmn Moter 5il
10JU CleMnut et.
Vehen)' tr KilreT
"V PhlNrl'lihli
Rey bihiHffr
l.'i I 111.11- I'laiPlHC. Mill- .-l)s sim rmnrlli n' the bin, k ,l.v
Mill aid In" ' lcid I'een thlnkliij: a i The hands tlmt tuiel,- lier
i.Mt il"- I "f kite iib'tut 'h, relations s.ni'iblc left her alone.
I..IH..I, Hull and Ml-. Mills .M , ) III,..,, b.dii,KE!ed Ihd
ll.iiii. 'l rt'ii'ii l'"e Iette'-s between , f...,n u nest.
I I.,.. 1....1 Ifftl, . . ..-., 1 I ,.. .... .
fniipie u r, "iun-Hiii. 11,01 Mini uu re- ' 1 lie) lelil tier llilsli.llii
I'lil linn fniMii the scene of the nilir
der, and "-he ralfe.i pli;. . She Is Mrs.
J11 n. ("illiBen.
In -uvrn nfHilmit the pig wemnn en Id
,t. .... ,,... C.I.. .nn 11... .fttl,l stl(lt4
',... Hired. rei-e(jilpd the man and the
;','. wemnn sin- believes did )he murder.
II, ri
Add3 Halloween te His Holiday Little Theatre Club Presentation te I
Events for Children i Feature rounder's Dav Celebration '
I TJeprn'rntn'len of Penn' tr'aty wnl '
IC) inline en 'It. She had Inen delnc
.M'eiiian service and vii looked uiiui.
Xl.X ll," 1!tn, Im ui.n.n i.1.a .1... ..t.l.. I L
1.. i 1 ,1... r..ib 1 .11 .. . ,or pnr.s
"i -... 1 in.-. l.v.l f ,'-,, ,HU,,1-
Mere than ,.t)0 children of flip dis
tricts bet v.. 11 SKti -seventh street and
Lebanon .v.enuc wire the guests of
"Huildi" I'ehen. of li.1-47 I.cbaneii
avenue, at a Halloween party leda).
when fancy eesiimn m, dreerated ei-
pres.s w.'ikeiis and bnbj elitele.s vied
111 a d, oration contest.
Il7. i ..I ! t lint Ills W". mm ll," 11
in 1 . "iiiil alllieui:!" he said "Mis.
I111 1 1. 1 "ds a new pair of classes" ufter
1" liilllil I'lllt Ml"" didn't believe her
lii-hiili'l 1 ml Wl'ltleu the lei".-s nml
if iiIkIiI. Mfiiflens Slisneels .v Namn
liiirr p'e- she nientlens the suspeetK bj name.
There shi'lsie sneaked upon them in the dark,
;llns 111 lb , si,,. sii)., mounted en her seil'y
I stepping iiitttp .linnlc That much the
II t(l in) . le'il und in, mere.
I'i.'ii) .-llll ilmled te
....... .1 :.-,. .. . -1..1 ., 1 ..
mm- when the) Insisted en knewine. t,,.... .7 .1.... ,.;...... .1...1 " 1
.. .- .. c. tiui'i 11 1 'iniii'Mi ii- Piin.i 1 .
loc Shiimbllii, Pat t'lenry, tiu.v
I'llnian. Harev llnnley nml" lleber't '
I ln;nt in a'slMed in cnndii.'lins 'he
part). Mr. I'ehen. -luce h,. stnrtel
hi- philanthropic names, fourth of
July, I'liriMiiuis rind New Yeiir's, tuts
new aii.'d uniither iiellduy te ihe list. .
Mill,. "New. he bcnieuiKrl, ",vhe Nuvv cine ,sitie declarations (lie
win iniv nie niieral expetisps yg woman has made 11 seceii'l staie-
The) mid Mis. Hall. "M.v faith In ment. and a third. As attributed te
inv husband." sin -nld. -n.idli), nl-, her, the hter.v crews mid grows.
must tclll. "jj llllslitil.pfi " l,i li.in lit, r, I u,n,,.,iinl &I111 ri nWc'JfilX
hllll. Mills -aid Tlmn tl',,. ulilnu' ul' llu. id..- IMun-,1 ... Inn 1.1 ..f Iinviiiif tl..i1 fruiil tin.
