hWw'.in..rffc"lJi'")fO't "I'll T!,""l""'-,.Tl"MW"iT ili''ivV ' . vsi TB . '-'JVV Jr;5fw:vr?rTFfv vjiil'-i'W'ii' Tr'vfWywrn f. WffHlW i li ' r nn lVi.L ' " ' - ii" ft EVENING u PUBLIC LEDGEU J 'HlLADJLViULA. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 11)22 myu' Iff '"1 WA . f V EiM THE EREA KING POINT a t. By Mary Roberts Riinie!har Uther ef "Dangerous Days," "K," "The Amatlng Inter Itulr." ami many ether ttrikine and tucetasfu'. nevtl. Copyright, list, by Oterae 11. Dotan Ce. WHO'S WHO IN TIII2 STOKY ."JR. DAVID LlVI'anTOh. chut i liu'telnn tn llnverlu, a stmrl fiium. e'nial but Muff. He h-irf a ftcrrt renremliifl IJcntttu of tnetr bettevrd nctniw luitJi !UCY Alt lttr. beleurd lu tvervhedv town. OR. DICK t.tVJSaSTOXK. in u-hnu mem-. en firre e Din, nil tchn (s il'lrrmd'n ' Jemf rfni la qr bar e .Vernijn Mi rhllil' oel home, it erdrr te biUw th p'tv. T f full of vitnlltu and M dovish teifclHil mm nding (it suite e.t M third, urn ni romsletinl fdrrcr. li In 'evr uMth SUZAIIETII WHEELER a wholr'emt eirt. who feres him t'fr'i ilncfrplt BBVERl.i CAltLYRl.E nctrfts. xchn. ten ltara Irerr. uias ntixrd ud In a rurlnuJ fteru. IIl' husband, .tins luiil h. shot e rfnih. n u-ns etnirnl'i I"'"' "' riv cerlnlii Jurt Hard. i rith toime mrin iibcui teu'ii. Clark had- itlsasmnrnl im-nrilltilflu and U irni btJIft'cJ h,J trrishtil i " elUtnnf. 'TARRISOX MILTER, a ntluhber u he J.neu-1 OHKIMlff e j;n ii;rtt. ';;;) uHnantr. itt.u'i breiftrr "-"i fianneir. uhese rcstarchfj line Mm up wlli ! OVIR RAKHBTT. (i rii'niin"imn. whij inprcl fhat nieV it iimfe"' ' '' Ctark. Ills dnlrt fe clmr iMnci e. VfAU, E'lmlMh'J fUfjr. en fxtutiMeunl . tOMdO U)f. LESLIE WARD XUtaletfi bmthrr-tflaiv. XR. ASD SIRS. WUVELER tivica, Arner- can nartnta. WAU.ll. SAY RE. a rich ieuth ''"';? filiublh. mlh u-hem fin l m(Itei. 'Of ceurse. It 1 OOUIl! "It's the Anwer" WIIKN he had linlsltrd the rndlii!: Diils -at for a moment "Hh the apci-s In lus liriiicl. it inuiiis "I n-e," he tnul tin.-uiy. It's He-Mlbli1. (.ioeil liml. only ihinl. it '.'" . , , . "It'', the nnwer." DavM r:iM tub tub hernlv. "Hi- iui prewlins arun.l una fired "through the window Humld-eii mnde thf '.atc.cm it " '"i ',"" 'lint fceme one had hcen snen i tm ulnee and that he n-.tifi'd J en Urif night nfter dinner. He'd put guunl guunl areund the place " "It glvet n.e a tihf.nB ctinnee. any how." Dick set .ip and 'Hrew .is Mis shoulders. "Tlmt'" all 1 want A chance te ficht 1 knew tin. I hntcd I.ticas he n- pour thini! and von knew what he did te me. Hut ' never thought of kllimi; I. In. that wouldn't have helped matter. It was tee late." . , "What about that? David nk"d. net looking at him. When Du.t did net Immediately reply Dtvid g'aic.M at hl'ii. e timl his. f.uv set and pawl. "I'ei.hnn- uii il Lictter nni -v in that new." David said tuwi'.y natu.al that thy readjustments take tune " , .,, We'll Imn te co Inte it. I. s hardest thing I hav te face. "It's net dead, then?" , "Ne " Diiu s.,.i. .. ,. "D n-t dead. David. And I'd better bring it .nte the open. Tie feiu'.it .t te th limit hv mv-e't' It's the one tlun, that seems t" hav" irvlved the ship, wieck. 