TV,TiynH'' " W'r',,i'Ti '2"i!'T'y j-... '. ".f -ran ...... '. L'fa Mi BWa-PJBHfBraj A''. wiftL Bsi 1 it . y.i n 'x v - X 1 V .& f NEW YORK BOND TRANSACTIONS ' ,f. . msJ i .& :Sf n vtjt7&zrxrTriArAjj WAir.j, i ft ."- . . ... Leets " a a -4n. soeot A ataoase A olafsaVaeaaV " i i in m m kk iff iiii im w . . aa'ia- Ik I AhAVA " V. P N VU V ,.h Ulilltfl 111 til lllil 10S'S3 ct. nllll It- 111 Ul U I U., 102.70 Oct. , I . , - iQi.OH , '.' 101.10 I ' " I IUrm Since Date of Iisua LIBERTY BONDS AND VICTORY NOTES idard Oil of Indiana Yields en Realizing National Biscuit Easier -. Yerk. Oct. 23,The curb mar- fl?" ,"."! .. l.,w.i1er tnn lifter th LnR with trading fairly active In Sa Imperial Oil of Canadn moved ffp.lStf.Wte Standard 01 n In- W'i ... nnlnt en realizing. In- .l i Ttr.ilnnm wen sternly. Ohln mi irregular, moving nt a range of Clenal Hlseult. nfter early firm- """ ... . ni.illr. Mnrrle tnnviwl nn Mint, but likewi-e reacted en rcallz r Mammoth OH wan un . Va .. ni new cased off fractionally. Sun Dominican and Glen Aldcn were ihnde lower. iMiieiniAu HOO cms ceai BnOAc.ti. r-acklna; .... eVtlr.lletrrult .... ine hudd Hurts ..... P Ont Terrfa 8U. . Ba!eje .NIpp .... (Jill IJTllll ...,.-... 00 Celt Meters hi ii an JlO'n Rue... Toe DjI'IIt C 4 It.... jrODi ant Moter .... JO.) tu ant M of In1.. ion 01 n Ald.n Cell.. fO'Itm.i Wheal lOOIlulsen Man ...... Am U J-iec erei... Am Thread pref... nt W Sunnr nref.. KiiddmiI simer pf..l vmikfn Tractor .. nit S'lt ni'cult ion V V Trnri 100 tnt ir Rubtr JO l.chluh Valley .... en Mercer Meters .. .. 100 t rcer .Met v t 101 1O0.R0 100.114 lou.eo 101,78 101.40 loi.eo 100.80 101,80 101,02 100,(18 100,00 lulv July July July July July July July July July July July July May Apr. Dat IP, '92 IB. 32 28, '32 24, .22 2D, 22 14, 22 20, '22 23, '2J 24, '22 24, '22 Jit. '22 21, "22 BS, '22 27. "it 2(1, '22 10, -22 8, '22 Lew 80 00 80.14 83.00 83.H0 81.40 81.04 DO. 00 84.00 M.00 HMO 8S.SO 82.40 82.44 , 2 00 1)4.70 04. 08 DAIa tllh June 2, 21 103.02 July ll,''2l leS.TO May 10, '20 101.08 May in, '20 iei. ae May 20, '20 ,100 0 JJiajr xi, XV 1IP0.H4 juns 4, '20 May 21, '20 July 80, '20 May 20, '20 HC. 28. '20 fc. 20, '20 Mny 111, '20 .May 20 '20 101. Nil Mny 20. '20 101, S3 May 20, '20 101.(18 May 21, '20 100 00 rtatlce, '22 102.00 101.78 101,40 101, lU J06.K0 101. T.AW 04.84 04,82 1S. 70 07.80 0.1.B0 08.10 nti.oe en, en 0-..B0 04.08 OK 08 no. 74 114.72 0A.80 01.70 100 02 lit) U4 Liberty 8U, 10S2-47 Ijbrty 8H, reglatered ...t Liberty let cv 4a 1012-47 ji Liberty let rV 4 ,.. .i... i... Lllierty 2d 4i 102742 Liberty 2d 4 ret Liberty let 2d 4H" 1012-47 Liberty lit cv 4'4 1082-47 Liberty let cv 4 retr Liberty 2d cv 4Ua 1027-42 Liberty 2d cv 4Mn re Liberty ltd 4 1028 ., i.mrriv n t ui rea Llbiriy 4th 4Ue 1US3-38 ya rej, 1022-23 re Liberty 4th 4V, rec victory Uii Victory a Tilth , 101.04 00.20 'oi.'e'i 'l)9.'22 'ih'.ii 1)0.10 100.20 100.00 Lew 101.00 BO. 10 'os.'eo 'b6.20 'nft'2'0 0(1.10 100.20 100J10 i:no P.M. 101.04 00.20 'no.c'e 'oe.'j'a '(in.'2'rt 1)0.10 100.20 100 09 t . . . ... . ... . I ... .... I . . . . ... . . .. I . 4 70c 10J4 4 Bete r 37H 10 i.i 107 ft 100 EH a in V .1 Zlne 5 .V V Tel nref . . . . O nchard Vetor .. tOOFhlllp Merrl kmO nndle Cem JOO Radie nref ...... JOO Hee .nemr irucK. ?en c.hiiit Stores . . . llOOO Seuth C tt I 1IIU M H7 ..ItHUr l(K)Tech''lr'il Pred . . 5R Te,H Phln 1000 U ST. & H Zlli) 'n nei i.unujr . . 11)0 W ne Ceal wnY't Knd Chcm.. 190 winy iwrp Sim Pfnn u & t; co 1. aw i 70 70 i"l 2U, 2H 2V4 t 2 1701. 111J4 17V4 21 W I't 'eldnar. lOOTimken net xle., miner Moteri 100 St 1100 HTANDARD OILS 190 An Am Oil .... 401) Imp Oil Can ... 10 Intllann Flpe . . . 120 Ohie Oil 10 ITAlrle O & O . SOProlrle ripe ... MIS Venn fill ItlOOS 01 Ind te un .i x ..:... Oil N Y WI .. cuum Oil 'BO Oil Wl .... Hand Oil N J wl 39 Stand Oil Kan . 10 Stand Oil Ohie . aa sna S40 I.SDni'KMHINT OILS . 21 11 illt . 08 .331 .070 . 208 ,2 JO .1274 .870 . 4') 94 .088 . 