TA '-v v j ' .V' ,-v ', , 'rT? . tf J ' w. EVENING1 PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1922 - v, AM- Lfy t . S X STRAWBRIDGE : & CLOTHIER - v. tlt . 7 ( ., w sse-Ai 7 ' i 3''V Women's Apparel at Clever Day Savings second FLOOn DRESSES new $11.75 Nearly one-third tinder price, presses of crene de chine, In black, navv blue nrd dnrk brown, made. In the fashionable ever-blouse style and trimmed with narrow plnltlngs. DRESSES new $13.75 Crentlv under nrlce. Crepe ds Chin" Dresses, one model with box bex phllcd panels, the ether with knlfe plallcd punels, giving the uneven iklit length. Ulack, navy blue and daik brown. DRESSES new $16.50 New Serge Dresses In coat style, turnltce front, lac vestee, circular cuffs freed In color Dlack, navy tlue and dnrk hrewn. DRESSES new $19.50 One-third tinder price Pelrct Twill Dresses smartly tailored. niark, navv blue and brown. Wonderful alue. DRESSES new $12.50 Lew-walsted. plalted-tunlc model of ciene de chine. In black, navy blue, dark brown and henna. SUITS new $26.00 Of high-grade trlcetlne. In black, navv blue and dnrk hrewn. Leng, semi-fitted coat with slashed seimi and tailored stitching. An unusual model mid value. SUITS new $28.50 Fine Pelrct twill In navy blue and bluck. Sllrhtlv fitted model, finished Tilthtallnred feldi. SUITS new $27.50 Semi-fitted Suits of ynlnma cloth and trlcetlne : slashed scams, fold trimming, full cellars, detachable belts. SUITS new $20.00 Medium-weight Suits urently re duced. Tweeds and trlcetlne. COATS new $27.50 Belivia Ceat") In brown, blue and Mnrk. Three distinct models, with deep cellars that close up well when desired, and all elegantly lined throughout. This Is a wonderful value even here, where Coit values are known te be exceptional. COATS new $23.00 A miscellaneous let. all well lined and ncarlv all fur-trimmed. Excellent styles and materials COATS new $20.00 New models of tan cleaking: slot ream back, loose front, all-around belt; yoke and sleeves lined. All sizes from 31 te 44. SKIRTS new $3.00 A clearance from our regulnr stork some formerly mere tlnn double. Tweeds, checks, stripes, also satins. Net all sires RAINCOATS $6.25 Belted Coats of rubberized Canten cloth In tin and blue; closed high at the neck. FUR COATS $125.00 Muskrat, Russian penv and senllne (dved ceney): 40-lnch length: seme vlth cellar nnd cuffs of contracting fur. Onlv thirty-five Ce.its, but marvelous vnlurs MINK SCARFS $27.50 Natural mink In the fashionable twe-kln stvle FOX SCARFS $20.00 Full, fluffy Animal Scarfs In light snrl dirk hrewn tenes: fur en both sides- hnf1 nnd brush tall. BLOUSES new $3.65 Striped nnd plaid rllks In suit shades: roll or convertible cellar, long flece. BLOUSES new $2.65 Mignonette Tllnuss In light and dnrk shades, embroidered In various color ee--btn"tlMnH. BLOUSES new $5.95 Crepe de chine In ll'ht "nd dark nhndes: tailored and trimmed model" Only one hundred In the let, and CrV f-OO't vines BLOUSES new $1.25 Twe hundred at close te half nrlce. All of white voile. In fi 111 or Tctcr Pin atvlen, lac-trimmed or trimmed with touch of color POYAL BLOUSES 95c Smart B'eur.es of dlmltv or ba tiste with Fetor Pan or roll cellars, tucVtd or trimmed with embroidery edging. Some with a note of color. Manv buttoned In back. Werth one. half mer thnn sip TRIMMED HATS $8.50 These averaern half price Fine velvets hatters" nlusb and fancy Histe-lnts heiiitfu1 Rtvles, TRIMMED HATS $6.50 An sssertment of one hundred new Hats In black and colors worth ene-hnK