Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 19, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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    " ( '? ,"- -- -i,f"tfV"V'' j' "
WS-- 'tt tJMlhfi
SjJ .t
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"- tZJ
i ?ztF,&&?w'm&
f" I
uening public Hebgcr
" CTni'fl It. K. ClTtTIS. rmairtM
(Jehn C Ma tin. i. PreiMait nn,i Tm..t;rr
"liarlaa A. Tvif. 4.-f i-i ft,! tr .,.ii..c
Jen Philip H OlPnt Jehn n Wtilam .t-ihn .1
(fturitfnn, Ui-or-re P. aaldmlth DaiM E. Smiles.
fv.vtr e gMiM.r
jftHN f1. MAtlTIV ( pp riuiria Va-ae--
,Jubllh. daily at rtrrti; I.rrerR RulMlng
In4iri U in." Square I'hi:fli)li!a
TtA.STic I'm . . Pret.Mi Null-tin
N'iw Yen .'.CI Mul or Ai
iTraiir 701 Feri Mu Ming
ST. I.OIMB ..113 li'at'-Viinv rat Hul (lim
Chicise l.'.ev TriDun? Huililine
t rv t m:. -
.' r. i i' rvva i-.nu i -: mi- -
rtr.n Vebk nirntti Th An nu'"'-i-
mmwn Pi urn .. Trafalgar tiu.Miric
, in n-t Itll'l ln. i WIM.
Tha tlirM'u I in.li I.ll.ri. a and " "jtv
iUpIh i' I'filla ! f nm HrM . u'leuM'ltrg t -i
( lh la ' i.f ( el MJ cn(i ! ". ' ra f,
tn tli. la-firr.
Dy mall le re.nti eutil r .' Ph la'l rli a in
th 111 fail - at., i hi n u I UM Hti ri
Mlena. re.taca ff Hit Mi) (.ems rr mti"i" i.
Sit (.m 'te - -r - ii t ,'i rii.hru
Te a t ter err, mjntrlji r i J i A, I Ar h n n-
,NOTIcr- filtprtlp ilihlt.j- RIlrva rh r ?!
must ri i n i M f I t-i wl'lrn
n'ru.. :en hmmi Kn.iev. mm- i,i
ttr, (Jrfrr.A p I ff.ii mi' ft' t T 10 ' r 0 T j'ii
l.tAvfr. 'if'ipritf.-iipp "j ar', t'tii.tidt limi
Member of the Associated Press
rut: .tssei iATi:n rr:i.- , . mic, t
Ullftt tn tl r tir ft, Ppln ' rfw,. I ( tr
ttUvntth rrnlltrrt In t t tin' nhrv if rrtti'tftl
i (Mi I'llIJii- U U 't tl tjtfiv I ii J "; 1' rt
All r 0ht tt rrr'th iiiien e' rrfic:t d.ivr r u .
hrln tire (lie rurryrd.
", rhilH'lh... Ihti4. ll.li.h.1 P p;:
v AN I l ll'A'l l".N -' i I ii.Mxi'.-"
tl e 1 1 I : t r 1 1 ri , t I In i r -Imi s. impiii'
i! bditlC iiiikIi' iiiln lli lnt'l" nf mill ' lull- ' .11
't Pi"."" f tin M'irr dm rrilllli III i he i.ivn
fi'appd the ii'.-iIuiiip nf llii' a I . 1 1 Tnr rr-
terfn neniinimi-
'TliPfiir'ii nlh . i blimiici i. "I ill'- i la-- arc
firttmllv imn I'M-rcnt 'I h-v lunn t'nii
1iIi(m1 hi tli" Inti' laiiiiinl In the liuiki liuiki
ef till' Sii--'iipiniiiin. and tin n- i- tin ipipv'tmi
that ii(Tnnl I'liii'lint iMiuld bp nldul in Ii
latldalil' iiinbit im- b a viii-ntili inar-hiilini;
Of hpfPllli tlti t- illld llMllllH" nf III. !..
Allilitnr l.ini'iiil l.cni-. ;iiiin; hi'Ii t Ik
Pfnny'iit aiiia nil St-r n tt'fnrin As-O'ii-tlfltii
Is mm disuKPil iipmi tli" -etnpw liat
fermidnblp i.'i'-k nf ln.it m-; up liip rcierd-.
Jt Is bv lin mraiis ullli'ni'h that -nlilP nf lb"
lindiiiKs "ill 1" tnnip illiitiiiiiatins than e.J i -f.vins.
Aci nrdinz in i'ii'hiipI I.p'm- II an
Duspii. "ii nf ihp mm 1 1 .1 S'ri..ii ('.nil
nilMdnii" is 'Vn ii"- kii'im app iri nth
hew niiieli is l,i ms -pr ip r fur p.nnl's. and
thesp tisn m. alniic iib nllirrs .nipnnatit
In lac l ft 1 113 the Stall' -en n i ii'p b mrj
taleu l.i ns'-Pinlilpil In tupati- nf ipiP-tiiiMiiiirPH
lil'enilrasK d ilmiiisbniii lln- Stan. mi'Ii ,it
Ht'rtirtinns tbr br lillml n'li bj pi "ri iini'np
of tli" CiiiiiiimiriPiiltb
This is an iindrrtnkin:: ii."i.iiiih ,n nrii i
lth tiifferd I'liiidint's inis Tbrniisb
filt his i.'irppt1 tin' Iti I'.ibli -.in iainlid'1'" fn'
(lOvrnmr lias nut paid iupppIi lip--i'Mi'" in
th" priliPipb i- nf i ' v il ''Pi n i n fnrin. lm' bas
Inrorperaii'd ihiin deiiiiiiamli in In-- pnlimal
That Iip . ! tnalp in mi jmi insii nc
BR iidl rv mi iiiptiiiii:ibV tiniiii'inl 'in -nlpulatiena.
