'-.TvJw'WSJsW " ' '!, IU 30 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER- PHIEADELPSL& WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 25. 1922 w m filn, "i? Hill m j- il'i'l fl S: i i m n?l Under this heading you will find each week the greatest bargains being offered in accessories, etc. The Public Ledger Company has always carefully edited advertising of companies which will live up te their guarantee. KISSEL. iU Brleree deaoeetriter. f nil s israntes. ISJO rajh rr h.t ferns if exlrM. Kteeel 8pedeter. 1121 $1200 Hie new Kleeal dmonetra!ere. 4 and 7 psee. full euerante about rat half of retulaf price 50f) iiewn. balance en ttrcu. Itce tnurlnr IfOO. Wlllja.Knliht pden MSP WllIja.Knljht terln 127? Briscoe t'Mirln. rellntetieil erect-anled. oed tlrea, new top, a splendid bara-sla t 27C, costs very lltlli" te ererste. KISSEL TRUCKS Dr-9 S 1H 24 14, i tun hit discount ftcn iiji prices. :j.. tjarae. Ua utx-al t.rrri. GRIEB & THOMAS, INC. Dletrlb.itera Kletel and CsluaMa Keior Ca-a S06 N. Bread Street VIM TRUCKS , In reed rurntr condition and reed tlrea. Open or C.essd Bed'ee $50.00 Down Ha.ence in em 1 week r jfj-nfl" Seme as Leh as $100 Cash Wlfj i, t - ' rct fn -a wcrm drle attir rheie are bareai: s We will (im jni.tr j ti Open Sunday. 10 A M. te 4 P M. Vim Sales & Service Cerp. Bread and Huntingdon Sts. 4 E USED AUTO PARTS g RIMS, H SPRINGS, $1 TANKS, SI TLmAcn-Hyatt earngs, $1 Any Size Wheels, $2 Any MaKe Frent Axles, $3 Transmission Geara, ?3 All Kinds Ring Geara, $5 I SCHOBER 3339-15 Market fl&!IRMV1l!T I GOTHiMlffmnara'lliH Dependable Used Cars and Honest Values We have a tine collection of closed CADILLACS in all models at attractive prices. It will pay you te visit our Used Car Showroom and select the car that meets your fancy. Our stock includes, also, the following Used Cars of ether makes te be sold at a sacrifice : 1921 BUICK Ceupe 1921 PACKARD Single 6 edun 1922 JORDAN Taurine 1922 BUICK Ceupe 1919 FRANKLIN Teurn.g 1920 DANIELS Limousine 1919 OWEN MAGNETIC Touring NEEL-CADILLAC COMPANY 142 North Bread Street Fhone Spmce OS 10 BRANCHES: Reading, Pa. Camden, N. J. Pottsville, P. ffl viean Used At Practically 1922 VEL1E TOURING 1922 APPERSOS' TOURING 1922 HUDSON SPELDSTEU 1922 MAXWELL SEDAN 1922 CLEVELAND TOURING 1921 CLEVELAND SEDAN 1921 DODGE SEDAN 1922 OVERLAND SEDAN 1921 VELIE SEDAN AND MANY b'eme of the cb'- -are r6 .u halanC' te ey.i ' ur rev -v.iener MOTOR SALES Ce. NEW CHANDLER AND CLEVELAND DEALERS 250 N. BROAD STREET YOURS FOR ECONOMY & SERVICE SLIGHTLY USED T - I - R IN EittLLM" Vnbrlc Tlrca $2.00 2.50 2.50 !l.2."i .i 75 4.00 4.00 Oiur Ow r 51.25 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 Tlr-i 2.50 8 50 4.50 5.00 5.50 li.00 0.50 80x3 30x3Mi S2x3Mi 81x4 02x4 83x4 84x4 All urdcra muat be temnurilM br premiit nnnieni Mill erJtra .hlpu'd HERMAN TIRE CO. 1117 RACE ST., PHILA., PA. Open Sunday All Duy Lewst 3860 liltA.NCU BfOHB-aO SI'UOUX. ST.. CHESTKIl. TA. Oakland In nw te Your QUESTION "Is a used car a GOOD BUY?" The Oakland Company says SATISFY' THE PURCHASER! an can fold in the past month SO mer,' mr te be hiid at your i net VV.V, U2 Utuiiur Touring ?