if'f""!' fy-tyavtyi !" wm vv&.fV' ; ,vw- I'y T. T wj VV'fl y .a(iCTB"i7i W Y? TtT - ""'IWril 3 - , H tfi 14 EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER PHILADELPHIA. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1922 rasawss5 Bi ft. 7- fi yes m JW- ik KSi Would Yeu Rather Be Dull and j ??&i N fc '!' l Content or Thrilled and Wretched? Becoming Fur jfjL BEAUTIFUL young actress tried te commit suicide recently. She M4 drained life's cup of bitterness te me urega. 11 wni mmxit ;..- By WINKIFRED HARPER COOLET confess that a little pang of envy sheets through our hearts, a our imagination is fired by descriptions of the adula adula tlen and brilliance of the early ex- Serienccs which led up te the tragedy, lany a spinster sighs nadlj, contrast ing her drab existence with that of the gorgeous bcautleu of the footlights. All the moralizing In the world cannot quiet the imagination or reconcile one te a lonely and colorless existence mere accident that prevented. her death. They would net let her die. In many States, one can be tried for crime because -v - zVS v . 1, 'ljr' K.4.A.SV. ..vi . fc-Wi i, nimnf n it is eniy common sense mai teua take his own life. u hew ckv we are net te have been Fnrtnnatelv she tesed into the maelstrom of dissipation mi-iiik I h 1 no nud exhaustion and fulse flattery, which . i n .,t ! leads inevitably and swiftly te destruc- ?fc"?l,M!'UNeel, and dramas and motion pic tures de much geed in working off our una n taste et ud a wet et vi- satisfy our Imag inatien without bringing about a chain of disasters. We eagerly seek thrills, wild we'tcrn escapades often, that would never suit our temperaments if we actually indulged in them. the rest of her life ;.:.' .. i (lpslrp.i for excitement miNNIFHKn ueing be young,' ,.., ... ,. . .,. HAnptm roet.KY the chancel are "",'. Vfci-m. tiifiMi ar i..4 .1. in -..n t,..i fncnfJini. nnr carious thrills, WHICH. 8.1 Ind some happiness yet. But the hor ror and the terror and the agony of disillusionment that caused her te take the momentous step alwajM will leave a leep wound that never cun completely tV.V. fnm mvnt nt niltpun. tl "F COURSE, knerant as a babv, she married. The J fiction may be harmful, if untrue, , lew years that followed Included a lice- and picturing fale jejs and glittering i tic s'tage career, a Bcandnleus divorce impossibilities. Hut en thr whole, per- jpreccedlng, and innumerable buffctlngs Imps they help us ever the heartaches , y fate. The notoriety, the terrible . of monotony, nnd e.-imj our savage na Please Tell Me What te De Br CYNTHIA Letters te Cvnthia's cetumn must h tcritten en one tilde of lh noeer enlu and mail hi stoned with lh wHIir"! nnmr ami addrtis. The name titll net en published it (no torlter dote net with it. Vnsluned Setters and tatter, uirllten en both ilitri et the feet jI1 net D answered. Wrttera telie irth vrtennt answers that rail be clven in the column win slease loeK there, as vtr vtr tenal letters are enlu written when absolutely nere,-arv. Glorified! such theatricals and -!T ..-,. -i . l ... ..-I.' newspnper fiuncs uuuui ucr uium i. tte affairs, with all thli it N difficult Indeed te have her sanity, nnd It must kave a'lded in drlIng her te suicide. I Yet she had had many thrills, many excitements, and much ndulatlen. When i young creature awakei te the reali reali Kttlen that fhe ii beautiful; when she is inundated ith Battery, and led te believe that every one werdilpi her, k Is difficult indeed net te have her head turned. The cool, eas -going folk f -the world, these of us net blessed r cursed with glorious physical charms, can have no conception of the Intoxication. SUCH a young beauty is beset and besieged. Every man seems te be fcent en her ruin, and It does net alter the facta te cynically Insist that she welcomed the gayety and dissipation and flattery. , If we want te be truthful and few f us are, in euch matters we mustv tures. There are few et us. however' sedate we may nppenr, who de net, nt least In the storm nnd stress of early youth, earn for excitement and the joy , of variety and intense activity. There are these who declare that they actual1? would rather hnve a life of adventure and intcn"lt, even when lneUtublv followed by disaster and a a tastrephe, than n humdrum, stale