'), n"'l-Vfc O? fW tVf'f'j ' '" WftSti 'JI 'warm ""' jv.' vr - v' : ' r'2iK .'Ik fiVEftlNG PUBLIC KBDOERPHILADteLPHIA. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25. 192(2 'a m w 99 J & ' .- l-nl V'tMV J7ST GOSSIPABOUT PEOPLE Jtancy Wynne Tells of the rVhelen Dance for Miss Gerhard The DeWitt Cuylers Entertain for Debutantes This Evening THE AVhelens' danee at Green Hill Farms. Ombroek, last nltht for rmnce Gerhard was a bcftutiful al tar There wcri about 1M0 guests iltejetlinr, and autumn leavi-s and flow flew is vent used (e decorate the room, fir ntnl Mr. fJerliard received with Mr and Mrs. Wliclen nm! Trances. The rlcbutnnte looked tet.f nweet In a froek of silver oleth with a bluish rust if roler. Yeu knew the latest mnterlal li cold or silver cloth with sl'k threads if centrnstini? colors., Frances had blue lirfBils in liers and Hei Montgomery's frock en .Saturday nlRbt had blue tlmyes, we It is net the colored metalline material which was much In rogue -a far venrs age, but the much richer Joth'ef silver or geld. Dt. . t,nnw.lifirn la ti Im n meet. Mr- nni 5Irs- Clayten Gilbert Dixen, W you knew there la te i n meet- who ,m.0 ,)f0 8rve,1d,n(r a ttw wcfks ItiK of the .lunler Club of the hea- at the Vlralnla Het Springs, have re men's Church Inntltute nt Mrs. Aleck' turned te this city and will shortly Go Ge ran ltenssclacr'u lieuv today nt .U'cupv their new home ut tlydal for tht o'clock' Be sure te note the hour for the meeting, because a wee bin! whin nered te me that whoever sent out the (nvltntlins foret (e say nt whnt time it would be. Yeu knew the Junier Club of the Institute Is Ij'-anning te .have an affair nt the Ucllcvue-Stratferd en December 4. fi, 0 nud 7. te be called a Bsznar Boutique. That means "a mall shop." and they ar. te have for ale nil kinds of tlilnjr. It sounds ln terc'tlnc te me. nnd I really think the nemcn who ara working for the Sea mm1. IiiMtltittc, both the elder nnd lunler committees, deserve the greateBt credit for their persevering work. STOPPED in at the Bellevue-Strat-ford for luncheon en Monday nnd I tw such a preuy greun unching there with Mm. William Mc Adoo nnd her daughter Peggy, who, by the way. 1 be'n introduced this aftcr aftcr aftcr Soeii at a tea. Mrs. McAdoo gave the Snchcen for the receiving party, I under land. Elizabeth SIter was nraenK the guests and looked perfectly lovely te frock of dark red iWi n a Ik and turban of the same ebade. LIUabctn his auch a smart air and Is se geed Vvst McAdoo has her mother's gra gra dens and attractive manner and Is mv popular. Anether girl tit the luncheon was Kitty Peace. 8 he were ii my ult of some soft material trimmed lth unile.l raracul. Her hat was of ihe atitije cuierineii nnu wu mum j-""v (ih In its folding about tier 8b loekid stunning. hvnd, RESIDES the McAdoo tea this after- Mnaiw mm. riank win uve in macKs D neon at, the Bcllevue there will .be J !L?In""r,Vn;,cVMnrr iVnrn,.l ijuvien VMM u'- v -.": -- ----- UAn. Mnntcnmerv out at their home In Hfiverierd. Yeu knew, the Cullers !ieue has large rooms en the- firnt fleer, nil opening into each ether, and there Is one wry lnrge one for balls, se tl.ry can ut'll glie n dlnncr-dniKv In their own home. I think It 1" nell te entertain at home If efin hf" n larse enough house, nnd yet It Is b inurh less trouble te gHe a party nt n eluh or hotel. Yeu have none f the wfenry confusion of preparu preparu tlen t ilcnrlns up, and jeu return lems i' lliul cierytlilnB n" en left It, and lli" P'irty n buccch nt the hotel. Well, It'i lard te nay uhlch Is heft, or lather I'etlcr, Is it net? T ?n:.U the Musics! Art Club will frie n reception tomorrow evening te ylF. mid Mr. A. J. Halland, of C6S1 Wr.lter Datureicli anil hln assisting Mauhewa wtroet. ure recelvlnn- conifrat cenifrat ..,iui. nf.n tlm rvurfnr.min.