Imwmm-WW' 5 i'iy n i'kVW',j'i'1 'Wm1 ' wrV,j$i T''l " "H-vi 7 h . EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1922 !T WORLD OUTSIDE i By HAROLD MacGRATH Thrilling or? of " " or 7000000 and a beautiful glrVi love by the author of "The Man en the Bex," "Luck of the lri$h," etc. CemrtiM, tttt, tv Hareld MacOrath m.iiu trtffl l Till: HTIIIl V if Bft!'' .;,.,;,. recluse uhe dltd I i I !K "" Heb.'. Jr-fliiB. ftfpi !.? i T SvfJfet.lT (e cc lle. ami 'i'?.'' (, n (fcr irerM. who. elolmale " .l;rifcir Uvudlcaie,- wmen rOrfJCt ''' 'liV. ...I Iurr tnf tttl.ODtl. n ciw ii"n'"'- '- OFT. in an 000.01)0. 1011110 0OCS te " :. Irri, wr " fniiftlral il opera, r VOIOI0 fOfflfu!' H 'V I.... ., fftKnr. mill Ihi wan !.. ?f".i" ....Til-r. ! niiciiileni e WW ";);.M (i alrl e (He (icafm, fijSMOH a croefe in Stuearfa cmvleu. nitirak WMutAx! e the "Advtnturt haii '" .".v .:::. . - ..-ji-fi- irnticr ... .. gfiirn cii.iii "" ' ""' snow. ttmi (He "id.r llmicrett had uncxelalned iiallnet. He no n"'"""""1" Seeing the Bright Lights . ..... mi. i ....,.1.., Ml VOU tCt III COniC. ill llimimm: .. X let me off nflrr three. I'm worth n Inndrcd a week t' thnt dame, an slic's ... T Imve a wny of makln' the hus- hmM amiable. She wants t' put me in lbttrle. but I Rave her th' nix en thnt. I'm net shewin' my legs nnywlierc but Mdnil th' lights. He thnt guy Is from If. Jliintrv Well, believe me. It must Unm "village. Veu should have heard llm "peutln- semctbln about 'Jenny H?Xn drinking?" "That bev? Net with these red checks clear eves. There you go! When Z 2" SU 1'eter you'll sniff. en , have Knnfc th ntuff an' nhviij-H will. Did I Smu H.m" Buy is cailln It Prh I..J u-ih th ncecnt en th bosh tot, don't nil ef 'cm Ret squiffy A bt in dear el' Lunnen. A s as the y in lcnr el I'Unnen. A souse "., ;!( (htni! in th' world te E't rid of; you get up nn' walk uwny. If teu don't wnnt t re you sny, 'Hire n lll' That quiets 'era down. There s a hundred vnyn e squelchin' 'ein. Oee, ild. old Daddy Bewman stuffed your bead with a let e' junk. Loek nt mc. I e evervwhere nn' hnve geed times, uC ain't headed for th' reformatory none. Of reiirse, there's a 'et e' hard boiled eggs; but you Mmply give i 'etn th gnte after th first round. Say,l iln't heard tli' jewel song lately." Nancy trewneu aim ieukcu uwuj. x laven't had the heart," Blie snld. 'Teu ve made mc lese some 01 my ran- "nce. Aw, kid, I'm serry: i mun t wani t' hurt you, but you was givin up irerythin' for semcthin' you wnsn't Hire et. unenun yeurscii euiu goon times, nn' nil that. Your Daddy Bow Bew man was n geed seeut ; but whnt'd he knew nbeut n girl's heart?" "He only wanted te save me from Mhapnlnesfl." "An piled it en t you a mile ingii :' Xanc.v turned upon her friend with a mecies of fury se new and unexpected teat Jenny wns dumfounded. "De you wnnt te knew? I nm whnt I am by sheer force f will. Every drop ef bleed in mc cries out for geed times and mere geed times! That is why I hare buried myself in study, study. I nm alraid of myself. Wne nm 17 1 don't knew. My name isn't Bewman. Only Ged knows what it Is! And the knowl edge sometimes fills me with the wildest recklessness; nnd if I ever let myself go in these moments l dare net picture the end. Tent is why I net like a snob tad n prude!" She flung herself into Jenny's arms, lad Jenny held her close, with infinite tenderness nnd understanding, until the aterm passed. Bancroft, tingling with unaccustomed motions, returned te his room. Here, hi this house his house! A mirncle had happened. Here wns Nancy Bow Bew fan, the splendid, whom he had followed in his dreams and nlghtmnres. and about whom in the daytime he had woven glamoureus adventure. Here, across the hall : no longer the moon, wit a human being like himself. At 10 o'clock Bancroft had n visitor. This vWter wns n man of mldd'e age, lth the address of