exNt-1 ciice ! The tragedies in the livis of the spectacular folks of hlsterv de net warn euch natures te "go slew" and be cau tious. Indeed, they scorn the cautious temperament, as cowardly and narrow. They say, "I want te lle, net die of dry ret !" Ot course, such philosophy Is foolish and dnngereus. There mut he n happj menu a sane, sensible, middle course. Youth craves legitimise expression e( high spirits, but it must net court lo le lence and death. The peer butterfly's wines never can recover when "-Incd by fire. Mrs. Wilsen Changes Menu With Season and New Is Time for Het Nourishing Foedl Beef Is Served With Special Sauce, and Dessert of Mime Turnovers Contains Just the Right Blending r of Fruits and Spices e cannot all wear fur hats, for they make some of us leek top heavy. But anybody could wear this charming hat of suede, with soft, hnphazardly falling crown nnd narrow bltn, en which a small bit of fur fills In the space nt the base of the crown and adds te the gracefulness of the outline. The fur matches the deep cellar Inte which the wearer of the suede cloak snuggles her chin se warmly. The Superior Sex By HAZEL DEYO BATCHELOB Jehn Stccte tnarrici Anne Temple Inoiclne that hc hns a wrcl in her P'Mf uuVA sA refuiei te tin ulge. lie Aneu'. tee, that she iIdp net love him, hut hf is (Ictrrmlnt'd te inn her love, and en their honeymoon, thry are itcept uicsiitibly together. Hut hat we iron her love, Steele beglm te tcendrr about her secret, ami the mete eecniMc after their return home, the at timet tlivippenrn miitetlnusly and nii.tci te ay where he has lecn. In spite of his tanfie need of her, Steele u net happy, and a fi midship ilrieleps betuem him and Katherme Cleveland, a glil hi mother hai ul tcays wanted him te marry, then, one day, Steele returns te the apart ment with all the love that he hat tilt for Anne suddenly turned te hate Ah I Se Severe Dear Cjnthle Don't you feel sorry for I.e Penseur? Why net give him the Be by nnd thn world would be better Jen? I can Imagine him coming home I te mother darling net knowing the gut I ter from the heuse. And, peer soul, i te think we are a llttle mere advanced I than the caveman stage. Hew mucn 1 mere, superior he Is than mere woman! Such na he make wemen and girls as they are today. Why should net a I woman be better and higher than she I was years age? I'll bet when he Is en , a trolley car he buries his head se I deeply In his paper he doesn't tree the 1 old hidlen and old men Ket en. Or at least he pretends net te anyway iet any lady who lina any kind of feelings will get up for an elder peiten Uut he Is se hlghy educated he can't see that. Dellter us from such a dumbbell as th.it ene. A i-ivniir THU SADIES. HUNCH WHO LOVE The T '"CrAVEX" " dan y Accusation 3 ou any shnme'' Hew ou leek nt me as theueh By MBS. M. A. WILSON j wrlflfct. 1311. iy ilrt. il. A. TC(te. All riehtt reserved i THE dally ciuostlen of Just what shall I we eat is very important te the I keusewlfe who is vitally interested in keeping the family physically fit. This Is particularly true when one or two Three-quarters cup of milk, One teaspoon of vanilla. One-half grated rind of an orange. Beat te tine, smooth batter and add three-quarters cup of fiiielv chopped coconut. Turn in well-greased and floured leaf-slinpe pan and bake in moderate even for thirty -flve minutes, cool and ice with plain water Icing and members of the family are apt te be a ' cover the top thickly with finely chopped bit finicky. Ne matter hew much the coconut Te chop the coconut put the " , , ' , i ,,. . coconut threu.'h the feed copper, u.lng keusewife will urge or plead, they will . ... oenfine themselves te just one or two feeds. The menu today -wirl feature three cals en Sunday. nothing had happened? of unman are u His finji'rs closed ruthlessly about her slim arm. hut nltlieugh she winced with the pain of it. Mm still did net turn (aw.