w k?w N A $' 13 ,sr W Little Benny s Nete Boek By Lett Papa After-Dinner Tricks T.nst nlte nftcr wipplr pep looked nt the " (?old fishes nin wen nt the yewker pnrty, paying, Well, I' see tlieyrc still nllve. Ccrtcnly tliey ere, mitrli mi idcer, ma fd. Wlllyiini, If I told yen lievv in telligent tlieBC little Italics arc you Tt-etttileiit beleevc It, she wed. Your rite, I wouldent, pep cd. Well then jest wnlt till I tell you. nr de ou blppesc they did this morn ing? inn Bed. Yeu dent menn te tell me they breuk out of the itniuuriiinV pep soil. (Vrleny net, tlint wenldeiit be In telligent for n fish, It would be Jest the opposite, inn sed, nnd pep nod, Well perhaps it would, nnd inn sed. Well wut de jeu think, they nxuully thnnked nic wen I fed them this morning. Yeu dent lncen te sny theyve lenrned liiglisli fce seen? pep sed. Wlllyum dent be se nbicrd, you rnuldent ixpect a fish te thnuk you like nn ordinary persln. they huff te use their own Inndguldge, and they did, nin sed. I dent knew whether I better lihscn te cny mere or net. I dent think my hurt is as strong ns It used te be, pep tnl. Well wnlt till T tell you, de jeu knew vvnt the little dnrllngs did? mn km, I (indent hardly put the lish feed in the water wen the both of them tnrtcd te mnke little bubbles of srntl tinle, she f-ed. Ifnw hnw linw, pej sed lading. I told you you wenldent belcevc It. 111:1 sed, nnd pep sed, Hy gosh jeu were rite, hnw linw hnw, wnlt till t tell this down nt the efiice hnw hnw haw. I think jeure terrible, I111 going rite out te the movies with tilmldls, ma sed. Wich she did. YOUNG RUSSIAN REFUGEES WIN FUNDSFORJRED CROSS Repay Kindness te Them In Father land by Activity Here Twe boys of the Itlnlne Scheel. Thirtieth nnd Nerrls streets, who came I i're ns refugees from KushIu eight ltie'iths age, i-nmpnignrd se vlgoieusly for the Junier Hcd Cress Hell Cnll llivl week, that the school bus nchievetl II ivrerd enrollment. The junior drive precedes the- Sixth Anntinl Hell Call, of the Southeastern Pennsylvntiln Chnp t r, which begins Armistice Dn. Kusrll Chnnin nnd Anren (Jelilmnn no the buys who were helped in their m 11 country by the American lied t hiss. When the Junier lied Cress iltlve began In the schools both lads linked permission te tell the ether rlill rlill (lien what the lied Cress had done for tlipm. They plendcd m Fiirressfully for iiiniiey te support the organization that their schoolmates contributed $!!2!MV, 5100 in excess of tlint given Inst yenr. 11 t 3oe EVENING PUBLIC LEDGEK PHILADELPHIA', TUESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1922 v them. This request sounds Impossible, nnd when the spectators sny se the performer Mievvh tlint the fent enn be accomplished unite ensliy. Hem is the methed: l'lncc the lips iignlnst the open cud of the mntch box nnd breathe in. Held the mntch box between the thumb nnd forefinger nnd lift It nt tlip same time. The suc tion rrcnted by drawing In the breath SPORT WOOLS; FOR HEAVY SWEATERS Samples en Rcquett COLONIAL YARN HOUSE mi citr.itrtv hthfet Phene. I.nrimt fOlfl Ne, 300 Picking Up the Matches A dozen matches arc laid side by side, clew together, en the table. The performer sets the cover of the match box en them, ns shown in trie figure, nnd akH ximc etic te pick up the matches without touching them, nnd without removing the box from nbove CAN