!.,! niht Me liiid gene Unci, le tlic- V. Hull letlml te the -.elusion (,f scene. Then she Wlli'ed, alone ft is
erlijiiiiil opinion that the if-laneu- be- ' i,,. i.t,, i,i,sl. l,,,!,!,,.! li s..,..,.n, ,.f ,vlils,,i.r..il u 111, ihe de.-ith cries rliiclm:
tveen his wife nml tin re, tr were net ( tn p.f m , t. ,vr, , arK0 sl(l lr, , ,,. r,.Mi vnil w.n t 1 o'clock In
iiiiniiiii. nc wen en . I liecn Inii a name ever , since. the meriiiiiK, when liiitnau murai;"
l e uii'iBiieius ii wiie.e mi nt uiiui;- ' 'u ... sh, visit...! Hi.. "ili...i ..f liv.te- .. i is nt tin be.nr when most men are
And "precarious was the wetd
Mrs. Hess simcumtcd te, In spite of the
fact that he survived "patieeric."
The winner ncejved n beutpiei
The bee opened witli u r, ailinx bv
Mr'. Shell) ,,f "The Slielllm; Men."
There followed a celli ribtitUui b) the
presidents of eucuiinutr uiiotatiens
from Shakeipcare, the most popular et
all being. "Laughter aids digestion."
And the clubwemen had plentj of it.
ing annul tin- ijise, nml 1 can t
ppvi theie was iinvtliing wrong. The
(prtni- treiile, im- tin, white. The) might
Hie Ini iff) gilr.il friend , but I
mil lliinl it was nn, thing inure than
tb.it. Ma wn- u woman who liked i
e'itnpniiv and all that, but I'm sure
lent s where ii ended The letter don't
luimt i knew u) wife belter tlmn '
invbnilv. i
tinned bv
On"."' he
h"'i hil-b'ii
Revenue Collector Making Special
Check-Up of Delinquents
DV MrtTHD WCUIII CO ' I'hllndelplila ha- 1! t ,001) "slackers"
DI IVlUlUn VCnlULLe In the P.'.'L' collection of the ineeinc
tax, according t, Ulakel) l. Mc-
,'n..rt... I ..Un...A.n ,.t lnl.i..ifll 1,
I -Mc M..I Heath n Slpeels Wl, In l v-'H.". ' "' - "" " '" " . iiviiii-.
th. Indian-, a- pertrn.vrd bv the Itenji
tnln Wet piinting and bv ijrergr
llniirreft' narritive, bv the Little
Tlieutre I "lull of the college, wa, OtU"
of the feature of the iinieinl re), brs
t Ien tmlii) of rounder's I 'ay at
Fellow lu tl " precession of the
Heard of Managers, f-ieiillv r, tn stu
dents ami the singing of celli gc etig?
1 1) the iindergr.idiii'-. tb" lay wan
given en Ihe cist eiimpus near tin
lleiijsnilii W'.-t Heuse ,.ti"l alongside
the fatuous I'etni trees. ,
Itnlaml Merrb. feriuei Ambiinlnr
le .tnpnn. was tlie ,rlii".ii".il -pi-ukei
ul the . I'll 1, rati, in. i
Fellow li,g the rercie-? en tlie frent1
c.imptis, i lie llaiuil fiMith'iil suunil
p'a.vtd the Stevius vlmeii en Swnrtli- '
mere Fielil
nb F. Strieker te ! ones- inwards, she is declared te have teb
him nml b) I'm c-'uler .. M. of sneaking ,ai k and te her utter horror,
ite Imve Iniiiili u woman wilili) weeping
r liiinh. i.iice te ever Hie two eerp-e. , lis un-i in
the ether
thes,., there
leuntles whir
are i;i,ii(i(i in
i make iii, ill,.
