w. '- wyr VffyftjvU a '?tfimifflfiWWftv v,- 4VAWHRV && Evening public ledger Philadelphia, Tuesday, oetobek 1922 5TJ5W WORLD OUTSIDE By HAROLD MacGHATH Thrilling ttery of a fight for $7,000,000 ami a beautiful girl' a love by the author of "The Man en the Bex," "Luck of the Irith," etc. CopurteM, lttt, by Hareld MacUrath THE GUMPS An Ad's an Ad for A9 That By Sidney Smith THIS IIEG1NS TIIK STORY rnrncr ' i ."'...:" .:-. i. ' .m '.--- .irvu iff ronne ever iyif vmii ,n?;tL,1- fHit.,.1 -if 4f nrJf n iirt. lUtd am n .1 mini m . ' ' .-...-. ... . -. - . ,--- - IFi'tiL., At hti Rlullertit. unntHtul lite ' ilmffi t,,'2,,it:."r,"n7K luUKhter thii cilsn October morn """. ..... ', -v -. -- r - --. " then made for the white rnnruelcd lintliroem with Km perfumed seapt, Its iliac toilet water, its; bag of beiv bait. He felt agilely emtmtritnied ; It wns almost ns If lie find rntcred beinn fcml nine -domain. Tin world wns full of fcira ftl VtlllWt linmr, uun ninmrii ine, .ue " ... L..,.. f... f m rtlinti nf ml I niid ej7n tit "mil" .rn u franerf UMiiirr, Nnncy flew man. If mic ri'ulij owned n deg nil would be well with tin- world. flirt! Thev two sliue favor- country bumpkin (dinted ft ieifc "iff K '" ' hakardi ani 1M nvi" "eg mi I'rVeX? "en" Mi Mmidnen life,. Rtfieart 1 1 Amazing 3jierur 1 ellmeul bu nethfr i-llter. i lt), nnJ 1,1 u ait iVVSio'Verknt S,'.' . ret. After all seven millions weren't Jrii rVr.,.,i,,'.,.V,r2J5l.r',j?r?iii KInK '" 1"" "-' burden. Hut en i?r"irf,J. Iwdi f hh cemplaccnev came the UFJV& RnaWf"0 .kT jeu'.. millions for many weeks te . vrnlcd e A'ancy UeumaN. e rHtni; musical lie was going te be n peer Jeiing The Plain Tnith About Nancy KTTlOIlGrr it. Your peer old Daddy l Bewmnn meant veil, but he put I let e' bunk lnt your bend nbeut man kind being rotten, when it nln't se worse. There's nlways n ceupla wormy chestnuts t' th pint. Come en out lnt' th' world. Who knows? X' might run int' somebody who'd be Interested tneugh t' help you. Yeu can't tight that kind of a game aleue, like you're deln', Oct int' this game, get lnt' th' Ufhta, bow 'era you're allve. Next year you go t' th' Metropolitan conduc tor. Who are you? lie san coldly. I'm Nancy Bewman, nays ou, haught ily, An' he puts n crick in hli back kowtewin.' But, eh, lady, this In th' world for you, if you'll en'y It. Se lenr. S' Te" ln th raernIn'-" Nancy's knees shook se violently that tti had te sit down. She was stunned by Jenny's frank summary of her preepeeU. It was as if she had climbed a THt flight of stairs, only te find a bottomless pit between her and the ttcend half of the journey. She knew that Jenny loved her, and that Jenny was never known te lie. Jenny had had the habit of speaking tha truth boldly, even hurtfully; friends and strangers, it did net matter, her lash wept about impartially and Imperson ally. "Oh. Jenny, why didn't you leave me be?" Jenny had Indeed awakened