Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 27, 1922, Night Extra, Page 29, Image 29

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Jesephine Kryl, Daughter of Noted Band
master, Decides Husband Is Werth Mere
Than Artistic Career and Fortune, Toe
reV much is a young tnnn worth?
Jesephine Kryl says, depending, of course, en the man, he is worth
all of $100,000.
She tinned up her pert little nose at just such an amount when she
ran away with Paul Tayler White, a musician, of Bos'ten, the ether day
nd Ret married.
Sis years age her dad, Bohumir Kryl, famous Bohemian bandmaster,
eernctist and financier, of Chicago, spoke thusly te her and her sister,
"Tal.e your choice, my daughters money or marriage! Don't marry
unlit you're thirty and I'll give you $100,000 each. Marry before that
anil you won't get a doggens cent."
Thc;e weren't exactly his words,
but that was his preposition and
nev leek at it! Jesephine elopes,
and Marie insists that she did the
right thing.
What de you think of it, young
What would you de, what would
you sny, if your dad showed a front
like that?
Would you have given him the
haughty and told him te keep his
old money? Would you have weighed
kitchenette and lump-shm en the
scales of your mind and thrown in
en c.tra pound for domesticity?
Jesephine did much mere than
"Listen te me, my daughters:
Jesie, you are eighteen; Mamie, you
are sixteen. If you both wait until
you ate thiity years old before ypu
fall in love with a man, I will give
you eacii $100,000. But you must
devote yourselves te your music.
Yeu must forget everything else for
your music. Music must be your
life! If one of you should get mar
ried before you are thirty, the ether
who doesn't get married will receive
$200,000; if you both get .married
you both lese $100,000. Hew does
that leek te you?"
It looked pretty ceed te the
that. She has sacrificedif you , wugmers. neither one was in the
belice Mr. Kryl a greatTartistlc ' ,(,ast interested in men. At their
career. Siie is a violinist of note
even tedaj .
Net only has she sacrificed a
caieer but she declares that what
she wants instead of 100,000 is
twins, and she blushes most beau
tifully when sliy says it.
You'd find her today in a little
flat in Kuiway, Bosten, puttering
about m a little kitchen, cleaning a
few pet . and pans with the greatest
pica-lire; she welcomes her husband
into their little home and watches
him c.r a biscuit she's baked, and
it K'c3 her mere joy te see him
tat it than a schcize brilliantly
played and the thunderous applause
of a sati-Tiud audience ever did.
Heie is this most heroic and fas
cinatiiT s'ery:
It began something like si yours
age. Jesephine and her sister, Marie
or Mamie, for short were
eighteen and sixteen years old, re
ipccticl. They lived in Chicago.
Their father, Bohumir, was "wealthy
an.l a man of talent. Early in their
lives Bohumir directed their atten
tion te music, se that by the time
Jesephine was eighteen she was an
accomplished violinist, and Marie,
by the time she was sixteen, was an
accomplished pianist.
Wished Musical Career
for Ilnth His Daughters
Nights Bohumir would sit in Ins '
Ureal ihair in the conservatory of
their home en Seuth Spalding street,
Chicago, and dieam while his two
daughters played for him.
He lied ever his own triumphs.
Pe rememheicd the lespcct of the
ast number of people whom he had
entertained with his famous brass
bands. Perhaps he was a little
wistful because he had net reached
the eiy highest mug in the musical
laddei. I Jut thi. personal disappoint
ment veiy readily turned ever into
hope for h.s children.
Indeed, Jesephine and Marie
showed gie.it piemise. With hard
uerk, with -tudy abiead, who knew
but that they ir'ght be numbered
among the most brilliant of the
sliinini' musical stais?
Anu one night, dreaming se, Bo
humir get .i sdieck. He suddenly
reminded himself that hia daughters
ueie no longer little children. Thnt
'een or late, new, it was possible
ieir thoughts might turn toward
psbands. That's a way young fem
jine minds have.
Husbands? Impossible! !
He selected Ysayc, tee, te put the
finishing touches en his own talent.
Se Mr. Paul Tayler White, the
here of the little plot, and Jesephine
Kvyl, the heroine, bearded trains
unknown te each ether, and one
moved west and the ether moved
cast, tewnrd each ethev.
And it came te pass that Mr. Paul '
Tayler White, of Bosten, and Miss1
Jesephine Kryl, of Chicago, met at '
Ysaye's studio in Cincinnati. And
it can be told hew they looked upon
each ether and were pleased. Hew, .
after long hours of study, they!
learned the joy of rambling along
shaded paths with each ether; hew
even moonlight nights gave their
measure of delight; hew in the end
there was an engagement ring and
vows and a dat? uet.