-e nf the ' ul' tlens upon thn birth of a son en u erk Symphony Orchestra. The i Imltatlena name half after 10 e clock ler the H-foptien. The club 1 nt 1811 Hnnstait utieet, you knew, between riip-tiiiut niul Market streets off ElKhteentli. It sounds like a ilcllKht ful niTnl- te me nnd I de tot intend te miss tt. I aa-jur ou. F.TIIi:U urn mother took Hepe (low n thi river en the beat one day this full. Hepe l five, you knew, nnd much IntiTP-tecl in nil that Rees en. hvery Huml.n, ler InM.it.ef, nnd rery eve ning -.1 - i ,ut sec the fiinnv pnKes In u.e pnp.r. aiki Mtcii a mi uie rest nf thm nre her greiit trlends. , wen. tne eiHi riee wni iicauiiiiui nnd, as .Mm knew, there are bcveral top en the way. Hudiler.ly, as the iieat v.ih iiheut te deck nt one city, the m"n cnllM loudly, "Chester, Chester." Inte Ilone'i fnre crept n loel: of utiiiest BtenlMiinent nnd delight, nnd then, Jumping up nnd down with joy, she cx-elairm-.l: "CVaer! Oli '. Oh! New I will w Chr&ter Gump." NANCY Wl'NNK. SOCIAL ACTIVITIES Vhe Mld-Wlnter ri Filrtay nvenlrier, lull will be RUn Jnuuary 26, ut the o'-imvue-.iiraiiera, In-.itntlenB lme been lesucd for the Junier IJ.mees, which will be held In thn Hen i-r Keem of the HelleMiP-Strftt-fcrrd en Wednesday evenliifffl, December 13. Janunrj 10 and February 7. Th" Pttroneisej inelude Mm. Henry llrlnten re.e, Mr Iti.bt-rt Kcl"e Cft"satt, Mr Oeeuv lallns Ulxen, Mrs T. Charlton Henrv Mtu b.-.nlel L Hutchinson, Mrs. itebert I e,,rr.lnK Mnntsnmcry, Mis. pbi.it Iirce Mm IMxiird T. Ktetcs-BU-y -iua Mia. . J. Drcxel-Blddle. , Mr n id Mm Wlllleni I'. JenUs, of M -unt Kc ble, Morrlatewn, N. J., -will rlve a bill mi Wednesd.iv tenliiff, De cember '. (j( tilt llellcvuo-Strntferd In honor of tt elr debutante deUKhter, Mtas gfii-phine J ,IenlN Miss Jenlts will Ife l)e the guest of honor at u dlnner flimce which lie.- uncle nnd aunt, Mr. Jid .Mrs CecirRe It I'oek. of Haw ex. ijfld. Ambler, will slvs nt the Itabblt en Jl'nduy cNenlns, October 30. Mr. and Mrs. ubrey Herbert Welht m.n, of Hjo I'.lttenhouse snuare. hae lin.nl canle fnr 11 tea with dinclna at tti ItHz-C iirllen, en Meuduy afternoon, Jiuvemlwr LO. from 4 until T o'clock te Uitreduci their dnughetir, Mini Fanny Cov WtiKlitinan Mr. and Mrs Jehn lwaid Ztinmor Ztinmer mann of riiestnut Hill, will Rive n aiall dinner en Sutuiday eenliiK. No Ne emlw! 11, in honor of their debutante GiuRluer. Mian Anna Cecilia '. mnier fnimn, before the dance which Mr. and J'ri;. J 1, NeMU hmythe, of Chestnut Hill, will Rle nt the Acorn Club te in in tredurrt their dauchter, MIbs nertha V. flmythe. Mlsfi I.uereti.i .S HeckfiClinr, flUKhter of Mr Sievenu Heckscher, -.i of Uroenweod K.irm. Mrnffird. will be the su'tr or honor ut a tru-atrn party fol lowed b supper at the Hltz-Cailten. "ylil-h Mr .lelm K. Strubllnu, Jr., of Cnettnut Hill, will rIve en Wednesday unlnsr, Nuismbei- 23. The enRnjceinent Miss Hi-okseher and Mr. Jeseph Har non, Jr , haj roeeutly been announced, Mr. W Macl,ean Jenes has Issued In vitations for the iiinrilaBe of his daufh r, Mi83 i;icatKJ1. Mercer Jencd, and Mr, Uuu iS Veuiir Fe., Jr.. en Thursday srternoen, Novembcr 17, at 4 o'clock, at mi Kpi, copal Church of St. Luke and "i Lpiphanj, a small rceptlen will fellow at the Acorn Club, The RiienlN who will attend the din ner whKh Mr and Mrs lleniv Mars Mars len , uii,, nt their home, CUOO Wood Weed 5!'i iiietiue, en WedneHday evcnlnif, "veinlir-r !. after llie tea they will ?;,""" afternoon te present their nnuguer mi,,., Allee HheadH Marsten, 'ii lii-ludii MKi Marv Cut roll .Spencer, Ji rs .lei ,i.,v iif.u-, M (, Nermii (lre.i, -iiPu Man, a UuKa . mip (iertiuda Mp ?..'