mere FUR-AND-BROCADE HATS new $4.50 Metallic brocade crowns and fur trlmmlnir vcrv fashionable, and all rer1"'e vnlue. MATRONS' HATS $4.75 An especially geed line of the mere d'lrnlfled stvles, stmplv trim Died IM ornaments nttd rlhhens. PLUSH HATS $5.00 Untrlmmcd dress shapes of hat ters' plush with elvet-faccd brims all In black. Very geed looking. Te-morrow A Display of Hardy Pompom Chrysanthemums Frem Jey farm at St. Davids All are in pets, and all arc for sale. They'll continue te bloom in your home for some weeks, and then may be trans planted te the pardon and will ceme up next spring. Orders also taken for plants te be de livered i n the K& asr?""-' spring. iSj FOURTH 'FLOOR TinnD fleer CORSETS new $1.85 Many less thnn half price. One thousand Corsets In the .let all the well-known S. C. Special. Pink and white, plain and brocade mate rials. Medels for all types of fig ures. CORSETS new $2.65 S. . C. Special Corsets, about half price. Pink and white, plain and brocade, low bust and elastic top. CORSETS new $4.85 aX y Odd lets, many different kinds, low nnd medium. Seme less than half price. BRASSIERES NOW 65c The Neme Circlet Brassieres, In pink. Greatly under price. SILK KIMONOS $9.00 Japanese Embroidered Silk Kimonos. In Harding blue, Copen hagen blue, navy blue, rose and ma hogany. Wonderful value at $9. CHEMISES new $1.65 Hand-made Step-in Chemises, with ribbon casing and self straps. SAMPLE BATH ROBES,$5 Sample line of Beacon BUnket Bath Robes, sizes 36, 38 and 40 many worth double nnd mere. Large ahawl cellar or collarless. Manv bordered style. Nevel sleeves nnd peckets: some trimmed with wlde satin ribbon. BREAKFAST COATS and BATH ROBES $2.85 Of corduroy In iee, cherry, Copen hagen blue and purple. HOUSE DRESSES 95c Werth double nnd treble this price. Odd lets, sizes 36 te 4G In the collec tion. HOUSE DRESSES $1.95 Pretty Morning Frecks of Imported gingham, trimmed with ergnndte. Sizes 36 te 46. DRESSING SACQUES. 85c Of figured flannelette : long sleeves nnd hemstitched turnover cellars. Excellent alu SHCOND fleer PANTALETS $1.95 Sae a dollar en these. Of silk Jersey In black and colors, made with shirred cuffs NTGHT GOWNS 85c Cambric, high or sun'Mce neck, tucked and cmbreldcry-trlmmed. CHEMISES new 95c Envelope Chemises of white nain nain nain seok, tilmmed with embroidery or cmbroldcry-and-lace. NIGHT GOWNS $1.35 White nainsoek, trimmed with lice or embrelderv or with both. Greatly under price. CHEMISES new $1.50 Envelope Chemises of white nain nain nain seok, trimmed with lace or embroid ery or with lace and embroidery. PETTICOATS new $2.95 Of trleelette. made In straight-linn style, finished with scallops and embroidered Black nnd colors. FIRST FLOOR GLOVES new 85c Twelve hundred pairs of C.iTeskln Street Gloves, In tan. black and pearl. A 7 Greatly under price. GLOVES new $1.35 Imported Kid Gloves; Chamois Gloves In strap-wrist style; also thert Capeskln Glecs Included STRAP GLOVES 65c A miscellaneous let of chamols chamels chamols llsle Gloves In geed autumn shades; several different styles. SWEATERS AND SCARFS Jersey Sweaters, $4 35. Weel Sweaters. $2.85. Alse Weel Scarfs, new 13 75. UNION SUITS 75c i:xtra sire, 81c Light-weight, ribbed cotten: band top, low neck, no sleeves knee length UNION SUITS 85c Extra size, 95c. LIrht weight, ribbed cotton Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, knee length "ecends. UNION SUITS 85c Extra sizes, $1.00 Illbbed cotton, Heeced ; high neck, long sleeves, ankle length