mmfamfWW ',&;' is'-fi v,'tr!(f. mFjr-rzFmm&nwmfxwj," 3IPH3A, FBIDAY. OCTOBER 27, 1922 7 te, Hew te Play Football Tackle Who Charges Lew Usually Most Successful lineman Who Plays High Style of Game and Fights With His Hands Must Be Husky and Exceptionally Fast : , ,-., Hy LOU LITTLE .. 1'nlien.llr of rennnjlvanla Trickle nml Mentioned for All-American Honors up nosltien of tackle en a football Irani In li'S modern rrn 01 iuc ?pe one of t!ie most Important of nil. tl one vnii ma ennnge from the mass for mation of the rjRht leu ami nineties te its forward passlne tlm open game with nniloff-tackleplays, the tncklc playx a blKger part In the sport tliiin lie for merly did. Tlie usual im im im prosilen tlie aver aver nge person former ly lind of n tackle or guard Mris n bulky man welcli iiiK mere than 'J00 IOU I.1TTM! pounds inclined in he stocky nild nrnvy. i in iniiircBiun riee-m't prevail today because the moil meil rn" BBine (leinnmlH of u tackle that lie he net 01 miiiu ".(,.. .. ... "i"h'- .. ..i... dm imsitlnii. but that he com bine n certain amount of r-pced along tli npKreiMii'i-. A rellege tnnkle should weigh In the BflghborlieiMl f 1R" neiiniK of bone iind mw-ele ami net fat. A high school player idietild welsh about 10." pounds. The reason for me iiwr-rr-ncc in wpirmi between me rem-Rc iiihi hikii miu nlnjer h ilnc t" the dllTerence In com petition, the high school boys meeting plaTs" of their own weight, which ap proximates 100 pounds. The tnckle Is no longer the slow slew moving, awkward player that used te beieen. He must new bnve speed, un tiring energy, uglllty nnd learn te plnv hard, rough football. On the ln- tcrlcrenee me uirKiu in)s u inw-i im portant part, particularly In end-running play?. On tlie defenfe he must no nblc te get through and assist the end In breaking up the interference In addi tion te his ether duties. THERE arc two styles of tackle play, enr in which the tackle stands up and fights his icay tcith il? hands, and the ether where a tarkte plays tow and charpes across the line of scrimmage with his head and sheudcrs. "Buck" Wlttrten's Method THE Inttcr method was first intro duced br Dr. Chnrlea "Buck" Wharten, of the University et i'cnn sylvntiia. When line coaches are spoken about, Dr. Wharten ranks as nnwng the greatest in the history of the'gnme. His system 1h in vogue in hundreds of colleges nil ever the coun try. There is n strong reason for the adoption of the plan. A small, active man can piny the system nnd be n geed tackle, which means that n greater number can play the game. The tackle who playH the high style of game must be big and exceptional !n his talents in order te be of any talue te his team. A slight man play ing high is easy te charge back nnd carry out of the piny unless, as stated, he is an exceptional player. The low style of piny is reully the lest. It gics a man nit Ins power, enables him te drive hard and race. the nppositjen en the defense nnd te plough holes in the defense of, the op posing team when his mated arc carry ins the ball. On the offense a player should nt "ume a charging pesturr. The hand should be kept up nnd the body down. A right tackle stands with right feet forward and n left tackle with his left feet forward. That l, the tackle al ways nvMiiiies his charging nositien with the outside feet forward. When the ball Is passed lie should charge low and hard with the purpose in mind of stepping anything coming in his