!?" !,'ftn, Mliia Elisabeth Casa ,1"' MIh Mary Louise White, MIm agulfi JVIIhur Hmlth. of Les AnTolen, Vi5!i"?!l M- Oiai.H. Mies Annette rt.il" .Mr- Cloederham Luuteni Mc-'-wralck, Mr. Jack Dallagh, Mr, Maurice i Mean, Mr. Jehn Blphm, Mr. lluncli Tatnall, Mr. llebert Downs, 3d, Mr, JeMph Edell and Mr. Slueumey WIN "en. The rucst wilt Inter attend the dance te be Riven by Mr. Edward Ephrnltn TJall, of lUvcrferd, nt the Merlen Oel( Club, te introduce her daughter, Mlw Mary Vlrft'nla Hall. The mpctlntc of the General Dflbncy Maurv Clmpter will held at the Uelle-vne-atratferd en Monday afternoon. Mr. Prancl I. du Pent, nretildent of the chapter, presided. Mre. Hutherferd I'enrsen and nrr rtauRhter, Ml"e Nancy Pearson, have re turned from Atlantic City, where thny npent the week-end, Mru. reareen, who t at present nt Green Hill Farms Hetel, will oceupy thin week the house which she has purchased at 1829 D Lanoey place. winter. Mr nnd Mra William Power" have returned from a ueddlnc trip of three veeks, which they apt nt In the (Vdlron (Vdlren "lacks and Canada. They are new the miesta of Mrs. Powers' mother, Mrs. William Franeia Tainalt. of OFrman OFrman tewn for a week, when they will leave 'or YounRstewn, O. Mrs. rowers wm Miss Elizabeth Tatnnll. Mrs. Tatnnll's Istcrs, Miss Anna Kuncle and Mils Kleaner Huncle, have returned te their "wrne In Kvansvllle, Tnd., after spend iik lx weeks with her. Mrs Clnrles Hebertn nnd Mrs. Geerge W, Smith will preside at thrt tea which will fellow the merlins of the New Centurv Club this afternoon. Mru. Wll Itam i;. Uncelbach will tall: en the "Ctirepcan Women of Today." Mr. and Mrs. Koseo, Hale Trumbull nnd their daughter, Miss Ieuls Hale Trumbull, will return te their home In Cynwyd the latter part of this month after having spent the summer nt their mountain place, Greenwood Gate, at TV" -i In the Bear Creek Canyon, Colerado. Mr. nnd Mrs. I D. Hull, of 4045 North Second street. Olney, nnnounce the engagement of their granddaughter, Miss Frances V. Hartley, te Mr. J, Stewart Kllpatrluk, of Germantown. The marriage of Miss Elisabeth Bar tram Temple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Hdward Brlnten Temple, of Swarthniere, nnd Mr. Ileyzen Kloyd Plank, son of Mr. and Mra N. W. Plank, of Tlncastle, Va., took place en Tuesday, October 17, nt the Swarthmere Prehbyterlan Chureh, The Hev. .Tehn 13 Tuttle, pastor of the church, officiated. A reception followed nt the home of the brlde'.t parents. Upen their return from a wedding trip nesday, October 1.8, In Atlantis City, Ml Marie Teresa GeiiPert daughter of Mrs Charles Gepp'rt, be came the bride of Mr. Themas Skinner, Jr., con of Mr. and Mre Themas Skin ner. The ceremony was performed In the rectory of the First Presbyterian Church by the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mel len, at 6:30 o'clock. The ceremony was witnessed by only the Immediate mem bers of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Themau SklnnT, S- Mrs Charleu Geppert, i etlici of thn bride, and her sister, Miss Bertha nd.sell Following the ceremony a. reception nnd dinner took place at a