Weill te ll
At no ethi r
Ht'iivil) veiled
her 'iniii'i itiintiieil
b) fa
hlis s. ,.f
llhfill s,rv
Ulltfi, a il'lei'tue nin lier hiWjer, 'he
sits nml wait' Her faithful friend.
' Mis., Sail) IVteis, does net ei"i allow
j her ti. iefi'1 til" Iiew.pup.-T- These
I rlie does see tire first c.ircfiitli ".ensered
I and clipped.
I harlot I e Arra.ved in I'.isbinn
, t har'etl" Mills, the ibsnj wen, an a
Ishte-n ) far old daughter, is iml in
inniirning. l rem n poeri.v inn neaii)
In'iienili the cmhnpplc trrc.
Il-lrar.e,l nevvspiiper writers at nn
earl) hour this morning wrote thai
Mer.v. "Prosecutor Strieker ra)s It's
Irue," -was their liiilherliv.
I'repi'es "Most Siillttfacterj"
Later cane the hysterical clutter of
tvpwriters once mere, t was iiline(,t
morning. Stri'-ker had drilled It, and
Ihe pig woman had branded the sier.v a
lie. And re il gees m, llrt an an
nouncement then u ilrnlnl.
Finer) l being bought with a tlead
..... .. I .. 1 .... I 1.. .... I..ah.. 1-. a.Al.i ..1. nnr .-... .. mti
c ml Mine lUgli ecuoei gill , in' nil" man s nn.-i.--. . . innn ii,,u.ti-.i m.
j Ido-emeil f.irt.li (irr.'i)Pil in Ihe height accus, d of selling iniervievvs for gieen-
fashlen. Sic laughs and peliilrf te nin us. rresis uupenu inn are net
Wilhlields Itrollier's Aildiess
When Mill- was asked for the ad-r-
of hlK brethi r llenr.v, he .said:
"rni don't want te see llenr.v. He
rlefsji t knew ui,j n ere about. Ihli
rase thin a man In I'nlifernla, and
he won't talk te newspaper men, 11,
thinks tee much bar. been printed al-
Then lie wearily poked the lire In
iv- mrii. ni: ana iess..(, Kner.il shove'- her pendant earring-.
("lis of coal into the heater with the . "See these." she saje, and suille-
'"iiimeiil : "lletweeu 'her" and the i Thev cn.l .-'ti."
f-i'lmel, I gues.s have dune m) share i llrfere the murder she m -Ind te
"f shoveling, " mid then, as an after-i ren-lve ten cents from her dad for an
thought-; i e-creniu -eil'i. Net n lume bourn age
' S'J). jeu've e.nil theie was n i she laughed, n- -he nilllr-d f"rlh from a
Hanli bevr In the basement where thev huli'l fieipieiiicil bv newsp.ipei men and
itff'l ie put their lett, rs. I uin looked' uevispnpenvmueii which .she N begin -lileli
.in, low fur thai b,, mid buvin't i niug te haunt,
t'fii able te liml II." . . .
He was nfcrrilig te Ihe private ifm-j ,,, .... i bnven't an piumiiv in tlic
It' Ml mi, C 1'17;1-""'"'"' '!.. eNe!.,,",,,:.nfcl.en w no", ma' nlll
.irs Mil' nml Dr. Hall as nndlum i , . '
U'...t.'.':..lA,.l",nBc' of ""' '""' '"lPI' 11.. s.nl'vm.lie. Iliilil.l 1". the s,re te
"'"'niir.icu ions. ........... I... ,. ,. ,,l ll,e l,ev ,le-
of lirsl cnl'ei tiei. dlstricl.
