Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 21, 1922, Night Extra, Page 13, Image 13

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j, "'iyw-tfi m
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'.i'' V5., ii' 'Al ,, '" ' 4-4 - " '
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BEFORE THE CURTAIN GOES UP stars of the stage coming here next we ek
Queer and Quaint Assortment of Leading Characters in Plays
Here reiir upemngs menaay, tnciuaing waiter
Hampden at the Walnut Other Netvs
!miIF. leading characters of four of (he most IntrcMlng dramntlc performances
T .- -uu- here, next week form a tHMnicly outserted quartet, A great com-
. highwayman, en Empreits of ence-lmpcrlal Huwda'nnd n small town drug
?f..t, ',nini)ee this miflltit company that gees te prove thnt a dramatist can
invade nil walks of life In creating bis opus.
IncluCmaiiy( nneilllT luruintui unujv 111111(4-1 luur uni-mugs lu mc nij "11
Monday- Walter Hampden opens n two-week Shakespearean repertoire at the
Walnut' Harry Leen Wilsen's classic of callow youth, "Merten of the Movies,"
rlslts the Gnrrleu; "Jiiossem lime, tne operetta nancu en tne lite et i-rnnz
irhnfaert and ttsltiff his famous melodies, drops into the Lyric, and Frances
C" . r l Tf1,., Ir. 'ITIm ITnf.,1 Mr,,,.." rAnu tl,. Clt,,,h
White anu a'r -"- -.... .., !'; ,,,..4,1.... ,
The rentlimlnc shown include "The Czarina" at the Bread. "The Beggar
w" at the Metropolitan Opera Heuse, "Sally" at the Ferrest and "The Demi
Yr . .. - .1.- u.l.1,1
vlrs'n nl w,e ""'"" ,
0 TAKE the quaint assortment 0
esaraelfr In the order named, the
wncement 0 "lilotsem Times"
mpemfnt has a pleannt sound,
lere it the Ufc of Fran: Schubert,
r, rafaer, a temantia inter uae 0; ,
-irfrt into a play and sprinkled with
?mt of hi" fn. beautiful melodic.
It it romantic opera of the poed old
Yrhnnl nml te make it seem all the
Kh.00'',""?un, William hanferth and
Ktrtinm Peacock, te10 at members of
the ftoeietu of American Ftmgers. np-
grand i tne "" ""
clastic, are here reunited, the e
tlauna Union Van Schreber, a ft
ttlnvina Union ran ecniuun. .. '''
' haiiJ odd hit lival in love, and the
litter Schubert himtelf,
mJin highwayman Is none ether than
1 the famous MacIIcath, the domt demt
n.tJnr "' ln ,hat ,l,08t .f"A,nBt,n.?
fcvh c 1 starts " " "' " -,-,f .
is a safe prediction te say hat l'hlla
Eelnhla will get nothing like til for
fcahs venrs te come. UKC me rciruin
traVeld. nUldrln.dngHengi.l.kea
Kf ,t or "Tale of Twe C.ties"T like
1 Bllmnsc into a musty and dusty court
eeerd from veneroeie .ewBm r
Kid Ha lev; like nil thesi. testimonials
Kf . rollleklnc and rnysterlng. ugn but
,wned KsletnlTs and Fagiin, Hsraeipi s
nd Jerry Crunch-rs. "The Iteggar's
Pnern" comes as pieunnnuy i
vpr H did- It it all poppycock te sny
Lt tin. audience of today cannot
jiukrstaiid this gay musical enmeuy
becsuse 01 pemicni or "av. i"'-"";
Werdi ami phrescs nnd snatches of
one may nnve eniy u mum ''"'.'
v "n ,. . ... ., ,u, nor IllIH
ring, imi iui 1 uk u'.n ,
.u iiininr iitiii 111111111.11.1 . -..-
Eniedy" sterv of the remnntic hiRli
Minan be had a wife in every
taern nnil town of Merrle l.nglnud.
slid llnallv mine te grief br cause of
khrm, is as modern in reiumi
P'sillv" or "Ceed Morning Dearie"
IT Here at Inst ve hear the "LulU
U. - A .!.(& nasal rintlAII
bulicre, tamed 01 niuiurj mm um .
es well as fnir'iui.nts et n dozen ether
old sons" that hare been obliterated by
the nanslnc of time. In a company that
U. if.-,r...ir line, even te the least im-
feertant character, .leseph Fnrringten.
lis Captain MiicHcath himclf slunUHeut
Ins tin1 most finisheil artist. apnuin
bHritene. ennuiiniuiiiig iigurc. iu-iiki 1
ful rnmedian, he H.aKes of Mat-Heath.
bw iii'iim-iit 11 gallant, pestuiuig m;ri).
flit, next a ceiiNiieucek's, graceless
camp. ,
S.j inueh for the second of the tour
Shows That Are Coming
te Philadelphia Soen
Ortuher HO "Nice PeepK" with
Franclne Iarrlmere, Ureail.
November "Judy nnd the Iiunen,
with the AstAlrcs, Qnrrlrk.
"naffy mil." with Frank Tinney,
"The OeMnsh." with Mnrjerla
Ttambeau, Walnut.
KNTION as made last week or
the dignities of famous people from
the past. Merten 0111 is merely a new
kind of Hunker Bean.
Yeung Ctlcnn Hunter, who, In sup
porting roles, has proved that he U
wtll oble te shoulder heavy responsl respensl
bllitles, nnd who, probably best of
nil the American Mage, typifies the new
yputh and the young generation, it
playing the role of Merten. n melded
into 11 Mage character by Mr. Wllhen
niid by Mare Connelly und (ieerge
A DDKD te this merry company of
" adventurous or romantically in
clined SOIlls. n-n U'lll linvn n.vt t.'nnl
r- Walter Hampden imrtraylng, all1
uy mraftpu, bjx gentlemen who, in six
different ploys, carry prcttv nearly all
the weight of the story 011 their shoul sheul
(lers. live of tbce characters, the
I lififie of Cnwder. the merchant, Shy
lock the jihllofephlc Danish Prince, the
formidable Meer nnd the wlfe-tnming
gentleman, nre Shakespearian crea
tions. The f-ixth, the Christlike Mr...
feri, of "The Servant in the Heuse."
was created by Charles Bann Kcniiedv.
'V .!l"y.rn,,c' ,,,(vre will be something
at the Walnut every night and im two
matinees thnt will help upheld the dig
nity of the stage.
"DIossem Time's" Baritone.
Bertram Peacock, who Impcmmntes
Franz Sfhubert in the musical niece.