her. To morrow night her full consciousness would be with her. Hew could alu ait"' hew- would she sing? Hew would she l"" al)l t0 P"1 vacltv into a numbed body, rollicking ninelilef Inte her faee, and oil honey into her threat? Hut wait! Hadn't her teacher told hei rRfiln mid ngain that ulie hud the mrlin of n grout nitlste? This hope v,m fihert lived, fnll.ng bucu us it ma olltsl(Ie the gute strMg jn nln te uii.ui .i (mcat truth; that it was her tcJ At , , ( , , teaihers bread and butter te pra!"e ul,I)1(n,.i1p.r fan. Had peer old Daddy Bewman tt,JI" ', ,- , . bi-u wrong? Had he let hope bemuwj Then Kverj Dellar Is Clean" liH knuwledge of the trutti ler ner, "leu wi-n le see- lmve come ; ne man who had come te the city te maUe liU fortune. Xanty: Kngllsh nnd old eld old fnshlenvd. Hew she teuld lng nnd hew slie could duuee! Oh, this world was nil right. Hut what should he de? He would !me te lme n job of Hume kind. He couldn't tit in tils rooms nnd twiddle his thumbs between iiip.iIs. Xe store Jeb; that vetild lie intolerable; w lint lint exer he did he iniiHt be his own miiHter. He ceu'd, nt u plueh, trnnslntc une of Hernce's books of Hatires. lie would net have te npply himself ilgermish te the tnsk ; only when time hung henvlly en his hands; enough work te prove that he was thus engaged. He Hides, ir was the best of mental exer cises, the study' of any foreign tongue. HUM, the Satires would stun civ de. He ought te hae demethlng that had a business nlr nbeut It. u tlunmlal premise. TI,i!-u textbook for be ginnerH; that vn-i n cnpltnl notion. He rocelleacd h.nlng lead thnt textbooks were geld mlnen. In his tuse it would net matter hew much he piiatid; the work would never he offered te any publisher. The law firm of Snell A. l'rlde was situated In the warehouse dlulrlct. Winter and mimmer tlicre was the stcm.li of cured hides. The main etllee llrst fleer up, no elevator was large. Thousands of yellow Inw books bunt the khelves; they were stacked in tor ter ners for latk of room en the sin Ives. Mingling with that of hides was the ngue odor of thi finished product. Ewrj thing was old the books, the desks, the clerks. It was almost British in Its muvtine-s, its dlnglnefn. The llrm of Snell A- Pride never dealt In dueices, murder, theft, but was lomc lemc times forced into court in the m'ltter of tampered wills and litigation ever wills. The general business whs estates. Theie were three private offices, the windows of which offered the pleasing piespect of an alley into which the sun was never able te suueee. There were no names en the roughened glass of the doers. This gave the emipauts a certain protection against unwell eme visitors. Bancroft had never been te the offices brfen . Snell had come out te the village le ii. id the will, or inlhcr te offer It. He was unknown here; se he steed waited ten minutes until her Mr. Snell. I nni Mr. Bancroft." slight rustle