rrp TiXKWS -in t irjriirrf J H Wfa wwm Lf ' ft i?w Li EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA MONDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1922 2 1.1 ,' I') ai!.w MONEY TO LOAN HOUSEKEEPERS It .-,. .,- m .nv WVbtmknt ipervd cu. "" 'PILL IUUn VjtJiJU tllll nVW i tii terms. Payment arranged te K'.niir convenience. Ne fee of any kind M Tour L,i ,n . , , th .... rrevM,,, 117 An Inquiry putt you te no expense l Aatn nOl oniisnve vu in n; wij v.i. BjXT. or If in n special nurry, us ueii ESlluyeuh7'bmall outstanding Els and own BUT esn CONCERN, . HOUSEHUJbU L.UAJN UU. ' eirt Seuth lBth Street - snnd Fleer, noem 201, Cres Building. cu,, n , , hi. ntinmhtip nf Cnmmsrc. mnsr r " - - - -- Will Lean Housekeepers UP TO $300 it h lawful rale of Interest en a plan of nrln te tneet your inaivmuai require- P;. in thl; v.cln.t,-. offer It te you. iftfONnailUU vimnuiy ,. , - .J, GUAKANILLLUAN COMPANY . . Heom 704, VANDAM BLDG. 1005 MARKET STREET Itfe Orm.ntewn ave. p Phene Tle.a 2373 H !SS i K'Art its. Phene Belmont 1027 "MONEY ADVANCED 1 Te housekeepers or home owners w " . --..J - .! ... neon i ftiy pRymenxB nrrmiKru w mi... In Amounts up te 300 Dollars a Li., WBITB OR PHONE -....I nf Iti tar1 CA ' nrinttir T A fl , arnuvci u v ... ail. .. tat- alkcii nnniufnt arlVATlrA S rddltlen.1. money en mere, liberal term. rcTipt aurnuun iv w ...4...- ...- E ehirff fcenBdentlal, courieous "eatme. Erletsst privacy prevails during courtoeus treatment ..and the the entire Iraniauen. nsatien. , Industrial Lean Service, Inc. n. p. cropper, meh Suite 308, Finance Bldg. H2S H. Penn Square mervlsed by Fennn State Banking Dept. EAS EST TERMS QUICK LOANS UP TO $300 TO HOUSEKEEPERS BUY COAL NOW .. rash handed te you quickly without fenv funs cr red tape: payments will be ar- Irment plan- n' ithe u plenty of time apSy the lean and charge veu enfv for the fniereit provided by law. This Is the company SECURITY LOAN CO. 11 14 CHESTNUT ST. fleer noem 20. next te Ketth'B Theatra MONEY TO LOAN LOW AS 2 ON DIAMONDB, BTOCKS AND IIONDS 12 MARKF.T ST. RIEDER'S BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES wt latvt . . . nvii.J.l.t.1. nnMAin ft til lVi1 lO years. Is creatlnir H own Jobber from builneiB men havlntr ufflclnt financial re- OUrCtf te carry A nman iwn, i; "m ICCOme dlSiriDUlinK juuuein tu a. -uitir juw- Kri1 profit without any bojkkeeplnK or oer i .u.... ..vnnr tha trtinnlntf nf fin mi iemnblle which they must own. Iky leading lubrication engineers guaranteed for lire ana iiae Auauuuibut w .wu PETITION. let goods will NET THOUSANDS, otherwise e VOUia ne wellli uui unit, ACQ reis t oeu i.cmm win;. EASTERN mill manufacturlnc a splendid I line of silk hoslery desires connection Iwlth an experienced hosiery Kalesman. with .nn.1 rnfinwinir nf th New Yerk and It'imirn Jobbing and retail trade; will con- sieer a pariy inieresung tiirniBeiviN, uui money is nei esseniiai; write, Kimw tun fiu Ittlls In first letter, Address C-U 1'. O, Bex 1484. ILAROE growing butness concern controlling neverxl txclunhc lines nf merchandise and household noceiiltles and selling direct through agent, requires territorial manager for BcnuyiKiii ueuniy, .Minim ueuniy ana I.ycemlng Ceunt: the party must hae geed rhjirattAr! I'TDprlpnre In hindllnff men; n nnveitment of about 1300 would be required: money te be put In meruianaise; mis is it real chance te get In business for yourself. pf you can't fill above requirements don't Tlte for appointment c una i,eager onire aN OLD established manufacturing con cern offers Us securities en a bnsls te vlfld 1.! dividends htne etrned manv tlmeit oter: .lghest standing with benks and commercial igencles; Investment may be as low as $200. his Issue h te preMe for additional equip ment: no ngents, wrlte for details. C 013. ,edr Office r'ACTORY RCPRnSENTATIVn wanted: new high-class patented article; costs io.ne, retails tin 00- ecry merchant buys en dem- titration, requires sauu te siuuu capital; keluslve territory; old established company; kcenses Chicago and return allow nl en up. ointment. Scott Cerp., 10S North Clark rmcage MA' AUK and treasure exposition leaves I San Francisce next month, headed bv en hneers and salvage experts: blc returns tireb. Ible; co-eperatite, linoe each required: only prpuiaDie men taaen, uetnienem cngr. i;erps, jt California st Sen Francisce ICcm.lUNT uartnershlD onnertunltv fni- experienced business man te talcs hair ttrest In wholesale mercantile business new ganltlna: large profits assured: necessary ipltal liu.iiuu, state rermer uusiness con- tctiens at