I Tlic departtiietii nt Wii-hlugtmi has
,,f i forwarded .",0"lt,Mi liiforiuatien tonus
: i.i. . ,.. ..,...., -
in , "S a m'i'e'- ,,, "ii.-.-i.iut ,, j. rstm
who hav ' tlleii nn Iticeim. tn t returti
.mil these who buve nei Mr, .Mc
('Hiighn sais, however, that when the
taxes from "-lackers" are collected
thev will dot ,'ci.,d SltiM.OOD, is most
vt the ilelinqiienis ha,- suiull iucuiue-, i their I'
Celebrate Mlnister'6 Silver Jubilee
The Itev. In. .1. I lMi i Harm wi'l
celebrate the l v i lit) -tilth mini v er-arv
of hi- urdliiiiiltiii Willi spi.-inl seivice
Iniiioliew inel lung mid veiling in lie
I ttb"riiii I'lumdi 'if tin llelv I'oin I'ein
muiiinii. I hesiinii street .ibete Tweiitv
first The l(.. Or. I'lvirle- -. I'.aus
l'u. of llmri-biiig. ,ell,:,. secrctarv -if
the 1 nit.il Lutheran '(lurch, will!
-peak at 'he morning serve , und in tin
ceiling I'r llnrnw will 'ienl, in vnimg
i n ii Lie" l tlie importance nt dedicating
te thr inmistr) .
Seiiiewhere In this town sits a woman
hejlevid le have had a part In the mur
der. If she is Innocent she is slew I)
being i rucllb'd.
And grim, genial, amiable Wilbur
,. Metl. the special presec uler recentie
put In charge, pncei up and down
"The progress uf the case," he srjs,
"has been moil satisfactory."
Riding and Walking
"Moter vehicles caused the denlli
four be.vs ve-terdny and last night.
llarr.v Frlck. fifteen jears old,
IfiVil North SKlfitith street, died
the (ii.rtiimilewn llepltnl from a frne.
turfd skull. sufferMl when be waa '
knocked from bis ble.vcle by a meter- j
.truck. Frlck was he'ding te the rear
of a truck driven by Francis .T. Levvrie,
".le"! North Mnsclier sireet. Lewrio
was held without bail te await actum
of the t'orener bv Magistrate I indell j
Walter llubit. four years old. 010
North Franklin Mre...f, was I Hied '
vv hen stnuk by en automobile as
lie was cre Ing the street near Ins
home. Mtllnn I.. Cever, Mu North S.-
Hren!'. io.Ti'epl,irUMrPeert, Se- dK i Otrmantetvn Man Gire Seme Famih llhtery of etcd Camli-
the machine. Witnesses sa Hie met. f . . ..'... . . , i i- i
dent was iiiuneidabic. Hubii was lake,, , "'' -" Congress and Predicts (,iimni.h Landslide
.--!.. ....-. I
te Hie koesvi-cii Hospital, Put iiil al-
. - "- - - " '
Albert M. GRfcbNtJbLD S Ce.
:,'r,ut;M i
Mr. Jesse Jay Schambeug
HUMNnss or :ir. scHAMurne
witt. nt: ;n.ANsri.nnTD te'
Albert M. Gkelnfield &- Ce.
15th vS CursTNUT Stullis
v" Qemplttc 'kru,. 6'stare Institution
Proof iiesitive i tin r. Andv Guinii.
I dependent caniliil.it, for I'engress
Ien the level has been teiind in i'liila
. delphia.
as lie ele-ul the cellar deer Mills
Hum for a moment find lenkid slralghl
liful into tlie darkness.
"in did all this Imve te hi
Reported Misting
i .. .. - . .
i .1.. lme mil one come te i iiel ter 11
, llenrv M'llls Id net be found tit his
her 14 Inst, between 0 and 0:.l)i
o'c'eck. nciM-illiig te M'illlnni .f. Shcd
wlek, of HIS North Tldrt) -fourth
hi I eel, last nlglil. Mr. Shedwick, who
i- a retlnd badness mat,, said h has
hi- own summer home enli .'!00 feel
the be) km w wlitit J from Slcvens' place, and that Im known
nun very vvcii.-
nei see him niyjplf," Mr.
said, "bei'iitme I left for
most imuiedialelyi
llenjainin Fadernian, nine jenr-i old,
of J',1.11 McKemi street, was killed while
pla.vlng at Seventh und Mci'lellan
I ...ll tJ 111 fl lllill Ik ft 11 I 1 !! .i. Ii . I . .