42 . H .81)3 .840 flic 11 Mi 21V. 118 01 324 (170 204 2)0 12 1. 80. l?Ttt 03 327 U70 204 200 1 'i 80.1 4',4 080 41 ',4 44 .t BII.1 f40 tOO Am Tuel prcf .... IV, 100 Ark Nat Uaa .... 10 4eO lluat Uyem 1.V 40)Carlb Hjnil OH TO fit Sen Ice 1011 tOO Clt Serv li ctts . . 20H IOUOC tuning I'cte 4c OjO Lenny Oil 4c 1UU uiulty Pete pref .. 18ft tue federal Oil .K 70c 200 Ull Hand Oil 4 loOUlenreck Oil In 0J Uranuda Oil 2 0O0 Hudsen Oil 14e ItiO Int i'etrel UA 40OU Keya Hanger 38e Ouoeriat West Pet .. le. oteuuii un ra . ..H.II3W JuOilasnulla .;233 4IW Mummeih 4 J". 10 .Orilt. fill nrnf Tin tOuO Southwest le nv L.vinwkien Pet ... l'i 201, Lyens Pete 07c 100 .Marin 0 7eu Marland Mez 4 400 Mexico Oil IVi 10011 .MlJwut Oil 8.1c lien Muuntaln Pred ... 17V4 llUO .li-utual Ittf II JOO New Eng Puet . . 8J 1U0 N'ew Mt l.fintl . . a 40UONobIe Oil 20e him Omar Oil JA 100 Hyun Cens 0V4 JOUhjlt CneK Pred .. lliVi 700 S.,lin-irl "i! ,U00 blmms Pet .....'. llii iwioubeuthtrn f k H .. 20c 21U.I Seuthein Ht III! ... Jliu. suiiu lixitn O & L . . . . 800 Tunnan UOOWllcex Oil M1N1NO 100 rnl ei. IOOO lle.rhr Km ' . In 0(11 lilt? Xakj 111, IOOO Uosten & Mentana. 12c HO Uosten Ment Cene, . MSc i;u l'i unitt & Jirein. 12e ivu iinaua uepper ... 'c lbL Ciirmrm f'-nntm 1 JeijO ( anuelarlu Mln .... 43c .Oi Conn Cep Mln .... 6 ivti i-rci-scn oeu sK fe'J (J Ddlllli. I'unitrunu 1 11 iOOe U'rcKu Crejsiis . . . 28c 000 lertuna 10c 100 Hard "-hell no tee Hecla Mlnlna- 74 10U 111,1 -lop .Nev . . lA llOOHuue Sound .... a (eiiu Independent Lad.. 28e eyuu Smr r.j ljoe li,.- Jim j-5 iSH !' rk I'revlncu . . . Hie .v., en; .Alines efi Hie lue ii r, -".'."'" .i1" .." .a. ,C . u"t DVO till) .OJlJrieii Geld .... li. 9?l ljeutl, ir. ero . ..... lc lc leXX i "endurua ... 7 7 H ft ) Porcupine. Cbe 07c j.'.P.X -""'en Va ley 1 u lU a'.V'S!',!.'1.'" Wc 28? P.i?.(."" Uepiwr 84c 62c im "y mrcules .... l.; iw Jubp arhead ...... leS n5 uoe uc(.e Mln 47e 44 ."JJ'lone llulnient .. 1 "I SM ",'!" h, Mey ... 11? lit 180 " ta 78c 77u ,;"",, uelumne 60c 5ec B ' ,Wjn lle li? inX!,nlt vrde 27H ST (100 West l.nd C l j ijl WWWe.t L,?d Ext,'.V. 0? 11? BONUS KJ2A1 Os seu xy.e Al Pack 8b an ,jvuu Am P A. L 8a V"l,lO0aS.: teAD'lM.021 ., ISXS'fi" ib 7 ,u 10 .JOi, . U8lt . U8', . 02 .101 ...101 80 '4 ou HI) 80 ij 60 8U 10f? 10?, 08 1 llt, 08 'J Uh"tT 100 1U0'4 101 1U1 Sfinn "wu" tP u ...101H 101H 101. . "A .5B:.::.fe iS: ill:- U'4 !. ?. '. ftp. os .. uu nu li'ia. xxx"t st 8s iu, i::: i : Jen - " hx" " 2 .77102 iei 102 i.0oue,'??.':?w .iej.4 iwtt lejtd VoueTiVt" Wi' i?AL' WOO tlulf 1111 1-" v" i"- -u-t ffliwqq :::: i 104 104 00 III U loon .i.,;,.!. if. 7s, 84'4 84 'k H4'4 is. .no 110 un Jem. 1,"', """ 74 oeo ","" " .r..7 -P'i 084 OtWS w VTi -'" ""'OVs I10IH4 OenS X S i 2' '28... 107 107 91lt4 nn'4 n-'H gAN.vja;;.::: 8?w OOOUn A.f "'? I3 ''1.102 ry I'll it 11,,.. t, ...-' 000 v.ik:i-v"j " v iOOJVacuunreil 7n mis. 107 101IU inn'4 in. 10J1, 1U3 iniH 107 lin 118'. 1011 vi 102,, 107 100(4 1 11(1 '4 10.' , 10JU 108 101H t ra-ij"-'' lr "' "' R Ce 8 0U7i . 00J 00', IOOii a IU.N JTO.NRH vjjrjrssi-s?ff ssti neierve Banks' Wal radlac 1 Hescriu Ui "real red ,ceuni r u. ... . .. . pr... It. .7..'' --" inn I.liMVA 1 , CI. ten . L,n.7?ri tein4 K lilul. ""POIIS l,...l. 'Z7 w ".- -."" 151 nre as toiiewsr " Lib fem'l .. penas 4 4 4 4'4 414 4V4 - V go 15 W IS iW paper accent. 4 11 Bltre i 1', 4 i 44 Arcs Ttep'c Be 2 82 Arge llep'c 7 I.m. 101H 2,,.. 101S 1.... 101H Chinese Oeve't 11-K niy Be 1 B8T4 City Berne 8 .1.... 110H City of tlergen 8a rcta 2..., 100U Cltv Herd i ii 8 BOH City Copen hagen BHi 1 OIK 1 Dl City Lynns t; 3 80 V, 1 BOH 1 SO', City Rie J. nerle ct 8 i 00 Cty Rie jde Ja Ja nerle 8s 1 00 W 2 01) City Han pntile 2..,. 100 4.. I. 100 City Hols Hels nna 8 r 781 ''s! echo-Slovak Rep'e. 6 2 0374 Depf Seine 7 1 87 2 871 De Can Be HI B Oltti On Cen Be '1 2 entt 1 OOU 'i Can h IVi tBALES' LV ttOOO) UBE1UN DONDS 2. n. 27.. 4.. 2t. 10.. Dutcu n rets 'tis 1 4 Dutdi n Ind's rets Os '0 00 00 Vi OOU 00 H 00", 00 VI 00 w Ind's 47. 