-17e 19L'2 Ker.I Sedan, fully equipped iiew).$f00 1920 Olddmebile Spert $330 Late Studebaker Roadster. . .$150 OAKLAND MOTOR CAR CO. Poplar 0407 911 N Bread St. $xuiielsi& We rar e- t-snl t!-e t iwli Ceed 1 W1KT C'lmplMrlr etrva'.M r-p-ilMel - rjtd.fr and n jenerei firat. . aa cord t en These run itl glre yej etrel nt aiflc and re gi.s"astst4 ly . '.'is ueie ta cow cira: 1 DANIELS Sub. Limousine, 1921 1 DANIELS Sub. Limousine. 1920 1 DANIELS 7-Pass Teurinf. 1921 1 DANIELS 7-Pass. Touring, 1920 2 DANIELS 4-Pass. Touring, 1920 1 DANIELS Speedster, 1920 1 CADILLAC 7-Pasa. Teurii.s, 1919 MATHIS MOTOR COMPANY WJtliutera 674 N. Bread St. I'ep T 101 1 rslladdchli. rcasa. 1922 FORD Coupe 1920 STUTZ 4-Pa. 'i-43 PIERCE-ARROW Limousine '920 MARMON 4-Pass 1?1S MARMON Limeusim IiU9 PEERLESS Touring .Mveen wmtmt Cars Your Own Price '.921 ROAMER TOURING 19.il STUDEBAKER 1921 FORD SEDAN 1921 CHANDLER 4-pai-. 1920 CADILLAC TOURING 1921 DAVIS TOURING 1922 OVERLAND TOURING 1921 DODGE TOURING OTHERS $1Q(I s b juvw JO'l Jillji 'I - E - S .SLIGHTLY USED All STANDAII!) MAKl'S ONUUIO.W l HEADV roil H-.- i WEAK Tubaa iuar Ou fr 12.00 2.10 2 20 2.8U 2.40 2.60 2.70 rnri Cord Tlr Tina H25 6.75 4.25 7.25 4.75 7.75 5.25 8.50 5.50 9.00 5.50 9.50 5.75 9.76 FIlM 32x4 Vv 33x4 Vj 34x4Vj 35x4 Va 36x4 115x5 37x5 clifii or tutntr ' tlit In erjtr ti (ha je'i aaiue da reiflvtd REBUILT REPAINTED GUARANTEED We take pride In the appear ance of the Used Cars we sell. They are mechanically right. We have added many new Reamer cur owners te our liat by first selling them a Ueed Roarr.er. Phila. Reamer Ce. 842 N. BROAD ST. rep'.ar 848 Buy a GOOD Used Car Here De It Tedayl Snail ch pAj-ment. Dalnnce noetstt. Ilrlrln? leaaesa FREE. t4l 1'elirc Cmipe. 1020 il-M Tnlue Hrdan. U'.M I'aite I-arrhraent. Alie e full aelectlen cf Talie Vad ( are, all taedela that carrr our itrTlce kuarente.'. OTHER MAKES Cadillac 8Man Allen Redan Cifrnilet r B Sedan Oaklint fMan Heltnra T urlnj Trnnklin Teurlaa I'renklln, Winter leelnvjre 111 lfnda n T.HlKe Sedin 1K1 I'alie Ijikrwoed nulck Tenrtne 1021 1'erl Teurtn Char.d.r reup ir tr- ele 'n tTi wtll teu rn 1 jch , iT.-tid t d Tare at avich ir ; tIwi Len-e la and make Jeut le tit" DO IT TODAY! Gay A. Wllley Moter Ce. Palip and Jew-tt Dlat. Bread St. at Vine, Phlla. ICHAMDL! Herbert Brethers 203 N. BROAD STREET USED CARS Exceptional offerings. Get our monthly bulletin of particulars; mailed en request. "ou will find the car you want at the price you can pay; easy terms. Herbert Brethers, 203-5 North Bread Street. We refer te anybody te wteta w tell a used car. Seed for liat. CnimAMD si C Ct (gjT 841 a0.VEM.,ea " " "prue. t,e n.rea-Arrcw D.strlbuter. Mt eS6, !i FA USED CARS BIGGEST VALUES In a Packard Twin-Six, RECONDITIONED, you pet the biggest value en the market. Yeu get a car of known quality, economical and built te last. It also carries with it a distinction that only a car of such high character can give. TWIN-SIX TOURINGS $450 UP TWIN-SIX ENCLOSED TYPES.. .