1 can't argue 't '""" or u"Ilk Jt down." "Mibe. if J ei- see r.liabeth "I'd" break h r hurt, tli.it s nil. He trh'd te tii.ike Daud undert iitI He told in it- sen.ld .letall- l.i- fauure te kill it. hi- attcn.pt- t.. s.i.ls mem .r and ren-eien e in i"hiiip- and their .ii.. .1... iMintlni'.pil remoteness et Pirabell. and "hat M'emni t lies1: It' will the u : lam th- ' mil ivh .in . ''" " ' r... 1 . .. .An. I .1 .111 I retiinn Hint -lie wis ji-iu.. 121i7.nl nth wa ion; age. I ,.nn-r .ir"iie it neWl. r.f iiiumi' "I've tried te, des .eratel. It's tMni, ir-- ! wlel: d thing, in a .1 l'rt.1 briAU- III ln I'Nt'P V it was huffenng. ihe must loath-; the 1m,,il,t i f me. Dnid was compelled te let it .k. n.. fniitiil that DP il was deg .wllv' i',.t.irn,ined te see Iteven ljsle. After that he ..idn t man wanted te surrender trinl un'e-s !;,. wn sure a I way out f't rest 1 I'ar Ni K.l.-elf hin.seif knew or .f whether h- wa- l'inieeut ! gu .i. i there wab u reasonable iieuut 0 ji . did it matter one way -r the other ether His place was gene. a he '1 m-nle it. peue if he wub cleared, gene if he was convicted. rrv,.,,- '1 i.m't come btjck, Daud. They wouldn't have me." After a slr.ee he nked : "Hew ninh is knuw.i lm-' ha. does rii7.aeth knew':" "The town knows nothing. he kiyiw. n part of It h" cares a greit deal. Dick. It's a tragedy f..r h-r " "S-all you tell her I l.uve been here?" , "Net unls n: .nteiid 'n sip her l?iit Dl k shook h.s heid. "Kven If "th-r things were the mv I haven't a right te ee her. until I'm I'm get a clean d'i'e." "That's sheer evasion. David Fald, almost wrh lTl'at.en. "Ve-i," Die's iieknewl.dged graey. "It I- lie-r vas'.uii." "What about ll.e nel'd'--" he in- "It gives nip a fighting chance, imliuw. That' all I want." had hurt him she forced a determined smile. "Den t pay any attention te, :.i". Dai Id will tell veu that 1 have Mild, ever and our that I'd never spc ion again. And here ou are!" lie was going He had said gned-b te David and was g.Ung at once. She nceepted It with a stele'-m born f t iniitij years of hail and fan-well, kissel ' Mm tenderly, let her haul linger for a moment en the re'-s!i !eee 't hl "-t. and then let l.lm nut bv the k'tcheti deer into the yard. Hut long i after h had gene she steed in tl e deer- v..ii - jirt em. In the elHee Dv. Kevnelds was finhh ing a long and carefnllv writtm Iettr. I am net geed at putting myself en paper, no you knew, dear lea'-' Hut this I de knew. I de tl 't tell'-ve that real leie dies We may bury it pe lisp tra it eems te be e'lfp'O d'ad. hut "ie"e day It sendf ti'i a sh me in 1 It 't'.ier lives nr the bits' nes i.; U.l'.'ng It has te be begun all ever ag i'ii. Se t"n we fuarr"l. I nlwiiv k-nw " The tvee,ng had shaken DL k pro found y. David's appearance a"d I.iiev's er ef niid iiretiui'.itien. me-t ' 111! the ta' i of riiabeth. had lees-d and iiniierveil lnr.i Even 'be p--'-'ul tv nf h!s own innocence was silmr i'l:iaisl te an iiviirwhe'ining lining fn- the e'd house and the old life. Thr ueh n s.,'e window n le went eward the sfreef he cmild see KeMiebU at his ileak In the etHce, nnd l.e wis j,isessed by n ti'Ti"" jealousy at'd r s'li'nenr at 1 ' presi nee there Tli" bihiiri'TV wlin ew was dark, nrd he S-, l e ;tsi e n 1 In il.e.l nt 1". II ' would hnie gien his hope of lmni""- ta !:y just thru .i lin. eeen n-i ! it iPiiee'm re. working ever hi" tubes nnd Ms cultures. l.i, s-.! ;, s nnd inicriisee'ie. Even ihe me -1'irv of certai'i diary " nigh' e 'ra.'."an''es In n'uuir.'i'us re- ived In l.i'n. and sent t!ie blend te his ' a 1 in a in'.i f burenseiii'tg anger U! I I Ittertless He had a w Id desire te go in at tl." fruit deer. i front Uewinlds in his smug coin .i't and d'ive him eut: te detiniu '..s p'ai e in tlie we-M mi take it !i.; could hard. j tear himself away . 