ae. i.teger unice. rAYINd grocerles. delicatessen store and restaurant In Falrvlew Camden V T Iveraie wee'tlv sales 11000; big bargain for sve man; reasfn ir rniinK, sicitness. Annli u u.iuuu, .nil iii ciiiii ruinitre P.m. N J Del. Phene Camden 308.1, I'EI.tEDl'CATEl) gtntleman with sales r. Ipsrlence Invited te Jein as partner In mf pa inarnriuia iiiui. vuiviiirn rjpciricai ee- e; ieu.uuu rpqu,run. iri)i itureaa necessary miratien Invited M 832, Ledger Office. w& uirrjii.ife w(jiuriuiiiiy iuf siuuu cash: li $3000 mortgage corner cigar, candy, notion unfl lt.9 tienin civic hiiu I'lui'ruy Willi 111 rooms, In Geptlle neighborhood, Apply 133 (ll.lPHOL: meuthDlece. nurn whlt. Bnni. V, tary unbreakable; will fit un tdephena 3 no rr cent profit; sample 23c postpaid. fisrss tfroinere ue , uie .-viuany si,, iiosten. Mum ' fOllfJA.NlZi: jour company under deed e'f f truit: eldest, nest, snrest ferm: no state kjMS, de business anywhcie: expert aertlce, Beilnicfr I.atayet'e Dldg . 1'hllq, , J ' piA.N or woman rretrsiunr. rer permanent I connection with established 1imIti,,s.. tiinr,, 0 1(1000 Investment required: knowledge of ,BKefping necessary; runesi investigation- 'J ka.AlABA Sl4l T . .. .-- - -f . I "H'Miin .h Owl. 1 tilKPr JHICf fCK nn4 bnnrl brekern te hnndlA a $100,. 00 bend lnBU of a Keinir manufacttirinir Dcrn; erv Intarcatlnv propisitlen, Write r ipt-r nrwiirn 1111 nnuill PT. .'HRRROOK section; curnur basement, Jlcre- brand new- t.heap TRUXI.EH, . .-imiiun nvp, fjemujru tmus DOU man ran rnnnert with Ik. .nnnrn mfr metal specialties, sales dept. nr off ; KLES enslneer for nstented in.rrnm.ni '.if itiji iseuuii requirea .vt aaj. I, e, RTNnii' new nrnl Mi.rnnH.hnmt l,.in. ..., r4 ... :.!... "-w- n. .. ;". -;'", w.. i,iji tunny ,,t ,i,if ix-ilter llltICO aRTNEIl wanted with tinne f.. n,.,H. Iwheles'e bus Fer partlc. ad, C 031, L, e. STORAGE AND MOVING IMarOR VAN SERVICE" f ,T0 ANY DISTANT POINT betneen Philadelphia and Washington e Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 87th snd Market ts nrtn iyi(T SIT lnnrl tn no 4swvi Mam "-l, .."' ' .:. ( ui iiwiii - iiin, nu i mnrA tm nil arAahere points- InaurancA wJVI r Htprnir- n-IO N 17h Tenlar iT..li VICTORY STORARP ftAA IT niPtlTl nhnna Tl.ln.a - "tlmatfi Moter ans Tacking and rrl jT e Jehn Rhoads Ce.l.V.".W.". Itersge Packing, Moving, Carpet Cleaning 2,SnciI sfonAGB'ce MfariTANriu ..TEIt AVE, AUTO SERVICE. STORAm'' acking Leng-distance Mnvii?5Alu" fO 1IIK1'; B-tpn truck; hour, dav eriJi7. 'isy ann nignt service Walnut t.iw ' Vlt.T. XtflVt,. fl.rnnm hnxaa .h , n ' ' terage free. Sherwood 1788. ' mono HOUSEHOLD GOODS JREB-PIECE living room suit. le.Dl."rl dlnng room suit: American walnii? eS ivBii ntmui ifvurutiiii nuitl. talklntr iw in, at sacrlllce. B2B0 Cedar .J. '" m- CONSTABLE SALE fr.r haIm. mnphlripirv .. ' '" . 1;1. frket .. fourth fleer. i.,,V -. '?, Constable, till a, .n at, "' rOR, BALS THEY AIII9 ALL TALKING- ABOUT PRIORS LOUBEN'S 110-12 N. Second St. fit in u-ppif'a ppriTATI 8-pl.ct) Parler Suits; Vtieur or .Tapestry ,,,,,,,,.,,,.,.,,,,,,, 10-plece American Walnut Dlnlnf- noem Suit 42-Inch nintnt-Hoem Tabls; 6 ft. Rxtentlen .1 , . 4-nlpce twn-tene American Wtlnut 72,B0 130 12B0 18500 $95.00 iruiiNim nuite t Red, Spring and Mattress, Walnut ,,,,. or l,- rdlFlini-lill,,! 1,1, Open TrldST end Saturday BTentnrs Till O'Hn irnr; or tvnite Knamei., TYPEWRITERS RENTED VISIRLE fl MO"t In B0 AND UP Factory Rebuilt Typewriters ALL MAKES AOENTS reit REMINGTON PORTABLB American Writing Machine Ce. . 802 CHESTNUT ST. WALNUT 24W MA1N4295 EVENING CLOTHES n TO JURE AND FOR BAUD Full Dress and Tuxedo Suits . Cutaways for Morning Weddings Latest Medels of Highest Quality HARRY LEIDNER P0W2S0 S. W. Cor. 10th & Glrard Ave. OPEN EVENINGS. FACTORY TO YOU MADE IN PHILA. FOLDING- CHAIRS, il UP .. THEATRE CHAIRS, 12 UP, S!lURt'" TEWS. I2.B0 PER ., LODGE PEtJEMTAT-H end PULPIT CHAIT mode te order, ANY DE8ION, low cost. CHAIR KXt' HANOE. COR. nTH VINHl GENERAL roenng and sheet metal work business: est. 1B78; plan fully equipped With Bmnll tools, machinery, equipment, 2 nutntrucks nnd office fixtures; price $17.600. Ircludlng 8-stnry shen. S-stnry tere and eweiiing j -. ' C B2T. ledger etnee. . . , RIG RUMMAGE SALE for ths benellt of the Rush Hospital for Consumptives, te be held at 1833 Market at. en Thursday, October 20, at 10 o'clock; china, clothing, books and pictures, twin su-cart HOU8THOLD furnlture selling at scrrflce. , handsome furnishing, riving up housekeep ing; ebuny nnd geld bedrooms set JPR,r"' hand-painted breakfast room set. 4 Chlnese rugs; draperies, etc Call Monday or Wed nesdny. 