-n Iler fes met his unnshnmed een while a scarlet flush crept up Inte her ehet-ks but slip did net answer him. It was ns theueh she were wnltin:; for him te tre en with what he had te snv. "This Mrret of yours," his me"th twisted grotesquely as he spoke "Ne wonder von weuldn t talk about It wonder -von e ashamed of uhat veu were liliilnc "Seulement Una Fllle" Wrltet Again Dnr Cynthia Please, may I come Inte jour nlca "letter family" again nnd answer S'll Voue Plait's letter? Thank jeu Hally. your letter was such an over whelming and wholly delightful sur prise, I don't knew where or hew te heRln my reply. Yeu knew, this Is a funny world. Here we are, complete "(rangers never saw each ether, coi cei coi respendlng through a ncwspapr column (shndm of horrified Mra. Grundy), and cetnrrslng en subjects that we would neer consider discussing except with lntlmate friends. i I'm going te answer our question flrxt. or course, I wouldn't tuck the i llttle old ldeal away If I mit you ICSoednesil Wasn't thn fact that jeu answeied my letter proof of my theory" And as you bay, If we were te meet, wouldn't that he further conclusive nnd eenlnclng proof? Then, tee, jeu were se understanding, that I'm eure my In tuition, or whatever that little super sense Is termed, wouldn't let me malte a mistake. Haven't you noticed there are some, people you hae been ac- I quiuniuu mui ier years, aim jei yuu I den t really knew them? And tin n there I nre people whom you have Just ncently met, and you converse with them freely and tell t'lem all your hopes and plans I .ind Ide.ils nnd talk about thlnus rially 'worth while Why? Recau'-e lhy un I derstiuul, of course. rJiV V'i'ir i I m w 7ii KTm am V.LA ivi,", i Veu say I wan unselfl"!'. New, after i uac mann"r ,,.. . ,,ii.r1n nmi.v .... ,h nv i such a nattering remark tin that my wee, una voice clamors for attention and tells me te be a sport and 'fess up. Ter. ieu pen, It was a whehy selfish motUe that made me uniwcr that letter. I was se disappointed and se disgusted, fe- he one prsen whom I had thought renll understood had proved unworthy and the huit of the disappointment was s, Ntf'ii that (if I may take the llbertj te quote jeu) "I had te say -emethhiK te some one, something I ri.illj meant." If I hadn't I'd hae been a lit subject for that lntpreatlnir llttle lnslltuilen nt 110 Torts -feui Hi anl Maiket streets ihen, tiie rrem jour letter l imagined mat A waist and skirt. It's true, ,but net the uninteresting kind at all. The waist Is really worthy f6 be Included In the blouse type, being of crcpe de chine en pleasing lines, while the skirt is of pleated Bcrgc, the pleats continuing nbeve the line of the belt te make a ruflly finish I C'iui .ed with -our understanding, madi me write and thank jeu As I said Can Yeu Tell? By It. J. and A. W. Redmtr Why Shadows Are Darker at Nlqlit Than in the Daytime When anything through which rays of light cannot pass Intercepts the light nun which are coming from a luminous body, the light rays nre turned back In the direction from which they came. The part en the ether side of the object which inter cepted the light nees into n shade, and i n shadow results. A shadow therefore Is produced by cutting oft ene or mere light rays from any luminous body We can notice 'shadows when the sun is bright in the .daytime, but at night when we walk I along the f-treetfl lighted by street I lights the shadows appear much darker. i The shadows produced by cutting off 'r.ijs of sunlight as above described are net m ilaik as theM1 produced nv street Women Who Cant Be Bothered With Any Younger Persons at All Make a Great Mistake in Thinking That the Freedom Frem Annoyance Gained by This Will Keep Them Yeung Lenger Breakfast Baked Winter Pears and Cranberries I Cereal and Cream Bacen Omelet Parsley Garnish Bfennalse Potatoes Watercress Rolls and Coffee Dinner Celery Heme-Made Relish Boiled Beef with Horseradish Sauce Mashed Potatoes Mashed Turnips Buttered Beets Coleslaw I Mince Turnovers Coffee ' The coconut for the top of the cake may be placed en a pie plate In the even for a few minutes and browned a delicate color. Cnte must be taken net te overcelor or the coconut will lese its flavor ns well as appearance. l.ilt veu wen t hare nnv ou hae many of the eu.illtbn that mv cntise te ni'le things from me after this, i Ideal man must peae"". and that, I knew ever) thing." J..I-.. iui'iiiwi mi limine iurv no . hofe-e, it brought my wondcren nt tier denr-eved recprd f I mrenircr than ever, for 'Mm. Why .ii .he leek like thit'' ! (althiugh It has neer . ., t.'.i n. . hP'trniiK ill II. If . -" . ' " --.