..mil Culdeiilmri.-: of Ninil, irp..r n..n,i .. 'ecumciitnrs , as well ns Imiiinn
Vernen llllbert, sevcnteeii jenps old, !
of .'!-l7 Irving street, was killed when i
a trullc) ear at ruck a motertruck en
the riar of which he was riding ut
Chestnut street nt Thlrt.v -k ud.
evidence of the
specllli" in-li net ions.
inn ted wilheiit
Mill- was akii if
In till V
"Vew l lint I've get te de the cooking , "I old
... ... ...... ,....... A'.-..., . CI.... I a. I.1.
UP 11 I he I HI HILT LTIISh. I can l llliuill l-,li-,in i
i-' V.' l'""Tel, seventeen jmrn old,
' ""If strict. ,-, feet 4 inches tall,
e" pounds, dark implcinii mid d-irk
"'HI', and u-cnrlnc u 1,1, ,,,L .1,.,.. i,i,
". iriiutiilngs, short green coal, black
""i and biiiclv shoes -and stockings.
b'Mph Lunfer, nine .vears old. ".OI"
f""Hh Lighih Hticet, bievui hair, blue
'III. elicekcnd cap, bare feet.
-i!.,i!.,r .l1'"'. Ihirt.v-tvn .vears ,,1,1.
I" Seuth Third street, tl feet lull. 1-0
j'euiiili. dark ciiiplcien and dink hair,
i'iii" ,.,h, hrewii com, grii) trousers,
'"wii mil and shoe...
ft.,-VMJ"",r1' Al"iere, thiiteen .vi.ir- old.
-....I Surtli Fifth street. 4 feet J Inches
Im ,, V"".,I,N' ,"'""n '.'"" 'bnk biewi,
''.''i'. In-lit blown suit, dirk cup, black
mips ii. i. , . t. ,.i..
..in, niui-ltlllgN. --
Philadelphia about )) o'clock tint night.
tint I nave talKrd with main who hhve
heiiie. "I .lenes avenue. wemnn who inciuuing i nauiieiis (-. .llellinger, who is
iiiisjiered the deer said llftirr was "out I a riillndelpliinn ; AVIlliam II Kj?er, au
of town." lie I- iiiipleved in the etliec ether Phlladrlphlnii, und a man named
of the Supervisor "f th" IVtinsvlvanlii Aiiplegul". who lives at L.ivalletle all
ltailre.nl at New lliuii-vvlck. lie has tln year round, I believe.
made several unsolicited visits te ihe, "These men saw Hrevens, the) told
PiosHculei's iiflice. 'me, and I buve no deui,t et it, , ecause
. . .i... .. i.i. .1... ....... i ;..,. ..r .. Mtpiptiri in ii tirsr ... ndu r.iii.u.- ',
in cut neci en vviic in'- ui'-i. iii.i. ... ii "---- -- -- ....... ii i
rs old,
Bft'V'i"n,'S''H'H'eMy. fort )rni
Ovi Siilllli U'.ilp.. i r. . .. ,.
bill !,. " "', ' eii.-.-i, ., ir,., i, inciics
J"'r ''7 I'eunds, dark complexion and
?,fi i . '!' ",rk '"'"tbes, black derby hat
ad bhtck shoes.
u.,i"n.Url , Kurher, nineteen jears old.
S,""'!'''"'!' fHwl. feet (all. loll
iii if ' Kl,t "oinPlcxeti. dark hair and
Kiepi m '?nt ra treii.i'rs. light cap
wck fiteekingj and brown shoes.
8,V?b,rrt .''"''K'nilil, thirteen .vears old.
