I - -" " "" - T 'ffWM-lJ-W.-.. .. fill. litiiPuil!gIPIiliMMtWiiip j-jmh ----- r- .. '..' ' V".-ij .;i, 5t" vsfti G-t&Vtt-M vK ivWi-v ?!'' 16 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGERPHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1922 rt?' --' J w r. I m B J'lV f Si y w GLENN HUNTER IS ! 'MERTON'TOTHEUFEi I Ovation Accorded te Yeung ! Star as Mevie-Mad Country Bey Oarrlrh - There are tienrh a- mnn. fcfnrtni'hei In ".Merlen of tin1 Meiies" A (here are laughs, iiml lln liiitrr urn (IS lllh'k ai lilt' i'lni" who rrnuil t tin Sttltlill M'eillV 'I'lii' lunch nil- for rier.ibnil.i in eier.i audii'tire: tin' Iiriirlni'lii's for these teilcliy nnd -("I'-.tUc Imlhliliuilx the film fiiiif. I'er. Net i ilie Iiml out iii:in lliinjs ulih'h dinner iili'iil- mul illu sion" : llii'.v Irnin Iiml leading bulb" wlie prnti' of ilu'lr duti te ihcir t'tili'i uml bniiM of neier eni'ili'im.; "do.i "de.i b'ts" for i lii. I -i'i'iii'- in i rii lt are nfmld le jump tile feet into miter, mill .rr married te tin i r direi ter-. I n- he hn'il the trllipi nimi'iil of i.i.Mr favorite tllrrrler. who limit line violin mii-.ii te ilis'iite IIieiikIiI . I hoi 1 1 " 1 1 - ill' conceit iiml tln fepiii-liiii'- of their -leel, Itniri'il l-'ii'lin- uiiiii (Mi. "Mi'ite-i in' i'i Miiii' t inn penile Mlth tin' f.11111111- eli Him tnnli limit. It elies fun iii l-.-ii'iii;; m m w li . Ilileri lei"l in I lnli p ii ni-i-cn. i!n. drelnre. feri'M'i- iin i .Ih:ij-. Tit. r tlielr "ir ri tl i-ir Ivt pils" mil itlie. rniiv iiilili ih ir -iiii".i int'i It 'n ius tilm ie ler- nli i..l! .-'I'mii then in pi I lit ion for 'Mii I. ij ' r :i 'I "it 'i.- b:iri'i - of fun nwiii t1'- l'l' i-i,i1t'. habit of ink t iii; Ii'it it i 'n-s :iinl ceinplcteli i liiitisui-; ilii'in te "ii treiiiK'i' se; interest." In neiel four. Il.irt.i I i ': n'- "Mi'i'teii of tin Mum.' iiu i n,i mute riitieiinl. ,,iiil i-.- i- . imi It enl.t, ntitiinil ili. t ii ii.. ".n4 ' -i"" h two-lieiii- iiml-.i -iii-'f i -it -ri iiii.n".t the 'r;i:ii.iti-:. M.it- ' '-n i 'I i n (leniTe S K. mini in. ' ,i te -u 'tv tli Mi-; te tl.e hone, ii'i'l tails 'e.ii,- -iiin ! Ixf tliilt were '":i;smI. .him .i..i.-h in -tinii tlnit u.i-. -i s;- r U""' KvnpcfiniMii l"i- iei pni "Mi ri. mi of tlii Mniiin", ,1 jiii'. i i i tt;"ii .,l (loin -.e h tlii -iniii'l ,ei. l.'ii i i inn rli'li' n-i'ei i'i 5 i :1"i" f -.1. 'I'ln- . li.i-f rr..'iii'r i. lili'tm 1 1 mi' r l.llM lUKlit. lift, i- -In iM i f t li ti. il ciii'tnin. tlin .-ipprni.it ir ,i iii,i-ii i. r ninili.'il in tln-lr -.i-.it-. . n i. nfii-r -, t-1 1 or i-lp-!it i-iiit.iii i-i '-. :i--.i"iil mi ,i Kpi-erh from eiiii-; !" M.iit i TN i- v.enlil In. f"'i wlie vv -. i 1 i-i ,;r iil.-i- I ,h, tin' honor. As, th" I'nntrn i 'i m !n i'i-'" i i !;; si'ti-i'ii nri te ,i li.-: ,!! pl.-i'..- .iii-i "... v.i tIupii fr ii iif.ir i,i vi' i i ii'i.'n-itit". . i lm ti-i $ i'.v-' I IIel'; worn ei.il -. "-it ili-.. ; M'iii-i-iitiii -in I il ii-. i : J i-i of heron 1 1 ii i; .n i--,i u,, i ,1 in iilf (lis -.li.nti r 1 "ti . "i" "i ,ii In -( i I'll te i In- l rii.ii. . ' ,- il- ' ',',! i',. r.ll ili" l int- ,ir '! .' i.ili-i f.-.--i, , Vt I 0 hlli' 1 '"Ml i'i 'I ' , f i I , "- I i who litu'lK iniil.e j. i. il. n-ii i'i i.i, , bill in -iii;i.i ii k. It-iiii- I.- ,.i- i 'l..v. reiiii'iJ.i t:i '. ' H'i r ii i, r V .it- Rinl in". ! i i:. i .- i ! II in! n nri dil'inti- i In- ci-m- ..( ,,. i i- in.'. ami ulii'ii In' ui. ,.ifi or i.itli th- I :- in mt m:i 'ii-'i l-lii.i -.- -i , ""T i. nt.-u (ill" ' -! i- win ileiiii i-u ter M I'en fcnilllfs-l. .III,! ' I-...I . I'. . V" i'l" sfione in lliin.i-r. Th i.,i ,.i' 'in. ninth ih. t nil -,! ., tin- i ..f r humor. i ' 'in ;. -i nf .-, lit i'eh-i Jflllll i-is-... ..1,1 l'l,, ; t. !., in Iti'i (' ' IV. man. IMtti'i.I I .'U-.i I'.vtlier 1 mi .ii,. I . lt-iiii.iii.i- i'lii. n der ,i ! . i' i.iii r.t"i.- ).! '. in. ii- Tlll'l'l- i . 1st , ' M 1- 111 ,l. I. oil,,, I tlll'l Tw.. - of .'t-1-,, leil(l-l I hill III : Oil .. - i'.sIM,l..- t V. I , l II.- Ill's llilllM1!' . ' e -I , It -! . 1 1 -li .,I. Mtir. il'.l II..' s ,;.i ;, v,, I i . ,,f --liiMi inn! niii.' j i hj, trin i ' Al - in-i hi i ii Jim ii s" , ..I'm- m . i i ... j -. v ("sly. :i:nl .is !'... . . t, t, Jl.'l-le I. II ."It .- l. "' ,, , , f - HMV. II f.1.1 -sil 1 -v v ll, ,, , K.lllfllU.l'I I'll I , , , , ,r Mi pin; -ii I i - . . ' Hi." it ' l',' . 1 , .... i..,-, f. Illl H I 1 ' WEBER AMD FIELDS TOGETHER AGAIN Favorite Ce'nedians in "Re united" Enthusiastically Recevecl riirsliiut .fri"l (pr a Ileit-c I. - fnliniiiiliV , . n ' -i ,. , MVbi'i- iiii.l I',, ,.K i , i ,,.!,', of mi I'lit'nisi.isi.,. n. i . .. I i ,: dt llie r-op.ei.Ili; ." 'i..- "lii's- n Mi Opn-a llen-n .n n f-.- , ,, . i x i e' cmni'ilv s,,,u. ,,, , ,,,, ,,,., .,,. Ullltfll " After n sf-;arn' m . ' .i.iprnl i-nr the ttt.i '.-rntes j i. iii-u.i!,..-, h.ivi- v riiiin il tin j i i no- su i v. I,. I,-' till-Ill f-lll .1 Zl-I.O-ntl.iM I,,,! Mi, ,.,'.. I of their iiuler -i sun,- , ..fi,, ,- , , lltlll llMs, nl-h MS ' II .." nf C(nis Mini the s'.iti iiii.liiit; .-., . ,. (! an- tip-te-ilnti The hill . n',., ..,. ii ; ,. rah Li the sjii;mi: e' Mi-s I". i i-.