beach-front hotel. The following morn ing Mr. and Mre. Skinner departed en their wedding trip by automobile through the New Eng'and State They will be at home In Hammonton, N. J., after Nei ember 15. Germantown ""jlw. October S3 Mra. !lnllanrt will he ri-'tnered before hT marrlaee as Miss Kathryn Rlttenheuae. Mrs S. C. Ven Tuser Slmenskl, who Im lsltliur her sister, Mrs. Fiederlck Hush Allen In Cnnada plnes her return from nurepp, will return te her home. Wls-ah,eknn Apartments, Queen laue, . en October 23. Mr and Mrs. Themas M. Gallapher, of 6344 Greene street, entertained at ' dinner en Saturday f-venlng In honor of the Hev. Jehn Metlhenny, of Omaha, ; Neb , fermerly of Germantown. t Girard Estate Mrp.-rhem.iiH Wade, of IC3 Cleveland avenu". entertained beutl. at a luncheon nnd brldtje nartv recently. The KUt-i-'ts Included Mru It. Hnzlett. Mrs. i5. Noen. Mrs J. Halpln. Mrs. J. Scheclt. Mrs I) Duffy, Mrs. N. BrORlcy, Mrs O, Haney MrH. O. I,ffferta, Mr-. J. Rnlnvllle, Mrs. J. Sehell and Mrs. C. KeberW. Friends of Miss Acn'g Mehan of 2531 Seuth Eighteenth street, will bit Kl.xd te hear she la recuperating from a recent lllnejs. Preparation? are bclnpr mnde by the ladles of Commedore iUrrv VeA for a Halloween dance en Krldny evening. November 3. ut Students' Chapter, Thli teenth street and Susquehuiina avenue. THE VENTURE 225 SOUTH CAMC ST. OPEN SUNDAY 2 P. M. te 8 P. M. Special Course Dinner 91. 5 hutjifenZ, Afetemltj; anci Bteut Specialists. 835 Chestnut St. l'rkf Always MederateBav FREE EXHIBITION cCLEES GALLERIES 1507 WALNUT 6T. Works by Eminent Painters KtcUnif" by W'Mtlei. Mityrten, Cnmercs. New Vrcntu by Eileen Heper W. LEE HANKEY Ktne rimln Htcrlnf rlftttnti Every WEDNESDAY Evening COUNTRY STORE NIGHT Lucky Faver Dance Souvenirs Surpriaei Live Chickens Ducks and Other Animals Music by Farmer Carr Every Sunday Night Mid-Night Frolic Te Wed Today jRfaBBBBBBJiBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB rclaar. nLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa tfrf "IBaaaaaaaaaaaaW aaW ? . v , JaaLaaaaTaO aaaaW At -" 1''-'.-jbbbbbbbbb1't Mm ' .iaiiiiiiiiiH SaaalML v aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal MISS HELEN ENGLUND Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hclmer Englund, of Ovcrbroek, whete marriage te Mr. Frank Silliman, 3d, Ben of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Silliman, Jr., al$e of Ovcrbroek, will take place thia evening West Philadelphia A pretty wedding took place en Snt urday afternoon last nt 2 o'clecl., I the pantennge of Calvary Evangellcn Lutheran Church, when Mls.4 Harrle Hlgcate Carr became the bride of Ml F. Rteensett Junkln. Iho ceremony wa performed by the llev. J. Milten Twee dale, pastor of he chureh. The brld s given In marring by her fathe Mr. David Carr. Mis Gertrude Bayar -iet"d as mfc'd of honor and Mr. Henr It. Fredericks as best man. A receptlc o'lewlng the ceremony was held ut tt bride's residence. After a weddlnrc tr Mr. and Mr. Junkln will live at 3 North I lelly street. North Philadelphia A bazaar and sale of faney artlcl will be held In conjunction with a ca nurtv te be given en November 8, f' the benefit of the National Stemacl Hospital. The affair Is under the au pics of a ecmmlttee which lnclud Mrs. Geerge W. Pfremtn, Mrs. Wllllnt Sharkey, Miss Susan H. Fulmer, Mli Barbara Fulmer, Mrs. Jeseph Ashe: Mrs. Richard P. Wnrmuth, Mrs Mel motto I Schmfer. Mrs Frederick Krause. Mrs, J. Leepold Mrs. Ludwlc Leeb. Mrs 13 A. Tayler. Mis. M. Jacobs and Mrs. William