m$ MmM A rfi U.V .Tfc.'.., V rKcSEr.9i55n -,t" '!! !fP WWi m " S ' ' B : ilen-Wide Bedy Is Selected U Aectat Relief Werk in ,w ri Stricken Areas ! ' rr. - ILADtLrMiftwa uw uei Washington, Oct. 23. Appointment President Harding ei a (.nrnmun i onnnuers. representing every State, Lrrltery and lnsulnr possession of the en te old in me cxichbiuu ui isc-m relief, was announced last nigm (v, White Heuse. The President. In appointing these lonsers, the WMte Heuse nnneuncc- nt said, informed them met no ue j .v,m "tn rn-nnornte with the nerlenn Red CreBs and the Near East r,.. .mi with tnr fo-eniinnun7 fmmlttee made up of the heads of the tn lotions inieresieu in ;' 7c. KVip TCnat. of which Will II. .. i. Mtntrmnn. In making? known te En of our countrymen the grent call Klrh has come out of the Near East ! the heart of the American people." !irn-. Ihnn n hnlf million Buffering man beings, the majority women and lUdren, ere. .dependent en the be- rrnlence OI Ameriru, me iicmuuin a "... .further said. "The ned Cress d Near Kast Relief Committees, erxlng in Harmony nnn aupyeriea ej benevolent ergnniznuuiin, nre re re endlng te the cell. The Cp-erdinat-. rvtmmlttsA In helntnir te develop the Jney-ralslng campaign nnd bringing e concerted action nil the forces pos pes ETe. Yeu will net be burdened with Italls, but the association of your ime Will tie n great inuucun in cucir nrV In rnnr remtllUnltV. Governors of the vnrieus States, Ter torles and Insular possessions have '. iniftpteil nn px officio members of Che committee en which mere than 150 i hriTttte citizens nnve Dcen nnmeu. iue mmlttee ineiiHies : jEdward W. Bek, Mrs. Geerge W. riMMe TlrPTfl. JnmPH A. Flaherty. anatnr fjpnrpe AVhnrten Penncr. Wal ler Geerge Smith, Jehn Wannmaker, Ml of rmiadeipnia; iicnry i-. oceu, Filming-ten; K. O. Maxwell, Trenten, f .T Tlnfus M. Jenes. Ilpverferd: toward Heinz, Pittsburgh; Edward fcpps, Princeton, N. J. XMrj. Carrie Chnpmnn Cntt. Maurice Vancis Efjnn. Abram I. lilkus. ur. lhn II. Fltiley. Mrs. E. II. Hnrri- nn. Will II. Hays, the Most ltev. atrick J. Hayes. Themas W. T.nment, ' Hiclit IU-v. Wllllnm T. .Manning, enry Mergenthau, Dr. Jehn It. Mett, rank A. Munscy, Jehn D. Itecke- ller, Jr. Franklin u. Koesevcit, liiinu uoer, brtlmer T. Scnlff. Albert Slinw, Mel lie R. Stene. Oscar S. Straus, Felix . Warburg. Geerge W. Wickershnm, fir. Talcott Williams, ltabbi Stephen S. Wise, Julius II. Iiarnes, James M. Cxix. Jeenhus Daniels, Charles (. IDawes, Mr. T. Celeman du Pent, Uharle.s W. l'.liet, Kilsel l'enl, Samuel Uemppiv, .Majer tJenernl James U. iarbenl. Senater Illtcliceck, Secretary loever, Frank O. I.ewden. A. Law tnce Lewell. It. C. Maxwell. Cyrus H. MrCermlck, Kdnnrd 15. McLean, Au- pistus K. Oliver, .mines l'utten, .le:m Barten l'nyne, JnmeH J. Phelan, Mrs. Etaymend Robins. Julius Itesenwulil. ICharles F. Thwing, Mrs. Jehn P. Weyerhnuser. William Allen White and Mrs. Themas Winter. iHURCH CONVENTION BARS BRITISH DUKE Bishop of Oxford Acta .Because of Marlborough Divorce Londen. Oct. 21. Anether echo of the diverce of the Duki of Murllmreuch. Iwhicli firm resulted in five clergymen En runs declining te perform the wed llng ceremony of him te Miss Gladys iH'ncen, ei isoiten. .Mass., was henrdat Dxferd when the Itishen of Oxford re fused te permit the Duke te attend the Jxfenl UieceMin Convention. .As Lord Lieutenant of Oxferdshire, ie Duke, ex-of&cie, is a member of the Inference. The liishep, however, ruled lat all members must have full stntus Is communicants which barred the Puke. One report from Oxford is te pe effect that the decision was creeted pith applniiHe. The Church of Enclnnd hns rpmrtpil le the movies te further propaganda iim ie raise lunils ter the famous old Jt. Paul's Cathedral. This week high powered Ilcllth iierensnrv fnr tlin ilnrk Interiors will cast grotesque shadows ver the tomb of Nelsen, decorated yes lrday in honor of the 117th anniver- jry or the llattle of Trafalgar, und puny ether Knclish notables nnil the lust of Geerge Washington. The ameurai s tunds were exhausted by PC COSt of reRtnrlnir tlin htillillnir wlilr-li ?rk is Hearing completion. NTHRACITE BEING STORED ' of oil and Coke In Apartments Slackens Ceal Sales 1;PettsiHe, Pa., Oct. 23. The steam s of anthracite nre ngain being tered at the big Lnndingville coal stor ster PI. IM..li. nf .l. 1ll.ll.-1..t.I.. 1 YiMt if " i iiuniieipiiiu una (Steading Coul and Iren Company, six miM below this city. Storage of coal If &nV kind nfter tlirt lnnir ununmi.Un nt lie entire summer is a surprise te Peraters nnd Is Raid tn lm ,1m n tl.n wet that many cen.suincrH have substi tuted oil or bituminous for anthracite. R K apartment houses In New Yerk and ....uuiriiimii nre reported te lie using i nnd coke liiHtead of the (.team sizes itiiracue. "e production of hard coal Is still V leasing and 1ms new reached 00 per a '- of normal nnd will seen reach '- amount put out In the highest weeks , production before the susnensien. W'eraters say, however, that the lack i Hale for steam sizes puts u great lu.i.iiuum cxpense upon tlicm. JOHNSTOWN MAYOR SUED 'Valm Filed at Ebensburg In Alleged $2,500,000 Deal ' t&ensburg, Pn Oct. 1KI. Mayer reuenh Cnnfi'.,.i nt ri,.,..i,.-., i., ,i,. widnnt In u'lt te recover S'J.fiOO.OOO PHu Interenf Vm, n..,.l,. ie mill filed in the county court here by r.curgB U. Knox, Of JellllBtOWIl, Blld k. D. MMIam Ar. in.... m I ft.. ", ut- .11UMIII il'linillil, ii lie statement of claim nrcuses Cnuf- .i et re iniininn iitlnt? tlin Htni-W nt n PPPer Ceiimiinv In whii-li nil wurn In. K'i'.01' ,'"lt ''l0 ceinpany lins become ff-v.Mnt mm the stock worthless, in e nieuntltne, liewever, according te ti,? "''Sni'izeu another company te ex P'lt the titles te mining clalniH held '.auiiiei through his connection with M original company. Robbed a Second Time fOr tlm kftPAtlil ttitiA ifUlitn ilirnn rfelts thieves yesterday hreke into the IIIKe (if tlin Allni.tln IV..II.,.l'..,,...n,... I in ,, ...,..,,,,1. . t ,IUtll, .UII,f,,IJ , .', V,ol,tl'Sccen,l ftrpet, which is n f uuurs ueiii the Second nnd Uhrls- ii MrcetB police stntlnn, False keys Pt used te gain riitrunce, the police r, iiu me eurginrs escaped with PPerty valued nt ?8301), including iftftTy'V,,t Postal money orders of njeuvu. 0COMMITTEE MEDBYHARDtHG PREACHES 25 YEARS Celebration for the Rev. J. Lewis Fluek, of Myerttewn, Held Lebanon, Pa., Oct. 23.Tlie com pletien of twenty-five years In the min istry, by the Rev. J.'Iewls Fluck, of the Reformed Church, Mjrerstewn. was observed yesterday. Dr. James, I. Geed, of Philadelphia, wag the ttpcakcr moin mein ,lng and evening, and In afternoon ad dresses were made by the Rev. Dr. I. 0. Fisher, the Rev. W. D. Happel and the ltcv. E, V. Helfmeler, all of thli city. A report of the Rev. Mr. Fluck's ac tivities was read, as fellows; Infant baptisms, 273; confirmations, 830: marriages, 130; additions by letter nnd nrofesslen of Jnith. 