M iwWfffw "'wlF" Mt5?S5 TilfjT' s -rt J '26 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA'. WEDNESDAY. OCOER 25, 1JMT -X n I' ll M; ,H ! : II' ! I - I) r i R.B M 'Mr- S I ' 4Tjba C, C, C. & St. L. (C, W. & M. Div.) 1st 4s, 1991 Detroit River Tunnel lat 4Vat, 1961 F. P. Ristine & Ce. Widintr Bnildi-.-, PhiUdtlp-ia .w Yerk lUiabath. N. J. Umbers .Vtif Yerk and PMtatilphte, Bleck Exchanges PUBLIC SALE Anthracite Ceal Lands in Main Basin Southern Anthra cite Fields The undersigned will offer nt public Ala at the 1'itins: Uan'a Hi 1 Het. I, pettevllle r"' nt 1,,n '"v' A J', cn the Sixth day of Neveinbe- 1922. U of Its right, tit e and i t rest In 611 acres of ciml lunil, mom ,r le-" located partly In and ea.tvv i I from the City of I'Mtsillle, t huj Iklll l mints, Pennsylvania, ie i t s n tlu f n 3 lecatlj brown tun t'i 'nrniim lnmN. junction Tract, a' 1 I irn of the Irregri. larlty nnd the Imrnl. nrnnll (rittt., Thc"e l.ind are oressed b the tr.i ks Of the I'ennsv Ivunl I Rtillreuil anil tt the rhlUdelnlil ""'' Rendlnit Railway Cempanv Thev ure e e i II lent nn i And of proper conferr itlen ti accom accem accom rnednto a lnsla ceL.ery of larue ca pacity. The trac's contain all the coal measures commen'y contained .n the deepest basins of the Anthracite Field, including the lluck Mountain, Mum moth and 1'rlmres veins. Termai Fifteen (15) per cent cash when the property la struck down, and the balance wltMn thirty days, upon the tender of the deed te the purchaser at the office of 'hs Counsel for the under lened whose add-ess I stated he'ew Fer further lartlculars apply 'e the undersigned or te tne local efllce of the Compan i arsieru, t-aroen i euntj, Fennslan!i, where maps or the land or furnished te parties can be "ten interested The Lehigh Ceal and Navigation Cempanj, J, L. Ptene, Keal ltate Acenl, 437 Chestnut Street, rhllailelplila, Te. Cee. M. Keadu, Attorney, 116 .. Centre Street, retmllle, l'a. TIN N( Ml. 10 THE Iini.HLH' 01 rilllDKLl'lllA BAI'lll TRANSIT tOMl'AN KUl II' MET TKLsT CKBTlFIL.rd SEULES "C." I Notre Is rerM ti t!-at t9 c''1cat; -relnaft- rumera-d M-mJ U"(2-r in fqulprrent Trjut Aure-n-ert nhive mentioned between Wrn V '.et F it t Trust Com Cem riny, Truj'ee n-1 is i le rh.a HaplJ T-an-rtt Cemr i Ine !at 1 Mav 1, 1 '13 lime In aucerJa-ic .l'" t 10 termi rind pro pre visions of m I Acre-trent been ci el for tedeinr en arj j,arrent cn November 1 112 and ,vi ft ' c-r erft.9 r4 r Hn 0j the euttarV-r Eu irrr' Tru.t i-t,",ates of eald lcsi.9 sv'rh u! 1 "li-ure .'I'-aueit te Nevemte- 1 I':!, w r r-de-ned anl retired en -id dn'e r-ga-I nf tre 3j? dt tfereef art a d'"id warrant maturlne af.r sa'l di'e i b" me r'i ind the re!l-s f f.a ! - --a'-j t-r-ln-tr enuni-rat 1 "l be er'lt.pd -n pre-n-tatlen ther-ef en y te the pa- a je 'hereof id te a pm''im cf SS theen teuetrer .lth tr dlldnd due en VI da'e hut v.jtieut any dividends accru nx th-reafter The hole-- e the -a i -rt'. atea are renulrd 'e rr-n tr-eni 'e- rarr-n' and feemrtlnn with 'he NVeTh- 1 11.2 anl r'i nueseiu-nt d Mdenl wi--in'i a'.ta"r-d rt the er'i'-e n FH- 'ty Trjut Compan nite S2 fi..rut ft I'hl'i "i N'o N'e "rrN'r 1. 1h22 f-em ar1 afir whl h dite Idends upon tt tail certlfcatei mil rease( The .fertile"'-- nl'-i vr r.-pt'en are e, 1540 te 1(130. lnrlnlTe. due Vfiy 1, 1P3S n. lJt te ITOi. Inrli"lve due Nev. 1. isn Sn. 170? tn 17f3 Inrlll-lve flue M ir 1. 10J e. 171 tn 1SITS Ineln.lre dne Ner J. IIJI ?"V". " il '' tn-lmlre ,ln. Mar 1 1D73 IIDEUTX TRIM ce'IFYNY iru.tee M P ijT-JT Ires'dent. ... 321 i"he-tnut street. Phlla. fertetrhe- 1" tee; "" n e i i r r VeMee Is h e ti,- it the Be-d'-e J. T-lernvpli iemjniT h -rra-d anl S"opted lin ti- wh. re-Ti at of j' ,A Compan' undir iie I n-1-e l- reem.nr dated r,c ewr l"n lfU ir 1 -., e ,,( err repj- eIikMi".'htl. 'i-T , and Trust crrprv V' ( . , I , , , one cer tl-ere; , . ,r. , cav.-, , Trust re-nrs:iv nt V i-, ' -r,.. Safe lrj" . nnl Truf C""ira .' p . hu.r5h.. '' . 'h I'-re.l e-l. ' -, h 's f said Lnlted r ephn-, a- t, ,,riu , panv urder ,. i h-tiu ,... ' ,r.,n.. . srd en; rrpy vi - Th. r-;j -a' e Trj' m the mo-tcae 1.t h j fii'ed t . Phene and Te!-s-arh C'Ptany te secure pavmeit of tl lords -a 1 L'ni'ei r j t none and Te eir-nnh ( r.m-.r... ' 1-HAKI ES L MILITR. Ee.re'.ary, , ".euin uuKe -treet, ...an fi-ier. ra JAMES ARfTtHALD. H H Otr.KTsri.s A C RriniN-ON. W U-. RYnv " t m t I:;3ef CltAR'.C p milLcr. Eeni.-e'ders' rerr-ifte- n' te fr'.e THE IMM.A1'I1IJS t NI(7n IlTlMl v PAVTELS Fe-ret4ry r.UiniiM rnt ntx com, rn fiht mt(.. (i", mmuve rt vn iievris " KetlcH Is herhlv Cvn t! V "u'.uaiL, of the term- t 'he above . r .nV datirt May 1 tt'l! boils Nr s n ...()" I1H 47.' la e I n d'mr '-" re-' .rrr n out rf rr .' -, bld ". 're r i , T? L, i. ii" t., ,, . .'. '.. ' Govern t hestnui s r, t r'hi , ' J i- a 1'3 ', I rest en bei Is nuerewr si r unci n dra. n a 1 ,-n-a u 11111 I I1! v.-. rf VPavt ren iv Bl'R V.M'I s I E A.D iRA.VTl A.N.M 11 IL T-us-'e DMdendji THE I.IKMIII N VnilN VL 1.NK I" lelrtll 1 'r rs las i i 1M23. S tav 1e The. Bea .1 I re. ' dared a uuai t v In lend ( f 3 tier rent IBYfl, pavntle vevemlwr 1. i')fy. holders of ricer-i at cese of baCnf,, Octc. V.A '.I 1l ("ki.,e i ,a(ii. N-ivJ Th Beat l of Jj.rt irs hn- alau author UeJ that tl.e K'.m ;f JI'MXiduj ihii ij, trarnffrre.J fr m thj ur! iisj pn nn tr. count t ) th, aurplud a e n i a m ti Uiyiui 4i4iu vii iiic u nr r ' j l"M Ifll I CHARLE-J JI. AjH.en ' tsnier. THE (IMIMDMir.inil Tiri.K INLtt. ami: and llll .XT MMIPIM PhlUde'phlH Pa Oi tber 11 ni.'2 The Lire ti.rs hive ihls day ue ared a Quarterly ldvldcnd of 1 ur 1 er Cent ii) I'rea if Tax javnt,9 Nuember n th t, stockholders es rtFlstemd at tri (,.eas of buslines Octter 31st and 1iuh trans (erred 12 o.neu t) purnlus, making mat fund J1.5U0 OUU. Checks vvl.l be ma led JAJlEd V EI l.lduv !I!!, irsr, C1TRAL Till SI AM) bAU.NOM "orteber 10 1023. DIVIDKN'D Nn 71 The Heard of Uuocters this day declared tht regular uuarterly dlvldenl of 2 pir lent nd an extra illvilend of I ier rnt. i ,vui Nuvemli. r 1, 111.'