Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 25, 1922, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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    rv"V' M'.'7f--iww
1 t -
. iJ !
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eh) Mrs. Wilsen
One quart of cola tenter.
On bunch of soup herbs, . .
One cm ret and one turnip, minces
1e p'
, nili
.' 71 F rrm rfttr
rtXeS IVlaCarOni, One cup of c.npei onion.
Italian Chef Tells Her of New
and Surprising Variations
Frem Usual Combination
With Cheese or Tomatoes
Ctcvrleht. 10tC hu Vm .If. I. IVlIjun All
HeMj ristrvti
FIOM Sunny Itnlj tliere romp te
this corner "unic splendid recipes
using both pRhettl and ninoiireni.
The pasta, as the" are called in Italy.
are n itttiplp article of diet, and will,
be found en the table of the aristocrat
an well as en the tatle of the humble1
mountain pinnt Atitinie Tellismm.
a famous Itihnn chef. Ehe thl method
for iircparlnt; the pasta se tint It "ill
be ready te incorporate, with ether
flavoring' and seasonings te complete the
Hew te Cook the Micarenl
Rub the bottom of a lirce and prr
fectlv clean saucepan liberall with
alad" oil. new place in the nucepan.
two nuarti of water two whole euuen.
a bit of Rarllc bring te beiliii point,
and add one-half pound of macaroni,
and cook for tueim-tHe minutes;
drain macaroni in colander, sawn,; the
nter drained from the mncuem 1 he
macaroni nw remh te iim in vi vi
reons wnvH Wnlilnjf the cooked mac
nreni rebi it .t tm.ili et its nutt.tive
element. U jm are 'fins the loee
or bulk mn-nreiu dl: tui kl in warm
water and nne upII lust before placlnp
te cook. This li done for sun'tir
Macaroni I'almette
Cook one-half pound of macaroni as
directed. IMace in saucepan
Four tablespoons el valiui eti,
One cup of tHcid miiutu
Three erccn u rut mat peppets
$lked thin,
A lit of aarllc.
Cevir cle'.ch an 1 smuMur uat.l ae
onions nre tender, udd te lue prcpiriJ
macaroni, with
One ami em'-half up ' ir'(
drained canned tomatec
One teaspoon of latt.
One tcaipoen of paprika.
One-half cup of orated ihtese
Heat slew!;, telnic te preent the
macaroni trim, sticking te the sauce
pan, and w'len the i hrece is melted turn
In tlMi and -prlnkl. with finely chopped
parblej It is then ready te ere.
Place tb- wn'ei drain" 1 freci the
macaroni, and tiie liquid drained from
the tomatoes, in pnucepati, adding
One-half pound of lean beef, minced
very fine,
HWI'JU-i -? .
Twe red or ancn peppers, cheppea
l cry fine.
Cleve of garlic,
Ilrlnif te bellln point, and cook
slowly for one hour en the slmmeiliik'
burner, remote the herb. and mid
three-quarters cup of tlnely crushed
nncarenl. cook for twenty minutes
deneii and sent- as t-eup with tlnely
grated i hece
l'liic In jaiKepan
Ote-hnlf cup of chopped onion,
7 In!' bit of aarlic,
'I hire pints of cold water.
Urine te beilliiR point, and cook for
three minutes, new odd
7'tce etid one-half cups of finely
citfhcd macarent.
t'oek for twenty minutes, drain, and
Otic and one-half tcnipoens of salt,
One teaspoon of paprika,
'J hi cr -quarters iup of orated cheese.
Stir w.U te blend, ntid turn nt ence
Inte i pan thit has been ringed with
cold wiit.-i. paikitu; te make tirm. Chill
and allow t. iml for tour hours te
meld t'i t in tl ici. fd rex and dip lirst
in ili ur, then .n l"atui ecK and mill,
and then iWl in tine bread eminbs, ami
fry n neMeii brown in smoking het fat,
sene with tumate bance.
Macaroni Tuscany
Open or e nuart jar of miined to
matoes, and piee in saucepan, crush-
Inn the
One pint of cold xeater.
One cup of chopped onions.
One-half cup of chopped jrn
lirlns te boiling point, and add
One -half pound of macaroni,
Cook tdewh until the liquid is nb
.nt-hxil In the tnncarenl, then ndd
ulp of the tomato well with I One cup of thick tomato patte.
i unr eiKi ene-naif cups of finely
chopped mushrooms, uslnq either the
conned or freih mushrooms,
I One cup of mated cheese.