177: dismissals, 184; burials, 470; contributions for benevolent purposes, i),ii)r; ler con gregational purposes, $00,801. phiiaOITds PATERSON TO TIE Jim McGhee Beets Chance te Win American League Game for Lecate FAIRHILL IN SECOND ROUND That the three victories attained by th. Plillfirlalntila FUtrl fllllh In felir ttnrt. r.rerln.1. tn Sntnrdnv'ii clash with . " n.,1,.. ,-. wih Paterson were no flukes was forcibly demenstrnted 1 te the Wteweri i of tjjl team en Saturday when the? "jacked u against Paterson at the ThiUIcs iJan Perk. On paper the Silk City aggregation stands out as the clnsn of the League, but the best they could de with Tem Rnntf'n rnmhlnntfen WAN te FeCllre nil even break. The high-priced outfit of visitors should have wended their wny home en the short end of the score nau .Tim Mrflhee's feet been in form. The locals had a chance te win In B the second half, when referee .lehnny Welder awarded a penalty kick, against Paterson, but McQhee's shot went wide of the mark. It was plainly evident that the players en the Phillies are im proving each time out. Once they get accustomed te the pitch nt the Phillies' Ball Park It will take a mighty strong combination te defeat them and there is every likelihood of their retaining the championship of the Amerienn League brought here last year when the former Bethlehem players under Jimmy Wnlder were here. FnirhlU advanced te the second round In the National Cup competition by winning ever Ascension, ,1 goals te 2, In n plny-eff game after the contestants had tied the previous Saturday. Hunt, for Fnlrhill, starred with two goals and all the points of the Churchmen were made by James Ryan. Ascension was handicapped by the less of Jehn Ryan, who was banished by Referee Courage for violent conduct. A number of one-sided contests were staged in the first division. The Cana- dian War Veterans proved no match for Wolfenden-Shere and the Cnrding Cnrding ten hooters swamped their opponents under a fl-te-0 score. The losers were handicapped by playing with ten men. . The West Phillies were handed an other jolt when Kaywood mounted up a j total of 7 goals te 1. This was an ether instance of the losers playing I with ten men. Kline, center forward of kaywoed, starred with six goals, mak ing three In each half. Merrell Mills, another new West Philadelphia Beccer entry, added an other victory te its list by taking Dun kirk into camp, fi goals te ft. The mill workers staged a sharp rally in the second half that swept their opponents completely off their feet nnd enrried them te victory. Every plnyer en the Merrell forward line scored except Lyens, the Inside right. Several important beccer clashes were staged yesterday. At Paterson the reconstructed Bethlehem outfit ap peared and broke into the winning ranks by defeating Paterson 2 te 1. The Hibernians handed Wolfenden Welfenden Wolfenden Shere n 2-te-l reverse at Cardlngten nnd Merrell Mills wen another, hum bling the much-vaunted Wisslnemlng eleven C goals te 0. It was n big day for the Lyens family. W. Lyens getting three goals and E. Lyens two. FINANCIAL NOTICE Netice la hereby given that the Bondheld irV Committee of the United Telephone nnd Telegraph Company has prepared and adopted ft plan for the reorganization of eald Company under the Ilondheldera' Agreement, dated October 11th. 1011. and haa filed one copy of the tame with the Land Title and Truit Company of Philadelphia, l'a., and ene copy thereof with the I'eeplaa Savlnga & Trust Company of Plttaburgh, formerly the .Safe Depealt aria Truat Company of Pitts burgh, l'a.. the Depoalterlea of the Henda of said united Telephone and Telegraph Com pany under aalii Ilondheldera" AEreement, nnd one ropy with The Equitable Trust Com pany of Philadelphia, l'a.. the Truatce under the mertgage given by said United Tele Tele Tele phene and Telegraph Company te secure, the payment of the hendu of said United Tele phone and Telegraph Company. CHARLES L MILLKR. Secretary. 7 Houth Duke etrect. Lancaster. Pa. JAMIIS ARCH11ALD. H. H. QILKYBON. A. C. RO1IINS0N, W. W. 11YO.V, T. M. STEVENSON. CHARLES V. MILLER, landholders' Committee of the United: Telephone Telegraph Ce. J3SCLKAK HI'ltlNOS WATER COMPANY a? NOTICE Bondholders under mertaaae of the CLEAR BPIfN'OK WATER COMPANY dated Anini.t 1, 1012, are notified that the OUARANTEE TRUST AND SAFE DI3POHIT COMPANY, Trustee thereunder. new holds Sinking Fund of 12,070.02. under the terms of said mort gage, for purctiase et said bends nt lowest age, ler yurniMu ui emu uuims it c lowest rices offered net exceeding let and accrued prices erteren net eiceeeiuj mi and accrued Trtimj-amt (Ifferlnas racelved l,v tha ,.n,,.r. signed en or before Wednesday, October 29. OUARANTEE TRUST AND SAKE DEPOSIT COMPANY 310-31A-32O Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Pa. Pronesnla HKPAHTMENT OF PUIJLIf) WORKS IIU HKAU OF CITV rilOPEKTY 1'hllnuelphlu, Oct. 17, 1022. Renled proposals will be received at Roem 21U. City Hall, until 2 o'clock neon, en Wednrednr, Netrmuer 1, 1. anil opened at that time in same room for 1 Electric Lighting Alterations te pro vide Fire Protection for the Jehn Q. John Jehn John Jen Collection of Paintings, 010 Seuth Bread street, l'hlladelph a. Plana and apecincatlens may be obtained t tha office of the City Architect, 1211 Chestnut street, en deposit of Five ($6.00) dellurs. Fsrmlt te examine Jehnsen Hou.e Issued en presentation of receipt of City Al2. Improving Manayunk Park, Cressen. Cotten. Sllvorweod and Recter streets, In the 21st Ward, by grading, treating soil sedding and replanting shrubbery. S Maklnc. assembling und Installing com nlete. Museum cases for the National Mil .earn. Independence Hall Oreup of llulld lnau Oth and Cheatnut streets. Hcnclllratlens for Ne. 3 and Ne. 3 obtainable at Roem 117. City Hall. Fer further Information inquire at Roem ii7. city Hall. (Signed) FRANK II. CAVBN. Director. Dlvlilenrta THE WILDWOOD PIKR REALTY CO., 250 S. Ilread St., I'hlla., Pa. At a regular and atated meeting of the neard of Directors of this company held en September 21. 1022. a dividend of 7 ner rent en the capital ateck aa declared, payable November lat, te all stockholders of record, Chccka will be mailed. (Blgned) JOHN T. KOI.I1. Sec. & Trena. CENTRAL TRUST AND HAVINOH COMPANY October 10, 1022, DIVIDEND NO. 71, , The llnanl of Directors this dav detlared the reirular quarterly dividend of 3 per cent and an extra dividend of 1 tr cent, payable Neimnbtr 1, Wit. te atockhe dera of recerU October 2B. 1022. Checks will be mailed. CHA'RLES K. LUKENS, Beretary. EVENING PUBBte GREEKS ACCLAIM - REVOLUTION STS Mass-Meeting In Athens Ap proves Abdication of Constantine SHOUTS FOR VENIZELOS Bu Ameciaua Prtm Athna ni en ti. n.v .n1ii. tinn fiia nnnintn.0.1 et m, n.o.meiinr in the Place de la Constitution yester- day. Citizens of Athens und members of the revolutionary rommittee ha rnngucd th crowd while airplanes re leased thousands of bulletins voicing the nation's greeting te the "all-saving revolution." Cries of "death te the traitors 1" arose when Colonel Plastiras, n member of the committee, outlining the nlms of the revolution, criticized these Greeks who. he charged, while seeking te l.iy the blame for the dlrastcr in Asia Miner upon the army, were themselves solely responsible by their mlsdemcnners for the nntlen's misfortune. ThN was nn allusion te the impris oned former premiers nnd military offi cials whose trial for treason awaits the decision of the next National Assembly. Abdication Approved