UNION SUITS 38c Extri sizes, 45c. Rlbbd cotton, hand top, low neck, no sleeves, tight or loose knees ANKLE TIGHTS 50c Extra sizes, 55c. Of ribbed cotton. An excellent value. VESTS 18c, 3 for 50c Extra-size Ribbed Cotten Vests, low neck, no sleeves. Seconds SILK STOCKINGS 75c mil-fashlened Black Silk Stock ings with cotton tops and soles. Second SILK STOCKINGS $1.35 Full-faslilened, black Ingrnln Silk Stockings, with mercerized tops and soles Seconds SILK STOCKINGS $1.25 "Oranlte Brand," pure silk, full fashioned, mercerized tops with the "Ci.inlte BleckH" which prevent litis Black, white and colors Sizes 8'.j te in Seconds WOOL STOCKINGS, $1.35 Henther-mled, with pretty em broidered clocks Very geed value 2-STRAP PUMPS $4.90 Patent leather and black kid, welted soles and leather military heels All sizes. SATIN PUMPS $5.90 Black satin; enc-Mrap, two-strap nnd Colonial tongue styles. sires. All The first of two glorious Autumn Clever Days! The delayed arrival of. cold weather is responsible for the greatest assembly of Clever Specials in seasonable wanted apparel we have ever had at this time of the year. Tens of thousands of dollars' worth of merchandise of all kinds has been taken from our regular stock and reduced; great special purchases have been made at price advantages that will be reflected in the lower Clever Day prices. Almest one thousand Clever Day Specials, representing every department in this great Stere. Only a few of them can be described here. Loek for the Four-leaf Clever Signs for they point the way te worth-while savings. Here Are Only a Few of the Hundreds of Specials! Fer the Heme FOURTH FLOOR FLOOR LAMPS $15.50 A group of 300 NEW Lamps Bridge Limps, carved and finished In walnut-and-geld. Brldge nnd Fleer Lamps carved nnd finished In geld-and-polychrome, also Ma Ma henany Lamps In irrcat variety. Wonderful value at $15 50. LAMP SHADES-$10.50 Beautiful new Crepe Georgette Shades ever utile giving a soft light Manv colorings. Size for fleer lamps, sperlal $10 DO. FANCY GLASSWARE Imported Glass Vases. Dishes, Jars and fancy pieces In jlch color ings new $1.13 te $5 73. CUT GLASS DISHES. $1.25 Olive Dishes In rich-looking de signs cut en clear liwv b'nnks; with handle In 6-Inch sbe $1 25. DINNER SETS $65 00 Sets of 107 piece" of Tie-eh China with levelv border decora tions A f-avlng of mere than one fourth at $65 00. JARDINTERES. 80c te $1.40 Various blzes In these handsome, decorative Jnrdlnlers in tvory tvery flnlh new 80c te $1 40. AI7UMTNUM COOKERS Combination Cookers of alum inum are ueful I" nny kitchen. Save en these at $140. CHAMOTS SKINS $1.25 Seconds Seft Chamois skins In lsre ' Verv d'rih1e at $t 25. ENAMEL KETTLES 70c Blue Hnnmelware Cooking Ket tles, wbltc-llned. In 6-quart size size new 70c ALADDTN KETTLES. $1.50 A notable saving en .V",art Aladdin Aluminum Windser Kettles. THIRD FLOOR BED SPREADS $2.50 Bed Snreads of unbleached mus lin stamped for embroidering, nnd with colerod patches for applique work $2 50. STAMPED TOWELS 45c Linen Huckaback Out Tevvrls, stamped In evei,il ittractive designs fnr emhre'drlnn: -45c DRAPERY NET 28c yard Levely Filet Vet In white cream or ecru, 3B Inches wide Unusual nt 28c a yard DUTCH CURTAINS $1.25 A f.pcclal let of 1000 pilrs of white plaid rcrlm Dutch Curtains. 