I BE BEAUTIFUL? YES! THE COSMO-PLASTIC MirrnenH rsm nv Dr. Stnckheu.se, 347 Bth Ave, N. Y. Phila. Office: 119 S. 17th St., PhiltdelpMa Cnimaltntlnns UVdnrtdiy It te 9 lloeklet Frwi. Mention Adv. IecnH 1487 ! liillNHII will cnuse the" matches te ndhcre te the box, and they can be lifted elenr of the tnble, dropping back when the performer lets out his brenth. TODAY'S BEAUTY HINT Coats & Wraps of Duvetyne, Belivia and Marvella that show .signs of wear nnd weather enn be rc finiHhed te leek like new At Very Moderate Cost Let us de it new, and it will be ready when the cool weather comes. Schwarzwaelder Ce., iei7-27 weed si. 5tGbMert& efc&iva It is net neccs.nry te shampoo your hnir e frequently if it is en- i tlrcly nnd properly demised each time by the ue of it renlly geed shampoo. The easiest te use and quickest drjlng shampoo that we, enn recommend te our readers is one that brings out all the natural beauty of the hnir nnd may be en- jeyed nt ver little expetiK', by dis solving a tenhpoenful of ennthres which enn be obtained from any druggist, in n cup of het water. , This makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough se it is easy te apply it te all the hair intend of Just te the top of the head. This, when rubbed into the scnlp nnd onto every strand of hnir, chemically dissolves nil Impurities. It Is very seething nnd cooling in its action, ns well ns bendldul te both scnlp and hntr. After rinsing out the lather se created, you will find the i .mln Is fresh, dean ninl free from dnndruff. while the hnir dries ' quickly nnd ecnly, developing a bright luster and n soft lliifflness thnt makes it seem very heavy. I Adv. m a I u TONIGHT I An opportunity you have long looked for """. and one you may net have have again, te hear ZE Dr. Katherine M. H. Blackford 1 LAVA-VAR nished furniture and floors resist water and weather. Won't whiten. Prove vir tually playproef and accident proof. Their bright, elastic surface reflects light and beauty. LAVA-VAR flews en easily. Dries ever night. Try best-by-far LAVA-VARI At Your Dealer's All Celers and Clear 0P Shoes That Take The Clouds Off Your Mind ' When you feel physically fit your mind is alert, active. There arc no clouds te bcfei it. Yeu can think clearly. Yeu feel "equal te nnythinpe." But physical fitness is impossible if the feet arc cramped into rlfid, wrongly shaped shoes that impede the circulation, bind the feet muscles and wear en the nerves, causing pain nnd undue fatigue. The Cantilever - Sheerrn Weman takes Hi" clouds off your nilnil li Ntnrtlm; pliyHlc.il fitness nt the fet. Theus.ituls of wenreiH In thin ceuntr.v I1.1VB tenip te realize hew lurKi a pivit feet fn-i ileiu plays In tlu-lr hul-ch;s and hnpplnesH In it liuslness, professional or social way. Ne hidden piece of metnl prevents the Cantilever arch from nexlnj? with each movement of the feet. In Cantilevers the fiint muscles urn unluimpercd ami are nlleueil te de their wetk of holding nic (unity-six lieneR of the feel In an arrlinl poHltlen, and of llelng te gle ' reHllleiieQ and grace In vvnlklnR '.intlli'Vcr Shoes rIv the feet tee room Itheut mnlUng them leek elum- The heela cither low, medium or I'utuin. i as erf prpfcr are set xe te threw the hotly Inte correct posture, with th I alii of tlu. natural sole linn which p, r- i nilts therfoet te assume a normal por