237 H ldth st. Apt IS H, IF YOU have am thing ou wish te dlspesa of quickly for cash call us up or drop ua a line. The Kalghn Avenue Auction Ce., 1210 H. 2d, Camden, N. J. Phene Camden 2970 J. . HUPMORILE, 1021 touring, Chandler vis- tntch 1020. .Dedge touring 1020, Willi KnUht 1010 touring. Pheno Cynwyd 407 or E. N. Creaman. Montgomery and Old Lan- cnsier roan t;ynwq MULTICOIXJR presses; thoroughly rabullt; cunrnntted 2 ears; full Instruction serv ice: I37S: easy payments. Daum, 83 S. Itresd st. . SHOWCASES STORE FIXTURES All kinds en hand and made te order STAR SHOWCASE MFO. CO. 184 N. 12th at. Phene Bpruce 402B HILLIARD HEADQUARTERS Rllllard tables, new and second hand: bowling alleys nnd supplies. RRUN8WICIC-BALXE- COLLENDER CO , 1002 Arfji r'.. REFRIGERATORS AND FIXTURES Terms If desired. 881 N. 2d st. R T. nandtl A Ce., REFRIGERATOR, 5-deer butter box. refrig erator counters, comp. scales, sllcers ana safes. C20 Cnllewhlll St. Ut J D-- In first-class con- ucaic. auu txaiiKjc auien: will sell reasonable te quick purchaser. 2701 8. Mele, MULTIGRAPHS traded In and thoroughly rebuilt: offered ene-uurd cost price. Aiuiti cnlnr Press Lincoln Bldg. WILL SELL or exchange 4-cyllnder Hender son moterocle; fine ter bualnesa. 808 N. 44th st. FOUNDATION STONE for sale; any quan tlty: quarry nt North Phlla. H. C. Ambler. 3717 Old Yerk read. Tiega BB08. MAHOGANY block-front desk, high boy card table. siaeDeara, antique lurnuure An- tlque Shep, 1321 N. 13th. CI.OCIC Chiming mahogany; wonderful tone; peneci timepiece; arem biihi) iu iik, euyer. Fer apt ee. or Sun,, ph. Wyoming lflPe J OVERCOATS BOO unredeemed overcoats, $5 up. Rleder's I-eun Offices. 128 Market St., 2200 Seuth st. nnd Rldge nve & Oxford st. WATCH, Elgin movement, 20-year gold geld filled case 87: value IIS, Rleder's Menev Lean Office. 128 Market at. I20XI Dlnmnnd earrings; it's T-'H Market st, value (330. Rled- 81B0 DIAMOND ring: value 1273. I.ean Office 128 Market st. Rleder'8 $80 DIAMOND ring, pure whlte; $.00. Rleder's Lean Office. 128 Market at. HATES, fireproof, closing eut: "10 pllghtlv used: all sltes, styles, makes. 70 N Fourth WATER HEATER, CHEAP 2 1 3 4 Market st NEW Singer sewing machines 143; open eve nings. Jehn Pasquerllle. 4108 Ridge ave WOOD 10 cord of dry seasoned weed, $12 ptr cord. R V Ryan. 8010 Market st. HIGH-CLASH cigar and candy fixtures. Apply 2237 Falrmeunt ave HEATER, PIFELESS. CHEAP 2134 Market st ITHACA GUN. new 12-rage safety valve, dnuhle barrel. 803 Green stj BABY CARRIAOE Oermantnvvn ave. for sals cheap. 8043 VIOLINS for sale, any sire cheap Morrison, teacher, piano violin 1701 N. 16th. LADIES' wearing apparel nt Ipwest prices. 100 W. Glrard nve Mkt. BB44. HOTb'L. baker. shet-metal work, supplies, all kinds. Mkt. 1723 Melgar. !03 N. 2d PERSONALS ATTENTION. COLLEGE MEN Wanted The two hiker who ste breakfast In a. lunchroom between Wheeling, W. Va., and Zanesvllle, 0 en the National Read, near Cambridge, about 8:30 en the morning of June 27 They were en their way te Columbus, O. They had a talk with an of ficial of the United Mine Workers about Impending labor troubles. These two men ran assist In saving the lives of 13 men. This Is vitally Important. If you don't knew anything jeurself, pass thl word along, Telegrnph at once. rnllct. tn Earl Lew Is JRt OlatravHla O PENSIONS under act Sent 1 1022, end June 4. 1920 .Spanish-Philippine wa. period; soldiers, sailors, their widows and 0! Ildren. certain former widows Consult Mlle D. Stevens . Ce . attorneys, 028 F st , Washington. Establlshsd 1804. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Yeu will take no chance by having jour china vases or any ether work made Inte lamps te see the man who knew about It; 30 years' experience The William Jaeger Art Metal Works 720 Chestnut st. DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND EELY r?0KfIf2 c;e'.,nWONDS Suite 222 second fleer, ever Chllda' Heat. FALL and winter aulta rnadi te order. 185- iu, vwutii iuve v. tuuait, JuneisKey, J fc-Tl unwni " DR MASBIt'S te-operative system of don den tlstiy offers expert dental work at lowest cost lull details 81B S Blh t T.em 4242 HNTHRTAIN. M15NTS furnished: 1'hlla. ven. trllequlst. Llngerman 70S N Bth t. WILL KUV ue responsieie for debts unless cemrnctcu uy iiiyscu it j. Norten 1ALKINO machines record, and repairing. I llghtevver, 1B4 V. Glrard ave """- iiisritnikf n',. ittA r Vn.. .'" . . AMERICAN Table. Ce . manuf. of breakfast sets: palnt'g It decor, spec. 12 1 8 N. B t hst . ru u nssiitiKiiv viwvuiQ ul your mask or lialleiveeen party rail 1 lena tlHIln j, 10 HIRE Full dress tuxedo and cutaway suit Brltten. 