.', te rie.kli I. f i,. ,-d October -" H'J-' Che ks be n , . i JIU Ml' PS K 1 I KFx -e r-l ,,, UU! blMH .NII(INL IIXSL III' 11111 . Dhl.I'lllV. P (' i r .'I 1922 The Direct rs have ibis iU I ur- I a tint-annual dltulird of -.Iv per ient iil'V), payable Nutiiiilier I. II)"-, tJ stud! idcrs if rtcerd October 21 10.'.' Checks will tt mailed WILLIAM hAITi II i aetner ' AMI'AKii MINING CIIMPN Vlilladelphla. Octol er 24 1022. Tha Directors liava this day declared a Quarterly dividend of three per rent (Wr) payabU Nevembrr 10, 1B2, te tlockbeidera Sia Iv:u,u vviuwi j. .e CMCU lll be mailed. f -.VJICPH B. WILLIAMS. llnnil- v intcrl for !nkln- Kun,i f Jml aiann s Ii I i, .. , re. ,"r' , rntlr,.R i te- ! la,, of tr rt ,0 ,',,,, , llends ai the rffie, tf tha PtdeitifVs" emPM) in th. (-1 v Cf n l!a'-n a P . in or p-ler te the ers' dj of ,,. 1C22 P. rii off-si a- 'le fev... ;r . ,. xcmdli.- par and a riel "t.r.-t .n i, lerept-d ar 1 ra.d for srwJl ' l' '" llff.r.rt heler, te .ff.rel ! at . ' d, 1 vrlce. 1'ie numler of b3n Is -aken .,-,""? .hall be en a pre ra'a basl, as r.7 ' nract cable in proportion te tie 1.c, rUT. jer of bends of ere 1 u W J ireasursr. GOSSIP OF THE STREET The Mexican Petroleum conversion plan was surprisingly liberal, compared with the erlelnnl offer, ami should be ery tilrneini: news te the scattered -hareli ililers 3'e tell the real truth of the matter, iwlied.v was plcnid mere than the aler-UIinlilr-ri, boeauso the at trui'tiu'iicss of the new offer will hasten the disappearance of "Mexican l'cte from the beard Hip (.took has been a disturbing element en the Steclt Lx Lx phance for mm oral years, and, conse quently, n thorn in the aide of every broker. OonscrvaWe houses, and even these net se particular In their spicii latlve policies hae never relished the wide fluctuations in such a stock where the supply is known te be ee limited. Timid traders are frightened out of the market when these speculative football tart te cut un some of tneir who , apers. The violent gyrations of ' Mex- lean rote" put nil ether einioitiens in ilm hnde. When the Toteco field went te salt fb te was heav selling of the stock i ti the theory of hciuy depredation in t1 e I'eiiip tnj 's vnlti". (.reups of daring speculators, who sold the stock short, were enl tee gild te cover before the .fnel: t en. -hed '.'Oil The Doheny crowd W"L :"' 1 L r 1 Z: hehnb cf "soiling what in t hKn," but some " " " r . . r. . unknown iniluetiee nlwas put en the brake I In brie.', there will be no sorrow i when "Men! an Pete" disappears fren I l he vteel. Le.trd. Tearful of ntrropean Situation Almest eer tupmbr of the local I i in.ifi! i.iiinTnnmt rettirnlniz frem1'' ai'reid i' open 1-. etrres-slng his nis u itigs of tbtf l'..repcan ltuitien. In t . st instances this eoncltislen was leaohed after a personal and careful .nvestlsatien of the political, economic n J tinancial conditions. It is claimed lv all the situation is net altogether lepeless, but unless some dra'tic cura tive measures are promptly found and agreed upon by all the arie'is nations a terntie slump will hardlv be avoid able The greatest sympathy is flt for it Is claimed, Trinee, which country. : La. net been treated fairly. "The English nre making a heroic eifert te get their country t"ck en R - id fo'indatlen ngain." slid a banker vex'erdiv, who returned from Europe M'.nUav. " ' lh rich men of England nre willingly and patnenea"y sur-rende-i'g n r least two-thirds of their in me 1:1 taes and terrible sacrifices ir le.ng wxil en all Mdes. England 1 1 j Tim 0 nn its mind te pav all it-" l.bts but nobody seems lncltnt 1 'ir'nnfl wlnt was owed te het a re the reh of etln r nitlens have unquei unquei teni'dy mini tliir wealth in Ameri can and et'ier s.ite securities In erdr 1 eape burdensome taxation, th" Knglih are stmding shoulder te she'ilder te bring England's tinancial p-cs:.;e where it t-ioed before war.' Central Leather Recent reports of the Improving conditions in tk" leather Industry n-c borne out by the statement of the iViitnil Leather t'empany for the thinl . larter Tlwi cainirgs for the three months enedlig in Septembei show el smplus after t.ites of ii.iS,0i4. equal, after nllew.ns f'11' prefcrreil dividends, te ferf. -f' ir cents n bhare en the inmmen .. ok Th's compared with a rietiei- f .'.00 ."2 for the preueus nunrter and n d. n it of M.54.0j3 In the third nttir'er .at year. 1 'n op tember liu t1 e prefit-cml -less de'uMt vva1 0 TC4 'r'"'. apalnsi NT..".:! 00" June 'M nnI :..iO,07U en September SO last jear . . r Tli surplus nfter tuxes for the nine -nnntl "f t!ie alender nr ameunte.l te '1 " '" enual te thlrty-clsht cents a bMre m tie $M 2VS nr.O prj-fen ed teek acaintf n deficit of S11.T,"5 s." 1 in the vie period of 11)21. Tbe re- I pert wi.. e en.-eurnins, nevertbele'.s t-hev's a resumrt.en of dtv '.ends btlll ;s 'n the distant future, lenving little feiin'ati-n for some of tbe recent "tta isirt reports circulated prlmarllj for bpeciiiatne purposes. American Ship nml Commerce dren enrnlncs of the American Ship nn.l onme-re tr tie first elslit nenths of lf)' nr sr-tu'v ,n ee, ,s i f ra-niis- of the ',mii per ed la't j-ar and i' t mnv oeun'erbnhnee the deli t uf .1 ii4." If4 rtsultlni: from t'c f nl icarS operation" In 1021. despite the decline In ocean rrrlght volume nnd low mlg.t rates The reasons for Hil ar rt-Int.en n (.perntin; expenses of steamer, pir' if "1 .eh Is te be found .n the decrease of l"i per cent In sea--non - wises, ndju "trier.: of cost price of t nuR beucht fr..m the Shipping li.iard, settlement . Gevrnmeni clim.i and favor ibn reports of sub sid ny c rapatii'-d' operations. TUj company's phare In Cramps ?hip and Knclne recular and extra dlvlderds se far this ;ear amounts te well evr S'5 1"0 U"i), compared witi la-,: venr entire receipts from tli s sei rce of sflti't 7T- Ti sriie e' skvi'ti ve"sels, thnt hn.' he. n 11 1 .p f r eral months, te th. A'lant i' i Nav.itlen Cerapnnv Ins resile,! ii, ti,. sivlni; of lare .,vr head est- nt the same time redjcinrj ep.rui.