I "Blessem Time," which comes te the
Lyric Theatre next week, hns had a
vnncd career. He hns the distinction
of being one of two graduates of the
Penbedy Institute In Baltimore during
the last eighteen yearn who has been
given n diploma. After studying abroad
Mr. Peacock became n member of the
Knglish Opera Company. During the
lite of this organization lie ap
peared In all of the leading baritone
roles and et the same lime wi nan
the sole baritone at the Cathedral of
St. Jehn the Divine. When the Messis. !
Minbert were in control of the Hippe-'
1111N11L-, .,.- ion,, up was engaged Ter
their production of (Sllbert and Sulli
van's "Pintafere." During the la'-t two
years -Mr. Pcuceck has nppeared in all
the baritone roles of the Gilbert and
Sullivan operas at the Puik Theatre iu
New Yerk.
Uerls Keane's skillfully limned
t'inrinn." ilrri was n character net
ftalt ss easy te stoge ns the leve-smit-
en but mutlc-lnsplred hcnuuert, or iu
raptltlng rogue, MacIIcath. le
build a play nnmnd an r.mpress 01
11 the ltussias. a frail woman wne
ruled the detinles of inllllenp, but loll
1 victim te the llrst handsome ng
ire or peir of roving ee, was a
auk fraught wl'-h hardships.
I'lns revolving about personalities
re nlmnst always dllllcult ; nere ineic
xn t'ie added hendlcp.p of a trnns'.a-
inu from a foreign lunuuage. uhn hul-
l'e v.is tnki'ii succefiilly by Kdwntd
uililen The nlav s mal
Meet i- -i a.-KinK second net. Where- Hp'had wiittcn miiiip fnren i,.fn. H.,..
hs the aven-re performances winke.t f:m.e then be (rented characters Ilk'
'liiu 1-. rillM-l n iinn, lit-, ,'... '. . lHIL'Kie or Iteil tn . wh, irf,H Mm
ri-inn.u ui ji-. until Mun-, ,.. i i im linen roil
atlre or
When Three Combine
When Harry Leen Wilsen, fleerge 8.
Kaufman and Marc Connelly cembine
nn they have In the making of the piny,
"Merten of the Movies." which comes
te the Oarrlck next week, surely home heme
Milug unusual rare may be expected.
Harry Leen Wilsen sprang into promi
nence II tmmlier of Plirs nm ivliilr, Im
. t... T' 1 .11 . . . . :--" .-- "
1 i.j i-u im. eoiineornteii with lloeili Taikingten ii
In structural n play called "The Man from Heme.'
ui Its tlmil bieiie. Il.ei at-ther once told some one, "out of u
le neither se trenchaut ln Its conviction that even nn Knglish vulet
ns absorbing In ita action j must be found human If enlv one can
during the ecunil act as ln the ether
e. Just what the reason is it would
be hard te ri.y. Probably because the
ncipleut rctolutieii. Hugged in the nick
f time bv the cannv chancel or. the
treachery of the Cossack lever of the
Czarina and bis tinnl overthrew till
(tuack tee strongly of the deadly "myth
leal klncdem remanre," which Geerge
Rrr MiCutcheen wrote.
The tlnal net, however, sweeps the
I'Xlilere him" nml "Af" Pn,lni
New he has created Merten dill, the
small-town general store clerk who
prays that he may be made a geed movie
actor. Kaufman and Connelly are ths
authors- of these comedy "successes
"Dulcy" and "Te the Ladies."
Walter Catlett's Career
Walter Oatlett. who imnersmmt....
V;::RfMvrM caprice ,,
MBHraB 'aHHH 't'IVil
khlt'MmBaSW mKB &.&" f' .aaal . fa'BBBaH
lflaiilfe, WBwmvz v'v--iH
aiHaEHnsnBBRBHeHflaaaaBBBaanl -:ViiiktbiHHiiiiiiiV'' '$iiiiHhfviiH
'Walter Hvimpdcs.t. , WHLK mV'-JBBSB I
".macbeth' Walnut 'BBBt-ff c . mmKm
gAt.LV'' FORREST TH6ggl A " 'SUKF '?. W Wk
ii i hi iHnnmH irrii ' .- :.t v..)-y-' ibb
i r? " mJHBBi tA'UHJr-'' . . .Aiap;L, swfaL :,v' .' i
h" tfJi k&'HHB iL ' r w-fflyvmiMi 'mu
CMFTKIIIT C-r Ar-n . ,v... MKKlJ isAi? .'- -.J.B??jftS T
feni-if... in,,.. ..iAIW' t!ii'w laliTSni
A PPABRXTLY there were these
among the regular patrons of the
Philadelphia Orchestra who, when
they saw the "William Tell" overture
en this week's programs, arose In min
gled grief and anger and called loudly
upon the brother of the Immortal Wil
liam. It Is net generally known that
William Tell had a brother, but Irvln
Cobb toys that he had, nnd that his
name was Watt.
At any rate, Mr. fltokewskl, in the
little speech which preceded yesterday s
concert, said that he had received n
number of lettters of pretest agulnst
the inclusion of the overture en the
program of a regular symphony con
cert. But an our talented conductor
remarked, it Is trim thnt "this music
sparkles like ehnmpngne I mean like
Ice waler," the addition probably being
in deference te a certain amendment te
the document upon which the liberties
et our people are said te rest.
But it would be Interesting te knew
from what particular class of music
levern Mr. Mtokewskl received these
pretests. Why en earth should even
the most hidebound chwdciat object te
a niece of music which hns already
celebrated Its nlnety-thlrd birthday, an
age which very little music attains,
with Its popularity still unabated?
T IS all tee rarely that nny one has
Geerge Arliss at Stanley Next Week Many Stars Ceminft
Here for Debut of "Prisoner of Zenda" at
Aldine Other Netvs of Films
ADUAMATIC star and veteran of a bundled gieal roles, n lively remanea'
that was once a mper-best seller, and a plcturlratlen of a play by an
American dramntlst, long -dend, who gave us many fine things, nr the three
interesting fentures of the film program here next week. ,
(Jeorge Arlls, who has achieved the nearly Impossible nnd has become
almost ns pepulnr en the screen ns en the stage, will appear at the Htnnlcy In
"The Man Who Played Ced." Thnt "daddy" of all mythical kingdom romance,
"The Prisoner of Zenda," starts nn extended run at the Aldine. One of Clyde
Fitch's most popular ploys will be exhibited in photoplay form when "The Cow
boy nnd the l.ady" Is shown for the week at the Kuilten.