Alexander. Mrs. Krledn Barg. of 200 North Thirteenth street, announces the be- Women's Gelf Oxfords Damp-proof rawhlde slip sole or rubber Hele with raised rubber disc $12.50 Sllk-and-woel hosiery $tJti md up CLAFLIN, 1107 Chestnut BOWTT TELLER CO. WUUTXTHIBXQiTU Exceptional Values in BONTELL CORSETS Especially) Designed te Accomplish the Slender Lines Required by the Ncv Seasons Medes Lightly Bened Medel Bontell corset of pink broche, introducing the soft, buttoned French top and band of elastic nt waist-line. Heavily Bened Corset Pink broche with elastic Rere at top. An extremely long model designed for the tall, well-developed figure. SanS'Lacing Bontell Medel Derby C Sans-lacinp model with alter nating sections of pink broche and surgical J O 7 tZ webbing; long garters at back of corset, J.O .4 O BRASSIERES A Wide Range of Medels at Moderate Pricings Flapper-Ferm Brassieres Well-made with ribbon brassiere of shoulder straps edging of picot lace. Camisole-Brassieres of Lace Exquisite models fashioned of fine net and Valenciennes, en hanced with ribbon and jilk flowers. , Mlta TlllU Bart. te Mr. Harry Rata. Miss Clayra Felnsteln, of 901 Kerth Tenth street, entertained a few of her friends last Thursday evening. There were about forty-five guests. Mis Florence Oorchev erave a sur- prise luncheon at the Arcadia Cafe last Saturday In honor of Mla Clayre Keln-1 'irin, wnii iihi(ciii,i. .i. ..... iw-m, Ijvnln was recently announced. The cuesta were Miss Sephie Felnsteln, Miss ' ROM Oeimnn. Miss Henrietta miusii, Mss Anna Dav dsbn. Alra Leuis P J?,"," Ana A: ifi-,i Mr. , ""'"' .""S.. iT"".5. "?'"' ...-V enjmin "'.. -" ""TV., hnnt. - iw.pn . Minn ' mini uniiir I ttre. MIe Minerva Brest or i amaen, N. J nnd Mrs. Jeseph I.anln, of Broek lyn, N. V. Frankford Mr,. Frank Uawle, of Frankford, un- neuncts the rngaxement of her daugh- lr. MIhi Marin R ta ItaWie. te Mr. I r" "".". . . iinnnnl TV iiur. Ben or mr. ana mrn. i Jeseph Ruf, of this city. Mrs. C. W. Helm wm given a aur- rise party by her friends at her home, ' 85 Fillmore street, In honor of her seventieth birthday annlversarj'. The ucsts were Mr. and Mrs. Hewurd Vew- er, Mr Wltlard Clegg, Mr nnd Mrs. larry Getz, Mr. nnd Mrs. Heward Pyle. MIsa Hthel Crowther. Miss Anna Crew- her. Miss Ilos.ile Miller. Mrs. Harry :rether..MrH. A. Alexanr. Mlaa Irene ' le me. Mra. Jein Miner, aims .uaua" lelme. Mrs. O. Nice, Mr. II. T. Helme, Mr. Clarke Gets, Mr. Bud Crewtlwr, ind Mr. Miles Yewter. Mrs. James Clabby, of 4627 Frankford ivenue. announces the engagement of .ier daughter, MIsa Alice Mane Clabby, e Mr. Frank X. McBrtarty, of Highland Park. Along the Main Line Mr. and Mr?. William T. Westbroek nd their children, of Overbroek, hnvn eturned from a tny at Strathaen r.n, Sv,nrtlunere. Minn Harriet Stewart Elliet will spend no fnll und winter months at the I'.ed edge Hryn Mawr. Yardiey A quiet wedding took pl.xce en fiatur lay morning at Hlvermawr, when MIsa nes Gerald:no Gervlli, daughter of Mr. nd Mrs Charles Gervln, became the ride of Mr. Jeseph Harvey Yardiey, son f Mr and Mia William Yardiey, of Woedslde. The ceremony was performed I y the Nev. narnctt, rector or at. An ew's P E 'Jhurch. Miss Maud irdlev was maid of honor, and Vtr. Samuel Tard ey waa best man. fter an automehlle trip, Mr. and Mrs. ardley will live ,it Rlvermawr In their ew home, which has recently been einpleted, Delaware County Mrs Fred Watsen Hartley will return n a few days te Swarthmore from a 'ay In Bosten where he haa been the uest of her aen-ln-law and