JWW?. , J . . jrr r$HW' v. " v t-ttf 3W5PH!5W.anwrajflWi,sK J ..' wwu .'..F.ii'"iHuwP!uwr3r iw j. irt .m v tv V'Ut'C p, ?& riV jA, r ,WWf-i-jv,y(y.jV''- '?; X 'i'" w-vr ,"- j i ' r r 1x1 Arf-jiyF.i!, tif EVENING PUbLIO LEDGEB-PHtlyADELPHIA, FBIDAY. "OCTOBER 27, 1922 &. k t x independent Football "Avfl k'eB mm W.' - Bi. fit I Greatest Clothing Announcement Ever Made te the Public ! ! After 15 years at. 15th & Chestnut, we have decided te quit because this building is coming down, and we must be out by January. Owing te the enormous rental demanded for locations that are at all desirable, we simply cannot pay them and give our trade the same value for its money that has marked our policy from the start. We are therefore JLLVILIE HY WESTINGHOUSE HAS FOR ALL-PHILLIES COLLEGE ELEVEN Esslngten Team Is Coached by Lundgren, Fermer Swarth- mere Football Luminary i Seuth Jersey Football Eleven Issues Sweeping Defi for State Championship COMPOSED OF HOME TALENT wh victories ever Wildwood A. A., Frankford. and Irvlngten, of Essex nnnty. Conch Jehn Archer Is prepar M Mil. for tomorrow's tilt with Zn Itdlly'8 All-Phllllcs. This contest i nrctcd te test the strength of the Mlllvllle nBRrcsntien, Rcllly hay Injr re H y nddc5 power te his combination V. , nddltien of several stars. byriwine the All-Phillies comes wffiry with .Tohnnle Earn and JKS" Ogdcn, Swarthmere Collc?e Win. Woodbury has one of the spced ie,t combinations In the State an; the I e..i. hPtween the two elevens will be A he biK sporting events of the !.nn en the Seuth Jersey calendar. "VllUvlUe may appear in this city at ei..t,iine Park en Armistice Day. Sbnver DrSw Toland, of the Seuth Phi? i U anxious te schedule the Blass- rker" but Mlllvllle Is playing all its mcs at home. Only an attractive can induce them te appear en a foreign gridiron en November 11: 1 Determined te prove their right te the State title another jenr, MnnaRcr Virgil Een has challenged the Ornnge A. C efOranw, N. J., and Itccrcatien. of piiinfield. te elevens that are receg- north-while contenders for the New Jersey championship. Negotiations for games with these teams are new in The Mlllvllle team is composed of leca men. The line Includes Lee Bing ham and Jim Shimmer, guards: Edward Bhhnmer and Joe Iteilly, tackles, their iters wight being 100 pounds, 'irim" Haines at center and Jim Car ter and Allen Ness ends, tip the scales it 170 pounds. The backficld Is light and exceptionally fast, including Allen Gleg and "Chct Mills at quarter and Harlen negnn. Newel Spnrks and Percy Smith backs. Mills Sparks and Lalnst Irvington last Saturday, Hayes has been out with an injury, but will probably get back In the game against the All-Phillies tomorrow. DELCO FACES TOUGH WEEK-END SCHEDULE Coach Bonsall Drills Team for Racine and Nativity Coach Weedy Bonsall, of the Delce team, of Darby, sent his charges through their last hard workout qf the week last night in preparation for the tough schedule they face this week-end. Tomorrow at the Hllldale Ball Park, Ninth and Cedar streets, Darby, the Delce lads stack up against Heinie Miller's undefeated Racine club, and en Sunday they journey te Nativity and meet the uptewners. Delce has a clean slate for the sea son, having ceme off successful In all four games played te date. Last Sat urday the strong Vlctrix Catholic Club was added te the list by means of a rcnsatienal forward pass, Reynolds te Sharkey. Delce had previously scored victories ever Hebnrt. Clearfield nnd Magnelia, of Frankford. Racine, which plays at Delee's field tomorrow, beasts a record of net having been beaten In two years. Manager Curry Is preparing for the big games which nre &een te fellow for the Delaware County championship. SOUTH