Arliss llrst gave us bi famous
"Devil" impersonation of supreme
cjiilrlsm and ell; fei general Ian ion ien ion
sumptien, It was net especially popu
lar. IIu felltnnsl thnt with u master
ful film pel fermalin, of Mh famous
historical jieieiiage, Lord llencenslield,
Dlimiell. This went better except with
that cIehs of film followers who nislt
en disliking costume pictures
The third Arllsb feuturc ii iiuleid
n far jump. In "The Billing Pus-Ien"
we found this ciafty and accomplished
. .. ,. veteran In the light i
Anten linn temed.v role of u
AV10 Rete With milllc4inlie who Is
Each Film "fed up" en llnnnce
and becomes an
amateur garage keeper.
New, in "The Man Who l'lajed
(.oil, ' we shall find him tn still a
fourth type et part, a noted u.UHirliiu
In a modem setting, who, among nthfi
things, is something of a due leei
himself i
"The Man Who Pin yd Ged"' ii
from u .sheit Kery by Ijeuutiu'M Mel
lis, and was played en the st'ie liv
Otis Hklnner tinilir the title of "The
Silent Voice" (or something like it).
Jules IVItert Geedman being (he dra
matist It eeui crtiN a fiuiieiii musi
cian, lendeied sudden!) stone ikat, :iul
a victim of black deputr und v ti i.-Wm
Only when he llmN another iu worse
limits thun Milfoil and st.ut ue-
u lint: lit? life te elhii- duci his bit
ter self ictuin.
In the cast xiippmtlng Mr Atliss are
Ktlie Shannen, Mugc t,iuiilc. who did
se notably in ".Mama s Affair with
Cepiile Tallinn
Photoplays te Be Seen
en Lecal Screens Soen
Oiiniir SO- "Te Have nnd te tlelfl,"
with Ilert I-ytell, Htuiilj
Hllvr Wings," with
"irr, Stanten
t'li-ler Twe Kings," with
ilia JVnn, iCarlten
i.eve Is nn Awful Thing, '
(iveli Moere, Arcadia
'i the High Seat." with
Melt J'nlsce
Bennl,. i Dorethy tiish's husband), the
11170, and Menn Klngsley, lMuard the
Pell and Geerge Peilelat have small
TN TIIK latogery of "regular he. men"
A en the silvered sheet. Bussell
Simpsen must detlnlteh be placed. The
fans icmember hix tine work in "Snow
Mind" and "Godless Men ' and next
week he will It,, seen n n feature
caned '.Shadows of Conscience" st
Tay's. This i- another slery of the
Northwest with Hlmpseri in .1 con
genial nde. Barbara Teiinant, who bad
the Hrinll role of the "slavey' In "The
Miis-iuerader.-' j een in Simpsen's
Ite,'ent will
the Capltei,
CIi.'iiIeh Itaj,
ml. Ilelment
h'ni Simpsen, who mnth tieet.
may he lemeinbercd Im til- ueiidetfull.v
polished prrtei manic as the trencher
nits servant with AiMs- in "The Green
Goddess"; Anp Ferrest who only i
millj made a miin'.cr of f.alures tot
the l!ritish-l.ask ieinpiin. IMwiird
JIatle, who was in-li ttuic.l with Actie
Ayies in the tit ll-.-hlful (I. Ilenr seilp.s
whltli Itturuph niie (i, and tl.u
gurel Seddon. 1 iipul.ir seiem "iiinihei."
TIIKlti: ale really two feature con
nected with the AldineV next week
feature. I Mie of them, the name et an
old favorite unaaiii'i , has been men
tioned. Tlie ether teiieernv the an
nouncement that iu the ueigliLoiheod
of twentj Mm star will appear in
person at the theatie Mendiij and Tuci
dnj , as well if making speeches and
,'ippeaiiiuiis in eihei thealrch. Inolliei
words, Pliiludelphln will be host te a
whole lieclt of men and women she
generally -ees nn!j in shadow tot in.
I'urther detiilis'nie mentioned in an
other place, but the list id celebrities
u nun' n.icsiw announced te include
Bifter Kenten. Anita Stewart. Kitty
Guiden, het daug'itet. Vera Beiesfenl,
.1. Bnrne Slurrj. .lean A ker (lutel.i
Mrs. Uodelph V-neiiiiiiei, .Maltha
Mausli,.ld, .leliuin lliucs, 1 1 ,- Unint' Unint'
ten, Zena Keel-, I leiuldiiia. I'.. K. Lin
celn. I'e.h M.nun, Icmis Giutiuii
Ilutih' Iliitcliiiisen, .AIar.v
lMwln Caicuc and maiiv
the Victeuti will be ".Sure-Kire
with Im star. Jelmnv Hines.
have "Henrt s Haven ;"
"Tlie Barnstormer" with
and the Locust, Imper-
Ambassador and Hixty-
Bleed and Snnd."
Twe Old Compositions, "William
Tell" and "New World Sym
phony" Make Interesting Concert
Waltrr Dumreiicl). rnn'tuctiir of h Nw
i.irlt Hjmrheny rirch'Ktrn. v.'hrt will dimrt
the llrst rcniKrt In th" Anmlmnr of Jlmi'c
.' ., .'"iifiii. c.'iuiut. ini.ii j'liu vi)! ..... . . . ......,
!:l nnJ Alheii SisMlii,r ! i.,ilnl-f ill ' UIIIIOIO ler a f-ymphetij cemetl. Of
"L"'1'' J '"l"'"! will hlnirclf uIhu nurHr com se. something depends 1111011 the
pVar'K'Tn" m,wnv".Ts "'.,iB, :;:'; "ll,71 TlprH-"f ,h-"' "''""' :';;'
11sv.1l ilr Xnlimiui" l'lii. n.ui.t Hiuii' W0ri, onietlonal continuity is .0 lie observed
eVinT, r: u .: "vi'n:..,i,",n" . .ii " """" 1M."" ,"1"1" wi. -m
i-..r..-.L v. .:... ij"-., ,1 i.'i.j.qiu
the onnertunltv of hearing this
really fine composition performed ns It
should be given and as it was plajcd
yesteiday afternoon. It must net be
forgotten that the "William Tell"
overture wus a piece of radicalism In
Its day; that is, radical for the
Italian eperntlc school, and that In the
I very Introduction, the nevIt and orig erig
I'lnallty of the work as compared with
the overtures of the ltnlun and French
composers of the day, makes Itself
Of course, the work was played from
the eilglnal scoring, with the necessary
change that the sole part In the slew
movement was performed en tlie i:ng
llsh horn Instead of the telioreou it he
tenor bnesoeii). for which Besslnl
wrote It. But the tcuoreim has been
obsolete for muny years and the Kng
lish born probably possesses 11 liner
tone nny way.
Thi't Introduction Is veined for five
sole celli nnd two sole lentra-bas-i.