n prosperous mer ehant. Bancroft greeted hint seriously tad ofTered a chair. IOU llAVP Mtnm infnrmnllnn fr Be?" ')es, Mr. Bancroft." '('olllngsweod. please." erv vnll u I h ...... !.. wrmntlen; hut whether it's whnt you n or net I am nimble te sny." pll ulirtnf l.iu r... Ti-ii tT. i! "" W"D "t-u'K" iieiiiniiii. ii i umi inuggeii or linger printed. be jar as I can, find out he's en the leel. He's been Jiving quietly at the MM fop kPvnrnl ,,.l,u f..l.. .1:. M leturned from n world tour. His mis ure nnid regularly and he seems te have pH-nty of money. Net much ftiV ,h?n ou Qre. xoed looking und urely that I, brisk nnd nmlnble in his X. 1 . ' S011"-'' from somewhere in vA.i ' "" .leiucu iruiu .new JL iins ,,le" from ,n,t et town often . He Is waiting for his fiancee, who Sk.. ns.,t0,h',n from ,CT01- t'1 I'aclhV. "Ti" II'eul11 'K I about him." (1i " mi j wanted te knew." '0W. the Unllvlni, V,,.,.i.i r... & ltcr&' T'.'P. """ . nbieve- Jf betwen forty ami fifty thousand a eM. wc" wlt" ,lle OUStOlllH JJf u' ''hk'1' ,n('ans H'nt there is mi U il K n.rtc ""Ilvlnn office is In Btewart." "Uunlel Stewart," weuebtfuiiv. Bent i rbi',aml Uvcs ,n n npnrt aWCC"( .,htt"J1 bookshops. II, lives ir... 'I""" servants. Walks th, ' r.,. . iu,jniiy, out has - itiuui.tinu i.'i.....ii.. I return. Any en-di left ever from the letter of credit te he applied against the alarv, which you can held for me until I in bnck in this pert." "I agree te that." "All right," said the mnn hunter, his a.c roving nbeut tlia room nnd com paring the meagerncss of the furnishing With the reVIlllU'SM nf hln Mm. Mnnie- thing like seven ll'eiisand, nnd yet this oey iiniin t batted nn eye. Bancreft: he would consult old man Knell te sec where the youngster get his money, "flip deal's en. New, whnt is It you wnnt me te nnd out down there7" "All the names of the former owners, down te tliu present, of the Bolivian r.mernid i einpany ; nnd if you come across Kennedy nmeng these nnincs you can start for home. The important peinc is Hint Uitiiiel Mtcwurt slmll linvi no knowledge of this enterprise." "I see, sir. Supposing we go te your bnnk nt once and have the letter of credit iiiudc out? The sooner I stnrt, the better. Kennedy; and initln's?" "I (mispect that if any they will be "The author of the book?" "I Jiave only n suspicion." "Well, somebody must hnve owned the mine before Daniel Stewart. Ne physical rKks in this, is there? I'm net shying; en'y I wnnt te be heeled." "If you cnii manage te keep Daniel Stewart in the daik there will be no risks." "I'll keep him in the dark. I can go te Snn FrimcNci) and sail from there. When we lenve the bank you can hand me a phony cheek. I'll leek it ever, lhen we'll shake hands nnd part." "Why that?" "Because you may be followed. Yeu never can te. The (heck business will make It leek iih If you had paid me off. 0 11 net be seen together again. This job is Important or you wouldn't be sending me thousands of utiles away. New, some one might net enre te huvc veu dig up what you nre hunting for. Logical deductions, they call that." It never entered into Bancroft's head net te trust the man. Snell had rec ommended him as a man who hsul served with the Department of Justice during the war. If there wns any speculative thought nt all regarding the detective it was based upon envy. Frem New Yerk te La I'nz was a tremendous ad venture; nnd he would have liked the job for himself. "If you find Kennedy's nnmc. cnble Yes; if it appears nowhere, cable Ne. I don't wnnt any letters or cables that will explain anything. Remember thnt." "Yes, sir; geed iden. New, I'll be honest with you, Mr. Collingswood. The thing could be solved right here in town." 