direction. If a back is te carry the ball through the tackle's position he should turn his opponent in, out nr back, as he has been directed by his coach. WHEN he i te he a part of the in " terference he should swing out j mv uric ena yci line rue uurr- rmicc with uipldity and get te his l opponent and cut him down. Te come out of the line with the less of ai little speed and drive as possible the tacllc should pivot en his rear feet ' nnd if in well back, kicping the liady low with his cyci en his op- I penent. I . , Tackle. Should Lead Interference j TTIS first swinging phet step clears A him of the scrimmage line nnd makes the becend step in the right direc tion. This should be practiced ns much of the time as pes-iblc a geed tackle imn.n combining the ability te lend tlie 'nterferwiiv and getting his mnn. Offensively a tackle gains recognition nnwl the phiy is directed by his linck linck nele tlir.iiii.i. ii... ...,... u.. .:,i,. f ,i,.. line, and t ln opposing lineman then gets lareugh and cuts down the defensive tacks. Ilj eutting down Is meant knocking down or ethenvi-e getting an opponent mil of the pin v. Defen-helj a tackle U one of the most feaied men en a team, lie ".lieuld e aggri-sshi. and should charge across lie lint! of sd'inimage ns seen as the Ml is put into play. The tackle should KH across the line, help liN cud te weak up liiterfeience. hurry the kicker anil forward pnsseis. I n the lookout or rnveive nms and, ol'treiirse, srep ins line play directed at him. lae position of the ilefeiisive tackle n einv,. foniialiens is just eutide of J ;TeiiMe ami facing the usir uiiiii of t, f"rn"'t!"- He assumes a chaigiug lesluie. Whe,, , ,pu is II1IHM,( ie, "i rR"s line . ll( ., p,,,.,!, liln , l'"- !'. doing ihN he 'can tell where I'TER tlin fnllnwiiur rinnlitv V-Use.l cars at wicrillce price for ut Lc.k'n!'uncp. " reconditioned in S51rnJ'i". Ca5 K2 2.MW H? HiibuiiMii JL'dBO 28r.O a i no 930 huqillac Ti ,n r., n.:"" :" fiSft 800 450 Vad Up t . n ;'.'. :"'VrtiblL. T - " imillllB .. .160 Neel-Cadillae Company t iimdcn 11 ranch r'-.r' .MAUKKT STRFJKT ' untleii, Ntw JiTsuy t'liunc, Cimilcti 208 jS , V e the play Is going. If the end tries te get away, the tackle at once should knew that it is Ills dtitv te get down the Held for n ferwnrd pass. I --& tin, cum nvinn un iiiiu iitu invnii; must remember that tlie piny is coming Ills way, as the end wants te get the tnckle out of the way te make rendy for the play. In this case the tackle should held his creund. keen his eves t rim nni uiMru ti iii iiia inn) n en the bnll ami be prcpnrcd for a line. duck nnd run or reverse. Mlieuld the end net offer nny resistance, then the tackle will sense that the play is going te the. opposite side. "" TtIVN the offensive side hai a kirk " formation or an open formation, the tackle plays a little wider, going in tt te hurry the kicker or passer. The tackle should always fellow ihn haU In rate of a fumble or any ether accident that might happen te the en- 7o.?if(eu in the eay of losing the ball by a blocked pun or fumble. ONE of the main troubles with tackles Is their failure te charge neressthe line. They srem te wnlt for tlie play te come te them. As a result, the op position Is formed and the tnckle Is swept te one side. Don't wait, but get in and get them. They nre ensier te step. Te sum up, a tackle ought te remem ber te ehnrge low and hard, head up and ejes en the ball. Fellow the ball, interfere, tackle hard and always play geed, clean, rough football. In next Tuesday' Kvenlng Public Ledger. Heinle Miller, former Pcnn raptalu nnd All-Aincrican end, will tell liew (e play end. WAGNER HAS FORFEIT UP FOR BOUJ WITH DUNDEE Will Ge After Scotch Wep Again After Herman Beut Eddie Kid Wagner, of Philadelphia, still has' a forfeit of $2."