The manifestation was nrrnnirefl hv various public organizations who prc- semeu uie revolutionary committee with ?. ro.HeIu t Ien approving the abdication of i onstnntlne, "who can never remount tMC throne 0f Orccce." Tlc resolution proclaimed that Greece's place In the world Is beside .. p ,....., .,, f.,ii,i-i ,., her natural nnd trndltlnnnl nlllp. nnd demanded national efTert te dissi pate nil misunderstandings between Greece nnd the Entente countries. In the evening nfter the meeting a crowd paraded through the streets shouting for Venizcles. TOtms BERMUDA Fimms- (Under Contract With fcjjj f 8 Day Vacation Tours $83 and Up, Until Nev. 30, Including All Expenses Sailings Twice Weekly I-andlng pasicngcrs directly at Hamilton Deck, avoiding; Incon venience of trunnfei' by tender. Tickets Geed en Either Steamer Insuring Uneqtlaled Exprem Hcrvlce via Pnlntlal Twin-Screw, Oll-Iliirulnc Htcamcrs S. S. "FORT VICTORIA" and S. S. "FORT ST: GEORGE" Each 14.000 Tem Displacement. FROM NEW YORK EVER WED. & SAT. , FROM BERMUDA EVERY TUEB. & BAT. SPECIAL HOLIDAY SAILINGS Leaving New Yerk Dec. 20, 23 & 30 Fer Chrtitmaa or Hew Year'a In Bermuda OUTDOOR ?,!?" iM'.aili SPORTS nB, Itrdlni;. Driving. Cycling, etc. NO PASSPORTS Boek New for Winter and Holiday Sailings Fer Illustrated n"nUet wrlt t FURNESS BERMUDA LINE, 34 Whitehall St., N. Y. Furnett-Wlthy tc Ce.. Ltd.. Beurie Bide, Fhlla Or Any Teurlit Agent. ST. OEOROE HOTEL, Bermuda Itcnevnted nnd Ileftirnlnhcd. Culirlnp, Flnut T "n' flnlf Hwlmmln l'el. Hooking. Furnei Brmud Line, New Yerk AUTUMN BKSOBTH ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. s HOTTEa- D ATLANTIC CITY On tli Hanclt Frent Day ratea In effeet until i fabrnarr 1st. 1MI. latirleaa Mis Eallralv. Alwava Oatn Steele Roem, ReanlegWaler IS.O Slagls Beers, Prirtte Bath . le (0 1 17.09 Deuble Rawra, Raanlaa Water i 110 00 UeaUeReesa, rrir.t-B.lh IH.OOullJ.N DoebU Iteeea, Print Balk. Oeaan Freat Ca.nsar, I14.00 OwnerAJp Munigament Pheae 14BB KCetO ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. j Illresctiy en (he Oesaa Pveal 5 Tha American Plan Hetel nar.exeellanea 9 The American V, I of the i I Brlek Garage ea hotel pnpcrtr aaafaaisBMSjiaaMiiaji Atlantic i east. WALTER J. OUZBT. S Owner aad Manager I On Oecan Frent Fireproof American & European Flans. Gelf Club prttl leges. Oar. Reduced Fall and Winter ratea. &fteVSUjTSHlRE Virginia uve., 8d total from bvacb. 1'rliate batbsi running wattr; elevator; reduced Fall ratea. Bam Ellis, owner. N. J. Cellins, tngr. "; -.-1 Alwaya open. alwar Continental r0?J, ."""J mederata. Write or phone. M. WALSH DUNCAN IJ.i.l Rnu-nrinl Kentuck ave. nr. beaca. netei oescoDei 0pea . ye. glT.Be Q. weekly Telenhen.' ltT. A K MAIHOxT SEASIDE HOUSE -" ZMZni LAKKWOOIt. N. J. LAUREL HOUSE LAKEWOOD, NEW JERSEY Opens Saturday, Nev. 4 InvlBerntlnp cllmntft. 18-hela uelf rourse. Saddle horses. Kine walkN. Dally concerts and dancing, Superior reuda (or metering. FRANK F. SHUTE, Manager nnntvN'i mii.t.h. n, . The Pig'n Whistle Inn Brown's MUU-In-the Find, 17. J, Net a Sanitarium All of Its old clientele, Including week endets. welcome en its reopening tli" lint et October. It will remnln a hotel as be. fore, offering mere dlerlen, and merely offering the sanitarium privileges of hydro therapy, niassjge nnd dietetic supervision ., h rrt .levif.. Kntlre renovations. MT. rOCONO. Pa THE CLAlRMONT.eyA.Riyjja.5J ! Homelike. Escellent table. Bklt. C. L. Smith. Thn (iniwoed Pn "H Jt". Modern. Ideal IRC UBIWOOU ,0(.ltlen, special fall and winter rate. Hnnklet. B. L. A E. V. Artmsn. WKKNKHHVIIXI;. PA. GRAND VIEW WERNEnSVILLE. PA. 0en all year. All modern conveniences. Is l.tciil rcaurt for recreation with outdoor andlndoer sports. Resident phjslclaus. May we send denrrllitlTO booklet 1 REUBEN D, WEHRICH. M. D. ASnKVILLK. y. c. FAll't- JT ASHF.VILLE.N.C. .ver.blv known ta a dlarimln.(... .H.n,.. I Idtal hilltop location, evsrloeklng the city ana I Mi "! e ryMe. Iwoiuptrler 1- I hels Uelf Ceursts. Il.nl snrfaea inoler re.da. I .1ERMUIA. HeUl FRASCATI B.rmuda A niUlt dcllillltful watnr fwnnt InfAttOB. Teel breezes. averinuaa'i Dneit iea D.iumi fiea te suetta. Ilaatlnv. viihlnv. Ten nl t. Panclnf. Twe golf ceurtee cenrenfent. Open jeKLtSSm fmmw ilIHlLADPHIA, UOHVAX, During hln discourse, Colonel Plos Ples llras referred te "the Infamous cnl ifminy of the criminal efflcluls, who htl flcd the voice of tin agonizing nntlen by persecutions, Imprisonments nnd assnM elnntlens." .... "These men must be punished." he exclaimed. "Greece, worthy of her. glorious past, will live again and will demonstrate her superiority te the rn;'e of barbarians te extend whose frontiers civljlzatlen is staining Its history." Americans Thanked After the meeting n committee of citizens visited the American legation where, nfter presenting a copy of the pre-revolutionary resolutions, the chairman expressed the gratitude of the flrnelr tir.nr.ln fnr America's nractiriil humenltnrlnnlsm In generously helping the destitute refugees. The chnrge d'affaires, jenorsen ijui- ferv. rennnnded that the people of the United Stnten wc.tc clod te be In a no- "itlen te assist the war sufferers. Lnter the committee visited the fcntcnte lega- liens, wncrc mutual nuurcsses ei leiuti leiuti tatlen were exchanged. CHURCH HAS CENTENNIAL English Presbyterian, of Marietta, Begins Week's Observance Marietta. Pa., Oct. 23. The cen tenninl celebration of the English Pres byterian Church began yesterday, with services te contlnue for n week, in charge of the pastor, the Rev. Arthur Perter. The Rev. Este E. Gresh, a former member of the congregation, new of Campbell, N. Y delivered the,opcn the,epcn lng sermon in the morning. At the eve ning service the speaker was the Rev. David S. Kennedy, of Philadelphia. Tonight will be missionary night, Tuesday night historical night, Wed nesday reception of former pastors, Thursday" Sabbath school night, nnd Sunday next two special services, with sermons by the Rev. J. Ritchie fjmlth, 1). D.. of Princeton, nnd the Rev. Ar thur 1,'orter. I.ISTENINO TO POMTICAr. RUMMM That celltlrnl llne-UDs muni ba rafermaA In Philadelphia la na certain aa the recant death of Henater Vare; but what the out come will be no one can predict. The mul titude et rumera are belnir altted for aueh facta aa will lw Intereatlnit te the readera ei the Pl'BLte LEDann. "Make It a Habit." 40V. TOURH -LINE Bermuda Gev't) - ?."'?:.""?: MODERN HOTELS - ERICSSON UNE for Baltimore Fare $2 00 one way. 13.00 round trip Dally at 8 P. M u o'clock Saturdays. Steamera step at Betterton, leaving Pier S. Seuth Delaware Ae. Send for Pamphlet Kni'CATIONAI. Hetli Scifa Wherever Yeu Study Msfl isA yi i.ti . nun InsSS5sB0intfUW GWu2ure $ssm J3ANKS fti COLLEGE - Night Classes in our DlMlnctlte lluslness Scheel will equip j en for a better position In life. Oregg Shorthand, Teuchtyplng, Spelling, Unal'h HenUkeentnc THE TAYLOR SCHOOL Dm 1002 Market Street Night FOURIER DESIGNING SCHOOL Phene Uelment 408 Re n designer and putternmuker and earn MO te IS0 ii week. Special course In Men's. Wemen1 und Children' garments. Nutisfae. linn aiiuriintred or money refunded. Cell dur cicnlnc or Sunday. BOO N. B2d atreet. THE NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ELOOU'neN AND ORATORY 4010-tOlS Chestnut dtriil Public Sneaking Rentals Dramatic Art D. t. SHOEMAKER. rrUelpir Preston 0824 Palms Business College "lei""" Shorthand, Doekkeeplng, Secretarial, Touca. Tpewrlllng etc. Dav live Individ. Instrii" DREXEL INSTITUTE l H-H A V BUSINSS COLLEGE EMILIE K1UDER NOHHIS Scheel ei Kxprcsslen nnd Stage Are 1711 Clustnut St. Suits 401. bpruce 3452, UTRAYFR'S 807 Chestnut Street OirvniliiJ ,rhe j,0t jjuilnen Buhoel Poiltlen. guaranteed! enter newi day or night. BoeUkeeplng at .hertband, dav & night classta. rnua. uuiiubii ugueae. iku jaaraev tst. