W.4C4. 'U.g-aH V w TwfifiJM Ji W I? ' ,ijFWS,s;v"" sr r vt."';'-." ', j,w i "hki-im -" H;T)(7xv3 r I-;; "vAJ ',' "''Jrt. i l. frW'tH "N, .'' 'V WSHnPTOryi.cfA m: A -. " v Vtf" rv5 y v m "'rial i ' !'l k tit i."i ,1 &u - i i mi1 V. t -'. K i I'l F!1 l'" m V A. Aliening public ledger PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 25. 1922 - S"r i-Mr-N W Hf M1WMBI 1 alt I ar -- - - - : , IILl- .! I'TlfrMMlfllfi J-HII1 jgBK2sasst" I. 1 . -&5 ill I Mnrw 8OT '"'"' . jtfjSJsSSsS RAPID PROGRESS of the ne-w Delaware Rher Budge Is shown in tbe above photograph, made yesterday. One mere block is needed te com plete the gianite work en this caisson, launched last April 24. IHS Afr tS. JliiiiiI19tPf fBIl Ilp ps-" S?WM ill 1 JIISBSRflilS lwirrJ. PRINCESS HERMINE, KAISER'S FIANCTE. and her daughter, Prin cess Carnia. The Kaiser'4- bride-te-be recently paid tribute te his dead wife, placing a wreath en the crau1 e ti.e late Empress Augusta of Gtrn.ai 0'- msK 'V- mM &- v ut? J,: sy s?s Lt .1" PRESIDE AT BERGEN TRIAL. Chief Just r0 Charles W Parke and ( utN Jjile I Yn 15. Zabr.skit, in charge of fht HarfensacK, N J , luurder t''ial PRINCE AIMONE, of Italy, sailed fT U S. heart whele and fancj free ONE-TIME POSSIBILITY FAST BECOMING A FACT. The above comprehensive view of the actual work accomplished in construction of the Delaware River Bridge was made yesterday, en the Philadelphia side. Excavation work, shown in fore ground, gees en apace. The caisson, which must help bear the weight of the gieatest highway suspension bridge in the world, is shown in river at end of works, nearly completed. ' A GRIDIRON PLEDGE. who agreed net Harred, Jimmie Three University of Cincinnati fnnfk.n te shave until their team wins a game. They are. Jack Nippert and "Rabbit" Keith, and haven't shaved for two weeks , i A WILLING RECRUIT in her army of admirers was wen when Anita Stewart, film star, fastened a rose in the lapel of Jehn Bogden, wounded World War veteran, at the Emergency Aid yesterday I i n. 1 iMMHBHMWMl WILBUR A. MOTT, newly ap pointed Deputy Attorney Gener al, in charge of the Hall-Mills murder case OVER THE TOP of a movie camera was a cinch for this police deg at the tiials recently held at Areola Maner, New Jersey SEEN AT THE ROSIER TRIAL. Fer the first time since the trial commenced Baby Richard did net get'an opportunity te see his mother yesterday. Pictured above in crib improvised with aid of chairs at City Hall. Lieutenant II. E. Humphries, Officer B. O'Donnell and Nerman McLeod, three witnesses, ere shown en right HONOR AN UNKNOWN BrLOIW TVt urial of an ur jrr. 0,i s,ifi,Pt of King Albert'- armu. ir Pelt I..i ha i emetery in I'fi" a .i n-cnenal te all Bilgiana who .c n .n Ptt'ch soil djr,nh' ti s,, DUKE OF DEV ONSHIRE, newly appointed Secre tary for Celonies VISCOUNT PEEL, secretary fur India in new British Cabin n TWO FAIR HOCKEYISTS of Friends Central, Miss Betty Kyer and Miss Elizabeth Pflauni, snapped by the camera while at practice yesterday Their team is wet king hard every day for future -contests vBL &L & jw s v ' jfvRMk ,'i J ''fcfftk. JrH SIR PHILIP Lloyd - Greame, appointed Beard of Trade President P. M. C. LOSES ITS MASCOT. Great was the grief felt at the Pcnn- faylvania Military College at the death of "Baby Grid," the mascot bear of the foetbull tquad. The funeral precession is pictured above X. 2 ' & ..J,-'" ,-' v M.w .. t V" MISS HELEN CAMP BELL, daughter of Btpresentutive Camp Ml, ei Kansas PERFORM FOR THE PRINCE OF WALES. Bey Scouts of Royal College ler the Blind demonstrating first-aid at recent rally in England, shown en me leu. un ine.ngnt is pictured a life-saving urui RECALL THIS CAN BIT OF YOU .OLD PHILADELPHIA? gkvfW vti ftuBk 'y"5 '&htKlji'lficflKH f 5llivwWBiy i2 'fc. -fl j :4? '1 J'V' " 'Kts rthv vuuvnv mc THE SNOWS OF YESTERYEAR? N..W. Cerner of Bread and Spruce during, blizzard of 1809. The Aii iflnff Company's Duuainir new replaces mt v.m..v.w ,w.."-T -. - . TlkllAHmlr church. Ses your old Philadelphia photegr, cea t SCREEN IDOL DANGEROUS'-' ILL. V- lace Reid, said te have gene tt sanatorium recover from nervous brep-5tfewn. Shown above with bis eon and adfted daughter i JOSEPH COLLINGS WOOD, ene of Friends Central' husky foetballera .nntr UARSANTi Friends Central's uuajf " back, kicking tha W . , - . ., -1. I V C . i I v,. J u.