It Is lmK)sshle te hear the overteil'
performed with this instrumentation
outside of the great m-mpheuy or
chestras and perhaps the orchestras of
the Metropolitan or Chicago Gpeia
Companies. And it gees without say
ing te eny one who has heard "William
Tell" playtil by an Indifferent or
chestra (its who hns net?) that it is
nn advantage te bear this,. H, jmitn
performed by theruughlj capable
players, 11.1 was the case yesterday.
rpili: overture requires geed plaers
-L all thieugh. The string ports are bj
no means ens v. cspeclallj ta the inei
at which Mr. .Stokewi-ki took the
"storm scene" and tl.e linale, and the
weed wind sole parts in the se-called
"Alpine scene" demand pl.tM-rs with
excellent lone nnd geed eecutien Hete
again, If the overture is te be heard te
geed advantage, It must be performed
net only by u large eicln-stru but b 11
geed one.
T, 1.. . ......
11 in nei ui-Kueii unit riic " iiiiatti
Tell overture ranks for a mewi.t with
some of the masterpiece, in that line. I
I hose for example of Wagner, Bcethetcn
Mozart, or even these of Weber or I
Geldllinrk. but there can In. no .mum,.,-1
of doubt that it hits a strong held upon I Charles '
the people, that It has lived with 1111- ' AndiiMin,
uMiiiiiiKiii-u i..ijuiai 11.1 inr iieniij a cen
tury anil ler tlie.se leasens .ilone there' "The Prisoner of Zenda" is one efi pretests regaidlng the Inclusion of the
can be no possible valid objcitieti te ! these laie lilms which comhine nenrlv overtuio te "William Tell" i tlm .,..
its inclusion In 11 symphonic pregiam. all the umillties of tnmiiuuiiti. It Is cram, but declared that this miislr f
only a wonder that se long lime lias as sparkling as champagne or im
elapsed since its hrt screeuiiii: with w.'ter."
I Hackett In the (uih dass of fentures , Then the rondticter has rearrnnced
line must be drawn between tl... . I l,ls """' " ,1!ls tnllen into splendid . h 'estlng el the orchestra, at least aa
ailed "light" music nml thnt a,i,. 'iireeinrini nanus, :111a Hum nil accounts recntd- the weed wind The firsts of
VA ills...... ..- l 1"U eppill lUJUU
1-tCT tet r, m ep.-ntjp wert.'
nur 11, ,. i, mirnr
iir'i. , 'Wi m ,.,(
(iinilii, j 1. innwr r We-lil)
.Mi IV
lt.ll.sli I
IT MI'ST be a question constantly be
fore a conductor as ie where the
'l'he Philadelphiti Orchestra eavr 1
ar!e,l piegram at its concert In the
iadem estenlay afternoon, the com-)-sItiens
i.'inging from Vivaldi nnd
i.ullj down te the "New World" Syrn Syrn
tihenj written in this country bv
Dvorak, and the conceit lnd some fea
ti.ii net en the program.
Before the concert began. Mi Sto Ste Sto
kewski mnde one of his chaiacterl'ille
mldlrsv, te the Prldm nililieiice IU
spoke this tinif. net for the fiederns.
as has been the case Indele, but for
tie pn-P,aih composers, asking tlie
Milience te eutir into the spirit of the
weiks. wh'.ch wete thoreuulilv lepro lepre
scntalhc of their time, and "therefete
te he lecetved with this in mind. He
also said thnt he had rcrehecl sein-
i) clae2.35.eK
8tars and Near Stars te Attend
Opening of "Prisoner of Zenda'
Sole Quartet of Calvary Church In
Fine Concert
The sole tiartet of Calvary Meth
odist Episcopal Church and the organist
and choral director, Ellis Clark Ham-
ijHeuns-n Miintifi Th l'.1!" ..f tS. ,.,rU
nre liitiodiietl.,n .4. ,Wil mircli of th.
lien, llMHS Ulill lilllliK M i. e. t..r,l.
elnh.ini U1nKHrt.11 aatiAiluni. n,iu..
1 l.i'ii: ei.rj, r,i,L,i ir, ,,. A.i.. ...
t.nllioue, i,liiiilHt, ru!la, ttW swim. nnl.
lyucnanaki nnil HualilitiK win ha
111" Ml
' I en
t lithe
el. 'ill
1. 1 rill
liennl in tin. lluch Cencrrtn fur two lullrn
n.l Ih.s ajmpheny ill t llrnhtn-' Hnijiiien)-
US, '.hll2.'lf'll,h Orchmtia ceucertii r.Mt
... 1 .""""'"un iw naiurj (.tenia
t, at
"( '" .tmuipr. roeiBi, it soloist .Mr.
Klii.llcr will clay th Hebrew HhApaerly for
e jlln jail erchft,ra b I.'rneet Uleth. .ntltll
"soliclemo or Helemon " sehdbrt VtTd
s-rhiiumrm occupy ihs llrit ul..-. ,,., ,i, ..,.
iii.iii. si.nueHri win re.rMf nt 1 t,y the
... ., ....... uii.i.ure Jlia M lllfri.n,.
lighter numbeis cannot In
regular mesrnms
Thi'ie Is in. diminution , r ss of m i
slcal illgnitj b, suih piecedue. Then
has been much light mn-ie w tit ten
which will pass muster en am i-cipt
the very heaviest sjmpheiiie piegram
and especially Is this the , ,,s,. ujt,
these compositions which for eais have
maintained their pepulurlti.'
The ''Wllllum Tell" overture is em
pbatleally among these, and, as a mat
ter of fact, it would doubtless, be in
eluded among the ten most popular
works eu'i' composed. Of course, it han
become hacknejed through Indlsirlmi-
hauds, t0e
apted b
s well at
As ituilnlpli ISassMidiiel. : eil-hoailed
Ellgli'h eutleui'iit. v. Im hecemis em
broiled in ,i i un-plr'.t aitainst the Knit,'
nf Itutilaiu.i in'nii't fet out tout mm,
no won't tin. I it i I i . I,,.nl, St., i,e
mid rlie -aiiie i. ter. i.l ...in-e .l,is tin.
lole of tin afoie-ineii,iiiio, King, tee
-i ii" and Ku.leiph ac erdlng te tin
iten. weic as alike a-, two peu-.
Alice Ti rr. will be een ,i the
beaut itul I'niicesN l'liivln with whom
Uudelph, tcasipieiuilij; as the King,
r, . ., , falls head e or heels
Gwif ' in let... ,r the
in "Zenda" pan of Itupert of
Picture ' Heiitruu. one of
the most ingaging
and at the same time the most evil vil-
iims enen -ire new arrHtiged in a row.