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION COMBS CONSERVATORYMUSIC A Scheel of Individual Instruction Distinguished Faculty and 03 Assistant Teficliers. All brunches tunght. Nermal Training Courses for Teachers with in Rtructlen In a definite mcthml In eech course, together with prnrtlcal teaching experience. Dormitories for Wmnen. Ita Ita clpreeal Itelatleni with L'ulv uralty of lVniujlMinU. Public .cboel music super. Tlalen. Six Sparluus llulldinga. Our 42 imge llliiHtrateil book mailed free, OILBERT RAYNOIUS COMBS, Director ADMINISTRATIVE BUII.DINO 1331 SOUTH BROAD STREET LEEFSON - H1LLE JWTtL I5S1-28 Chestnut Street , OSth Avenue and Yerk Read Katlenal Rank Building. Lansdewna PHILA. MUSICAL ACADEMY Oeriniintewn Branch 0 Hast Walnut Lane. Phnne Oln 3131 llAtnafna tnnllail Jaaanli IV (PltassLsa Itlss " '- .--- "'KV't...' "nr-iu (inm i wr m .uuniu l. 1IENI1RIK l..KH.MAN 1 Dlrtclem II, VAN 1IKN IIKKMT ' 218 HOL'TH 20TII STREET " JBeatf) ADAMS. At th renldenc of hr fthrr, Mr, Jehn Hen. 20 Ilroekmount rd., Terente, ELIZAUETH (UII1U1K) HOOAN ADAMS, hInvfd wlf. of J, Frank Adami, Jr.. et Phlladetptila, Pa, Interment Ht. Jehn'a Cmetry, Terente. DAKRn.-rMi. 9A U11. tnltM A . hlla. band pf Mary.Oakr. Ittlatlvaa and frlendi alie David. K. Thompien Ceunc en. f, B4. O ft. A. at., anil .mnlnv.. nt Thntnii Mllla A II re.. Inc. are Invited te attend funeral service. Wed., 3 P. M,. lata residence, "18 W. Krle ave. Int. private. Hillside Cam. Friend may call Tuea., 7 te 8 P. M. HAUEH, Oct. 20. 1022. LOUISA, widow e; Henry Dakcr. Itelatlvea and friends, also all societies of which aha was a member. In vlted te funeral, Tuea, H:30 A. M. from her into reald'rce, 4435 Fleming at,, Manayunk. tequlem Mass, St. Marys Church. 10 A. M. nt. Ht. Mary's Cem ftKBnB. Dennrted thla life, Oct. 20. 1022. CATHARINB. wife nt tha lata R C. Ileebe. Relatives and friends ara Invited te nttand funeral services, Wen., 1:30 P. M,, at ner iais resiaence, zi it K, Cumberland at. Int. strictly private. S2."NArcr J.', wife" of Rort O.-blttVn uiee nioeneyj. aged tiu. Funeral aervices ut the First Presbyterian Church. W'ed., 2:3u p-JJllL I'laasantville Cem. BITTING. Oct. 21. 1022. THOMAn It., son of Amanda C. and th late Jehn Hitting. Itelatlvea and friends are Invited tn attend funeral services. Tue., 2 P. M.. late res), dence, 188 W. Mt. Carmel ave., Olenstde. Pa. Int. prttale. Friends mar call Men., 7 tn (t P. f. BRETCHER. Oct. 19, 1022, MART, widow of Jehn Bretchfr. Relatives and friend are Invited te attend funeral serv ices, Men., 2 P. M.. parlors of U. Bewen A Den, 1018 H. 2d at. Int. private. Fern Fern weed Cem. . UOWMAN. Oct. 21. 1022. suddenly. WIL LIAM .. son of Kdward and Lillian llow llew msn, aged 17. Helatlves and friend? Invited te attend funeral. Wed.. 8 A. M.. from his parente' residence. 225 Taaker t. High mass at St. Alphonsus' Church. 0:80 A. M. Int. Helv Cress Cem BROWN, -. Oct. 21. ELISIAHRTH A. BROWN. Relatives and friends, also Heard of Managers U, A. R. Heme- Penn Treaty Council,!), of L.. and Mary Hteelman Dlss Dlss ten a Heme. Invited te services, Tues., 2 P. M.. Q. A. R. Heme. JBth and Vine ats. lnU.Mt- Merlah Cem. i..1.VKy.,CJJjy'"Pc' 20- 1922' CHRISTIANN BUCKLEY. Funeral services Tue , 2 P. M., residence of son. Fmnk O. Buckley. flOOtt N. 11th et. Int. prhnie. BULOER. Oct. 22. MARC1AHET M.. wife of Jeseph B. Bulger and daughter of late Edward J. and Bridget A. Mc.Menamln. Rcl atlvea and friends, also Altar nnd Iteaary Society and League of the Hacred Heart, are Invited te funeral, Wednesday, H: Se A. M.. imni nor late residence, eia.l Walten ae. Solemn requiem mass at Ht. Carthage's Church 10 A. M. Interment New Cathderal Cemetery. BUTTS. Oct. 21. MARY, wlfe of late A. K.? "" iteiativea ami Irlends. alBO St. Charles' B. V. Sednllty nnd League of the Sacred Heart and Altar Society, are In- iiwu iu aitenu luncrai, weii , a:ae A. 1.. from 005 S. 20th at Solemn requiem mass at St. Charles' Church 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cr.0.".C9m- Relatives and friends Invited te call Tuei. eve., 7 te 10. i,.SP.?,.0TT,On P01'. 22.' neCCO, hus band of Ann Agnes Caprlettl. Rentlea nnd mends, alnn Veteran TrlirA. Vn etd ,.. ..., .Jf" et i Angeles. Calif.. Invited t'e fu- of Frank If. Fester 800 Hadden nteV. Col Cel Col llngaweod. N. J. Friends may call Wednes day evening. Interment Harlelgh Cemetery CH1L1JS. Oct. 10. HAHHIIST. dAugriter' ?.li' HJ.nr' and ,n" la,' Margaret E. SflL1,- uneral service at her residence, 20 8. Connecticut ave.. Atlantle City. Men.. 23d Instant. 1 P. M. Int. private. CLIMB. Oct. 21. 1022. WILLIAM II.. husband of Henrietta Cllne. aged 81. R.lal tlvea nnd friends Invited te funeral TueM 2 P. M.. late residence. Marlton. N. J COLLIER. At her reldnce. 4S24 Han. sem St.. en Oct. 22. 1S22. DOLLY M.. wife of Chnrles F. Cellier. Relatives and friends are Invited te the servlcea en Wednesday after after neon, at 2 o'clock, at the Oliver H. Hair Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut st. Interment prl vate. COOKRON. Oct. 21. 1022, ANNIE n wlfe of Richard II, Cookson. sged 43. llnVa. .i.vn ..i. .,w..v.n .,." ....lieu 10 attend ru ru neral Barvlces, Wed., 10 A. M.. lata real, dence, 1317 W Erie ave. Int. private" Friends may call Tues. eve. . COOMBS. Oct. 10, .MATTHEW a COOMBS, aged 78. Relatives nnd friends Walter H. Newrvall Pest. Ne. 7. O An and survivors of 12th Regular N. j. Volun teers, are Invited te attene funeral Men 2 P. M.. late residence. Bill Hadden ave Cam- ugh, ,. ... uu. urei.iuun L,m COWARD. At Hadden Heights. V t Oct. 20. LIZZIE, wife of William II Cowl ard (nee Floed). Relative nnd frlenda alre member of Emanuel p n. Church and all ether secietle of which she wne k mem. ber. are invlted te attend funeral nerWrea Tues., 2 P. M.. resldenre of her lirethcr'-ln'. law. Daniel Powell, lsne n Munut."erj" ave. Int. North Cedar Hill Cem. Funeral services Men.. 7 P. M.. Iafj 1 rnldene". iiefl Kycamore terrace. Hadden lit lehts. N J CRAMER. Oct. 18, 1022. E.UMa' ii. widow of William II. Cramer, aged N7 Relatives nnd frlenda are Invited te nttend funeral. Men., 2 P. M.. from her sen-l'n-law'a residence. Edward Fisher. 8235 N 20th at. Int. Hillside Cem. ' CRAWFORD. Oct. 21. WILLIAM M.. I.usband of Margaret Crawford, aged 8" Relatives and friends, alie St. Paul's Ledge Ne. 481. F. and AM are Invited te attend funeral services. Wed 2 P. M.. nt his late residence, 231 W. Tnber read. Olney Int private Frlenda call Tues. a in in l v . CUMMINQS. Oct. 20. CLARA MAY '(nee Smith), wlfe of .Rev. Oeorge I). Cummlngs. Relatives and frlemli Invited te servlcea. Tues. 2 P. M at her late residence. 