1'nder a street l.irnp lie leik',il at his watch. It was 11 e'l'lni'k, and he had ii half hour te spare before train tl'i.e I'ol'.ewliig ; n n . iNp he did fef .'I'm '' 'e turned toward the Wheeler h"i,s ,1'i-t si p. -it .s nge had he turned iu !rir ihwliti luit with thH dllercn'e tl t then he v at with a s..ir of 1 iru-l el 'taney. an. ! .it new he ' d'ered eti lie wai. et that I" viu'ehew drew him he knew Net with the var'iing 'e had ' I t ear! :' oil 1 rb'k Louse, but with the I'elgi im of a bt imsi I nnp'ness H, K; ut en e. hit le ren.cml er. d. 1 Vet, for a man .'e did icu ' 've, le wan oddly angry at the night of two young figures mi the doorstep. Uielr clear voices came te him across the quiet si reel, vim ant nud full of youth. It was the Sayre hey and ElUabeth. He half stepped and looked across. They were iptite oblivious of him, in tent nnd self-alMubcd. As lie viewed liej ti.dds' unconscious tlgure with jeal ous dislike, se he viewed Wallace Sayre. Here, everjwheie, his place was tilled. lie was angry with uiiiea.seniiiif. inex plicable anger, angry at Ell.abi'th, an grv at the boy, nnd at himse.f. He had but te cress the street and take his place there. He could drive that beardless youngster awa) with a word The furious pesesive Jealousy of the iii.'ile mutual, which hnd nothing te de with love, made him step nnd draw himself up as he started across. Thin he smiled wryly nnd went en. He could de il. but he did net want te. lie would neier de it. Let them live their lives, and let him live his. Hut he knew that there, across the street, .0 near that he might have rnled his voice and summoned her, he was leav ing the hit thing that had come into liis life; the one line nnd geed thing, outside of David nnd I.iim. That nguin-t its less lie had nothing bet 'an infatuation that had ruined three .ies .ilrxidy, and was net yet finished. ' He step.ied nnd, turning, looked h.iiK. He saw the girl bend down and put a hand en Wai'le Snyre's shoulder, and the boy's face upturned and looking into Lets. He honk himself nnd went en Wter i.ll. thit was best. He telt no .ing-r new She deserve 1 hetti r than te be med te help a l.iitn work e it his salvation. She deserved jetith and loveustiess. and the fergetfu ness t! at comes with time. She was already for getting. He smiled again as he went en i the street, but his hands as he but toned tils oierceat were shaking. It win 'In rtly after that that he met the rector. Mr. Ogh therpe II' imckly, but w Ills eice tonight. He was RelnR down , pretty fast, I.Miigstene; was glvlnp up , Hie light, nut I iniicy j-ou've given mm n new grip en the earth." When they were seated, however, n sort of awkwardness developed. Te Dick HnsFCtt had been n mere or less shadowy memory, clouded ever with the details and miseries of the light. And Hansett .found Dlek greatly altered. He was old eld er than he remembered him. The sort !of boyishness which hud come with the resurrection of hla early Identity hnd gene, and the ninn who sat before him was grave, weary, and much elder. Hut his gnze was clear and direct. "Well, n geed bit of water has geno ever the dam since we met," Hassett said. "I nearly broke n leg going down tlint Infernal mountain again nnd I don't mind telling you that I came within