daughter, Mr. nnd Mrs. I) Themas Curtln. Mrs. Samuel M. Dedd, of Swarthmore, has returned from Aven-by-tho-Sea, where ehe has been entertaining Mrs. Walter Redman Shoemaker and her family for a week. Thia la Welfare Week 4.95 5.95 striped satin and dainty 1.75 4.95 trethal' of her sister, Mn.... UOOr eStOWn Mlts R, S. evea enurtalned at cards at the Field Club heusa en Wednesday. Mrs. Mary Hammltt has announced the marriage of her daughter, Mimi Florence Hammltt, te Mr. Walter II. Lteds, both of Moorestown. Aft, nnrf Mm A J EVnhn.lf. nt ICitst Second street, tiavt returned from a trip ui r luriutv. c.i,. v j ir . f enKfMMt-ifglUJU IIUJJIIUU A weddlnt of Interest will Place at 6 o'clock this even n. take1 when MIRK lt1en Knviimit rlaurliter of Mr iiflri Mr.i ll.lm.r Knilimtl. wilt hunm. -. . -.-...w. ...v- ,.-... v...v Franklin Silliman. Jr.. of Overbroek. The ceremony will he performed at the home of the bride's parents, 0401 Church read. Overbroek, The Rev. Geerge Krnersen Barnes, D D., of the Ovorbroek Presbyterian Church, will officiate The bride, who will be given In marriage by her father will wear a gown of wnlte velvet, trimmed witn uuenens ihct. wiiii ii iuiik court train n aillvkt nintn avfan it IM t ffnm lin . v. e.i.w ,... -.-.......n .. ,,ti sluiulders. Her tulle veil it arranced with a cap effect of duchess lace, caught with orange blossoms She wl 1 cam a shower bouquet of lilies of thn valley, und white orchids. Mrs. Hdrar Schuyler nangnart or Fiusning ii. i.. who will aet as matron of honor, will wear a f eck of peach and sllier rieth. with a nmnll train of silver nnd apricot velvet blie will carry a bouquet of pink and yellow chrysanthemums ; Miss ionstance Uark rnes the maid ,f honor w II r.u"'. ."' "'rli' ".., ."..:'"" .".V."'" of niinile chiffon nr,d ,i c'-il- of silver Tailored and .-.' Fur Garments for ill Occasions 1621 Cfjefitnut fetreet w --- w - ium,iiiiiiiiiiiiBiiuft ffs ,f-yj"ygrgr - " - ; veranti Se! CrJiC M .1721 WALNUT STREET jf ! m 3B8aaK SSSi?fS',f a s Olie CHARM and BEAUTY of DOMINIC TOP COATS M ! & piniiiiiiiinniiiiiiiiiiiii',ii Wm&m. 35L&& $& IMPOJITERS, DESIGNERS d rUJLDRES'3 APPAREL OT t'OR MORE TfA.V , . i.V. r-JS Creation mimmam. W j1S (FOR THURSDA Y) Interesting Values in "Harris" Autumn Medes of ! Coats, Wraps, Coats and Wraps Fur-Trimmed and Plain Of panvclaine, pandera, delicla cloth Trimming of S(?, wolf, benvrr, squlrrel nnd caracul. Values seMen. &r feunu nt this season. 49 Dresses of Smart tailored llrcsspi". Sonie 25 Dance Frecks ) ohitfen. tn(T-t, cliifl'eti velvet nnd meihi yles for nmid nnd matron. 29-50 te 5Q.50 Suits for Women of Larger Proportions Remarkably soft fabric, ni trin alenderlzlnpr, tailored correctly, Ir porno trimnifd with benver, nquli i". 39.50 te Wt Sptdalixt in Apparel That SA nl tmrple elvt Bna will earry a beUauet of shaded chrysanthemum. Mr. Bryee Blynn will be best. man. The usher; will Include: Mr Jehn M. Hlynn, Mr. Charles Bergner and Mr. Jehn AVen, of New Yerk. A reception will fellow the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Sllllmnn will spend their wedding trip abroad and en their return will live In Banger, Maine. MEIER MOItAN Miss Margaret Valerle Meran. of 2338 Hamilton street, Norrlstewn, and Mr. Tnhn n. Mlp. son of Mr. Charles D Meier, of 1620 Arch street, also of Ner- rlstewn, were married tnia morning at KJ i Uwlar 1126 Walnut St gJJsa, sfc Te Make Roem ter Our Midwinter Medels We Have Taken sZ, ATS Vatl op te tlBSO and matkti lnm. no MO Pet Men avid Women l i r fully