2 1-fl yards lenu, vlth 13-Inch hemstitched vnlfince $1 25 a f-et. CRETONNES NOW 33c Mill ends of heavy cretonnes In the newest colorings and designs. Away under price at 33c. CHESTS $17.50, $22.50 Large Cedar Chests, of excellent cbl"et construction 4H and 48 In ches long One hundred under price $17 50 and $22 50. FIBRE SILK CURTAINS Hxcptlenal value, these beauti ful, lustrous Portieres In browns greens nnd blue In 2... yard length $12 50 a pair. FLOOR 2i FELT MATTRESSES $11 Full-size. 50-pnund weight. made In two parts, with roll edue- $11 On. ENAMEL BED OUTFITS A wonderful value Enameled Bed stead, strong Springs and a f 1 I slye, 50. pound Felt Mn'trpss with roll edge complete nt $23 50 SLIDINGCOUCHES, $17.75 L'nglandT Sliding Couches, com plete with pad, much less than regular price new $17.75. SILVER VASES $4.75 Flower Vases, heavily silver-plated en substantial base. Beautiful In design and a notable value at $4 75. FLOWER BASKETS. $2.75 9 Graceful Silver- plated Bankets, Just as useful for dowers as for b e n - b e n a. Werth far mere than $2.75 5S8 Apparel for Misses SECOND FLOOR nTTPT C PrtATO (fur SECOND FLOOR NEW COATS $19.50 MISSES' Winter Coats of soft all wool cloaking, plald-back or two toned mlxtuus. In smart talleied hi j Ies with belt and large patch pockets. VELOUR COATS $29.50 MISSES' fur - trimmed Velour Coats, In reindeer, navy blue and brown. Sizes 14 te 18 jears. DRESSES new $13.75 MISSES stralght-llne Dresses of navy blue Pelret twill with colored rides, and fitted Dresses of velveteen. Sizes 14 te 18 years. NEW DRESSES $18.50 MISSES' draped Canten Crepe presses in navy blue, black nnd brown, and Pelret Twill Dresses In navy blue, trimmed with colored em broidery; sizes 14 te 16 yean. cCdVERenr W$K FIRST TLOOU LINEN DAMASK- -$3.25 Scotch Linen Deuble D.imak, 71-Inch width, lit handsome designs and of heavy quality $3.23 a jard. LINEN TOWELS 55c Finn, Htunlv Towels, In dlimend btrd'K-cvp weave, hemstitched hems new 5"ic each TURKISH TOWELS 50c A saving of one-third en fine two-thread bleached Bath Towels with cord borders 50c each. LINEN TOWELING 22c Linen Kitchen Toweling In serviceable weight nnd weave. Kxceptlenal value 22c n. yard. MADEIRA CENTRES $1.35 A rare value in 13-Inch Maderla hand-embroidered and scalloped Linen Centrenleces nt 1 1"i WOOL BLANKETS, $8.75 Pure all-wool Plaid Blankets. "Ox 80 Inches. In benutlful color com-blnntle-s Unusual nt s 75 a pilr. WHITE BLANKETS. $10.75 Fine white all-wool Bed Blankets, pink or blue holders, jjeub'e-bed M7e 70xC0 Inches A notable value at $10 7" a pair. WOOL OUILTS $6.75 Comfertables filled with pure wool, covered with figured cambric, screil-stltched, nnd bordered with plain satlne. 72x78 Inches new $6 73 DOWN OUILTS $10.50 A rare value are these Com Cem Com eortables, down-filled and covered with flnet fl-ured satlne with plain border 510 50 MUSLIN SHEETS $1.55 S & C Special nxtra-leneth Sheets. 81x39 Inches, of sturdy bleached muslin $1.53. BED SPREADS $2.95 Satln-flnlsh white Marseilles Bed Spreads double-bed Hlze xiwqe In ches A great saving at $2 35. OUTING FLANNEL 24c Striped Outing Flannel. In a va riety of pretty color effects ; 30-lnch width 24c a yard. Fleer Coverings FOURTH FLOOR In ndditien te the hundred"! of excellent values in the $800,000 Sale of Fleer Coverings, the following special items at remark remark nble savings will prove particu larly interrstinfj for Clever Day: EXTRA-HEAVY AXMINSTER RUGS Standard Rugs In designs nnd roler'nes for nil rooms Much be-In-v icrular prices: 8 3x10.6 feet 'S 50 0x12 feet $41.00. SUPERFINE WILTON RUGS. 9x12 feet $107.00 A snlend'd choice In these unusu ally fine Rugs at this very low Clever price. SEAMLESS WILTON