(10 posted with the New Yerk State Itexing Commis sion for a match with the junior light weight champion, Johnny Dundee. To morrow night Wagner will meet Uabc Herman, the Cnllfemin crack, at the Eleventh Street Arena (National A. A.), nnd n victory against the Native Sen will add much te the Plillndel phinn's prestige. "After the match with Herman." said Uoe Hen Huff, Wagner's manager, "I am going he get after Dundee mere strenuously than ever en behalf of the Kid. Eddie has been doing some sweet scrapping, and there's no reason why Dundee should pass him up." Ilesides the Wagner-Herman match, Tee (iriffe lias arranged ether bouts as follews: Johnny Itelsler vs. Hebby Illinium. Hay Mitchell vs. Whitcy Fitzgerald, William Allen vs. Heb Gnr sia and Jimmy Murray vs. Tim Daly. PAR elVEPnrSMAKT Arrew Cellar Cluett,Peabody fCe.Inc SUITS TO ORI9ER $18oe Reduced irem $35 & $30 Blue Serges, Blacks, Grays, Herringbones, Browns, Pencil Stripes; Alse OVERCOATS See Our 15 Windows. Largest Display of , Tailoring in Philadelphia PeterMoran&Ce. S. E. Cor. 9th & Arch Sts. Established 50 Years Open Monday & Saturday Evenings Till 9 o'Cleck N3 The Newest Oxford Fer street and golf Tan grain uppers, unlined; leather sole with rubber suction-cupped top sole CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut , for real enjoyment km aV 11 rpHOICE Havana to te m bacce in a f lawless hade-grown wrapper. Mild.mellew-yetdiatinc-' five in character. A blend .that can't be imitated. A wide range of shapes and sixes selling from 10c te 30c. That's El Producte. We) wonder if your idea of a geed cigar is the same as, that of the army of, smokers who have made El Producte the fastest selling high grade brand in America. v W0i G. H. P. CIGAR CO., Inc. Pht1adelpHla. Ps. K-.ll Bouquet IDc itraight ( FRSHW LVl sH iHLk LHLk VaLrsV sHLv H H "isVvV vxiHTssmi iisrvyibjr (V---fiuuta. -4. i"' - r& si rj i C 1 Pi yfs "rOsT1 TaW'rOrr $11.00 Tl,it h Welfare Weeh KP5? m '.WsS .IWWJK $m fcSSftSS avwasi rv.i., ?m i)TJVi. no m r. 5g in nt, 1, ,, , in in in ii,.';i mz fhm &?:-v4 ss .tx Hll'1fJ't t.'rfAV mm; SCitf. ifj trxlM 'SfAv ifi.r;!. r.Vi'.-rt SyV.Ba :str.ii. e'0 V Wfiff. mm & zz&w. jrr.:.rK'w W iiK m Jy mM m mh Iw&s iizr fWSCi Cil- Corena SHJ BS &3 m 15c itraight 2 - sn. ft, ATt -"flTth .v yi - vlrX VrSv CrewLevsck MOTO and GASOLINE '-make your car's work easier 219 North Bread Street $4ZJ) rH y r Miiiiir sat iK wiiar nt r RADIO SPECIALS"" Wcitingheuie Aeriela Jr., include g i 3000 Ohm Phenei. Rej. $11-95 $25. Our Price " DcFerreit Tube Sett. Rcf. $0.50 j $38.50. Our Price "" , $ Simpljr attach bulb and battery. Murdock 3000 Ohm Phenn. The i 5 World's Beit. Re(. Price $4.95 S $7.50. Our Pric J Murdock Crrttal Detecten. AXi $ . . .ii. Ref. Price 95c. Our Price.. -""- Murdock Oscillation Transformer. 