' -i 'Ai " V &?$: i i 'iin'-i 28 it a--s. a - -'- ' -"- - ' -v 4.'i i v. . " , . s., ;3 j Wl W w BP'WANT.P--rEttA-E I"iil(:il Wanted, capable undergraduate mire for aenernl nlsht ilutv In private sanatorium) salary $no rr month. Apply l.nx.K, Summit. N. J. ekkice clerical Mcl'HERS WHO HAVE KEEN TO SEE US ' RLCIARDINO EMPLOYMENT Kim their dauehters Jmva txen delighted te And ths excellent working conditions wi have. If veu havu n dautthter with 2 years' hlqh school education. IN te 25 veers of iike. who In considering employment. why don't you com In with her end IH us talk ev-r with veu the excellent clerical positions new open? Ne previous experience neieasary. Enuleymcnt efflm eped from 8 30 A, M. t i P, M.i Including noei hour. Sins. PATTON Curds Publishing Ce.. UOt Sanaem t. PAIIT.TIMB WORKERS We will fdislder a few woman a wrappers and Inspectors en part-time work. 12 3) te 8 e clock. r Apply Bureau of employment WANAMAKER'S PRIVATE secretary and stenographer te hlef executive new Philadelphia corpora cerpora corpera ti n. state experience nae and education. . .dress M aid, Ledger Office. 8.W.EHLADIES Several neat-appearing women for contingent work en Saturdays and M nml. os In our woman's, misses' and cliMilien's department, geed wacea te expert. ei'."d hele Arplv superintendent. M 311 iiuin A Sen nth and Seuth sts SALESWOMEN fAX VOL OIVK US 2 DATS A WEEK? WI! ARE OROANI7.1NO A re.VTINOENT rcint'E ei' married women who II.WK EXPERIENCE IN SELLINO WO MIIV'S AND CHILDREN'S WEARING AP P.WICL. SALARY ABOVE THE ORDINARY tl.I. HE PAID TO WOMEN WHO CAN HIVE I'S MONDAY AND SATURDAY l.ACII WEEK. APPLY IMMEDIATELY THE FINK CO. 17 MARKET STREET SALESWOMEN WE REQUIRE SALESWOMEN FOR VARI- ni'.s' DEPARTMENTS. FORMER EM PUIYES WILL HE I'.IVEN PREFERENCE APPLY LIT IIROTHERS nt'REAU OF EMPLOYMENT SECOND FLOOR. 7TH AND KILUERT F1.ES WOMAN Thofem-hly cmlv J. M. OleMIng & Ce , J in. d and Walnut sts experienced S. E. cer. S'.RVANT ("r Ken.ral housework In family of 4 tlvlnu" In Wilmington. Del middle--n1 unite woman. single, or widow vcltheut ililldren preferred Replv In writing te M S'.'.l. ledger Ofike. statlne wares wauled J' -nnen.nl home fir nlinMi e i r t v STENOGRAPHER CURTIS PUBLISHING re. rtns aii epvHirtunlty with uced future fcr a itenezranher jr mmi are ninbit'eur Intelligent and capable in aiUnmement 'Mi heuld net fall te call nml sec in" ubiiut this position. Emtt merit office open from 8 30 A. M le P M.. Iniluu n neon hour. MRS Publishing PAT. TON Ce.. 004 Sanson! Curtis STENOGRAPHER Experienced woman. inmer 30, familiar with merchandise ledger work and a geed writer, state full particu lars res te use experleme. tchoeliug and si, i ery desired. Address Chief Clerk. SIB Idener llldg, S- I ENeiiRAPHKIt High-grade sten&crapher. also evist and clerks wanted by manu factory located In the northern section of tie i'li, state age experience and salary tleslril Address )l-S, 1' e lim .I47n vTENCKlRAPHER High school graduate for sales office In central loidilen. dcslrabl t'-sltlen with .idvancemi-nt. state age, edu lailnn. experience and snlary desired, Ad-ilr- T-4. P e Het 3470 Ml.M'ORAPHNR is, inc Heslerv r tip en dlrtaphene, Not Net ii V.nnnge and I sts. TELEPHONE OPERATOR one willing te e'j clerical worn anil imv lllg J-. ll. . rv- e .ente, te bn employed as relief operator; eUt age. education ami give references. Address 11-14 P. O Bei 34 N4 TELEPHONE OPERATING OFFERS 113 a week te start plus Oprcrtunltv for promotion Pltasan- comp tiienshlp llialthful surieuntllngs I'erniJiiencj of emplement E.-.perlence net necen.irv salary paid nhll earning, a training class Is new being formed from .tpplkanis between the ages et Kfnil 25 Yeung women ever 21 dejlrlna nil night work lll receive extra pay. Apply te MISS STEVENSON The Bell Telephone Ce 16J1 Arch st. TYPING Have you plck-d up Oping yourself? Are jeu a "one finger" tvplst? De jeu have grneral knuw!et,e of anv rna fhlne and especially the kej beard.' YES ' Tnen we can very quickly train veu te become an txpert STENCIL TYPIST that Is cutting addresHes stencils en a type writer nnd at a GOOD SALARY WHILE LEARNING See our Mrs. I'atten anv time letiveen h 311 A, M and X P M . Including neon hour. CURTIS PUBLISHING e. (iOl SANSOM ST WARD HELPERS. $33 i room out Universltj Spruce. month and beard. ( Hospital 31th an I M.O.MAN. energetic huh school graduate, unusual oppertunltj te gruw Inte executlve I rositien within ion dnja s.iUrj bonus basis I Address C 9S0 ledger Office WOMEN HAVE OPPORTUNITY TO EARN MONEY AT WANAMAKER'S JUST NOW Wl! WANT WOMEN FOR THE WRAPPING UP PARCELS roil CLERICAL WORK AND THE ISTRIBUTIUN OF GOODS IN THE 8h;uP.ING DEPARTMENT FULLTIME. OR .'HOS1 NOUN 'le CLOSING APPLY BUREAU OF EMPLOYMENT WANAAIAKER'S TOUNG WOMEN 1 le 23 years of age Ws have several permanent positions te offer jeung women who nre Interested In typing, correspondence or statistical vvcuk a high school education or lis equivalent Is desirable. Apply Employment Department H A'. M te 5 i; M SEARS, ROEBUCK" AND re H1IO ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD YOUNG WOMEN LIT IIROTHERS REQUIRE OOOD-APPEAR JNli YOUNG WOMEN BETWEEN THE . '( ul. .'.i AND .'II YL'MtS. KM' s",' NECES'HARV APPLY BUREAU nr tut HHCUS'U FLOOR 7TII AND. a.ll' s-fv ,,il,, I . n riliifcRT HTS :f-- HELP WANTED FEMALE flcnrriit LADIES If jeu have a few hour te spare, each day. we can show miu hew te make II an hour for every hour you work, calling en veur friends nml neighbers: no experlinve tieiesiarv, Just 'i willingness en jour part te fellow Instrrctlnns; reliable cempany: IS years success write tednv for easy -plans! und no mono. American PrndintH Ce.. 8111 American nidify Cincinnati, I). WE FIT YOU Fer our executive beard with our special course of tralnlnc: prnmollen acierdlnK te ability: best of referenc" required. Call tersenally for Inturvlen 70 Widener llldK.. Id te 12 M. or 2 te 4 P M. MAKE MONEY AT HOME Yeu can earn I rrem l te $2 an hour In our spare lime wrltlnu (.hewcirds: quklclv and easily learned ty our nw simple method no cunvusslnr or sllcltinic, we leach jeu hew, sell your work ' and pav seu cash eich week: full particulars i and Iwiiklet free. Write today te the AMER ICAN SHOWCARD SCHOOL. 23g Adams i i'iiib. . jv.in- anu J'reaericu sis., lorenio, l anada, SEL1 us your spire time: you can earn 119 te S30 weekly writing sherrcards at heme: no canvassing, pleasant, profitable profession easily, quickly learned fcv our simple craphlc block system- artlstle ability unnecessary i we Instruct nnd supply wrrfc. Wilsen Meth ods. Ltd.. Dipt 47. 04 E. Richmond. To Te To rento Canada, WOVtAV M!1Mlr1 'K In in. I.lrh axhnnll education, former teacher preferred, edu-1 1'iiiniiHi iTerK, t.tu wenuiy y te right persMi: . S. E Farquhar. permaneni im promotion 1 1 t. i.n si , .New yerK H te 1.1 an hour for veur spare time, write display cards for us at home, we Instruct and provide steady work, no canvassing, particulars free Kwlk Shewcard Scheel Torento.canauii i r'.IOTOPLAYS, 8000 Ideas neded working 1 clrl paid 110. OOU for Ideas she though' I worthies, details free. Write Producers' ' League, 1.7 at. l.euis EARN JS.1 weekly spare time writing for newspapers, magazines: exper. unnec. : de t alls free Press Syndicate, 328, St Leuis . HUSINEHH SERVICE CO.. 111(1 Land Title, ltKPRS. 