24 W uinnn hi., uenii.iiiuwii, ih(, private, Mt. Peace Cem. DANEHOWER. Oct. 20, 1022, of Phlla Pa.. MARY A. DANEHOWkr Services at the rvaldence of her brother, William II Daneliewer. Montgemem'llle. Pa.. Men ' Oct 23. 2 P. M. Further servleeaat Pleasantvllla Reformed Church. Eureka Pa 3 P. M. Int. adjoining cem. Automobile's will meet train leaving Reading Terminal 12:40 P. M. en arrival nt Lanadale pft DERRICK. At her reslder.ee. 07 N. 24th St.. en Oct. 22. 1022. MARY DERRICK. Ne net m lunerni mirr. DIEHL. Oct. 21. JOHN, husband of late Charlette Dlehl (nee Murph) Relatives and friends, also Naal Pest Ne. 400. u.- Invited te attend funeral, Wed,, 8'30 A. M , from late residence Highland and Plumstead aes I.ansdewne, Pa. Solemn mass of renuletii at St. Phllemena's Church. 10 A. M. int New Cathedral Cem. "" DONAHUE. Oct. 19. MARY A., widow of James Donahue. Relatives and friends in vlted te funeral eervleea, Men.. 2PM it the Penn Widewa' Asylum. CHERT. Oct. ll. .MuJtRIS EBERT at Ma lute residence, 170(1 Oreen st. Funeral i viva uiiu mi ivt itmiii yilV(tlV, ERSKINE. On Oct. 21. 102? .imtr a son of Sarah and the late Rebert Ersklnc Relatives und friends ni Invited te the serv ices, en Monday evening, ut H o'clock, at the residence, of his sister, Mri Themas McI'Ulls. 5.1 17 Thompson t Interment prl prl ate. at Montgomery Cemetery. Norrlstewn 111.1 ,'u , unniiiif. RW1NO. Oct. 21. 1099 T-VBl-iur c ,.... bend of Rebecca W. Ewlng. ' Rtlntive and irmnu.. -iisu 1-01. rreu Tfivler Lamp. Ne. 2. &ens of Vetjran. am lnvi,,t ,., n, ,....., e... neral servlcea. Wed.. 2 . M . t hln late residence. 503J Crlscem st,. Frankford. Int. Oakland 1J.VRDY Oct. 21. ELIZABETH T., wife of Themas J. Fardy (nen Mulhelland) Rela tlvea anil friends ul.n niv v.. nu t n.,t... Auxiliary A OH.. Legan Clrcl'o.'Ne. SO. L, 4. ui .1. .... iKinamii u, , ,l, dOOiailly. Invited te funeral, Wed , 8.30 A M.. real dence 2110 N. 4th at. Solemn requiem mass, bt. Edward's Church. 10 A. M Int. Hely Sepulchre Cem. gniSLKR. Oct. 20. 1022, MARY W.. widow cf Chnrlea II. Oelaler, aged 74 Rela. tlvei and frlenda ara Invited te itinera! serv. Ices, Men . 2 P. M., at the home of W B. M. Burrell. 127 Market st.. Camden. N. J Int. prlate. Hurlelgh Cem. QLADri'.LTER. At Mt Helly. Oct 20. 1022, GnNEVIEVH ALBERTA. iVa-whter of Allen 1. and Err.ma Oln.lfelter nt.ed in. Services at her narents' residence. 82 Mt. Helly a" Mt. Helly. N. J . M,m. 5 j .j. ULE.SN -Suddenly, it h.s lesldenca, !UO Kerper nt.. I-lvnilule l'a , en Oct 21. 1022 ALBERT A H. ULENN. ill his S3J jcar. Relatives and fi lends, Alse members of Stephen Olrard Ledge, Ne, 4.'i0. F and A. M.i Hurmeny Chapter, Ne: 52 It A. M., me Invited te the services, en Tuesday after after neon, at 2 o'clock, at the Olher H. Balr Bldg., Ih20 Chestnut at. Interment strictly private. GORMAN -Oct. 20. 1022. ELIZABETH, wife of the lat Michael Uerman. Relatives and frltndH, also I.oague of Sacred lleart. ara Invited te attend funeral, Tues., 7. mi A. M, from her late resldence lllll N. 2Cth at helvmn high mu ut St, Eliza beth' Churi.li, (I A. M, Int. New Culhedrul Cem. aOUCK -e.t 21. MAROARET H. wife of Harty Oeui..t (na Uulgley Relatliea and frlenda alku I: M SedUIUy, Invited te funeral. Thurs 30 A. M lulu re.ldenre, 2520 N, Fi 1 ilii tt. .-elcmn requiem hln mass at bt Edward a Church. 10 A. M. Jut. Hely Cre.H Ceir . ORAHA.M - At Pnlmyra, N J., Oct. 20, iv4, r,vu.Mv . . jiuaumii 01 .inry j. and en of late n iiinm una Annle Gr.xharn. Seivlces nnd Int strictly private, from his , 1n,a ..... I. In.,... .till, ll.llirl.tu.,,, no ji ..... I into inmrmr . ', . . .. , ... .... ..,,, Jdilliyra, ,. .,. iiini'n ... v. ...,,, eve, . uiti;ni.n;u n i i-i i;.vr.vi.v i, gresi. MER. ageil ' Relttliei and friends are respectfully n.vlted te attend the funeral services. Wwliusdw 2 1'. M, from her late residence, 171,', N. Lambert st. Int, private. HARDIE. Oct 21. at her residence. 0618 Haddington st MARY CHAPMAN, wife of Themas O. llardie aaeil 47 years. Funernl servlcea. Tues J'SO P M . at the eftice of Henry C. Shurtleff. 33 S. 40th st. Int. West Laurel Hill Cem HART. On O t 20 1P22, WILLIAM P.. son of Rebert nn! Mirgaret Hart. Sorv Serv lc en Tuesdii nftirnnetj, at 1 o'clock, nt lis late Wildfire S2ii Preston at. Intel nent private, ut Wnt Luul Hill Ceme tery. HAUO Oct '.' .MARIE B. (nee Schlauch), widow of I.udwlr Ham:, aged 63 Relatives and friends, ale Congregation Ht Jakebua' German I utlieriin Church, nre In vited te intend ftinrru Tu.'s. 2 P. M late resldence. 3r.3l N Mervlne at. Int. Hillside Cem Frii-nds ' i .Men, ove HINES. Oct 111. 1022 ANNIE, widow of i urisiine nines, 1 un"rai sien., j-. m from the residence of ber son, Jacob nines, 231S N. ralrhlll st Int. Northwood Cem, He mains msy be viewed aun . 8 te 10 P M. .. HOLLAND. Ott. 20 11122, LAI'RA, daughter of late Themas and Haruh llel. land. Relatlves and fi lends are Invited le land funenvl servV Tues,, 2 P M. at her late renldenci', 2M! N 31l st Int pn. vate, tidd Felle' tun. Friend may call Men. after p, M . HUOIIKS, Oct 21 1HJ-' RICHARD, hus. band of the late Mrv Ann Ilugliea. Relatives nil friends are Invited te attend funeral, tue,, a i ji from reldence of hl son. -vy r " Ckfteim 23, 1922 DEATHS Jeseph Hughe. 1815 N, Croaker ft. Int. Laurel Hill Cem. Friend may call Men, . HUOtlES. Oct 20. AQNEH j wife of Walter J. Hughe. Relative and friend, alto L. A.. Dlv. 17, A. O. II,. Invltrt te funeral Tue.. 8:30 A. M.. 2830 fa Hensall St. fielemn requiem mass. St. Columbus Church, 10 A. M. Int, Hely Cres Cem, HUTTENIJCK. Oct. 111. 11122. OAltO LINE, beloved wife of Loul Huttenlock (nee Mnurer), In her 70th year. Relative and frlenda, also member of the Hely Family nnn Altar nociety or nt. unnirncea unurcn. Invited te funeral. Tues,, 8:80 A, M,. from her lata residence, 201U D st, Solemn re quiem mass nt Church of tha Vlsltntlen 10 nulem masa at k T. Tn, Jlf. lAfera t?m INTROSKV. Oct. 10. JOSEPH, husband of Minnie Intrnaky. aged 78 tear. Rela tives and friend invited te funeral ervlre. Men,, 2 P. M.. from lila residence, 401 Kings Itlghwny East, Haddenflsld. N, J. Int. tfnrlclgh Cem. JONES, On Oct. 21. MRS. MARTHA JONES. Relatives nnd friends Invlted te funernl services en Tuesday at 2 P. M.. at l'enn Widows' Aaylum. KEENE. At the Hayes Mechanics' Heme, en Oct. 10. 1022, WILLIAM KEENE. Rela tives and friends, ntse empleye et J. O. Brill Ce., are Invited te the services, en Monday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, at the Oliver II. Balr Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut at. In terment at Mt. Merlah Cem. K1LEY. Oct. 20, 1022. DAVID, husband et the lat Julia Kliey. Retatlvea and friend are Invited te attend funernl. Tue,, R:8(i A, M.i realdenee of daughter. Mr. Harry W. Crockett. 8300 Havarferd av High r 1 nulem maaa. St. Agatha' Church. 10 A. M. Int. Cathedral Cm, KIRKPATRICIC Oct. 21. 1022, at 'Con 'Cen 'Con ahekocken, ELLEN, widow of Eseklel Kirk Patrick, Relatives nnd friends are Invited tn intend funeral, from hfr late resldence 3QT K. Iltcter at.. Coiishehocken. Wed.. 1:30 P. M. Services In Calvarv P 11 Church. 2 P. M. Int. Barrn Hill Cem. Frlenda may call Tues.. after 7 !. M. KLEIN. At Hndnauhelm. Germany, nn July 2. 