$750 UP A Few Specials Repainted and In Excellent Condition : li2' Hudsen Sedan $1300 1922 Buick Coupe $1300 1921 Lexington Sports.. $800 1921 Hudsen Speedster. $950 1921 Dedge Roadster... $5e0 1921 Paige Touring $800 192 Buick Sedan $1300 1920 Peerless Coupe $1000 1920 Hudsen Tmiring... $700 1920 Buick Touring $600 1920 Chandler Tour., offer 1919 Peerless Touring.. . $700 1919 Oldrfmebile Touring $500 55 Cadillac Touring, offer r5 ( adillac Landaulet, efffr Franklin Touring $500 Hudsen Limousine, offer Packard Single 6 Sedan, offer A number of ether makes at very reasonable prices. "The Safest Vned-Car Market in the World" PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY OK PHILADELPHIA Locust 3900 319 North Bread Street khce 6741 RemeYal Sale HUPM0BILES All our i.esd Ilupmebties fcav lean reduced from fluu te 1390 Alas l.tvt 3 damonairttiers PHICE3 FROM IM9 C7 TERMS TO VOU Open Evenlr.rs Hupmebile Distributors 004 N. HROAD HT. jX J9 THE STAR CAR liulck Coup. 1018 8-ertlnflr. Mttitl. new muts. urhelalry clnd. meter exrhauled: car In flnn condition 1479. Ferd flddan. 1031 HJ bin put In eellnt condition by l'erd deftlrr: geed rubber. 1300. Chavrntet Brdftn. T. H . 102l All ten evr nnd In eieeUtnt condition throurneut. IXB). Ovrlind Sedan. 1910 Complete et of n" tlree, eMtre'y ecrlmuled and In tinj runnlnv ccndlilen 1323. C'jend.a- .pirri!ar 1018 New llret. new tr?. new miti eere meter com pletely eertiule.l ne rlatene, lnf nd blocks I this s a real buy. 1400. CTiandlr Dlapatcii. 19J1 llepalnted. en. tire ctr all trene ever end in Itrfeet running condition $700. Durant Teurinf. 1022 Repainted, crer linuled and carrylne full guarantee. as-no re new car, $78C, TIME PAYMENTS Reeves Tyson Ce. 2431 North Bread St. (BROAD AT CUSntCRLJLND) Columbia 4282 MoterCais National Touring 5500 Oldsmebllc, 1921, C-cyl 700 Willy3-Knlght Touring 350 Packard Ceupelette, Twin Six 676 Moen Touring, California tep.1260 Moen Touring, reconditioned. 750 Maibohm Sedan, G passenger GOO Jeffrey Touring 200 Lexington Touring 800 Moen Touring, Light SLx....ll50 Easex Touring 475 MACKIN MOTORS 855 N. BROAD POPLAR 7CM 1921 Auburn Spert Tour ing. Special price. 900 1920 Puige 6-44. Renovated 650 1922 Oakland Touring. 700 Cadillac Touring 500 Cadillac "8" Limousine. New tires, new paint 700 Dedge Touring 225 Chandler Dedfre Studebaker Velie Easy Terms Arranged PIERPOINT MOTOR CO. 041 NORTH BROAD Tep. 902 en::i utekines MjwiB'irafflaiiMm MACK TRUCKS ALL TTPES OP RODIKB H1MEDIATB DKLIVERT General Moter Truck Cerp. 2.TIJ AND MORIlia STS. CHEVROLET 102.2 utility coupe, tieutrht e-t l drKc j'oe mllesi eiulpmunt in iludai new spare tire and aluminum steps. udat new spare an .. eli V, i as K! Call H r nwi i..u UILETIN used automobiles, pleasure cars, trucks, tires, this kind, and accepts advertising only frdm rasmnmii USED THIS TOURING CAR $1200 Reconditioned, Repainted Available for Immediate Delivery ALSO 1921 FORD COUPE. Starter and Demeuntable Rims ; exceptionally well equipped $350 '""jw" ejciiJAiN. jDxceptienany goea conaiuen. 