an nee of landing In the Nerndn jail. They knew I'd helped you get nway. Hut they couldn't prove it. "I get out, because 1 didn't see any need of dragging you down with me. I was n geed bit of a mess just then, hut I could reason that out anyhow. It wasn't entirely uuseltlsh, cither. I had a better chance without you. Or I thought I did." I Te he continued tomorrow WHAT IS HFAI. HUMOR? I,an Errel. the uproariously funny man ' If th Ktnee. yn renl cnmmly te "liumMcf p 'b a tmr in It." The man who hn ma.l mllllene lnugli until they irled kune Hu'iscl . Sims an Intetut'lnK story for tins Maim tine Koctlen of Iho Sunday I'fiiMO I-idebb. Malm It a Habit " Adv. RAIL LINES CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINES Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Sta. Maria Railway Ouluth, Seuth Shera and Atlantic Railway (Se ZJn) (Th Semth Shen) Passenger Department Freight Department will be located In the new CROSS BUILDING LOCUST STR EET, AT 1 6TM x en and after OCTOBER 23rd 1922 R. C. CLAYTON City Paatener Agent Tcl.Spruce eiea F. T. GOODMAN DictrlctFrelghtAgeni Tel. Spruce 7760 A mahogany box en the library table a twenty-four inch loop aerial in its top and that's all there is te list- rt ening te the news, tne music, me lec tures of the nation t'iis'-e. in n quickly, nut wik niniinis -a -w-s. -w-i iliat the ilcrgr.inn had Memi-d nni wn- With I JP r,n?aP.Sl. Sets at various prices all worthy of the De Ferest name, Put it off no longer go te that De Ferest dealer today ilfp HALLOWE'EN LIGHTING SPECIALS Tliis U the tlme of year when geed, cheerful llght'ntr iicid charm te the home and even promote Reed health. At these prices there is no excuse for anyone te suffer under old dingy lights. These are Savings Net te be Overlooked I n jfeffiffijfSy jyj gtjil Rjj f9aaaH -v VrU aWHaaaW-1? '- 'm aVnaaaaWi" 'V' '1 afaaaaiBaaa Li V BaaHaaaV,'' '- a'vV BaaapaaBaaaB9B ' K& ' aHalHtiv JtHBKfHfll'i Mri. Anna Cenntr Save and Beautify Your Hair With Newbre'sJferpicide Herrlclde Is best for the hslr becauts of Its positive action In beautifying; the hair, rsraevlnv aandruff, stepping falling hair. " After an application of Herplclde the MirS llghta of your hair bcitln te sleam nnd your sealn beitins te tene up unci bocemo healthy. In a ttw days your hair will be completcly transformed. Yeu will have the beautiful hair you ha always lenited for. Your ncnlp will be frce from dandrulT. Your hair will utep falling out. Your appenrnnce will be greatly Improved. sMeuibrolsHerpicide Removes Dandruff Steps Falling Hair Read what Mrs. Anna Cenner (pictured ben) says of Newbre's Hcrplcide: " Newbre't Herpieide daily, tt h a wendtrful prtparatien for the hair and icate. My hair touch the fleer". What Ilcrplcldn has dene for Mrs. Cenner and thousands of ethers, it will surely de for you llegtn the use of Herpiclds tedsy. Yeu will like it from the first application. Every bettle is cuaran. teed te de nil that is claimed for It, or your dealer Is autherixed te refund purchase price. Sold By All Drug nnd Dept Stores Application! At Barber Sheps 10-Inch tlrnt quality Indirect Bowl, com plete for tras or elec tric, ready te hanar. $2.69 JUl.lfflit I.lvlnr-roem rix ture of solid bran. nnlshed In Jnu Oeld, coninleit with ntttactlve ETiasn vniar 2-I.lRht Pedroem Fixture, complete with glass shades, 12.45 1.9S i Hall V Acorn I AS 1 J Illus- I trated. 