tion. If you sometimes feel that lh.re are r-Ieurls en jour mind, try wearing Cantilevers. Nete the shops llHtcd below where tliev are sold. , j Widths AAAA te C. i the originator of the science Qf Character Anal sis in person tells 1 TEl" Character at Sight I ci c:ui a. r. larorperated PHILADELPHIA Executives, salesmen, employers, employees, business men and women, YOU will be benefited and enjoy hearing this most entertaining nnd interesting lecture. Witherspoon- Hall Tues. October 24 HH Juniper and Walnut Sl. 5 8 '. HI. Sharp : Fer farther information address Ben J Manufacturers of Celers, Paxnts and Varnishes since 1863 U'S 1 NisrVy gal LAVAVAB ELOek ClMtCll .li'OMSHUtgJ) Ne Admission Fee ewetuana, tart uciirrne-Jirairera. i CANTILEVER SHOE SHOP 1300 Walnut Street Over Cunard Office Cntllvcr ere 1I10 en sale In nearby el'les. .Mtn.nii ll'nillu'liu's. I30J HIiiMitli Av AnlMirj I'tirU Hi ni Mm,. ( u . r,n; ( n.,i.n, iiiinili-n luiiiiii'j sj,,. sn.re, no IlrenilKii. ,""'",' M"!,'"i ,UT Nrtliiiiii.r,n ht. i lllllll.lllllh IHIMf . -' ,H M, lnliliHlmwi .nil.1'" .".HI Muln si I inn aster 1'retX llant Kluir St. 11 C r PIMIPLI fl lltnillnir -Siliirlmr'. 113 ivmii Sniinr S II rLUUR PlNISH I 'TIIIUMI lel. ,c IllilU III WviillllliB l I r. iilnn 11 M. V01 rlir.pi, A Tli. Wllke.liirre M. V Murn.i 1.1 I'.ihlle Verk T'i" Ten 'Inn mrni Can you build a brick house without bricks? TF a man told you he was going te build a brick house without - using any bricks, you'd think something was wrong with him, wouldn't you? Well, then, what about the man or woman who plans te build a sturdy human body but neglects te eat the kind of feed that builds that kind of body? Many "refined" and denatured feeds are lacking in the mineral elements which the body requires especially for bones, nerves end teeth. Yeu de get the right mineral elements In Grape-Nuts the deli cious cereal feed made from whole wheat flour and malted barley. Every bit of the nutrition which Nature puts into the grains Is retained in making Grape-Nuts. Lime phosphates, iron, mag nesium, potassium are all there. And then, tee, there's that won derful flavor and cri&pncss that makes eating a joy. Try Grape-Nuts with cream or milk for breakfast or lunch tomorrow, and see if you haven't been missing an unusually deli cious and sustaining feed. Sold wherever geed feed is sold or served. 4V Jf There's a Reason M GrapeNuts Made by Pestum Cereal Ce., Inc. Battle Creek, Mich, I firPl ifefattH idfcrtf .tvtitcewr n.wm-'"- ietnut - . A FOOD 1 ltT VBaMLvJCMJ I Sr"""WHHWMf lyknwL ffnin naif "H-i.iS' Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere Specializing Unusual Cleth Frecks at $15 te $45 Just when se muny women arc asking for them for street wear, for business, for an afternoon's shopping or matinee as always, the Down Stairs Fashion Stere comes forward with the newest and most interesting kinds at delight fully moderate prices. Ceat dresses are distinctly in favor this season, and they begin as low as $15 here for unusual ones of fine Peiret twill with embroidered sleeves and cellars. Other models of twill or wool cpenge at .