expressed in his new Fall and I Winter originations. InimitE'ele in their lines of the newest materials from home and u' read, prominent among which are Marvella, Gerena, Duvetyne, Fashenia, Papanduvette, Veldyne, Belivia nnd Velour. Afef of Deminic1' new eoef models are fur-trimmtd in rich carefully selected skint of the mere desired anr fashionable furs. Deminic Tep Coats $85 te $250 v M I)9tn(e cut", fits and perv illy (pi(filrti'l Iht maJtlne 0 ecA and ci-rry garment. m 88 J9QS&&& ssssisa MAKERS OF WOUES'B AVD sA THE lllGHEFT CIIARATEV 5 3'WJiyTY'lUX YEARS CX .0, H Cheirnat Cernsr Twel'th si- 'a Suits, Dresses a - 50 THIRD t LOOR FS Ql Peiret Twill irm m. jar cfTccte. in Btrnight-line rin I ,uat nre embroidered. Xperialli, Pnrf, - 00 St' si' cenp ri.oeit .01 .a U SECOND I'LOOlt al1 69 Be THIRD H.OUU W SUndtritu tht larjc r Weman jjgffi o'clock In BL Patrick's Church, In that city. The bride wero n gown of whlte satin-faced canton crepe with a glrdle of satin rose A tulle veil was arranged In coronet style nnd held with oranite blosrems. She carried a tthewer bouquet of white resei. Miss Catherine Sheri dan, the ma d of honor, were a dress of pink georgette crepe. Her hat wai of pink fcatln, nnd she carried pink roses. After a wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs, Moler will live at 1629 Arch street. An Unusual Musical DRAMA Presented by STUART WALKER Poefeoffot) ACADEMY OF MUSIC Nev. 1st, 3 and 8 ;30 P.M. Auspiccn of KRYN MAWR COLLEGE Alumnae Assn. of E. Imnu. licncflt of Free Scholarship Fund Tickets New en Sale Academy of Muiln nnd HeppV 1110 Chestnut St. SI8U?Kube.V8B.LE Met. Today at 2:15. Evr-'s at 8:15 WEBER FIELDS Themselves "A Reunited na ine loiiewini' tur chi T Aldrich LYRIC PepV'jUt. Te(T'W',', TH& MUSICAL HIT nc .ir-r W BLOSSOM umirieMA rrnri jti ivith m c, -jai TIME, i .:.'.:2i'.r' a w n y cast toPrttteKxs tTjia-fupjeivrTic. "A DAINTCTr AND BJ AUTirUt FlOWEll IN THE GARDEN OF MUSICAL PLAYS " s. SHUEERT"i4 jmw rep. mat. 1 eday wwr TAYLOR HOLMES i -zv.e Jit m, heteil mouse m ADtLPdl Even s-. - $1 Mat. Tomer A H woena rtfimtt iiEagiL,nwni The Mm lauitui PUt In Amtrici r Avery ll-nwe-'n With Of'iriii-1 New Yerv- Cajt, Inelnulnt HAZEL DAWN n OLKNK ANDERS 1 KENNETH DOUOI.S Garrick 5 Mat. Today , ,,' OREATE6T COMEDY HIT 1H YEARat 1UERTON ?SE MOVIES Ilerrr Iin Wilsen' Oinnu Rlnrr Drnmatli-e-1 by (l?e. S ha ifmau 0, 1 Mure OhmIIj ni PfJN HI N K in th- Tltlr Re! aa "Th MeTitnetip (,1fl- FLORENCE NASH BROAD Kt5 Today J.lftt 4 Fbm Miai nEllP l zar-nji v ji v m CtZn p b hat as the b r t i nanRt en met ntih.tnMUi nf thi 1 nt'rt Urniastle out DORIS KEANE THE CZARINA M.M M ' I'M, ! 1-. I r iiiMunu ji r,ia .31.1 11 nan' rrancine Larnmere In Rn b-l r-ethT.- f,-it-t ("um-Ji NICE PEOPLE "ORREST Fepi-lni- Katlnm ives virvt-j T.rUv at . ' T, n i-i- op- jtmit,i rvr.p,, ZIEGF&LD TRIOMOM MARILYN MILLER LFON FOPOL SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA, INC. "SIX SUNDAY EVENING ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS ACADEMY OF MUSIC 6j Ieti La a I ii'. -t" ii it intr4 HI ri nnrsn 1 vtev. siipmnit f tc reni.litiu Oirai C.i Ol 1, mi MtnPF l- n,t HANS K1MU I II I rllUt sS( II .! tt HI- ,i I lnllnlai .II.ANM. HI lllll Ml I kuuti 1 n H-U-l I t -- v -1 A ' - DR. CHARLES S. IIIRSCH, Treai. & Mjr. 900 Pint Street TMEII gl MblKUfUUIAIN lUNIliflT -T IlBEGGAR'S OPERA THE f.AV MtSU T e -p I price "lft""M luuftI A I 4 ilDSED Ktni nitten At, t CumfctrUtid ti Tu Th Bt ! MAE DESMOND AKD PLAYEB8 nightly ijp THE LADDER" next w-nc "wnTinM the law K EITH'S TIIK VTRE VAN & SCHENCK TED LOUHAINE t JACK CAOWI.V nn Kotert i Olr-i ttflrf Svmphen itt Sa'il 4 K'llv V.' Hum TS.O'V.,, and LILLIAN SHAW -e .iO Aiauamr Sia'a A-il i f Ifiii DHILADELPHIA I SAl 1111 I Uit. hi Iriiaj 8 1' 11 1 1 I OHCHF.STRA ii. itimru ACADEMY 01' MUblO Artisans Charity Bat Masque MOKDnY IVENIHO OCT. se fii . . .n.