1 I $1.25 i itarlns after hini. Halt an l.niir Iii'm' sittini; in the empty Mneker of t1 tr u. he u itnlered if he l:a 1 net :: i e ' - mih' ihinir there. I'erhnjii the churi'li eni.i hae heliied him, a Rcui'l mn'i - -in- beliet in rUht and wren. He u i . ilennj: in u srny ne-uiuu's laud u!i' it t'ait.i nr (omnnxe. iMvid had siven him the InetMin of Ha--i'tt' apai tnient 1ieum and in' fn n.'l it qi'iclsly. He wns in a i-'ii'm nf n"' .ui irritability by that time. f..r I'e el-e of bellitf a fugitive M" in'ist.itl' -tte'-ed in the f'l'nilinr street- In t' lat.ui r "f ri'C'icr.itiun. It ia in un tint !i ' .ir;t:ed uitli liitiie1! t'uit u' tlie 5 i.ii'e were iiitereted in 'i.- pn te uii 'it. and the fn-uul rmi'i i- inn tiet at a 1. He fmiiid himself slnitii; awnj ti"tu tl'em like a nervous lie-, It il if he eijieetel nnv sur'ti-e fii n Hr .etr lie wa ili-ii puiute 1. He -. ' ed hr'i u if he nil -een him i't"rd,i' an I 'j ,iied hi- laelv of limn 'i ..ent Hi hi- Tr'-t word-. "Poeter Livinsstene telepli' ne.l .e "'t i'.'.'.n. man. ami let me ' '' i.t ' i Vciu'w civ 'n in" n ire trouble t! at, fi, l.ui "in beirij: n earth." S'irr-." IJ; !; -aid nwkward'j . "I ei'iu tn have a faculty ,.f .nM'lvl'i,; ntl'.r pei ;de in nv ditHuult'e-'." "W.int a drink''" "N . tliai.k" I"l smoke, .f -, u have nnv tn'ia'C. I've In en ninrd t n-k a ,b..ji.'' H.i'-'ett ta'!"il cheerfully ns he f.ii.nd ci,' i . ii" an I . ati he'-i Tl.. 'Ml ; '. i 1 a dill -ent rinc m NEW YORK LIGHT SUPPLY CO. :b5k! 18 N. 9th St. Ouen nerr Kvenlnr leent fffd J Standard Gas Ranges and Gas Water Heaters Gas Savers Laber Savers Time Savers IH I 9at ' I Big J IKiviaiSBftfl Sten es At U. G. I. Frem Representatives THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO. flee Pat ( r pi SALES ROOMS FOR .r5""l" issuiart tl mA tn : Open Krsa n0rgi PHONOGRAPHS STARR & MOSS CO. 3835-37-39 Germantown At. - fltleu Oreffrf "rf fc ,,,,WJ quired after u -ib'nee I I upie is ri'-' - ;,e tine" i tered nt N irada. me'" , , . "Yes. Tile ll'i'IM- u,lt W..ti'l'"l !'T ' uhlle. 1 understand '!,("ve sneti it u.i new " In n"-piine te s,.,,u.i(,n nb,i:t :- own eendituiii Havld 'i.'ii a u.e-t m ieru ieru leus. He was .ill rlKh' II- W .. 1 t"t well If Micwl let him, and ' p.u.i'.n.' him. He w i''l e' 'in m t ' ' them. lie u.i" k r ( u" "tie r, :i before be i led. and he tntenle 1 t- . ik. It, lu a court if iieee-im "The i un't I ri it. I '. i :. In i!d triiimp.'iunt." ' I've W'i hit ,'" dav fur iii"'!i- TI.ti s u- There ic.t a.i u m- t r ' tec 'ci ... H bit f .n-1 i and we'll d.ew tlietn up, ! ahe them up." 1 tn r tur all h.s excitetnr-i it n, i' ! f . . We'. frif.cue m i' I .'le.,. -" I .i s. ,1 ' , i ,',' , .l.lulls ! 1 Ult Hill) !!! tell'nu n l,!iu. l.'K tuned at tie' dour ni d ume m "Yeil'il lit er hll'e "l.l' -iip'ei- "-e fore it hpnil". ' -l ' -a '. ' A 1 1 1 '.im i needs a n-t I'r. lle e '.-. '- r. I - cilice. I h.iw 111 f' I l ' Tl e tr. ".e.l eXe'i llllf "Time f"r Mini Ku-r "1 run t l.i ep lit I can ii it ef n. fiin, ' hour er sh " Se i' hai peiu'd 'iut I ii 1. 