$10.75, straight of line and distinguished with silk embroidery and braiding. Peiret twills at $20 show braiding in Oriental colors and side-draped skirts. Others at the Fame price show braided panels, nail -head bead cmbieidcry, silk embroidery and out-ef-th"-ordiimry braid ings. Fiem $22.50 le $'15. one may cheese from nmeni? a whole host of delightful frocks, nie.Uly of the liner twills nnd woolen crcpe3. The model s'rrewn at $2'J..'0 has a new kind of pleated crepe trimminjr and ron ren trnstinp; braided designs. Others show richly glowing embreideiies en bodice, panels or sleeves. Many arc in the new side-fastened style with tfiidle ornaments. Remarkable dresses at ?:58.."j0 and 545 are conies of very much hiuhcr-niiccd medel3, nnd there is an air about their excellent materials and unusual treatment in search srY Hf) SptY Li M j $22.50 I ' I S20 kj ' treatments nnd trimmimrs certain te reJemmn(i mem te tnt woman of semethinL' truly dist'iictne and smart. " . . . . l. .-I..... (l)IIWII iinirw -Miirr, iiM.i.T-i; Specializing New Coats and Wraps at $16.50 te $38.50 It would seem that mere women wear sports coats than ever before. Ne matter what ether sort of coat or wrap .she owns, the rough-and-ready utility and long-continuing geed leeks of a sports coat make a tremendous appeal. And the excel lent assortment of geed model. in the Down Stairs Ceat Stere is cer tainly an inspiration for buying. Beginning with smart double-faced diagonal (weeds at $1(5.50, one may cheese ether tweeds, soft sports woolens, chinchillas and po'e coats-, lined, plaid backed or half lined, at $20, $25 and up te $42.50. Fer the woman who appreciates the warmth and becomingness of a fur-cellared coat there is an inter esting group of veleurs and belivias at $25. Furs are caracu' and beaver-dyed ceney, and the coats are all lined and warmly interlined. New in the Ceat St'v are some excep tional belivia tapes with chinchillr.-il.ved cone cellars at $110; lined with -tuped iriny silk and interlined, se th.-v .., .. riiilly nice for evening wear. Others of interest. nK fur-cloth arc S.'iO aleo, and of fur-cloth with ceney eellnis, S.'J.",. New-, soft-pile belivias, of whir h tl.e coat -ketched i, one, have be ccminjr fur cellars unusual kin-l, ,f cnliierleries, the new wider s eeyes, the new Mde-fa-enm.s, an-l u-ally line peau de cv-ne lmiiiRS. Mostly blue and soft browns. (IIhhii Mnn 'iii-.., M.i , K.'l , ' fi i I W, i1' 1 - i 4i h TO" I if S38..'i0 & $8"0 Sale of Sample Hats, $8.50 Yes, really exclusive ! Net two hats alike in this net - se - very large but ex ceedingly inter esting group of charming n e w hats at $8.50. They come from a designer noted for his original ideas and for the care and nicety of his workman ship. Ordinarily, they would be con siderably higher priced, but this spe cialized group was secured in a way enabling us te offer them se attrac tively. The colors are unusual. One lovely apple-green one is embroidered and French knotted in gray worsted. A deep leaf-brown velvet one is clev erly cut te show facings of tan duve tyne en the turned-back brim, and there is a brown and tan rose with a brown ribbon center resting en one side. A black velvet one- has a crown ttn ked eh the bias!, se that it gives a me I unusual swirled effect, and there is a metal ornu ernu nii nt en one side. A softly "scerped" navy blue velvet one has most distinctive zephyr embroideries, in soft j?iay. Kach one entirely distinctive. Each one utterly different. All of them met unusual at RS.rjO. (I)eum Miilrs Mure, .MiirUrt) Small Beys' Cotten- and -Corduroy