-. ..' f,,. f,.n. of Iient mul l'l, i. in - ,,,p -imi-ii'i ., Helllllll elle II 1" I ,m . i ,,, t , . , . Inle lie-t V ili.ili.s' in ,l,. Mil- T i test of i'ii pre-.-rui i " -iip- , n-i;i-' of slii";.ii; ii in. H-r -n .u-ie J-,'i -i- in isii ,il in 'i, n i , .ii,,., ,,Vt tiirls," i iilt. iii it ' i, -. , ,,. ,,.. Pnnline it,-.,! ,,. -i ...;-. Si.! CmM' iTirl mother in n . ii ,, ii-i . i ,i ;, - - --j- Niek of Tin. . h- i '. ah. ., cempiin-, et icn's . !., Cn-ei-, i h" i-i truiliiiv-, I,,. i ,, ,, ,, ,,, ,,,,. ,.,,, nnd u irl-lm,' ,iiM ! ,,. -, i..',. lliinl. ' A pte'M s, ..I,!,. r, , , ,, j,,',, (llic-eil in ii v at. rfiill 1 n t .rt i.vl in one of Mi.s (' ut,.r , , I,,..,!-,,,,, . Alli-ipe l.ll'y emeu t lllli u I W.l.tli.i- of Charles T. AMrn h. tin- I iirli nm .; -climtKe nriM. ui,,, .-or trihn-i'i nn m tercstins 1 1 1 furmnn. i i.m pi.-enteil l.t- llllitlltie-ls tin 1 iS;iilses n!t s- i, tin,. rnpldlty The I.uilelias. ui-,, r. i, ,.,," rcntli'infii iith , ini.,1! hiv sjinjiiiii feet, nlsn nun their shun- of npplaus .'. Tr.ivestle3 at Djment's l)uiivilit'f f.iist ueeh's feiitnre tnu -futy, "Tin- I'lin-hiiu siiuire" prei".; , successful tini I If l.iis l.e ,, I, 0V1.p 1M thlH ueek's inniii iiilim-ien ('hnr'i. l!e.irn mul ether favorites of the , tinnj pm in ress ilii. fun -nmki-r un, it B .Milltieiirne MM'iii;. m -jnj.it sti,, sti,, "Fer .lltn's Sake." a , ut-inb.iil pin 11, senes te sliim U,iinrl l.ee' 1,1 deiibtt-il alnlitj, ami I uitnt t We! n fcitlgs new .Hill iltiiielMi I ii 'ai's 'i i,. firtt iarl contains m.in-. lntcre-tiii lU'Cinlties. Walten Reef "Beaded Bag" A vcr t-oeil hill Is biMiis preseiife I, P)Militl In Violet Carlsen, who hns just eeniP here from New Verk She has a rcnl idlloctieii of mm mhh;s and her work Is cri I'eiiimemlable. ller eoi. eei. tuniPN arc the lust neril in enijiiialit.v. Jiliss Ciii-lsen M'eiril (in emphatic hit "The Old Iteatlcl Hub." by .lack While ami nimpniij , is a novelty net that tltl Zt'bt til the eVl'llilln lltlll In lull uf plUMint humor Vlulnlu Heaninle rrttcntN some tlrleulnl mul interpretn Ire tin Ill-Ill C tlltit la leilll.v iil'tlstlu unit ' very well vxfvutcd. i . real I e' ll"s "e'i ; in- '-., ' iv it, i ,i ear. ' v as 'ii. i, i'i' nun -.. s .ml t'e- ' ,...i a Iiim-h. i..n .f Mer- r .. HAMPDEN'S MACBETH STRIKINGLY MODERN Simplicity of Setting3, Expert Cutting, Give New Life te Drama "Viilmil SlKiilficnnt In Walter Ilanipilen'v prest'iiln'ien of "Mncbrili" last nllit Mere the percnnliil freshness of the pin tnul the evident cemph'ti iiijejinent of the liirse ntlilietice. .t.iv I.'. IItms. le the eeutrar notliwitli netliwitli stand. e in sienk. llarrlnj; I lm seventeenth ceniiuv ilril ui.tlie et met'fien, winch. In the alisenc of settles in these dii)s-. in.ul" seenei -e'lt of i;eiiereus ;elis of ileseriplit neitrj. the tnigeily of the Tlinnr Ciwile" mi I his ambitious wife mi ; h:ne been wr'lten this er jenr. lm ' v . rlil 'i pi.-ij -i.i iker able enough t" '" It. ( In is iiuned te wen tier u Iin plii iii'w,',l tin's jear is as iilnl, :i iMilieiitie ill' a trails -i Ipl nf the depths f I ! in- ii eni,..nis us "M.iclielh " Itiii teii'i- mind te lm there Is little tin-I te nrsue for the l.ird h"euil sai . i lull In- pla li.es ion lears after hi dentb. I'arrfiil i-i liMis.it mil lielit, in-d llie P'tl.l te til. el the taste of - liliiilei-ll llllilli line m i ,lie ,iMsti,- selliuss In ..i ii. talili iin- last -ei I'nWl I .1 pllltlllll of tin .if i il bre.i I ei,iis,. nf were strikni!;. Tliroiii:h Tlireiii:h ii , "in was i leli la -iin ?:-. uatli llain lei.' M.i.-!.it'i t. rij;;ed. hi,. Is e ill era:; e.isile and j el -iil ) 'i ikIi te i -.in-ess ., si ,,ii-l,i the ii.-u-i-'sidtitieii wl n-h i i i!n end iireeks ii, l liiinle lSriii tiir; whirl cast k e Jll-i l'l I K UK uil-t' r out. th iiin-lt.1 He. .nit le.ll 1 i.t e t i.imp And it 1 1' i' - 1 .,.! tne i Ilk .111 I'ltil-I erii s ,,iit : li."s. nnii-,i ei-t .-iin. "M. r -I il .ih biMei- Mnr.i Il.ill. her lUIMlt 111 Its l-i I .Mill belli. I'i l nn in;, the i n wetll.lllllllevs . iiii"!'it;eii-i .in. .i.i his iiideel-ii. ei tin mere! M.n-- s'ei.-i ' 'ils shin. sii;;ested b Mi ' '.' ii.iri'li untifiii s,i n'i-1 tiei his,-1.., I'eiii i eiiU ll. lull also tin if fin- i "i-n-ueter. I ! si-.tllit ller -,'i!'-u ili.ni; M-el.e u.i-. i,netl: ri-lei.it.nli. T!i" i-ntn-e peifei-tiinii.". i!i.'n iiml tlieiichi . Ti .- i. li...- piini' I .mi thin-; but n i Hi.v et tin- 'i:i.tsiii I ii'j .1 .i sll Ml 's :,l tiest K i ii ir i-.-n -iti with te-n Mi iui wed I 'e III It II 1 1 I .lit I'llT. .1"! f il'St tti ii .- oil I II 111 It' I.I Oil tl d te the i or 1 ' Mai Iietli erii"! l l real li-jiii j.. i-s. '1 liaii.- With , Lm i s, Lf" ttii! the and. ci. . 'il w ith all iieiii.il Ui'l'" prolell'.'eil ,-'lp 1 ain. ii-,ris Net Ik.' ! r I'MI-e ... i- M i i I'.n.-e pel fni in vice. "HOTEL MOUSE" HAS TUNEFUL MOMENTS Frances White and Tayler Helmes Ce-Star in a Pleas ing Musical Play "-liiilurl ;i,li v -ill -e-k . n in f it. inn the. .-itie piedih el e' II' I- . .,.J a tl Ml "I. .r'.ui 'I i, '. lit loll ' rti. a',er ti . al 111!' I' 1, "f.-l'l'lf f p'et, I'll' "f I-I.'- f p.'HeS. ti of .n;l knows iis I ,r;i si ti p.