1 "i l.uey Jinn I i b.i.'k -till'- and ire nielli -tea Mill', If fie ulleheli. "I dmi't like MU tn nit leic," protected "l'e cate'l 111 wnr'e pill es ' m .aid. Miiili'iK at her. "And s.,"n f.c -net nt all " He wi- If.iiuili i'ep si rr for tliat, fur the tear- einiie tu 1 r i . lie broke us i;eiiti ,i- i .'u " Hews that h" ei'iild nut tn I i . m,i li crent blew tn her II. -.i.j. 1,1 I . i ipilvered ll"i'isv. nnd .t ' nk ,'i cheerfillnesJ lie euilld k .nrunn ; 'id I the pnuulsej of return he enu.d m i . te Miften the hhnek. "Yeu limen't Mini seen ril.ubi'th ' nlie m id at last. "That will bave tn ua.t nnt.l 'i tiu'i are cleared up. Aunt l.ue " "Won't .vim write her Minn tl in then. lUiliaid: yiif limkn like n gii i.t tlt('M' da " Her cji'i were en hint. p'i7..i WlMfll'. 'He U"'1 them CI'Ui Iv "I Irnen't tin- pf;lit iu hee te write tn I er " And tlie linn "J in liN tuie b dlseiibslen. that and s. methiii, cIem' te d("puir in bit faee. Fer all 111 earlier In. niter he ,ite er little, anil M'"H after he tlpieed up il e ittalrn iikiiIii ( I'avld' i-mmi. When lie raiim down te the kltrheu Inter en lie found her - III there, nt the table u'ure lie lind left her. her arms in m it mid Jter hll'e buried ,n them On a Mm Wit tlie Mllt'-ase she I nd lill til) 1 'U ki I lW'lilm. and a rul of bids mi en tn QQim XX 1 )K'4 1 Q EVEN hundred and four inches of grip ping 6urface in the 36zl0 size bite in and hang en and leave the mark of the Goodyear All-Weather Tread Solid Tire every time the wheel gees 'round, is one vfthe complete line of Goodyear Truck Tires sold and serviced by your Goodyear Truck TtreDtaltr. I tS) THE INSTRUMENT OF QUALITY !V g $&' CLEAR AS A DELL 4 :PlP r " few .J KT4 .1 II Queen Anne $250 I w Fer Sele bj O'BRIEN & HOOVER, inc. Jllsir i, iinr 22d nnd Race Streets PHILADELPHIA 'yss&gsB&ESKmssmzsszsxswmz Campbells or Snider an I I'd t'.e M'l en iniiHt take it,' hhe i ernate Soup Qc can 3 cans 25c In all our Stores Insisted Dlek. i "It breaUi my heart te tliinU msm i A Period Medel Without a Peer EVER since Senera was awarded high est score for tone quality at the Pan ama -Pacific Exposition, its tone has been steadily improved. The present-day Senera, typified by the Queen Anne, is se far supe rior in tone te the Soneca which wen official recognition, that no comparison is possible. The Queen Anne model is the happy me dium of the Sor.ern line. Its construction, latest improvements and finishing touches which represent expensive labor but mean se much te these who carefully cheese a phonograph, the astonishing, improved tone quality and serviceable meters, are logical reasons why the Queen Anne satisfies all as te merit, superiority and value. The Senera is made in many ether period nnd upright atyles. $50 te $3000 Dealers Everywhere SONORA PHONOGRAPH COMPANY. Inc. uituiwh e. uuiuHJiON ftfiatm 279 Ureudway Ncvv y0rk Whelpiale Distributers: Senera Company of Phila., 1214 Arch Street The Highest Class Talking Machine in the World TNABR HARK JltTKRIs) K-TI 9 j -S)m--- - I j 1 40 safSl lw m m. 1 TjbTT .! nTVIiflBQc WBSS" &v fl M rVl(K , ...; .'SfaBw - rm-:.''' lim: ir'& l''y N j.JiHKX ..:.;.:,'. rwu' t u ' VMlffff&'Ti '' ''' v .-'.."' .''.. ,., . . "" 'ftIll, ' "' 'UVWWrvs - ,1 .','..' :'"C'. '.''''.''' Remember, there's only one Eskimo Pie in Phila Phila delphiaAbeotts. There's nothing else like it nothing else half se geed as Eskimo Pie made the Abbotts way. At Abbotts dealers every where. ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, Inc. ;:! c,rmm...,. ..".r'v ,.i. T .'i,'' ..'-''.,'-' ," '"' rfirf.W? ( Sold by Abbotts Ice Cream Dealers v -'r.."L.vt;',ii:"1' !li .... JR ! K1 have the feelttii; that I am seeinu yett iK Ute last time." Then for fear hub Eft. t f L- y l V h.' -vi .Tis, ,,,' .4 il .'- , " I JJL