-. ...:.w ...... - - f ...,. nV ,i., n .... .. t -i .l-,. ". . . .in. ..inn uhn en Tnv ni I rniill lnif itlie miles II UH. tllMI Millie. VI line .,-- niiu mis v nere ',p ncienzcii. ui wantf :." " . :'" a..,:.:,.:,,. ':,:. i .,,... t. ,. . - ,i. .,i,.r.n , . . ni.-iiui'i Ul1 jjuii i umii. iv niaL, I IK'l led 1JUU1. n un. v. . .. ,..... tint my tciiiniiititirp :miH',,ur ,1,,. Klindew aenenrs. At night, T DON'T care , rery rritlch about J- children," said the woman who preferred lap dogs. "They are very nice if they are Just cleanly dreased and their nurses have taught them te keep quiet. Very pretty and all that, but I think it would be dreadful te have them running around the house upsetting everything and getting in the way. They make no much nolse, and they get se dirty I" She is really afraid that the annoy anney annoy ance she mi6Mit have te Buffer would age her a little. She has known se many women who have wrinkles nnd gray hairs nt forty, Just because they have given ee much tlme and thought te their children. That may ha all very well, new, al though we cannot sympathize with the lady or tint cistnnd very clearly just hew she can fetl as she does. But later en she is going te be sorry thnt she felt that way. Later en Bhe will be getting elder nnd showing it because of her ceaseless efforts te leek young. She will be le&lng the held that she used te hare en life It will be hard for her te pretend1 any Interest in the affairs that she has I always taken such en active part In, but she will have te de it in order te keep up with the times. SHE won't realize hew she had missed I her one great chance te stay young when Mie was young. But we can fcee it by comparing her with another woman who at the age nt which the ene who disliked children was keeping nwny from them ns much ns pe-;lli1e, had two of her own. . Tins woman hns alwayi loved chil dren. . . . ! As the years have gene by he has crown up with them, keeping her In terest nlln in their interests, keeping her mind uuing by associating with her children and their friends. Younger people have always been able te consider her their friend. Age hasn't made much of an lmproa lmprea lmproa slen en her. Indeed, it Is only when her birthdays come nreund that she realizes she r, net longer In her twenties. A woman like this stays forty in her thoughts and loek3 younger than the woman who is trjlng te stny thirty The latter gets te a point when hhe can no longer keep up with the times and the etith te which nhe aspires be cause her thought's and feelings arc se much elder. It's nard for her te walk because she must net hhew In a halting step that she im't feeling quite no young as she used te. , . , The ether woman decsn t bother about thnt; she just walks, because she elwns has, and the children expect it, nnd lts the atyle tnke care of itself. , "H! the! grandchildren, they'll J keep us young," raid a grand mother of seenty-flve, whose greatest Jey consists In teaching young four-year-old te ebserve nnd talk about the things that he sees. ' They've kept her young. She has lived her Ufe for her chil dren and grandchildren and she can go nbeut in almost as sprightly a man ner as she always has. It's all because her thoughts and feellugs nreMvay back thcre with her children nnd grandchildren. She haa lived with them and for them nil her life until her own age la nil mixed up with theirs. It never pays, aside from everything else, te live entirely te and for your self; the tlme comes when you are the only person who is interested about it; and mere than that, it Is entirely up te you te keep jourself young by your own personal efforts. The children and younger people that the elegant lady shunned se would be a grcnt help te her if uhe only realized hew remarkably geed they nre at keep ing elder persons young. Speed Up Be Everywhere Don't lag. Eat little raltlns and speed up. Delicious when you're hun gry. New life when yeuVh L tired.. 