123 N. Oth at. Bell shen. OARPET CLEANING Telephone Kensington 24 41 -'-"IX 1. 8007 QUAKER CITY CARPET CLEANING CO. 1123 TO 1187 E. COLUMBIA AVE. Cleaning and Dyeing Ladles' nnd gents' wearing apparel, household goods, Oriental ana domestic rugs, carpets, tapestries, blankets curtains. Damp Wash Laundry CARPETS 4 RUOS CLEANED, SCOURED and stored; Oriental rugs our specialty, Fine durable, rugs woven from old carpets. Automatic Carpet Cleaning Ce. 8042.44 LUDLOW STREET rhenes, Key . West 2743 Bell Preston 2408 ESTABLISHED 187B. LET u renew the appearance of your rugs by our shampooing process; or If you wish te change a color scheme we will dye them, we are experts and will be glad te advise veu Just phone Poplar 700U, Dept, I Burg's, 1018 N. 21st st. WANTED WE PAID A WOMAN $118 B0 for ft let of Jewelry she hud been offered $40 for elsewhere; bring veur dia monds nnd Jewelry te us; we. will glve a full honest cash value: established 1803. 11103 It. LEE & CO, 712 Walnut st. HEDIH.'OM furniture, tarpets, rugs, house heuse i.ftM snnds of all descriptions tmuxht- ua pay the lest cash prices Iu the city; tiefoie selling te nny una drop rind or phene tnd our representative win run nnuncun iur. mtiire t'O., Main Offlcu. 8811 N. Bth st. Phene Tiega unwi, IIUJIIKHT priens paid for newspapers, rnaga. xlnes. rags carpels, .lien end all kinds of metal; try once and be satisfied! truck rails anvwhere: send peste-l or call Diamond 8683 J Bendsr. 2B21-28 Ridge ave. HiailEHT prices paid for gentlemen's clnth. Ini' we go cltj or out of town. Write M, IV.. ivir.r SI. SECOND-HAND clothing bought and sold, highest price paid. Merlirt 2448, Stern, H37 N, 4Hi st. Call anywhert-, 1'URNITURU bought, high prlcesiHI. Flnkil vk uv,.iiauvunii , ,s,..,wi.i, vsie. D0O8 AND BIRDS FIFTY (80) heegles for sale, ranging. from S months te 4 years old; a few pedigree ones; eligible; fl mated palrai thoroughly broken) some extra geed single enest have nnd lets of practice: why buy of stranger when you can get them from a kennel that has been at It for 25 years? Can live you bank reference and 1000 satisfied customer. WILSON JIARNARD, JJryn Mawr, Pa, CARE OP DOGS. free. Valuable Instructive & book en training, disease, fd- V-T acrlptfen te our big Illustrated 1mA Deg and Hunting Magailne, Jr V Send 2Sc. coin or etamps, today. Sportsman' Digest, 220 Duller llldg., Clnelnnati, PEDIOREED collie, puppie for ale from prlta-wlnnlni ateck. G DOS. Ledger Office. HORSES TWO horse, 0 and 7 year old, sound and ktnd In all harness; also drop-bottom wagon and double harness, D, F, Ryan, Klrklyn. or 8010 Market at. OLD GOLD OLD geld, silver, platinum, plaited war, old- atyie jewelry, teein. Dimiss ei swelry. teeth plate bought for eaah. Est. 1817, J, L uiarx. reunsr. eui nniisuiu. PRINTING PRINTING In ll foreign language our specialty. Phene 1817 Market. Slovak Tlmheimen Printing Heuse. 71)1 N, nth st ROOFING HOOFING, spouting, heating and ranging; Jobbing dene reasonable, any part of city. . Hersl 14lfl Cltn ave Ph. Kens 408B T. TIN, tile, slate. slag roefing: If dissatisfied, try me; first class low prices. Market 2880. Paul Reck, 842 N, 4th. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE1 C1TV 3009-1 1 Chestnut St. Will sell er rent desirable 2-story property, 10,000 square feet, let 40 x200 ft. te Ludlow at. Suitable for llmest any business. Twe street front; geed light. HEYMANN & BRO. HEYMANN DLDO IB-IB 8. BROAD ST. SOUTH BROAD STREET 20173 etery. 12 rooms with 2 pains eiee , het-water heat: let xoxine te watt st: l23.fKin. 16808 story. 12 rooms with baths, elec , het-water heat: let 17x82: 81B.00O. 1814 3 story. 10 room, with bath, ,.10,,BLr. b8ttt' lee-: 'nt lbx84: $14,000. 2120 O story. atone perch. 13 rooms wmi 2 baths, elec. elec. het- water heat: vacant: 113. BOO, WILLIAM C. HEYDE S. E. COR. 1BTH & SNYDER AVE. Jli;RIIli!!BIIIIBlll!lBI'llll!!l!li!I1EI!lli!i;iliI!!D!IllltlIirailllirjlILSi CENTRAL PROPERTIES 280 S 21 ST ST. 23H2 DE LANCET PLACE. 