-u i arijes en tlin cntne flei te a ba s i .ere rjuable te the volume of ctri liiindled. The rulj isti ient of "hips be'i;ht from the '. pp iu' Heard unilcr tl e p'.nnet 1 i.rcb isa jlan, while terms have b-cn private should brinir the final price imle- ?Kj u ten. The bem; valje of the t'ce: last year, accord. n 'e the an nual retort, averjcfsl S10G a t n. nit of Heusecleanliit; One conimis'-leii lieMsij s, nt e t a wire that vesreplav vveulii i n I n i n ar, un end of li t ine in stn ,. i,i i i at , rn' v i " 1. 1 li 1 "l."il fi r t Jav i t.iii nrr.iw "Wi-nki ei ,f ti, n ket," bad tlie wire, ' a-, nt b' en una t.i uriv imfiiveriib i- I'M jmen'- I "teel.s bavi" (In lne'l la--eiv Lunui' t slurp brcuks in li gh-pr.inl Stnniitt 1 (ill i-siies. eii (.irr.t I ive hr iki in S'tiuclnrd Oil e'i'l inrs'iiR from 2 te l'JU points wi'li'.'t liilluencliiR the general market, '1 -af'e-s tnvv usiutis d tertunen ever nltil.r n i h storks as Standard (111 of N'v V.rk .N w Jersey, Vacuum, etc 'J'lier-i Ian b en n clean-lns-eut nre. (as u J t' s U just vvhit the market needs ice, main hi'i- pri.cd hlOekS were bU'lK beugnt oil j (l nml 10 jielnt 'nar-ins Stewart nier "TieHlenictec Z!:T: w i-im- .f the I.aiKU hlllei if li' . directlv relli etei i b istevvurt-u arm r s, e(, ,,,,,, r ( pnny In the tirst ihm muntli-, i f ru net earnings, aftr taxi" vv.re .'i ,"1 1 -07j, eijuivalent te S7 10 a ahare en the 47SJ Us.') sbarua .f tie-jiar uplral Hteek Net of SI 0,"7 lat In the third quarter and $1 V),". 011 In the beeend quarter were Leth trreater thun total GEO. A. HUHN & SONS Members of the Phila'elpi a New Y ir and Chicago Stok li hatur-i Hew Y rk Cutitm Ex r.rps STOCKS & BONDS e ight i I f r arri et us r ' r lltllivui ( i t I U His k jt s' V I I II, I HI MORRIS J. ROOT i y. .-n 1 rs 1 ! a Certinetl I UD11C ACCOlMiant Lafayette Building, Philadelphia SSsS.SI" mere than earnings of $2,878!- UOO III JW-Vi I The dividend has been increased twice this year, from fifty cente te seventy five cents In April and from seventy-five cents te si October 1'0. The entire $2,000,000 bend issue dated March 1, 1021, and maturing March 1, 1020, was' redeemed from cash resources at 10 i and interest September 1. Pcnnsjlvnnbi Stockholders rer Blnee the nnnttal meeting of the Pennsylvania Kailread In March, when official asurance was given a restora tion of the 15 per cent dividend rate would be made at the earliest pessible moment, numerous Investors began tnklnc back their stock. There was also considerable Institutional buying for at the peltig figures, with the 6 per cent rate restored, the stock offered an atti active Income basis. The result has been a decrease of nearly 0000 in the number of ehare- rinlflem. innMratlntr ft rmrMSgnfindln"; In- crease In the number of larger holders. per the seventh consecutive month, the number of shareholders In September decreased ii3. Compared with Octo ber of last year, the decrease was shown te he 2t7.". i.c-ocrnphleallv, stock Is divided as fellows, with comparison with preced ing ear: l'cnnslvanla, 47.22 per cent, increase 2.27 per cent ; New- Yerk, 23.57 per cent, dpcreise .1.04 ! cent; New England. 0.09 per cent. lecrcase O.eS per cent: foreign, Ii.it per cent, increase 2.23 per cent, and scattcrins, 13.78 per cent, decrease 0.1)0 per cent. 'Women stockholders I held 81.09 per cent of the stock, in- , crease 0.37 per cent and numbered 03,046, decrease 64, constituting 47.7 per cent of total holders, increase 0.07 per cent, uneir average neming was snare. 1111, -liwiwj..iv. SHARPLES PLANT CLOSED West Chester, Pa., Oct. 23. A shut down for an indefinite period was an nounced last evening at the Sharpies separator plant here. All the men, with the exception of a few retained en , repair and care -taking worn, were laia off. Thev were surprised at peine ieki 1 . T . .. .-. .-,. the plant would close "for readjustment et werKing conuniene. At nbeut the same time last year the machine men were laid off in a similar manner and were net cnlled back until several months later. Trenten Cottgerijaterp of Jlusstc W. J. O'TOOLE, Director A Medem Institution With a Streng Faculty A complete musical education at moderate cost. Con-clatlen of theory and practice in all departments from the beginning te graduation. Free Scholarships te these students making the most progress amount te $500.00 annually. Students enrolling new may com pete for midyear distribution of these Scholarships. Nermal Courses for Teachers Beginners Accepted in Preparatory Department Fer Catalogues Address Secretary 540 East State Street, Trenten, N. J. imii""'"J j Florence Haenle 1 Cerc-trr.els'er of nie'i s bvirreny J - hes -i : Violinist ' Available for Recitals the Season of 1922-23 i m J Residence xludle ! 327 IS". Lawrence St. '. J Telephnn- Market 1053 , ' rrTi"l iiifiuiifil'""'"""""' r,r?.'"tfiMr, " Leschetizky Piane Scheel HAROLD NASOX Director (Pupil et T-'.etzly). Th -hftlzKV M-thr-d -Nermal fn- Teacher vvith nip.trna eenally trained alitnnte dt-er s Dert, Vecal Ptpt . Lartjuases 1712-14 CHESTNIT ST. "turtrlin the riemn inrai SuJluSTTTZ. 1YW-". BRUNO EINHORN Cellist loitructten tn Violoncello atd Ensemble Muila 1313 Pine Street Walnut 072G .-m-e,- ELSIE MILLER Seprano-Teacher Church-Oratorie-Unccrt .. s. ms.m mmm. . Margaret E. Dailey Seprano Teacher of Singing Studie Ne. 21, 1716 Chestnut St. I WYES SCHOOL OF RHYTHM iice Kraft, of Nejes (.reup, Teacher Art Ani,tllc 1.B:3.U"'""' !"j1 PIANO VKUAN if rebertcU . fetnrfte Or-anlat of the Baptlit Temple STUDIO, 1714 UU.MMT SI .lesef Chudnowsky VIOLINIST of the Philadelphia Orchestra Studie, 2HI.U . 