- T" 'ler Hull i s In -Tie '., ort "i,s -,- H st, r- is t I of I s'nri i- i !-f.,r- i' - i,. te ' i -f I'lii t ,1.1c. S HIIl. - f.l bn II- ' in,: i t e If l ti:. 1 1 it ii i- .i' '' I 'i' H. i. M I" Ai i.i ! .ti- ; h'i M- I', 't lli'l Il '"1.. , I..,-. is lire :im- .s , f I i I". . b, , , ' H . '" ;!i:n; iln-Tie ''': i, Wl. V il" le lllll r ink nter- "T''e ,l M.- I I I'lH I I, I HI e M- II - !a : I., le.': , . it. '-in 'I I- I- i I 1 I I-i li .' sllt'li , 'The II,. -el .is. " a I '-alii i ,i i ible P.'it : i -li it. I el ''. -is ,er I .1 ' ; 1 lil"! I ; i i ii ;.,t "i t n r,"- s 1" ,"i- i , 'in-; t" re1. .. . i' - i,.i. he'e- iM i . in le r Tl i' , lirsi .T-t tinii '.. - as', i .ui n Ien-; i. w old ri" about . .. - ;, .. Li-;., fur her - i , 'h-s in ii its, de . l,,i -,. I ar'e i, , penult - .. , - , er I lie pte-i '1. I' ' .i' In ' r's rn.nn An '.. pi l-" It Mls White f s ' , i- f:n .r. snncs ii, ' i r j n .mi.- and the mitl ,,r s ed;es of tin ,'..t - . i has fert-ntti n hi tl i , , ' lied ii Is l, W' 1 1 ! Il due -. nlwavs n I'll.' nlri; I te - irpr.sfd hi ill- ' -i t i .- ,.- ri, il nut the - 1 ; "i; n i ii-i i- , f I, s rob lie - ' ,' r"' 's .. '.i Iip ii i.i ) ,,- n . i .net ' .- nbi'.'tj n- "i f ,r- 'i in , lestn.'i. An-1 la Mr I' ,r. s i- . . elll lit fi ll f.," ' s ,, ,r,, I Sinn 'er. snipin in-.. .-, i ..lie d-'i-'s reh -a!. -'!;; -i l.undii np wl !--l 'ii r I'n-k . . i e ,i 'in'ed ' 11 .Is "'rill.i es M.t e still .f th. W'ii I" '-r .i M ei I' ha. 1 r- p..-t. "i t K. te... I i'i ' 1 1 n - irped n . ti Photoplays Elsewhere SVJX70X. -- "MniisIiillKhter." with Tlii'iims -.Irlgluui .mil Leutrlcc Jey. I'M.ACl. - "The lUniit e.," with Itklmtd Hartlicltuesn ( OUtS'lM "ItmtiliiK S.iihIh, with .Milten Sills lUrriylM., I.OI'IST ASH liblli- HUX'I "Hltieil nnd "M.inil." with Itoilelph Viilt-ntlne ! I.VIIM "Tun Sii'te Hril-h Tin 1 1 ' with Itm Stenaii. (1 ;.' f.'.l I U l I H 1. 1! .V "Sherlock Helmes" uiili Jehn It.irr-. mure. ni(i,--"A Peel Theie Uiih." with Lewis St. ne. and "The Thieo Miisl-tJet-Thi I es " A'O.V.S AUltASSADnl! "Itloed t rul Mii.il." witn ltmlt Ipli .ih ii- llllll MK.IVD- "llurnln-; Saudi," with M'llell SIIIK -t. iv-MX-i ii sii;i:ii - 'Hioeii .mil Sand ' with lleilnl h Vulcn- ' l)h-ll "Her (iildctl ( . with i iiei I i Sw.uisun (' .s CM - " Hell, .eiis Idttle ! . i I i ith M.i Man a . i I'll AH- I'.i ISiKim "if I'etlipiest," n Mi N'erni.i 'i'.ilniiul;e l Vila "The 1'iis'illii Streal(," '.. l'.'in M. GEORGE ARLISS HAS Star Shows te Great Advantage in "Man Who Played GedM HAUNTING MELODIES IN "BLOSSOM TIME" Fellcw Named Franz Schubert Wrete Seme of Them and He Certainly Shows Talent I.yrir A one tn.iti reni.T"ke,l lie- tween the nets of "Iiess,nn Time." "'I'll Is sj mi 's pit n l,i ,ii" nice melodies n it." The pmxrnui e,dalne.i thai I. am of the tneletllis were hi n tnnli i. lined Sehiibert net l.ee or .1 .T. tthei .e'l their ti.'line iitheiit the "e" i but i chap minted Trail, mul the lueerani further extdains that In- di- I a lone time t. whi'b seems a piti. fm- with the .:.l of the 111.111 "adapters" nlm helped lllllltiy blltlcr who reiiernllv. oil tin 's-Iiike, Ih confined te Mich Kentcnees ni . . . . . . i Till! ritrrincp Is i-emlr" or "H mil I ANfiTr- FR R fi Rfi Filmc wlPer wrvcil for two or three?" i liiw i iii.il uiu nuuu i and te eiiuallv iitilnnierlnnt hits en the MTfeii, Keeins te liuve ut lust wine into hit own. Ill "TIip Dimt T-'liuvcr." Unsll Kltic'ft I Idlest Htery te rench the screen, the but ler W hy fm- the mom ItilereHtlnK char acler. It Is Iin who tells the country itiatlslile heroine hew te drcm ninl liiiw"! 1 te behave when the society here iimrrles I her out of piilie iilnl because of the jilt Ini; Riven him by his liancee. Of course, i J i.hIi! (lntiimi iftiitiii iiliiiiiiiI unit rlna In 1 l -iii liv - I Ulllt "I IIHIIIIIII lllll lll' l I capture him iiriiIii, but the nimple lit- , lie wife, the "iliiHt llewcr" he lilekctl ill b the read, wins out. Cre'tllt iniiHt be haiitled for all thin te the miperier ' but clever butler. I That important pewuitiKc Is plnyctl by Claude (iilliiiKwiitcr. anil he does n masterful bit of work. rlRht in line with , the vivid character creation he has Riven us kiiicu bin debut a jenr ure In lilins. Helene ("hail wick is a most rhnrmltiR and most eapalile heiellie, nnd .Tunics Kenule is acceptable here. While "The Dust Flower" Is net : in the least like "Karthheiiiiil." either in erlRinality or juiwcr, it is nn Inter estiiiR story, well teltl throughout. VAN AND SCHENCK WIN KEITH'S HONORS Singers Please Large Audience. Lillian Shaw Alse Scores Decided Hit Stanley cerlty it m' till nrtlst I'lajed C.nd." ii'U people an A sreiit dlsnlty, a real sin I lie impersoiiiitlen of a splen characlirie "The Inn Who It's n picture for lltlnl cannot be digested with a Rlilp. as Is the ease with most til ill fare. Hack of ils dramatic story is very veal mul cr live theucht that tniiy well he neiiler-d ever lifter the I I'litre Is s'-en. (icerRe Arllss, probably the luckiest I till the "rent staL'e stars in choice ' 1 tl m U'hieies. Is respeusili'n, there - no ilnubt. for at least half of the ffeet of this feature. Il is the smooth -st ami in many