1887 CHESTNUT ST. 340 S. 21ST ST. 2000 CHESTNUT ST. 2110 WALNUT bT. ALBERT B. MILLS UELLEVUE COURT DLDG. Pheno Locust 2737-B8. !l!!!Mlll!lill1lllllllllM!!lllil!lllll!!l $4700 "Simen-Bill" $4700 SUNSHINE HOMES S. 26th St.. Keed St. te Dickinsen St. Only 10 Left Six roema and bath, het water heat. electric, hardwood floors, luundry In basement, perch front. Agent en eremiffs BURTON C. SIMON 20TH AND PASSYUN'K AVE IIIIIUlllMllllllllllllUillli'lllll'llilllllllilllllllliiilMH 2024-26 SANS0M ST. 1928 SANSOM ST. 334 SOUTH 16TH ST. Paul II. Stull. Minis Bldg. Spruce 1821. LOCUST ST. 1500 BLOCK Greatest bargain en Locust St.; financed: small amount cash. J. EDWARD LUTZ 240 N. 17th at. SALE OR RENT SEPARATELY OR AS A WHOLE 310-312 S. 1BTH ST. flll'.l H. HICKS Si. SAMUEL G0LDER finance Bldg Locust 4B?7 1 833 N. 33D ST. Lateet modern Improvements, must be (old Stewart & Lemisch fftS Alan see advertisement tn anisli .. dtertl I ,.ll...l.. xAl..... w.w. ,,., II, .WIIU..I I.IUIUII. Garage Garages Special Offer! SIZE 10x12, .fllO.OO Delivered te Philadelphia. Cemes In sec tions, twits together. Erect It yourself, a Saturday afternoon pustlnie Guarantee! per. muneiu and substuntlil, Muda of Ixtl-lnch clear drop siding, Reef guatanteed 14 i,iri Painted one coat. All hardware Included: 20 ether designs and sizes. Weed or steel, Cash or Easy Payments Come and SeeTJ, Open 0 A. M te 5 P. M. Call, write or phone for FREE book of Simplex Sectional Gnrages and hummer Cottages Ne, 447C Phene Frankford 2000. Sears, Roebuck & Ce. Philadelphia, Pcnna. 4640 Roosevelt Blvd. HAROLD TEEN ff SALE OR RENT (4s mjF I st II -mmmm. UJi AMKte- DOvUeJ A -f 6eds! BOCK-'. I WgOeAB, VOU Af3E Tu;0 OF TM2. V . ( && 60& vWYCM UKK- HoTrtSraeeuL-IvuHV HfANcafMSoeMts w.ef4 school Bo5-E.CtreAe- ( it&Myreeist l f N v eyT'ft s&B.iseMen )fJiiXss- T 5eepTH'3AMCas JnWS)irtTUJEM i AAA5et?ervMc,i4S.-36rivc&-THe. Toeov, Beys- ERefi.. kT ibftft5oeBs.e. H "'2' S V out' Jvt weee uMeeatePiiM- '"" Dor.TH'Shfteve.aMtiL-. 1 ,OOFKy' , I aaic aavm-S I 6Het'Tfcwwe&cwv. wect TgS frrFbQTSftCt. S?L erSsTTl'' AxiYTHIMG ? tGrrtOM- SPLVT OT2. fr Tft " f .'.-!. IvH W ei J-J (t M , , , , , w V j v . ,4-iy rk REAL ESTATE TOR SALE ijifjr Faeteri. Wareheuae. Mnufrttirlng Woera llfMIIIilllBililifilBIHiMSfifflfiWIJi 234 N. 23DST. ONB AND 3 STORY riiick nttii.n. INO. 71 FT. 6 IN. BY 214 FT. TO J. NELSON DICK S10 LAND TITLE ULDG. iiiHmmiiiiiis FAr'I'flRIPI Warehouses mUlUlAlCiO floors, factory alts J. L. Stevenson & Sen L",17.'.tu . Alse see ndtertlsrraent In (mail type In following columns. WEST 1'HlfDKI.rHIA $6800 WITH GARAGE Seven room, hardwood floors, het-water heat, modern! Immediate possession. 5720 PENTR DGE ST. Reed & Templeton n80"sn!' 1,837 S. Yewdell St. MONTHLY EXPENSE ONLY 125 Plus til, BO te Reduce Mortgage 0 roems: enclosed perchl hardwood floors, electric lights. Take Routes 11 or 87 te B4lh and Woodland uve., walk west '4 block. Agent nn Premises at Sample Heuse $8500 " 5414 WILLOWS AVE. Rlx rooms, bath, lncleced perch, basement laundry and garage; up te date. Apply 8487 Willows ave. 5717 MASTER ST. Twe story, 7 rms.. electricity: main t. 1 adjoining store enrrer: suitable for al-, toratlens; leeks like business future Adelph B, Caspar SSiS,? &nv 8037 WARREN ST (will sell te colored) 3 sly,, Or, heater, range, bath: $800 casn; easy terms; $40 per me. tn carry and saves IKI.SO per me. Why pay rent7 McCLURE i CO, 18 H. 40th st. Jlulldlng-Lets. Factory Sites, Etc. VACANT GROUND 110x200 ft., suitable for building of modern homes, at 70th and Greenway ave. Advances will be made te builders. G. C. & J. F. BOWKER 4371 Main St., Manayunk Stores nnd Dwelling 55th & Themas Bakery, confectioner' & Ice cream store; ther'ly med 8-sty. brick dwg ; let 17x0S. PEMBEHTON REALTY CO 01" S nnth w nd nnjt Onen till 0PM Alse see ndirrtlncmrnts In smull type In following columns nKRMANTOVVN llllll! GERMANTOWN AND CHESTNUT HILL Ardtelsh st., Chestnut Hill Semi-detached stone, and brick dwelllnu: 10 rooms nnd hath, gas, electric light, steam heat; let 20x120: prlce J0S00. East Evergreen ave . Chestnut Hill Slnule stone, plaster-cast house; 11 rooms and bath steam heat, electric light: let 40x140; central location; price $10, BOO. W. Frlce st Cmvenlent te Chelten nve. station Pennsylvania. 11, It,: enn of a pair stone homes; 0 rooms and bath; let 43x110; crke S12.0O0 Mldvale ave., Queen Lane Maner One of n pair plaster-cist heuses: in rooms, 2 baths, electrla light: let 8Bx 11B: convenient te Queen Lnna Sta tion Pennsylvania It. It., price $1B,U(;0. Wyndmoor Station Reading It R . corner Willow Greve ave, and Flour Fleur town read Single stenn house, with 1nrage: 12 room nnd bath, gas, eler. trie light, het-water heat; let 127x lhO; price $23,000, Germantown Trust Ce. Chelten nnd Germantown aves. Phene Germantown 0100. liWMIIIIIPb GERMANTOWN 8333 Greene st Single plaster-cast house, with 2-cir Karnge, 11 larie roemi and 3 baths; let 80x117, central locatien: writ slc'e, conveni ent te trnln nnd trelley: Improve ments amounting te $10,(00 have Just lietn placed en this property, must be sold te close an estate Germantown Trust Ce. Chelten and Germantown nves Phene Germantown 0100 Jli'llllllMllllllllllllllilllllllll'ilMillllllilllM $26,000 GORGASST.