Inl J""'"'" Hreci, -i icei t iiicip- ., ..-.. nill 4 ,W
8l, N) pounds, Ugh, coiuplee'on audi LADLI'I'lll ,'tiS
i...' it i " l,""i urnwii cnrilure) ttou tteu
, light cuji, Muck utecklngH mid
orevvn bhee.s.
the iik-iii ion of ii
prirohernlinir witness, a Hurr) tif '.-
cltenient was au-cd bv the appearance
111 the case of II nij'teriiius williess, a
girl of twentv -one and ii'iisidcrable geed
leeks, who. In company with State
Hoopers, pushed an hour near the wene
of the murder
Whence this gill e.tine and whither
she departed renialniil a m.vstery )i"J
lerday. The troopers admitted the)
liml takui hci te Heriissey lane, leading
te the Phillips farm, at the dlirctien of
Mr. Melt, but they declined te sa.i the
purpose of the jeiirne) which they had
made with the girl in their cnr.
Thev wandered ever the iuiic, which
plnjrd te big a pun in Mrs. tlibiens
graphic stmy id lln' sheet ing. iipvit
getting out of sight of the crah-applc
tree under which I he bedin were found,
l.ntfr the troepeis breiil'lil the uiildeti
tllieil girl back lu town and sh" dlf.ip
pea roil.
William Mcllenlgal, of lll.'ld Sutisem
street, another Phlladelphian. who it
h said saw Stevens en the be.ich. refused
le diseusN that report until, as he said,
"he knew the. -people he was tn.king te."
Others who have declined they saw
Stevens at hla home that night arc
lieurge Jehnsen, Mrs. Annie KvnnHen,
cook for Steenn; Mr. ami Mrs. (ienrgc
Oxle), all of l.nviiletlc. The tetnb
peiseu, an unidentitied wniiimi, is said
te have been found te establish nu alie!
if necesJiiry.
undid. lie's honest) bus
Ireeti ebtaitlc.l ftem And.v's nephew,
Fllnten II. Hump. 10 10 Fast Price
I street, lieriiiniltewit.
That iiiggid lloesici- heuestv which
Mil- made Indiana famous in Inerarv
I mid oil circles is one of the char-
aeteritlles et And; -for he liicl In
1 Fert Wayne and breathes the -nine
atmosphere u did .lames W liitcmb
Ulb'v. Fiirtliermerc. he's alme-l n
neighbor of lieurge Ade, It i- smnll
wonder then liml I lump's philosophy
t litis with emotion which embraces a
grint comprehensive (lei, I of thought. J
"Fiiclc And) did net tell me that'
,... ..... . ...t .-.. . . .ti
Tim OLlnlrl. .11.1.1 I., Il. l......l ..'.". ""' I'MIIO'IK """I- "I1KU-SS. S.I l
. ... .......... .,...,. ... ,,,.- . . uiis. iiuiu.i -... (,,. ,,i- i ,,,,!., ,.,,,. ...,,, ...
r .,., ...,,.,', ... . ,.uiui,-i.'i,ii. ...ii in-
in- the habit of 'eiititig himself about
matters of that kind -and he ,jes."
IVrrrtetr Out by Tim
'Pini M(kiniLle it tit i ti iiluiim in.
000; Margaret L. Little, .ft". 100 , dustrieus and determined aiump adlier-
Afii-eu NttsM ...1:1 I'.titlni- ,t.fani Clri . ....i ..i... i. l , t ...-. ... .i it
in-I touch ,
i- Fs.i
(ion .'
"I eertiiliil
fntnil) ',1 -least
one ve'i
it tic
Pi hi I
ulir-e I
for bin
c.i n pa gn ihreugh tlie j
' l.l in. i i:.'
ni will il-
nt lln
ever) thing
illlllllg tlec-
iv i H . and If I had a large
c licit each one let nt
im for I'm le Ami) '
i iff Ni.l ole Fer And)
Walten, N. J., Institution Benefits
In Will of R. Frances Weells
A beiiue't of l10(M te the William
lleedeii Free Library of Walten, . .1.
was one uf the provisleiiN of the will of.
It. Freiiees Wei'll-. iirebated. ted.iv.