9-A FRANKLIN SEDAN 9-A FRANKLIN ENCLOSED SERIES 8 FRANKLIN TOURING 3-35 PACKARD SPECIAL DERHAM Four-Pass. Spert Touring 6-66 PAIGE LARCHMONT SPORT, Wonderful Condition ; special at 2-2e PACKARD PHAETON. Conditioned and Repainted, at 800 6-51 PAIGE TOURING 350 1917 HUPMOBILE ROADSTER. Geed Condition 225 1920 MONROE TOURING v 300 FORD TOWN CAR. Has had very little use. Original Tires R00 FRANKLIN MOTOR CAR CO. I 2314 MARKET STREET B SPRUCE 8C61 tenaaifM GOOD USED CARS The extraordinary demand for new Pierce-Arrew cars has brought in quite a few very geed Used Cars. They have all been given exceptional care by the former owners and they are reasonably priced. PIERCE-ARROW Limousin. T.etA mnAmi qulppl with Weetinheu Atr rprltcs The mileage Is only 0000 mii the car la fully truarnntced. PIERCE-ARROW Pilnt'd at-.darl preen -vlth beaut'ful urh 1 :nr eunrantctsd. OTHER ItAKES IN STOCK INCLUDE Owen-Magnetic Packard Peerless Stevens-Duryen "OUR NAME REMOVES THE RISK." FOSS-HUGHES COMPANY 21at and Market Streets Spruce BtSO h'-ili yii A m ill a a i" i -1 -5 ?9P Small Down Payment, Balance Monthly Set Mr. Hunte ti i m m nl HJ.L " v en your at our Used all models, OLDSMOBILES. fk mXkv9jr imtivr jir a mw ethcT Cara of etandiir.1 mnkn. ' "' It will pay you te Studebaker Teurini Dedge Touring Maxwell Touring Chalmers Touring Chevrolet Touring Ue phene Ttiplsr 4(10 Jiestunei Park 1VI" see GK1M FOR D T Q T TIRES D Ei O 1 prices GUARANTEED 30x312 Fabric . . . .$5.50 30x3J2 Cord $7.50 612-14 N. Bread St. WI nlO-tt CARS 600 2250 1200 I P. PIERCE-ARROW Bn" Series 448 H. V. Equipment Inclu4. Wetlnrheuse Air Hprtnus Tires ry reed Very low prle. .-. ,j 1 Q I 7 0-paaener Teurlnj. ..... Pa.nted red with b!ac, fenders r.iulpped with wlrn he.ls (rpr eitre.) V'vIt Ii a very loed-looUli'x car. m Yeu Will Find "Your Car" in This List One of Philadelphia's highest grade new car distributors Is offering many startling values in used cars. All these earn will be sold regardlen of values. 1922 Buiclt Spert Roadster 1921 Stutz Touring with Westlnghouse Air Sprinpt 1020 Cole Spert Sedan 1921 Buick Roadster 1920 Stutz Touring And Many Others PRICES $100 UP STUTZ AGENCY 669 N. BROAD ST. Before Yeu Decide USED CAR. sin thn inw ,ni Cnr Denartmene n.i:- orien find elnsnH tvnr. wihttitii thnt urn nRpWrnmy 'j vail und leek them ever. AUO Overlund Teurintr Chandler Dispatch ' Chalmers Sedan j Cole Touring Dodfje Roadster 1 WillvS-KlllLrht Pn.?.te These Cars Are All Real Uargaine Time Payments Arranged LARSON OLDSMOBILE CO. 800 N. BROAD ST. HUPMOBILE CALLY AND IN AITEARANCE? ItUPMORILE SEDAN. HUT FORD SKDN 1H21 CHEVROLET 40(1 TOMH1NO. 102O D1IICK ROADSTER. 1020 lIl'll'K TOLRINO. lasn r'f.rnE teuri.nu iiub LEXINGTON TOUR. HPORr MODEL inn FRANKLIN CHUMMV HOADBIKH, 'leit,' Vejr Inapsalien is Invited. Demonatratleni at your ree.i-st Rules made en small cash payirent; balance tens. ' RITT AUTO SALES CO. ei9i m mmit. u-n ewev i auivni n. 1) Oren Sun. snd t Phens Cel. S1I2 PBEP AUTOMOBILES AMERICAN fll removal .alei tan.Ne' fllOi muat it te di Continental me fAwn. 1AA mnnlhlvt nnen evefllnm moterl 1174 JIUDIIIO- blle Illeirlbmere. .104 N'. Urend t. BUICK 10.11. teurlntr. In tine condition! new top ana newly rnintea. t-nene u i-i UH.III tl. UUICK. 1022, apert readeter. excellent cend. . See Mr. Hunter, Dtuta Atency. 000 N. nreeq hi. BUICK. llttle fl. readater. 