VELVET RUGS $57.50 Size 8 310C feet at this prbe Made by Alexander Smith & Sen". Size P12 feet nt $r9 50. FINE CHINESE RUGS SIZE 9x12 FEET $177.50 Cle-elv woven Rugs In beautiful color combinations of geld and blue. Hand-cllnned designs te n-lv the much desired embe,sa(J effect. Size 5x12 feet, exceptional, $177 60 IN THE LOWER PRICE SECTION FLOOR 4S FILBERT STREET Wide selection of Rugs, made by some of the best manufacturers In the country, but because of miner Imperfections In weave or matching the prices are much be low regular: Axminster Rugs, 9x12 533.75; 11.3x12 $31.75 j 0x12 ?23.75; 6.9x9 $10.75. Contreleum Rujp, 6x9 $4.40; 7.6x9 $5.25; 9x10.0 $8.00- 9x12 $9.00. ' (Might prlnMnp defects.) GIRLS' COATS $14.50 AVnrm Coats of velour, seme with rcaif cellar nnd deep glidle embroid ered In leutiastlmj shad.- In brown, lelndeer and Sonente blue. Sizes 10 te 16 years. GIRLS' DRESSES $5.00 Navy blue serge and Jersey Cleth Di esses In blue or tan, embroidery trimmed. Sizes S te 14 years, THIRD FLOOR TOTS' COATS $5.95, $6.75 Of white chinchilla cloth ; sizes 1 te 8 years, $5 95 ! of dark wool cloak I HE, ' te i years, $6,75, LITTLE HATS $2.95 SMALL GIRLS' Velvet Hats trim med with fur; sizes 3 te 6 years. BABIES' KNIT WEAR A very fine let of Bootees, Sacquci, Caps and Sweaters all fresh and new 26e te $2.00. Fabrics and Trimmings FIRST FLOOR WOOL TWEEDS $2.00 Sturdy, all-wool Tweeds, 54 Inches wide excellent value WOOL POPLIN $1.85 Greatly under price. Navy blue Pe'illn. all-wciel 51 Inches wide WOOL SUITING $1.95 All-wool .Tactinanl a"d fancy weave Suitings. 54 Inches wide CANTON CREPE $3.00 Of fine quality; 40 lnchs wide; In black and colors. VELVETEEN $2.00 Sllk-flnlsh Velveteen pile nnd color guaranteed 27 Inches wide. In black and colors HEAVY SATIN $2 85 Princess Mnrv Satin, rich, heavy and nll-sllk: 35 Inches wide; In black uwl colors CHIFFON VELVET. $5 85 Imported Chiffen Velvet of superior quality In b'nek enlv; 40-lnch. TAFFETA SILK $1 85 In plain and changeable effects; 38 Inches w Me LINING SILK $1.00 Floral effects In nnvy blue. Copen hagen blue, rose and tan; 85 Inches w Ids. FIGURED SATINE 50c Much winted for comfort cover ings pnrt Unlngs; 3R-lnch. COTTON POPLIN 24c Very desirable for draperies, dresses and mnrv n'her neds. LONG CLOTH 14c Of flne aualltv for underwear and children's d-eses DIMITIES 35c In checks and stripes dainty pat terns for bleuires, or little girls drees LACE ALLOVERS $1.65 Black Spanish Lace Allevnrs, se fiMilonnble for even'ng Towns. Selected patterns. 36 Inches wide. ART FILET LACES Fspeclallv derer.Ulve for scarfs and table runners, severil patterns; 11 te 22 Inches wide 3c te 55c. IRISH LACES $1.00 About 200 yards of beiutlful Irish Crochet Lenes, In several patterns; medium widths FANCY RIBBONS 75c Including Brecides In crorgeeus colorings; 8 te 10 Inches wide. FANCY RIBBONS 10c Narrow Tnncv Ribbons In metal effects or with plain plcet edge a variety of colors BERTHA COLLARS 45c Dainty net and lace Bertha Col Cel lars, 6 Inches deep, In white and ecru. BRUSHED WOOL SCARFS In stripes or plain colors; slightly Imperfect $1 63 te $3 50 FUR BANDS $1.75 a yd. Twe-Inch black and brown Ceney Trimming, excellent quality. Furniture Less Than Half Price Fer Clever Day, hundreds of desirable single pieces for (lining-room, living-room and bed-room have been arranged in a special section, at most remarkable reductions in price. All less than hnlf price and many are actually at one eno ono feurth of their former