4 STENOS; CLERKS northern section EARN 5.1-110 weekly addressing, mailing circulars send stamped envelope for par- Hculars. Palace Mailing Ce.. Teledo, O QIRLS wanted Gevt, positiens: 1120 me.: manv vacancies examinations Nev. and Dec. Write for pos open. P 1421. Led. Off KELP WANTED MALE ADVERTIS1NO SALESMAN Permanent position with unlimited future for tlrst-class newsp.iptr advertising salesman who can erite reil ccpy. uive run cxrerl- ence, age, reference. Address Pest Office I'm 3ri.'. Camden. N J ADVERTISING SOLICITOR Man wanted bi elil-estHbllshed firm geed leads, com mission bases with drawing account, all an- I swers confidential P 141.1 l.iilger Office ALCOHOL l.lJr.'MA plnnt needs callable yeast man HIS. I.edner Office beilf.hma'ker car repairmen roundhouse machinists WANTED PENNSYL'ANIA RAiI.XOAJ) 1828 FILBERT ST I HOY. 17 te 18 with typeivrltlrg experience ' for elder wr'tlng In wholesale papr and 1 envelope manufacturing plnnt, excellent op. tertunltv for a bright and nccurate boy te1 work Inte a geed position. Apply P 1427. , Ledger Office HOY, HI. for office work nnd errands: must J b" exceptionally neat and willing, Gentile pply after 10 A. M. C T. Mooney. 7th fleer. 32 Chestnut st. BOYS j ta yrs of age, te enter our emplev as of an oeportun'sv for pre. ice messengers motion te higher positions. Apply Employment Department 8 a M. te 3 P. M. SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO 4840 ROOfcEVELT BOULEVARD BOYS i Unusuallv geed opening for manlv young i c'laps. 13 te 10 ears of age: geed ray. ex- ' cellent working conditions and splendid 00- 1 pertunlt fei promotion. j I Apply Bureau of Employment ( i i WvNAMAKEH'8 I BOYS. 18 TO 18 W will teach veu a geed mechanical trade with Increasing pa while learning. Bright willing amhltleui bevs Apply at Employ Empley ment Department Ieeds L Northrup Ce 1901 Stenton ave. l.eys. between 11 nnd 10 vears of age, te work is messengers geed chance for ad vancement Adilresi, II 10 P O Bex 3470 ' CATHOLP' SALESMAN A corporation established 4 vcars and nationally known I has an exceptienil opportunity for a sales man te cinvass the Cithellc clergy of ths Statr of Pennsvlvanla this portion requires s.rlci experience initiative tact nnd proven I character. thee who have been successful )n I selling church goods lines arc preferred but such qu.illfi.'atlen Is net entirely es tentt.'l. in answering give us full details of I vein former connections Addreus M 322. I Ledger Office CARPENTERS ELECTRICIANS DINERS PIPEFITTERS PLUMBERS SHEET METAL WORKERS PLENTY WORK. SOME OVERTIME SUN HIPBU1I,DING CHESTER, PA. CO EAKE SUBWAY-SURFACE CAR 37 MAR- I KET hT CARPENTERS Jil .10 dav I3'i wee rough yerk all winter 7111 Vine .1 IIK111CAL ENGINEER Thre u in opT.n epT.n Ing in the orgnnlzallen of a long estab lished Philadelphia markufnuturer re.ent chemical engineer graduate premerred who is 1 willing te start ul the bottom ,ind le.nn tl. business, which covers both chenileil and mechanical weik. the Jeb lin.l-s long hours I nnd detail work, but pievldes an oppertunltj f 14111 Ledger Office CLERKS b"Ut 21 veirj ,ige exerlrif-1 en Durrough's Adding Machines, quick nd jceuruu at llsuns also go.).) lung-li.ni 1 wr'ter- tircfer blsh eel oel graduites turn scceuutln.- qu-vllflcallens. Call Monday 10 M . 310 Widener II d- COLLEGE MEN Here is our oppertunltj' Weull you le Interested in an eppntturltj te earn from IMOOte $10 00" annuallj? We have openings In our sales force for two .ie ihwe .e.t teus tninile.1 ambitious veung men who ian devote spare time in a selling preposition uf the soundest char acter. If you are slncsrelv interested, write fo fe an inteivicw and w wi'l demonstrate, hew ou can Imm-dlately obtain a si lendld In come. A 101 I-eilsir Office DRAFTSMAN RelLib'e competent nrtlst draVisman te make pen dri vlngs for tech i nlcal publications iles.r.rble working tendl- liens: liMjtieii Kinern illy of 1,10 ene nupu latlen no app Ii atlens considered unless r cempanteil bj samples of work which will Me rtturn.d M 310 Ledger office I DRAFTSMEN electrli.il experlencej n the I design of indoor and outdoor sub-station I nnd equipment utruttui.il exper enc e In the design of largi power houses nnd structures Orst-class men enl, need npplj with refer . ences and samples of work U G I Ce I .. V d .t Ihlla EVERYBODY S VTISFIED" If jeu aie nel call and see Mr Bejers 100 1 i olenlal Trust Bldg between Iu nnd K1 ,i 2 and 1 P. M lumen row dun t be tee big te answer an iidverilsemc-nt FOItTTil N- Prnctli.il man cieable of re erganl. Ing "hop turning out goods en snug Ing machines nnu mixing steel melds tuturj, I ilHUUini , , , " .f.'i- . i, , , HOSIERY MILL EXECUTIVE Wanted 1'uctnrv sunrlnlend' nt fe- hesiirj mill In the Middle West rxperieni-eii exfee. tlvvs may miike appointment for Interview by writing M 402 ledger Office '"""- JOINERS and cariienters wanted plenty of werk: considerable overtime, bring tools Sun Shipbuilding te Chester. Pa. Take I tubwnj surface, car 37 Market at i KNITTER wanted en Hrlntnnt Stafferd A I Ilelt jln ular maclilnes "lie who can lake i .nil,, .hnrji ,ifn l.,re t?Mn l- ,,l3 n. ....., 1 protieeltlon Is offered, Rescoe Knitwear Ce' J 13-1,1 2si.li Jt ,iw Yeik Cltj i HELP WANTED MALE laborers loe wanted) steady work for men who are wlllltur and capable te de hard work! ndv. assured for men who learn work quickly. Telephone Mr. Smith, Anlmere KH. laborers, laborers (WHITE) FOR TRACK WORK I3.B0 PER DAT BTRA1UHT TIME. RAIN OR SlttNsi FREE TRANSPORTATION HOARD ADVANCED CAM. A. C. R. R. OP N. J. FREE EMPLOYMENT OKFICE 123 N. I8TII ST LAHOItERS wanted, aSc per hour. 10 hours per day. Apply Truscnn Steel Ce., Amerl vi'ii and Huntingdon sts. LXHORERS, white mill J3..10 day: all winter work. 71(1 Vine st. LIVE-WIHE SALESMAN of strong mental lerce ana uoen nnrearance te sell bu Id- ,nK 'e'." located In Delaware Ceuntv near new $1, 000, 000 enterprise: leads furnished: ilij commission. Cel bet. 10 and 4. 1824 ' .lesinuc st. Roem fil4 LONGSHOREMEN WANTED Men wanted Oures. work en riverfront as steve- 3c Per hour straight time 11.00 per hour overtime Apply at LONGSHOREMEN'S EMPLOYMENT nu- lil.AU OF PHILADELPHIA 138 S. Frent st. NO ENROLLMENT CHARGE Organized by shipping and employing sieve lore organizations of Philadelphia. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR INSPECTORS CAR REPAIRMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPIOT.MKST AT STANDARD WAGES PLENTY OF OVERTIME FREE IIOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N. InTH ST PHILADELPHIA. P CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILY. 7 A M 10 1 P M MAN Large department store wishes te arrange an Interview with a min capable of Impersonating Sanla Claus in thlr toy de partment during the holiday season. P 1334. Ledger Offke. ! MAN AND WIFE, white, butler and coek: private family; must be capable M 330 1 1 edeer 'fflce. MEN WANTED CABINETMAKERS OIL AND WATER RUBBERS SANDERS APPLY VICTOR TALKING MACHINE i-( APPLICATION OFFICE 3f COOPER ST . CAMDEN. NEW JERSEY I MEN An Interinlienil chain-store erganl Zrfllen requires two ambitious men of strong perienallt for Important positions Applv between 1" nnd 12 ur '." and 4. 