1022. PHILIP, beloved husband of Mary It. Klein, of 2314 Falrroeunt ave., I'Mla. Further notice of the funeral will be given from the Oliver II. Balr Building. 1820 Chestnut t. . KOHLAHAS (nea Rleger). Oct. 20. 1022. CATHARINE, widow of Jacob Kehlha. In her 85th year. Relatives and friends, Ladles' Aid Seeiety of the Corinthian Avenue Luth eran Church, are invited te attend funeral services, Tue. 2 P. M.. at her late resi dence. 820 N. 25lh at. Int. private. West Laurel lllll Cem. KREITZER. At his residence. 012" Washington ave. en Oct. 22. 1022. LOUIS. huband of Eustlna Q. Kreltinr Relatives and friends are Invited te the services, en Wednesday afternoon, nt 2 o'clock, at the Oliver 11. Balr Bldg.. 1820 Chestnut at. In terment private. i.A.Mii. suddenly, uct. 22 mauy a.. widow nf Jehn I.amb nnd daughter of late Themas and Hannah Adamten, In her 82t year. Relatives ami menus invited 10 funernl services. Tuei.. 2 P M . late res!- LANnmfBERBER. On Oat. 20. ANDREW LANDEHHnRUKR. Relatives and friends Invited te funernl services en Tuesday at 2 P. M.. at the parlors of Tltlew Bres 4153 N. nread t. Remains can be vlewed Mon day after 7 P. M. LATIMER. Oct. 21, Mrs, SUSANNA RlTTENHOl'SE LATIMER, daughter of the Inte Henry M. nnd Mary A. Nlxnn. Rola Rela tlves and friends nre Invited tn attend fu-nf-rnl services, en Tues., 2 P M. , from her son-in-law's resldenre, Harrv J. Tomllnsen, 1202 Fillmore at., rrnnkferd. Int. private, nt North Cedar Hill Crm, LEESER, Oct. 10. ALICE, wife of William A, Leeser (nee dett). Relatives and frlend'i inviteu te services, awn , 2 i ji.. from her parents' residence. 400U Hmlck st. . Mana yunk. Int. private. Westminster m. H.M,l.L,lt. WI1 UCl. JU, IUSS. UAT11A- R1NE E.. widow of Rebert 11. Leller. Serv Ice en Monday afternoon, at 2 n'clnck. at tha Oliver H. Balr Bldg.. 120 Chestnut at. Interment at Monument Cemetery. LOUOHLIN. Oct. 20 JII22, MARY, widow of Patrick Leushlln Relatives and frlenda nlse Sacred Heart, Rotary and Al'er Seclelea of Immaculate Conception Church, nre In vited te attend funeral, Tues., H:M A'. M , from her late residence. 21.1 Richmond st. Solemn requiem mass nt Immaculate Con ception Church. 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress cem. MacNICOLL. On Oct. 22. 1022. ALEX ANDER, husbnnd of Agnes MacNIcell. aged HI years. Relatives and fr'end are Invited te the services, en Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, nt his late residence, C.'.O N. 60th et Interment private. MAOEE. Suddenly, 0 17. 1022 HARRY P.. beloved son of Anthnnv nnd Catharine Magee (ne O'Neill.) Relative's and frlenda. uJse Hely Name Society. Invited te funeral, Men . 8:311 A M.. from hla parenla' residence, 2707 N. Mahcher at. Solemn requiem mass at the Visitation B. V. M Church 10 A. M. precisely. Int. at Hely Sepulchre Cem MATLACK. Oct. 22. THOMAS, husband of Margaret A. Matlack (nee Benner). Rel atives and friends invited te attend funeral services, Tuesday. 8 P. M . at hla late residence. 400 AahdM st Olney. Inter ment nt convenience of the family. MeATEER. en Oct. 20. JAMES A., hus band of Ella McAteer (nee Beyle). Relatives and friend, nlse St. Dninlngn Council. 23H. K. of C: 3flth Ward Executive Committee. Kllne New Year' Ashe. and empleyes of Recorder of Deeds' office, Invited te funeral, en Tuesday, at 8:30, from residence, 2122 Wharten st. Solemn requiem ma's at St. Edmend'n Church at 10 o'clock. Int. Hely Cress Cemetery. McCUTCHEON. Oct. 22 RUTH M. daughter of Jeseph and Mary McCutcheon, aged 3 weeks. Funeral yrvlces Tuea.. 1.30 P. M.. residence, 2044 E. Yerk st. Int. North Ccdir Hill Cem. Please emit flowers. McOROOAN. Oct. 10. 11122. JANE, wlfe of the late Jchn II. McOregan. Relatives nnd friends are invited te attend funernl Tues.. B:3e A. M.. frcm her late residence. 1833 N. 23d .t. Solemn mass of reaulem at St. Elliabeth'a Church, 10 A. M. Int. Hely Cress Cem. MEANEY. Oct. ?0. PATRICK A., hua band of late Elisabeth Mean-y. Relatives nnd frlenda Invlted te attend funera'. Wed . fc:30 A. M.. from hla slstr-ln-lmv's resi dence, Mrs Meaney. 222S Pag st Solemn renulem mm at St. Elizabeth's Church 10 A. M Int. Hely Cress ' ' MEYER. Oct. 22. MART wife of the lat Charles Mejer (nee Feist) Relatives and friends, also members of the Helv Family and Altar Societies, arc Invited te Httnd funeral, Frl . 8:30 A. M from her late resldince, 101(1 E. Lehigh av High requiem mass at St, Boniface's Church, 10 A. M Int Helv Redeemer Cem. MEYER. Suddenly, Oct 21. CHARLES, son of Charles and Marv Mever, aced 8u Relatives and friends invlte.l tr at t and tuucini pr,.,wn. ,...., . ev 1, 1 , at nis late residence. 072 Prssten st. Int. private MOORE On Oct 21. WILLIAM II. m"-' band nf Laura V Moere (nce Hanlev ). Rela. ' tlves nnd friends lnvltl te funenl tervleee ' en Tuesday evening, at S o'clock, et his late ' ireldence. 1010 West Olrard ave. Interment, MULL1NRAUX. Oct 21 1022 nt the Metliedlet Episcopal Heme. WILLIAM Ml'l. I.INEAI'X. aged 7 Fun-ral ervlc:. nt the Heme. Belmont and Edzeley aves.. Tues. 10 A. M. precisely. Int. Westminster f m NEWMAN. Oct 22, at Nimv Yerk I'lty, LESTER S., son nf J.nepli Newmun and Pauline Staller. aged 5 5 cars. Relatlves nnd friends are Invited b attend fun,-ril servtces. Tues ,1PM predsH" v the parlors of Merris Rosenberg's Sens, 2009 N iirnad st. Int. Mentetlure C'jn O'NEILL. Oct 20. 1022. JOHN, husband of Elenar O'Neill. Relatives alwi Camp 444 P. O. S. of A.. Law ten Cemmandery Ne 0. Invited te funeral en Tuesday afternoon nt 2 P. M.. from his late residence 23111 N. Myrtlewood at. Int. Fcrnwoed Cem. PATC1IELL. On Oct 20 1022. Dr SAM UEL BROWN PATCHKLL. Funeral serv lcea Tuesday, at 1 o'clock. resM-n j, r.3f. N 10th st. Wm. C Hamilton Ledge. Nu. SOU, F. and A. M.i Tristram B Freeman Royal Arch Chapter, Ne 243 and ether organiza tions of which he waa a member ire Invited. Int. private. Mt. Merlah Cemetery. Friends trav call Mendny evening l'EIPER. At her resld nee, B22 Irving et.. en Oct. 20. Ili22 IDA V .dnw of Harry O. Pelpcr Servlcn un Men lav after noon, at 2 o'clock, nt 'ie einei h Hijr Bldg., 1420 Chestnut it. Interment prltute. I'LUMMER. On Oct 20, l2.'. MARY E 1'I.UMMER (ne Owens) wldevi of WlllUm Plummsr. Relntlvin nnd friends are Invited tn the funeral, en Tuesday morning, at h .111 o'clock, from the reeUUnc, of her sister. 35 S. S8d st. Solemn requiem masa at Our Lady of Victory Church nt 10 o'clock. Inter ment nt Hely Redeemer Cemetery RHODES. On Oct. 21. 1.'2, ROBERTA O.. wife of Frank 11, Rhodes Relatives 1 and friends Invited te funeral services, en ' Tues . at 2 o'clock, at hr late residence, 17 E. Washington St. Medm, l'a Int. Calvary P. E. Cemetery. Rockdale. Pa RICHMOND. Oct 13, ut I'..rt Washing ton, Pa. AMANDA, wife of i..t Hugh Rich mond, aged 70. ltelntlvej und friends with out further notice are invre.l U. attend funeral services, Tues.. 2 .H I M from St. Theinaa' Church. Whllemarsh l'a RILEY. At Verga. N J net 21 1922 CHRISTOPHER E . belevid hui un.l of Mar Rlley (nee Leaner) Relative and fr't ml also Washington Camp Ne t ( p n s of A : Evening Star Ledge Ne. 72 1 11 n V . Crown Point Ledge, of SVsti 1., N J , are Invited te funeral ervl.es Wed j i M . lit his late resilience l!re"r nv Verga. N. J. Int Green's Cepi . Wjedbury N .1 Frlenda mav call Tues eve HUiir;rs. uct 21. jiiu.n sen uf the late Warner nnd Emlls June, iteirt. Funeral services ut It R 1 ring-burst & Ce . . . .1 . . ,. . m.... ...... , . . .. .. ' 1 1' I rt rll !.. ,UH, 1Wl inSt SI " I' .M int nrlvate. . ,I,y.nST' tC" "i 't' ,2'1 lfl- ''A" mi J Rl'HT. lneral servicH en We.ln,-. iiv at 2 P M . at the rrslilervi- nf h r mr. .., V Stephen II. Tlly. 113 Edgtllll ruud. llala, p,i Interment nrlvate. Miir.i.ni,. un Oct 21 1U22 NA.M'Y II HELTON wife of Charles V hhelten aged SO years. Services en Tuesdav at 2 P m et the UUckley Raptlst Chunh 33d and Wjnluslng uve, Remains n hi be viewed Monday, after 8 P. M. Int rr'vnte SMITH. Oct. 20. 