wns audible umeng the e ileared, then ehe went out Inte uwn iiuuwin fe-MN. Ir wus a sign the ceirlilev She pauseil ns she reached the doerkipppi . "Is Mr. Craig about?" she asked. On Urn walk, miss. He's waiting ter Mr. Mannheim " .hnn.v stepped nut into the night and cant a glance about. Oh Mr. Craig!" she called. i.t., imi'h astonished, nppieiuhed, "I- tluie ainthlng I inn d for jeu''" ' c, jeu can let me think jeu fni Ling Te i ' ' Oh that!" 1 dlil net realize until tonight hew of tremiudeus interest, hud Uancinft but known. "Mr. Bancroft , Oh. nr, come right along with me," eiid Ihe eleik "Mr. Snell Is in his ethee. Mr. I'llile is in Sun rinnciscM " The clerk knocked at the middle deer, nnd a biisk voice bude him enter, Mr Biiniielt. i-ii. ' ' Well, will." bewail Snell. withered hut peppei v , lur all thil he hud S'ent the major portion m his iinu m t ltS. Mini-tiiuib 'Sit down (itinl vnn'i.' w pmiiipt." !!' inwl a button. "Bim mttu nviiec cMirxvtM tAinkutt. yr rvvt MO tJUOUCW- WE B?ENt . MONSM BV)"X VAt'S 60X MX fCTmE, ON ENCRHTilrA6 0T ?0STK&6 Tftp NV5 fAONtN - WS&nili (Jv& 'ftj irwis MM NOf LOOK vt..v ,CAv.r fcn HE tOH OF A OfAOTfeC A.MO NOUE 0Ot TO t XPECC TO 6 IN CON6RESSA rr- "tfTve - r i f . es. MJ!ljWIl$ vVMS ' ArtKV LOOK POOmM BUl tVt SttM MKHH A SMAR-T. t10NlWE.X MAM RON AfcOUNfc WUM OW 01 THEVt ON NeW VcMtfc EVfe- n'S UKE MH CAMVA16M jETVN6 BGCtR. ALV. THE TlMC V NOPt T OfcVT tOVU OP EFOa EUECTIOW bkS- m 3g0k I MIH! J 3f 1 VSk 1 ' LHi ! IbMJtv- SKMTIrV F SOMEBODY'S STENOGMaru Deedle's Little Niece JlPSH'f J I t -nt till - By Hay ward ASS OPLAGf. DVTfflVk.' THP, BOS!iVM.l.MiirD IF 1 SPiMG UTTI& Te the OFf:e wth MS Y'OR A FW DATS ? Sml'll SiT OUIKT 1-ifsflS A CLAM . M5.R MOAS AWAS' . t f. WELL I SPPeiE HF.LL BLOW 01 VKf. A 1 1 WE BUT 'reu Knew VMAT am nLb c'Vxr hir- L, ' ! VHArWHATrr u c A. BUf in --.- I ' " -Z-.fr- Ove!-- V -...- s -.fpV'M, t v .- r I nil W1 E? nil V WELL r" OajCP UPOl A Tl.'Ar THS.R& V;Aj Tr-fRFE 3ErA?S - V ir - r V jQ) . k x i- t -t.A 7 -J CKfifM, lttt t Atlll t rfpf Cl The Yeung Lady Acress the Way TUC TOONERVILLE TROLLUY III FONTAINE FOX sheiniiialih 1 liavn lithuved. 1 should iiett.1' he i-.nd in nnswci in the ilirk's hue ion the deg back ei acknowledged, imiuliv ' Well, hew dins it feel te be hun " a milliiiiiniie? ou like him. then?" "I'll it's jubt ir. After a few days I couldn't give htm up. Yeu n ' ' ' it's hard te explain! bur I'm tee b'ls" te muke friends. I never go unv whire All my free hours ure devoted te Ftudv." "Studj?" he interrupted. "Yes, I am trying te muke my voice worth something." "Grand eneru? We were all wonder ing," tie sulil Sunie duv I'll be .ible te tell miu . ! lust new time an ntlu r tliuius in mv Ien head '" I "Ah, es. T ne. The Jehnsen matter. Well, I don't knew " ( "Mr. Snell, I'm going te ask jeu n i inustieii wliifh miv starlle jeu Wu-. J mv lather un honest man ' "Come with we," uld Snell "We'll go into the office veur father uci upli d all these jerus (u the wav Snell w.is given th! llu liet whuli held Bam left's v n U AJ&?'i.V x'r- jfiFBte Lk---1"CV-.