70' i .inum ii'.itf. linn .vMrnei .,, -MEN, wide awake, te take charge of our local trade; no experience or capital re- 'rmlrei, pa starts at once, write today. i Albert Mills employment manager, 8lie American Hldg.. Cincinnati e OFFICE MANAGER Esperlenced accountant and executive of prived abllltv. exceptional opportunity fe- man capable of hnndllng office force and , details large manufacturing corperation: bin- iny $J0e(, with geed prospects for advancn- 1 ment, replies treated Lenftdentlally, A'ldre-s .or Interview, giving brief summary of cxpe. ! rlence, C 810, Ledger Office. " C FFICE BOY Newspaper office geed oppor eppor opper I tunlty te learn advertising business. Appls QEORGE E. KIIJ'AIRICK Detail Department . Public Leduer, 0th and Chestnut sis (FFICE and mnll boy wun'ed fur large office, state age nnd sal. u y expected ;,'. Ledger Brunch 1S2II Columbia ,e PAINT SALESMAN for salnr- or cemmls. tien exji, only. Addrtss roeninl We-ks, 22. Nerman ave . Hroeklj r N Y PHARMACEUTICAL S LESM.N wanted 'or develop-d nnd well pA nt: t r rlter- In Phllndelphli must Imeiv The t r if! nnil submit A-l refcrencts in details In t rst letter te "Pharmateutii u's ' 31 fljer J40 Broadway. New Y'erk I PIPEFITTERS and nlumheis wanted stead work lems ready te work Sun Shlpl.ullii. 'ln Ce, Chester, Pa Take subn aj -surface 'mr 37. Market st. PIPEFITTERS and helpers wantnl experi enced Apply The Barrett Ce , .Margaret and Bermuda sts . Frnnkfnrd POWER brake hands wanted en ehl end Ley and Navrath power preske no labor troubles Leenard Slieit Metal Works &"" Ferry st Ilebuken N .1 SALESMAN When a saleman ivbe has been earning about jidoe nn nually by hard Intelligent ef fort Is Inld lb.lt there la , Jfj imvi te $13 oil" en; e iniii , ,,i, Ins for dim. 'ie In in. 'ine.i te Is skeptical, he does net realize Hint tlm same energ- nn.) abllltv upplled In ene cllrectl mi vru iluen greater earnings than In t-ume ether buslnisn All lines jr net eqjslly remunerative When a concern like the one Hdveritsipg estab Hshed ever half rfimjt with the highest rating, makes the definite statement thai various of Its talesmen hnve earned up te $2.1,000 a yrar by securing contracts for a high!) spe cialized publicity erl. e It I, well worth ce.isldernt or Obviously only nn nbl ex perlenced salesman um Hi In such n vacancy, if win hne a reieni of suciesmji s iletnnn ship, am willing te 'i,,e ,.,. tenslvely, are from .'7 le 4.1 nnd are available within a week write us at once giving an nul. line of jour experience, where jeu wire born ami tele phone number A most desirable nrrange. ment will be made with the salesman selected, and as nn es tablished clientele will be turned ever te him, his re newals, together wlih commis sions en new business, will jleld a large and lmmerfnt Income. Address In cuntliience. Mr LONG. P. O lox ,vn . i, HELP WANTED-i-MKLl SALES COHIiESrONDENT for salen and service correspondence en ii'ille Instruments, Applicants must have nbllllv and experience In letter vvrltin Hnd should have, sufficient electrical knowledte In answer set vice problems Intelllirently. Anp.y by letter enlv, alvlm; experience and iiera innl qualin.'atlnns le the AHvater Kent Manufaclurlnt- Company, 4037 stenten ave., llermantevvn, SALES CORRESPONDENT A lnrite rublr company wants jeutur man for mechanical rubber poeds departments some experience In work of mill and mine supply nature and xperlence In hatidllnu customers' tirdera by rhene, mall cr house calls desired: trust have usunl qualities required for develop ment in field selling as opportunity arises: mm of 2." te 2S jenrs. who can work for Moderate snlarv until well established: replv by letter, jrlvlt k aur. salary required. uu I'allnn and experience. C H34. ledger Office. SALESMAN PRENTICE-HALL. INC.. Iho leidlnir Jfatiltatlen of Its kind, with ever 20.00) v.usinmers in tne initen Mtaies, requires a flrenc salesman le represent It permanently In Philadelphia and one In Eastern Penn "vivnnla: our products, Inrludlns tnx nnd business aervlcn and ether specialties, are itstd by the leading; banks. Investment beuses, accountants, lawyers, manufacture: and ether business houses In Pennsylvania th' man we require must have a succesifu 5 fill Silting record, luvrliee lin with references, n geed education and sufficient business abil ity te meet the business executive en his own lvel: such n mnn will have the opportunity of earning; I40O0 te ftltioe the first vc-ir. and his income will Increase automatically each Icar due te renewnt. mall and Personal co operation, sales helps nnd benusea regularly given: little traveling; please give cneuih Information In veur letter te 'nable us te Judge jour qualifications for our werk: .veur application will be meted In strict cenn- . deuce. Write, giving veur phone number, "H. P. ETT1NOEH. Pres'dent. Prenl Ice-Hall. Inc, 70 nth nve.. New Yerk. SALESMAN lis outside representative en the sale et ,idle Instruments. Applicants must nnve Hctttil selling experience .and sufficient el?" trlcal knowledge te Intelligently sell qualltv .,.... ,...,.. ,.. ,.n,,,nH,,,, a, ,,((., mulpment throughout the 'country. Apply by mall only, giving experience and per sonal Qualifications te Atuater Kent Manu i lecturing Ce., 4037 Steiiluii ave , Oerman 1 town. i ' SALESMAN We have opening for eneracti .ileeman with successful cxpcrleme in I specialty celling te highest tpe executives. 1 snme knowledge of Intirler telephone bust I tt"ss nn advantage but nut erentlal: snlary I a 11I commission with splendid permanent 'future te man who mik-s geed. Address .for appointment, giving full details past 1 xprrleme te mnnnger. 003 Franklin Trust Hiiiniing. rniineeiiituu yiT.T'KMW- unnlffii! n verv geed ordpost - erdpost - ordpest - Hen te offer te the right party le sell Chevrolet nnd StuilclmW cars: will open a 1 new showroom In one of th best locations In 1 Philadelphia bofer' NevtiUt 1 Apply I Chvreet and Ktudehuker tnlcs nnd Service, it 11.133-33 Ilustleten ave.. llustlelcn. Phlla-. delphla. IlLstleten bits. Gcerge Ulake. Jr., sales manager. . I SALESMAN Ambitious veung man with sales ability has opportunity te establish permanent connection nnd future with large manufacturer: de net reply te this nd unless ou can supply concrete proof of veur char acter and ability. Reply must cover all par tlculnra, Including age, Initial salary desired and telephone number A in,. Leitcep Office I SALESMAN AND DISTRICT MANAGER Hundred thousand dollar corporation wants , capable salesman le sell established repeat-, Ing specialty and work Inte district manager-1 , ship, permanent, highly paid position Write THE COLOHCRAFT COMPANY, 7(17 West i 70th. Cleveland. O SALESMAN Permanent, straight salary pe sitien with large manuricturer calling en retail grocery trade: enl a jeung man of the highest moral character and with real sales ability considered. In reply slate age, alary, phone A 108. 