Suits, $2.50 Corduroy rousers that .stand u-Ji a let ei" hard wear cotton blouses that v ill wash. It is a combination that in -thei.' fuil ver practical for little be.vs' Winter wear. HIuu' buttoned en trousers, or treuscis buttoned en blouse stvles. I'.raid-' rimmed sailor collai. cellai. with small black ties. dray, blue and brown Sizes 2 te ti years. (IIiikii MiiIi-h err. ( nil-ill) Stamped Pieces for Clever Needlewbrkers 15c te $2,25 On the Down Stairs Stere Centra1. Mule The Art Needlework table en the Chestnut Street end of the Central Aisle is practically a little .shop. On it lire placed bits of new fancywork as seen as they are unpacked. The attendant knows all sorts of fancy stitches and the kinds of lles te suggest for different designs as well as the harmei ieus blending of shades and colorings. Prices range from 15c te $2.25 and include bibs, luncheon sets, work aprons, towels, scarfs, centerpieces, children's dresses and bedspreads. Sci.-'sers te keep in one's workbag ar' 50c pair. Made-up models are helpful in suggesting possible devel opments of individual designs. (Iliiun Stiilr Slerr', ( rntriil Mule) Old-Fashioned Quilting' Challis 19c Yard Grandmother would Jike thi.-e quaint challis patterns. Theie are Persian effects, and flowered ones, and a fan pattern that leeks ver old-fashioned, indeed. Mostly in the darker colors. 3t inches wide. Cotten and Weel Bats for Quilts 90c and $1.90 MakinK a quilt ceases te be much of problem, when one can buy the bats all ready te slip into a cover. These nre siz able, tee. Cotten bats, 72x.)0 inches, 00c each. nats. "Aren't These Geed Leeking Shoes!" nay It te Men men. Women any it te their friend. Wives setj it te their hutibandts and hu-sbandis say it te their wives. They Are the Wanamaker Standard Shoes for Women at $5 te .$6.50 and for Men at $5 Shoes contracted for months age when rales were a Nile lower. Made especially for us with every nice little detail one wants in iroed shes. Obtain able new in practically all sizes and widths in nvnv than twenty down-te-tlu-minute styles! (I)uvvri stnrs sl,,,. s(,,r,. f,,r V, unit n. f'lit.tniil s(r,,.( nml fnr Vl.'n, .lul Ti-lili lhi siihunj. IIi'm n nn lie- (,nlli r 0- ii"'' f" LxvL v . . .) Women's Shoes Marked Down te $2.75 A third te mere than half l?--- than regular for these geed-looking one .strap pumps, "Marv Jane" pumps and oxfords. They may be chosen in a ariety of leathers. The pumps have turned sole and Dabv Leuis or low heels : tie oxfords have substantial be ii.lcri -tinr te tN--e who J mp.s and medium heels. Diekeu sb.e.s. Women's Shoes Marked Down te 53.75 Shoes from rcg. '.ur . tock price lowered a third and mere combined with specially advantageous purchases. Tan and slack pumr- and oxfords, bla-'k .satin enn-strap pumps and nov nev elt'es. (Jeed shejs at a price sure te Knew I llm. it stairs s! I,., "V-.'ai .'maker" ijuabtv. Women's Specially Priced Mecha Gloves, $2 The woman who is laying in her Winter supply of gloves will consider these among her most lucky "finds." Bemuse of advantageous special pur chases, they are a third less than standard price. They ar made of soft Arabian mocha, which is very pliable and comfertabla. l-clas gloves with spparneint t'tcher' I'acks, or emlyeid.ered 'n stlf or contracting colors. Out seam sewn. (Iray and be-iver bi wn. 1 1 ii st .;rs , ( , mr ,t , Well-Designed Corsets for Large Women $3.50 te $8.50 Unusual te hnd "specialized mod els" at .