- "" " ' "Tf I- VVl"!""! hK,,, , Tl'?, -2-C SifT i4t SKirris utrr -rut cak wmbw tmc smeKc frteM tmb. S&; wr rt" '. -y ?&, ? -7v( xN l AtWk lip1 r i? ' sr- IL T -V v-J-.'J ( ' ' ) zr"? y K H 'J'lie jeiiiik luilv mies th wny savs she didn't like the pliiv mm h lust niht us the aeteis took their parts m naturally thnt jmi wouldn't knew It whs acting. JTbV Jir WAS JOIUlHd HtK WAS Se rut PeWtKrUU KATflr4KA rr -z- - - - jar '?' r,v--?5 1 1 GAVtTHt ote BeATTHt FASTC5T QtTAwAY IN ITJ AliSTeKV. "Se thnt wns IT' .Tnsf ' a senMble young woman with a tine papers, inie wiiinn uie eiuer jjiiik nut's , prfl'V Then Vw Ittvn, Qn,,tUi.. I3.. . nil' rr ambition" loom the luuver tinned ami laid hK ftj i ii l iiey otieuiu l nveiit bemetiiwg te Prevent 7Iii8 Happening VVOUIll JOU llKe me te lllUe ten With """ ill""' n- .ii'imii mm f rmniiurn SCHOOL DAYS. V ll n OWIG i'l UlSTCft, WlHREf, Xl 40SlKH "ill If I POR. MSrcii CrTlC?HT NOW, "( f'H's ee semJ" Mt eveit ib (- CAM PR' CU' OUCfil cf Sicpn co, TKt- CCntas&Oes 'On hi - ue SCfe 8cO' JiOOl, &s.T Crete ms 9JBte. cFrv,MsOse rAONww wewc' - fe. viip We. Skt Mk ATcHrtNT. THhT,V.U '. T WOSiK 'e ws l!" LL . . , , i - PrTW WAS TUft Hppy Dw. Wm I ni v a. you tenievvhere after thu matliU'e te morrow "I hog pardon?" "Ilie ii. the loom, while tin i-pint et .veur hither uiuv seim time-i return. 1 siiv te von solemnly that utidei ( toil '-. With Rime loiifusten, she repented ' heaven lime nevei lived un heuesrer tha question. Supposing hu new de-j '""' han veur fnthei " lined? It would serve h. i right. "J inn everv dell.ir is . lean " "Why W)ii jeu?" he rled. j - Vi.""" ls ' "lr ,in,t of There was Bemethlng in the appeal i tn,,u''111', ,, , ,, I that shocked her. Xever had alie heard I. J,llL bv 'h.u u? .K ,1111 Whv did , a velca be full of hunger and lenellin ss. Hh9 was net near enough te tell, but he mat me be?'' ciled the miii nai-ien- atelj. i she wondered if there wns llmier en "Oed only knows. What your father's his lirenth t.iniv, i motives were for acting the mhanthnipe I "Where and what time?" antl. Pi' tending te be a mlker I hnvei "The Bltz. nt live. Yeu make me "e knew ledge. Hur se far as lienentv Is ry happy, Miss Bewman." ,cen.erned. I can delate thil. Wi niiun iiiiiuiiH tiuiMji tMJin ill .v JlirK 'Five o'clock, then. Ooeil ulirht fialg remained bareheaded until rntiey turned lute Breudw.iy iheu In put en his hat. Fer the Mike ut the deg' lie wanted te Hugh, but lni tlir.at win di. re it w.is giand op in ' hy hadn't the Mullej glil mentioned it; Well, if gmnil epmi vv is the giil'-j' urcnm he teuld help hei , h- lnul inflii nei in th.it diieilien Sum,- duv he vvenld get Soirenime te trv 1mm out I'le siai,e ileur epeneci nnd lntin helm cum" out. "Anv where you