&STENTONAV. NEW STONE DWELLING 2-CAR OARAGE OPEN reR INSPECTION MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. N K -OR BROAD ft CHESTNUT Alse see advertisement In small type In following columns OLNKY BAUER-BILT "ALL-LITE HOMES" fJeitsffreriV $6400 With Garayea ,VOR' BE.VO COMPLETED SS02 N. MARSHALL ST. Walter S. Bauer, Builder OFFICE B802 N. BTH ST. Alse see advertisement In small type following columns In 1.HIAN I LOGAN 5 VACANT S,)0 l,lock NV "utchlnsen Vrtvrlll s' , il rooms, bath; gangs terrace funis, $bee cash FRANCIS J. DOYLE REM TOR 028-030 E Allegheny ave Agent en premises v.. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE rKXN'IYt.VANIA SlintlHnAN nilli)IIHI!IWIIIlllH The Heme Yeu Want is very likely described in our complete list, covering all suburban and semi-suburban sections. Our list is a practical directory of "Philadelphia Hemes for Sale" Germnntewn Chestnut Hill Reading Main Line Pcnna. Main Line Delaware County West Phlla. Central City any section you prefer is thoroughly represented. TO BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE SMULLEN a BARRY Liberty Bldg., Bread & Chestnut Sts., Phila. ifellilllillWII 0VERBR00K Detached, stone home : 12 room., 2 bathn, central-plant heat, hardwood floors, $21,000. Several ether flne hetiies at $35,000, J46.000 and higher. MERI0N Attractive, detached houe : 11 -.r.n.v.c, ) ltnthu Imrdw-nnd ftnnrtt. H eectrle Hunt, large let, tiled bathtt, II $22,000. Splendid ntone, Colonial heuse with large let In prominent loca tion. Has 6 bedrooms, 3 baths ; overy modern appointment, $35,000. Several fine building lets also. WYNNEW00D Large, detached modern house, nice location ; 7 bedrooms, 3 baths, $16,600. Flne house with 8 bedrooms, n bathB, garage, large let, $25,000. CYNWYD Detached, all-stene heuHe, high location, beautiful )levy: C bed. rooms, 3 baths, splendid condi tion, $30,000. Attractive new house with C bedrooms at $17,000. WYNNEFIELD Largp house, beautiful location, facing golf course, $22,500. W. GORDON SMITH "Fine Residence Property" Overbroek 8700-01-02 Ulii iBiin Suburban Building Lets OLD YORK ROAD 100x160: DESIRABLE LOCATION Attractive Price HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE DLDO. W :JUriiP!!!l!Vrn;iillllHlM I'uwiitiiiaiiiiiiiii UilliliniUllllll'll'llllIKir; Stene Colonial Heuse Seven bedrooms .1 baths, het-water heat, electric light and gas: garage: 1 acre old shade; unusually con venient te train, trolley schools and golf club; $125 per month. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDG -111! iQieniiiiiiiiniiiiiinMiiiiiiiiiiiii! u luiuini iuiiie'iiiiihil SUBURBAN Exceptionally attractive stone Colonial t.ojje, after plans by Duhrlng, Okie Klegler. Every modern convenience. Large let. Eselltnt neighborhood. Price only $20,000. HERKNESS & STETSON Land Title Bldg. An Exceptionally Attractive stnne house of modern English style, containing 7 sleeping rnrnis n hnthi. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDG. lllilllllllllll.llllNIIIIIII'linilllllVHHIIlll TACOXY IWIl III !!IMIiUinl ORR'S I TACONY HOMES I ONLY 2 LEFT, CORNERS. 3400-3412 H PRINCETON AVE , W. of Terres- H dale semi-detached, perch front. 7 Vl rooms Hnd modern bath all lm- E tirevements. garag.) privilege, large E let phone for appointment, Ken- H slngten 0000. i HARRY E. THOMSON I AGENT K 2S21 FRANKFORD AVE. B 'rnnimii Mniniriitumni'nii'thniniiimiiiTiJ,iriirfiiajriiiininiT'TiiitiariLinrjTi BALA 2427 BRYN MAWR AVE. (Gray Gablei) I1 stone residence en let 160x220 feet s chamti in hnt-wnter heat, nlectrlclt j 1 car mrike IwAUtlful shads, convem nt te tiiiln a nil trellej. Frank B Off & Ce MR H lflth "' i raniv. e. j ix v-e. i.ecu 03uS ssj r- Alse sic advertisement In small type II llfMUttllia luniiiiun REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PKNNMVI.VANIA HtmURIlAW IHIIIIlliliJHiraiffllOiiilll.ali!IIIIIIllllllllilll!,llli imiwni,i Colonial residence, rnsr tr, Falrmeunt Park, well constructed, with nil modern Improvements; excellent conditien: price $2S,000. Ph, Myk. 4218 fur particulars. G. C. & J. F. BOWKER 1371 MAIN ST.. IIANAYl'NK. PHILA. Building Lets Pick Your Lets Make Your Offer All the remaining Building Lets Acre Plots Farms and Camp Sites ON THE SPEEDWAY TRACT Yerk Read Three Miles Above Willow Greve are offered for sale by Sealed Proposals Write for Ferms William L. Fergusen, Trustee Bex 85, Hatboro, Pa. SIAIN LINK