131: chenp Bee Mr. Hunter. Uetd Car 8ale. 07S N, Hread. ClIAlfKnn teur.i temeval ea e; tnr 31B 0 cyl., 7 pne.. newly nalnte.l. oethauicdi 1141 down, bnlnnce J1R 40, monthly! open enlne;e. Hupmeblte Dlnlrlbutere. 604 N. Ilread t, . , tt . Mil, H.t. .. .a I . I tea- Ne. nsei 4 him ' 1174 dnun. I2II.20 cer me, iiupme- bl.e Dlatrll).. 04 X Urend St. dpen cve, CI,i:vi!I.ANp acdan. late 1021. aroed a new: (iwner going eulll must pen wany, m offer refuaed. Tnn dPt,i n"r. v. rivrnrti 2025 W. Oxford at., or 1020 is. imiiev, ... ...... v., COI.H. snort model. 1U20 eedani wendarfUi conuiiien. boa Air. numer. USED CAR SALE II7IV N, nrnad et. COiTk, 8. teui.i removal aa.e; tnit 8.18: must bn eeld: run perfect: price $221, 1110 down, 110 B0 monthly! open menlprs. Hup. mcrll" nut-mmera. ill !, iiniaq et. COM3 Htwrt n;dl. 1020, arJnn. wend"rful condition. Ken Mr. Hunter, rJtut7 Auenuy I fl N Ilread nt. 1020 COM2, ut, acdan! flrst-claaa ccmdltleni very reasenable: terms. Uarnn'e. 1214 N Preadet, 1021-20 doueu teurimrei iroed conditien: 1130 balanm terms: will denwnefrn'e rteren'e, 1244 N llrnnd st. 11120 WODOB cejpej llke new- $200 down, balanoe t var. Uaren'e. 1244 N. Wread , 1031 ,'KANKMN, 0 brand-new tires, A-l conditien: eacrlflce orlrei terms, llarena. 1244-40 N. Urel ' St. IIUPMOI1ILH tr our, : removal saie: tar iiea: S180 de nn it! Rinnce iiu n'i mentms: een evening. Urend at. 'Vt .-"T..- ..1..il...J liupmeune uiviriuuiure, ilV4 ,.. HIJl'MOUIU: tennnars: removal eale: ta 20S und 80S: muat t seld: S22S down. bulance $F4 40 menthly: open ennnliiKS Hup- meblle Iilatrlbulere, 4 N. llnmd it. HUI'MOllILE eediin: removal eaiei tnsr Ne. 811: muat be ejM: ciurantend: prlce lew: l.terms te yeu: epen menlncs. Hupmobile 1'iairinuters hui r. nmmi pi HUDSON T-paesetieer Undauleti exwllent conditien: reasonable prlce. J. C. Fuller, 14 H, lSlli nt. 1 02 i MAXWBI.L: presnt model! real bar- (ftln: Iitmh Kiranmd. Duren's. 1244-40 N. llrend et. MOON Hte j-eu e"en the car that ha taken America bv storm? lrlce 11108: I II1 trade sour used car. l"hone for demei- "tritlen, V mime H4H4 J 1021 KASH a.-ilani erlstnal tires and paint; $.'50 down, balance 1 year, 4(1 N Hrnnd nt. uaren a. va- OI.DSMllHII.i:. removal sale: taK 8.1S: muat bj aed: 4 .vllndcr 4 pass, readeter. 1021; $2B1 down $30 83 mnnltil. Hupmeblle DI- trlbutera 104 N. Tlreml t 1 920 PEERLESS STA '70 " UARON'Ht. ,1244 N. BROAD ST; f ll'Di;ilKKH coupe, e cyl . removal m: tns Ne. 8f.'J; muat be eeld, $120 down, biance J18 menthly: open eenlnKi. Hup mnhl e Dinlrlbutere 804 N Ilread st. e,lhi.i..vii. v e -p... a. runun.crs removal snls: leg- Ne. 857. muit lm seld: $120 down tl per me Hupmeblle Dletrlb., 801 N Ilread st STl'T te lrlr.t nnd readster: nil modern, thoiejghly eserhHiiled nnd reflnlshed; ox ex ox ccttlenally low p:lcnd; cieh or terms, Rje i.r. Hunte-. USED CAR SALE 67.1 V HIIOVD ST STUTZ teurfns nnd ruadeter. r.ll modern; thoreUEhly evarhauled und rel'.nlihcJ: ex .pllenilly low priced, cash or terms Bee fir IIunter.ad JarJale.il.! V Irread at.. O.'ci ri'l'ljr?.. 4 pain : prl e 5783. 20oTden, balance 1 our. Uaren'u. 1244 N. Ureud hJ VKME, 191P sroed conditien: cheap for quick alie rhjre Oregon 8419 W. . TO limn 0-7 caes tour, cars & limousines, $1 30 per br lln IMnli '(11- Pi k IIM1 1921 WILLYS-KNIGHT f??