All this time Father Kryl was
net entirely unaware of his daugh
ter's divided interest. But he rigor- j
eusly growled the obstacle down. He
forbade such foolishness. He pointed I
out the felly of permitting leve1
te wieck an artistic career. Hej
pointed out hew home life was
greedy, hew it sapped a woman ef1
all ether interests; hew it made her j
9&WSf!ri&3'&?&.'6MJJ&mt2r7l-i4.'r IBBBBBK 3r"4WaBBBBBB&0 !.K''A-.ysZ(Xr AA, X'!V t-'WiW
mmmmm:.. isBmmm&
- v it: s . S k r aih ir ymic . f m& v ft ,i ivk ui (jf v. ".1 . . ' .:
Afzxr - mejitwm
i, v imrr j" k mMVjaa vs
.m1l AiVH .. . VHHfl
aiiiiH. " iiv i . e -!."- . . fc. . &r mim
rMmnmai . :. '. ,; mmimKmt
.ml mL-mmmmLjMrift&V!. tvimmmmmmmmmmBm
bhmvwk ??. ..mwwrvm BBmn
nnny sr IvZiuHffli
v 'fix.- KsWBmaVBBBrAVaVaVaValVaVal ,'J C VtK rUBVBVHTTvnBEr
liHaiMHUHeaiH "" l';S..r.t -- -T -- - TT
IHBeHUPCH9BHiBBH 1- WiUV? ' t '. HBI - -y.v,v-.? ,.-,..:-,ii"!-, .. .,V. - lencl
EHrHililHlKIVl elx.lV.; ; ., s -, HH TT,. c .'j.V '' K!'.f . , s v. .vuni. .i
gHHHQ 4? fe,l rB iiiP " p;.. that much
"P)iPSs.'raHK:iHH7V 'iflH, V Jesephine Krl new Mrs. Paul Tayler White kWWW " ''KffHHHBHHKIV A
KPBBIHHIBvVBnBHk "nd nWstrcss efher ;own little, kitchen. She has I kXWKLxXXXXXXXW MMml ' VAX
.lUMliKMBM --- ' 'jre k lrned te handle the mixing Uvl and spoon as mA F.SMLWLtWsm.. UA
RKbiKDlBlV "KiH W 'J1"")- '; once handled the fiddle and bow, kXXXXXXXXXWWWw CSHIkDI'XX
1 ItJSl WPMraPWy Mri'lU TBBB "". thu y?Jn,R hrid" fec" "? reason hy the two mmWW fA WSKLWBLmmW'''A
TnfflWfllBr llIlT y KWHHB. arts should ,,e .inflicting, as her obdurate H . ,'t' 'WMMB:r,'n'
aiSSHiK''" - wB v ,r rentcnds B -S-- ;lli8B
SKSlHlBBy - "isliK H7 M "HSt; f a - .1
Hbhw ' TWJmiLArrfr Irm :iH
W --i i I 1 ! 11 lliilll i X. - 'emAiV
yHZi AMDkWtU ill
Paul suggested that they ought te
get married at ence ; that he would
come te Chicago as qulekly ns possible.
And he did just that. He Hprd west
ward an fast ni the train would go, and
Jesephine developed nn unaccountable
and innddening loetbntlie. It was n
most painful toothache. Ht father In
llinntcil that since if was such a ter
rible toethnclio the ought te go te the
dciitht. Marie begged her te go te the
Jfut .she didn't gn right nwnr. Hhe
waited until I'nul reached Chicago.
That try day tdi went te tlie den
tiPt though it would doubting be mere
exact te cay that what she actually did
wan te stnrt te go te the dentist. Thern
nie some minds, of course, which would
Ktieptrt that he necr meant te go te a
dentist nt all.
She didn't go, ns a matter of fact
She met Paul.
li'y'iJ " 7
WwWZfrtyW. :.
V XajT, M.iXi
V4 ZXAlf; r ??
time of life men simply didn't count.
Leve was something te giggle a
little ever, but se was the Sunday '
comic supplement. Who eared for
love ?
Bohumir was very happy te see
his daughters take se readily te his
Man and Maid Met
at Teacher's Studie
"And for you, Jesephine, I will
buy a Stradivarius with n voice like
the sighing of the winds, like the
purl of the waters, like the silent
thunder of the falling autumn'
In'iVna Ami vnn will Vwivn flirt limit
-. w . . JWU MiM 141 1 HV kV fe
nUhliaiUih WCl'O monkey WeHChc , tenrlinr wn run fln.l in Amrri..n nrl I
In the nwu'hinnrv nf lii rlinnies. i. i. !... t. i i i j
Heart whole and fancy free and
in $200,000. That is, for the
present. Time only will tell.