01K1 ein l. i.. 7.. 3.. 1.. 04H 04 H 04 044 04 rum'n Indus! Uev 7V4 1 021 1 02 4 e.m loe't French n 7Vi rcti 1 0.1 ie en 1 08 1 ev, 12 081 Oeve't Krench It-p'e Bs 17.... ion 1 00H 7.... 100 7 04 ftelland-Am n Ine fle 2 80 lap Oeven t 4 2 80'1 1 80 2 70S Jap Pevetn't 1st 44 8 1)3 Jap Oeern'i 2d 4Hi 10 02K B IU 8 024 3 074 K Tlelg'm 7He 8.... 101 1.... IO!'' 1.... 10J 1.... 1024 K Helglem 8s 1.... 101U 3.... 1014 MnRdem Den- lark Os 1 084 1 084 Kingdom Den mark ct 8 1.... 1004 14.... 1004 1.... 1004 1.... KIOV4 I.I.. 110 K Italy 04 t..v. 004 K of Neth'r lands 8s vl 1 04 .'..:. 04' 2 01'4 7(ssla) 044 044 2 Ota. Kingdom Ner way wl 6.... 100 no.... mew 8.... IOO4I Kingdom Ner way ct 8s 3.... 1.... S.... 1.... 2.... 8.... 1... 1004 112 112 112H 11 14 112 112 112 V Sweden 1 6.... 1084 11.... 1031.1 Parla-Lyeni M Itall'y Os 10 74 Prague 74 a 1 784 1 784 Queensland ls a.... 1014 Queenalaml 7 1.... 108T4 llepjbllc Holt Helt via 8 3 004 R Chile 8 "41 10.... 101V, 21.... 1084 8.... 104 U Chll 8s '40 1.... 103S 1.... 103H R Cuba 8 '14 1 004 Hep of Haiti As wl 10 004 RepV of Uru guay 8 2.... 108 state Ille I)u Sel 8' 0.... 100 fnlts'd Cei 1.... ltl 8.... 120 0 k art nnt I B4e'87 1.... 102 1.... 1024 1.... 1024 V .8. Ilraill 7 12 884 I..,.. 864 Un'd 8 Hratll 7V4 rets 1 88i li...- 88 3 87 IJ S Draill 8s 1.... 1014 7.... 101V. ft Hteam rt f"n Cep 8a wl 6 04 V, 2 044 DOMESTIC DONDS U S 4, 82 IS.... 100 Ot 8.. 10.. 40.. (10.. 85.. 1.. 100.08 100 08 100.10 10O.1.' 100 100.10 AJax Hub1' 10 004 Vmer'n Arl Chem 74 1.... 103S 3.... 101 2.... 104 1.... 1044 Vm Cot Oil Sa 2 89 'm'n Smelt A Ref'g Bs 1 044 1 04 U . 8u Re'r 8 1 70 tmerlcan Hug Ref'K da 8.... 102V4 11.... 102 4 8.... 102 5.... 102 m Tel tTcl Clt 4s 3 01 Tel T' is 1 084 0 UK D 08 Vnn Arber 4s 1 08 Armour 4 4s 3 01 r. 00 Atch T & S Fcfchlcoge Union AlJ 48 sta 44 s 2... . 004 ? ns V T & 8 Te 4r Chicago Union Chlcaiie g. i: 11 tils 6a '61 10 824 2 824 hi a e w 4s 4 81 1 814 Chicago Mil A 8t P 4s '2.1 1 834 3 84 Chicago Mil A StP cv 44 0 72 3 714 Chlcace Mil & StP fd 44 s 3 004 Chicago MP Bt P cv Bs 1 78 B 70 1 70 1 70 2 784 Chicago A Ntl Vn gin 0 814 Chi A North W'n 8a '87 2.... 10.1 2 10.1 Chicago null- nays Ofl 1 81 1 80 Chi neck I A Piic fd 4a 4 81 2 834 2 83 1 81 i m 1.. 884 80 88 4 2 8S4 All Coast I. clt 8 82 A C Line 4 4 10 88 2 8BH 11 . O cv 44 2 83 3 83 8 83 Halt fc O 3Vjs 6 01 3 0.1 10 084 1 08 Rait & Ohie 4s 1 83 I Ualt A Ohie .1, 1 H7U Palt A Ohie rt S...i 100 Dnlt A Ohie S W'n 34 1 02 Ramadan Oil Cerp D 8s Station Bs 1 100 Chi 1 W Mi 1 70 10 70 C ft W I 74 a 102 Chlle Cep'r Os 1. 1)8 N 014 0.14 01 08 08 V 0.14 064 03 01 0 7 1.... 4.... 1 0.... 3 ... 1 4 1).... Chlle Cep'r 7s 108 C N T 44aB7 1084 Clev Cln Chi St L vm 4s 1 804 CI'd Cln Chi A St L 44 s 1.... 10(14 1- "- 4.... 1084 Clev Cln Oil Rail TeleDhene Leuis n 2.... 108 1.... 1084 Duct Light Os 2.... 101 1.... 1034 2.... 103 1..:. 103 moire Oas A Fuel 74 1 04 rrle Qenl Lien 2 B2 1 62 8 824 18 61 2 82 18 63 FTrle nn Ce 4s 1 044 risk Rub'r Ce 8a ret .... 101 2.,.. 100 1.... 103 Clene'l Elec Bs 8.... 1024 2.... 1024 Ciene'l Klec Os 10.... 10.14 2.... 1084 12.... 10.14 0.... 1034 Georgia A Ala bama 6s 1 83 Ooedrlch D P 04s rets 1.... 101 0.... 101 1.... 101 1 . . . . 101 4 Goodear Tire A Ilub'r '31 3..... 004 If 00 8 004 1 004 Goodyear Tire A Rub'r '41 2.... 110 Granby C MI'g B A P 8a 1 034 Gr'd Trunk of Can 8 rets 4.... 103 Ksale) 102 Gr'd Trunk et Canada 7a 1.... 112 Gray A Dals Ine 7a 8 00 Creat Nerth'n Rall'y 64 s 1.... 102 4.... 1014 Creat Nerth'n Ran'y 7s 2.... Ill 1114 1114 HI 111 111 111 111 1 M Marine Os 8 01 8 014 1 014 3 01 1 014 Int'l Pap ti 6s 1 804 2 884 a 884 1 88 8 884 Invincible Oil Cerp'n 8a 8.... 100 1.... 1004 . B.... 100 Iowa Cent'l 4s 1 414 Kan C Ft 8 Meemp 4a 1 80 Kan C A 8 3s 1 no 1 084 Kan C A S ,1s 1 01 1 02 1 02 K C T Rly J. B 82 J 824 B 824 Kinney O R A Ce 74s 1 00 Lacka'a Steel Ss of '23 1.... 00 Laclede Obs C of St L 8 2 024 Lake Shere M S'n 4a '31 3 024 2.. . 