wais the Rrentcst of ih' four ehnracteil.iil.'itis he bus rIich l'e screen. v Arllss plays the role of Jehn Anion, i itrcnt musician, who is sudiletilv stricken deaf when n loiter explodes nemii (iiirinc n leiiurst perferniance Kellh'.v Van nnd Schenclt, lieraltlcd ns the pennuiit-wlniiliiR ballery of soiir seiir laiitl, wen headline honors en a bill (hat has mere headline attractions than ordinary lui'ns. Whether jeu would have Riind siliRiiiR, duncliiR, comedy or syncopation, jeu will Iiml a geed mens lire en the priiRrniii. Seeral new numbers linve been added te Vim mid Hclienck's score. The obi ones, however, brought Ihein the most npiilaiise. Their itutterinc senii ...li. uillllin , . , . . ( ,, , , . ",,. an the society r '"" '" "" , " ""-"' -' ' i m m- in uiiiii, ii ntui'ii Kelly humored with bits of originality here and there. Cook and ernen were en (he bill. An iip-lo-dnte thriller fea tures the film, William Penn Rese and Moen Pleaslnir echoes from musical com edy land are found In the efferiiiu' of l.ee Uose and Kathryn .Moen. Their songs have a wiiuck of newness and are iiileriulngled with nrlMle diiiiclni, bevend the ordinary. Otis Hpaiigler adds greatly te the geed results. Real Irish stories with a true dialect are teltl bj Tim Kelly, who was rewarded with substantial laughs. Tayler and Hebbc offered n comedy novelty and the I hree I.... i... j tie-iiinii iii eniillllir mil All ar tistic treat is offered in the photeplayj feature which is (luy Hates J'est ilH "The Mastiuermler." Nixon's Grand Hugh Herbert It Is no evuRReratlen te say that the the Is woman undergoes the test it.tu77Y believed there iTrn no niJ..i(!,".4.h.' . .. - " i'hiiiiui ri.i. t atter me expcricnce. 7,nza AieU'.l'i ceinpany offered n number of Ben !j dances with koeiI resiiltu. M.i'''iid' acts include these of Heb t.1.. 'N ' comedian : Austin Bnd Carleton tn.i?r' plales; O'Coiiners and Itevne' &! and patter, nnd Berrit and li,ln' "Shadows of Conscience" Is th. ?,' attraction. n film. Keystone Billy LaVar An excellent bill marks the f,tM1, minlvcrsary of the opening of this iff. tre. Oulek-nctlen re.ne,k- . . H, thM" songs ami, lances make the net 0ffSS5 liy 111 ly r.aar and company nil i,,i iiiiiiu ue iiuMrvu. II is mar (oil l,v ...:1 Mart te llnlsh. Jee I)nre T.ftfl fllllli ami told stories whlek mm ,..' "n prevnl. I.iingtlen and Fredericks at-,.P" U'tl the r uUit eiill..,! nui......a.m- (loed nets were nlse offered 'bv (inrL ni, ,1 Ilea mul ttnlln.i.l .,...1 K...,0M Victeria Our old friend Torchy, re named ami nm Itched from two In live In fore n crnivnel l,e.i,l f nnrenn. (In 'reel comedies, ngiiiit comes en the scent ' ' " I ..- ,.!.. ,-ll... .... .1 1...I.. r lint. s'li ine wiieti- it unable le ' "I ut "ti "Ml .ssum Time," he run' ' hai t n let of bis slums nn Itmadwai . wlip-n nf course would hale ii-.",iiit thai ,e was rea'.li L'oed. lie eeitamlj slimn-i .:enii-e in "lilossein Tiiie-. ' nltlieiuli i- est of ll,.' tunes uf his Hindi stmti'i1 '1 riaht seemed le switch of inin .i ' llllltf dllTefi'tlt llefere tllel .-et tlirelgll I'liiit was -a I ve the ada;it"t"s .aiin- it-. I hei s;ied t le tiling ij swlliglli.- lien. tijht into the Kind of stuff thai ;ets cin.s and lli.it sends llie pn.ic nw.ii wlit-tliiu mid htiirmitiR. and ,, fieri- hi, h i..s satisfied. lint innjbe if this ii.i.i Sihiibirt hadn't died --. jeimg. In itt'.t Ii.mi lea lied that trick h.u.-''li It's a 1 lib" difficult te keen the , I,,,. its im,I '.'' Sh'iherls m-i rat.-il i . is -s.-i "I',', ssim 'I'iuie." Iiei lis 'i ni S-. l!il-t. III COI'llilU te tl'" pi", I l'l s fent1', mi the list of sin'ilI-Kp lits, while ,1. -I has ii n nn. all in ,-ifib with :t "Mil," in f-eii' of it. 1" it 1 "riiii ' .ii"'eni-s a sai n in tl , -' ' ,' ir.i'-ters, 'ml the steri e' th- pl.ij - .i'i about It mi and bis unf-.it n.r.e . i.' affair with the daughter ,,f ,i Pmi-- ' sij'i, iniirt leweler nler.j ."bettt the M 1 i'e A;.' .f the early lsun .. This i-r ml en,'- a . hancc for ln"i 'iful .in! . t ir. see lestiimiug. and the s'iis- I'iciiites .in- i.itainly charm iu .'ill tin' W.I" tl"e,iaIl M'lil'lUil IJelil'ierc. who "il.ipl.. th ins return te this eniintr.N play, he learns lip reading, but It does net satisfy him. ami be becomes a soup, lenipereil, creclieti mnn. much te the sorrow of his leun-i wife. She leaves him for an eMemled period and during her absence his regeneration eeiiinu nces. The start is timtle bj Ardeii'i valet. ,v he asks his master te c a pair of leld glasses from the vece .1 stnrj of tlielr I "1ft h avenue home te eaminc -i me dowers down iii the park iCen lull i. lusteml, Arden spi'-s many m 'eresling couples mid llnds tint een t Ibis "li-tance he e.m -end tle-.r lip-J 'I lier"fore be decides te "nlai ilel" te Pese neeple, llnding out tlielr greatest wants and supplyinp ihein. This brings ji'itslilti" haik into his life, but lie be limes his wife has only piti for him. iinl. after a henrt -rendlm.' se eie, be lies ti, his own church, in a half half iblirieus condition. There a peculiar in ci lent restores bis lic.irln- ,'tid lie I -"Med at the organ, plaiing. when hi it'e C'ltnes in, That finale i one of the few things 