Hospital leaving an estate valiud al
..'(t,,400. the residue of w I eh tlie rein- I
lives will sliiiie. v
Other wills iireliulcd were: I.npa
nresKiiinn. ."im, .vieitih Kbert. N.iO.-
I Call III) wife
he Ii.is. in, ,iti-
Aaren Nuss, ,"l." I'eplnr street, S10,-
olio; Uosulle Pesculane, L',(.') IMg,. IMg,.
tiient street. SetDlO; 1'ecella A. Fiirieh,
1 1 till Fast Kerper street, ST.VHI. In In
vcnterles of property of the following
wire reperted: Samuel W. Mutch,
Mil, .US): Alieglllin lllliDs. Ms'tL'H; Phil
s Player Must Remain There
Seme Days, Says Surgeon
Tllden, 2d, tennis eham
William T,
Jniati.1. as . ..
lSAn T, "! ,""" iineen je.irs
W Callewhiu utreet, n feet 7 It
K', iV,u,ll0Un.JIght brown hair, blue
i. light eomplexien, niedluin build,
rfPu.y ;' blue treutwni, light cap
W black knitted tie. tan shirt and ..
i Muck augw ul gteckincH.
" '4 M"lAl,l,Lllu . ,. . . . . .
Henri Stevens, whose n.iuie has frc
niienllv' been iiientieiied In connection
wilh 'the Hall-MlllH murder case in
New llriinsnlrk, N. .'.. i !
...... i..ini. I.nvallette Ileacli, A. .1.,
en jiiv night et the tragedy, r-eptem-
was learned tednv
lr. W. II. Swnrllc), Air. Tildeii's
plijsb'lmi, in optimistic as te (he out
come of the operation. Jt In Imped liiat
the tendons will net stiffen te such nn
extent iih te ulTeit his playing, although
thlsi cannot be determined definitely for
several days.
Tim operation wan necesaitated when
Mr. Tllden scratched his finger two
weeks a co lu n malch at Itlvertcn, M,
L, aiulljloed poisoning set In.
em, who is loei.iug unci- tlic i am
dates forces u this cit) , called en
nd)'s nephew ted.i) and talked ever
i h general situutiuu.
Like his uncle, Mr. (Sump maintains
i substantial anil well-kepl residence in
ulilcl, the milrlr rit liutnn is t .u-i n l,,u-..
lipinii Martin, SJI7-I. and Peter Mc- manifest. Hiuten (Sump believes' in in
Dernieir, S4.t.tSi. ' ,, -try iiii.I holds a responsible position
villi tue .siice nun Hearing i einpany.
He is direct in liiiuiner as well an
genial and the spirit of comradeship
twinkles In his e.vc.
"I heard from Fnele Andy quite re
cenlly." he said, "and he bent me this
check. " He produced a check for
,V:4".7.i. lenrlng the famous signature
"Pit he send It te take care of the
expenses of ihe campaign" asked Tim.
"Net at all." replied Mr. (Sump.
"Me is everuier et nu estate of which
I urn "tie el the heirs. 1 hut flieck
nines at a tegular time every vear
It's just an sure as the morning mill,."
inciueniaii) u seis in rest lnuneiii-
Agents Say Plumber Compelled
Wife te Peddle Whisky
When Federal prohibition egentR nr.
rented bailer Silverman, a plumber, of
Fifty-ninth rind Market streets, thev
bui 'tints fnttiwl A litlt. v IuvHIm. t. a .l.t i.
pleli of the world, whose right mhldln n, Ki,tn ,.f . tmi.v ApPi.,. '.,... ".J"
lins'.r was lanced ltift Wednesday nt Ihr, seven.inonlh.el'd-babv. .i,t '
l.ermaiitevvu llesiiltal. will net be abla Clnre said Silverman l.n.l I.e.... ..'..' 1
te leave llm hospital for sumo davs, it . bis wife te neddb. whl.Li. b ' t
"I low w ,1 im,; Wlf
Mr. I Siiiui' siiiib"l.
'Mill,' " he an I, "Inn
J'Ctlllll I Inl plell) ?lll
loe. w in , e ili.it n tell (inn
,!!. ... .....
i im llu ,i ... .Mull s i,e,
the Hill j,,.,- , , ,,i I,,,. ,,, .
tin-in e le illn-ii imis nin Ii
stl-Ollg lli I ' I ll 1.1 e.e
I'll) ll.ill I'll Ild'll ,,i M.