I Stir well te blend.
I One-half cup of finely minced pars-
I ',, ... . ,, lvu. .' nuiii iui;i;t"5, C(l T Willi UUIIIIIK
' Serve with nicely browned slices of water nnd cook for five minutes, drain
fresh country jietk. nnj tiley nte leady te add te any dish
, Spaghetti and the etber Italian or sauce. Add the mushrooms just n
pasias can en uteu in imy et uic nDevc I lew minutes before srrMiip.
recipes. The Italian is very partial
te mushrooms, and will ndd them ltke
the Rat lie te almost every dish thnt
he cooks, outside of the desserts. If
you ure using the fresh mushrooms,
remove the buttons from the steins,
peel both the stems nnd buttons, nnd
cut In small pieces, ceer with boiling
Buffalo Convention Declares Streng
Nations Should Respect the Weak
Buffalo, Oct. 25. The Christian law
of love nnd justlce demands that the
autonomy nnd rights of the weaker na
tions should be recognized by the strong
nntlens, and that freedom of religious
faith and worship should be everywhere
guaranteed, declared n report adopted
jesterday by the biennial convention of
the United Lutheran Church.
The report urged, also, extension or
the world disarmament program.
The convention adopted n report of
the Committee en Menti nnd Heclul
Welfare, which urged that "there
should hu nn interval between the issit issit
ance of n marriage license nnd the
ceremony Itself."
. 'er two genf rations ritiriiM. n..!!,
?iWT01 millions "f th-'SS0'"
(Tlie Only 5
Ima keiit thn
nr school
,n Mitiini
In. of c 'e,n"iV,.ui'.',".,".-'? nJ"5S
of .fmtilejiiiMill, i:ltn, linxurlCnt' ' WH
Seft, Pliifrr anil free from l( Par:.iP'H5r
nd PnllliiK Itiir. lKra away tntfrrli E!'
use of J.lnnliU. lrt! n vlniW'JlV. with ttl
K.J"AKte T
me wersi raari. tii ntlr rtrf. "i "lt
nu enn oe nrrnnfn immfl it t . Ma'fll
Everything About
Cuticura Seap
Suggests Efficiency
3tp.Olntmnt.Tlciiin.Ke rrrwherf rrrnmrlM
miaft CttlelltrMfUl.PP' X Hilten Hut.
Things You'll Leve te Make
When ye i nre gufTering with
rheumatic i sn jeu csn hardly get
around. jut try Ited Pepper Hub
and je i will hue a quids relief
Xeth i e h'i3 such concentrated,
"n'tnt u' belt as red pepper
,T ist as 'nnn ns you npplj Ked
1' Mier H b you feel the tinsllns
hear In three minutes it warms
the ht -per tiireugh and threufih.
Trees the liloed circulation, breaks
i p the oenpestion and the old
rheumatism torture is cone.
Hewies Ked l'epper Hub. mn.de
from red peppers, costs little at any
i'r i; store t.et a Jar nt once
1 i-e l: for lumbago, neuritis, bnck
nJie stiff nek. here muscles, colds
e't Almest lnfant relief
awaits jet He sure te get the
p. r, no w.th tue name Hewies en
1 1 ,t kace Adv
mj7 Men IjIm? uuus
k in d
4F?V' "
" tM
A U'itcli IVii for a Iliilewem l'.uer
On Mnn 'in I -' 1 i pii'i fiv r
for a. Halloween jarf tlat was t.- 'at'c
for the no i i; e-ts llire '.4 u t
pen that w. 1 b 1 trn t'xe f. r 'He 11 r
of the pa-' Mitke 11 t all of cett i
('eNer it with emr)f paper Paint tin
nose, meuta nnd ejtJ with black paint
or ink. Iwlst the pnper around the
pen. Make a r ipe j( black paper and t e
It en with band! of black aii 1 ernr,..
paper. The smu'l hat is n'se i f ' n ;
paper S- ' h s'rn.iur pie.es of r.
wool te th" ' e 1 i f 'r hair uri 1 t v
hit te the N nj Iivii nri.',)';,i
name en ene enj n; tic nt n;i t '
tied nbeut "1 n. k, t' 0 tt w j
then hoive -is a p. 11 ir 1 a a
dinner fare- 1 1 )H
Select j ear Uid Car bere at a prica
you'll like te pay. Small down paj
dent. Balance monthly. Drivinf
Itissnt FREE! We itand back of
every isle. Our reputation ii your
protection. Nowhere elte in town will
you find such splendid Used Can all
remarkably law priced, from
-$3.50 "P-
ING 5 -rrir Sturdy hand-lor-.e
ii.i.nt noter Perfc:
cen.StU- Wendtriul Offer
Open Licnings Until 9:
Guy A.WilIey Moter Ce.