1)24 Lehigh Val 4s 0 824 L Val en 4 4s B 014 Lehigh Val Cs 1.... 104 1.... 1044 Leng; Il'd n fd 1 80 La A Ark .'a 8 024 Loulv'e Cln A Lex 44a .1 08 Le A Nash I. 2 004 0 004 Le A Nash 7" 8.. 1. 108 La A N W 6a 3.,.. Manetl 7'ii 3..., 1.... Market Rly lat 8 2 2 2 1 Marland 704 Sugar 074 004 Street 00 00 .004 a00 004 en war'd 8s 0.... 114 1.... 118 Meg Petr'm i 1.... 108 Mldvale Stel A Ord'e 6 2 804 a 804 Mln A St I. 4, 2 41 M StP A S 8te Marie 04 1.... 103 1.... 108 M Kan A Tex 8s wl 0 844 1 84 M Kan A Tex adj Bs wl B. n v 4.. 2.. 1.. IB.. 1.. 33.. V V 02 01 01 01 02 01 1. 8.., n 10.'.'! 2... i... M Kan A Tex Os wl 6 00 V.e Pacific 4s 1 04 1 04 1 01 1 OS 1 04 48 01 Me Tac Bs '66 1 00 Me Pacific Us 1.... 1004 2.... 1004 8.... 10O4 8(sale) 1004 3.... 100 8.... 1004 8.... 1004 IS.... 1004 Ment's. Pwr 8s B 08 National Tubs Cemp'y Ba 4.... 1004 New Kng'd Tsl Compy 'As 2 00 8 08 2 08 1 08 New Or Tex A Mexico 0 10.,.. 1004 N T Cent'l 4s 1 00 10 00 N Y Ctl en 4s 1 834 N Y Cl'l 44 s ... 88 Cent'l Bs ... 07 ... 07 ... 07 ... 074 ... 07 ... 074 Cent'l Os 1.... 1004 8.... 1004 1.... 1004 1.... 1004 1.... 100 V T Chi A Bt Leuis 4s 1 02 N T Chi A 8t Leuis d 4a 4 884 2 00 N Y Connect' Rds4 4s 1 01 N Yerk Edisen 04a rets 1.... 1004 N Yk Light II A I'wr 8a 0 08 1 004 New Y N H A H 84s 'B4 3 BO New Y N 11 A Hart'd Os 2 80 New Yk 8usq A W'n gm Sa 3 014 V Y Tele 44 s 1 00 1 en 1 004 News for Investors ( nt Pa 7s 1.... 1084 R Steel fit Is 1 07 Deth Steel 6s of '80 4 0.1 Relh fatee' U 3.... 100 1.... 100 Ilrad'n Cep M Cemp'y 0 1 00'. BUn Edl D 7 8 .. 1084 II 1UP T ri 1. 1 02 Ukn Itap T 1 C 3.. 1.... 100 1.... 101 8.... 100 Clevel'd Unloe lerl 64a . 1.... 104 VI 1.... 104 1.... 1044 Cel Indus' 1 8 2 80 1 80 II 80 Columbia (I A U 1st at'd 1. ... 084 Cem Power ' 1 00 1 O04 04,Cetnn-a- Tab in Rscer'c Oa HI 35 03 11 Rap T ct 7h 1 00 3 004 1 00 1 00 Canad'n Nthn 114 a rcta 10.... Ul Cana'n Fac 4s : 80 2 80 4 71) 1 80 1 70 l(sale) 70 Ctl Leather 6s 2 IK) 2 1)04 1 UU ', 1, .:. 09 Central Pacific 1st 6s 2.,.,., 87 Cere de I'as'e Cep'r 8s IB . . 121 2 . . 12.1 Ocs A O 4,s 2.1 .... 88 (J A O cv 44 0... . 08 C'e A O CV Ss 3 .... 07 8 00 10.. .. 01 1.. .. IHI'4 1 00 Chicago O A g cm 4s 1 88 CM u a g a 1...4 100 . f . f ,f 1)4 1... . 08 03 4ICen'd Ceal C The avernnrc price of the twenty nctlve industrials declined 0.0(1 per cent en Suturdey te 101.0.". while the twenty rnilreads advanced 0.17 per cent te 03.45. Leans te railroads by the Federal Government in the first Hcventcen dnys of October mmeiinted te $0.17,000, malt ing; the total for the fiscal jcur te date $2,035,725. Dillen, Read & Ce. are efferlni S2.-05-1,000 City of Ottawa, Ontu OVi per cent sciial gold.bendH, dateti July 1, 1022. due-serially July 1, .1023-52 nt prices te yield from 5 per cent te C.20 per cent, nccerding te maturity. Stockholders of the Pennsylvania Ceal and Coke Corporation, nt n spccinl meeting caned ler ucceniDer 21, will ete en 11 preposition te increase the authorized capital stock from $7,500, 000, consisting of 150.000 sharex, par value $50. te $12,000,000. Latt week's geld imports into Eng land were 000,822, or close te the ilWl.SU et the last week of Septem ber, which was the lnrgest since the Transvaal fctrike. Of these Imports. 083.708 came from Seuth Africa. Celd experts of the week were 1,371, 054, of which 1,000,324 was consigned te the United States and 270,575 te India. In the first seventeen days of Octo ber Treasury purchases of Government obligations for sinking fund accounts totaled $34,817,300. te compare with $12,520,550 for the whole month of September. Sinking fund purchases for the current fiscal ear, te October 17, totaled SS7.2S1,(i00. compared with $124.0S5,000 for the corresponding pe riod last year. Texas Gulf Sulphur Company re ports net earnings for the third minrtcr $1,075,408, against $871,773 in the second quarter. Earnings for the first nine months of 1022 totaled $2,752, 3"0 and mere than cover the $4 annual dividend en 035,000 shares of stock. Total surplus, including reserve for de pletion, en September 30, waa $0,450, 070. Federal Reserve Banks hnve been authorized by Secretary Mellen te re deem in cash, beginning today, and be bo be fere December 15, Treasury certificates of indebtedness of beries T. D. 1022, dated December 15, 1021. and series T. D. 21022. dated June 1. 