BRYN MAWR $30,000 An Ideal small heu Just completed, with 4 chambers, 3 baths, 2-c.ir garage, finest conntructlen and with splendid surrounding MAURAN, DOLMAN & CO. v n rnn Tir.nui t rnygTVUT HUNTINGDON VALLEY raniumiiiiiiiiffiiffliiiiraiiiiiffliira uiBiwn mm wmmmBmima HUNTINGDON VALLEY Stene dwelling, containing 10 room, 2 baths, every modern cenvenience: 14 acres beautiful grounds, com mands magnificent view of surround ing country. Price $12..',O0. HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE BLDG. iinirann'ii! NATtnERTH 1 NARBERTH I P"j ATTP.ACTn'E NEW HOMES H Stene, hollow tile and frnme con- struutien. siate root, tnea batns Large let, garage space, etc Open fireplace, large rooms het-water heating, your selection paper and tlxtures. $11, BOO J12 BOO 14 'iOO etc NOT ONE' OF THESE HOl'sRS CAN TIE DUPLICATED AT rillaE PHICLS (Sunday inspection by only) appointment ROBERT J. NASH NARBERTH STVTION City Office. 1214 Locust st. OVEHIIROOK IIIIUI A HOMEY HOUSE Planned DTP LIT Located KHjH I 6314 Woodbine Ave. New, modern Colonial, center hall 13 rooms, 8 baths. 2-car stone garage, central-plant heat. LOOK THIS ONE OVER H. E. ELSTON 631 S Woodbine Ave Phene Overbroek 7060 J iimiinrai.rra'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WrOTE aniiraiiiBininipiiiiiiiraiiiirajii'iiiiiiiii wa w 'wm I WYNCOTE 8 Seven rooms both, het-water hest. 2 eleotrle light nnd gas epm fire- 3 places, price per mentn 3 HERKNESS & STETSON 1 LAND TITt r HI Da R iimniimiiMiiiiiiniiiiiiiiii mm i imiui iru iriiniiT!iiia.iraiiiSl XriV .IFRS m SI HI Itll IN TRENTON. N I 'uuuiiiiiuiuuuiiiiniiiinirilililli'lU ffiiiU'UBi! I i,i li :T, rim uM IIJ'IIIEIHUIIU M, anufacturing Plant itiallv constructed brkk build. S Substantlallv nnnstructed hrllf hnlM g. auitauie rer carrMng heavy mn- Inery: corner nrnnerfv nn In, 10(1 00 feet: 12.0(10 snuir fn-r ,m n.r second and third tluers n-tr freight station and public siding, tag, water ana en ten, N unu riectriciiy, f. u tex 401 Tren- j, fflifflii!;!iiiiiiiiira,iini,riiiiiiilir,i;i m n,nS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . NKW JKK1WY rHinVHHAN AUtilIQN DON'T WORK FOR A LANDLORD $500 CASH balance same as rent, buys a $8800 . room and bathroom dwelling en a let B0xl2S feet. In Llnwoed Tract, opposite Audubon, with Mt, Ephralm at the cor cer ner: cleetrle lights running water, aleres, schools nnd churches., nearby; BUY NOW I LOTS IN THIS THRIVING COMMUNITY AS LOW AS, $44; terms $10 down and SB per month, and up; lie fare, Bn-trln ticket, ABBOTT AGENT FOR LLNWOOD LAND CO. Opp. Station, Audubon, N. J. or 212-14 Broadway, Wrstvllla N. J, OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY REAL ESTATE SALE OR RENT CITY . Most Beautiful Location in Philadelphia Grant Avenue and Milner Street Torresdale I-'IVIl MINUTES FROM TORRES DAL'C STATION WITH 40 TRAINS A DAY TO AND THOM BROAD ST : 10 MINUTES FROM TROLLEY LINE MILE FROM TORRES DALE COUNTRY CUB. TWO 8. STORY SEMI-DETACHED niHCIC - AND - STONE HOUSES WITH RIVER FRONTAGE AND DEEP WATER MOORINO FOR BOATS ONE HAS 14 ROOMS AND 2 BATH. PRICE $14, BOO. FI NANCED TO $1 2,1100 ! LOT 00x200. ONE HAS 12 ROOMS AND 2 BATHS, PRICE $12 BOO. FI NANCED TO $10,600. LOT 34x100; HEAT, GAS, ELECTRICITY WATER DRAINING: NOW BEING PAPERED AND PAINTED AND WILL BE READY FOR OCCU PANCY NOVKMBUH 1 Representative en the Greundi Saturday, 21st and Sunday, 22nd REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY l'aeterlea. Warehouses, Manufacturing Fluer llmuulai;;IUUJaJlLutl!umlIuu;;lUI!Jily;iIJJ":liIa:m!1Lfl:uu, !UJ:ift:LL!.3 -FLOORS- IN THE 10-STORY BUILD ING AT THE N. E. COR. OF 12th & Arch Sts. This space Is new ready for occu pancy. Admirably adapted for general office or light manufacturing Ceilings are high. Abundance of natural light. Fireproof construction. Lew Insurance. Reasonable rent. PEOPLES TRUST CO. 12TH & ARCH STREETS iNflllijDV TWO FLOORS 26,000 Square Feet CORNER 2 1 st and Ludlow Streets Light all sides high celling; freight elevater and heat furnished WISTER MOTOR CAR CO. 14 B 21 ST ST. 211 TO 221 NORTH 13THST. 20,000 SQUARE FEET WILL DIVIDE Modern Building Lew Rent FERDINAND D. FLEMING 1334 WALNUT ST. Alse see advertisements In small trpe In following columns OIFH'l. BUSINESS ROOMS. F.TC. 1 508 Sansom St. Desirable rooms en 2d and 8d floors for rent at reascnable prices. 