1922. l'llll.ll t T SMITH. 1TO of late Andrew and Mnrv fmlth. of Coeteh II. County Cn in. Iieund lti-lntlvei and, friends, also .t V M ,s. dallty. Hely Name Society lmti..d te fn. neral, Tuea., s an A. M. resulen.e ut h! sister-in-law, 8402 N. lnth st H'h nues of requiem ni unurcn or tne llnlv ,ui j 10 A M Int. Drlva'e. Hely Herniuhre Cem. SMITH. cm Oct m ill;. ELIZA I1F.T1I. widow of Wllllnm J Smith Ria Ria tlves nnd frlenda. also Camp Ne ill. p e of A., are Invited te the services, en Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, at her late residence S21T Locust at. Interment at Mt. Merlah Cemotery. UNDERTAKERS ScrnM Vr PI a me h p ' DEATH RNTHKR- Oct. 21. 1022. ALBERT O., husband of Emma U. Snyder (nee Berger. fiebe). -Funsral services vu,!'-, . ' ai 1843 N. 20lh st. Int. strict v Prlvat. TAMART. Near ilurflvUI. N. J., Oct, 21. 1022, FRANKLIN P, TAtlOART. aged BO. Relative and friend ara. Invited te at tend funeral. Tue.. 2:80 1. M., frpm resi dence of hi son-in-law. Elwoed.R. Turner. 77 Oreen st,, Woedburv.N. J. Int EgJIn EgJIn ten Cem. Friend may call Men,. 7 te-0 P. M, TAOUE. Oct, 21. 1022. DENNIS, bus band of Mary Tagua. Funeral Wed., 0-8O A, M.. from hie late residence. Radner, Pa, Solemn requiem maj at . St. Thern.' Church, Vlllaneva. Pa.. 11 A, M. Int, St. Augustlna Cim.. Bridgeport, Pa. I, r. . .. .. r in.. frr..je.T. wlf of William M. Taller. 8r. Ralatlve and frlenda are Invited te service, Men., 2 p. M.. nt her lata residence. 24S1 N, 10th at. Int. private, Fetnwoed Cem. THOMPSON. Oct. 10. STEPHEN D.. hus band of Annie Thompson, aged 70. Rela tives nnd friends nre Invited te attend fu Eeral. Men., 2 P. M., from the residence of Is eon, William Thompson. 2S20 W. Oukdale at. Int, Hillside Cem. TOAL. Oct. 18. MARGARET D , daugh ter of Frank and late Margaret Teal (nee Hraslln). In her Oth year. Relatives and friends Invited te attend funeral, Men.. 1:30 P. M.. father'a resldence. 1537 S, Bam brey st. Int. Hely Cress, UNNINO. Oct. 18. 1022. JOSEPHINE, daughter of Mary and the late Jeseph Cun ning (nee King) Relative and frlenda, also Facred Heart and B. V. M Sedalltv of St. Ann' Church, employee of U S Tire Ce., ero lnvuea 10 aiiena mnerai, -j ues M man A, M.i methir'a residence, 2327 E Cumberland at. Solemn requiem in, ai St Ann's Church, 10 A, M Int Hely Cress Cem, UNROIt Oct 21, 1012. CECELIA A. McVAUOH, widow of Jehn F. Unruh. Fu neral services wilt be held at her late real t'ence, 1020 E. Kerper st.. Lawndale. Phlla.. Tues.. 2 P. M, Int. private. Oxford Church 0rVERNIER. Oct. 21. HENRY A. VER. NIER. Relatives and friends are Invited te attend funeral. Tuesday, 0 A. M., from hla late resldenea 33 Falrvlew ave., High land Park. Pa High mass St. Lawrence Church 10 A. M. Int. St. Dennis. WARREN At Camden. N. J., Oct. 22, 1022, MARTHA, widow of Budd E. Warren. Funeral Wed , 7 P. M , from the residence of his son-in-law, Charle Bowden, 217 Vine et., Camden, N1 J. Alse services nt Point Peint vllle M. E. Church, Thur. 1 P. M. WATSON. Oct. 21. ROBERT JOHN, eon of Andrew and Jennle Watsen, aged 24 years. Relatives nnd friends, also Man chester Ledge, Ne. 70.10. I. O. O. F.. and Wannn Kee Tribe, Ne. 803, I. O. R. M.. and all ether aecletles of which he was a mem ber, are Invited te attend funeral servlr-s. Tuesday. 8 P. M.. at late residence. Brn Mawr. Pa. Int. private. Friends may call Monday, from 7 te 0 P. M. WEBSTER. WILLIAM, at th", home of hla son, 1120 Hle-h at.. Pettstnwn. Pa Rela tives nnd friends Invited te services In rhapl Hillside Cemetery. Reslyn. Wednesday. Oct. 23 nt 2:30. WEST. Oct. 20. 1022, MARY A., widow of Jeseph M. West, Funer.il services nt the chnpel of Old Fellows' Cem., Burlington. N. j.. Men . :i 30 l. M. WHELLER. At his residence. r.OIfl New. hall st . Oct. 22. 1022, ALEXANDER CASELY WHELLER. Due notice of funeral win tje given. WHITAKKR. Oct. 1H 1022. EI.VIE IRENE, daughter of Delmsr arid Edna Wbltakcr. aged 1. Services and Interment private WILDER. Oct. 22. HELEN H . vldew of Mosen O, Wilder. Funeral nrvlres Wednes day. 2:30 1". M., from residence. ."230 Marlen ht. Otn. Int. private, at Ivy Hill Vm WILSON. On Oct. 21. 1022, MARGA RET B. WILSON (nee Mean), wife of Theinaa H, Wilsen. Funeral en Tueeday mcrning. nt 8:30 o'clock, from her late resl. (lence, 1403 N. Beuvler st. Hequl'-m Hluli Miis:, at 10 o'clock at the Church of the (cu. 18th nnd Stiles its. Interment Hely Cress Cemetery. WTI.HON. On Oct 22. WAI.TEIl T am, of the late Lewis C. . nnd Mtrgaret A Wil son. Remains may De viewi-,1 Tuesdar. at S. P. Frankenfield Sens. .1300 Vine st. Serv Ices and Interment private. WOOD. Oct. 22. SAMUEL D. WOOD, aged 70. Relatlves nnd friends, also Relief Dept. of P. R. R . are Invited te attend fu eoral services. Wed.. 2 P M . nf his late lesldenre, 812 10th nv Moere Pa. Int Pdespect Hill Cem. Friends rray view re mains Tuea eve. YOUNG On Oct 20. WILLIAM, husband of Catherine Yeunr Funeral Tuesday. 7 30 A. M.. residence. 433 Leldv nve Solemn re. qulem mass at Our Mether of Sorrows Church 0 A M. Interment St Denis' Ceme Ceme tery. Relatlvea and frlenda Invited. HISLT'IK. Oct lU CHAULEii P.. hue band of Katie Zlsette (roe VIeM). Rela tives and friends, also Kensington M. E Church, are Invited te attend funeral serv Ices. Men.. 2 P. M.. late residence. 454 E Olrard nve. Int. private. Oakland Cem Viewing Sun eve PABM AND GAKDEN et& DADITD -. iS" WWITt ' "GRANDIfLORA" BULBS ajhtj narcissus, nyncinin NrVrjjjf Tulip, etc. r HO SEA ATERER blQ CHESTNUT ST ESTABLISHED 1332 PARCEL POST Wabh Magneto Break Timer IS FOR IGNITION Pl'RPOlKS ONLY And Is lOOTe Perfect WALSH lll give 5 en from S te 10 miles mere en a ration cf gat. Price, (3.95 PATENTED SEND POSTAL AQENTS WANTED. SEND FOR FOLDER BURNSTINE-WALSH. INC., DEPT. PL PHILA. OFFICE, 127 NORTH 10TH STREET OUN D 50c the riemt place TO BUY DOLLS Colenia OOLl HEAD Parcel Pest, 10c Extra I Fer niaklnB your own boudoir , lnmp or cevr for our phone. We nre often. K cxreptlenal bnrK.'iln te git a.-quulnteil with peme new friends and eus-1 temers. I Expert Dell Repairing 1 of Every Description QUAKER DOLL Factory fiHespHal PARTS. WiaS. RUBBER ETC. 155 N.6" St. (Wholesale Rstdil) , DR. MOSES spSUKts,' Originator tn this citv of "SWEET AIR" MutlieJ of PainUu Extraction of Tttit Sif n fcfti Ni pain or dim err Junt the thine for nervuM peepu Ne 111 iff' V fellow Ut tiHi S. E. Cor. 7th & Market Kts. rprvierty in htajj of j,reifineit Hospital LOST AND FOUND I'OO I.et. Oct 17 an Airedale Acs male Liberal reward If returned te hJ7 Overbri e fkvn RAH Pfv Lest geld bar pin with anppnlie In center, between Mh Hnd lllth and I'ln and Cheatnut, fnturd.iy afteinetn Reward If leiurn'il te 7HII I'lne st , EAHRINU 1am long rhlnesterie eainiii .,,.4,,,,w 'A' una IIIII1II.111IIO rutini. bowUnet dedlun comet Intti jr,.l Iteward All S J.edger Office EARRINO Ist. In 8t. Davids or central Phlla.. 