32(1 M. Phene I Diamond 7232 FAISRIZI MUSIC SCHOOL 1172 Seuth Bread Street TEACHER OF SIN0INO Italian Method Correctly Tnutht I'MilaT ce.NHKKVfnu or music II. IIKMIKIK MKItJIW. 1 Uireclur. II IAS IIKN HKK.MI I 218 BOUIU 20fU STREET NEARER BALANCE OF PRICES NEEDED Intorectlntr Points en Law and interesxing remw en Law ana Business Given te Credit Men Interesting points en the business outlook nnd en the relationship between business and law wcre given r the Philadelphia Association of Credit Men nt its quarterly meeting and dinucr at the Hellcwir-Stratferd last night. Ctcorge Ean HebertH, vice presi dent of the National City nank of New Yerk nnd former director of the mint, In his address en the "lousiness Out look," asserted. In the course of his re marks, cither the price of farm products must pe up or tlw cost of ether products of Industry must come down in order te restere the equilibrium necessary for a continuance of the indutrlal activity of the country. "We hae had both movements In some degree In the last year," he said, "and the situation is better In conse cense quciu'e." Improvement in the building trades and the railreid t-it nation was a contributing factor te the general in crease In business, Mr. lleberts said, lie declares there were cxi client pros pects of present conditions being main tained. "The world Is obsessed with the Idea of ever-production, but there is no ' uruch thing as ever-production, he i continued. "There ma be unbalanced 1 production, which the world has been suffering from, hut there Is no limit te human wants. The Idea thn 'here Is also only a limited amount of business te be done nnd of trade te be had Is nonsensical, when the truth Is that there neer was any limit te the amount of trade te be had or of the wealth that may be created." 1 The problem of society today is that of 60 co-erdlnatlnjf productive capacity, net only of tills country, but of the world, the speaker continued, as te obtain the greatest possible output and distribution et ail the comforts or ute Unification of Interests Is the most significant thing that results from the system of specialized industry neces sary te maintain the sfandird of ptes-ent-day society, Mr. Heberts asserted. "If every group," he said, "does its work faithfully and skillfully, there MUSICAL INSTRUCTION LOUISE STERRETT HAZEL Lyric Seprano Soloist Church of Advocate, Oernsntewn Teacher of Voice and Piane Camden pupili beginning before Decem ber lit will receive a reduced rate. 401 Broadway, Camden, N. J. RES1DENCE-STUDIO Z6G Creiment Terrace, Collingswood, N. J. Phenes, Colllncsueod 619.W Camden 1074 Edith Walten Hamlin Authorized Teacher of Progressive St net Children's Classes in Piane and Theory New Forming Adult eln"f In Hnnnnti it l l jir Train In j Onrh f r PruRirs-iht IceelurV I tam t it) n 1600 MASTER STREET I'll lie I'" 1 ir "I I AOiES REIFSNYDER Contralto Teacher e Singinj MAROUERITE SIBLEY Seprano Teacher el Sight Singing Roem 3M 1520 Chestnut St Locust 4682 Phllac'lshla ANNE McDONOUGH SIGHT SINGING 1623 W.M.N IT STUKET ntfrrstitir dim nr en yl;j)Lcatlen MARY B. IMMEL 1011 S. St. Ilernard Street Orftnlat and Choir Dirsoter Mutchmere Presbyterian Church 1STH ST. AND MONTGOMERY AVE. I'lune Organ Limited number ef pupils aoetpttd. Woodland 37e2 W Mary Elizabeth Suddards TLA lil.ll .' PIANO and HARMONY Jtiin Ilrivii I Kit id rheiif. (Merbruek 10i.()frbroek, Dill i. Rachel Troest Stuempfig SOPRANO CONCERTS RECITALS li II III !l III! I Isabel Heward Chapman Teacher of Singing Studie. l'J2.i Clie4tRUt St. Resldene" releph.ne Protten 2311 W J.HI i MAND0LIK 1 iirnre nor OUITAR BA;J0 you te p ay ability ln getUna- tin si InitruiiKiits ijulcVly free I ntsleeue. ean tilllSONS DALE 1603 WALNUT ST. tee 0197 i Ptall Conservatory. All Inatrumenta taught. tery 8804 N. iired7 ITU . -bi. Cat, Vecal. S 81nln. 'siiiuii urai will be mere of everything for rery rery bedy. Hut If the general policy Is te de just as llttle as possible, there Is bound te be less of everything for everybody, nnd the conditions of life wlU grew harder," Jehn M. Patterson, former Common Pleas Judge, advised business men In general te cenfine themselves te busi ness and step trying te act as lawyers, nnd declared that 75 per cent of the big cases that get Inte the courts de net belong there. lie admonished business men te get legal advice before assuming important obligations. Vr. Edward J. Cattcll nlse spoke. NEW FIRE ENGINES TOO BIG TO ENTER STATIONS Recently the city awarded contracts for the purchase of fire apparatus cost ing $480,000. Great units of modern BMv7mrMjMsar '- EniNllllHirl'IIIin i ?i mil : ' 1 mil 1 0 H NEW ORLEANS PUBLIC SERVICE, INC. 1st and defending Mtg. 5 Geld Bends, Series "A" Dated Oct 1, 1922 Due Oct. 1, 1952 Frem of Nermal Federal Income Tax up te 2fe Pennsylvania Four-Mill Tax Refunded The company serves tlj city of New Orleans with electric light nnd power, gas and street railway service. The net earnings for the six-year period ended August 31, 1922, averaged mere than 294 times annual interest charges, while the net earnings for the past year have been mere than 4 times annual interest charges. JLppJUxiNen ecftl b maAt te list We bends en the New Yerk Stock Exchange, PRICE 90 & INTEREST, TO YIELD ABOUT 5.70 BATTLES & CO. I Established 1890 Independence Square (East), Philadelphia i ' irawMi rn"!! FiiiirainwiinrimiiiiiiBMiraiirirriiffii A European education in dancing without going abroad. NEWMAN-DANCING Fuller Bldg. 10 S. 18th St. Albert W.Newman, I. S. M. D., Master Teacher Russian Ballet, Tee Dancing, Stage Craft. Modern Dances in 5 Lessens Children's Class Every Saturday Morning Teacher's Coune Recognized Diplomas Newman graduates are teaching in the best schools and dancing in the best companies Giuseppe Beghetti Operatic and Concert Tener Graduate, Royal Conservatory of Music, Jlllane, Itulr Studie. 