1edger Office. SALESMAN State representative required by N. Y. firm: ambitious live man te or ganize sales ferce: remarkable advertising nnd merchandizing preposition, commissions easily worth $1000 monthly. I.evlen Sales Ce.. Dept. C. 104 Fifth ave . New Yerk SALESMAN If ou :re a producing tailor ing salesman wanting exceptlennl line . with large commission, write Dlehl Kane A Hlehl Tailoring Cemp my. Cincinnati. O 1 (live references j ' SALESMAN Wanted, traveling salesman wishing te add a reliable he-lerv line te I is list of sellers en a commission basis; give full Information references nnd present line carried In first letter. C I'OO, Led, Off. I SALESMEN A cent, backed 1 r.iled AA-1. at largt manufacturing con - by .., vears experience. Intervals lnce the. first of ihn enr has ttccn adding te Its sales force ni business Justified It, and right new vvant I I 'J heavy-hitting hlgh-pevvertd salesmen vvhel nre looking for a permanent position whe-c their efforts bring them a geed round sum i of meney: by this we mean pen who can e.irn $1000 n month and keep their feet en ilie ground; some of our mm were of char- ! p, ter who seldom read ads for new- . con nexiens und ethers never had nn selling i perlence lief ere Joining us, our men in' inklni- rnmmlinlnns of from 1i)0 te $120(1 t.ir month nnd sei le even mere ,md our ii vice Is of such character that It has an IrreBlstlble appeal le menhnnts; It la an1 unfailing prnflimnker. and that Is tin- tlrsi .".utmlal te the suciess of anv business: an I jverage of 4 3 per cent of our business Is i I'ene en lend furnished the men In the field Irem our national advertising we want m -u I above average 'iblllly. clean iccerds. who, nre able te talk convincingly and forget the --hour day when thev nre ou- en the firing line, we will train jeu If wn accept jeu .Hid cunrantee veu commissions en all sales in veur tenltery. whether jeu make the ideals or net. nnd give veu drawtng account of $73 a week in Urn basis of one 8,i,. If veu can quultfs. cull 523 Lifajette Bldg, Mendnv only, SALESMEN Twe reliable men, residents of md well acquainted in Philadelphia, te sell Ferd cars at new pilce.s and this location lib our co-operation it Is a real opportunity f.,r competent men See Jehn F. Daly, 27 S Ith st. SALESMEN THE ELLIOTT-FISHER COMPANY- MANUFACTURERS OF ACCOUNTING BILLING AND ROOKKEEPINQ MACHINEft WILL INTFRVfEW PROSPECTIVE SLEP. MEN FUR PHILADELPHIA TERRITORY. H'PLIOANTS MUST HAVE A KNOWLEDGE up ACCOUNTING AND OFFICE SYSTEMS. SPE'MALTY SALES E.M'ERIENCE PRE FERRED. BUT NOT E-iENTIAL. AS WE WILL TRAIN APPOINTEEi IN OUR OF I ICE AGE :! TO .1.1 "FECIAL CON. ! I DERATION WILL HE GIVEN ACCOUNT , NTS AND OFFICE M V.NAOERS. TWO FORMS OF CO"lH. TS AllE OFFERED. T lAIGIlT COMMISSION AND DRAWING ACCOUNT AGAINST COMMUHION EARN IS AND I'l'll RE COMMENSURATE WITH HEOI'IHEMENT'C OF HIOH-OllADP. MEN Pl LY IN PERSON .MONDAY AM; 1 UESDAY ELLIOTT-FISHER COMPANY, 1211 CHESTNUT ST. SALESMAN well i ducntcij for new Issue of eil'icntlnnnl em jclepeclln. Indorsed bv le.idln: educators, rapid promotion te man aging isiallUn, ve tram veu and guarantee big enrnlngs. Write C 1)32, Ledger Office SALESMAN Streng Massachusetts IJfe Ce Ins nn epenln for a c.'t.iille life Insurance salesm i . te fellow un leajs nnd Inquiries; ' commission nnd expepse allowance. V 1400 Ledger Office "ALEhMAN Merchandise broker's office te call en Jobbers only general line; refer- ence answers cenll lentlal C 02.1, Led Qf SALESMEN I Ir sn eppcrtunliv te earn a verv large in i come annually appeals tj jeu. ive aufgesi thnl ou Ii vctigute our preposition Imme Wi i're nlffrlng 'a the Investment nub'n of P .llad-lpllis i divdli nd-i.ilmr seeurit ,f the hlish. st callb r This necurdj Is pm r. , tentative et an industrial .organisatien whi, i, has been tewhltsh d 1" Ph'lade India for al 1 ' . .... ..n. I hit, a ,1lw(... ..( .. , moil IV euiy jK.nn. nn., ,. -,...n.uisii, n lliuld of success The Cempanj Is known throughout the reun try. and Is directed by mn of ndtlena. Ft "has tiig best banking nnd credit refer Only capable, ambitious men. vvhe can fur nlsh satisfactory references, will be lensid- lone Spnce 0427 for appointment. I i s V.LHS.MEN calling nn diuvfglsm, , . ,,, 'lenfecl en r billiard halls, cigar stnr. -t . te sell high grade line balesbimrd nn fiirtnieiil'i and vending" machine s: easy r liberal commissions. Atkinson le, ,',.-' i t;, i i Clue i t--e 111 SALESMEN Ter pinnsylvanla, Ohie s"nd Mich, nan reliable dress beuse: must have fel e,vlnc P 141 J IdgerOfTi. SALESMEN Reliable security sslisnien, cum basis no aiivs. : prep, of big p,,,, A ply A C) Self 712 Drexel Bldg , l'iua SECTION MANAOERS LIT BROS, REQUIRE EXPE RIENCED HKCTIOM SUNA. GERS. GOOD SALARY AM, PERMANENT POSITION. AP. PLY BUREAU OF EMP!,ey. MENT SECOND FLOOR. 7TII AND FILBERT STS. I SHEET METAL WORKERS (jewel j, Sbllibnlld 'llf.li i conic rrnily le work- . Sur, IP ' Ce I 'ee Pr TV, ' HELP WANTED MALI' SALESMEN ...A.m,rl.can.el'1n'" firm" which today are adding te their staffs may ba divided Inte, three classes, FinST: The large corporation established K?.Sy..Si" which Is alwyi en the. lookout for young men of premise, but where advancement ! i.a-..sariiv ia,u ai.ihi.. alone Is net enough te secure, promotion you must wait until n vacancy occurs. And there arc se many abeve yuu en each runs f.i?e.JBe:.d"r ,hat It my years te leach the top, ,,i':9'!!.1i There Is the small one-man organization, which often offer geed pros pects of quick advancement, but where Ilia tuture Is ahveys vnctrtaln. because It ds- pcims en the one man who Is head of the nrm. If he dies, or sella out. or In any way proves untaual te thj burden, your own luture Is sacrificed. THIRD: And lastly there la the success ful corporation recently formed, which Is expanding rapidly, and which needs te en 'IV "" ,;t"ie! te cover this expansion, such nn organization can always make room ler a few mere high-caliber .men and can guarantee that the only limit te their ad vancement la their own ability, Our organi zation comes under this classification. ji Th.l, corporation, founded; and actively directed by thirty-six of-the leading execu tives of this country, and which Is sn eco nomic necessity, Is growing at a rata which demands increased personnel. Last month ten nun were promoted from our salts staff te responsible executive posi tions. Their places must ba filled. Te give you a concrete example of the experiences of ene man who took advantage I his letter. Ills case has been duplicated by 11 1 .7 "PPefunny, am auDmitting te you ,m..h.. .,.. 1 , .