Paige and Jeweti Distributors
If X N " 1 ill jr 1 j
"Zrrssw -w
Fer Fords
Roadster Size, $33
Touring Size, $48
Med'l Che
NSTANTLY cenerts your open F rd
te a i.ieea 'ar -hi-ik s w ; er n rirr t jj t-a' ire
Call and see one equipped en Ferd
Standard Rubber Tire Ce.
826 N. Bread St.. Phila., Pa.
Geed territory open for responsible dealers
and 490
Cheireltt jrr
re' t,
I'eplir S"I
I'epl If
a. - - yy
35-cent "Danderine" will Save Any Man or Weman's
Ilaii Delightful Tonic See Hair Thicken!
Don't lese anethi r li.ui ' Don't
telerate iltitiuctiv. daiulruir. A lit
tle Uandeiini' new v 'II sine your
hair; th'ckcu and hticiifrthen it
double its beaut;.
Falling hair ncei steps by itseif!
DantlrufT multiplies until it forms a
crust' scale, destroying the hnlr,
YmU and J1, resulting in baldness.
Your ilrutrist will tfil ou that
"DaiiilerniL'" is the Iarj.'fht seiim,'
hail saer in the erld hecauju r
letrrct.-. and turi-s ick, ailing ha i
every lime. L'se one bottle of Dan
deiine, then if yea find a suifle fall
uiK hau ei a paiticle of dandrulf,
et t.T. havvc your money bacK.
TberW 2000feais Frem New
Science has Conquered the Qreat Pox!
Doctors, Drug Mengers
antf an AncientSceurge
NO part of education these days is mere impor
tant than hew te live and keep well. Paul H.
DeKruif, Ph. D., has just resigned from the Rock
efeller Institute te devote his entire energies te
making clear te the public what is sound and un
sound among medical claims new flooding the
country. His contributions te Hearst's Interna
tional "are of permanent value, net only te the
medical profession but te every home. In Hearst's
International for November, Dr. De Kruif talks
frankly about Syphilis, a devastating scourge for
which "there is, nevertheless, a certain cure.
The Unknown
EVERY nation has ita "Unknown Soldier" en
shrined for eternity with military pomp in a
noble mausoleum. Seme humble private, perhaps,
or even a man like Armand Vignaud. Hew HE
came te be chosen as "The Unknown "for one of the
greatest militarv nations makes, probably, the most
inspiring story Will Irwin has ever written.
A NOVEL by the ;nest important thinker alive today. "Men
Like Gods" is vivid with Mr. Wells's imagination about the
Future no problem is tee deep for him te settle. But it is also a
fascinating and very entertaining adventure in the romance of
science. A simple Englishman, driving his little automobile in the
outskirts of Londen, runs off the read and into the Seventh Dimen
sion. The things that happen in that strange and lovely country
are what the Germans would call "kolessal". One of the three
great novels you will find in Hearst's International for November.
The Inside Story of
By Nerman Hapgood
Forcing tJie Dealers te Spread the Poison
A "Fert Dearborn Independent" with Every Ferd I
IRELAND'S LINCOLN -Michael Cellins
By Carl W. Ackerman
THE only correspondent te interview Michael Cellmi
when he v, as a fugitive was Carl Ackerman, ene of
the few Americans who shared hia cenfidencf. That's
whv he is se wei! equipped te tell whv Cellins decided
te make peace with Knland, and hew the spirit of
Ireland's martyred pn-dent ;r' es marching en. P.e
Hearst's Intcrnvu.l f. r November.
Her Own Life
The Story of a Modern Weman's Search for Freedom
THE moral education of women is a subject we
have no right te avoid merely because it is
difficult te discuss. In his new novel just starting
in Hearst's International, Mr. Herrick has faced
the problem frankly. With firm and elevating hand,
lie takes the strry of Lilla Vance, a girl without a
father and practically without a mother, and shows
hew -step d.v step, ever rough places she works
out her own life.