The smilingly pretty little sis
ter of Jesephine may also weigh
man and money in the balance
and lind money wanting
Husbands would destroy his daugh
ters' caieer-. If they settled down te
mean little house, cooked, did house
waning, raised children, their won wen
trful music would seen be forgot
ten. Marriufiv Outlawed
'or Art Achievement
ll -aid that for the aitist nuir
aW wa- ut of the question
Peciallj .luring the growing, form-
m-' .ears. IK
niilUteiie tin,
e sum love was a
around the neck of
y nftcr their
'Ole insured, whim llu-v
Wn... . . ' "- -'
"" eaier than
"eiere thirty
ait- If they ically needed te
1c advise them te marry aftc
wreerh l0i ,llt ........
at least thirty.
they must devote
or. in lw... I ...... i. i
dailv. l Y ' "U,K prneueing
,lieuily thinking music, living
.."J1; le,V1"'' "U1!jic -if it was ncccs
" te love seniething.
.k"' 1Je'iuiiiir felt se intensely
5aulthi3 that h0 spoke te his
'""Wters carnpsnu.
you will tour the whole world with
your rich ait."
It looked grand te Jesephine. All
this in exchange for love? It was
easy, as easy as well, in the words
of n no mean poet, it was a cinch.
Her father immediately began
negotiations for her new music mas
ter. He chose Eugene Ysayc, Belgian
violinist and conductor of the Cin
cinnati Orchestra.
And his selection was one of these
vagaries of fate which no one under
stands. His selection was the very
thing which defcated the fend
father's well-laid plans. It wns
another case of the fallibility of mice
and men when they aim te plan
It se happened that at the tlme
of Hehumir's selection, somebody
else, some 2000 miles away, was
doing a little selecting en his own
accord. It was one Paul Tayler
White, a violinist' out of Bosten.
I mn going te surprise papa one of
thee diiys."
.She's going te surprise him wlth
yes, indeed 'twins, but she'll surprise
him with a career, tee.
Itut Ileliutnir Kryl doesn't believe
that. lie expecti the youngsters, he '
experts they nre going te tnke nil the
art out of Jeiie. Itut he doesn't hope
for musical fume for his eldest girl.
Perhaps for Marie, lil-j jeungest.
"I shall never forgive Jesle," Mid
Helnimir Kr.vl. ".She was in go te
Kurope en a cenrert tour this 1'nll. The
beat win te Miil October fi. New leek
nt thing3l I was even going te buy
her a S'-'d.OOO Stradivarius
"1 wouldn't buy her a wenty-ive-ceiu
inouth-ergnn new. She litis put
love before art, and new she. mus't take
the coiiM'qiiPiirex. She will never get
another cent from me."
It'll be hnrd going, one supposes,
for .Tesio and Paul for a time, but '
J j- ! . 4jm!WM -' ", . :
,; .4 jir.JHUlkjL '.X' S s ..t'.'r -.L'jtr.
m immmwMM
m - wWImmk
txzm.si iv vzssv"-r-&L im ' imt&m
wmiF ' . -mui-m m-tttu
it . '?$?-':3 pfm Ww't&B&m
jLSJmmk -k Lw.MKL. wyWmam
Paul Tayler White, the
$iuu,uue man. At
cost Je-
ne Krvl is new Mrs. Pnnl T.nvin- wm.
istrcs-8 of her own little kitchen. She has
tl te handle the mixing howl and spoon as
lly as she once handled the fiddle and bow,
e yeunK hride sees no rpnnn uhv hA ...
heuld be se conflicting, as her obdurate
father contends
s ".-
. .
A v s fV.
.vmmmrr " " k x...a ..
j. -,
Irs. Paul TayleV White, the artist mat waH and the bride
iat new is. Her career is less important new than the art
of making bisctiitB
one-si; nnnewctl her vision,
clipped her dreams.
But, of course, Father Kryl never
suspected for a moment that his
daughter really would get herself
engaged. The $100,000 would pre
vent that!
It didn't, however. Jesephine and
Paul planned te be married in June
of this year. But Jesephine, return
ing te Chicago, inadvertently left
Berne letters en a table. Her dad
found them, He thundered afceut a
bit, and Jesephine decided te post
pone her wedding.
"Of course, the $100,000 meant a
whole let," said Jesephine, "but Paul
and I loved each ether and there
really wasn't nnything else te de but
get married, wns there?"
Frem Chicago, Jesephine wrote
Paul that she would be prepared te
marry him quietly en September 4.
But Jesephine dropped a hint of
this prospective wedding te her sis
ter. And her sister unwittingly let
Father Bohumir Krl, who drew swords with Daniel Cunid
and lest the tilt and his temper
Jesephine was a violinist, but has laid aside the bow for
the present. However, as Mrs. White, she expects te
continue her studies She disagrees with did that mar"
riage will spoil en artist's career
out the seciet. When her father
henrd it he doubled the guards ever
his daughter.