I '.at I-, the tirst llute. tirst oboe, firat
el.uitiet Mini llrst bassoon sittim: beside
e.l.'li oilier in that order, with the see-
Mills s) i ii. them nml i he thirds and
ime instruments nf th s gtiiitp still
fuith'M' biiel exiept the Cnlish horn
'id th1 pi. M.lii, uhiih Imve t e seni,,
of hniiei iii the ii i mi the se -Moe
Tin dlffelelli'e teliul effect .as
!lel percepiltil, le lhe aitdieiii- The
English hoi n is neier heard nnywav.
(except in soles, where the elchestfatldn
i is e.speciall adaptrd In the company
! te allow it te be dearly distinguished,
and the tones of the piccolo cannot lie
drowned out under any circumstance,,.
i However, there Is tlie merit of annesr-
anee in the ntw itriaiigemetit,
(.! T.Tini nt'T nm.'et'nn bttari .no ...... v.. v it,,. ( iiu int. Hrn,.n,i.a I .n-.. iuhut. vj,,,iiurMjt.iM.i.i,i. n..,..
.1. !- n - k.. .:, ...... ..i, ' "nic-HeartPil OH..1' fi, ,.ii." 'Ibis city will be visited by nreml- munn, gave one of the most lnteretltiff Ih" .siromi.Hjmpheiir. a ornMeui.it 'iinhr.1 "r.e. l BV especinm D,
!sm and enters the realms of iu.".. and IeimchmI ilie-itrlenl agent m T " "Tr"!0, r'IK "!.,V '"Tn tV '""'"1',f "',- en in With- y'"KUiZ 'l-lrr' . ,0 , of iti rivUmie sv" , "!
lelleleus sntlie. Vn l..nt.ei- lne ,),e nt the roriest. was horn in S P,,. I?"'1 Uiesdaj. They vlll appear .here In , e, spoon Hall last even nsr. The mem. " Ur stmv insicv. nim ih im, i 5 ; ""i.,01 xu r".v'!lm's ".Ing n
Wlen concern itelf with th- .Wall. '!.. where he appeared as a child ill ! TWL. .. : J!! i..1"'"0.,. f .,Tl,,!b" of tll. 'I'mrtet nre Ablile Keeley, ,0'r"nlef "KlX?"?"" '"rtf. '."., "."!
-f hew the niaek Guards are te mutiny. ' eia Central Theatre stock ram- t ,, . ' 'he , ,, ' .'iii i '. . Prane:. Susanna wercum, contralto uii..! of ch. pre.ran, - rpiIE overture b-Iengs t., t
he palace attendants te withdraw and rany and later toured up and down i ,, , i ,'.., i ,? .,r, w I ,.,v pi T le"or' uml llet l -,.. 1 cretin of ot.eratie work,
h rerntn I!,,., .l,ei ..in, .t the Pneille fVnwi-' ,,.. c,..,.i '",, " tetlils cil In .War us l.ew . I he stars Cennell. basso. flr.' of tr, ,n e.iii.a .i,,i," .,. I p et operetio works w
,ir' t " -. ,.":" v- ... '.'."'., u-n ,,i,ne'tr :."". '." wi" le me: ,y a Uccept.eti Committee The organization is un.lnnhte.llv .. I 'n ' .' ...."'."... i,,'JlsilPi.it m.i.trft i i . ' I'"?l uwny as epirai mm
I I"; ' ' " :r. ..V"B ..""""?. ': i;: A;.i.r' V ... .'"i""1' HlPcl '"land mmcllately escorted te the of the best that the cltv ,,.u " mu'.i' ,Tl,."r.',.rJ,.lW ... ' A'tny I "? the evetture ieii,al,,N. I
.. i.i i n"L' I '. X... L": fc.::"w"iT',f.T ,,n-v Majers ..IIIi-k in .the City Hull. There enlv in the individual' tnie V I P:rn.. . fi IV thereVuT;, Tr?. Pit '"""" ' I" the fart that
.nT ' ii s. em,. n iii-iicirni-,, -- .v.. ...... jui.u unmuvuu, uiinnes , ( hey will be forma y piesented te the ensemble which thev mv.. ,,....i i0"-' ,vl" b '. """ j only evrture ..f Ut, nl which
ftl ?? ? T f,'r ll .hl'-'-nnd de. 1 uggles and ethers since elevated te I Majer Muete, the address of intreluc- a ill h" inmvin&rtuZ,?? . "wn se long after the ,emse,
lite, te find him in the saiterially star, lern. Moreseo made him the fea- I lle.i being made by City Solicitor IftvW ' beh K hip .h"0.,k2'fnV' wh" h"' nnmte, f I The opera Itself 1- , lend and
feet I reneh ambassador. I.evechap- tared comedian with Charlette (Jreen- fnnth After belnc welcomed hi- it., . 1 1 i,;.i., ac'em.nIlKim1,,nt and en- n r u re-mfui aWM.urnn.v, .um tt isa . i main se in snite of fi i:.,t,i
s followed after one another nipuilj ecsH X': ?eil .' e f ' "' '' ''- '1 tm ''
J the life of Catheilue. They form at the Shaftesbury, be was m-inelt.ar the city In automobiles The ll ,., , ! .d.T.i, , -1 i1"i ...H I" , T.1 r.n.'.' .".' m'.j.!?...Wh, N...mUis ? tZI i f lteslnl there i.ew ,,,
a? Dei! nil in? nnd ..ml of n'l'l.r. rmmu nn fne .. I,.Ii,ae.. x... ,' .,..". l. ...ill 1... 1 . i. . ,,. ... '.' "",.b, ,, ,,, irniueil will ' n - enilliint norfei mil!, .f ,1,.. ..... "
i.....-', " " -, ---. .." '...( iiiiiiiuiH in waiii ni.iii ii "in ." iiieiiiMi uic v ny nil i te alie or n Iier. Air (!. ,,...... ili..'. i I, ili,n in i-.. ...:. ,'.''".
il Ulil.
and 111
lust. )i.dtiten Imf: the irtintitne., nf .,1a...
Inins of notion, then; will be seen a , Ing due. tl te the audienie Instead of
new "nnd of Ingiam . fermeily called i thieugh the mass of cello tone as in the
iinmen rtaiiiaiueKiies. em new iwiewn nieMeus seatiiii:.