&rz. rnrced IIARON'S. 1244 N. Hread et. MONEY TO LOAN HOUSEKEEPERS GET A LOAN $15 TO $300 raeM THib neMirn rankikq de- I'AHT.MK.sr elL'I'CnVIHCU CO. FILL YOUR COAL BIN NOW Very easy tenna. Pasmenta arranged te suit jour cenenlnr Ne fecn of any kind charged, only Irteifet at the rote preldJ by law. An Inquliy puts seu te no expenst nnd dea net ebll.-ata seu in ary way. I'nll TODAY, or If In a special hurry, uie Rell nhene, Ixicum .'"37 l'AT ALL YOUR RMAT.T. OI'TSTANDINO UIU.S AND OWt: Hl'T ONU CONCERN. HOUSEHOLD LOAN CO. , 240 Seuth 15th Stieet Pcend I'l.ier. Roem 201. i-re3 Hull Jin. Member 1'Mlnd inliln t'-imlKi of Cenuner.-e EASIEST TERMS QUICK LOANS UP TO $300 TO HOlM:tr:rrrn.i BUY COAL NOW Ready caah handed te you au'ckly without nny fuas or red tare, pajmenta will le ar rsnsed te suit lour Income en our very emy pament plan- we'll clve e plenty of tine te piy the lean and ha:ne ou rnlv for lh SCttlll time vnu U,1 thn lnnn, nt thn pate nf inirrea-. vreviuea ny m-v. TniH la the company that .tej the fen rial cuah uerlce ircr.r. tki r.t'HOM: nt.m.iiT a e-s-i SECURITY LOAN CO. 1 114 CHESTNUT ST. 2d flop-. Roem 20 next te ICelth'e Theh'-e j Will Lean Housekeepers ' UP TO $300 at thy lawful rate of Interest en a plan repAymt; te rtiet our liiaivlduni raulr ii.aivB. wur nce.wD iu9 ivn UQ.yiui iq nun .. -w. .! t a a. a .!. . J uwUMinaii in tills wc.nU we efTer It reu. InforrnnMeri cy r'n 'v rlr GUARANTEE LOAN COMPANY Roem 701. VandM ni.Ti'; 1005 MARKET STREET Entrance next te Woelworth'a 1'hunu Klll.it 471" Rnre 1O0J Cil 1 1 Ell OSTIi'lM 8700 aermanteun avc. rhene Tiova B70S 28d and Rb'.e ae rti nj Diamond 411 1 f2diimi A!cki.t pin P Mine t. .Tinnt 1027 MONEY ADVANCED j.e iieuHeKcepcrs or nonie owners en eauy pajinema arramred tu suit your enu t enen enc In Amounts up te 300 Dollars ' at liwful rnies i.f n'ereat CAI.I. WRITE OR PHONE bl'RCCE 7 0 0 0 We will iettl" w'th ether cencerrn, advai.ee leu additional tliunn eti rnnrp llhrul tertne Pieript .titntlen jlen te all InqulrUs with. I nut DiarK't Conrdentlul, courteeua treatrnent and the iirlcim prlvuiy iireals durlnir the entire trunsuilen. Industrial Lean Service, Inc. k. i' riiet'pcn, Mem Suite 308, Finance Bldg. M'JS H Perm ,S'iunre gupstlael by I'enna Htat llunklnrf Deit. HELPFUL LOANS Leans In any amount up te $300 mnde for one month or ene yenr. i Repay in small monthly payments. ' Erich payment reduces intereat. ' Immediate Service ' Ne Publicity National Equitable I Investment Ce., Inc. ! 1237 Market Street l'hene, Spruce 0430 Sixth Fleer Member Chamber of Cemmerce MONEYTO LOAN LOW AS 2 "' ON DIAMONDS, STOCKS AND RONDS yH Mllr r t,T RIEDER'S OLD GOLD OLD iteld silver, platinum plclted war, old'. style iel isr ewelry tieth platrs beuuht tnr "h Eat. 7 J I . Clark relne- out -i1n,em TYPEWRITERS AND STJPPLIE3 TVPLWRin.RH nny make overhauled or ten' llll-l K tj ,, HORSES TWO homes 0 mid 7 years old. sound nnl klu I In nil harnestt alau drop-het tm wiii,iin Mid dniiulK liaineaa H K Riar Mirflyn. r r."M Marktt et. ",u HOUSEHOLD GOODS , i. 1 1 U tfK-l 1 1 -C" "" IMh Tnein "uU lO.pince I uininir Tir 2 suit: American walnut 1 .!