prices. When these go they cannot be replaced at any such low prices. ht'i"lrl4i k netMf ThlM Finn and Children and FIRST FLOOR UNION SUITS 75c Olltl s r. Idied Cotten 1'nlen Si i's of trieili i weight knee length, with Duti h ' ii und elhew sleeves. Sec onds i' i ( llent iiuallt". WAIST SUITS 70c Children h E 7. Waist L'nlen Suits of ribbed cotton, slightly Imperfect CHILDREN'S HOSE 20c Sturdy ribbed cotton Stockings In black, white rnd cordevun. Sec onds FOOTWEAR $2.35 OllOWINO OHILS' Lace Shoes and Oxfords; Incomplete size rungs. All less than half price. CHILDREN'S SHOES, $3.15 Tan Calf Lace Shoes en bread nature-shap. ed lasts, with Good Goed Geed v ear-welted soles. Sizes ty, te XI. X 7 am I Miscellaneous FOURTH noeit FINE TRUNKS $32.50 Hnrtmann Wnrdn-be Trunks, 40x 21x22 Inch's Flbre-crvcred, ere. tonne-lined, with open top. shoe box, four drawees nnd a locking bar. To morrow $32 50. TILBBRT STRHKT CROSS AISLE 2500 NOVELS 38c each Recent popular Nevels by well known authors Seme volumes slightly damped Your winter's Rupnlv of geed fiction at an average saving of mere than one-half !8c a volume. FIRtT FLOOR CHRTSTMAS CARDS Select Christmas Cards. Booklets nnd Felders te-morrow, at a great tnvlng 3c te 15c each. GOLD BROOCHES S2.50 Handsome Solid Geld Breeches In beautiful designs set with stones Werth far mere than $2 50 WOMEN'S WATCHES, $10 Women's fine IB-Jewel Bracelet Watches In geld-filled case, ectag enal or reuna PEARL BEADS $1.00 Necklaces of fine pearl heads, 24. Inch length, with geld clasps. The Clever Day price Is $1.00. HAND BAGS $1.50 TO $9 Fine Tabrlc llnnd B-gs In "mart shapes, Krently reduced. Knvelepe, Dress and Peuch Bigs, beautifully lined, and mounted en covered or metal frames new $1.60 te -$9.08 HAND BAGS 95c A varied collection of serviceable Hand Bigs and Strip Beeks of black vachctte and colored leathers 35c BEADED BAGS $7.00 Draw-string stvle. beautifully beaded In i'ch designs and color ings With bend hRndlen and fringe A wonderful value at $7 00. FABRIC HAND BAGS, $1 Chlflv of brown velvet nnd duvet Inc. some brown and blick vel vet Vinlty Bags In the group .lust the thing te carry out the color fcheme of the new brown costume TRAVELING BAGS $7 95 Chiefly 18-Inch, a few 21-lnch Bags, nil of surface cowhide, In black and brown Strongly made nnd lather-llned- S" 95 SUIT CASES $4.50 Women like practical, eoed-look-lng Black Fnitrcled Suit Cases These, In 2S-lrrh size, will net linger long nt J I 50. FRENCH SOAP 15c A fine Imported Toilet Seap, In various refreshing sceit 15c cake NAOMI PERFUME 40c A delightful Terfume fracrint and refreshing CI e te half prlc 40a STATIONERY SAVE Cabinets of fln Stationery, suit able for gifts 5em contain both Correspondence ranis and Writing Paper. All awev under price 90e te $1 25. SPOOL COTTON, 58c dez. A dozen ipre'i of ''lark s O N' T White Sewlnc ' " n 150-yard spools new ." i J len HAIR NETS 35c DOZ. Klena Net" ap or fringe shape, In the best shade" Special at 35c a dozen, WAIST LININGS 30c White Lawn Wnif Linings ready 'e sew Inte jour bleuc or dress New half price 30' efu'i FIRST FLOOR NP BVsrMENT CANDY COMBINATIONS A pound eich of it fll'ed Dates nnd Cream Mint PufTs for 55e Asserted Gum !"r rs nnd Peanut Brittle one pound vt ea h for 45a HALLOWE'EN SUITS All sorts of gaj S' s In which te celebrate. Patch Cl wn Suits for children $1 70 for n.1 ilts $2 75 WOOL SWEATERS $4.00 Warm. nttrnrtKi. pull-ever, shaker-linlt models for bevi and girls. In navy blue maroon, creen, hre