Bohumir Kryl wasn't villainously
cruelxobeut it all. He didn't chain
his daughter; he merely saw te it
that she wav unable te leave the
heuse unattended.
"I wrote Paul about that time," said
Jesephine, "and he called me up from
"I fruenked out of tli house," Je.
wphlne telln the &i.ir . "and went te
the htiitlen. There I met l'mii In nn
car we rushed te I'm 1 .ill and w.-r-
niarried within tiftcM, minute-
Bohumir Kr.U hem 1 .ilieut It when
he rend the teleginin It- .1 i isihter -ent
'him, nnd which sin nsied .it . 1'aiil
; Tnjjer White."
I Xutiiriillv enough, h n, jhich.
i Who wouldn't beV I.lKe . net the
servants hnd n jumju life ,,llt dn.
i I heir cmplcijer's fondest !i,... s thej
a slmtterei and .. .itn-i'd ,ili nrmnid
.the pl.ne his daughter. diMimd te be
mi nrtt. was geinj; te he mh .i wife!
t 'But I think I can l,e bi.ih." sms
.Tesephine. "Yeu luieu lutlier hail
leall premised nn SIOO.cuiO n 1 unlie.1
.till 1 was twiiit-tnc te gel iiuiiimI.
I'nul nnd 1 waited until ve wire
twiijit.-llve. and what happened tlniiV
I II tell .Mm what en iith, r (Imaged
Ins mind, lie said thnt I should w.nt
i till I'm thirtj.
It seemed te me M. UW' phiMiig
nt all fnlr se we deeidid i. get m.ir
ried in (.pite of him. And here we
are!" '
And this ,euiig couple lime nlrciuly
Kketeued out a nlnti whin. In ii,. ,
I he married and iiillnts m the',iiui
time. I'nul is a ineuilur of the faeultv
of the New Cnulnuil ('oinennten of!
Alusie at Bosten, and i.t' l.us most
of the dii). '
Jesephine lnis a let of priieiluiig te'
ile If alie does housework all of i'i
housework theie'll he hub. , , f,
fin luti' iMiiinii. s:.. . i. i i
........ .....v. .... ,, ,,,,,, 11, 1, , J,. i .
divided the WOlli . u.eiili I i.
dish-washing and the diiMlng ami Paul
ders the conking.
"It's a splendid airaiigciueiit," with
Jesephiue. "I have at leant seven
hours a day te devote te the violin, nnd
I ej w II g, r is, , ,,, u ,,s everiV. ma ..
rled reuple s,, ,s (0. a jeung woman
iiiiisi I, m. ii eung mnn very much if she
Imp him SllK) 1)00 uerth. Jesephine
Iih.Ks at her future cheeifallj ; her
titlier les Ult, env b((an nn(,
leseiitiiient- se fai. ( hie wonders what
Hie effcei f i he-,, twin grandchildren
will he en him.
In the meantime he fin,H reIihv in
Mane, who plajs the piano. She linn
t'lent a tnlelil as .le.ephin,.,
"I shmilil worn. ' erles Bohumir
Kfjl "I Mill have Mamie. Ah.
M utile Mie will iicmi- plm.,. v,. ,0.
feri art '
Itut he needn't he tee sure of that.
Mamie is wrv ptelM. IJulte ns pretty
.is her preit.v Msier Ilefiides, slid III
Hi km lese. Nhii.. jeung men have
hoi n forbidden Hie Kit I house, it inn't
likelt that Marie can keep from meet
in.: teuiig nieji under the meNt fermnl
nnd dignified ,im propel i lrcumfctiwicfn
.it her musn tenelier's studio, nt thu
tarnuiH musieal entertainments she at
t( ml".
Iteinoiahei tlie Mnry of the princeM
hlmt up in her tewerV Dim Cupid
leiiiul ,i wat te bring her u Prince
I'liiiriuing, and he iiia.t tiud a wat for
Wl nn sny Unit MuiiiIq weuldnfi
he willing.
Win ii she burned thnt her winter had
'"" ' cr eiiiu, (am, .tinniie wai
Hint i d te hiiv :
".b.si, (s i ght te fnllevt (he dirtntM
"r '", , l"iitt I mini, she did Jut
1 1 '
'I h.il I 'el n In e intlii'i
ter let I l.iii Cupid
U theii) a rertniu ,teun Ul(li, Inwfint
these .States Mamie heys there IsnU
se fur wIiehu love may be wert1'' "
JSIWO.OOO te Mamie? n'
f el tile tent.