He Made the Radiophone Sing
Like a Nightingale
EDWIN H. ARMSTRONG found the radio-pheno talking
like a hare lipped man -and left it singing like a night
ingale. Three revolutionary inventions all made by Arm Arm
steonglifted the radio from a toy te one of the greatest
forces in our coming world. His last invention is the "super
regenerative circuit." Whether you are a radio fan or net,
you will want te read about this marvelous achievement
Loek it up in Hearst's International for November.
The Melancholy Dame
VI T HEN your wife tells you te fire the cook you may
v thsnk ou have a hard job. But think of Mr. Permanent
Williams, who was ordered by his second wife te fire his
first wife, Sapho. star performer in his Jazzadancerie
cabaret. Anether inimitable darky story by Octavus Rey
Cehen in Hearst's International for November.
By the author of "If Winter Cemes"
The Return
of the Swordsman
WHILE the critics still battle ever "This Free
dom", A. S. M. Hutchinson's last book, "If
Winter Cemes'' continues a best seller en at least
three continents. Read his new story, "The Return
of the Swordsman" in Hearst's International for
November. It may help you make up your mind
that Mr. Hutchinson is a great writer.
The Great Myth
of French Light Wine
THE United States is still straggling in the after
math of the Prohibition Amendment. Net en
American in a hundred, however well educated
really knows hew the rest of the world stands ei
the drink question. Nothing could be mere timely,
therefore, than the series called "The World War ei
Beeze" by Frazier Hunt new running in Hearst's
International. Mr. Hunt went te Europe te make s
lersenal investigation. Jn the November numbci
le explodes definitely the long cherished myth ei
7rance as a country of Moderate Drinking.
n , , . . The Celd Gray Dawn
Boek of the Menth jn p0and
'1 HE COUNTRY BEYOND "Poland has mere peliti-
jv cal parties than most
, ,-.,. ,-, . countries, she has three
James Oliver Cunvoed peasant parties and two
On the ruKped and storm- workman's parties, and sev-
wHppnd north shore of Lalte crnl varieties of censer-
Siijorier, Mr. Curwoeu has Vatuvs and clericals about
located the action of his a deen parties altogether."
stirringnewnovel.TheEeoK Fer the 'a test political sur-
nf the Menth helps wm te vcy l.v Anna Louise Streng,
knew the beat of the h test Bee Hearst's International
books. for Ne ember.
Her Sixth and Only
iay ei me mentn knew the Jeny sfe Ircn
SHORE LEA E were these nlready married.
by Hubert Osberne n ,
Mr.Beia&coteutributehto Green and Fresh
the new theatn -al season a By Owen Jehnsen
r"Kfi"gT?nCT)(,VrAJn,;;1" A bev of sixteen falls
M ?n f '-ini ? v l :f 0t H10 hardest for a girl of twenty twenty
Menth brings you from the , n,i .iinJ? m,:nnv first
fandiU's'voe0"?01"1; l.wHEWteaTdSff
V& ? iw v ,V7"1 -Ht began te sprout from
pm l l!tU!b- thfl cwP-t of his room and
eucctfit,e3, birds sang in the windows.
By Brune Lessint;
IIovlen could jeu
e.xpcct Lapidewit? te
keep his fortune cf
twenty-five dollars
after he was tcmeu l
teilless under vhif,h
shell the little pea
was hidden?
1 Don't
Stand Hitched
By Walt Masen
One day I boost a
theme or creed, the
next day it's in tat
ters; net theories
.arjre, but soedly
deed is xll that really
A World Survey in Eight Articles. Play Boek Art Art
Peem, of the Menth; Eight Sparkling Short Stories;
Three Distinguished Serials ALL in the November issue of
35 Cents a Cejy
November Number
$3.00 a Year
Out New
Did Poincare
Start a War?
By Jean Longuet
Only when all the
documents of the
Foreign Offices are
open te historians, as
these of Petrograd
and Berlin are al
ready, can we knew
Poincare had for the
breaking out of war.
By F. A. Kummer
Everything is fair
in love but nothing's
fair in politics as the
Jreung rcferine
earned in thii story.
fcT . 1
'Hrfv 1 '