my, Cutlg," until th nimagei. "But he;,, vve can talk. I vr the svriepsiH et .i new book. Yeu'ie a'avs iiliwi with uiggehtlens, Uil- ground Muff, and lestumes Theix's a unit part in it im Bew mini " 'Just had .1 little talk with liei ""'' s going te tnku te.i with me ufti r the in unite," I Well, new?" ( Nmii v.nlk.d iiciesh tuts ri te the '"viihiJ, li, hi. (oei,, 1,1 lug ir t'lilulj uuefiil te k,,i l.tn' I'm cevrid, Thu puppv Mimed le up Pie, lute h,. dlflicultie-., for en Iht-e "iidnliht jeiirnevs he was iilvvuvs iik M'-ii t us a ut the juiMMit time, but veu'll get a, glimmer wlnn 1 tell veu that all mm lent- aie thi i inie as pic-war iiinex lie had till the rhnme in ihe wet Id te gouge, but lie didn't New, ebsene ihls shp ' I poll this slip Buneuift read nbeut Ivvuilv iiuuifi. with inldicshes Against cull iiauie was a hum of inimev "I'teple who ewe him ' ' ' Ne ein fithii w.is net en! an heiusl nut ii. ins hev, but a kiiidlv one On Deieiulur L'i, Mm ufter vein, I nude out tluse Minis Inte lucks and inailid I hem. I doubt it, even ut this dav, Ihe beiietn iiiuiri knew vvheie the nieiiev i eini s fi ein Neurlv ten theu-nud it yeai te nun mid women who hud in ; miiiu wav, ut Mime time, peifurmed an ti f in his Miihe dNiiitiritilidh '' t'liiultv '" "I'reiisely " ' i don't iindeistniul. He never gave me nii.v mene.v " "But today jeu nie eiiK Iwrntv Iwrntv feill .mil the nb'elnte ui(i"tei of neurlv seven inllliutiR, 'Hint heeiiis tinswei enough The duv jeu went te i amp lie mul he was miiUing his will in veui tEMMEfH(Ulc - 3e.Wti Te rfe Today Meamj SewibTmimc eki, iumme see I MAVetT.' "(euNeA'Rs aceThe FAcfes?f Buwpd JOVrJ AND I MAD WO IWSUKfOvMcH. Kie.'i TPxaTi ufr X it -AH I TPieucH'r ScTdis I My TvjeuTv- sylM eDOiMft MWIVeFfVARV--r-T - a mvm 'jm. --. -- f t 7 sir -A - n ,iru'm. If (I ufr--rnHMffflf f -That: s FunmY fwuH welheJ of i 1 The lwhTAu Alow i)URiEoeKWowBelTett) ) 'lOO VjcmT Te S&weu hevv OLD jdoNeo i 1 viTh My fciDEsr -A TRimk am i "f euk 7 Sisreie--j Jf SisTist? Mae hek nt?arj st S 3ay vyweM was Y p 1 c"AOuATm- j : iAN-NsfOWTlMC OtOilKLe iUKPWliCD AND WAPrV VWfiN I VAUt- IN VJiTHTHCSr: t-lewctrs AWO 5HtAW MR18. V I ltMRMBIKW cWCODlMcJAVSsW UGAUtf rceAiE unw tAtr.s - GASOLINE ALLEY A Confidence Game? ByC.A. Voight 4- -eetlims ueTb POCK ARCIU JPASOU AMD WE UAMK A DATc R """" Te .Sheet a. CoeptA I USROUR eww L IISTA'MUOM AHD MTU I u& oex- - -Vir-. nil id ,,r , , , , "'" '"I'"I"W'J ,f.inr (.rv dollar, Mick and stone. I , iiiuil pieteMid about the looseness t v i,'k. , "'. ',1l,r,"",hS "ml f",n1" , ''" suggested n trust He mid no; and i e Iml M '' ll,,,lU M, f-'1'"''1'. "('11' "" '" s" ,'1111 u" "" '""iev ii,ii,i V ii I ," " ', "" ' ion nan evu nail jeu hail eauieil lv the eim, .mi1""1 N,!'"'ll'1"K t(' hisperMUJt of veui b.ew, thut jeu weuld1 liiM,,, ' '' '" ,,llll"'-lU' ber iiiiitiniiiil,kuew what u ilellnr w.is nnd lien far S u , n . .. . a U""UI B- S" t!,at