1710 Chestnut St PIULVDLI.PHIA. P.. New 'Verk studio, HZ Ciraegle Hall. Jievv 'ierk tlty Addrrsa 1710 Chestnut bt,, Secretary, IleU I'b.i Spr. 0057 Francis J. Cosgrevc VOICE Studie, 1716 ChestnutSt., Roem 33 3001 I'nruli St., Tacony ue in mv 10IS It KTlll.RINi: Rosenkranz Contralto Teacher of Singlnt s ile PRI.SSKR ill Il.DINO 1714 Chestnut Street Re.'denre, 1 I if 11)15 N. 23d st. ( elumbld 07,14 JULIA K. L0NGSD0RF Instructor Accompanist Piane Soloist Renlei e Studie' 2303 Oreen Bt Tel. V rlsr 2779 J Mondays and Thuradaya: Elkirs Park. Church Read and Park Ave. Tel Milroie 62B, r MARTIN LISAN j Teacher of Piane i Studie, 1923 Chestnut St. Keallence Tslephene' Oreze-i 3503 J i Barry Conservatory I P ane Violin, Mandelin, Oultar, Dai Tener Danje Locust II II 305 Preiier Bldr. 1714 Cheilnut St l Residence Studie: 3143 O St. II OarflelfT 0680 W X:XM.XMSM9Mia, I ....... Herbert Wilber Greene Teacher of Singing Studie, 202 1'resser Hldg. 1714 Chestnut St., Phila. I .:":::. """""" -1-Z-.-j:-.-.". """""- PAUL VOLKMANN Teacher of Sine ntf Studie: 2 Hi S. 20th St. Locust 1877 Realdeneei 60 W. Pomona Bt,, Otn, Phene i Otn, 2032 J PHILA. MUSICAL ACADEMY Germunlewn llrancb All East Wa units a.De. I'hena flln. III! TMr. ITespertna mailed. Jeseph W. Clarke. O. TSOHOFPTeacher of Jlundolle, Hauje, J250 J.i 1520 sllbsea InstruiatuU. I.UII".. mw t'.,,ii V,,V ", " j"u.iu fire-fighting machines were ordered and allocated te various stations. The units liave begun te nrrlve nnd new the city finds them se large they cannot get into six of the flreheuscs. The width of the engines is only an Inch less than thnt of the doers of the stations In question, and the driver s scats tower te such heights that a man attempting te drive nn engine out of n station would be Bwept from his perch. As n lcsult nn nppcal watt innde te the Finance Committee for tneniy te enable the Eire Department te remedy the situation. Thercfore Chief Davis nnd Chief TSnNter, of the Bureau of City Property, jellied forces In an appeal te fhe PI PI nnnce Committee te appropriate the mencv which wdll cnnble the City Prop erty Bureau te remodel the tire sta tions, After long discussion, it was decided te appropriate $15,000 for the purpose. nnnum Mranrw n Telephone Lembard 6S21 mrewwiin wm ii COMBS CONSERVATORYMUSIC A Scheel of Individual Instruction Pl.tlnuulslu-d FimiltT and OS Assistant Teachers. All brandies taught. Nermal 1 ruining Cuiirscs for Teachrs vrlth In. stru. ttun In a definite method In each crnr.e. tegcth.r with prirtlral Caching ej-rl-"iii. Purmlterles for Women. lie clirnnl I'.elatlnii-. with Vnlversltr of p. n ilvnnlu Public s henl music super, vliim. Ml Spntleus Ilullitlngs. Our 4'. lime lllustinteil beek mulled free. GILBERT RAYMOLDS COMBS. DIreoter ADMINISTRATIVE BlTTtrilNO 111 cntTTU RROin STRFFT Henry Gurney TENOR Director, Vecal Dept. of The Scheel of Music of Temple Uni versity, 1521 Lecutt Street. Thnddeus Rich, Mus. Dec, Dean E. F. Ulrich, Director Send for Catalog Phene. Diamond 0B31 RAG Piane Playing Taught Beginner. in 20 Lessens OPEN EVENINGS Adult Hrglnnera a Specialty Advnnce Course If ou New I'lnv Phene 'Snrnr,, (111(17 TIME Kin iri.k iie()ki.i:t CHRISTL.NSKN SCHOOL OF POP. MI'RIC 1.120 Chestnut St. RAY W. WORLKY. MT VVWA,HHM.V UUHUtMHtltl ARLINE R. SMITH 5 SOPRAXO Jj lEAtnr.it or sisdive j 2 ,slstiint In llenrv Hetr S S STIIMO 214. 1711 III.sTm!'T ST ? Phene, xpruie ISIH ' JRESIDKNtE .sTLDIII. LI s. 17TII ST i J loom 722" '$ i Mli'iitewn tinli S ? 20(1 V. rilTII sntl.l.T FRIDAY I Jacob Mestechkin ,r ninie tnnserintiiri nr -V li mm ,lni.r ici, nmi uu I I flint;, i t MIlUfT 1 TOl VIOLIN Aucr. 307 W. 79th Si. New Yerk Cit- Studie 358 i 1712 Cbeitnut I Phila. Men and Tnii St. PHILADELPHIA CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 21G S. 20th St. Directors ? Hendrlck Tzerman Spec'al cls,ea new ferirlnT In Publle Scheel Supervision " Cataieum Upen Request WINIFRED ATKINSON PIANIST 1710 CHESTNUT ST. Phene Locust 4980 "THE PLAY'S THE THINO" Jules E. Meredith Productions Meredith Producing Company Amateur Theatricals .f Quality 10 S. 18th Street, Philadelphia, Pn I'MOM MUIK ,.ii; ANN M. THOMPSON Voice Piane Concert Accompanying 1718 CHESTNUT ST. Dla. 40M Roem 33 LOUIS KAZZE Cenccrf Pianist Instruction In Piane and Theory 1710 Cheatnut Lee 7612 Oregon 4,150 GUY McCOY VIOLINIST MARIAN SANDS McCOY Accompanist Reader Concerts Weddln-s Receptions 0220 MORTON BT. Oerinanlimri 6)03 Legan Conservatory 4r6,?ur!0Brea4 Courses ln Erery Branch cf Mutln LEEFSON - H1LLE ..YeVuC US4-IS Chsitnul gtreei ' "k Jlth Arenua and Yerk Read enil Bank Bulldlnt, LanidewM $50000 at Fifty! Are you systematically building an estate and an assuredinceme? B.absen's REPORTS If you arc interested in a work ing plan for your money that will build an estate of $50,000 and an assured income of $200 a month en as little as $100 a month merely Tear eat the Meme ftee- ind hand it te your secretary when you dictate the mornings' malt ........... 'MEMO " 3 Fer Your Secretary 3 Write the Babecn Statistical Organlia- tieny'eilesley Hills. 82, Mass, as follews: 3 ! Plvsa lend m . 5 i Bulletin S4K2 and itl"- lUJWrt. S lls (29 j ei.... a a ..... EJeatljs , ANDERSON Oct JS. 1022. JOIIJI J,, husband of Ullcn Andersen (nee Welsh) Pelatlves nnd friends., also Ilrlcklnvers' union, I.eral N. 1. Invltee te funcml. Thurs , R 10 A. it . late reslderce, L'441 l'edernl at. fcelcmn mass of lequlem at Kt, Antheny a t-'huich 10 JI. Int Helv Cress Cem, HullM Out, L'S Ji'Slll'H j,, uusbind of .Anni Pernt (nee Wlesrnn.l) lllatlves nnd friends also rmpleven of V W Miiurer Sen, Invited te attend funeral services lliur". 2 P. Jl . residence 117 Jt-ivlund st Oermantevvn Int. prlvite nmulni may be viewed Wed. nfter 7 1" Jt URISTOW Oct 21, 1022. LEWIS L, ten of NehemMi C. mid the lite llllrabetli V. Ilrlsteiv Residence. Bill Cedir avc. Due no tice of funeral will ba elven. IlIITF-N At Atlantic n v. N J.. Oct 22, NANCT J wife of Rebert O. Bitten nee Moenej) arel 08 I'linernl services t the Plrst Presbyterian Church. Wad., 2.3U P M Tnt. Pieasentvllle Cem tiwnpirv .rtn, nn ir.ee tittti ' Ihn Inln Tluirtlhtf TlrnV,v Tln1n,l,Aa nml frliids are Invited te nttend funeral, Thurs . 