- , . ,... ..! a - a aT."' - rhlnt. at sacrifice. 62SO Cedar avs. ,a' i..e... .. auu miminu ABOUT PSlCEl LOUBEN'S riece i-arier eiiuei vcleur or tin,! Tapeatry 72" M,i!2A?.rteMW,tal Bta,i- '.ane. te 2lnrh illnliiB-Iloem Tabiej'el'fV. lt Extenalen 'I'5 l-plece twe-trne American Wafnut SecM lledptem Hnlte leT" nd. Hprlnit nml Mattreaa, Walnut Xe . Open rrMsv end RatnrdST r.tinte TiMff,n BLANKETS SPREADS. COMFORTS AT DIG SAVINGS SMITH'S 01 aivmna walnut st " CHAIRS AND TABLES' DESKS AND OFFICE TABLES At one-half price, neught from K.IuTi rale. 00" deekV 130 001 80" derts?"' Oakwood Chair Mfg. Ce.. Inc. ALL SIZES HOT-WATER STOVES Radiators, Fleer and Wall Boilers from 30 Gallens Up S. W. COR. 12TH AND SPRING GARDEN STS. TYPEWRITERS RENTETT" vismus n mes . nnn and up l'nctery Rebuilt Tvpewrlttti ALL MAKES AOENTS roil nnMINQT .V POnTADUS American Writing Machine Ce. 802 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT 2I-B MATV .. nin miMMAnn nn.n for the benefit of the nuah Hearltal f Ceneumptlvee, te be held at 1833 Market en Thuradny, October 28. at 10 o'clock china, clothing-, books and pictures, twin gp-enrt. ' IIIM.TAKD IICADQUARTtntS "niillari tnblee. new nnd second hand: bevtlirl nllrje ind euppllej. BJlUNSWirK-nALKiJ. COM.lINDmt CO. 1002 Arch ,.WAI- lr AOU have nnv thine vnu r.-lari te dlamiL or quicKiv rer cnsli call us ud or droe i. a line. 1 tin Kalffhn AfnuA Anpiln. ... 12IU U 21170 J, 2d, Camden. N. J. Phene Camae'u ANTIOUK CIIKSTf. drawers, mntjle. cherry. Ti te Irtx maheltanr : mahejanr Kerne, 17M maple rush, can chair sets. , Arch eri'lCi: PARTITION ivv reel eienant mnneranv partition, with hen .lal-frej!ed dins, reed urn. tot? MS per feet, will be old $4 per foet: til 00 OS Spring Unrdn st. J HHOWfAfinS KTORE FUTlim." All klnd en Imnd nnd made te erd'a- STAR SHOWCAHK .r. CO 18t N, 12th st. l'hene Hprut 4828 ll.MJUi:nrK COSTUMnH for recnaT aoel 'endltlnn. Apply Trocadero Theatre' JOth nnd Arr-h et 'neairs REFRIGERATORS It T Ttenlell A Ce.. AND FIXTURRS Terms If rtnlrtij S31 N. 21 ,t IIl'IIOK hHAI. OUT ekun.t cellar nnd cuffs. ed nuakrat) 40 In, lenr tM i)uer. ..Hl Wilnut st. RKKltlOERATOlt. 5-deer butter be re frit frit erater ceunteie, comp. scales, sllcsrs anS safes. B2H 1'allenhlll st. SAKKS. flrenroef. closing out, 80 .llehth used: all sizes. stles. makes. TO N. Fourth Heater and Range In flrsKlaas res dltlen: ulll .i rntiBtiriRpie ie guicn purcnaacr. gf via, Aleis OVKRCOA1S ROO unredeemed overcoats, 15 up. Rleder'n Ian Offices, 128 Market et. 2200 F e uth t. and Ridge a L Oaferd al ONU doubts deer underwriters' TJ-iatel aaft 1 mahogany doub.e desk, 8x4. I' IS 03 Ilrnr Oflce "" RKCORDa. Hie and your old ones for choice 30n ute issues, 20e each. 6clbert's 81 N 81)1 et. Vi.trels. 28 INUNDATION FTONB for sale any euan- lltv eunrrv nt North rhlla. H C. Amb- ler. 8717 M erk mad Tleta B'W WATCH. Elgin mersment. 20-year filled ease 17: value 115. R Meney Lean Office. 128 Market St. DNDHRWOOU t cewrlte r. 14-Inch cirrlan, let-clasa end ; prlC9 ns, J, jr. EmrU. 2033 N .2d Kt ' IROC hnllrack. 