H " & iXi.?f . 1 r r J. ay'-1 im rL'w.u K'.tiLijft SSsSpw" I'.r'JW' jn "f ir&fi'YA v- w U'M ftWITiiW "(. "" .1 ' &4. P. ..... . "-'''v;.. 4 EVENING' PUBLIC LEDGER-PHICADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER' 27, 1922 2& PRINCESS 10 SHUN KAISER'S I DOING Wife of ex-Emperor's Heir De clines te Attend Ceremony at Deem NOTED FOR INDEPENDENCE 'special Cable Dhnatch. revvrlaht. IOt RfPrlntftl from Public Lfclser n.-iln. Oct.. U7. AccenlhiB te BUtheritntlve Information here, px px Crenn Princess Ccclle will be con spicuously missing nt the cs-Kalscr's wedding. The nbsence of her iinme from tlic list of prospective eur-sts, fur nlOied veur correepondent by Ilcrr von Were yesterday, Is net iter tltmtnl. The rrlnceM. who la llvlns with h"i- cliil Hren in lier Petwlnm piilnce, lielilt de rided views en the remnrrliiRe of her ueust father-in-law te n bride yomiRer than her.self, and all attempts te In duce her te change her mind anil at tend the Deem ceremony for tlrt) sake e appearances hnve failed. The efforts are still continuing, as tbn ex-KaKer's frlends and the Ilohen Ilehen Ilohen zellcrn Princes fear the effect of Mich a (Hnmistratlve nbbence upon the pres-tl-e of the dynasty which they declare ,!ieiild be particularly dear te the Prin ce", as her son is most npt te rc surae the crown should a Hohen.ellcrn ever remount the throne In Uerlin. lleth court officials and the Ilohon Ilehon Ilohen rollern?, however, ure familiar of old with Princess Ceclle's independence, which was manifested even before the war, when the minority et me lvniser and Kniserin ever their family find court was nlmest absolute. That Inde pendence was shown even in such miner dctaIN as the Crown Princess' refusal te fellow (he Kalserln's instructions te wear (icrmnn clothes. She Insisted, instead, en going te Paris for her ap pnrcl. ObJtlcd te Castle Again her spirit was aliewn when elie declined le fellow the Ilohenzellern precedent and live in one of the dgmp, (hilly, antiquated Hohen?ellern castles In Potsdam and Insisted upon having a modern residence with het and cold water, plumbing, bathrooms and ecu trnl heating, built where she might "live as comfortably ns the general run of her future subjects." The children of the Prince nrc said i te be of the same mind ns their mother.' A reported remark of one of the boys "We have no use for tbese new uncles," referring te the sons of the new bride by her first marriage is circulating in Potsdam society. Princess Ccclle's social rank is af fected by the cx-Kalscr's remarriage, though It is only n formal effect as long ns there Is no court and no court society In (icrmnny. The Kalserln's denth made her the first lady of the land as far as court ceremonials for the ad herents of the old regime were con cerned, giving her precedence ever nh ether royal ladles in Germany. The ex-Kaiser's new spouse will assume that position upon her marriage, since, by court etiquette, she is n full-fledged consort e His Majesty. Ceremony Planned Court Chnplaln 'Wegel hns received from the ex-Kaiser full "instruc tions ceuccrulnc details of the wedding ceremony and the address which he is te deliver te the couple aftqr their mar riage in accordance with the Oermnn custom. The Instructions, which are in the ex-Kniser's own hand, cover three large quarto sheets of paper. The program is most minutely de scribed. It indicates Princess Her mine Is scheduled te arrive In Ameron Ameren gen en the afternoon of November 4. driven te Deem en Sunday nt 10. SO nnd received nt the gates of the park by the Kaiser's suite and all the members of the Hohcnzellcrn family present. The civil ceremony should be fully binding when it is considered that It will be performed by a burgomaster with the imposing mime of Unren Ven Sclilmmelpcnnlnck Van Per Oyer Van Uecvelken. Additional guests are the ex-Kaiser's sister, Margnrcte; the Princess of