1560 calories of energizing nutriment per pound 75 fruit sugar, in practically pre digested form therefore al mbst immediately effective. Furnish feed-Iron also. Get little red box new and try. 5c everywhere. Little Sun-Maids "Between-Meal" Raisins Had Tour trtn Tedttyf 0?) flBBBF IrSi v iff EXUI Wickc Furniture llpuutlflll new frtct no ten or innoer uf. .tcnni ue ilium mill liest uackmunklilp. selil illrect at umker' Hike. 11. II. Hern. Ctinlrn. $5,50 bide Arm Chairs, 7,5ft M.Oeerge Chairs, 8,5ft KecUern en Knch Chnlr, (1 Kitrn Neirltlm In Mttte, tablra nnA table .mil fleer Mines. Glasiberg- Wicker Mfr. Ce. 201f N. Frent fi Frei Drllvrry upen even. i-nin iiinmemi u.svs :i Christmas Gift uourpertraitbu BACHRACH Prices range from $12. a dozen upward jltachratlv PHCT08HAPHJ OF DISTINCTION 1626 Chestnut St. PHILADELPHIA t Xj Jl if rZszzKScv:CrrGvl m. fp iV.cJCC0cSfi3; old lrleals bad. s,ts nt night, because in sunlight the S L'en n V Jie.l r' s (,t' "ht l0nrh an(1 nre thrown el one" tiler as J hack by many eblrcts behind and en Supper Celery Coleslaw Celd Cuts et Boiled Beef Cranberry Jelly Sngligh Mustard Cream Appia Sauce Coconut Cake ' Covered Weights Feature u.ea Little Girls And llttle boys like unusual parties, tee, and a variation from the ordi nary games and sninta of Halloween is provided for them in "Garden Party," which turns them all Inte flerj and vegetables. A self-ad-dreted, stamped envelope sent te the editor of the woman's page of the EVKNIXO PtULIO J.EDOFR will brine these ideas te nny methr or father who wants te entertain geme children en October 31. ner DOKcniff iii merer, completely 111 hls power, and instead ihe wns n wlie hid ahvniB been. mvterieus, elusive and wert of all. Miperler. Through all the week that had pave. .Telm Steele had been beside himef 1 Frem the moment when he 1ml ielcled ,te the tempfntMii te hnve Anne watch- Boiled Ueef With Horseradish Saece Wipe meat with damp cloth and tie in shape with pieces of tape. Place ' water In large pet and when boiling ftdd the beef and One) lunch of soup At6j, One carrot, Ttee onions, with a wheli clove and j etMtpice stuck in the onion. Bell for ten minutes. Place where the meat will be Just at boiling point ler time required te cook, allowing thirty minutes te the pound. About thirty minutes before serving 4m dinner place in saucepan one cup f milk and two-thirds cup of flour. Stir te dissolve the Heur in the milk ' and then add two and one-half cups of the stock from the boiling meat, whip p well and bring te boiling point and took for fifteen minutes. New add STW levl teaspoons of salt, ' On teaspoon of white pspDtr, Thret tablespoons of orated horse. fdish, One-half cup of sharp vinegar, One-half cup of finely chopped pars- . Bring again te boiling point and it h aady te serve. Mince Turnovers ut through the feed chopper On cup of nuts, One cup of seeded raisins, One-quarter pound of citron, fit'a large tart apples (de net peel Juice of one lemon, Three-quarters cup of brown sugar. Twe taocpeonj of vinegar, One-half teaspoon of cinnamon. One-quarter teaspoon each of ginger, lltpfes and nutmeg. I Blend well and stand In the refrig erator ever night. In the morning roll ' at plain pastry about one-quarter inch thick, cut in tire-inch squares, place a spoonful of the mince en the quare of pastry and fold ever, making a three-cornered fold, pinching the dees tightly together; place en baking heet and bake eighteen mlnntes in mod erate even. Serve with vanilla saucu. English Muatard Crtttn Placa in saucer 'Twe teaspoons of mustard. One-half teaspoon of salt, One-quarter teaspoon of whtte pep 9$t, four tablespoons of thick cream. Blend well nud add slowly, heating tm me that the mixture will thicken like ayennaiHc, ten tablespoons of salad sill, adding at the nans time three tea Mens of vinegar. When nice and Z&add ' On teaspoon of tuyar. mA eene. Coconut Vmks) , BUc in mixing bowl ?Ar0fuaner cup of sugar, of This Crepe Freck gentlemen naturally, 1 would liib.st upon .at, I'tn t'ii continual mieain or in ln 'i rhi'ter called "a- K'Ki 1 line and putting 1 .vress," Is a drain 1 it least ii am ene with my limited meiitalit) ) Tun anil wit a.re all rlstht, but 1 cun t nual diet of them la terribly lierhiR 1 s HKe lnlncr enlv the desert wl'h ed. te disi'mer for himself where nhe 1 the substai.tl.il dinner ferROtten. if went en her mvsteneus erran.lc be had U,,J ''en' T,S: " "Wh V.?il.'.lll l,n'" r. .i, ... ,., . , 1 ., 1.. t 1. 1. 