5 Essential for Tranimittinf. $0.95 Rer. Price $5.95. Our Price ...,..,. ... . .t.n.. ... - S J flit UUiuuil t ui " Jinur or tl 5 J haircut in a Sperllnu Goods t t Heuse, se whu take n chance in ? buying ladle' $ J Come in and see us. Yeu wilt find our prices right j l ROBERTS BROS.ELEC.CO. 426 S. 52d St. J (Iprn lUenlrik- ."JAill 10r fnr l'nstncrwwW 'jwsmmm& A N NOUN This Will Interest Every Man in Philadelphia TOMORROW WE OPEN A MEN'S DEPARTMENT equipped with a comprehensive selection of unusually distinctive Men's Suits, Topcoats and Overcoats. OPENING SPECIAL FOUR-PIECE Suits Which you can't duplicate under at least $40 Sec this display before you buy. You'll be pleasantly surprised by the values. Gelf Specialty Shep Je Seuth 17tm. GvsrytliinQfcr Qclfcrj 1 Topcoats $25 up hMMSMSUl ONLY 2 DOORS Z W "tllU ' " "VUI "tt"" "r uui"" if "S" " Wi v'TT wtmK & k- sflHIIhv Ri $r xg4tdyz OILS rifTn- - g - ff?tec r jh. tn!fir&s& -AmczJTBte wnisar w n Mair a iil m uMam. m All Weel or Bull? Veti rnn't licllf nil join nee In print. Hut, Mlien Me in.v e erir dlrlrtly Iminl - lullnrril, purr oel rail mi lit anil Otrr- ceiil nt Ki5 llmt urn rxci-lt- llnmil xnlurn lieoeiKO of our H"ronl-lleor ecoiieinlen lluil In runntruitltc, triilliful Htiitc- infill. Junt rniniinre tlirm with nulls nml Hr'rcimtK lit 11 few ether reiinprtutle,,hlKh-Kriiile cletli- I11K ntnren untl line iiiir en JiiilRinenl liny wool lint "hull." Purchasing Acents' Orders Accented DALSIMER 2ndFL00K Over NATIONAL DRUG STTORE' Cor. Wth& Market Sts. Open Sulurdny Until 10 T. M CEMENT! ssmmmmsm M Overcoats $35 up AB. CHESTNUT SMfSSi m HI t arm. l tWymFA jimw . at . - mtiiii .a " -"-j -B. rft.JSW-Oal Cam rtTtt a S n. j S fa 5-V ' P. B. White & Ce. Philadelphia's Largest Men's Merchant Tailors 808 Chestnut St 1 04 Se. n""7?' ' .VSiSMwm Tem Maleney l'i riiiiinlU Mln r I j. h iirv silt Unit vm iiiiiUb m, ii of i'hllailKl )ili!;i ImVf Innu Itiinw n T tn ,iy the Ji'tl 'A ("iiI,jmi 'J'.nlni- i nr.l lii'S nllijs In. n ,iii,pl,i us final onieni.' tlie iiratrtru of f'il , in "onie In anil sli.ike IiiiiiiIh with hlin Men's Fall . " WfmSHKHB ' ,."Z&''U . -"-" !vj VALUES UP TO $49.50 LUE WITH 2 PAIR TROUSERS GUARANTEED ALL WOOL, SUN PROOF, FAST COLORS J nr iciut; i u THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF THE LATEST SHADES AND PATTERNS V esWili?P Philadelphia's Larrj.t Men's Me-. chant l-ile-v (At Beth Stores) .08 Chestnut St AND i 04 Se. 8th St. OPEN MONDAY & SATURDAY UNTIL 9 P. M. AND 8th St. Tem says: Come in and loot; ever our as sortment of fall and winter suitings. Your choice of fine worsteds, silk mixtures, plaids, sun-proof blue serges, pencil stripes, herringbones, tweeds, banjo stripes, pin checks and plenty of ethers. Our new fall and winter line consists of ever 1100 selections, the finest display of new materials you have ever seen. Clylf: Whether you liter a two or three button conservative tack mil, nr three or four button Broelti mode! Cel- legiate suit, or a nnrt button link tail, or a golf-back coal, you can have jrear sail made in the style that ycu desire. Werkmanship: Our guarantee is in bad; of each and every suit we build, and I personally superiise rach and tvtrj garment produced. Lininjts: Wr use only Tarr's -nchair lining, the best mehair manufacturers in the v.erll, iml Dr Luxe Venetian, lb best grade nf Venetian made. T.xtra Treusers: Eiery suit includes two pairs of Iremers nf the same ma terial, giiing you the life of two suits of ilethts, as it is a well-known fact that the airragr perse.i can wear ntititwe pair ei trousers te every coat. and Winter IITQ A & bJ te Measure WITH S SERGE $e 6sm3 OS T fc HT1 Ow I jpirJ LULUA 1 D aff ivicjasure Uf&gRRiA W. Sa 1 t.V 4th . w v6l 7 r OiJ ?! M ze i ' V i . . fif1.