1022, and both maturing December 15 next. Re demption willl at par and accrued In terest te date of redemption. Illy th, Witter & Ce. and II. M. Bvl lesby & Ce. have purchased $5,000,000 Western States Gas and Electric Com Cem pany of California fifteen -j ear geld 0 per cent notes, aeries "A," due Octo ber 1, 1037. which will be offered seen. The issue is te provide funds for ex tensions te the property and the re demption of $2,008,000 ten-year 0 per cent geld notes and $1,100,000 five-year QVi per cpnt (ellateral trust notes. The List Committee of the Phila delphia Stock Exchange rules that there will be no deliveries of odd lnt , un, 1 Otte Eisenlohr & Bres, common stock nn. until 1 tie certincntes are renilv for ,1... Hudsen A Man I livery by the Commercial Trust Cem- , A K. !... Il', n,i.. ...., 4- 1 I.,,.,,,, iu.r, ..i ww,, mm 4UUHU neces sary because of the recent unusually active trading In the shares. The sup ply of certificates has been largely ubed up and a week or ten days will be re quired te print ethers. Beth in quantity and value, locemo- of Md BS 1 01 2 01 7 01 2 014 rewn Cerk Real Cs 1 054 2 00 Cuba C's But a ata'd 20 DO Cuba It nd Sb 88 4 Del A II cv 6s 2.. .. 004 2 i4 Del A II 64 s 1.... 1014 n A n O f 100,. 18.. 1.. 1.. 10.. 26.. a.. 16. 10.. 8.. 8.. 82 81 61 62 61 62 82 V, 62 62 62 4 62 6.'4 -n A It II !.... 77 1 774 Det Kill Os '33 1. .. 0S Oet Edl Ce OS I.... 10.14 Det U It l'i" 18 88 :... . 834 D d Nemnui Pwdr 7Hs 2..,. lOSli 6.. 6.. 0.. 1.. 1.. 2.. Hudsen A Man adj Ba 7 10 1.... 10.... 18.... 1.... 01 01 014 01 VI 01 014 01 01 ffew Yerk Tsl a of '41 1.... 10,14 6.... 108 1.... 103a. Nlu Fall P r. n.... 1004 Nfk A W'n 4s 1 80 U Norfolk A W'n tv Os SO. 10..., 20.... 7.... SO.... 10.... 10.... 10.... 64,. 122 122 122 122V. 122 121 122 122 1224 04 04 01 04 044 N A Edl'n Ce Os rets 1 1 8 North Went'n DI1 Tel 7s 2.... 1074 t.... 1074 1.... 1074 2(sal)1074 2.... 107 N Ohie Trac A Light Os 1 04 2 04 N Paclfle 11 3i 1 n24 N Pacific n la 2 87 2 87 2 87 N Pae R 6a wl 10 1184 . 1 084 N Pacific R n 2.... 108 1.... 108 7.... 1084 18.... 1084 Nth 8 Pwr 6s 2 024 1... . 02 Ont Trans 6s 1 03 Oregon 9 1. I- 1 02 1 02 Ore-W R R 4 Navl Ce 4s 10 81 1 81 1 81 Oils Steel 7 4s rets 1 054 Otis steel Hs 1.... 10OVI Pacific Gas & Elec 6s 1 024 Pac Pwr 5s'30 8 04 Ptclflc Tel A Tel td Sa 1 024 B 024 7 1)2 Penna n R n 4.... 100 Penna It 04 s 1.... 110 1.... 110 1.... 110 0.... 110 6.... 110 Penna n R 7" 1.... 108 Peoria A E In 1 38 PhllaVa Cem ,pany fd 0 8.... 1004 1.... 1004 Phllada Hall ways 4s 8 80 Producers A Refiners As 1.... 1034 Pub 8erv Cerp N Jersey 5s 1 87 Pun la Altattr Sue Ce 7a 2.... 10C4 Readlnc Ce 4s 1 B4i 7 83 nem Arms fle t 00 Republic Iren A Steel Oa 1 84 0 044 B....I B3 Rie Orand A W elt 4s 1 4H Rutland Rail read ct Bs 2 .-104 8 804 1 80 St L I'n Ml A 8 Rly Be 8 06 ML I Mt A H R A Q dlv in 2 804 80 stl, A 8 Fran aj 1 80 1 70 st L A P F In 07 07 07 07. 074 674 Fran 7 8 2 10 4 11 tt. A 8 'erles A 4a 2 72 10 72 1 72 1 72 Jtl, A B Fran Serles D Os 1 87 St Le S We'll 1st 4s 10 78 1 784 St P'l A K C Short L 44 1 83 San Antonie 4 A P Rly 4a 4 7B 2 764 S Air L fd 4a 2 44 Seab'd A I. fle 1. 10.. 1.. 8.. 10.. 8.. 1.. 07 08 084 08 08 07 07 Sharen Steel Heep Bs 2.... 100 Sinclair C Oil Cerp 7s rets 0.... 101 Sinclair C Oil Cerp'n 74s 1.... 102 Sinclair Crude O 1' Ce 84 a 2 08 Tidewater Oil Ce ct 04s 7.... 102 4.... 103 2.... 1034 B 103 8.... 103 Trl City RIv A Llcht Cs ' 1.... 100 1.... 1O0 I'nlnn Hag A Paper Oa 1 00 1 d!i 1 1)94 3 Bell Tell 8 !....'. 004 S'n Pac fd 4s 2 884 2 88. Seuth Perte II Sugar 7s 3.... 