l nnd tan. Sizes 32, and 36 $4 00 With lhawl cellar $5 00 m SECOND I I n. BOYS' SUITS WITH EXTRA TROUSERS, $S.75 Oreu iup of ed of exce er t geed fitr' spe.M i S its well Mzes 8 tailor te is jears, BOYS' OVERCOATS AND SUITS, SPECIAL $13.75 Sturdy, warm Overcoats, alzes te 13 jeais, and al wool Suits, sizes 8 te 17 years, with two pairs of trousers Werth ever one-thlrd mere $13 75, BOYS MACKINAWS, $6.75 Of thick all-wool material, with large convertible ce'lar Sizes I te 18 years. Under pike, $6 75. KNICKERBOCKERS, $1.65 In neat patterns of long-wearing materials. Lined throughout. Sizes 10 te IS years. Hallewe'en Costumes at Clever Prices Hundreds of attractive costumes of all kinds marked nt less than regu lar prices for Clever Day. Adults costumes, $3 00 te 17 50. Children's costumes, $1.90 te $2.60. Etrwbrldes A rjletMf lIAsimcnt, Vft loeivO and Winter Clothing Am wonderful collection, including mere than 1000 Autumn and Winter Suits and Overcoats for men and young men in thj season's smartest btyles and most wanted fabrics, nt Clever prices far less than the usual retail prices of these grades: Twe-Trousers Brand-new Cissimere Suits, In stvles and pat'erns for young men and men of c nvervutlve taste Remarkable Suits nt remarkable savings All slz'i In regular stout, short ind tall proportions. Twe pairs of trousers with every Suit Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits $36.50 Autumn ard Winter fnbrlrn. In the smartest htvles jet developed by there fashion ereaters te Amerleun men Savings as based en actual retail al ies cf thet. Suits--average one-fourth Fine Winter Overcoats $24.50 Men's and veung men's Overcoats of plald-back coatings Ulsters nnd I'lfcterette-t In vnrleus excellent styles and rich fabrics H a price that Is less than te-day's wholesale cost About 100 Smart Suits $19.50 Men's and veung men's Suits, of neat dark patterned fab-lcs, In sizes for rnn of regular, short nnd stout proportions; exceedingly smart In appearance and markeJ nt far less than regular price Twe-Trousers Suits $21.75 Men and young men save close te en--thlrd en thse geed-looking, well-tailored Suits of all-wool worsteds and cnsslmeres All sizes In regular, and some In stout proportions. Twe pairs of trousers with every Suit Tep Coats imported from Londen 24.50 English Mackintoshes, half price $12.50 Men's Separate Trousers new $3.75 FIRST FLOOR BATH ROBES S3.85 Of warm blanket rl-th comfortably cut. In attractive pattern- 7 Wrrth truch mere. SILK SHIRTS $3.95 Away under price for these Shirts of heavy. bbv broidrleth fnncv nnd all-white silk i- rsev and var ious silks from recular ate-1. Buy a winter's i-upply MADRAS SHIRTS $1.60 Made bv ene of our best supplier- of 'fine mate-Ill 1- i lars isertn ent of pattern" ind color ings Werth censlde-ab y mere. FOUR-IN-HANDS 25c Half puce for thee neatly made attract v v colored Vecktles for men Better buy a season's sup ply nt thlj Clever prlte BRIGHTON GARTERS All men knew the much higher regulir price nnd realize the snv Ing en these, popular darters 18c. BELT BUCKLES 50c Less tlnn wholesale price. In itial Belt Buckle" 3 HANDKERCHIEFS, 50c T the waj from Be'fnst Ire land, w th hand - drawn threads, and usually three times this price' HANDKERCHIEFS. 