I'"'f of "l0 "lllllc Ck. ,,". ' l'l"'.ii filiudlv tewntd Mcmiileiu eimiigh. lie taught jeu the , w'niVlV i u "l"K'1' f"ls"' "UH" l".1"1 -10i PhllMllil of hiitie-t weik." I con if, I"! V .T '""' 'fl'lm. If Mum "But nut a Hue of edvi.e'" said se'iu l nit n him a ie.il filituUhe weuldi itiinctefl. "As ll hu wne tibselutelr muh-iui; inn one was inn et ueiiiit- indiftiiint what I did with this money. lug Net u legacy of anv kind, Supposing c , ., , , -set u legacy of anv Iciml. Muppeslng !,,?' ' 'J . .,c 1"'"1"',,1 'be Iuppv si 1 had grown up illiterate - what then?" Heller, u ill)., it.. f....ii..i ........ un .... I. .... . i ill 1 I """ "Hi" iua liiliiil Uill minil .VII, out JOU lllllHl, I GUMr-rCd iiiiii "i1"''' bed, new amunid, new iSiull. "our fmher km vv what veu were Jiniatii, the Mllii- et advintiiris wove about, but he Mid nothing Supposing S'lV', wi line, mi liriiml and high, thnt1 he had admitted his wealth and sent na dav boil, it,,,. ,.,,,(, ,.,,,i v....... it,.,. . " found thenibvlvis IniHiapubly en "filled In it. Bancroft was awakened the next "erniug bj the curlv Minshine. He had n0tu',lte ,lr'iw lb" turtains, and the it i I1 1 "B,lt' beaming with metes, " nis ives niiil tile ceil out the cost v jeu te (ullCL'e. would j nil hu as well off ns jeu ii in teduv .' Would ieu bn half se well educated Walt a minute." Snell dug into I he box uud produced a liuudle of receipts. "Whess slgimturft Is that?" "Miller's! the urndeiiiy principal! l'tr,...,.. I.. ....!.... . .... int" II. . ........ fl"., f , ..... net. ... ..... 1M ii.u l.fO,,, ' .,..11, llliOVIIl'tl , ,,.,. . llLJ,.,l r. -'""niiiicnts of Ills bedroom. It nil bewilderment win nicking him painfully , "v. a .,)lu:U ' moment ; he knevs "were no M, ."1th a laugh Bancroft jumped out or bed and tinttul nbeut the room en " ii', uiu a Jlltle ehadevv boxing. But he kent me at aim s length. Mr. Snell, iilwnja nt arm's length." Theic was u breuk in the yeiitig man' Mike, CONTINUED TOIIORROW WALT, 00 AMD fARS. BLOSSOM ARG ON Confidential terms Aqent Yeu? uvhat euStNESS WAS Hee Husband in? I I DOtMY kMOW. " - . ,. . t CMILY. I'VE NEVfR HPARD HETR bAS IS HE LlVING- OK HtF DEAD? -v TOUO ME 1 -ev i . .x , 7 . s $ s-rm .45S V -v V v.' ' a vtv er: rsra ss- rwrv,. 7 LV4 W K k x H LLC Jbl V"" 0'" 'FnTrmEmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmg I l r I Lamtamm- 1 feSMaB 40m, COULDN'T TclL lOW. DCAD I ALVVANS 'PObCD. BUT I NrTlfe-R ASKED HER AND 5E MEvee TOUD ME s 3S. By King De Yeu Knev WHETHER SHE EVER. HAD A rlUSSAUD OR MOT ? vvtLL, HER NAME 0 S-c, MMT AT TMAT - APC it. MKb. BLOSSOM. 3 BLOSSOM flOlVS MW UKTncu ak, They HAve te havc 1 AlL A8r jt seE2it but i Oen't ivrsuw sv-i 1HIN& ABOUT HEI?, fN OUR. CONRDENTJAU CHATS SWC'S - f I mmr- rmj - . - . . -r, . . , . w-.nti (HEJ CHATS AMD I'lff I' f H0S8AND TO BE A AIRS.. DOMT r? rz:r ,He w lr ruKNibHED ALL 7ME CUCSS! CONFlOeNCc tftfr I W ll lilMi. "