The I.ulh Mimbris, wbh h ate familiar
1 te the at.dlenee, nclueved tlielr usual
mild sit. cess and tic ivaldl. a
uiiu rau ui a uc iijiiii'iiiiui mi- ciLiiieeii mnriinu in "H.,i,. marcii win no nreunci tiu I'tn- ii.,n , ,.,i i. tr. ... ,i,
. .. .. . "' ...,.. ... .... .... , ... iiii.iiimi iiuiiii.i-i. ...r. ii. r,...t' Lttir. '
i Hunting, anil anneareil n 'iirUi, Hie.k . te t hcsttiut. te Fifth, in Mndsi m .....a.. .. ml.... r ..,.' ."" ii'. -i
rrebably the fact that the actual be- 'pantomimes l peit his return he was 'and out te Jlreatl, rounding the Cltv I There Awn'" the im, i... .i. ' i".'. i i. .. . . . 'V. .'".'.' ?' .."!'''' .'.""' ir
tlnnliis of a new amour in the life of , engaged for his present role in "Sallj." Hal ugaln und going down Itread sheet Dr. W. W. (Jilchtbt of this cltt I r "'" 'i-i'n.Hii i, rh
"is sirnne monarch, anil the co eritv i no is tinner long contract te r. ..,-. ' ' i'iiriue-.-uiiiiiirii wniei in in.. miHs iieremn mi',, "'i',. m,.. ... ''?". .s. ni..-in -u,,,
leu. ar.. wne Wl I later !.. i.l... i.. innMiiuiiri-iK mr cue pi iters ,(,,. ei nt.ii.a, ri.... .-... .i .....;.. ".. ... i..i 1'nni'ii reu ui
n new comedy. I.aiei thej will appear at the Aldle "i emi ," ui SUnZ,v-V MCY,v-,'r,r'K''i
J lieatre. Iielli altetnneii mi. I ... ...,t.... c .. , ...,, . ., : "' i K.iri s i,i i.n.i m.. i ... ',".." rn
llli which her oneus affairs mini, fn
n end, were niote inteiestlmr than the
Gnre or less tenlld details nf the af-
" rs tneinseltes, lesulted in the actual
miicufiient of ratherine ami Cerny It
llK I'rnrinn Ki-inr ,xf fn 1n... i..
3 -rest tlmn the way il began and the
m it ended.
Catherine II of Itussla, commonly
Slid "The Ureal." iu .. I,i,n.,t.. I.
westliiK personage ns depleted by the
,.UinInrin.'! 'iFnniatistN. by Mr. .Shelden
art by Miss Kenne. The play itself Is
"it ponderous, and makes no pietense
'' psielin'egleal depth or careful nil-
"nee te nubia's political histerv.
eici. it in probable that the euh
Mtnti the regal side of Catherine was
T.',' "t,n", Wlls mu!l,,5 ' " full for her
rietly feminine and wholly liicoiislst liiceiislst
llt nbase. 'Dm u.1,,.1.. ii .. iin-i...
f. i .. -.... ,...i,u j.inu ill alie
LTtarliii" Ih it, ii,iu ., 1.. ..!..
n.,l,l r , " "" I'l'nuiiiii riner
Kl?.L i T,B ,x,,.'n M utterly ridiculous
E'lt1" f01'1."' a mun who satlbtled her
'pricleus whims.
pUE fourth personage In that mixed
quartette makes bis bow te us In
Merten of the Movies." As In the ease
Film .. ,nnr' Sehtihcrt. of "Ulossem
Willi i wc "1UH, ut Present writing,
. him en trust. He is .Morten (1111,
Vinu lie heulnu 1,1., ,
Ills,, I ,"" "'n i.e.iiivilli.es in r III
"nwiler'H ceneral stnie. .fiee ii,..i i,
oiIevk He,)1P(t (jrerlcy's nilvice bv go
IB West ,,a ll, ,..ll ........ ' ". .
a. . , " iiiiiiiij reieis) oil Ills
"''Inipesed tank of upllftim: and re.
'""lying the movies.
'Chi M, -,.,.... ..,. ,
eletii. ' ..tenon cuii in far
Ilw. nt0 "'if 0," ti"", "1 "r own
in...! I" i ,e llir,,ft Plctllresqun pi.,
Mi W Jl,Rt nwn"n : but, in his own
ner'.n4 . a J ; iiiiiiwnur ami nil-
..Mt.ui, vunruviers wne npe
U nll.n In -". .1? ..',"." ..'" '
1 t W H"K 111 Il, Mill !,.. ,.."'
. 1 1
nir.ii imi 0f
nj ii...n 'li,e elh.i Is lin.,V. iliUlbtless t
JlijHiire. imiii iiIIim iinuu ami etenlng. S.,ng of Jey" and Mr. ( 'ennell aj pen. mI ' i,,;,r.1 rN kV ,',Zl M"M u"-' ':""'l'ai r !
"Up the Ladder" , Stock S W ft C.rl! lUr WK 'rntr f ' J t 1
"Cp the Ladder" ,e Owen Davis Keati.n dctn Acker for,,,V Mrs The "seinble" was' id '" n n :'!" hWM" ? I
comedy drama, which scored such .. H-jdelph ulenti no ; Martha Mat.slleld. ' splendid .enditien of I.i,. . . una ,, I tTi". iiT 'Vti" ,M 'h '? inniu'TS
hit with Peiih Kenvon ns the star .ehnny Hlnes Hepe Ilampte,., U,,m "I IVrsian (iatde..." ii .,, " c 0 .- I e V.' ,,'n' " - ,".,.Al,'";.',"l.n i iV""" ' r ,-" ''
when It was llrst pre. uce.l in this city. Kf", n, Hnrnlillim. 11. K. I.iw,, bly one of the best com posit! il I, ev ' ' ' MwiXl,''', 0 "?hu ' Vi'ri!
will be the offering by Mae Desmond 1 'el y .M-niiii. IVmik CSuIiihu. Alice im, ,. te show both se 1. a. 1 iMiseinbl "u""'" " ' "' W"""!"'