- .. i.iHiijr uiuvj-a snu sneuia prove te ou inai opportunities are open here for ou. ' Te the Perscrnel Directer: "A ear and a half age I was an officer In the army and, as my future wn limited, 1 desired te get Inte civil life and seek an opportunity In the business world where my future was limited only by my personal ability. "I heard of thla organization, Investi gated it. and found it te be exactly what I was looking for. It was then a compara tively yeuni: corporation, with seme of the biggest Industrial leaders and technical ex perts In this country as Its managers. It WHS soundly ranrilvril. mnA 1 rlirf thai 1 1 1 It would be only a matter of a short time ueiere u weuiu ranic witn some of tne major corporations of the country. "I realized that If I joined at that time. getting in practically en the ground fleer, , and displayed ordinary ability at least, that as the corporation grew I would advance I with It. i 1 "My expectations have been amply real 1 Izcd, as jeu tan ste by the following recerd: "I began In the Sales Department, nnd remained there nbeut six weeks. My 1 earnings were very large. I was then promoted te Assistant Sales Manager, and tei'k charge of the New Yerk office. I remained in mat capacity for one year, when I was promoted te General Sales Manager of the Philadelphia office. "Beside the money which I have earned, I have acquired an experience which it la Impossible te measure In dollars und cents "As I leek around me and see men who I tlens. I can sincerely say that any man who are also holding responsible executive pesl Heroines connected witn ints company, and who possesses these two things, 1. c., a real desire te get somewhere and a willingness te .Mirk and achieve that desire, has a real fu ture with thls'organlzatlen. "R. 3." It Is with our Sales Department that every new man begins. We wish te be quite frank about that. We will NOT take a new man and elect him president of the firm at 130. 130. 130. ene a ear within two months. We will net promote jeu te chairman of the advisory beard the day after leu arrive. TXT lisifclat that aierv mn iwVin 4nln 1 n0 matter what his previous experience has been .emes In by the same deer, and that i d00r is the Sales Department, We de net want ta overestimate the value of this oeportunltj-. We de net claim te bt able le make drifters and Incompetents Inte successful, high-power executives. But we de say that for the man of character nnd energj. the nan who has both Imagination and persistence, we i.ffer tt connection un paralleled elsewhere today. That is a bread stntement te make, but franklj arc ou Interested enough In your future te come In ar.d have us PROVE this tu jeu. Many men are frankly skeptical of the value of nn opportunity which. Is "broad "bread tasted" as this ene Is. We. en the oilier band, are equally frank in telling nu that It Is net iMH te secure the exact tjpe of man we nre after. We de net care whether he has had sell Ing experience We de Insist that he have that Intangible something called "person "persen nlltj." We de net care what his present position may be whether ne Is an engineer or an accountant, a bank clerk or a spe cialty r.ilesman. We de Insist that he be the ort of man who thinks as much of the future ns of the present the sort of man who Is planning for 1U30 as well as 1023, Te nrrange for a personal Interview, write, giving a fairly complete outline of your work and yourself. All communications ure held strl-tlv confidential. Address Dl lector of Personnel. ' M 331 Ledger Office. SIDE LINE OR FULL TIME Unusual opportunity for salesmen calling en drug and dept. steres: splendid Xmas spe claltv dally necessity; new. practical: no competition, strictly com.; refs and territory 1 .vveii, replies confidential. King C. Hud Hud eon Ce IftOu E. 07th St., Chlcuge. K1QN WRITERS Lit Bres, need experienced, sign writers nt once. Apply Bureau of Employment, second fleer, 7th and Filbert U. I SI PERIN'TENDENT for Inside nnd out side wcrk' must bu thoroughly acquainted w ih shtetmetnl construction en bulldlng9 ninl able te replant Htnte age, experience r.nd sclniy wants. I; pirmanent position for right man P 1420, Ledger Office. WAITED SEWING MACHINE ADJUSTER -Capable of Hiking care of all classes of I nlen Special nnd Singer Sewing machines uieil in work shirt factery: write Living experience and salary wanted. HARRISON BROTHERS It-ii nesvllle e WANTED FOR SERVICE ON NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS RATES 70c te 80e PER HOUR PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT TRANSPORTATION WILL BB FURNISHED APPLY ROOM 800. FINANCE 11LDO. 1420 8 TENN SQUARE PHILADELPHIA WANTED Yeung man with active selling experience te represent In Pnllndelphla I largest American Importer nnd packer nf I ullvii oil, retail and Jobbing trade; give age, exjierlrnce, reference and minimum salary. The Pompelan-Remanza Corporation,, Haltlniere, Md. . WATCHMAN Reliable axperjenird nme u I, ,iv plir l iiill rml li'ifl th- bv.l uf Lfe,.v..-e. C ill I. LecUn Oflive BniLP WANTED-. JCALE' BRAVER or, mender wanted by; large out- ef-tpvvn cleth'ng house; eteadyi position) iieerai pay, m bb, linger efhee. YEASTEM -wapteil In alcohol plant. A 102, iusrr uinr-. ,.. . ... . TOONO MAN The Public, Ledger Ce. has an opening- In Ita purchasing department' for rt young man who has had eme .experience In clerical work and can operate typewriter; stenog raphy net necessary, but would b nn aasaet, Apply nne Chestnut St., between' 0 and 10 A M.i Balm rtayi Ask for-M. Flynn. YOUNO MAN,, accurate at figures, .en stock rcceru 01 innnuiscturirg concern; nnvinee. ment If work proves satisfactory, ddtcas, slating age, aalary expected end referenced Leather, 1'. O. Ilog 1341, lOUNtl MAN. capable typist), reply, stating lnge, experience and aalary expected. Ad dress P 17. P. e. Hex 8148. lOUNd MAN wanted .n shipping room of Kenslrgten .mill: cxp,,net necessary. Ad- dress, stat, wages, etc. 1-13, P.O.Uex 3448 YOUNO MEN. with or without aalea ex perlence. who knew they could sell If they had an opportunity te learn successful sell ing methods and the right article) we have something of proven merit, requiring de termination and hard work, upon which our future will he based. See Mr. Myrlck, Roem 342, 1011 Cheatnut at. Oeaerat HECOME A TRAFFIC MANAGER Conditions point te an enormously Increas ing demaad for traffic experts within the next 0 bnths; salaries will range from $3000 te 112,000 a yar. A system has been devised by a group of traffic specialists te fit men for this grow ing need. lly this system, without Interfering with jour present work at all, you can qualify for this splendid profession In a few months. Find out about It; call or phone for Infor mation or write for booklet R-112) no obli gation. LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY Philadelphia Office 1324 Walnut st. Phene Spruce 1481 Open evenings BUSINESS fcERVICE CO.. 1114 Land Title. ACCTS. Mfr . t210H.I80nn- ! A.MIIer J30OO-ISO0O: lax expert. General Ace't. BKPRH. Lumber. 12000: Hardware. 11800. CREDIT MGR. (Asst.). bkpg. cxp., $1300. CLERKS Learn leather business. $1800. CHEMISTS Yeung graduate. $1300: varnish and palrtJ $1800. DRAFTS Orn.lrtui. $2800: Detaller Sir. Stl. ENGHS. Mining; Sir. Rwy, Ccn. Sta,, $3000 up; Civil, $1300; Mech., $1300. SALES MGR. Asst., paints and varnishes. SALES Lubrlcnnts; Screens; Spec: Seeds: Bends: rnlpts, etc. SUIT Print experience, $3000 up. SECY. & STENO. Sales Dept.. $:5-$30. AN INTERVIEW Will ronvlnce ou that we have th oppor tunity yju have been leiklng for. Our sales men are making mere money thnn Ihey ever upccled, Our special course of training fits jeu for our work. Experience net necessary Promotion te tlienj who qualify Hen of references required. Call 710 Wldcner Bids., 10 te 12 t.cen or 2 te 4 P. M. TRANSPORTATION WORK Traffic Asse elation vtirls reliable men te qualify for nrtalllnna .....lln. J.M..U. ...., ., ..I. In ' ' v.u. a u.iv.'