8.30 A JI.. from her late residence. 2107 11. Huntingdon st. Solemn requiem mass at Bt Ann's Church 10 A. JI. Int. New rnthedra! Cem TtROWN. Oct. 21. 102i ELIZABETH I1ROWN. Relatives and friends nre In. vlted te nttend funeral services, Thurs , 1 .10 P JI at brother's residence. 2114 S 2'1'h st. Int private. Frlcndi may call Wed., after S P JI v lH'NTINQ On Oct. 24. NELLIE l" , wife of Waller R Hunting (nee llurke) and ilr.UBhter nf Fran and .Mirjerle llurke. Relatives nnd friends Invltid te funeral en at., at 0 S, JI , ,'rini rcslden'e, 17lrt H ll'th Se emu reeulem mnsss. st Themas' (.lurch 10 30 A. JI Int Helv Cre. Ctin. lliltEN At lehi son Cllv. lenn. Oct 21. ELSIE ARRLSON, wife of Edward I. Hvrcn nnd daurhter et Jehn and Cerrlna Arrlen Relatives and friends nre Invited tn attend funeral scrvlies nt the tesldcnre of her sister Mrs Elizabeth .lucksjn, 210 Weed at . Hrlstel. Pi . Thum . 2 P JI Int. Bristel Cem. Prlends may call Wed. eve CARPENTER Oct, 2,1. ANN A E. widow of Themas Carpenter. Relatives and friends Invited te funeral tervlcej, ihura , 2 P M. at resldcnce of her son-in-law, Jeseph Hit perstnet. ,s. E ter Chellen nnd Parlt aves Int private nt Jit I'cate Cem Friends call Wed. 7 te 0 P Jt. CArRlOTTI On Oct 22 ROCCO. hus. band of Ann Agnes Ciprlettl Relithes nnd friends, also Veteran Ledce Ne 273 r nn I A JI , of Les Anceles Calif Invited te fit reral, en Thursdn . tt 2 P JI . nt parlors of Tranlt 11. Peter 810 HaiU'en avc . Otl. IthKbUOOd. N. J Friends m.v rill Wdnp-. day evening Interment llurlclgh Cemete. ( lIArl LE. lltt, 2,1 10.'.'. .MAUlll. KINO, wife of Cnrl II Ch iffce I'uneral "rvkes at the Presbvtei I tn Churth. Swarth mrr Pn Frl , 1 1 A M CONWAY. Oct 21 ANNIE wife, of James Cenwav Rcatlves anl frl-rd. ilsn Altar and Jtesarv &ncletj. ure invited te nuena iuner.ii. in. e ie A JI lata reMJem.e, 417 EdKewned ft (COth nn I Glrard nve ) Sclemn lequlem tusss it Ou Lady of the Rekary Church 10 A Jl Int !,, ll.nl- l'.m CRAVKN iet 2, JOHN II. hll'l md of the lite Sarjh Craven Reliitlvra .m 1 fil-n 1 , nra Invited te attend fum-rnl 'lliurs. 8 an -.--:"..."- . A JI , r.sld-nre of lila lttrr, Jtrs. Anne i ivinir. ii'ii .nn si rieiei in nns of r' uulfm at the Chuuli of st EluabMli 10 A M Int New ( athcdril Cem CHl'AOMILE OH 2J JAJILS H hlls. band of Eliza H Creimnlle Relit veh an) friend j nre Invited m funeral serMces. Ihurs . 2 30 P JI . it his late r sUen- 4 m E WvemlnB ave Int l.h.ile. 1'rle ids mav cjII Wed ue, DEI.ANEY Oit. 21 1022 JIART r Helv (rn.s rem DERRICK At her residence 807 V 24ih st , en Oct. 22. 1H22. JtUlY DLRRH'L 1 uneral en Thursdnv mernltiB at 7 10 n i lock, from the Oliver H llvli Illilu ixJn t hestnut -t Jlis of reeulem nt .St Fn nc s Nivlers Cbuirh nt 9 n lock, literinciu prl vute l'lea,, eniit flowers DRAKEI EY Oct 22 aEOROE V . bus. bind of M.i'v i: Drak-eley (nee JIiriiI-,,) Relatlv s and frl. nl, iiIhj Jl irrl .1 Mn's Sedall's and I In me c mniline ,f (luu and San sai,,du Council, Ni '.'si K. nf C, an 1 4ih en.ren ni'-iuleri. nvlti 1 te fu. neral. 'Ihnrs 10 A Jl from his lute resi-d-nee, 1S2" Stil-H at Solemn r.ii. m mis at Church of Gesu 10 A. Jl Int Hel Cresi Cem Dl'NKELHEHOER. Oct. 21 Fi." LEWIS K h'isbind of pll,, Dunk, lt-riter (nee JlerUiieri Funei il sirvlces Thurs 2 P JI , rislKnie r,4", li.Miten uve Cnnden S" J Int. uti Icily prlvate Kindly umlt nevvers. lil'IMVO-nf 121 1 Sl.t st . en Oct 21 1022 I REDeNIA DUHA.S'U Relatlves and friends are It vlted iu the servbe. Thin a lav mernlnc t le n cluck it the olive- n iinlr Ilul.dln;. Ib2u cUalnut st Interment private EHEMlACH Oct 21 1022, HRVST E husband of I'll Inte Reslni Lticnliiili r.trd 72 Relitlve, m, friends ml all m ' tls of which te wis i member rre Inv It. 1 te nuen i itineral l luirs KrWiilvm . funeral s n! filends u.i Invite, i te attend rvi is juur'l ,ln. L.lt l. " I' M ! t leNiilim t m r Ii st Int private l.Mil 11I -t Alliutli l Itv. N I (i,l 122 1U2. AllliMIXM I, I..SCI ISII 21 keii I of ! rri II in J mm lleHin Ktinllah, ik-.-d 120, Rs'mlvts mil fruiuls Invite, te film ml services en rrumliv at II la A Jl at the Chare! of Andrew J n ir & fcen, Artli anl 11"i sis Interment private I I'LLTY At Richmond In, Oct 22 ROT JI , husband of cinri Tills nm, ;.. Rci ,. tlves nml frlinla no lnvli.il i inti-nil fu nernl .omen Uel S l nt th. apart- irenn of Milium II Riticishv J11H jUteid Jt Int :tt IVacu Cfin, 'Ihura, rq'MN-fit 21 WVti; M vvl.levv nf nor 1 uim.in Du tuilie uf the fiiiiura will be Klvcn I llf lebll J I ll ..V In,. TI,I,I Reilltes I HI (1 frletili i " i meinl, i i . f tlie llulv I i m lly Rosari ami Alter s eMi. .,, u 01, I unci, ill' s "f v bli I'i .il i, I,, . I. r, aiu Invite! ij i,ti.n tin ml 1 1 nr 1,1,1 v i lit,.' i , -il ui , ,, li ri.ieiiiii reiju-in i -m I itirir. s 111 V M Int OU i lth. I i (.m (lIir.aORY Oit 21 MII.I.IAJI U h li bus. is nil ui ni i r.ivu.iii .M i,i -iij ,,,1 Ml J uneriu i,vivi ,m i-ri j I VI ,- iv late resl.lence, f,2 HeiJn r al II tdd" if,.' 1 V J Int Ibrlln I'ein Tilenils ma ca,l Thurs efier 7 1' M ORUSI.MER ect 2i i:wn i, erhst. MUlt n.el . ven a Reli-tRe, nnd friends are r'-rpei if'il v invlu I te attend tie luiierul servlcis Jfili.srliv j , frelll llM. lite reslrteucu. 171 i J., 1 ambtrt st Int (ll'iru - Oct 21 JAMIlsi liutband of .Mar II (lulten Hj.Mn. . iijjm i;n,verili st Aniiiiuiu einent of nniri l ,ii ILM 1. h i'1'lenlv un i irt .. t j ' , . ('Ill IA ilHUirhlei nf tl- ,,i, Mll'jin iM Mm Hall RrldtlviH mil fii, i I nvi , i in fui ril ttrvkes n Mliiti,, (ir,i lit hll'l I' M ' I" r I IS l,, ! , r, (- I -N- mill ft Intei m-nt 'iliuisjai meri.lii.r h llli, innvtllen-e if f.imlv II M.I. 