-. m.i r,.fni st DUMONi'JlV.lf,eu,Vu1lir.t,!i;,3!S EMMETT WELCH Minstrels UxTOaKO eanuu M uukni I Asher s swimming Peel JF ' & E Cor SSJ A Walnut Sta. W . Z Peela 5 Teachert Wy Partiet Tnaadar. Ttaurailay Vf BaturdaT S SO P M W 1 Mixtd Bathing Daily f Direction Sttn'ay Camptsr ef AmtriM W$m4m MNBTKKNTH ft .MAI1KKT II A. It. TO 11 r. U. GEORGE ARLISS IK THE MAHWHOPLAYEDGOD Tram a Flar 7 mtta r.eKr.nT oeOdmam reandtd en Oonfareaur Mems Ste.-y of tba same Kama III Sl( AU rnATI'ltE SASCHA JACOBSEN wenrti rfi" vtnMvtv;' Ifiril AND MA11KET 11.80. IHO 0 30 r. 30 7 30. 0 30 LAST FOUR DATS Or THE PAKAMOl NT SITCESS Cecil B. De Milled I'llOWT'TION MANSLAUGHTER WITH THOMAS MEIGHAN LEATRICE JOY tnd LOIS WILSON NEXT WEEK WILMAM FOX pnODl'mON nhMAaYCABn nr '-nvpn Tiri! TttT.T." TAME W KI.OQLKNr rilM NPVnit FAIMNO n ! 1 11 1. -ii nr r: r- ALDBNE U 19th and Chnstnut i REX INGRAM'S MKTRO MASTEPPICK ZEHDA OF Inquirer Said: 'This is an unusually finr picture deserving of great praise. It ap proaches perfection and creates n new standard for motion pictures which It will be difficult te rnnintain. Throughout, the pic ture is one of merit the acting, photography and direction nrc all of uni formly excellent quality." WHAT MORE COULD BE SAID? T" hi """ -wir ""! Il2 10 A. M.. 12. 2. 4, 4. 19 1'. U. JinOAD A CHESTNLT X MJW PAK.UlOf.ST PirTPIIB THE COWBOY j? LADY With TOM MOORE and MARY MILES MINTER ADDED rrmvTv yATR AT yABBETH NEXT WEEK PRISCILLA DEAN IN BINDER TWO FLAGS" J PALXill" 12T" IAKKBT rnbnvlla se a r. te 11 p u. RICHARD BARTHELMESS "THE BOND BOY" tiOTCRIA eM'IIp.m JOHNNY HINES in "SURE-FIRE FLINT" OST 1WC1.BDFS D0S1S ItENYON. rDWT.D BKEE8E nOBERT EDE?01l itVHiil u A M TO 11 15 P. U. 'THE DUST FLOWER" CAP5TOL TII AM), MMtKET Nerma Talmade. 'Sml'in' Thrph' GLOBE A.lU 1IARKET 11 .O 11 tAi MARBE PERSONALITY. VERSATILITY and tt.'1'ty ORLAHOiVIA FOUR nr.'N 31SIER3 L MUERAY MCMrKEH !AX1M''M QUALITY MINIMUM PRICE ROADWAY 1U.UA1) .t SSI UKK '.' 11 fl fO. II P M. vrni:n i,k and MONTE CRISTO" . .LLEGHENY SSI.VfVi 2 :. 7 0 "AT 4 P. M." 1 ft th JMES VrCOOL I 1 1 ni 1 en ! .1 ' ' ' - a i,AT .'OHN BARRYMORE "SHERLOCK HOLMES" DICKINSON & TEMPEST 7 A I TMT IT MAT TODAY T 3' VYAJL.1NC 1 TONIGHT AT 113 RL ERTOIRE FOR THIS WEFK MT. TODAY HAIIILT .OltlOiil -eI.Rv&NT IN THE HOUSE j 1HFLLO TUuriday F.ttnliir 1 1AMLIT Iridiv Ffcnuif CI1ETH St'ur'lY Mi-7na AMINO 01 THE SHREW Sat inlay Lti REPERTOIRE FOR NEXT WEEK irllBIIO l. n,j- I.ri A l-alurjaj El , .. lit III 1 1. ..In I in n. J -' lAMIN'lOf TUF ftlllCE WM M. .1 V SAV ThTY Ol DK1U-J4 -ej t J Eti I VVr r I ' 1 if ip Minif; im t -' ill ,1'Mnr rMlf K, IFIICHANT OF VTNI. E Haturlar M,l UX1KA MAT 1K1 ROMEO A JULIET rVES.. 8AT MAT 77e TO MM WED AND Fill MATS 60a TO 1? 00 ACADEMY Oh MUSIC Tem. Et. al 8 15 NtW YORK SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA DAMROSCH, Conductor K0CHANSK1-SPALDING a!:"' Tlclula at Auadmv h Haen-'t HI" r-htea1. m epi.iu iiei-HE " OCTOBER RUFFO THF nips OREtTF.NT n-tRITONB POPULAR PRICES, 50c te R00 ' n .. , Nil e nili-i. MMfQMrtHtmt STANTON JUtciUuttQi V mm na U WAL Imp CASINOBbbie'BbbTB w " Willi ler y ru, Puhili- sni'i- IUr-rll(in nr FrMar Mat . 50CADEROggn SJr 'm 0 : I i 1 J n,i