.'M nuiiirnill. UIIU luri'lHU IWI.l' p'rie: $2."n te $300 monthly; ex, unneceseery: mmmen scntel education essential, only men of geed character need apply If willing nml desirous of making connection worth while, v rile, without obligation, stating present position, age. Philadelphia P. O Bin 414. CHANGING JOBS AGAIN? What will It be this time. Just another Juh or the pos'tien for which you are best fitted? Dcn't simply "try again," but let us tell you from an nralysls of .sour mentality as shown In our face the work you can de BEST; ask for booklet ,,B." Mcrten Institute, 1702 Walnut st. Spruce 8203. MEN WANTED TO HECOME DRAFTSMEN Salarv S230-$300 monthly when competent chief draftsman will tin In j-eu at your home, also furnish FREE ell toels: training given until In position at above salary. Address i CHIEF DRAFTSMAN DOBE, 4001 Bread- way. hiv. 232, cnicage CARPENTERS, bricklayers and bulldeis Send ter free plan of fi-rm. bungalow and our book "Hew te Read Blue Prints." Just uut. Ne chnrge. Learn hew te make mero money In the building business. Address Il'illdlng Department, 2114 Chicago Tec! , 2721 H. Michigan ave.. Chicago. 111. SALESMEN Write for list of lines and full particulars: earn $2300 ta $10,000 yearly: big demand for men: Inexperienced or experl. enced: city or traveling. Nat'l Salesmen j Tr. Aese.. Dipt. 277. Chicago. MEN Several men te work spare time re- nntsmng meiais ey new methed: nn exn.ri. , , nc.e rtilred: goed.wages made. Write Oun - metal Ce. 03 Ohl. Decatur. III. jikn wa.mki) for Detective werk: experl VOW miiiriu',ni,i ,, ,c in i ing guaranteed position J. ence unnecessary ; write for details explain- n guaranteed position J. e.nnr eA.H.-u Government detective. St. Leuli '" ' AUTHORS' MANUSCRIPTS tvpewrltten"ln existence: 200 ner rent profit, BEST NOV proper form for publication. Write Heward EI-TY MFO. CO... HHI N. Wells. Chicago. O. Marston.Rlvcrlen. N J rprterms. EAR1 $2.1 weekly span- time, writing for HDlni'niii:i -.. iin,.,nir,, UJP, UnilCC. I C1P- maaarlnes. tails free. Press Syndicate. 32S. St lanuls 51I-..M wanieu, uevi postal clerks, carriers write for Instruction part. Immed. for ae plicatien Nev. 1. P 1421. Ledger Office. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE CHAMHERWORK and waiting bv nn exe colored maid. C'M3, Iesdger Office EXECUTIVE' Yeung wemnn. college and business schnn' training, desires positien: accustomed han dling Impettnnt com spemlepcq, making 1111 statietlcal icierts nnd crlnt: nil iletails efflci nnd staff set-up and management, A 10.1 Ledger (Office HOUSEKEEPER, experienced with school. bey: responsible for small adult family v Iclnlty of Philadelphia, c 010. Ledger Off HOUHUKlJkl'KH Lady of ref. A cxp, wishes pos. ns manager, lem'n or chaperon In prl family: references C 022, Ledger Off LAUNDRESS, colere! would ill,. t t.... fine hamper wash te tuke home: geed ref I C 031, Ledger Office. "' KUOU rer- I LAUNDRESS, white, first class, wants work ' n eci inuiir, ictriciiurn. a-q., IjQCUBI 7247. MOTHER and daughter. eper.. cel., desTre work together. Phene Preston 8770, SECRETARY AND CORRESPONDENT Men-trained secrelarj', experienced atenng. I r.ipher and bookkeeper wishes positien: cana . ble inking tnllre charge of office. A lUfi 1 le-dger Office. . TEACHER Wnnted, connection with girls' school nenr Philadelphia, In January ' 1023 In executlve capacity: I have had 18 jears' experience as principal of girls' school In Sin Antunle. Tex., but desire a change, cm furnish best social and bank 1 references Address Miss J, u. Hall 440 Reman tt. San Antenlu, Tex. SEWING wanted nt home or by day. "TIj rhrlstlsn st. y' " STENOGRAPHER Capable, thoroughly 77 jeung as sec'y woman wishes responsible position te tusy exicutlve: Iliad Scheel , Whnrten Scheel tialnlng - v"(. Ledger Off. H TKNOGRAI' ir.iv, competent, several vr exp ib pann rsis ; start $2.1. c 013. L.e' TEACHER, visiting, desires position? college grad.: 10 jears" exp.; med. rates, c 821 Ledger Office. ' WATtRESS first class, wishes position; prU vate family, referen.es. Call at 2 ""Iv, Catharlnn st. YOUM1 LAD desires position as bookkeeper or assistant, geed references: 0 jears" ex. perlence C 1117. la-dger Office YOUNG LADY desires ilerlcal position in efdie: geed references. C 820, Ledger Off. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE AN UMPI.nYF,R who has gene t ,,, ,, lance, manufacturing busienss Is Intereaini In placing, a former executive emnlevt. in n gned position worthy of his ability, tills em. pleje was Kinneileel ,vt, ,ir.,, ,,,', J. luring emerprlse for ever 20 years anil ren dered hlghls vnlueil services and Is si II young and active nnd Is seeking a new con. nutlen; Is an expcrlcmed manufacturer also gp"'l acceuntnnt and general executive he will be a lev.il nnd valuable empleje f ,,," anv one who enn give him the right iu. pertunlly P 14(111. ledger Office v AUTHORS' MANUSCRIPTS t7pVlnpreper ,,Sl,""i.i"l!1,i,l,ll"",R," "" rcnuest. J. C, Riley, 121 N RreadvyiijHnmjjifJ; j COUPLE, cxperlenceel, colored. cieslre pesl. Tesmti3441 lien: man Drives nlm ryf ENGIL, lech gned . (I yre. meed ' dec. exp sines orc-einioerciai work only C 010 L.O MAN. colored. Is hes position ns iruk or butler: S.ari Inst nlace: refltied, best referenia. Hunter 1721 Alter st " MAN vvisnes pos. in piivnte family as butler", country pief.ireil u dai. Ledger Off le,. " r' MECHANICAL ENGINEER OFl'lviO aoeieiAftT, dus, or professlen.r. long exp. with leading local corp.: e if" reference, C 003, Ledger Of lice ' ' K' lOX'ENTLY retired tinny officer, West Pem, vradunte. i es res cnnneetinn . i' """ corporation In traffl; department! ciirieStl Willi ,nn.. . exp. in icaaing nnu rispen. peultinns as ele s,gncr of luila. mills nnd power plants air compressors, "team and oil engines, ,e'slre engagement: West Jcrsej pref.: excellent ree erd and references ( um. ledger errie ."c" AO-tf-' ONLY ONB HALM DAILY MriANS I (III PER MONTHi Flve sales, MeOO menthlvl Mai" 1 or side line) marvelous new A-lb. adding m ichlne: retails 118: work nul 1300 machine: adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides automatically! spe edy. nccuratj. durnble, handseme: B-YEAR .UUARANTBMl tremendous .demand; amazing profits. Write QUICK for liberal .trial offer and protected teirltery. Lightning Calculater Ce..