'he tilniM have ghen us tlrir apprnxl mines a certain kind of sublimity, ll i eon ll the climax of "Ihirth! eimd." Kvcept for u few nil her mawkish s-enes in the middle of the tilm. "The M.m Who riayed (! d" is alwais crip ping, always lepica' i I lm.. ml. in almost every case, it ,-ets ai ay from iiiess-emereil tilm trndltten In addition te AriNs s ,'eniimu-e. wherein lie gai kindly nnd the eitl pha-es 'iiirni ter with subtle distm vas Ann Perresl uitli : performnnce of the mle of Sure Kil ls entertaining and fast -moving comedy which deserves the adjective "snappy lather than (.lever. When the fun halts for a in, mien! thrills come in, and there is a rather sluggish love affair which re tards rather than aids the aclieu. The cast is most remarkable. In i fmiiul addition te the agile and many -faced ,inh. lehiiuy nines, m a typical role, there tire Ihiris Keuyen, charming but seem ingly u bit out of place in se fast nnd 'urieus a comedy : Edmund Hrecse and Hubert IMesen, stage and screen veter ans. In strnU'ht roles, Kllie Shannen, .1. Harney Sherry and Charles f!er-rard. Second honors went te the character comedian. Lillian Shaw. Knelt song brought her many encores. In u cur tain .speech she declared she would be hack in a few weeks wllh a new pro gram. The audience took te her mar riage Mings, which were rendered with nil the. ferccfiilncss this star possesses Hence Huberts nnd (tiers-I)urf Syni phtmists N the title ten talented musicians and a dainty dancer have selected for theinsehes. Classics te ragtime was their range. The tieinhniie ami saxophone playing was cspeclallv ..-11 .1 M'l. .1 1 f.... .1... wen tiiiiii-. tin- tiiiiiciiii, inr tin i urn i .,.tm .. .,t ....;..,. ,i.. I. .1 in 'tieri.1 i.iir- iiiiiin,- in iilnl ll nils in ini- i iiiiui-i in Mipcr-liiiuUine attraction i hew Ih the best se far tills season. , ir,mB .,,.,. 0f "liV ,0 ii,!: 4 "Mind Your Own lti.sl.iess." a sk r li , i tnlTnIe I Jill" Is the llln at action .1 presented by Hugli Herbert mul com- ,, , nbtindt I ce of tl ,'? M .mi) .tells .. geed slery which Is p.inc. happenings 0,i 1 , c film. latM' tualed Willi linicli lauglilcr. 'I lie an- , B noun. (Heme enjeved It Iboreilghl.v. slmwing that a sketch should have a spot en even vaudeville bill. A iiiinialuie inu slcal comedy presented by .lack Walsh ami ceinpany ovcrllewcd with geed ideas mid nnel numbers. Masen anil Wmiiie iiPPi'.'ircd in u slJiRlng nm nm. n si; I which wis ineiiR eiiKiiiiu nir lierterm.'incn unra lilies, with some gtieil wnistiing iiiniwti the pivscntutlen of the Glebe "Oklahoma Four" 'l... Ml. In !.... 1.- I.. . in.- vM.iiiiiwiiui iiMir ill u St 16 tiff mil dancing skit. "Pastimes On ih,.i .!n.1 are the feature attraction pn this .v. bill., which is replete with iV.Kl slltllltll Limns- Mill..,,...,. ... ,1 "" -. ' '' "ii'ininin in n (inn.. CIIKl!tl". ivi.V lllllspul lllfp, ( -,. iiegciii .i rniiier iiurresiinu incme lightfnl surprise ei n woman s uiiiii in ine power in light think'iig as oppose,) te llie wrung lings muiI weaknesses of two fnnillv groups Is sl.iiwn in "Ilearl's Haven." a Clara Louise Hiiriiliani story. The , i ast tentnliis u number of unusual i types, mid both Claire McDowell and I U'lbert McKlm stninl out with consist censist j cut and powerful characterizations. , Carl liniitNoert and Claire Adams arc I uNn In the cast. Lerraine and Cngwin, assisted by Margaret Davies, have u musical comedy act that wen instant approval, ftoed music was cicierh interwoven in making this turn a decided and desened triumph. Swift nnd ixclley repealed Ihcir success with "(ittin I'reps," ' Anetlier big winner wns William F.bs in a vcntrilniiuist act. This lias a de- in n for soeil incasuie. .inc r i.ineis, ,i , IMI pniueunceil It a cemn eln .n..' l'liilaileliJila girl, scmcil one of the ' .-y M,-,e, musical comedy and rw. i nits ei ine snow nun n .i.ii.-i..... ... i sun-, appears ie very I new songs. Mie were sevcini iiiiiin- some gowns. The bill also Included Morten in a nevri, aci, nm ami t-iuiy. ami ,iiick ami m-si, iiin letes. The picture program is vlitutilly a whole show in itself. NTMll L'OlllI niU-nnl... an act wiilcb aids slrem.il, i .f ell,..l-M Imi. ,i i.iii ...i .. "" '.: "' ......... .... ,..,,. .,,,,, nun wus upll .. ceiwil by the audience: while Lew Wn I ...in i,.,ii,n,lti. n.t.l .!,. . J1 ..., . ,...,t,, ,,.,,, ,,,, i.iiH-r ncis eatne li fill fl I'lKllI t-llllllfl nl n.,,,1... .-.. .. ,".... ..xtiti, y,L IIII1IU-11, Orpheum Dancing Dezen nerseii who wants a Utile linisli. Keines amlitheli Tl everilhiiiff will Iilnl it ill tliis show which Is featured by Ned Way-burn s Dancing Dn.rn. Tills agrfiegalien seis the pace for eriginar.ly mul speed. Thev work like ii whirlwind and vary (eitiner. juvenile musicians, wen sev Mai encores, A geed opener was done by Itronsen and Kilwards witli their nonsense. A trained cat helps along. The sensational Valenlincs' prexctl a geed closer. 1 'at rnns who left before Ibis act missed n treat. Kiinny Aesop Cables was alie shown. letitlid per- both the f Ari'i'ii's , iieti. there si nipiithi'iic ihe young I, Hie Mialiiieti. eflnine as his Ivan Simpotiseii. an . -. 