'Attended by a dozen risks of having your business known. The least rumor, nnd I may find myself blocked. I am In a blind alley, the same as you are. I want an indisputable, undebatable fact; and I stand leady te spend several thousand dollars te ucquiru this fact." "Fer a young man, sir. you seem te knew your mind," said the detective, admiringly. r "Perhaps I was educated te knew it. Ne doubt you are mystified ns te what I really want." ';Se doubt whatever. But my hus ncss begins and ends with carrying out jour instructions." "Precisely." That Bancroft wns the young man's name, rather than that en his ticket of lodgment, was sufficient te excite censldeiab.e interest in the detective's mind. 11 had already built up n ense. Either Kennedy hud sold out te Stewart und vanished, for reasons best known le himself, or he had been done uwny with. Bancroft pondered considerably. Wa he sheeting nt the moon? The cmeral r. i.i 1.::,' -. "' 1 "' h r, i' "T.sel'cr' w"' nyN Stewart In'ti, , Vt, .. '"'" " srcat traveler BQthii, im , ,l,t "fl'l" antecedents. WuldL n","11 " '''formation I 'lnm'1!'l.0,t l",.,,mt lwetleii." 0 anU ,r,n,vle'- "ew f,,J,,ut tl,e l,00,t BuhlM ' ,s,.u!erc- a grain. - -- ..iii- 111 HI r till frit th. ., .. !"!!" ' iliwl n With b,,.i "'" ,s ew ass 2iS..""0,l,er pub ishing house ;,,l '' b"k. but C. J. K itreu, . ' ''.'VS0 Iw'H. .The lire de- IJluer .1, ,V ""' lM" Uternry ad ""'.""it him was the enlv ,u,i. wl.n C e'lse?'!1""11 Ullt'y ,,"','e Hir' A,,y &vrUftH ''' i""',1 nPPrnncbcrf n Hi tti,l,,,,B U"' "ft! the r!t nt. -" as Id cenpany was an honorable concern. Bellman, en the fnce of his affairs, was an idle jeung man with money nnd n tnste for travel; but whether he had gene through the remarkable exploits attributed te him In the prospectus was something te be proved. Over against these apparencies steed the pre posterous (Ireat Adventure Company, the mysterious visitor te his father, his father himself, and that emphasized line "Paid Kennedy in full," nil in a be- wlldering penumbra. The failure te disclose the identity of C. J. K. through the publishing business wns a blew of force. That deer was new closed for ever. Daniel Stewart since that was his official name would knew that C. .1. Bancroft was no feel. Unused te the world he might be. in fact but net In theory ; and day by day theory was resolving into fact. Stewart had known that he was no feel long before that singular visit in the storm. Why, even an uneducated boy would have shied nt such rlgmnrele ns n plotted adventure for snie. Education would hnve mocked the notion ; und education hnd. Stew nrt hnd net pursued him; he had adroit ly let him be. Why? Te sharpen the edge of curiosity, which was exactly what had happened. At 2 o'clock Bancroft called by tele phone te ascertain if Mr. Bellman was In his room. Mr. Bellman was. Very geed. Would Mr. Belmaln give n little of his time say half an hour te Mr. Jeremiah Collingswood? Mr. Bellman would give Mr. Collingswood cxnctlv half nn hour if Mr. Collingswood would state his business. "Itenl estate." "Beg pardon?" "Heal estate." Bellman frowned into the transmitter. Heal estnte? He did net quite get no clubs t tint. i lint kind or a game was tills though, with! henven-hern hick purposing? Bell man thought rapidly, ami suddenly smiled. The boy wanted a leek -see, first. A little suspicious, eh? If (Jeorge Bellman acquitted hini--elf fav orably, Bancroft would udiult of the masquerade and open up en the (treat Adventure Company. Ne mistaking it. That I the professor was a magiciuu. He had THE GUMPS Nothing Could Be Fairer i i jt ' ' ' ilV. - ai.Jii.rr y Tzr-n n fiu ii i i - v - J-" )M i iv liiPBaniF 7 .fiwii : r-nr ""M1".' T ytas-fl"" s "iffli T iii V ft ' t . . ' U V xT?5r ss. E A .i9 VvHKv 6... H K srrrz:T.:-sr5di Z"- a fJKCJV.VVJJ Vi.-'.WTOJ WTAil LYIAUn, -J-lV . ratm.-.w-i" rvr i SOMEBODY'S STENOG-Oh! Baby Grandly : : : : ; " ,'.,..,, - , Ihj figyward . r' i ' "- "" 9 If! The Yeung Lady Acress the Way NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS .; 1 By FONTAINE FOX SCHOOLDAYS -:- . -:- By Dwle I ' ' i N y wy'TT . ' . ' .'