-DcpL no II, Grand Rapids, Mich. , SALESLADIES .. ., $2B-M0 PER WEEK INCREASED INCOME handling line of PERSONAL OREETINO CARDS, spare or whele time) our proposi preposi tion and co-operation Insure success; write for ilatelle: representatives. at country pe tits, JOHN HSRTKL CO., II 8, Clltilen Chicago. WHY AVOnK for ethers7 Make and sell our own goeds: we show ou hew; free book explains everything. National Scientific- Labs., 217 N. Menree, Rich mend, Va. SALESMEN Ooediear Mfg, re., 18-C Geed, year Illdg,, Kansas City. Me., has open ing for salesmen te take orders for tailored-te-fit rainceats: no experience needed; big commissions in advance: we deliver and (nllect; complete outfit and sales Instructions FREE. . TAILORING AOENTS make 8.10 te II 00 j weekly taking eraers ler wenaeriui vir gin wool 120.60 tallored-te-order suits nnd overcoats, all one price) 120 cheaper than store prices, commission In advance: pre. tcctcd territory) flxO swatches free. J. B. Simpsen, Dept. 318, 881 Adams, Chjcage, RISK A POSTAL and learn hew te atart profitable business without capital or experience- 100 weekly easy: silvering mirrors, reflnlshlng tableware,, reflectors, plntlng' templete outfit furnished. . International I Laboratories, Dept. 183, 300 irtn ave. iNeW YOTK, AGENTS. $0 te $12 a day easy: 3.10 light-fast-telling, popular-priced neces- u-eliht. nines, lesant nutflt iurnisnea. vvtiie iu- DAY QUICK NOW for particulars. AMERICAN PRODUCTS CO. 3100 American Bldg., Cincinnati, O. AOENTS Big money taking orders over coats, suits, pants, blankets, direct woolen mill te wearer; big values: Donahue made $108 first week: Plneccl makes $200 wekly: no capital or experience required, Tayler. Wells. 2742 N. Paulina, Chicago. SAI.ESHOARD SALESMAN Or.e hundred new, classy aalesbnard assortments Just out; het peanut machines. eXj. ; collect as you go. ,0WA NevnLTY CO. Mullln Dldg.. Cedar Rapids. O. WANTED Men. women, everywhere, sell $1 month sickness and accident policy for old eld est and largest accident Insurance campnnv; 73 per cent first com.; 20 per cent for cel'n, NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSUR ANCE CO.. 20P 8. LaSnlle St.. Chicago, HI. AUTOS KILLING THOUSANDS NViw device prevents accidents: officially In dorsed many States; retails $5, costs $1,30; self-selling plan: State men with $30(1 te XIOOO considered. CARL BROWN. Mgr., Dept. B3, Columbus, O NEAT-appearlng woman wanted In each town en liberal salary basis te demonstrate easy-selling product te families: exp. unnec; can also use few epaie-tlme workers. Ad dress EASTERN COMPANY. 81 North Washington St.. Bosten, LOOKI LOOK! Attractive toilet specialties; quick easy selling combinatien: .'loe per cent profit and $3 worth goods FREE fur- ntsnee asema in mvc away; n you want .something entirely new send nt once. United Snap Works, 73-77 Park place. New Yerk. AOENTS, $7.1 weekly: take orders new re versible raincoat; one side tan dress coat, ether side stornu-eat: guaranteed water water water preof: net sold In steres: big commissiens: no capital required: outfit free. LIBERTY MFO. CO.. 4811 Liberty Bldg.. Dajten. O. MEN $00.00 weekly easy: wonderful In In venteon: new stove converter for every heme: heat, cook und bake all year without coal or weed; no gas or electricity needed: free sample offer. THOMAS MFO. CO.., Converter, 088. Dayton O. "ALADDIN II." with patented shears: 20 sales il.illy, at $1 profit each nale; new line nevelties: great Xmas sellers: get free sample offer, II. R. FOSTER REID. 2003 Ma nge. Ch'cage MAKE EXTRA MONEY selling Qulxct Oa rages: fireproof, permanent and pertable: If veu are selling ether things te residence and auto owners, write C, D, Pruden Cerp., Baltimore, AM. HENRY FORD'S LIFE STORY": author auther ized: facts never before published: hun dreds of pictures: irresistible: millions te be sold; free outfit. Midland Press, 1811 Prairie Chtenffn I -. ..,,..: -..; ... ,.... .. 4vur,,ie sen iHu .uuiiv urepscs every woman wants them: complete line: no cap ital required; commissions ndvnnced: write tedav. The Demestic Products Ce., 828 Davlrs Bldg.. Davten. O. TELEPHONE mouthpiece, pure white, sanl tnry, unbreakable; will fit any telephone, lOOT, prefit: sample. 2.1c postpaid. Marks Brethers Ce.. 1118 Albany st,. Bosten, Mass. THE RONSONARA Is the greatest novelty liver produced; plaveil by any ene: seunls like a re'il band Instrument; sample 10 cents Reliable Snles Ce.. SWB E. I'gd. New Yerk. EVERYHODY uses extracts: sell Due Deuble Strength Extracts; complete line household necessities: big repeaters. Write today. DUO CO. Dept E-lla. Attica. N. Y. HENRY FORD, the miracle man's amaz'ng story, Just published: tremendous seller; agents selling 30 a day: outfit free. AUSTIN JENKINS CO . Washington. D. C. 1 27.000 RECORDS guaranteed with 1 Ev-erplaj I phonegiaph needle: new. different: cannot Injure recerds: $10 dally easy: free snmnle ' u workers. Everplay. McClurg Bldg.. Chicago I ....u... -i., ... ....-... : rr- 1 """'.""' "'""" "" T"rl"L.KJ.lrnc". Pni y everv wemnn wants: nethlnir lllr 11 in "AUTHENTIC LIFE of iiexhv FniTrv- AMAZING. THRILLING: fastest-selllng boek: be first, $100 weekly easy; free outfit HERTEL CO . 0 S. Clinten, Ch'cage. CHEWINO GUM Sell te dealer. mike big meney: 4 flavers: novel packages write today for exclusive preposition. Hel met Gum Ce.. Cincinnati AGENTS wanted te nell ix-rkenal Christmas cards, whele or spare time: large cemmls. slen: write for samples and full particulars, linsdnle & llnrtliolemew. St. Alhnns. vt WANTED Seap agents te tell our 1B0 prod, ucts; no money required. Write I.INHO COMPANY. Dept. 341. St. Leuis. Me, AGENTS Men or women te sell Nn-Tarnlah Dip ice cream scoops In users; quick sell- its: liberal comm 2.14 Middle City Bldg. .17 MILES per gallon nude with new paT ented gasoline vaporizer. Write for partlcu- lars. Stiansky Vaporizer Ce Puwana, S. D MEN. sell guaranteed nurserv stork nnd an point agents: prompt pay new methods. Herrlclc Nursery Ce , Rochester. N. Y. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES THE PE.N.NSVI.S A.SI S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 7"0 RACE SI. HELL PHONE. MARKET 2104 HlGHE-r TYPES OF MALE AND FE MALE HELP FURNISHED I.AI'OR. De Mr.STIC. HOTEL. SKILLED. FARM, GI.'N- NO CHARGE TO EMPLOYER. COURTEOUS SERVICE. ntOMPT. IF YOU NF.FI) HELP GIVE US A CALL. OF ANY KIND, M. MCCARTHY. 2020 Hansom Positions wnnteil for ciimpetint cooks, lriilncd will rcsls, niilnrmiilds, clnnibetmiilils git I. fei i hambcrv "! nnd wilting nurses, laund resses, lady a maid, map mid wife. French took nnd butler" excellent lefe'renccs- several ' tin reiuples; Monday mernum. PHOT-CLASS COOK; ilO-ltie kitchen maid, parlor maid: chambermaids, waitress and mmblnatlun couples; laundress butler, nurses: long addition wanted for everj cap. nursery tnuld, Pretesinnt: children, e nnd 11. Plinnn Locust '-'H27 MRS ROGERS. 317 S "Oil, IIIichZcUsT,, help supplied and wanted, nun emus va cancies for Sinndlnnvlan. Prut, anil Cath m ilds In every capacity, also bullets, housed men, ceuples: references MRS KANE has removed tier business from .111 S imii .1 tu Ne, n H 3itd Vt I'linni Preston, f.lHB W. . EUUCVTIONAL, CLUB, 41k".S, Ur7iiiU4je7. -ltfiklU litflla-hSl l..hl.., ... XTS ..","";;' ""4,..u" ""pviu. nurses Piled Snnice 372S. sup. NUHSE, compelent. 2 chlldicn, jeiim sulrirbs. 317 S. 20th. ".i and 4 I'Hpnrltv Loe 2S27, RELIABLE help for wanted and auuplied every Plione BOOMS t OR BENT HI-..MJHC uiiui iurnisnea room In ttS modern Prlvute home electricity show.. hntd: 10 minutes te City Hull PrVs Ien l?p BROAD. N.. Hlt3-Kuin. rm. arBrTTmT,ii and 111 sultii: phone nml !.., i.i .'