and her payers for the second week of Malse.i, ( lu.iles llutthlnsen, Will Mer- slnelug. The members c,f tie mn rt.f I
stock piodiiellens nt the Desmond The- r ssej . Mmi Wliltmoie Mis. Mat shall ' distinguished themselves in I t L , i ,''"'J '" ' "'" "".! - ... , ,,,J
atre next week. Miss Desmond plajs Xelhm. I.r.Uliy Itichards. ,.,ty .essential ilepaitments of v work l'V, uu- Cx-tmV; r,r"" i-
I he re e of the young wife, and .lie will . n.'.w.ii.. .ladys ('base, Landers Ha... Mr. Hi.uimaun anncaied it m of h.J " SSl.. ,, i . ,in V L 'l" ' ,'5
neve in s.i, pert ei rrnnlc Klelcler. De derps uoiei ny .Mncuain, Ulniie Adele all tee few performances in ,, ,, , .V.11 ''.V1'1' ''?"' fiu, Bi .a, I II 1
l'enest Dawle.v. Louise Simf.ip,. Sun,. ' Corden. Cuthei'liie Crnni v.. m... ,..i... ii'..i .1. ,...'"." ..r10 ' "Titenir' k.)mi (,, AT.1'."' I
;: ernice, r-lll,V KVn- well. Helene "Smiles" I,.,V" K,,,, nm'nplu" and 'Miwskl' .iehe": " '"" ' T"e vitiit ' ,
I neil 15 ui Um (.eerge Calluh.iu, Clement Carewe. Mary Andersen, Estclle Car- walsser" with beautiful lone an lfeJ '
rkelt Imr es S,uIrer) mduuil Still jh. . tell'. Nlim Na .11, Dorethy Dalten. interpretation. There was e gee .! ,1 . "",': l"V" W'' s.irr II,, ,
f.nl.,, - v""'v """ """ ';" "'",' i"""""ft men muuie hcneu- . nppreci auto ei tne exce out perferiu- "' uwu.-s.. .i . i u .-einr..s.,l Uf i.n im .
t'altl0' lule can be arranged. ance which was given. "i.ni.- j,.Mn...i. ii ijj'j;''""' hun..- Tl "' I
iJi-ririn.l Auitm iillli " '"1 .
will tl'
8 letnnl
s sea-i.tl.
nl I'l..
Harber of Setllle," which .- apparent
ie no given lei n long time t.. , enie,
anil the merelncieus St.ibar Matei "
lie iiiirurr is a iinit t eiu ener-i.
ie best of tl,,. Ituliiiii ,.,,M ,
cpetns. and will i In!', nee mn eti..ia ,,f
i.t pi. ever wtttti n
ns Iinmen Nnwirre Itluft, growling old
Colonel Sapt 1" In the competent hands
of Hubert lMes.m. Edward Cimuellv
hat .'urge ' Plaj" Marshall Sttaiheii7. and Mal-
hint. i...... oelm Iclirc'er is the l'rit ten Tarl-
mm nate ,.,.,, ..... . ,. .... l,.. ,i ,
nf i. I, I.. .. .'Old nil. Jt.,111 l l,,.l,ir" ,r. lid- ldllllll
"1 ,,111111 ,.,!.. I. T,! I.. I', . I .!..... , ,
,,. ,. , iii.i. ii ..iMiiaei mi. i i.uium-ii j.u.tiair
ui it i-i. .... ... .. , ,. .l..
if ,t ,i...l Is .Miioiueue ue liauean
. . - , ii.-
adds its
Weber has Ii -mI u-aih :! -.mie ex
perience. His epci i ,u . demi and ..nit
rile fine oterteiis remaiii The ,n,.
pelitan ttied te revue Mbernn' two
seasons age. but did i,.u st,,.,,i ,
iilillismg sutllcletit iti'irest Ii. I.,; en ii ,,u
ler ii seceiul sessi.ti Eten Waun.r
seems destined toward tin .,,,. k(.
I'dii with leguid te the eirll, r epcins
W. never hesr "llie'vi ... ' Tb,. 'h .'
Ing Diilchmnn." hut their ...cttmes a,e
leustanlly with us. as thei ili-en.. i
rV COl'nsh an orchestia idn.Miig en
the ''home L-retinds ' h.i nn ,i.
We anneunie tith ixlieme idoasuie
t thnt they luite kept tin- original ending
of the stert . Twe m i-i,. ns were mnde,
but lu the in sent uis. at ant i.ite,
Antheny Hee's wisttult beautiful ion-
I elusion will be s,.nn
I It might be Mteitsliuj; ,,, i,.,,. tlut
"The Prisoner's" seipul "Iiiki- l
lli'iitnii." 's belli i in .i with ('.en ,iv
'I'eail. Elaine I Ititmuet -tt-ln. Hum
W "'id Engine (i linen. We dun t
llew. but we'te ttill.ic '" bet t.ult the
eiiitiual ending of thnt s , i,,, ,i,tj,
et lliidiilph will Mil I.
W i 'jd.
Anntage ever
Wsltlnir ei, li. 1 1 .i in
1 wfc-wi sall ii. - ,r i n i .
(I i tetAv ". 1 v V v -4. dHRte. IflHHilHIHVHMBv
llfntj fl ii n. tnm
the .Mclifsj. nf Mul '
Iul ll.irr i.l.rl.t
tHi.llli.il li. Il.t ef th. tecil i1"mVViV, !
finrle t'liltiriiij
Iul 11.171- (.i.rl.t will git
hi the Altitun- if Mu-lu Keir en
sli rtrnlni: ,ii.nl,r .'
H.r. Slrli i
nil Wfs1li.i-.lnv
Wlthnnpuen 1U1.
irniiu will Kh ,
Willi.. .VoienUr
S ut
Bijou ....
Orslirum... 1
y3terK ...
Th (llail.4 n.nrnl Si.il.ty, 8t0I1M .,,.,
iininii cnniliKtur i. ill icium, rlifiiiii. ,
TuiSilct enltu ,.f .hi. ureh i:c.,,c"?t, W,U
I slt.n ilurlnr ni.lu Inter nnd In th .prliij
. Tin flrn itrimt i-..ii.Mrt nf the fa,nn win
1 held nt i hi. .u.mi,t Mu.le HfheLi'V1.
uiiilu HtniliiK in s 1.1 orleck Th?
lrt will lie mwn ll .Mictivl I'.uhn Hr.t
cell Ut of the I'hllailrlMili urcluit ,?,!
"nliillnB eriutw siii and
. Thii.remlw t'omrrttety has fntcrM mvi
'".ihlrty.plKhtli tcr with the lireit 5?,'
ibis lespect. Tt would search he per.
misslble for m, in host n. nbinn,. ....!.
lv or seven isncirfs m a sens,',!,, n",
did the lleslnii Stuipli.int aed as d0
-'i...!?'1"'-1''.','1'!!'.. ,0 1"" " '"iinber HI;,.