1 1 -1 ; 1 1 Ti 1 1 i . as the iilet, and a little lm Mickey lientiett who is a Capitel A rnllier exaggerated por trait of a country boy with nspiratlens for the stage is given by Charles Hay in "The H.iriisteriuer." It is ftinnv. mere often tliiiu ll is human, and the stety Is interesting, rather than be be llevible. The here, .leel. after many dreams of fnetllgbt successes, joins a iiiie-tiiglit-sl.'iud liarn.stei ming com cem nam. mn! has many trinls and trlbu trlbu Pitletis. There arc many hearty laughs '.ii this comedy. "Oh. Yeu Sheik!" iirprising situation. Cress Keys Laughter and make the comedy presented by Clay M. Crouch and company called "Uh.'Ye.i Sheik!" the big fun feature of the show. Mr. Crouch hns his own idea concerning the policies of a Sheik, hip they seeuile he based along practiin, lines, lie is assisted by a ct-y cap'ihle east and llie act also lias many un usual iffeets. Hemer Dickinsen and floret Tempest sing anil dunce en tertniningly and were appreciated. Wai ter Kaiiffmaii, blnckfaccd, ami Kox and ffering with dunces of many pencils. A corps et wtMl-lraineii tiess appeared in an act tailed "(latltier's l!ilcklacfs." mul sliewcti that they could be depended en te erect anything from a bungalow te an office hulling. "ISrnoinstlek" I'lltntt and Habe La Tour were a laughing riot In an act Idled with cemisly and music. Leen Varvara scored musically in "The Invo lution of a 1'laiie," and the Kiinawanza .laps and Maltlyle Lippnrd in musical skit also pleased. Katherine Mc Donald, In "The Beautiful Liar," N the tilm attraction. Fay's Bullet-Proof Weman The seemingly impossible Is accom plished by two skilled mntl'smcii. who Ine through a woman after making all sorts of difficult shuts under trying con ditions. The f"."H of sheeting llueiigh the woman is done mi a fully lighted stage and caused a general gasp. As w Me. s'sler ligllte, i.amei potential star. Here is u deep i ralic fe.-itiite wliic tilm ctities. I Allegheny "At 4 P. M." i ut. ii. -,,,, ,' 'l ' " n musical temM. i revue, Is this week's hnatlliiie at ih. pnpuirr vaudeville house and tlrlI-1,1. ainlleiices ut tliu opening perfei inaiiei I alda. billed as nu Jnternntlemi ilfllli.nllL.n li II di tttri,, ,! I.. .. f "" " , '. . ,' """ I'eiftng in iter mt which features many novel crcntlmw' Miier uiiiii ners en the program Inclmb Laciim anil Lee, ceinviliaiis, In a mti .'..tilled "What De Vim Mean?'' Ir, Ll Clcve. a musical feature The nin feature is "Sherlock IIies," hi .leliuy Harrymeie mid an all-stnr can The screen ersieiUs sttnnger tlmn t,; iui, nun niMlls iniert-SI lUIUllgtlllllt, Broadway Yvette Yette. singing and dancing violin- isic, nun iicr own nam , hemN n I.III C. ,1.1 1. ...I I.I. """. u nn ,. nn HTh, viirn, as a whole. s ,-..-. e....,,ii,j s,mii. vainer ientures In dude Donevan ami Lee. syiiips. run...,. and dancing, and La Dere and Iteckman In an iilitisunlly pleasing novelty whl'rti cltcitfil a hearty round of applim-- ,t iin- iiii-iiiiik jiui niiiiiiuiL-e. I lie IHOVltlt- pictuin feature is "The Count of Menti Crlste," with Jehn Cilbert In ihe i.j. ing relp. Tills is a film classic, and li staged with a wealth of realism tliat ninn Kit'uii.i te ui'j sun' , toned and ariste- ! i euglii te win ohm ! .i, II. e ll. tl.it Ill ,l if. -t I ,rd mi I'll-" iiiiiiu ' h'lsi.ist n' p'n.i ' "p MM b. II" j-eel ..f the I nil as most of tl.im I linll.it- du,.lig I'm -i! tl 11", e This In' V pane n "" the plot Is '! el I tu eld d-I.-t en of ! mill ik'tig ; " I dii. 's .1- cl cruses, -id -1 us I.. nss .ir. "ii 'i.. g v ith 'i mil . hoi.. t! .Hree ,'in mn s il' .' re M , duel ie" l-l Ills reditu!'." line of th" i e"ei led tig time of the p. iiumb-M s ,avc b". n long 'W i..'i ut i most i ii- i mi, steal a 'id t'.i-'i"" pillar .-', - esieei.r, tll.lde fi Yerk t',1 'i C.ltb e.-n -cab- the tii.it'"". r. nut tl "i te pel lllll tl." Inti and s.ii g and s,,., miii ,,,:ir'" : -. as i ' the u ',,, . ti'elai .. Hlinsii.ti i ideas.',, inni' il I, , kginii'i aier'ig". ,i cl w i' Aldlne -Separated from all the pomp and cereme'iv that attciu'",! its ,pen iig. "Tin I'riseiit-r of Xi'iuia" 'u'.y ' designated as u mighty geed ndieuture s"eri which is stiperl.li acted, but neier touches, citlni- in an of warmth of terest. the original Antheny llepi relu.llice. Hex Ingrain is net fric of that tain! that se butts the wink et tilm i.irect, the iiisi-encc en making '.atiges the subiei-ts ill- lilins. Tile illll'lges "The l'riselier of Zeiuh'" ll, a Ilel ital te the story, and they iiniv net objected te at all by many, bit it hard te see jSt willll W.ls g lined the emission nf the "ten pirn which Hmlelph "ciilert.iini d nrd. lleisiiiiiii and' the ether hireling of i'.lack Mtth.icl. I'Miialli hard te see win the tl t.i'ss nf the lesi i i t'.rely allereil lietl ll ll' minus It Is htlsi- le of llie Ling had te be ci en te ll," disposition 1 ' i." th e.'ii l!et -a ii tl pi. i-'illbiMf I tin's! , l.. .1 s ,u. ght' r tet est II ) imcti : f :'. se, pn'm MIL" am. I t pi It 'up'' -I .1 s ,-np, I' of "' of 111" 11" W li tl II, l.l'"l't gl.nl In lehlte. s i-nd lias hi" ii , IV; gnu tin- , one lllpl ilidn' i! si ' I'm i win, .p.-cl-li les. e ,1'l.i 1 I-U ' : S.