iPf t'AT?r,y.!ilVJkT.?MA7ilTk.,,!Je,',VS ,." V. I K tf - !&' 1; pr 1. B 1 s . n a fc T Bt t' . I 1 K I :i i SW m. IV 5c the Copy Ffm y Ntwsdfk fM$yAint ec; , i"M.l ' 2 I 11 S EVENING PUBLIC LEDUEK PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1022 7 Stock Market Manipulation By Edwin Lefevre Auther of The Reminiscences of a Stock Operator Hew new stocks are marketed. Hew old ones are seasoned. Hew both kinds are manipulated by the man en the inside and in the knew. When the Shew-Down LOmCS By E. Davenport We have had railroad strikes, coal wars, railroad compromises and coal armistices, with the public in the role of Belgium and the devastated areas. Dean Davenport suggests remedies for labor wars and reparations. Selling Discontent By James H. Cellins Discontent rightly used helps a wise man up in the world) but a spurious imitation of the real thing is new being prepared and retailed by our radicals te the foolish and the unsuspecting. This article tells just hew it is marketed. "Deutschland Uber Alles" By Isaac F. Marcosson The Shadow of German reparations is hanging ever Europe and the whole world of business. Can Germany pay, hew much can she pay and when will she pay? The Silent Partner By Maximilian Fester A story of money that comes easy, giving geed times and gees easy, bringing hard times. King Ced jrf'ZZ '. c By Geerge Allan England Hew his subjects, the hardiest breed of Ged fearing sailermen in the world, fight the North Atlantic for life and a living. These are a few of the articles that will appear in early numbers. Every issue of The Saturday Evening Pest is a week of American life. It portrays American business conditions and problems in both 6 tk : yi in a iw stories and articles, because only se can it faithfully reflect American life. THE Saturday Evening Pest stands for common honesty in American business and common sense in dealing wit! it rw. THE SJITU1WJ1 Y EVENING POST INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSiYLVANIA v Evening Pest, iQiladelphta, Pmiyi tl Yew mm 4UcriU (through any newsdealer or authorized aienter send your order direct te Ti ' t.t.'i "' ' ti.:r .'. i-, m $2.00 the Year 1 By MU Snkmim j