PHILS SIGN MEN New Players Will Appear Against Chester Tomorrow Manager Telnnd, of the Seuth Phil lies, 1ms .igr.t?d several new players who may appear In tomorrow's came at Shtfllne Park, Ilread and Blglcr street1?, against Chester. They Include Geerge Huge, fullback; Hins T.nlur, center; Hcndrcn, Buck nell, an end and heiiMitlenul kicker, nnd ''Dutch" Schwab, a halfback. "Pud" Da, the te.ieli hftH been busy working out with the team all week ami Is satls fiui there l'ns been a great Improve ment. Manager Tuland is negotiating with ccral prominent local and out-of-town eleuns te appear nt Shetzline l'ark in the near future. Naval Hospital at Pheenlxvllle thJl;Nh1.'1i,Hn'ipltal et",. yhlch held ine Seuth I'tillll.s te n ncnreleiw tie lant frit if?' wl" nlliv ,lt l'henlxlll en Sunday "Ilcrnoen Sinre the till-te-0 ilffwit In the ??! Jc "J"10 ut t,u' enen liy Helmeiiburx J , ul,al i?"1 I" Htujfpd a wonderfiil iv?,il'uk . r "J". Kam' M o'l'lresj L S. I'erter. WiS! s"t'' N'aal llesnltnl. U-acue Island iSj Pe l" ,PrBlfen ,15'i5 between 8 JO A M te 8 ? M r Wseml"lf SMl w rrem Scraps About Scrappers fe?e'.,,'!"j.ha" Johnny Dennelly In fit of I .:1 tenEht mntch with Jue McCain Jwllv S'i".1, ai ,h0 Cl""b''la A. C. Don Den hln fL'lf0 ,'h'l,10 trulnlnit nt the bhana Jlmmv xi Club Jimmy Hanlen j MtP,, . ..,."mlui u Al "hr. Artie rliht t """'"'en "Ml Mlt the Cambria to te UltV -nS 'I1' PHf,189 of rhallennlne Jee B. ...... . . at any eid tim '"onmena uciurnrlglit llaunnT,i'i!1,n,7;,!,, ,he rvorlte te win the opponent nV'I 9 ? Ue''ab1'' tenlnht. Ill hi .J5L"''l b- K1,! "olmes Charles Crois Jtck vim t ' ,or. i wrestlln bout between te thJ Tn K", ""'LI.,i1iy.ull"'.'-d In addition Kid Mr-pn. iv" "tl": JacK Tamper s Untferfl0AiL;,-rr,r Gutter VK Yeunit Sam Je, i WiiiUm.chy UuJ.n - J1,n Wllnen. and CranJten"? a"'f" r'en'- Temmy ,Ien Vl"1 handle Wilsen ugalnst ITurna. 'n'tcn.lan,t(?,,!!f' ' flwflKht who was Jtttep , ' .r,,n,n" Villa when the t the eitmnf ",' w,",h ehlclenpe. will W ' 'm,"""1"0. who la te meet I'atsy lmM with m,Jny haa bern niatohed three tennmLV"'!c',.n,.an-n.1. vl.lt with rtta. "nu wh'ie 7k.. ' """'" wbbk in .-xovemeflr k'ln match ere, b '""i1s nppearlnir In n CnJ.m.'l!cn I'utk recent y returned from " oeuti. "a "uccessful In a series kneIkeP"' ,whn h never ha been it with a Ji ,.V? mer "n nw l"uts Is "mne rlLht.lianilcr of lltabby Ilarrett. we'ntff'an'n' h"1"! b'en.,fn "trlet tralnlmr for !'"l I1" , I,"',"1"'' ," the leash. Kb "h Buys n.iftr,el1 "lnat any of the ' and aeue Chancy. T1PllU' ,,ebby Bar- tn.i. ..'."I the futtirn h. um nn. nom de er the t::: ttie itemr n.i ;c. "'." :.'.."" "h I'hll liroeu's for a """f match llCes""'!; ?,'!""' '"low l.iKt en from WA." for M. In.f In,"v Wallaoe et In tiller I. ahl',,mr!,l.n1,r.,llh ranrlin Villa l' doe? rfiff "l"n bnxT and Kdd'e "' weight ar nny "no 'or J0 Bt fii ... E.'"? U A,mnKhht nf ,,,e New Au,J!; tr Frnnku nri.'"f.,n? ?" te attend IS' AFTER COUNTY HONORS The Wostlngheune football team ii making a strong nnd determined bid te pftpture the honern In Delnware County this year. Last Sunday it subdued the strong Ambler eleven, 20 te 0, and Ambler en the previous week held Clif Clif eon IlelghtH te a 18-0 total. A com parison Indicates that a meeting be tween 'WoBtlngheufio nnd Cliften for the championship will be well worth seelns Celwyn will be the opponent nt West West IngheuBO this Sunday, and n n Hi improved team Bheuld be) presented. Celwyn held Norwood te a scorele--' tie, but Celwyn has since strengthened several weak positions. Wcstingheuse Is composed mainly of former college nnd school stars, and ns the season advances will develop one of the strongest elevens In this section. The team is coached by