William 'I ell" en the piegraiii, but
with a erli'M of twenty ei inore con cen
reits It seems te be entlrlj peiml.sible
Alse It mum be loiiieuiberoi; that wltli
nil his eleetleirttn Tlnednre Themas
who fnieed lliahms ivnudienies (l,,wi;
Iho threate. of -i vleientlt struegllnir
piibll.", fr-ipienth pluve.1 the 'Williaui
Tel" oerture.
j The overturn iiuihe-. no pieteiniepu
i It Ih net h great Intellectual wet It'
but it Is a seleitii.n oiertlew ing v li t
.-in nun nn.teiy nun with im leih
UN ic i-iii.ipi.serH in tlie iiisi
have been able te write
uarreu limn yniiihniii
HE iiiiiiit limn niii In, l.
riteh ttreti iditu.aifitit.il
few lune hreii Bcreeneil I'm mns ,J
n numb., i.iclti.liui.' "I he ..lb and
the Elniiie. ' "The St.iui.ht lldii,," ,i
' 'I lie Weman in theifis, " . twuei, a.id
IVsan.it nine male n l .uni.,,1 ',,,,..
s.dii of "Captain .In. lis f the lli.r,
.Mnrln.s," wiih Ann .Mmderlc audit!, h
at. I TuiM'is. .Vnil t,. reiuenibi r 'The
Truth" wns nl-e (ilnn .). but mnnt,
lll.tlH iitheis bite been iieKlecteil "T.
CewbdJ m be I.tuh" i)lN ,m, ,.
before .bj Alt-tin. in ifM inf,,!,,.,, jt-
i ii iniii t retail i, wiin ? - i !,., rr ,,,
asien Tem Moere
cowl...) an,! M,u,
lnd That .mil
' Mil nine iH. i .. I
is ouihiefid . eii-eniliig
uiiment In Iu hlnert
l(ml HnrrUnn rUnUtf,
'1 Knn-1 Hull, Vntftil-r
ruelii iiudnnl, will nrrear In tc-ltn t xf,,",
. ft S 15 e clock
of Fer.
tvirneuv tlm ll ,l. i .. .
." ' IIQi s.i iiii.iin.it ni Mini
..i ...... . . t ti .. :
.rmiiui. ei net tne- I s,i e i e
-i of l.lllsi,
.'"I is net
I'ri't.i.uiis, a
ii .
inann. the V major Idn
';' ; ' ""' " iiajuii s ami a let
of nthciN. .liiBt because a simphetn
eencert pre,entn the highest form of
music it does net fellow that It must
be an emotional jeremiad. The applause
of yesterday's audience after the "Tell"
overture glvei the popular answer.
leatilt, 1
("In the pn sent e.
bus the 'pa It of tlie
Miles Minti. i-. the
the fad licit Charb
, is 1,1' ihui
' the lilm
I ...
QMTE a liltle interest aim, i,.N ,,.
self te the showing of "The I)nt
I'lewet" at the Ariadin. This is ibe
lirst pbeliiplat In Easil Kintr ie tin. I it-
wtiv te the s, i, en sin,.,. "Eiirtlibein.d
sli.i tied si. ej.j fimilniu -u 0f j,M (,()M1
pill, euct
"The Dust I'ldwer" is ,, ..,.,
se lintel i.v - i splmnnl ,., tM kllfi
tunc It lulls of a, wealth- i,,,,..,.
mull. Jlltnl b I ,s llr,.,,.,,,, ),,', s,,( (
le mum the tirst till win. will m,,
him. and finds her nleig n ilustt (,.,.
fble, tbililtini; serleirdj of , eniinlti'ii.
siiieide M'ter their marriage .be
initie iiii-i.c" . iiau.'cs per iiiliul, bm 1 1( .
"iliu-t ll.wet" wIiih out at the end
thanks liirg-lt le i Iwiidh' bet N.ineri,,, '
.....in.. .. 1. ,.,.,..i i
...id. I i ,, ti'. inn in'"
sit. cess an-l tii Ivnh I. a new
nitinbi'i but mi lllce the A miner oon eon oen
eri.. tttessn ai te Li mist.ikeii for it
by m.-ie than one accemplishrd listener,
was as niilHhlngli like tin bfirmonlra bfirmenlra bfirmonlra
tieii nf S'biistlau lltieh, s,, tunc b se as
te lend Medel.te te il, tort thnt the
grout .antei- of Leipzig had actually
aiiange.l ir
The "William Tell' overture wai
pepulaily the success (,f dir, aftoineon,
despite the "knei-kn" whuh Mr Sto Ste
ldiwki ailuiltti.fi he Im. receive) by
mall It was bountiful v performed',
(be albgrei being fa hen nt n tempo
whlih emm the late Eat Cilninie would
netei hate attempt, .,1 w tli bis famous
band The piegiuin closed with the
N.w W'eil.l" sjmpl out of Dvorak,
..ni' of the be-t iiumhci of l.etu enii
diii im ,i.d Mihesfra Tie whole pto pte
Kiiim w is beautll'iillj plated, but men.
te. i, most be made of the astonishingly
ut ii.liufuilt dell.'.t.. pi.uiKsltne in the
slew nieteni. nt of th,. sj inphnuy by
ti'i.ii and .Insijib riettinr, tn the horn
jiaris, the Irst teims of Anten Hemer
shading off te nothing but with no Iem
of eolet nnd feeling
Stewart Balrd'a Parts
s.i. i ait Hand, who supports l'tnuce
White nn. I Tat ler Helmes m "The
lli.t.l Meuse ' opening at the Shubert
Mun. lav, iu a Eosieiilnn, who fi.st do de
t 'doped tnsie and abllliv for the atage
while he was a student at Harvard
tin i duplet Inic his celleite course Win Win
ihrep Ames gin e IliUrd his flrnt pre.
leffidifil engagement This wan nt th
New Theatre, in New Yerk, In "Tht
Illliebiiil, rhe I'lper." "VailltV
l'alr," 'The Arrew ilaker," "Th
Merrt Wnes of Windser" and ether
piod.idieus nt that lioiee He w
later seen In th.. lending juvenile roles
in suppeit if William 11 Crane, and
bis tirst upp.'niancu lu muslral comedy
was iti "Little ll.n lllue ' Then earns
. iiu'iiu'einciits with Sim Ilernard In "All
f..r i he Ladles ' m Lehar'H eperettn,
The Mm. ith Three Wives." jn
Itdb.i' I'bainbein (list llht npr-ra
lulu and in viniilev lie After nn
,.; i ennui, e In Victer Herbert "Tan
I'd i iii'e with Enrel Iigwn liairij
w:is se. ii in the Lulu Id) pioduct.eii of
'Tunabi tin Sight " On hl return
(e An.'i'ica In- was . iigrgi-" for '.Sybil '
nnil a. Tie evpiinlleii of thai engage
incut he plated an imisertnnt idle lu
llamblei Uese uecenlit- be bus an-
'1 l. inner n
IIelei.eChadw.ek pin, the title role ".'rVilt'les'".' ' ifllH M,rlMnPl,,,',,
Clni.ili. CitliMntvnt.r L ,i, rt ...i t " i uitles of 1U1U. "Cludarel a e
( lau.ie (lllllngwnter in the Ilutler,. Tame, 'llreadwa)" and "Th Ites. airl."
1 AM
I '.I