1014 Bn naltway 4s B 604 2 004 Sn Railway Ba 1 08 8 Itall'y AH B.... 108 3.... 102 1,... 102 1.... 103 it" 102 17... 103 Stand'd Oil of Calif 7s 1.... 105 4.... 105 Third A a 6a 7 01 8 014 Union Pae 4a 8 004 3 00 Union l cv 4a 1 08 2 03 Union P fd 4a a 80 Unt'd Drue B 1.... 112 20.... Ill 1.... 113 U 8 Ileft Ma chinery Ba 1.... 104 U 8 Realty A lmpv't Bs 10 00 t' 8 Hub'r B 6 80 1 804 B 80 1 804 t 80 1 804 United States Steel Bs 1.... 102 2.... 1024 2.... 102 10.... 1024 1.... 102 Va-C Ch ct 7a 1.. 1.. 5!'. 00 07 07 00 00 004 1 004 Vn-C Chem cv 74s war'd 1 00 1 00 6 004 2 00 1 00 Va Rwy Cu Bs 2 08 Va Ry A P Be 4.... 874 Warner Sugar Itef'c 8a 1.... 1034 1.... 1034 VVes'n Elei Sa 2.... 100 Weet'n Md 4s 2 05 W Pae 1st 8s 1 63 1 82 1.... 824 1 82 W Ta Pwr Os 1.... 103 W Union 0s 0,... 109 Westlnghs'a E A Mfg 7s 1.... 107 2.... 1074 Wlckw'e Spnc Steel 7s 2 00 W-B A E'n 1st 1 684 Wilsen Cem pany cv Os B 074 Wilsen com pany let na 1.... 1014 fd Bs 2 64 12 844 2 81 3 83yt Humble Oil A Ref'c 64 a 2 0S4 0 08 Ills Ceil 4s '6J 6 83 Ilia cen 4a 'S3 1 814 4 81 1 81 Indl'a bteel Sa 4.... 101 1. .. 101 1.... 101 Intorbero Met ct 4a ata'U 1 40. 6.. 20,. HO.. 23 . . v.. Interbore Rap Trail fd 6a 13 l'i 4 i.v; 1.1 13 13 n 4 . 2.. 111! 1.. 3 . 3 78 76 78 78 78 74 7 Interboie Rap I'rnn fd ct 3 . .. 74 2 .. 74 L(aale) 74 4 3 714 Interbore Hap Iran Os wl .... 7H I... 7D II .. . 711 tl .. . 07 Interbore Hup Tran 7a wl 26 07 4... 1004 CHAIRMAN ADAMS DEFENDS WORK OF G. 0. P. CONGRESS Cites Harding Letter te Mendell In Reply te "De-Nothing" Charge Washington, Oct. 23. President Harding's letter le Representative Mendell, commending the work of the Sixty-seventh Congress, is com plete refutation of the Democratic charge of "I de-nothingness," Jehn T. Adams, chairman of the Republican National Committee, asserted yesterday The President's summary of tiie achievements of the lat session, Mr. Adams said, "has htruck a responsive chord throughout the Country" because the voters never have been Impressed by the uccusatiens of the Democrats. "Ne Congress in our history," as serted Mr. Adams, "has had such a record of substantial, constructive legislation, be natlennl in character, se free from sectional or class domination. Ne Congress has been be flagrantly misrepresented. One cannot avoid the suspicion that this misrepresentation has been for the purpose of brlnsfn? 4l. ii.,i..i..a i..M..Au -m i. a'a mt- t,irun..- eiaiiui 01 me uovern uevern mcijt into disrepute. This la consistent with the school of thought which wbh much in evidence during the Demo cratic Administration. That school of thought prefers 'one-man' govern gevern ment." MISSING CHICAGO GIRLS FOUND IN NEW JERSEY Twe Jein Brethers at Dever After Dispute With Mether t'lilrage, Oct. 23. (Ry A. P.) Catherine and Pauline Wilsen, who dls appeared last Friday from a church meeting, were located late last nicht with their brothers et Dever, N. J., ac cording te information from there te police heads. , The glrW had 11 dispute with their mother and decided te Jein their brothers. The mn the police sought the experts in August were lnrcrnKr fi-lnnd ni the hmtim.. i.. -.iD.e?n of any month this year with the single here te accompany the girls back ""r""" " ...........j, uiiuuiiKii tney were below a year aee. Antrnur uiii,.. tnents totaled fiftv-thrce engines, val ued at $1,528,478, te compare with slxty-si engines, milled at $2,334, 737. In August, 1021. Shipments in eluded twentv-slx engines valued nt ?'r72.7ft te Canada ; nine engines nl ued ut $40.1.000 te Argentina and eight een engines valued at $550,700 te Brazil. LONDON STOCK MARKET Oil Greup Dull Gilt-Edged List Firmer Industrials Cheerful Ixmdeii. Oct. 23.Altheugh the un dertime of the stock exehange market was steady today, there was a feeling of reserte because of the jielitieal sltua sltua tlen. The oil group was dull, and pi lees drooped. Royal Dutch was .18 1. Shell Truiisiw.t and Trading 4 5-1(1 and Mexican Eagle 2, IIoiiie rails were irregulnr, Ixs-aupe