1 reudaut earring, round iiearl with 4 diamonds mounted In platinums unable reword If returned te Combes A Van ReJinlU27Wjilnutst. EARI1INU Un a grxen earring cn Tuxs. dm aUnit ft sn ,- thnr en Ne. 13 car g ing from 11th and Walnut te 21sl ami Wa.tiut. or en stuet curner. HeA.iid at 2110 Wal nut st IIHOOCH Lest en October 1U, a slfve7r breech set with iargs oval abntnna tearl, Inst In di-pt ninni or In subwnv from 13th st. te feriles, Finder will ulease cemmunl. cam with Uux luuu liudJuu Heights. N J ReiMiril. NEl'KPIKCF' uTst. e.iii.n'il neckpiece lit twirn llre.ul and Spi live and the Ai udnmy nf Music Retuin 2iilt Du linicy tduce Rew.iril. SL'lTC'ASi:- I .sf I in s'lit. uilll font I all C.lUlpllUllt. left fill A'Ail ut urn.. ,.r I, r,,L,. 'In hleld. Hnturdiy bofure dwnrtlimer game 111 care of client t' Finder pleuse inm inunlcate with I'erliiemen Scheel, Ptmiiburi;. r.eward, ." iWW S . H TKS .lU i WUl Vil't n II KNa kss m P mSSMM ET m help wAwraiv-wii Aim A NUMBER OP BRIGHT OUlLi W want mini girl. JO te ISVi Trg et ' age, who would be Interested In permanent positions In our Junier department. Muat havs at least ene year' high gchoel duca duca tlen or equivalent. Apply Bureau of Employment. WANAMAKER'S ARE TOU AMBITIOUS t XV are training men and woman In Ih Tu ning te fill executive position with an Inter national organisatien! if you ara net alie ned with your present position, phone Spruea Ba rer interview. A SPECIAL OPPORTUNITT . Refined women ever 21 who nara had sem business erperlene and wish te work toward an eiecutlve position with a lam inpldly glowing, nuciessful organisatien may receive special interview today) education, neat appearance, pleasing personality and ambition are the only requirement for success In. thl work and organisatien. Apply aftir 10 A. M.. suite 70J Vandam Bldg., 1001 Market st. ATTENDANTS Attenflanl. whits, live. pry-tepplrur rtr1j. age 20 te 25, nnd nf neat appearance. u assist In keeping garment rack In order In salesroem: geed hour, cellar, cuff ana aprons supplied. Apply Bureau of Employment WANAMAKER'S CANDY PACKING AND OTHER WORK IN A LAROE. CLEANLY. WELL-MAN- aeed FAtrreitr. we want a geed TYFE OF INTELLIOENT OIRL8 LIKE OUR PRESENT EMPLOYES AND OVER Id YEARS OLD, HEALTHFUL SURROUND INGS, HOT LUNCHEONS AT COST. EXTRA PAY FOR STEADY WORKERS TILL XMAS, WIHTMAN'B, lift RACE ST CHILDNUR.iE, Protestant, desires first clnia positien: Infant pref : ref. Ledger Branch 036 8B2h O'rniantewn nve, CLERK for sales department te leek UP erders: murt hnve executive ability an Inltlullve; excellent opportunity fnr advance ment. Netascme Herliry Ce.. Venango and I tie. CLERKS Yeu cannot afford te pass up the opportunity of investlgatlm; for veurcelf the clerical po sitions new open for GIRLS 18 tn 2." venrs nf age Which pay rnl meny In accordance with our ability te oredU' 2-ipar high xchoel inlucatlen or equivalent, plue ambition and Intelligence, ncceamry r ijulrementa perhaps you have a friend who should knew this tell ner or, uettcr aim, pring ner Willi you te ecu me. una. pattev. CURTIS PUBLISHING CO., 004 SANSOM ST. Employment Office open from 8:30 A. M M te 8 P. M.. Including neon hour. CLERKS 10 te 21 year of age There ar a number of very Interesting clerical positions open for girls and young women In our various offices; the work re quires no previous experience: Instruction In the operation of the Elllett-Flsher billing machine will be given these who are In terested. Apply Employment Department 8 A. M. te 3 P. M. SEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO.. 4010 ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD CLERKS AND CASHIERS Yeung women. 18 te 25 years of age, for the positions of cashier-Inspectors. If you have ability te handle flgun-s accurately and are Interested In being trained for a Jeb higher up, call and Inquire ubeut the op portunities offered here. Bureau of Employment. WANAMAKER'S COOK, waiting and chamberwerk. 2 expe rienced white wemen: small family. Phene Chestnut Hill 0274. COOK, white, small ndult family; reference 254 E.Mnln at..Moerestown.Ph.Moores'n 3110 CROCHETERS experienced. wanted en shade rings te de work at heme: no work ul out of city, call In person, r W, Mnurer & Sens Cn . 4311 Wayne ave . near lxth and u mniuev n ave GIRL for gmeral office work. Industrial . plant, northeast section; state age. edu cation, experience and salary desired. Ad- ! dress N-3 P. O. Bex 8300. I GIRL wanted for office work, ever 10: sal ary 111 per weeK. call ut 103J unesinui st.. Oth fleer GIRL te run errands and make herself gen erally ueful Apply M'ea Cranny. W. H. Hernmann. 127 N. 5th st.. 2d sfloer. U1RL3 18 te 23 years Ready te leain business? THEN BEGIN RIGHT Wc will teach yen and pav jeu while learning. Twe-jear high school education required. Experience unnecessary. INTllllLHTED? Then call anJ seee me. MRS PATTON Curtis Publishing Ce.. 604 Sanaem at. GIRLS WANTED WHO HAVE HAD FACTORY EXPERIENCE APPLY VICTOR TALKINO MACHINE CO APPLICATION OFFICE 33 COOPER STREET CAMDEN NEW JERSEY I OIRI General roueewerk: itecd hemi; small f ,mllv li,24 llevartht Fumitferd i.lltl.h AND WnMEN We uie lidding a. n, w dcpirtment und enlarging several eth, is und auuln have weik for at least u. irure girls at .in.'e. nil light weik tn a rii'ib-in ui)-te-dale fiicteiy. because of ur . ,sv iirelinlty te th subwav and elevated. 'tJd t ttatluti ulsa 'l luring Iincaster ae Iir.rbv Hi.rutH IliilMmere ave und f-prlr.c Oarden st surface lines makes It easy I, ruth our I'l.int fr.'m all parts nf tt.e ci Apply factory efflve. H T I'ulilu Ce 3. 'il I Alch M i 1RI 1 te rick and Inspect andv u nb pesitlur. ter neat, cireful glr.s experlenrn tot llA.eHvrr (lean. p.eiiHtng work In aunlli r 'enis liuurH 7 1H A M tu 0 1.1 P M .--iturlny until neon aprons and towels fur r iched r-uenalIrt i.tartlng wage with ad . v incement epiKjrtimllv for piecework If en urn under 21 years of age the law mulrc-n Mm te hrli K tin nti- certificate . aed.v 43U V i"th st ' .. ltkuea nv i ity nail or tiiu uchoel Heard. i OIRI.H ii'IlerulATI COA I'KRB) WH ,...... .,, t,,,it,iU'.. n.vnc nt., i-ift,,.. WANT THE II 1(111 EUT TYPE OF OIRlJt WITH OR WITHOUT EXPERIENCE AND OVER HI YEARS OLD 1MR PERMANENT. Wr.l.l.-I'AID WORK IIEOINNKItH ARE PAID WHILE LEARNINll. I.l'NCHEONH M-:itED AT I'UST I'ltK'ES, EXTRA COM PENs.VTIuN lOK STEADY WORKERS WHITMAN'S 415 RACE ST UIUUJ W.mlet . number of young grrrs. ever 10 euis of age, fur clean factory work Apply Ilureiu of Employment, WANAMAKER S OIRI.S Mern 12. Il i .'i-.in light factor I. .iiler Ce . 315 N MOTHER UL1 ER--fupaiile nnd leflnel xeunu lady te rkr for 2 children. H uti'l ju, niitfiMjuiK m;iuui Kuv4 vuiury ait. - . ;. . i.' i. i ..i .. - iluaenvtuln. Tbe lfit'ukri, Atlantic City, M MV.it i WW m l i'fi im i m rt ! ' 4 m i MH ti. I vi ti,i I -M vmfv&u-f.ixs,,. ih. ii ,( 1A H fr IS.