211 S. 15th St. CENTRAL OFFICES NEW BUILDING 1502 LOCUST STREET Fine Light and Ventilation VERY REASONABLE RENT. ALLEN & REED 1304 LOCUST STREET BUSINESS ROOMS I31B H ?..! M'' t t . l'd 00 q ft 2d fleer 1H27 . hestnut st 2b II sq ft 2d Tr. ion Walnut st 1000 su t 2d fl--'i5 Walnut st poe sq ft Id deer lb02 Chestnut st fourth fleer EDGAR G. CROSS 6 Jf miwiiii niyii 1411 Wll NIT Sf K ii uiii'iiiiiiii iiiiij iibiuiii m iru,n iiwmi.w.iiMiw It's a Hard World! REAL ESTATE FOR MSN . CIT OFFICE. mmiNKSf. BOOMS, WO. Through HEYMANN & BRO. Iteymann Bldg., 218-15 S Bread St. Empire Building N. E. Cerner 13th & Walnut Denckla Building N. W. Cor. 11th & Market SJiii'niiiliiiiniiiiiBii'iiiriiiiiiiiBiiiiiiffliimiinifiwnniiiiiiiiiffliii 1615 WALNUT ST. Excellent second fleer front 1000 si ft., elevator rvlc ern building. SUITABLE icon BROKER EDGAR G. CROSS fci .-... ,il,.i(ji nl. frrnnmmrnrj.KisniitiiBtjiiiHiiiiiinimiH'fiaiiLn.mirTmmiivwwiwi 1411 WALNUT ST. I n.1lj;rJfJ;l;I;rl!H;lIflJi.HlhH'UHi:Iuri!l;!l'Ilf.:JlH,J1Il:mlfJlW3WJUfu, BELLEVUE COURT BLDG. 1418 WALNUT BT. Several splendid suites, also email efflrea from 800 en ft. up. EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 WALNUT ST. !ffl SHUBERT BUILDING 250 S. Bread Street JUJTA JtEALOOOD OFFICE BUILDING i-'V"!? "" ftlement In small type In following column PKVNr.VLVA.MA SUBURBAN NARI1KRTB RENT NARBERTH Unusual apartment In a two-family residence, located en a three-aera ss. g tate; 0 rooms, 2 baths, every Improve- H ment: near station; $130 per month; R yearly lease: ether apartments, 0 H rooms and bath, $80 te $100 per 5 mantb. 1 ROBERT J. NASH 6 1214 LOCUST STREET, g or Narberth Station, "liiiniirmiMraiairafiiiii'liiimniiiiiiiiirMfflBiM DELAWARE WILMINGTON Business Properties and Stere WILMINGTON, DELAWARE FOR RENT New Daylight Stere and Apartment CENTER OF RETAIL AND WHOLE SALE SECTION """"" SUITABLE FOR ALMOST ANY BUSINESS H. KANOFSKY 5c SONS Dsluwar. Trusn. Bel. 77.7 FOR RENT FURNISHED CITY FURNISHED RESIDENCES CONSULT US FIRST; OUR LIST INCLUDES CENTRAL PROPERTIES Jlfi'Si,!,1800 UP iX,n TUE WINTER EDGAR G. CROSS 1411 U'AI.NtrT BT MMiMMTO WMliUMsrlimM 2003 PINE ST. 10 ROOMS, 2 BATHS , ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED MEARS& BROWN 1e?,4,Bt. I I itimimiiitmnimiiimiiHf iiii.Binpsstiii..ii.i,iFw,ms, i.u mMH, -, iiuiiiiuiiuiiuiiiuiiuuiiii.iiuat'Kiituiiuitiiiumuitii uujJWWUUtuuuiHfUilJtiUUuultmi'n GERMANTOWN ALLEN LANE Desirable semi-detached residence). 8 bedrooms. 2 baths- rental $12S per month te May 1. 1023. JOSEPH M. JENNINGS CO. 8012 Oertiantewn av. 1S2S Walnut t. Ch Hill 1887-2017 Spruce 0O0S MORTGAGES THIRD MORTGAGES It will be te your Interest te see us bsfere placing your mortgage elsswhtre. We Have Our Own FUNDS Quick settlements arranged for your eeae. Alse funds for 1st and 2d mortgage riKiAKifX niTAiTvrnnn met rillHIlU. rvlHU T VJUKr.riNANCK tiann EACH at 0i SECURED UPON SINOLJB num.niiA, jiumum WORTH $80001 ?ATJi?' rmE 1NS- AND AL1 papkrs KERSHAW & CROWL B21B fHriTN'UT BT THIRD MORTGAGES Alse firsts seconds and building and leaa funds quick settlement. CAMERON & BARR8" ""!' Funds for First Mortgages arieus amounts in sums te suit PI, W Mill-, laei.nr i ' """' Commonwealth Bld $50 ileal estate security. Immediate settlement. Interest en estste bencht Cash at nun TO $2000 J.DWj.M.jMOLL 5?hl-t inAferi?i.ftr.j,lna"'nu ' APARTMENTS yTMWMmmmwmMmmmmmmmmrd 1 834 N. BROAD ST. 5 Reems and Bath Mastbaum Bres. & Fleisher U24 S PEW SQ ii.niiuTiiuiiDn'tiri!ii!iiW!k,nu7riEiaiaram Alse set- advertisement In small trot In felluvtlng lelumns REAL ESTATE FOR SALE1 CITY " ' I - J1.0 N 10th at . apts 03(1 N lHth st 11 rooms, 171.1 Dlurmnd st apts . .. I1B.00 bath. 12,800 ,. lR.OOn ... 18,0(0 18, BOO l',It Diamond st 1C1H Diamond st bargain 1'iitl Dauphin 10 rooms bath .'7J7 Diamond 10 rooms It 10 Diamond 20 rms 0 baths 14ild N Fra.er 1 recms , B2 Reger st Gtn , U rms bath ELMER II KAUFMAN 1412 Diamond st U.flOO H.200 88,000 8,100 4,800 IP YOU WANT A R1J4.L IIOMK it ta rltht price, writ telling us of your re quirements FRANKE & MINET 4 S 16th st ..Spruee B47 2H02 N 27TH HTREET 1 we rterv H room dwelllnr Inrlnssit nnr.h etsh for winter and screens het water hsst eleitric lights wonderful bathroom, must b s I'll tu be apureelattd cheap at IVOOO; get J1E RTO I ,ET 1010 N 10th st HAVE ter exchange city property, ripe for uvt-iiipnipii iur nit ssiiuent, tree i-ii-.vr vsiui- i i ii,," vwmi n neuee m jiain i.ine ur "nestnut tun niHtrlrt; i miry vv.u ailn n siunii aiiiuunt a HID Ledier Office CORNER 10th und Green, near Park rnd .)MUl-Centet ntal greunds: 1st suitauie ler ling, ui any mnn, (aaa i station, moving picture! pe nil JOSEPH FUJMpC' 200 I Inceln Blffg ofkcestereotA Pee: med- IS m v.a a -II 1 i i Ai ti f l. v i jLW&'t&ytThttf t .frS eSt -fti?' .j.if il g ujiti -V; I