of adjustment-. Dellar descriptions were maintained around previous levels. Changes in Argentine rails were frac tional and mixed. The Kilt-edged list 1 alterations were narrow were weaker, in svmiiniliv Industrials were cheerful in spots. Hud Hud eon's Bay was 7. Kaffirs were checkered nnd neglected. Rubbers rallied with the crude article. BIBLE 400 YEARS OLD PRESENTED TO LIBRARY Bosten Librarian Places Its Present I Value at $100,000 Bosten, Oct. 23. In a large cellec- tlen of books recently presented te the Cambridge Municipal Library by a we. man whose identity is kept secret, has 'been discovered an edition of the Bible nenrlv 100 years old, nnd new valued at iuu,iw. x. iiarrisen cummings, librarian, has just learned the value of the edition." The volume, it is said, is one of four extant in the world and enme from the hand press of Peter Quentels in Cologne in 1527. Other copies nre in the British Museum, Londen; the Reynl Library, Stuttgart, and the National Library l'aris. Automeblllat Is Robbed While Harry Wane, twenty-nne years old, was driving te his home at 27110 North Hembcrger street about 3 o'clock jesterdnv merninir. mintlm- . was (Inner, but jammed his machine against the curb v. French leans iit Eighteenth street nnd Lehigh nve thy with Paris, line. Three men Jumped out of the inner Hiiioiiieniio ami reubcil Wndp of $35 and his wntch. Hb reported the held-up te the police of the Hunting Park station, New latum f.M $5,000,000 The Jacob Dold Packing Company First (Closed) Mortgage 20-Year 6 Sinking Fund Geld Bends Dated November 1, 1922 Due November 1, 1942 Interest payable May 1 and November 1 at The Farmer' Lean and Trutt Company, New Yerk City and eenpena may bt prt4 for collection at the office of the Cltltens Trutt Company, Buffalo, New Yerk. Bends In coupon form In denominations of l, 000, J500 and $100, with provltien fef registration of principal. Coupon bends of $500 and $100 exehanfeable for $1,000 bendi. Coupon nfuny ret istered bendc of $1,000 Interchangeable. Callable as a whole en thirty days notice at 105 and Interett te and Including October 31, 1932, the redemption price decreasing Hof for each 12 months thereafter te October 31, 1940 Inclusive; callable at 100J4 and Interett thereafter prier te maturity. Callable In patt for the Sinking Fund only until October 31, 1932 at 102H and Interett, from November 1,1932 up te November 1, 1937 at 102 and Interett and thereafter at redemption price. Interett payable without deduction for NermalFederal Income Tax up te . The company will refund, en timely application, the State taxet In Pennsylvania and Mary land te the extent of the present rate of 4 Mills. Te be autherised and presently issued $5,000,000. The company agrees te maJxa application for the.llstlng of that bends en th New Yerk Stock Exehange TH FAJtUKRS' LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, NEW YORK, TRUSTBS We summarize aa fellows from a letter te us by Mr. Jacob C. Dold, President of tl9 Cempany: BUSINESS: The Jacob Dold Packing Company conducts a business of meat packing in all of its various features and the manufacture of its by-products into many commodities. The company was established ever fifty years age and from a small beginning has steadily increased te it3 present output of approximately 1,250,000 head of live stock. Total sale3 of the company have increased from 197,000,000 pounds, representing $21,000,000 in 1912, te 311,000,000 pounds, representing $50,000,000 in 192 J. The business for the current fiscal year, based en actual results for nine months is at the rate of 325,400,000 pounds per annum. The expert business of the company te Great Britain, the Continent, and Central America is substantial. SECURITY: These Bends will be secured by a first closed mortgage en all the plants and ether property of Jacob Dold Packing Company and will be the company's only bended debt. In addition they will be secured by deposit of ever 99 