. '"""I CEDAR AVE ... -.. ... ,. . . up. . nr. fKTh Irge 2d.ftr. from em expesure: inoderii hour" tant family. Woodland 8072 v' nil.. Heuthe prtvule rreles CHESTNUT H'l 10.01- Single reun with hath: hni.water lnii. rrf,'1',' SPRUCE AND I. ITH Atlr.ictlv-.il, Jurp. haldj nt 1 1 100m with W'ltllO'll I, LI P Ii, full, 1 , lillc-iiiin ivr Lpcuu't Mb'aaNT WALNUT. r? 8B08-Deuble :-Sii het-water w?M" rt t5ffill ITCS. 4Z8T 1B3.,...W'' we 8cane3-3 sitting room, .,,11 secenc? Meer refined section.' ia"'iier. eoepi , wjyjsamm. aiivvuiui aiairict; near .ii "'v, a ?"L".'. rm'' ig-mi'a g'i te3 '" M.,.a012 SSnrni.i,. ir, euble.' ' heua2keeDlna?hl,0wir;! imenil 8800. """"I Modern; r,i QOI Dlan -r5rlirs5: 44T11. H.. Mii' 'J?-JW. ft IHTIT.. n 101. . . T-t-r-E--m , re'."."! ai iii.vuiivk furn im. il Khenvne.l Ani !' Plu simvrT """""l 1111 W-T Fuent-k. A. VERY IhUraTir--i1---. deal location; .11 cn' nicel ." ciy fS3 WEST istT7TSsJalJ Vln .''"H U14 IELMO.';Trg-'iIA. H 420 Parkslde e'' a rems7rr-J 3218 Market at, n rnJ.'"""' ...'."' 4Eai I.nnnni(.V.'.S. t0ni 7 '"'!. EMPIRE TTHWT cer.m?' ''.'.'.""! -' LALT AVErTTw-Jss rm elee: bd. We'.yrcrr7 J8TH cit 71 m --" .r.ny !.,,,;. sitting rm. m e. aiu--;h-s.7rr-- iw hihrge,"'i!;r-7inr UanjS !heil 3'J .nl Market Vlc7ii alnffl ferr, -1 .lc" 13 single furn 134 nrrr i Heme.".'.n -2JJH" UMNT01vjir 2 SUNNY rms.,fnrk-7rrT----7 '"'""' ""e utn. 8810 " JBOAHpiNf, WALNUT.302II )n.autlfuleT or single rooms; modfy.steProSSa - ""' "! EE-)MLr MACKTRUrkfc sBB0r.,x,."9PJlB General Moter Truck Cem I 2TH AND M0HrS Tes-WI uiO, iinnix AUTOMOntl.w . . men Pepiir m.nr.end for 7S? ca's popular meter Ar.!'? P nciprui. Instructive in.'".".n,n; 9.-5 overhauling, Ignition, carbureter0.11 pil r'L, rbl lw. 228el0Bu'.,,.1''5 fiTfrir t itn. a Mr. Hunter. lf,.d ca;rfalH'T T&tiSSsf P. O.-Bex' 3S00."" party' Adareis'Ti. CLKVELANn ...i. .-.- 1- J owner going Seuth mult sVli00,J,i1 COLE, sport model. 1020: sedam ,,) condition. , ses Mr. HunlA ' "? utu CAK SALE m "75 N-. Bread st. CkE fpert model, 102e77edap7n7K; -.Sondltlen. See Mr. Uunler. tliieWfi win is. itreacl si. -e-r IUSJrl?tt,'-Sit. "1, ""L-cteai ceniia flrnad tit. -j . ---.... uaiuQi. iii 1 !3i.S! r;.jra- liaien'H. IL'44 f. Ilrne.l ., e-w.w 1020 DODOE ceupe: like fi,e V" "etPcillee new; $:no de'sl balance 1 year. Baren's. li44 N. Bra UVUUK. -m. late 1020: A-l eessni3 "'rrgnin: $250: bal terms, am w t.l I'u.-M-r tr.iae our (.Id car In. Let Pxraiii nverhnut It for i.n n-uji 1' A-TV1"! htee."eJUST l'.ik'i; NEW ' Diamond ' Pnrlf noe-j neon m t ..,?"u" ... ..-. ,si i,, tiiiiRiiaii m. luri;wnrtt"e,nn ""xius. im.v-Aei ! - . -r.-xj. iminmim 1JCH7U-1 flsUff). rXlIcIl r1nn lnt met. ht. a.vT nri?.' i".u"nlJn.!ree0rIe.r.! "O" worth extras') St imVi '."ir,. "" ram fif ii ! riiyynjvi,in. e erana-new tlrti., i.iTn?JS,1MniTfBt'riflc? Mlcei ,ern"- Brejl f -1-i-T. I a-sj, 11IU-U git. HUDSON roadster. Super Six: mechanical for a small family: the total pries Is !( either cish or terms. Call Woodland 41tsB HUDSON 7-passenger. landaulet: eiesl voiiumen-, reaaonaeie price, j, 1 S, 18th at. LEXINOTON. ID18. newly overhauled. excellent running conditien: geed tint urwies. vjan inn. Ull'iw or litn. 1811(1 w. 102 .MAXWELL; present medel: ret) I gain; terms S. Bread st. arranged. Barens. 124' 1021 NASH, s.-dan: original tires and . $2.10 down, balance 1 year. Baren's, 1: 40 N, Bread st. PACKARD twin six touring. 1917 vvestlnghnuse shock absorbers; new ti first-class mechanical conditien: driven owner. Call Luc. 0013, between I ant O CIOCK, , i PAIGE snort roadster, sllghtlv uted: lets extras: snappy, pewerful: cost I4JO0 $1400; no dealers. 210S Walnut st. 1021 PEERLESS Kcilnii. in excellent ee dltlnn; will accept rll or part pajrmsnt I Bind securities. Address M 3:0.' Leaf! eiiit-e. 1 Q?fl PFFRI FQQ Limousine. $700. 4f v iilvj easy terms. BARON'S. 1244 N. BROAD ST. STUDEBAKER BIO 0 SEDAN: endfl e.tn'lttlenl most .ell nt nerln,N. UavlA age.vtsi town; clemenslrnte unjwhere, A 113. L. STUDEBAKER roadster, slightly used: mtruj extras; sac. s.inu: going abroad. '.'UB wiint STUTZ touring and roadster; all medsr: ! cnoreugniy nvernauiea anu rennisnea) ceptlenally low priced; cash or ttrms, Mr. Hunter. USED CAR SALE 07S N. Bread st. STUTZ touring nnd roadster, all modern J thoroughly overhauled and reflnlthed; ex-l cepunnally low priced: cash or terms tseej Mr. Hunter. Used Car Sale. 07.1 N. Bresd stj 10211 STl'TZ. 4 nasa. ! nrlre $785: 1200 dear balance 1 jear. Baren's, 1244 N. Breil sr. TEMPLAR SEDAN, practically new) 1921 medel: owner, t 020, Lulger Office. rn inm-. r..7 tiu.u tour enr. Jtt llmeuslnss $1.30 per dr llli Penlir IHI7. Park 413 i 1921 WILLYS-KNIGHTfrni.tl ranged BARON'S. 1244 'N Bread irt. MACHINERY AND TOOLS WHEN YOU NEED , ELECTRIC MOTORS DYNAMOS .. MOTOR GENERATOR SETS, or kindred iM.ulumrnt. tll up ynur rffliiiM rs-e-i .. - ...III ..mlK eS rillil SVUltrmi.. IUxT.it n , ic Will 4ilintnil ta i-iw. ---j ti n4 t K niiilnr" rvtl(BQ nnd rnHDDfl cacd machine la backed by an. hen.i, guarantee, which assures you m'liiwre R. SCHEINERT COMPANY 128 NORTH THIRD bTHEB? Machinery Bargains """rJ"'s ? :.s.?....r.'-.'0",n.e.lH sunrriiuun eincuv y'leiiciic-i. ... """.', pert IV, vv, -nun veu ,t pr.itsr., ,,., u.. Br, -- Vayne O. E, te Erie OR;; 4-valve .nxUM a nicer iiiiiks. e no nvi. -itra MOTORS AK'D DYNAMOS ALL 3I7.1K v p I .. 0- r ee. acnsenmaier c-e. ;, - Office, 926 North Uiird btf'h WAREHOUSE AND SHOP Ji D,.'a-a0-32 NORTH THIRD STREET Electrical Machinery J ANurcw 1. ivir.nrtiN -v. 119 North Third St. PHONE MARKET OHO PATTERN MAKINH. weed and metal psia terns; nlen castings and Picniiie vvgrs. ,..,,. ten ,11,. B.a Mr nhtitie .Maiket 2U7ffl EXPEROIENTAL work. 1 iitul r I s . n,w ' K'! terns nnd dlel; dullders of specie machl erv. Oir Machine Ce y.-v i-sinnnn.. .. jlTlMT'llKSSfON ('OUPLINdH, PI''-'j,fJ2j HANC1ERH. SHAI'TLNCl . .ny'T,,f,a'li h-ilf pi Ice. Moter Exchange, a'!T N BJ, I I E BUY plnnta. mnidlnerj. e'l"?,?4d2lSij'l for sale or rent. Vearslev Ce -'24 N. sn.s JIViinleil lf VAN'lEI 't-lncli h.iiid fi.w with ceunUi siiiilt, itncul londltlen, rtinenuble price, i r. Clarke. Ardinore. I'a MUSICAL IjJBTBjJMENfl PLAYER-PIANO. Regent ("I"'!!."' n" nuhesnny case: cost new I030.ii. Tedd, ineft Atch st. Open Men , 171. ric. i-v renisw , 4 . COLUMBIA grufone a, i;ni.i) (':', "."(! with B le-lncl; VVl1'9-r,S;1 ih OpJn' sdectlens) II. II Tedd. li'M Arch. w( Monday, Friday. Saturday el-"1 ' - PIANOH--I7B cash: $H5, II k',.,0flHI'1 '..,,;"... .Q-.ti ,,!,.,.,,. hen used ds?I; 1 I. 10. 10 (IIJ.l rn" i. """.T"" .ru,V ' h' inm Anil st. UP- Mi.'n'A.v. rr'ldav, Hnturds" -yenlrgs , PIANO. Iester. uPrlgnL Jin.. i .sju l-iapiu, lemi, """,',',.."-v. ii TO" guaranteed (reed condlllen 11 J' EliMl Arch st. Open Monday, Krlcuy Hiilurdav nveninas VICTROLA VI. wltha l'.'-ncnw'nTi ..S!?"lc.?0i?0' ir'tnMrs.nu, sL T0. MeWliy. M.V.V" Tn.1 Saturday evenlni TYPEWBITERS AND SUPIJ 'I'YPEWIIU'Elt 1 il c muirei I I'l'.VI III I 1,11 . "'I , !' - , "j M it inbuilt. T.J. W.1I.I1. IliuO d, .-Jr' t JL V .ri . rf ilMwirWrirlr; -JiJXSi ill w . 1. Oi ,rft 4 ,&!?,,. A' -. 4