-h il."rt. h -'.'.ikiii" I . t sh,,,.- - g rl. d ri ...'.. ' t ant 's n ' piny s the i rt ' lllOsi I" el"il 1 ' his '..-! pic. .-s that 1. - bi-c.L,is,s I,,,. j,,i, l,,r' like I is pluiupiM vs an I'en. e. 'k litis a sph ml ly " lis a 'cost ,i tu i a' ,t ',' tn-'.N in ire tli. i 'im- Heward M.i'-' i ,, ing bni'iin w lm i . 1. 1 hoi becii'lsi- In .1 'e..'.iig . l.d an in t ami has a rl, : i T tenor i.i... I !gn Cm k w.i ' I it i. sti, I as an iinpl- -i'mii tl.-r spmls HIIK-Ii .'' '. ".ii: t . -i is far i,,e ! ,.i ii. m. in for .ini eritb is, ii ,, ..!,.' s.n- p -I- i-d the tempera n i ' ,i-t gum i iin;, with a Mi. " i ryl.edy glad te 'en her '. i. i It's ( 1 ji ii t if ii 1 back. 1 1 .. 1 1, the i . "Ill lit feri ii- tli.nigh .s ei ei ein'e eritus ,i, an in', and Lminle i .1ST. v. eie ", , lie always nvep Ann M''hitrn. -ndmiralile ehsr.i Nl"las CASINO'S ( aslne ' Hi Wei l'.ir si III,'. '. I'll PARISIAN REVUE hide Hubble." U : Inn rei ue. w 1 "h . i . m i ", tut lie .hi a , ,ii li' he w.ls fen CM tic at Zemin I nl b r" were of i ni. 'J' i , riailiineiit. -is ".' especially lliteii I'tr'ier ii -ii'iies rcpreseiittng ,, i i-'ea. -. Mnnli (Irns, Li-n . te- ,s , I... Ien . tin- beach at Vi.niki, I' . afes mul ninny ethers. i he i-iist Mi ii -id 11 of in I .'1,1 m: a I.-' i.i rg. .it ii , T" ,1 i ie'isaiit surprise f.n- ' ,. '. l"l ce. ,Ine Krei'd t,.. , a lined v and did it - irv ci- and skil' It r " fel. inline pnttleli iff. and nttractiN e i h,, ,'s uld 1 nth sin;; and ...nn i UMtllbel of t.llklll.g t ll.l s III-I" I'll. ll.l 1.1 ll.l.. Il II. wi.'. ,.f M.. 'It pini.'is it 1 ',., nm' gil'fs ti.e . eiliiitiy f ir dist.n, live "UP THE LADDER" IN STOCK Mae Desmond Plays Rele of Yeung Wife Whose We.iltn B-ing Sorrow I liven Dills' iniiiiij. i-t , win.' was r". etitli p in i .1 ne loll is the let n '. t . I i.'-i .elid a d I "i" si I 1 . ' . s le he I sph n,l , th" in my fni'.r.ti-s splendid oppert i nit v work Ml-s Detni""' pliiv- the role of the e"tu' wife, w 1 e niid th'it w th even advaiiceini'iit her '.'i-hnnd makes up the 'liiiT of silli.SH there s ,.ss nnd leSb pence nnd hnppine-s m their hniiseheld Three .ii-nlle i ham, tnrs, tvpieal of tl.n t res--iit geiieriiti-.il, fein an espieiallv intere -titig p-irt i.f the -teri. I Pn ,k I'le'dirr. .Mm W Lntt, Ln l-e Snnf -i f I . Hem i in rile DKi,rresi D", i lev, s, iiiinci Ni' I ds an I ethers in ie east t. int. rei iii(t e , inn terUatun, . and tne stag ng is iiliuns ndeiiuite revue. AIlli"lll,cet.,eni v ob' 'hit. li public reeeptn n wdl Id i-r. day following ih i intlnte. "Limit Girls" at Bijou IHJeil - A liurlestiie atlrrn tle-i t , li .I'i ie. a ;,ttl. e it el tne or muni nns i '.'ti"l hist night when "The ifir's" show madii its de'nit in n n d,i , e, I hen- Is p'ein i n , I I. i' ' s l-'.i-ll belt' I Miii, ,, in tl .- list-meiing pi rfi.iiini'ii .. Th.. t i as h'-ndeJ by Celeste Hn (. ,rd, a -Hibrertc well above the ni-iriige, nn, -in. icceivci! capable .csistunci frnm ll.irri Kt el-son. Hill I nriinii und I.h.jd J'. ilni'k. a hard-working trio ,t (n'n. makers The chorus was large and gee I looking There will be 'he ust.nl bu. ing H'uturcs n cmicMiay and t rlda i.lslit lai Shows That Remain nil" t)--"Th i zarlna a satlrlc.il cniiinly of I'.iinerlne II of Russia, ii Hli J lm is Iii ,im Fer .'.". '7 'Sally.' muslcul cemedv ', e wllh Marl n .MlllHr and Le ni Hrrel iSKIItnpeUTAX Ol'EUA IIOI.'SE The Hegirar's Opira, ' Jehn Ci i i famuus old mUHlral fuverite API i rii! - "The DcmNVlrum " Aveiy Hopwood farce of troubles In Hollywood, with Haxal Dawn, Trocadere'a New Shew 'I rnradere "The Tange fi,rN pr. i ule a idinii tliat Is brimmin,' mr j, grind substantiiil enlertainmi nr. M., Du.ell. danneuhe, is a spi-euil nttine." tien. and her repertoire of nevf-1 Hteps iir well as the variety of gowns she wears, muku her of iiiiumuiiI intuest y burlcsiiue fans. The uist of 'The Tange JlrlH" Inclinie- Cen Dalei, Sam Hiichi'ii, Irene Callamnn. Ilabe Whellen and Tim Hraly. There U nn attractive chorus. Tn- phetiiKrd lie r.VKN IN THE M.AIl-KAHT niieriiri"'. wi 'e 1 . ni .-niten nf ine relief work In Pmyrra In Qft ion- ,ei iipia, it wti pm en ei m miinv unuul pleiurti gruclnir lh Jlolearavum Hctlen t I (he HmifUy PL'RI.IO l.ci'Hi.- ' 5Uk. It i llitiit - Adv. I lh.it fascinating ut. in. We are lieii.'ii'i". that the neiel faithf'llli let. lined. '1 he best thing about the picturUntwii ,,f th" bulli old ailieiituie i.irn is tl," casting lliinien Nuiarin as Kuperl is as engaging a tigui" .imi as dn-eli iiiiMcrncil le tin lob' '- Winn u as any .mn lime been seen here in - ve iii'iirs. lb is ju-t fn-clii.ttiiig enough, ' Hist diabolical enough and lu-t dam., 'enough te lie th" ub'nl It'll" r' Aim' Tern was just what we til ways pn - utri -I fji'rini'i'ss riiiiia. Minenly yet wheliv feminine, ami ju-t about the i i 'fas. .natltig l-ading holy of ibe si i ,.,-n l.iwls Stun'", in the dual mi" . f Kiiih.Ipll and K'UR. eierc-mie the lisfiele ei age and looked for all the ..lid til" Lnglish travf.'" an I ailvcii ,ier w.th tweed suit and all Hubert I'lb'snii was Colonel Sapt te the life. IsiulT. blustermc. but kind, Ldwt '. I'eiinel'y vas Marshal Straken'. Stuart lielmis' niiide a superb I'.l.iek Mleliacl, Malcolm Mcllieger, a ynnnger mail with , i rseii.iliii . shone as l'ntz, and liar '.ara La Man" was a sidm'tue Antoi Antei neite tie Muubiin. T'.e pi.otegrapliy wns n Veen disap- i.eintiiient. It was. at b"-t. uneven. . . . . . . i . ...i i i . scenes ut tne coren.