Lundgren, for mer Swarthmore star, who is n mem ber of the Frankford Ycllowjackets, and the sound Is beginning te show the results of his nble coaching. P. Freeman, who assists Lundgren, has been n tower of strength in the games played, his spirit and leadership being a dominating influence. Westing Westing heuse has yet te plav Celwyn, Nor wood, Lancaster All-Stnrs, Darby Hams, Reading Tigers nnd Cliften HelRhts. The players en the team are: Rey nolds, Webb Institute; Bnrtelctt. North Carolina; Place, Swarthmore; Hewitt, Chester; Stralten, Auburn; Pletz, Klski; Weber, Chester; Bitchy, SODth Infantry; Gallagher, Chester High; Berry, Franklin nnd Marshall; Boyd, Maine: Foxall, Bucknell; Rupp, In dinnn Nermal ; P. Freeman, West Vir ginia; W. Freeman, Cnrnegle Tech; Clark, Urslnus; Manning, Swarthn-ere. shenandeatTat frankferd Powerful Up-State Eleven Plays Yellewjackets Tomorrow I Shenandoah, one of the strongest football teams In the hard coal belt, will clash with the Frankford A. A. Yel Yel eowjackets at Brown's Field, Frank ford, tomorrow nfternoen. Followers of the team will attend the gnme en a special train and arc expected te . bring their miners' band. Leu Kaufman, the big halfback of the mincrs,i attended the Frankford game last week nnd made notes of the most efFectlve plays of the Yellewjack- ets. He explained these plays te the ' second string players of the mining town, nnd after they understood them and wcre drilled in them, they tried them en the first squad. Every night this week, Manager Sc- I paulcy has had the players working against the Frankford system of plav and he believes they have developed methods te step the big Northeast elev en's most dangerous thrusts, nnd also , have the power te score themselves, hebart te invade south West Phlla. Eleven te Play Glenn Kllllnger's Team en Sunday The Hobart football eleven of West Philadelphia, which held Melrose-At-luntlc team, of Atlantic City, te a low score last Sunday, will play Glenn Killinger's Baltimore Professionals en Sunday nt Baltimore. Hobart has been greatly rtrcngthened, having signed three prominent college stars, who practiced with the rest of the squad four nights this week in order te have the team in the best nesslble shape In expectation of the hardest game of the season. Hobart, after getting away te a bad fctart, has tilled up the gaps nnd has one of the strongest elevens In Phila delphia. Games have been booked with St. Jeseph's of Lancaster, Jenklntewn and ether first-cla&s teams. Hlbs Sign Players The Hibernian soccer eleven has strength, ened In line uy ty the acquisition of Ken nedy, fulllipck; McUuckln, halfback, and Cenner nnd Vurrell, forwards They wl! npptnr for the first tlme In the American f'up mntch tomorrow afternoon between the Hlhernlnn" .in t '"nirh.ll, et Teurth and Yv'lncoheclclng atrtctf. Df I-VI T TK It RACE. MAT. DAILY B1JUU BOXING TONIGHT In Onlunctlen With Sic Purlesk Shew 12 Fast Amateur Bouts 12 CAMBRIA A. CLUB jft ft Friday Evenlnir, October 27, I9M JOHNNY DONNELLY vs. JOE McCABE Four Other Star Bouts rOOTBAII FRANKFORD YELLOW JACKETS SHENANDOAH. PA. TOMORROW KIOKOFF. 2'30 P. M. Brown' Field, Oxford Ave, near Boulevard Routes 3, 4, S te Oxford Ave, College Football U.S. Naval Academy vs. Pennsylvania Franklin Field, Sat., Oct. 28, 2 P. M. Reserved seats new en sale at Olmbels', Spalding s and Athletic Council Office, 3305 Walnut Street. f'ermal dedication of new stadium between ve, University band of 100 pieces and iln. int of national songs by spectators, 11TH ST. ARENA 11th & Catbirine Sti. Jee Griffe, Matchmaker SAT. EVG., OCT. 28TH Babe Herman vs. Kid Wagner Whitey Fitzgerald vs. Rey Mitchell Bebby Burman vs. Johnny Reisler 2 ether bouts. Prices 85e, $1,10 $1 65: no higher Tlcaets en sale Venetian iaie. lermeny fichett's. 12th & Filbert: National Billiard Roem, 4 North ISthi Cunningham Shep. 10 Se. i ngdl .13 de. lltn, usrDer onev; inn ecniCKS, 8784 Market Pet seats new. OLiTMPIA BOXING Jr KeaiZaS- Bred Biabril,i Mo0ent'.,o9 5-lEIGHT.ROUND BOUTS 5 martin iii'iiny JUDGEvs.FITZGERALD I.F.IV JOHNNY SNYDER vs. RENO WOLF vs. CARP 1IATTI.1M! MIKl; LEONARD vs. MOHAN iLLAs WALLACE .....,. .... al nil Mf nttfl 4 K.ftSi ov.iUrMMW"ceh9 Tndlcr" V- rl'. 