-nth moderate price., but large women v h.i require particular kinds of well-boned corsets wpl find thai the -eli'i-thi' of them is urusuahy easy and pltasantlv economical in the Down Stairs Corset Shep. s , "0 for topless eei sei- for steui f'j s, in i w"h -trenjr. wide stul,; .,n, oieu'1 '! lie-i.'-i ! with well-plaeeil ela?t'c inseit. " I'm vvi ll-bni'i'il c out ii cnihet.s in nieih nn in' Ii st stvii . "-slv-rt parts an-ieiitr, :i .1 I , 'fii i t" be hifihir te oentiol the lie h i.' '. t' -hmitiUv bl.tilf-. s fur n"iitliii tepli ss ninilel of slilit'v K;i . iil.i-clial. ..ii! m,.-(i fei tl1(. sain. ,nr. i-color brocade. c n ,-v js-r iHIl! Vtilh 111 WHO FOR m I r' i' m I rousers s T-C,'7iMV 4 W- j s Ayjr n. ,i i, i K' in '' m !! 'f Cs, Jl t.i 10. Hiivv li si ,r si,.tl. ( , nlnil) New Dress Trimmings 15c te $1.85 Yard mill, sil-e: ami ste 1 i rtV.-ts, vith insnn insnn atien tir clever cU-siciier in verv sliitnnir iir'ie uie iane little Daml trini- ,in-t half an inch vv inY. I'atterm 1 siuiu-iiiiKs h-ivi touehes of ir..v All-v inches, S 1.1)0. tllimn Slulrn Stere, I'riilnil) tin C'.lil i...i..i hi, ifii .1 .I,. kii, ,1. 1.....1 ... .......i mi vim.-i ... ..-., v-i -n , i-i iMivril OUIUI. lllt'Ili are I'.lnn metalhe K.ee a (,'ori'eeus ten in bi s vvule Kvery one is lovel.v itml new. Tinsel Brocade, S2.75 Yard Shu i ni.' patterns en a s.ilk black back-frui-nu tine nii'ils te s(l. thein In realize vvli.-it ..Ui-ite irimmini,'!, or paii"ls they will make Tin- i low blues, anil browns .mil Kreeii- a'e lore as well as eltl and .silver. l'J inches wide. 3()-lneh Black All-Over Silk Lace $2.25 Yard Cobwebby patterns that will make the prettiest party frocks imaginable. The width is just riBht for scarfs, tue. '"he Down S au-s m r I'e.' .'h. , en tin ( ..: .,.. j u s t u ii e flight fl e w n I'.'em Mark ' S i reel, is daily at'ract iiis" mee and ni e r c m e n through ju si 'iich ! ul pi ed . s ,;. t! i . n;.". r'er u he:i a man buy-- a pi- .v if uethmj at V.'ana:v.iiki.i'-. he kiews it is al - ,we'i; n 1 1 In u'h. -e v-i' -ay -e, but I u -' -e ii lu'.i be.-u clvmieally i! and pr.iNi'd ,s . Tv- ' sum -, ihe-i, at S:?li."(). are all-wool, a.1 I e:u h r.it has two pair of iron- rs. Tha. mean.- it will wear ui ' i.l-eiit ;- ae a 1 i ik as 'lioe-r 'I;.)- nit vith. en. pair -kIu at alieut tn;s pi'iv-i.. ' III. . . r . ,'. V- 9 i -. r a( , n .i i lilts ,IM I ,, 'MV ( i 1- .r in two i ,, -i i v a . a i i p.--in h i e i ii. '" i lui-t Me I i' ei ' it i ir i a in iu i.i Yeung Men's Swrls S nil's of AU-Y.'oel Fabrics, $2.", New a.sMMtinei t.s of .seasonable tweeds and cheviets. ( eat.s have belts and bellows or inverted pleated backs; patch pei-lv'.s. The kinds- of -inl -elli ic,. mi,n wear. sptirisnien w -ar a. id veujij busini s, men wc-.r linn n sr, sturi. I r M n. mi lln I. nil. n VliirUel i New Blankets With a Pleasant Mixture of Weel, $5 Just eneuph wool te make them soft and vvaini-feslini,', and net enough te allow them te shrink in the course of several tubbiriKs. They aie double blankets and (10x80 inehpa. I I lliitv ii kitiiUu kl.... t a , j ,....,,,. Minn ptiur. i r ir ii . ..i . .. . . - i ' ii'iiun -inir nir i'iiiritll "in 'j "',', & . ii.J. m c fl J J lil 1 II'J t e , ? .1' J, JMh jl i jitt,j