"I'lll lell'il i niii tn
said (.'Union. u-i I m,i vis
ii etirprisc tm tl,.. iiicinv
"Let the g I weil, g
It)- tlie vi.n li
I llnten puns, I a meinent.
Andy neve, till.-, much about
but he is lift i two."
ion vv, ml, lu i think he
old," Tim ennui elite-'
"N'e. be'- ei iv half as !d as sonic
1.-11U1VS m iw",ii)-iive and he
ung younger civ dav.
is i icir
wns 'hat
s get
- liniul c'a-i" ami mi emphatic
ended the Intel view. As te the
there were volumes in it.
wink, I
45 Suits that arc
positively superior te
any offered elsewhere
at this price
w- (i
ii"i -it tempt pru'i' cotnpctitieii
H ll Ili'tW- llli'll M'
c ei
iiKliliercnt ipi;ilit cleihiiii; ;uul can
nul tirevJnrc- n.'irineiits in sell ;it the
.ibsurdK low Jigurcs" whivjli nn
Hticn hip piuiniitng shop was raided
a lift) -gallon mill. Km !.-- ':.
and three barrels of mn-li were f.n,,,.i Intel) an) ceniineiii which would seek
Kiheriiinn was liel, in s,",(KHi liull, I i" reilect en the candidate's claini.
t nine .Miuy in iuii et pep," con-
Tn. nm.rprifc cr llm I'ihi.id (.jik,....
nlpvii,AiPH I1..H ri.mnn.L.i.J ...-'.
!ctlen. Oet, 1
I in. r ui" '
LhDleTii4ira i( ilnnen-Unted tn th. cub.
wi nn riuis" -iviia in e)iirnn. in iiOTt turk
vi mmvx, ii wm wi nnn ei iuq many UnUiUii
r, .' nm,.r;r i r-, r? "-;" "'?..e7SW.
1 iuut." 4rfv
I'isu. I.ri -h .rs'sTTi "i
tinned ( llnten, "and he never sturta
iiii.vtliliig that he doesn't finish. He
doesn't say much nn'ess jits ire h
aroused, and then he gec the limit."
"you're pretty well in touch with bis
views," was suggest ed.
"Yeu tut I nin I keep In constant
n-P, ?H.CK 0','.lr l"A1M lis f,e
vjninlRrfiil W . t v pli .sum li-tuTmnn
VJ iieM I-,, ,,.,,! I,. iii,.rr ,,r"l
pure Mir-et i4 U imr),. f re i i -emul
ii.,1?," ''' ' ' " ,,8"u"' lM 'r
nTh,"h?HC,K '!.0RSE TrA n0M hi. .i
nn, I'hlrkdi WiU'e nu,., IHmi, r in ,,i,
Wii tlllVr,lM "'"' "'"" l""',", ",,tn
Ollt llHltlliipr,. lii. Mrnivlit tl.rpiiei,
M,"llH unit fl, ii.ii t.HTeinl. ii ,, vvnl
lint in (Wl, ,-, MbpUi'I i f, i ir,;i'.
th, n left in I ip nn, ii i lurti-r I'll,,, t0
Phene: U(U jl
nun's rtUMTii-ffi hv iiiiitM' house-, bi
uiiisv.' t lies would l;c unworthy c
l.lC"!) Uei'iJ'.s S' Ml -..
r ( Hir nliji'iM in liii-ine-s i- i, Imilil suiu
iiniint.'iiii :t -;n i-iicd anl cutluisiastii
h "i pai run-, and tlii- m-h-seii w t
h i f pl.iinifil i i add a I'M ut nr
iU-i"iiH'i- ihriitih tin- irrt-si-tibk
.ittrsnMiuH-. in our 1-all Suit-, at $45
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will meet the u quircini'nt- ut li'icn of t'liffci
em physical build. Sie-. 3 te -IS in Rt-gti
lar. hui't-, Leiia and Mout-. and all
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