Hesse and the Prince of Pless. FUNERAL OF CAPT. A. L. LACY Captain Abraham L. Lacy, a mem ber of the Philadelphia Klre Depart ment for forty-two years, who died Tuesday at his home, 1358 Cehvyn street, will be buried In Northwood Cemetery this afternoon after funeral services at the home. Captain I.acy was sixty-four years old the rinv 1m ll,.ii. He was a member of Washington Ledge, Ne. 00, F. and A. M. : Mary Com Cem mandery, Ne. .'10, K. T.. Have Yeu ever had trouble being properly fitted ? Give us a trial. ..SempKtncr 1305 Walnut ONE OF PHILADCLPIIIVf IMOINC TJIIOIK A NEW ARAIIIAX NIOHTB "Hetiutltul Ilcllnila" lias slarteden r wild nnd welrd tale for the entertnlnment of 'llr-lentlesi Uwlelph." Thousands nre fol lowing nor nights of fancy. In the All-Star Cnmle Section et the Sunday l'VDMO LEDaM. "Make It a Habit." tdf. SWEATERS Direct from Manufact'r Shaker Sweaters, Pull Oven. with or without cellars . . $?.50 I All colors. up 1 Alte, all kinds of ' Sweaters for men, women & children A Fall Line of Full-Fashioned lletitry ?BB EN 2823 Kensington Ave. sW 09 IT TSOAY Loek inside the new Sedan that seats five even the six-footer finds plenty of leg room. cdcihrijtySixeBuiU tyTai&t A Sedan designed for Real Comfert and Con venience. The gears shift easily, and clutch nd brake pedals respond smoothly. The SO H. P. generated by the silent, Paige-built six cylinder meter is easily controlled through throttle, clutch and brakes. Call Spruce 1410 for a Demonstration OPEN EVENINGS 6UY A.WILLEY MSTSR C9 cAiiVe- aud Jewett Distributor BR9AD STREET AT VINE. PHILADELPHIA S. BROAD ST. TAIOE SALES CO. 1:010 Seuth Ilread St. Fr.NCIL MOTOIl COMPANY IMS Nnj-th 03,1 St. CURRAN-SYKES MOTOR CO. Vi'SA N. llreud .St. BROCKMAN'S OARAOE Cor. lluliiea St. nnd Muilin Art. OIHBON'8 AUTO WORKS aua.'i llnrrfird Ae. Associate Dealers ARTHUR 3. MEAItS l.'.lil Se. e.tli St. ORR & CARROLL ;nn 1:1 s. rii.iiiwirk 11 SIMONS k 1IAWKE IlillT X. llreld HI NORTHEAST OARAOE 1735 Wiikellnit S".. "ranUftTil MADDEN'S OARAOE I.nurnstiT r.. llrn Maur CLARK'S OARAOE rKnirtenn, 1'n. Ceal Black Mammyw LISTEN te this record, dance te its gay measures ' and convince yourself once nnd for all that OKeh Records are giving you higher quality of dance music than was ever before thought possible. Get "Ceal Black Mammy"-a gay, new OKeh fox trot and you'll get Vincent Lepez, leader of the famous Hetel Pennsylvania Orchestra, at his best. Try Any One of These FOUR BEST SELLERS COAL BLACK MAMMY-Pox Tret Vincent Lerwi Hv. J nnd HU Hetel Pennsylvania Orchetr Se' I CKS -Fei Tret Vincent I.erci and His Hetel Pennsylvania Orchetr CALL ME BACK. PAL O MINE-Tener with Orcheetru LwlJmes 4681 ( in In 1 ;;.'" I THREE O'CLOCK IN THE MORNINC-Male Trie with OrchMtrrr Crescent Trie DONT nRINC. ME POSIES Pe Tret 7 J Markels Orehestm 'V M. 730 I ' 1 TWO 1JTTIP- WOOnEN SIIOES-He Tret n MartelsOrcbettrar . HOUSTON RLUES Fax Trnt J5 J Jeseph SetntelsJBnd 75c I HOT UPS Fe Tret Tampu Dlucjais BanJ Eicluilve OKeh Artists Fer sale by yetir neighborhood dealer GENERAL PHONOGRAPH COnPORATION.NEWTORK GENERAL RADIO CORPORATION WALTER L. ECKIIARDT, President Distributors 24-()26 Market Street Philadelphia Records The Records of quality PLAY ON ANY STANDARD PHONOGRAPH ezM)Zli Market Street QKf Girls! The Newest Temgiuie ColemiDafl Patemitt or DuDfl Everybody will wear them this Fall you must have a pair tongue inlaid with suede or patent. Ground Fleer Sheps ask $9 for them, but at C the Keyai second Fleer Shep Special this Week Royal Beet Shep 1208-10 Chestnut St. .JStyle Quality Service Footwear 2D FLOOR TAKE ELEVATOR !lf4jlee the Big, Beautiful Street-Fleer Demonstrating Salen fermmmM k.wjAJ ,T .j.irt?w,i,-' 'm KV -wj i.J-1 in, I j3fc-'Ti''i'i'r 'ill ,: '1 i''i' ; "''"''''' " ': "-'"'''!' '''' '- ;'' '" 'lllfHHBilSBBBiBBBBBBBBBlS mmm UH Jill II D USJegs WL.