44x4n: mirrer: alas eit crystal china Uoiet; che,p. S01R Markil Cuton ehewcaae. 6 ft. lenar. all plate clii Jnrkjr. :i!ilH Market. J.'en IJIamunil tnrrlnKH, t-r'H I2S Murk, t kt atua IMP. nil' 5150 DIAMOND rlnc: value 1273. Rledar'a lian Oftlr 128 Market nt S0 DIAMOND rlnir. Rleder's Lean Off.ce, pure while; lit 124 Market st. WATER HKATKR. CHE.U 2134 Mtrket at , WOOD 10 cord of dry Hsened weed, 111 per cord R F llynn. fplg Market st HEATER. PIPELESS CHEAP 21S4 Market at. CALENDARS wholesale, larae aaaertnatit hu... TOT M lett, nt fi m TBl -,7,. ,-tu ... MOI.INH for sate, anv sl.a. chear Mem. ett, test her piano, 1elin 1701 N IDth. I.ADir.-' rrearlns apparel at leweat nrtcM 1'Jj W Olrarl r.e. Market 8D44. WANTED WE PAID A WOMAN J lis GO for a let of Jewelry she bad bair enre 1 110 for eleenhere: bring jour dla mends mil Jewelry ta us: vte will riia a cf full liet.eit cafli value! eetnbltahed isjj. - tties n. LUC St CO., 712 Walnut t ' ---. - tef ii!r.n.nr furniture. carreta. rues, heuaa- i,..m vnnfin or all aescrlntlena beueht? psy the lest cash prices la the city: befere BSllinK te any one drop raid or phone ant our ripiesentBtlve will call American Fur. mtur.- Ce . Main Offlce. 8011 N. Bth St Phune IIOKt USHi. HIOHI'.ST pricts paid for newspapers, matv tlncs. iai,H CHrp'.ts, Iren and al' kinds of metal, try ec an 1 be satlallid: truck ealli en where, sen. peeinl or call Diamond DIM J Uer.der. if.21-23 R ite ai. HlflHEST prices paid for B'ntiemen's rlelH. 7 inu we ke city or out of town. Wrlli M . K. JfJH t crjnrst uVrnMii-llAND clethlna bought and sold, --.".' -. - . ". z - .j e,.; ..... ... nlcncai pritve puiu miner .iij, iviu. rket i i7 n tin at Call nnvhert- I'l'lIMTL'PE leu'ht hlglieat prices. H llukel. 2021 Oermantewn. Diainerd sue CARPFT CLEANIWa Te!phune Kensington 2441-23BM90T QUAKER CITY CA.RPET CLEANING CO. 1113 TO 1137 K. COM'MHIA AVB. Cleaning and Dyeing Toadies' mid sents' wearlrt' Rtcsrai .ouaehell BOids, Oi ental and dein'stll russ enrpttal turstrles. blankets, cuttalni Damp Wash Laundry i AFtPETfl A RUflH CLEANED. SCOUHED and stered: Oriental rujs our specie if Tine eluiable runs woven f-rnn old canjttl Automatic carpet ucamng w. Min.ll I.IIIH.OW SiREET Kev" West 27 ti Ilell Preiton i :ui Phenes, ESTAHLl'iHED 187.1. i iw 119 renew tbe inii"nr.iiice of your n ''Vy otMlMn.pielni.pr.. . or If yei w llars-'s. ldlfl N 2lat Ht. vTACHiyERY AND TOQlg, iMftCHINtyOFWEKlll RADIAL DRILLS There Is u .y complete 0f,"J'n.!f nearly and makes In our preasnt 1l1"'k."i rrlcs new Radial Drills bend for list ""J-Sj'V Hueilali rt latest type. !l"1,t,,,rt,tfr of Mueller 42-lnch arm te drill .XrSi.Tn hi inrhes): ladlil drills. '5l,flnule11 latest genr box drive eaupied with an a featurcs such as tupulna crii5,. etc. gears uulck chaiife leads and speeea, ravli 1000. MONARCH MACHINERY CO. Philadelphia's Machinery MtrcliaiiH 300 N. Third Si. i ' w.frt.v i.m . . w. ......... .J mb JHA vl E.Xi'EIIIMENTAL, erl(. '''i'1'0':.",1 inscEw tarns mid dies, but dira of spec 1 1 i L rv Qper MathllieJ-e E-XSr-rS, WH ifflY planta. nmrhlnery: weld ln., tf. for wilfj or renU Veaisley te.. ' ......leis. mctii Z2tmmm-' aa l w ?t If