-iii i m . ..i....- inte kinc. the ball when '.rtn i proposal and tl i- ill. i sinister ".Lie n'l elTtctlvely scr-eneil l'l,,. stnn of the "IV. M.nei- '.Mi'la" ueties mistakes nu ' ui , ij u pro pre pro ntien The adieiit'ircs ni nn I'nglNli imn niasiiueradiiig as t1'- King of Ituiiiaiiln. while th" ren' ii.eiiarch N Mid pn-ener by n villainous Duke, are '.eniened hi an Interesting hue 'lery eiiceruiiis'his affection ler tlie I'rln . .-s, and their final saerit'ee, when tlie King is re'eued nnd the here i et urn t, Hi. gland T't" are tlir.lN. tear-. 1,'islis and mul" thrills, but the grim t.'n t remain they belong te Antheny Hype, net te Ingram or the continuity writers. At afternoon and rvenlng shows yes terday a number of f-t.-irs, who had accompanied Man us Loew from New Verk for the ecuiinn. were Introduced 'I here were Johnny Hint's and "Sheriff" l'ellv Meran te supply the coined . Anita Stewait. who inadii a bnef speech; lMwnrd Karl fplaying in the film at the Simile i. Mine. Deraldlnn. I'.'.'ter Ki.iten, Texas (iiiinan, Charles 11 ,i, hltisen. Nina Whitmore, J. Harney ii-rr aid ncti i etln-is. Similar pei snii.il nppi 'iranees will be made at te dny's j i rfertuaiices Iv.irltnii Tlicre Is nethiiiB partlcu inrlv vital or substantial about the p.et'urlzntieii of Clyde I'ltch's once pr,iular play, "The Cowboy and the Lady," but it has a real undercurrent of humor nnd is us different from the average film of Western setting as black from white. The theme Is a slight vnrintlen of the old story of the elite Knst and the rough-and-ready West, the forum being the feminine nnd the latter the ii u-culine end of a love affair. The hue affair of society and the plains moves leisiireii. hut pleasantly, te Its cenclu sien, being snied nu u numtifr or occa sions from banality by borne delicious humor. If ever there was n two-party pic tare, this is It. Tem Moere, his usual bubbling, personable self as the Cowboy, ami Marv Mlbi Mlnter, returned from an e.iteiuleal absence from the screen, as the Ladi. haie the story aime-ii ni ie inemseives es Maigne and the nhotearaphy are both excellent, Arradla The eld-fiimlHarnnd every- gnrrirHgr.,,,.!,,;! , j : jiviiigi -; jjgiliajiB s , 11 m aS--l--rs7 Ufl i fmu JS'.l &&. ;;-: mnt-K . li ZU. M . V AfivMKL A. .1 if E3 ,iM 'P yssrl J 'MimWmWm I y2lM' mNSKm IrzSk I !9 ir lr- i $MmM$'W0M& I K-J- ' vrMr 1 b m--a m?mm$M?iwz3yw$MMw&yMh .jsriH1 i. e i' L- f &m&4T2&ttii&imims&& URSkw iHw-ttmsmsctm m1 m ft rz wimimmvf .wt.?mmma i'i v cj& :.?m:imu m y stu. BAfSSssas" ifs&?iwrMMBMU m wm'mrx i m 'iL-s ;sr Atmmi&f&vatiWjm T-r-'-rtMarv --. u p f -'fy.v 'ffiiBiffl Est ft j J 1 w ! -'fey- liMs isa iyr 1 nil "11 ; " -'. -SiJ&SVSZVtlMSx&m&l 8T J IS tii t b urn, i m im i , tu mmmrnxmrnam V f- i "Oct 13. et the nm pttJr.S'ik.n creditnhl The direction by Cluirle In This City We Could Mention the Names of Hundreds of Concerns Which Would Profit Through the use of the A-X P The Private Automatic Exchange Hundreds of America's leading business organizations are securing these profits today. In Philadelphia such concerns as the Federal Reserve Bank, Philadelphia National Bank, Curtis Publishing Company, H. K. Mulford & Company, The Atlantic Refining Com pany, Henry M. Disston & Sens, Inc., Baldwin Locomotive Works, Philadelphia Navy Yard, and many ethers, are using the P-A-X in connection with THE KEYSTONE TELEPHONE AUTOMATIC SYSTEM which serves all of Philadelphia's most prominent and successful business establishments. This modern telephone system has these outstanding merits: Speed, Accuracy, Convenience, Reliability and an Economy that makes its cost an investment, net an expense The Keystone-Connected P-A-X gives these services Complete Keystone city service en a flat rate basis (no message fees). Comprehensive operaterless interior communication, 24 hours a day. The Executive-right-of-way service. The Watchman's checkina and co-erdt- The Cede-Call man-finding system. The Automatic Telephone Conference feature. natina sustem. And ether specially engineered services te meet particular needs Whether you are using 3 or 30 or 300 or mere telephones, you will ,c interested in this modern telephone system. The recent past has seen great change in telephone equipment and usage. If your service has net been surveyed .tly, thJa" ces are you are -net getting full value for the telephone dollars you spend. Call Race Oh and ask for Mr Blake, or drop him a line. He will arrange te have our Commercial Engineers call-without any obligation te you-and make recommendations which usually point the way te better service at lesa cost. J - KEYSTONE TELEPHONE COMPANY 135 S. 2d Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Telephone, Race 06 1 iMIFMiMIP lli;ill;illlllllillllllllliiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiipillllipfM - ;,ii r V ;,'"''. v-f I v . A s