't 1-1 LMM M v ,l,,it.r e tlmlate Rev J Iri anl l.liztb t'i II.'i I'un.ril ae vIi-h 'Ihurs l I- ,,, ,IH . '. ,ors of b I 1 r.mkuitlelil .Sjiis. .-, irj0 S li 1 It IV mils cull Wed tveiiltiif, from 8 tu 10 lilt ltlerklev Hiptlst Cem l 1U HA.N'i OCIC - HuddeiM. Oct 22 ri (lit. UNCI: M . drtU.-bt'ir of thu Lite Je.enh n ! Murv Hancock Relnilv. s tnl frlrn N also II V Jt Keilallty of Visitation i bur li m" r n e or hush iiiiiinnii'i itnh i'euimI Ne 03. members of Lad l"rinn lOUIIUI .,.' f", , ei i- ur. vlte-1 te u.ttm.1 fune-al, 'Ihurs K ie from her meiiier s n.-si 'iini i-n.-ii i; v, n- uili at rjienn re.iuiiiii n n at Chimb. . ' the Vl union lu A M Int Nr, . ml i In' Tern Hill Jl'( - On "st 21 RRIIIVfA r wiili iv of William II llilms iu ,tu,B ' , 'iieiilu Invlieil I, funeial nn Tluiradny. nt M fi.iiii the resiibii.,. of r OiuMner" Mis LiluIi Oswull II Jl un at r 1 ,. Lil Ce. l'a IVIends nut v 1. ill MV1I111 ,V evuniiiif. 7 te U. Inlermciit Fcinwuul Leine. ler HKMJRIUvMiV -in e.ian ( u s , en Oct 21 I').'.'. h.MILl. I llllN'iiin jV hON" Relatlvea and film Is aiu liuuni ta the inrvlie un 1'ilday inuiiiiiu, ut u et ,,,. ut th" Oliver II Hulr Rldii lb.'u Uiestnut at 1'hllii Interment private "ul lluI.ce.Mlli: Suddenly t l)n)leatewn Pu . Oct, 23, UMJIA a. widow of Theedsrs Halrumbe Relatives and friend urn in vited te funeral, from tlia Doylealewn Cem Chapel, Thur a J'. M. . "' JAJtKB n Oet, 13. 1M, JOSBP1I rUCJlAUP. ten of Theniaa 11, and Anna deukhter of late Wl Ham tin I Jlinv E Ue- "C'V,",,,, t.-rf . ,. ,-no t . ., lane .-.atlves and friends ni-n Mrnd PI II ' ;, t"r,', lerJ . , '', ?(.'i!r .!- Heart an I the Anliienfr.t rnltj s alliy of VI i L 'i Vn S !; nr Uffw, s .,1 bt. A.Kiistlna Church Invited te attend fu- ln r,,H,,Bn ' Vui t" 7t.?,f,iA,lhT utA& neral Thurs. X 10 Jl . fim l.er 1 ,i the lite Jtarv Rlvel Relntivej anlfrl'till lesldence 423 Void., Solemn reuul. m n us. , "re Iti'lt'd tn the service en Thurs la; alttr. nt st. Aucustlnc'a churLh 10 a m ,, men. at 2 e clnk jt lier 1 ite resi.l-ncf MM late r."" n- me imn anl Vnik t.is Int I ',., Plnpiuves of the Pisserper Traffl- WPt. Cleltr-i II Is Cem R'.ii'm in u b '"td',f ,h, P t R R and all ether sncletlei fl ud , 'e''P M 'wh'.li b m a member an Invite! te at. KLIs r.nth tl nth 2il R FR ISeps ti funern Thurs, S 30 A. Jt from til V lfr, ,1 the n,- ll.ilip.i l-.ll. ,,. ri . ' ' ...;,..... kin". LhM.. t rhsitnul tVRATnfl James, of fl'.'en t.imektln nlke JT', ' nml friends are Invited te the ,eStty5 Thursday afternoon, at 2 o'cleck1.' ' Oliver If. liu r imhr., lH2e rh.l. M ti interment prlvnte. rtema Sa mi " K Wedne-day evenlnu, y " lt3 1CAT7.. fief. )! f., ,,.... thii... -...?! .?". "''" Vi'.u huibttia l isn,...r i .. K.IU ,1(,IIU JUl nttetl 8R, He stii.!' 1 menus, Kensinsten a. .vi,, are inviled ft'1' Srev1.nv,,m,.t0. attend funeral s..:." ! l ri, L'2.1t Klndlv emit flowers turers- Clnlj and all ether erniju,,'1' vvlilcii he was a. member, ere invited t.'i' service, en J'rlday afternoon, a : jJS at the Oliver H. Dalr Kid..' l&Jtt'chA tl Interment private. taM ,uvu:n.-Oct, zi. mart a a.. of Ann nnd late Thema. iVwltr. R. and friends, nla 11 V M. 3e.V.Lwl iiit iiuftincsn len'M a-i.a i r.viui nla 11 v M. leairue of Hncred Heart, are InvTiii'i. M nt rter.i ,ii, rn 8 SO A M from h-V i2..M ' iicnce. iti-.'i ii. uneiten ave . aarnTaltja helcmn. requiem .mast at the inS,Ti5,VV -v.:s -- : . nwn iinr larft .j onccutlen Church ie a. 3irihCarS& wni I.i:n At Scullvllle, N. J,, Oct j m H. Iiu-band eJ Kllrahatn 8 iTte.TW ltelatlvn- (nd friends, also Ke stone tV-1' Ne. inn. r Srfl I.Odffe, of Pcllll nttend funeral Thura. Mervlce, n K :?., ( hur.li 2 P. M. Int. Talcst ne n.11"""' .L1PPOTT. Suddenly, Oct. 2.1 ,.. CHARLES P.. husband of Hadln a uiJiJl (ten Usher) Tln.atlvn. emi .il'j-UtJ ICaDtaIn l'hllln. R. bchuiler Circle. S' 9 . ei yv., nnu empmyes or rh a. v uJ: Ce . are Ihvltcd te attend funeral ,t,S2? Krl a P JI late reslderce. aiSi &Sl st. Int. private. Northvveod Cim. ffli. iiinji ,tkn iiiujn, "0e. M ALLOY. Oct. 22. WILLIAM C a i- loved husband of Isabella B .MaiieS'fJJ; Hunter). In his Hfiih ear Relatiw, .3 friends, nlse Richmond Jida-e, N0 "VJa nnd A. Jt.i Harry Clay Council ?fe ' J' nnd V of L i Perm Treaty Council, Ne " its' O I., A.: employs of Hwlft & Ce . K.;!1!' ten ' Market and Helhcsda Presbvi.riT. Clmrih and Sabbath Scheel. Invited ti i?i? Ire ss. Tliurs.. 2 P. JI . at his late WmIV" lsiill N. l'rent at. Int. private Hill Cem. rrlmdi mny call Wed. eie MAllleW Oct. 22. AS.T,-, T,W0rf H.nry J. Jlarlevv. Relatives and f rlsnJs i2 vlted tu nttend funeral, Thurs., 1 3e p V from resldcnce of her son-in-law. tiaftl ikraian, P27 S, Water at. Int. TriSS Lutheran Cem. " JIERI.IU OCt. Zi, ANITA zma, vttuw,. ,,, . v, Qiitv, iifcii te lull services ana int. mura.. at vine ns u On view at her lata residence, an m 1 st . Wed eve. ' ' JIEYEIL Oct. 22. MARY, wife cf Hit hit ChnVies JIeer (nea Pelst) Rslatlvss lil frl-nds nlse members of tht Hely FtnilJ and Altar Societies, ere Invited te attmi funeral. Trl . 8'30 A. JI . from hi? iS, residence, 1040 E. Ihlgh ave. High retniiM maes at St. Boniface's Church, 10 A. M 1st" Helv Redeemer Cem. " MILLER Oct. 23, 1022. E.MJtA. srlf. t( the Ute (Jeeraa C. JIMIer (nes Hemer? Relatives nnd friends anl Ladles of the Oil Guard. 2d Rest . N. O. P., are Invited te iu tend funeral services. Ihurs . 2 p. y. .. her late resilience, 1(134 N JIarsten st. Itt private, Odd Pcllews' Cem. Viewing, Wtj' MILLBTT. Oct. 24 1022. rONnOS! R031 4 nee ej .illl.hblLL. iiu-i'iiiiu ui eiirun .villieil, SI nl, Una notice nf funeral, from residents Us son 1102 W. Venahze st MOIKIAN --At Woedburv, N J. Oct SI JOSEPH .MORGAN. ened 01 P.elatlvei ipl frlenJs are Invited te nttend funeral. Vtti. 2 30 P. JL. residence of his ten Dr R, Kelrey JIeisjti, (It Cooper ft . Woedbarr N. J. Int. private. Green Cem. Irlreii mav c-ill Tues . from 7 te 0 P JI, .Ml'HPMY Oct. 13. LAl'RENTK C. hm land of the late Jlnrsraret 1" JIurphy Rt'i. tlves nnd friends are Invited te attend tj. nernl. Til h 3D A JI from his lat- rl. d-nce. S E ter. 3 1 and Qu.en sts Selirrs high muss of rtqulem at the Church of St. Philip 10 A, Jl. precisely Int. Helj Ireaj C, m NEPMAYER --Oct 21 CHRI&TIA.VA D, (re Ilin-er). wife nf I euls .Neumaver, mi r,n veers. Relallvnn nnd friends Invited tt funeral eervl-03 1'rl 2 P Jt . trem tit lnt renbbnec. 