1 est np, j' 11 re a high-brew and, is for thpfirt time in hixiti felt f.hatne'eur Hfrl;nlH lhe ,ppPM would saj ntul he had arauert fierrelr with himself i0ft flat en the let" I knew, because ii me ujieri xe uani5ii tnis lguoeic en.e- 1 llKe ou 110 iriiu u, ana, into eujnf snunil hihm. uen : .iKain k iiu tjuuu .nj- une ujiiiii He had tried te bolster up bK ,-eurace I ,lrst meeting me would lme no 1. or. ro"kneh; .W I'"11 ,,f,,nd " ri?,,)t n1 h.J2 teSS'SSr te knew, tl.it ilie wis a-kini: ten mueh eNc8Pt in Caldwell s windows. That from him In ilemnndln? that he trust her. ' i,nmi te dlrtctly contradict my previous statiment, In answer te your question but men, aa I paid befere, ou undei stand I think I'v monopolized enough space for Wt evening, nnd had better cease "hurtiine tha midnight oil" or, te be thoreuKhly modern, electrulty, ind run Bet my btauty sleep (He.ien Knows I need It) and eh, speaking of appear ance, I'm forced te confess by new you hu. me se Interested that I'm befrlnnlnff te wonder what you leek llke Te be quit frank, I hae your Imaginary de scription all thought out It would be imu-,inK te etehatiKC and htc hew nearly mi tally Uut there, I flatter myulf 'itilta'i, vanltas! It's awful, isn't It? ! s Thanks for thinking of quetlni? 1 ita ( f Therese Marie's letter I'm sine thit I would have mera thtn eujeied his hand I them and I ourely apprtsci'iie jour theui;hlfulneB .SEULEMENT TNG FILLE. Nnd when he bad finnllv lenrne the truth, triumph In the thought that he Ind been riitht all alone Ind for n time taken the nlnee of the shnme he bad experienced through spving en her But new, 'in spite of his rlghtoeiiH anger, there was something about her ; that robbed him of the lcterv. .h was still undaunted, superior that was 'he. word and nt that moment he was mere hwire of the sick depression thit had settled around his henrt than of t'ie fa-r thir he wished te see her humble and lenrnte, stripped of her pride ar.d at his mercv. ITe became aware of the fact tint she was trving te disengage her arm from the clasp et Ins fingers, arm tightened cruellj. "Veu hurt me." came from her wHte ' lips In 11 whisper, nnd quite suddenh he flung her awnv from him and they steed facing each ether. "I want te hurt you." he stormed nardlv nwnre of what he was mnlng , ' I never dreamed that a woman cei'd dfcelie a man ns you hae me I mUht have known when you admitted tint veu mnrrled me for money hew littn. I actuallv counted in your life, t.ur that you with jour Innocent ejes could have made such a feel of me, thit ou could have taken everything I had te offer and laughed behind my bac. rm is thi thing that has driven in) nearlj mnd " fjhe made no effort te bpeak Rhe slmplv Btoed there befere him while he blundered en, carried awiv b the, knowledge of the evidence lie hed.agslnst I her. "NVhe Is he?" Steele demanded sud- dsnly. "AVhe 1h this man that jeql leie and whose ehild y'di are supporting with mv inenev? Ah that hurts' Did veu think I hadn't the proof? Ind jeu think yourself se secure thnt r.e one would ever discover jour f-ceret' NVit, the knowledge I have, almost every thing is clear te me. There's just ei e thing I don't quite understand Whv did you think it necessnr te prttend that you loved me1 Yen had what ou Tauted without that. Hhy NVh THE HOME IN GOOD TASTE By Hareld Donaldsen Eberlcin t X I however, the rays from the Mreet lamp de net extend ns ln-lghtly te the ether objects behind and te the side of us, because the pource of light Is net te Intense Therefore there Is no reflected light te Illuminate the place where the shadow appears. Light is only "no or tne rerms 01 ( rniiinnt. rneizv which will produce 1 shadows. Scientists) new recognize shndews produced by the Interception r inese are caueu sound shadows. Kclipsca of the him and moon arc, , of course, the re-ult of shadows. When there is an eclipse of the r.un, It Is caused by the moon coming In direct line between the earth nnd the sun. I NVhm the moon is in eclipse, then It Is the earth which has moved Inte direct I line between the sun nnu me moon, causing the shadow pieuucen uj ins 1 earth te fan en tne iace i u iueuu Tomorrow What MnhM Kaln Will Yeu Have A little party in our home this Hal loween? "Well, then, why net vary the ti.unl witch and ghost ideas a bit by giving a "Hall of Knmc" party"? This Is unusual and jet net tee different from Halloween te be lets of fun. send a relf-addre.ssed, stamped envelope te the editor of the women's page of the nvnsiNci I't'iiLie IiEHOUts, if jeu wnnt sne sne gebtieiig for invitations, decorations, etc., for this entertaining party. 