18c T'nder p-lee at 18c each. Of cambric, with woven cords. SAVE ON SHOES $4.90 About 100.1 pairs of tan calf lace and b'u'-htr St-ees, gun-metal calf lace arJ blue er She-'s tan grain bi .cue liceheesind black grain breru. lace Sh es tiken f n m our regular stetKs and much re duced. All Bt7es-J MEN'S SHOES $6 75 Men's tan aid buck ei'f -h os en nngllsh last, tan caif b'jite stvles, gun-metal Blu-hers tu and black grain Brncues worth about one-half mere $65 6 PAIRS OF SOCKS 65c Remarkable va ie Seconds of a grade worth nir v di ibl" Of black cotton with extra s'reng reinforced heels and tees LtSLE SOCKS 20c Of mercerized lisle, with Mgh Vllced heels and double aels, seconds of a uuallty irenerHlly double Net all sizes :0e a pair. WOOL SOCKS--50c Ribbed Socks of cam"! -har and heather mlxluies w 'h one third mere Sizes Jij tn l '3 -50c. UNION SUITS $1 35 Harvard Mills' riblel lettun. About half pi Ice. for Bem! C PERCALE BLOUSES 50c ei th t earlv el f third mere Of finev xtrtped peican with intrant iv. dingus fast colors All with iit'n'ud cellars 5(e BOYS' TURBANS, 95c Ot wann nefi timhllla .Mi t'v with cur ttbs In blown pivy bliui, Krav und tan heallur Sizes t,H ta Over one tMi l uii lei prl e 1 1RST KlauiR EOYS' SWEATERS, $3.25 All-wool pull-ever model Just the fort bevs like Special $3 35. BOYS' SHOES $3.75 Brown elk lilucher Shoes with bread nature-shaped last and welted elkskin nnirs In all size., for bes and jeutha. Werth one third mere $3 76 BOYS' SHOES $4.45 Beys' tan calf wing. tip lace and English straight-tip lace Shoes, together with jeuths' nature si ai. ed tan lace Shoes with oak-tanned welted soles Usually much higher tn price $4 46. " 1 Men's Autumn Suits- $28-50 BtnwbrliJt A Clotb!r-Veena Fleer FM UNION SUITS $1.25 7T.y-welght gray ends cotton. See- ECRU UNION SUITS. 95c Of ribbed, i-lth short length llcht-welght sleeves, nnd cotton ankle UNDERWEAR $1.00 Medljm weight, gray merino Phlrtu ami Drawers at $100 each. Werth double UMBRELLAS $3.65 Men s tape-edge and ntln clerla T mhrellas strongly made with the for' of handles men most like, at a great saving SECON'D FLOOR SOFT HATS $1.95 Smart looking Hats for men. rth double nnd mere thnn double this r lever price Includ ed are a few fine velour Hats at the same price $1 93 HUNDREDS OF CAPS.95c FJvery wanted pattern and shade. Werth ene-ha'f mere te double -95c SUITS-TO-ORDER. $42.50 Flftv pitterns of all-wool fab rics te cine se from Made te jour measure by our own expert tailors and cutters at a great saving $43 50 OVERCOATS-TO-ORDER Our tailors wl'l make veu a perfect-fitting winter Overcoat from all.woel rns'eriai tn a choice of twenty pattens, at $4S 50 much less than us ,al. Sporting Goods CORD TIRES $10.90 Ol a iin'eeil r Id 7 Ires tlrst iUll I'v of a well known brand. 30i3i5 tpecl.ll ahle--$l0 90 WOOL ROBES $6.50 Nearly half price for these fringed Automobile Robes ROLLER SKATES $1.75 Ball-bearing aHustable model w"b strap heels und clamp toss Fer boys and girls. BxcepMena. value "ICY HOT" BOTTLES $2 60 Quart Hlze c' corrugate 1 ntekel Excellent for a'ltumn meter trtps, hick nor. s, i- MjcIi under pi ice 5. fiO RADIO Supplies at Savings K ' one fj i, . h' t I in 'l hfl Interested In tte.e s .1 i es, in Ilt (in n f r Radie Madle i' j r i Mi Mel f'rvstal Sets, complete M i.i leil 43 I'l ita SI s i Crjstal Detectors 50e Variable Condensers 23 I'l He Variable Condensers . Jl 45 F'l i. V Diamond T Sockets 41c Dlul 1'JWV tapped B Battel Ies j i ,ii Detector and 3-Step De I oust Unit J"5 On Radie i 'all llneh rn0 Varle Couplers $3 7'i And numi'iiius ether wnntrd Items at hilf and Ichs than half the regular prices HiritetirMie rinthler Til rU I'loer, JUrUt strut t ' d n a ie 8; i m 1 V 'jfAri jg-W At ':.. .?. , a2