of the common stocks of its subsidiaries, whose properties are without bended debt. The company's consolidated balance sheet as of October 29, 1921, shows total assets after giving effect te the proceeds cf this issue, less deferred charges and all reserves, of $14,912,863. The fixed assets including real estate, buildings and equipment and refrigerator cars, en which these Bends will bea direct first mortgage lien, have been recently appraised by independent engineers at sound values in excess of $6,900,000 Net current assets as shown by the company's last annual financial statement (October 29, 1921) after giving effect te the proceeds of this issue are stated at $5,932,340. EARNINGS : Annual net earnings applicable te interest, depreciation and taxes for the fiscal years 1915 te 1921 inclusive, the first two years as audited byE. W. Heeke and Ce., the last five as audited by Messrs. Ernst & Ernst are as follews: 1915 1916 19.7 1918 $811,435 1,146,057 1,140,144 1,559,018 1919 1920 1921 $1,158,071 944,529 437,721 Less Interest requirements en this issue of $5,000,000 bends are $300,000 per annum. Average net earn ings for the years as shown above were $903,105,'or ever 3 times such interest requirements. Depre ciation charged out of earning", for the same period averaged $250,000 per annum. The con pany estimates, based upon the results for the past eleven months, that for the present fiscal year (end ing October 31, 1922) the net earnings applicable te interest and depreciation will be approxi mately $650,000. SINKING FUND: The mortgage will provide for annual sinking fund payments en November 1st in each year from November 1, 1925 te November 1, 1941 inclusive, sufficient in amount te retire $150,000 face amount of bends annually during the first eight years and $200,000 face amount of bends annually thereafter, either by purchase in the open market up te the then existing sinking fund call price, or by call at that price. DIVIDEND RECORD: The company has paid cash dividends en its preferred stock continuously for the past 16 years. W$ offer these bends when, as and if issued and received by us, subject te the approval of legality by counsel Price 100 and accrued interest, te yield 6 Otis & Ce. Tucker, Antheny & Ce. Central Trust Company OF ILLINOIS Breeke, Stokes & Ce. Y tnftasaaskm mmIm4 It Ah) 4wt.maM Has (want! by at km aai bt efttalata frssn seartssj ktllrvte t te aererat $2,554,000 City of Ottawa. Ontario Dated July 1, 1922 (Capital City of the Dominion of Canada) 5'2 Serial Geld Bends Due Serially July 1, 1923-1952 Principal and interest payable in United States geld at the National Bank of Commerce in New Yerk; also payable in Canada. Coupon bends in denominations of $500 and $1,000, registerable as te principal. Subject te Legal opinion of E. G. Leng, K. C, of Terente. FINANCIAL STATEMENT Total funded debt including local improvement funded debt and present issue . . $22,387,814.23 LiiDe: waterworks tunded debt Electric Light funded debt .....a,..,. Lecal improvement funded debt ......... Total Sinking Fund including local improvement , $4,946,080.49 LESS: Waterworks Sinking Fund . . $534,004.07 Electric Light Sinking Fund . . 231,508.95 Lecal Imprevement4Sinking Fund 1,441,674.80 2,207,187.82 Net funded debt T '. $3,744,658.17 980,000.00 5,744,369.53 2,738,892.67 13,207,920.37 $9,179,893.86 Ottawa with a population in excess of 1 10,000 is the seat of Government of the Dominion of Canada and is situated en the Ottawa River, which is the dividing line between the Provinces ei umarie ana yueeec. it is served by nine lines of railway as well as water transport, and the sixth city in size in the Dominion. 13 We otter the above bends for delivery when, as and it issued, subject te approval of legal matters by counsel. Prices te yield from 5 te 5.20 according te maturity. Dillen, Read & Ce. nu ) ' ll . i: i i ,i I :tf i J v j , i uj i vi i 1 Ul i, X , fill 1 HOvt' V ft-M&a etu iO&hi&tLfiSESii