1 ' 7 1 ytS I AfiIt fi7h-es C7sy16wi I ""- l mm IIWMMM IMIISllMBSMMNMWnMMMMMSk 'MWMa Don't Let It Werry Yeu We have taken 1 1' nit of the most delicate materials, and m'fc de It no ene can. Hring it te u; ut send for it. At the snme time send m tno.ie draperie and "HIS" suit for a thorough cleaning:. Wm call for one garment or tutemty Philadelphia's Quality Cleaners and Dyers 1 ?1 ? 00 itr nt . rta vi m m verki iwao-Ae n. sic st.t rnuaaeipnia, ra. U13 Chestnut t, 5587 Qermtntewn Are, PHONE POPLAR 7660 FOR AUTO TO CALU parg'g Main Omcc nd Terkt The Weman's Exchange Fop Dark Skin Ta tie t'.Mter et Weman's Pane. Dear Madam I Tomorrow The Acid Test LOVE ISOTS ! y KAY KICAN Kin SatKe of Ie Think you te capture the luule spu-lea by the eel I shoulder of indifference? ter ii. s ncart is cairn u enij through Interpretation of fSymbeli Ah te many of the various symbols hud different meanings among different peoples it is possible te glve hcie only a fi w of these mero generally knewn: The t.lt or eight pointed star signlfled divinity The bud, birth ; the flower in full bloom, completeness of age. The tice of Ufe symbolize divine cower, the letiiB, new life: the a blessing or benediction, power. The circle represents eternity, zig7ag figures, lightning. The old Swastika symbol, illustrated nbove, was a token of geed luck and fortune J'he deer Hlgnllua honor ana success ; Btrenglh or and a.. uiicrniiHlillltlts of his ciuiltr 'C..1V . the Neriicut. darkia'ha. the egotism of man is mere ilnirabk Tl1" 'en ls an cnhlem of victory and than the heel of Achilles. . glory, and wherever seen prej ing upon Though he pursue the coquette with fSNP .. . . .. NMMjWM euncr. witt an add l eupt t.faur. fiV S'.'A.- LA , tPMFr.tt. 7zzz?l sf-rfW ymmy"i--i. ., in a t'OKINM: LONNU If the measure of style is Its weight, here is a costume which should nave no ' ' trouble in passing the proper authority. Ter the outstanding touch of trimming en this little cafe au lait crepe Klaine frock is weights covered with drees ma terial. These occur between folds en the three-quarter sleeves and the wide over ever skirt. This eversklrt, by the way, re veals a rather tight underskirt. The combination of the two has been much stressed, and it in certainly indicative of a season when we take back with one hand all the width we have offered with the ether. The eversklrt Is gathered at the sldee, and narrow bands of self-fabric stop step ping at the sides encircle the back of the frock. The only touch or color Is contributed by millinery leaves of brilliant autumn red, which occur at either side. Anent fM tnuph. it will be remembered t,n this year Hie ureas uesigner is borrow- , The heart i man is iike un te the bus- I ,0' rT'i YnttcrnY with berdera of Int cenatantiy from the m Miner for ' ceptlbllity of his stomach. 10 net un- i SmS and ether ' flewera date from tlu trimming aeyicei. xne cenar is of mimitui ei ins uui.ij:rii.K.ict take , Very foundation of Egypt n clvlliza r.L V,lBeilIt.colerl net nu n-lil, ll.na.l Iai l.i. maw ivelirv of the iln,,. very luu.iuuiiuu ui unv real fllet. This costume vreuld be charmV Satiety nnd Indifference nre tha mile- tlen' Uui l tWtSWit'Sa.JLj U ,tmM ablUt tJf ngcU et l0Vfi t .-'falwniw "A enthusiam, he would grew tired of the base were it net ter tlm beckoning linger. Vet flattery for man must be like unto a bottle of tabasie nui i,Blt eprlnkllng tickles the pnlnte But be ware the overdose. Pampered vanity in one's husband is a consummate (ire. Kven us lightning does net Mrlke twice in tne same inace, se does con wmild like te knew , 1, n ni l.ie te ni.Mc.n naturally dark skin. I have been trying peroxide for nbeut a month, puttlnpr It en tinea times .1 day, tl.t if 1ms had no effect. Dees It talis Iwikh than ih!6' A IU3ADHR. Don't keer m with tlie peroxide, because ur.eij sttadlly ap jeu have been doing It. It will hurt our skin. Lemen Juice, applied ence daily, or net as often as till", acceidlnc te hew It ngrecs with jour sltin or u lemon cream will have 11 tindenty te bleach jour akin. TTen It reirtilarlv and try net te ba Impatient with results Veu will notlce same