2S4H N 27th et Int prl prl vnte Chelun Hills Cem Krlends ma) cat 'lbnrs evenlnir. from 7 tn n rl , '. NILL Oct. 15, at Santa Jlenlca. Csllf. tlThAN Jt NILL (no Covle) fermerlv et Phil irteljilim wife of lite Jehn O NHL Ra iitlves mid fileuds Invited te nttcrd mill of te'iulem at st Jume-i' Chun h 3s'h rl Chestnut ts , Wed , Oct. 23. 10 A. JI, 1st Helv Crn-s ('em. M.N.ON - Oct 23. MICHAEL Nixnv. hus. iv.L,i,i,uH At ills residence. vKV, Ce,, 1 , en Oot, i'j, ilia t'Mvt'W" tW. Kern, (nee Mlllei), Ilelatlves L,?,.9.rj, ie KensiiiKten .11 ;. ChurLh iif enM, Hfhn00 1 l".'""1 .'" funeral services ?gM ?in2.?-.M.' nt,la,e residence. mT V,!'".' son t. Int. prlvnte. .North Cedar Hih !! rr end- may call Wed,, after 7 " V1 c". . KLK.IK. At Jladnaulielm. urV. .Tuly 2 1022. I'lIU.tP. lvedUhbJ;.? J '''i'i' M'""',0: nni. r'"d.V also nwiS,'. O. Ilatnlllon.I.ertse. Ne. (300, je, . "'Ulisl Cnnnstattcr Volk Vereln. Phlla. ni-A,'I-l i. 1111 I1MJL from lierilind or the mtu. ji-cicet .Mten Jie'itliM nn,l irienus nre inviieu u, aueni rinerai, rn 8 3ii JI re-Idenee ,21 ,s lfiri it "Solemn hi St I'ltrlrk a L'hurph A :u int neiv epulnre i en I . ...... n. r. .i, ,,.., nnnr.n li"lnil'ii- vc-i .a nr.v kuiii, ll . I G O.sliOERN, aged M ve?rs. Relitlv.s ill I friends Invited te funeral servlcs Ihjr. 11 A JI . at the inhnrv P E Church 4lil nnd Urevvn Friends call Wed . from S te I P. JI , nt 712 N ui '. int New llavei, Cr Tin PETRY On Oi-t. 21 1022 KVTIIArtlXI w . liiil.iu rf Atuiieu l'etrv. or 2114 Cemrn, bla nve , nce.l 0- veils. Relative anl friends nre Invlti.l le the servlie en Wsl-et. , d iv ,fl -rn ie-i, ,it 2 e clock at tr- Olhsf II Pilr Hide. 1320 Chestnut st Intermtet at Northweol cemetery Vicwlns ruexH (emeter. 1 rlindj mav can v.cJneiaaf evenini; I ()I INN. On Oct. 21 1022 MART J, 1 Mr,,, nt ImvlilOi'nn Relatives and fr .ndl Inls., Alltir 111,1 ltOSIirV SOCletV OUT JlOthlP of Sorrows' I burch are Invited te III I funeral, en Tliursd iv mernlntr at 8J I ., 1.-.! frnni hep ltle resldenre t,26 N Pixnn i-t Solemn reeub m mass at Oel Mether of yiti'iii Church nt 10 A Jl H- lr.rm.nt nt West (belter Tl I itbX sinldenlv Oct 21, ( HARMl' he. I band of Helm V Rex. ne,l .0 rur;r K-ivlces Thurs, 2 P Jl , at residence Ml I i, II.. .1 fl nilmtp. iliU-.MU-.. v. .!?". J?l ?2' tw:iK. H1C II Vlll.'". UI rnni'-'i .. J . iiuauau, v, Jlay llend Richards, at Fhll.idelphla ...... n ... ne .nor, a k n A n f IlllSl, cn CC'fc -a. III., .-.rt.,,.,, ., FtrsT Tuneral services en Wedn-scliy II t, it i the leidence of her son in-itr. M.nhen II. Tllv. 113 Edcellll read, Ball, ft. Interment mlvata MH.N.M -Oct 21 at Pt Jeseph's Hi pltnl SYRILI hCH.NAT. iteiatntt aw '!..'... ...... Imllr. I tn ntte-nd fllTlAffl . Frl "Te" A Jt . from 1002 FolrmeiFt ave Illrf r. n,.m mass at the Gesu Church 10 A. '"Lr-itmi i: Oct 22 CHARLES: J tot. ... ..! ,,., Lb-in I uf Kiilherlne C. Schulte (nee Rufe). M father or l(ev. r J ,-riiiiin-, -u. '"J .! . ,. - ,.. Tn,n.i,ilnii lirrtlhf M i I iircn nl in" tiMitriMiw. ..-.... tun sn .mn r.niilem mass Church nf Ouf ;, .Vi, i-,,nsnlatliin. 10 A J Int. Privau, i . .,,.,-.. c.m . Tinvlestewn. Pa. ' ,...,.,,, i. . nn iiruiFTn r P fceleiel i.'.i. ...I'.If v md Vellel (nee Dukes) .Rta tl'.i u.,-.' ...-. -,--,-.,., ... ............ Thurl. nm trines Ilivuiu in ,ui --,-., ---.- rersi, i nuii. s A JI fr in funeral 1 ar'ers or rumviiie lliev 1 10 V IStli at. bob tnn hish nail m i hur. li hr. la of tbe (lesu nt .. ;V ."'..," Vernen Cem Remnlns mav be views e,. ..., r-. n fAllT M' wlft f Jehn It 'fllavln and .launhier of Mary J lat" fl rit I'artcr Relatives nnd frlij ,f,lv .. s . . I futon ThllfB . O-ll are nvlie.l ie i '. "".'. '. ,A.,. ir. V Jl trem urniiier-. n-iii" p " '";.,,, .ii ... i i .,, , l inn si nitlns nt 27th an ' at tH r. . ..,.. ,u s.,i.nmn renin nl rift i.'.r',, . ,., ;,i, in a JI lit -private ,, . ,,..,. ,,. i m in"' 1KY AJ wld ivv of J'bti Tnni'iBs nru shier or i ..... tii.i,.,,, i.njt.ns 11 r-t 1 mi iv ,",7,', "e 'Relative;, and f'l"')'"v,nr'f invt'sl from her L-ildenVV .M' .0;, '.I ., tj ?i:,:?,5aeri,iTl0 A Jl in. WW '"Tltl-M-'''m 3. t W.ldivoed. S. I; JOM 'II nu.bard of Minnie ". tli ril n 11 1 friend., .ilee Illau i. Ml J lien V N V U A , Court Southward I 11 I' of A., ur- Invited n. funeral. ItunK 2V V M from the resl en ' "pffl itniTi iiMiun.ii. .",,..-, 1A A Jl. L hu-ch '.lli IVIenls mav call Me.l ve lit lrlvele Sprrs I'elnt, C" i'VtJl'lNT. wlilnw of I I ..&,-. A. e. I k Unkili l pnn -..v. rli .if IlUt rs .till - 7(1. Rein 'ves aim ir '. ",. r V l,i. 311 ' -. . . . . 1. . . ,1 ti ri ririJii V''VrTvIk ill W.d.-'P l''!..'.'.' '.;..'a", I",'.,, 22 Wli.1 iiinwl II l.e of I" b . irl I ', ,-. i.ili. v.a.a il fib; ids 1 jvlt. 1 .,"V" at !! i'..;,.,!,.,iiVliw:i vt- -UMu, re. . ,,rM'nisnr'rU,-w..LiAM . im ! Illllslle Ciuieteiv, I', nl n, Meiinesw" nru c'Ar.i.v vvuiii Li,' , v - e ids, f.V.i ill... JI.rl.llui Hun Ielf-,' $ i; and A M Oileiinl a )( T. . I.' .1...1. , ..,,iitii . .lprv. Vi eJ V. .1 -.iirrXiiv: il 1.1.'" "r .r.'i.l.l.M O I 23 11)22 MA u. m " wView .f ''"i..hlA nWr' "e,r,.nWfcf l"r..:' l..,.,..i fr e ,-, rv t'.'l V, .Ht-"d "i' '.'" "1, ,, I'bunli Ihure i int 1 r I v 11 ' 1 , . . r., n i' m e' it I VS I' r '. .".. --;.." C.U'.bV W'i', "...":. .'.;'.' ' i. vl.ve,l Tues eve trem Te at S l i-rsnk.nll-ld Sens, ;30i) W 1 htrvlies nml lilt privuie rp.nH iv ui,. ,1, ,t , aiivi, . ,, , , i ..."iiau Pri A .1 bcnUIlP Ol nl l iiarirs ceiuu,i 2 M, Trim his ,,i.,i, cirrfv lelntlves anl tri'nei, i;.SI)KUTAKKItS Vi ' I ,20i i'ia A'M