.,-'- l . 1 r y H ,J 5 64S ft If W Tit S I'M knots iTe tt i DO T-cT vl T f veO 7 J mJ? IF 'i:::::JL I . ECA. OW!s T"- '"6 pn & B0? '"- "eW jVyV I MU ' 'Lr il "V we. t-wsee c8t ( ----&.;: b1..wt.CwevflW-hr.M,e. - WJmttJ f i j- VTVA n JSU K -- Bl n re. sev.3 ".. tf... , -. "..t ,-. Te pet Ii. ?tnwf. says prohibition has been in force liKL ' "Pfe 1' '"(T-' M in this country for some time new, &. a. w.r, -, :.,- L-rM S but the Old World is still liquidat- '" nfta CA" " EH0 op A , ft! IMCOHVM.eXC reTHe J.OCAU ferfTSALL TCAM TM,S YkAR. T)W. 3!SkWS PETEY The Sad News : ." '. 'rr"i.' lf B VCtkaCiV MM aaVVaaHBaV alaaV af l JaBUWHI JT KM fMjf X il 1 !! T irWV ""V . JaVafNaUiVf. 1 J "" -. X I ysS A tV GASOLINE ALLEY-Yeu Can Set Your Watch by Skcezix . ILL"' 'rr::: M i 1 , . - By King CBT THE CAR. DOWM TO THE T N W SF-:W - VeS VOURE BeTh R.CHT Oq - e , J 0' I SHOP BEFORE CO TO Weefe MORNIrHO (ON THE DOT - BOTH SET ) 0 V '. 7 0 T ? I I - AM yV'.ife aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBBBBBBBMBBM il !! 7 - lM AUest EvttS cavM)MlcmeM ( OtT S WflM SOW?. ODMMcTlCL OR UBefc 0R64A-T0H ASVOVJO Mt TO PLEDGE MS5EJ TO CERTAIU LE6SLA"neM. WMICH KNOW MOTHIWO ABOOT OR. 00 I VHtWlSTAMV - MR 60? VV)W X0 NOO STAKt) ON TM QOESTOOW OR. TMAT - sewnHG MP OUtVlV0HA'iR.eS THAT ARt A VLMM TO Mt AS TH GREt ALVWABET- I 60T A LrTTE FROM ONt VE.U-OW ASKlHfa MP. VOW AT t AM GONJ TO 00 A3 OUT TWE COAU STV)ATOH- 153" ?; Sidney Smith COAL SITUATION- I ORDERED TUJO Toms ev coal an wtN tRepptt TWO TOWS OF BLACK SANt N FROWT OF TME HOOSfc TMAT WAS Thinner and seTEt than Soot fOR 1312 A TOM. OH TH 350UN' Mc BLP.VO T IMTO THE &ASE.MENT WTH A BELLOWS- M GOINb TO VUABHINGTON WPLEOCiED UTHO)T VEAR OR VAVOR.- Te TREAT EMERN CONtstTVOrA VMTVl THE. GRETEST fAVRMESS THAT KMOVO TREATINO LAOR. AHVi CAPITAL. VWVTH EQUAL COHSIOERATION AMO LIFT M4t iWOivJIOUAU NS rR. NS COMblTlOrve WILL VERMIT- IM NOT ONE OF THOSE "YES" GUSS THAT VROWSE. r,cevj-rviiMf- fiteri Awir wmuiMf, - -- -- -. - K VXJ tr J . '.Oi' owner is Daniel repeated ISancreft down ( wnlvi. I e of 'd He 'Dees jour company ever send ntef n, ' ,,"l'"y ever sem you ,,, r th cuuiitry?" Wery'niL,'.0. I,uvn,m ''"' yr n " IrlPte ilT'1, w, 01' cherice te take A .!? "ilivlu te I.(, lnz?" Vr.fZ"W.A,M,M',UBn-- for It?" "lc Jeu lf '11" are well paid $ Hut It will take a big roll, "1 . .)'.". y notion hew much?' U P Hm'al,1! I05" .,l,rl"U,, 0e,n" t0 ..""ertH, und 110 SpanlHi, te speak ' t..a price." 01 tttik TZ fiT th5""n'l n n Utter ( "wt and a hundred a week until would come, nnd here he said Inte the trnns- I MUll DUIIUIUIl lie wns. "Come up,' milter. New. llellman had the gift. He could make friends anywhere ; he possessed personality, misdirected, no doubt, but none the less vital. He had the air and the manner of a gentleman born, lie smiled (iff ably ns he opened the deer for ills victim. He took the proffered card J. Collingswood, 1e.1l estate and smiled Inwardly ns the ink blurred under his thumb; hadn't been off the press mere than a couple of hours. "Take a chair. What gave you the Idea that I might want le rent or buy?" "Accidentally heaid your name men tioned und that jeii were shortly te be married." llellman nodded, net nt this stnte incut, but nt the recollection of the Window's earnest entreaties net te un derestimnte tills young Hancreft. The hey were his clothes well, moved his body cnslly, and appeared te knew exactly what te de with his hands and feet. Thest) points did net devetnll nicely with the hey's history. Pedi greed, llellman had been forced by necessity te develop one tnlent beyond nil ethers, nnd thnt wns te distinguish the natural gentleman from the nrtili clnl. Here was a diamond, nnd net even in the rough, CONTINUED TOMORROW '