- PSH iBiiiiilL Wctrelal 1 I1 '-Bi 1 i ml i3fflll Ir24"V Iff FmSf II (mfsMkX the ilalest Victer Records, if you Come in and hear Records or Columbia prefer. We carry both. Stern & Ce. offer a complete department of talking: machines. Our big line of Victrelas assures prompt delivery, even if you want a machine for the Hallewe'en party. Choice of 18,000 Victer Records. Te-Nigbt Baked Halibut with Spaghetti and Stewed Tomatoes for Supper (except in Automats) This is Welfare Federation Week HORN 8c HARDARA r Baked Halibut with Spaghetti and and Stewed Tomatoes One person out of every 18 of the total population of Philadelphia (men, women and children) eats in a Hern ft Hardart Restaurant e'very day. winter Jta? taflftAruJxn,r rvsS: cLr Mi 9 x 12 Roxbury Axminsters . . . . . .$37.50 9x 12 Royal Wiltens $74.50 9 x 12 Seamless Velvets $26.75 9 x 12 Seamless Tapestry Brussels. . . .$18.50 27-Inch Axminster Rugs $3.75 Third Fleer pSi iMMLiHlEn wmmm 'mM mmwm'VH. Blankets Lxtra-warm woelc Comfert Lxtra-warm woolen. All colors. m. 9C Wlute 5""J cotton, coverod wuh Mil.el nt Second Fleer ,w$ jsj5S5s Men s and Wemei letiiin Men's Overcoats $25 A wide range of OVERCOATS, including ragluns, ulsters and the smart kimono-sleeve models. en s Suits A splendid range of suits in all of the newest patterns. Excellent alues, both in smart young men's models and in censervaUve styles. Women's Fur -Trimmed Coats $49'D Only one or two of a kind, but in all sizes. Big beautiful cellars of Skunk. M n? t a : i wu n '. i ;' &'. lis ikmi U :. f :..:: a Opossum, Nutria and Seal, styles with raglan sleeves. Seme with fur cuffs. Big loose hanging-back Graceful and beautiful silk tassel trimmed. Second Fleer n.n.j Denver YesemiCe SuiFrancisqpX Grand Ctnyen irt'lMCj St.Leuis SanDiee AlbuoueTqn G there s every out-of-doers reason for taking your famfiy te and every travel-comfort re axon for gfeing via the janta Fe Orange groves and snow-capped mountains bordering a summer sea. Perfect meter reads and well-kept golf links. Excellent schools for your children. Cozy inns and luxurious resort hotels, or, rent a bungalow and enjoy your own rose garden. Beautiful Yosemite is open all the year. daily California trains via the Santa Fe ve of them enrry Pullmans vin Grund Canyon Nat'l Park. Fred Harvey serves all the meals uull the way." Will tlsdty vrsnse details of your trip and iwnd you our picture folder. R-& smith. On. Agent, A, T. fc S. F. 1 O. C. Dlllsnl. Dfet. Via. Ait.. A. T. li S. 602 finance Uldg., I'bllidelphls. Pi. Thene: Locust 642. Ry. Grand Canyon npgffi McDougall Kitchen Cabinet $40 te $90 Second Fleer GIFT JEWELRY "1 P? "Illinois" rfx Watches f It . , I . - .. w.. ... .IU"Xn I ; Women's 14kt.White Geld Wrist Watch I v. y j-- W- T TTTx 7" -X Y-r A ctS uucwi case, !) iewels. a!- O-, justed mec- w ments. S9O0 7Z - lamem i u hji i r- jaa.W5u:: V. VS. A - H ll Ml I I J MM h. imm me o'uei, mg? fi iSsA. $& in s t. .t. tJi.. nj. IUI lltll Allien U1H' .,.A T? ln tfl .. rren s P. nc x" 1 ' r,. r-,fc j, i irrr- v Chifforebe S. $lg.75 Fleer pts Wnr '.il 111 .re'X hywimmm-M fcNBSS'bH ' Tn JlW-3 r- . " ri, rr ir. . r. r. ' -i v n i y$A !-.ssi M&JgX 1 feSSX This "St. Regis" Suite HnmlFemcly made American Walnut, e2-it ch DrLSser, Bev- nd lici, full-size Fiench Vanity Dresser and lnre;e l hiivnebc. Fit'b Floe m viry r j i'iI -l Pas' 'sJzJ The "Champien" Gas Range, $39-75 i i i a weT-m:i'li' pas rant1 an(i ii- hi - cU i ., fr. HUMPHREY RadJantfingi Burns Gas Saves Ceal I (si ' ii i Burns Uas 'U all a ' "If loom. Jim1 the t iltiK for the l.vliij; room. In ilroem or bath room. 1 n s y te i 'Kulate. $15 te $75 Basement fSTKT 5p r r; fjry 10-Piece "Biltmore" Suite GO-inch Builet, souii-Piu'lescd China Clesi-t, laruu Oblong Extension Table, Enclosed Sen ei ." C hairs and Arm Chair covered with K'nuine leather. 189 irth Fleer Delivery by Aute Truck Within 75 Miln r Free etern 712-714 STREET 'America's Largest Heme of Furniture "n?.. j3M ? n V