1" M8 i-. lien'i, H. C. Cor. ffnj MK.n 8U, McCulUegh. 118 8euth 8t. ''XT Alse Full Jr. f'? s,Snlvin-v bbBwbIbbbi WHsnjPQIlBBHBBBBBBHP BBBBBBBBBBHs B fj T BBBBk E iSJKLfW jBBb BBBLLl bbbbbbV 11 4 t' s TTrMBPffl bbffi$'9k'$'WB Mm bbB H V'bHbbbWv 'V ImmmfWrmtMtmwOrTmmD ( vm m Lm BBBBBBBBH B BEkVA,l SEBHbIbU BBBBBbBIVBHbBbHRbb1bBB1 BBH BBBBBBBBBBsm TH 2 HbV Gk'VHbBbHC BHsBBHBBBBBBSBLBSKBBBHK-i-lt LtfX-WkBBVBBBBsl BBBBBBBBlfllw'" lli&Ul'&teMBKEB&mB3BFlM BBLLf BrsBBBBBBBBBBKaBBBBK '3?9UftriSSf "4 i'T J-"i , l'y MiAnlRffltV JlBBBBBBBBBVBBfl BBBBBf sV t laiMltirtl-lgiflfS 1 W SIK2PsHKCBBb1BbHH BB BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr K Mil Hi 1101 lh J 41ZSPwBBBBKBKBBBBBBHbS BBbV .bbHbbbbbbV 'VbH s'a I ,Jjm mmWm)lW ill VHBBwfliBVflHB: VBlBil V b 'VHWiWMVBffflMHHP l B!mamwfymmKEm S I 1 By vT? bVbWV tCS? " BBTBT i jkf .sBsl V 1 tr j? BBilvM VMh BBM j MBM s Mz'S't- J1 a fK kl i'V b1 . eiJm rBH JRv BBBB sBsV fir sw' Suits, Overcoats and Tep Coats Dress, Tuxedo Suits, Absolutely the great est value you have seen at this price in years! The same qualities are priced elsewhere at $30 and $35. IN PHILADELPHIA Bemnniner tomorrow merniner at 8:00 wp sf-arf what is unquestionably the most sale of nationally famous brands of at the height of a season! Raincoats, Odd Pants, etc., for Men and Yeung Men Sr'Sf fis Mere than 2000 te select from at this price ! The great ma jority of them are brands that are retailing e 1 s e w here at $501 Every meaei, laDric and pattern! Absolutely the finest clothes produced in the United States the kind that are priced up te $75 in specialty clothing shops. Every one an astounding bargain. bV .rfHK ' v Lj sF B 9m Wl Al aw ffii v WJ mm mm ra a 'w Im m Many of the Suits have extra pair pants te match! This entire clock comprises only the BETTER grades of clothes (all nationally famous brands) purchased far , advance at the lowest prices we paid since the war. These garments are th products of leading New Yerk, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Rochester and Chicago makers Th assortments are tremendous. The Suits present every new and favored 1- 2. 3- and button single- and double-breasted styles, in sack and sport model,. The Overcoats include Ulsters Ulsterettes Rag ans, Greatcoats, Kimona, Ferm-fitting, Bex, etc. Ne matter what you select you will be getting lt at practically HALF the price it would cost you anywhere else. Come an see the greatest bargains you have ever known! Jfr& GOING T In an enormous variety - all styles, fabrics and patterns. 40 famous brands. Guaranteed, un matchable elsevhere for less than double our price. Most of the finer makes that spII iin tn 0 $60! We are closing them out at $29.50! USB 15th & Chestnut Open Tonight till 9.00 Tomorrow (Saturday) until 10 P. M. F astounding sacrifice clothes ever known jBi B .sBBB. mt bbbw; wmm MPm. " 7 . bW bV ' Jtfmmm. M mm m 'V mmWmm Mr sO& Pbk jN mW Mr sVbbW' J9 mW Alse a limited let of Suits, Overcoats and Tep Coats left ever from last season 1, 2 and 3 of a kind formerly priced te $45. $I2e J Yi,ii Wi. Ult m w m l! m id .11, im mil in nth nan nd 'i u. "liy ni,,';,"1 nc 'aimer, (,'nariey 'u SaQiffik SlVt?!?. nu,,e11- Andy wtint nliiTt ', . .(- v