difference, out you cannot cnanw the natural color of your Mcln a, great deal. Celebrating Anniversary r the Editor rf Weman's Paget Dear Mndam -Late this month Is tliei annlverr.,r of my weddlnsr, which will be ten 5CJ.ru I would Ilke te glva a patty about 'wenty persons, and would thank ou very much If you could ad vise tne what teuld be done In the way of eeiiiO entertainment, refrcbhments, decorations, InvUiitltmH, e'.c. Would ilke te lteip the expenses as low as petslbln A URADKU. The f-ymbel for the tenth weddlnK annivcrairj K tin, se In deceratlnc It is nice te ue bemethltiK te carry this out. New, ."u rannet use tin, but tinsel U the ime color, and se Is silver paper he have tcveral, vases cf tliAvcrs In tne living room cevciuu wun v.us i kind of papei and flnlshud with u low I it ilrsel around the tOD. The bowl of (lowers In the illnlnK room mav be deco-1 rated Hi the tame way, and j-eu can ' l have i uniiinK luvers of papier macho l.i.. 11,11. u iih 11 li.itlfl nut en nrmliiii I thu top with silver paint. These run1 im filled with either candy or nuts, nnu i I a, amail card may be attached te tach ualm. ene with bllvcr ribbon te perve ns a .. "I... . . piuci cm 1 lTse the re(,iilir form of Invitatien: "Mr. ui d Mrs Henry Tlrewn request th pleasure of join company en I'rlday uveiuiiK, November 10 " ''it K V I' and tne address are put In the lower Kt. and right cernerM, rUpectlvely Yeu can de ns jeu like nbeut mentioning; that it Is te celebrate your nnnlvtreary but If would fceem an If It were hotter net te d se becaun te the person recelvlng the Invitation It "sounds llke a in si in ' If veu de If jeu would llke some (ramen te play at this affair 1 will send thorn te you. Just wilte and ask for them. Inclosing a stamped, addressed envelope, A nice menu te serve weiua nesitieppea celery und nuts In liollewod-out appleB, nut ana cone or net n'rpent or ether beast, represent!, the victory of tlery and light ever dark ness. . . ... Many of thefl symbols reach back nin tha ifrv iliiu-n nf civilization for t,Mr meniiln?. mid Keine, llke tllC palm brsid sandwiches and the moon, have hud tha same mean- chocolate with whipped cream. ing through various religion. i 'Hie HtUUy OI sjfuiuuiiew v I the most fascinating te be found any where. Be far. history sua net miu rvijw.. -- . -- v ,..1 l t . . . r .-,. ... a.. l-iinltiM m naia HVIlllSIll lumi II celt of a mar.' lilt from ene woman te I 1":" ,..i ",i ,. WvntlanT'but there is another. . .... I , ,Qt-n . v,eiiBvn that many of the I CWJ ,(" -w wxwiv -- --- - - In Other Countries first woman Iceland has elected ita member of Purllatnent. Ony 1 per cent of the women of India can read and write. rthlnn has women's mat-azlnea. women's pases in the newspapers. tJr aca MWW te aul vH kOr men. laMlL-' and but Myt 1 msjtimemmsmjmsjgiyjiejtinvaiiiti 11 1 NO COOKING The "Feed Drink" for All Ages. 1 Quick Lunch at Heme, Office and I Fountains. Aik for HORLICK'S. j I IS Avoid Imitations ft Substitute I a,gMg ,, $ j .85 I CampbelFs Vv --of $& M , lty, tot llnterte. I Hnn 'e'" of Thlte. m t'-h, erchtil and 1 eniaer s v i LrlllCilQJ 1 NX ! Soup - 3 Pitfndeipita -.- B C Atlantic Citv cons J& tek , c jty " Baltimore iOV timdksJ Wilmington In nil our Stores i I S. ' Jymzimffnh. fBSSri.KSSSWtw. 1 T?A&CfitVft&?i te?S" . VrfiJ ;Sj XRzk VZ&7MMX Jtj .'5 . W'.V ! .'.-i vii"7-i Xsz? (STASH cr Jf You'll wish . lllHR I y your appetite ''h iqlHaDi : tvua twice as biir :l EtlalllllllK : when you take your :l HaLaK ! first bite of :l tlliK 1 5 - I auaBaV 11: Chocolate-Layer :jl HHaaffiT IrTASTYKAKE II If I 13c Jl j Wr testtiiie" " , , i . . Special Crystal Knit 36 incliea wld ?3 Value yd. very superior quality and in navyi nine, popular brevvn shades and black. A ilk thnt drapes beautifully nnd ii nar- ticularly adapted te slenderize the nteut figure, a Fer Trdusseau Crepe 40 inches wide $3,00 value .95 QWlKJSs M4U Otitn trernttif Flllta AaaaU Otin AtWj 1104 Arch Street ysuLympsr The Sheps of Sensible Price , Special! Friday & Saturday " Dresses of Peiret Twill Combined, with Printed SUH '35 A meat Original Charming MeM Other Cleth Dresses $25$29 Twelve New Medels in Peter Pan Blouses $2.50 Wjk i$p Stand 1337. Chestnut a I J'!'',.iJ'.iii v ' 1 ''r' fAJ . . t f ti.rt !-- " itf'.i't.tfBWiteWtiii -; -