aKninsi win. b b" b.is .iIipihIi
taUn up the pih1s;p1 laimni br nn .b'cl
NEW tsiiPs s,.i h as i)ispailisui mp
Ktl Kbi and n rpiiipd Knnwinitb ns
lstn nnd Hip fnrnipr-laher alliani" nf urpp
rMF, ii huh In nnip Statps aip sphtt n-j m
littcnl partirs and rcalicniii-: pnlitnal nip
'tnent'i. bavp pirallpls and parallp) ri-ib. in
Kntjlnnd. Vpt fbn I.ibpial-('ntipriativi' row
in Knglnml Pinbitipnd as i is bi pest -war
iincertninti and unrest, w.ll pass vulimi1
IpttvIttR tli" PMsiinj pa i tn nr tbur prniM
pies Rrcatli rhntiKcd
.A IiKp rp'iili mai bp fniise-pii in iln
VnltPil Stat" N'nriiiaHi iIip Itppul pan
Partj is the biisinrss man . pait ni'm I lie
party nf pieimnin- cnnsciiatmn Tiip li'im
cratlp I'arti is tin- Inw-tanfT partr, an i t
l. pln'ii tn ihp habit nf pxpi'tiiufiit
Thp biisinuss and tinniii'iiil mn ppn- el Hip
femitir nip pri-inanpiii TIipi aii fat n up
tat-tinR than tbp -nstp,n i-sni- t, ls Kim
fnnnln and tli" farmer -bibnr mnMiinn' arp
Ilkcl.V tn be 'I In Upw issiPs mm Knr tf r ii
pnrtlps a ahniiiii? iii lm n i-bnkin up s
Etied fur a in pnlll. al pm ' . VpiiIipi liiinn
rratl nnr Itppubli' a'i ili-liiii'KraMini i.
lllil.i . for I be prcspnt a' ba-i.
ESTI.MATI..S nf ii. fuii. i. siew tb .,) ii,,.
inntnr ind ,-n -iimi I i , ,, u.ri-, ,, ,,, .
tntnelnle Iraffii Imu In ( 11 mad 'b,jin ,, .
pard for tbp pin nmiii mil imiun and ihi
qunll pin ii' ni' mi! : hn muii ni in the
sriild of l.in.p ,. e,) ,-irs A- i.i.iiicis -i,,n,
tnllnj. nm mn with am mn nt .'uir j,,,
liilii i'W ii a ' :, i
Small mips ,r lip.ipei ih.-in i h ,
cwr ueii b fn p I.nini'i . mi,,, i fa i t nets
nitli e '" t finain'ial n-nnries are fraii!. i
CIvlPHK ntlK tn i, if lil" 1"iiii , mi. i rn n
battle in the inn beld ibat ,t has (.jn u,
J'S own uiilil new 'lli I'mil miiien, .m.
ll'VPr.S Willi 11 Tl,,l t., wbii-h kiepl lis
niaflniips si,u i,,ii,.r I,, pii,,. iim .,, Mllr
en t iie inarkit
The spe l.'ii I" nf (be tubi will h- n-i-I'ltrreM
tn people niiiiMi i be in.it.ir ,ridn.
try. lint I be pnm ami p i,l ,. ,,f,, ,.
flmuld ItitPiisi tin nisi 'w . I,, plans u, ,n
prove trnfln n.fitrnl s-i.n, ,,i mn"i lim'
it further e.tnMmi .f tin In netit- nf ni'.'n
cnrK need nn' be .t i niiipaiin d b nimble
one linns ami iip'mIUss Ir.il m irniiii
ri-ppeinll' in i hips
It bef-ins in appuii ilia' ui ini.m,
lilt-try lUrlf nun xi Iimi 'i adi.-aiib m
f.Mend Kiinc help and tr l.nii n I ini,. tr,
plttlllP Hlltlmritlis inmeriieil u,ih Unlli
r'tsulnlii'ii w lm ate for tin must Mi ,ii,
0it Kibeient plan- n nnitiMr tlnnriis m
funds with -a lm b in nun mi nei i ssari i
.in iinniliiig ,,p,, , in,.
J inedcrii iiniinlisi
eplehrntfd ibis icai
Shelln was I,,, ,,),
I'll I lie 1 IHII Ii anil wi .
fary of Ins li II 1 itnr 1 1
placid di'inlP's nf
ilriilh hul the iivinilli
Mnithe-i Ainnbl an
ti Wi1 "f wl, i h inn-e
planning ,i liiein
will be beard nn tin
In Pceeinbrr
appmpi.ate birthd'itp
There weie Iannis a fi w nimnl ,.,
Olher M'ti born 1 illlnm I 'lnm n
lfS"-; und In i-l siinimi r all Pans, ;l ,,, (l,lr
tleillnrlj the ihai'ining Miburli of Argentnnl
mng the asparav'is and t le nf m mre-
ful etiltlrntlen
W'Ttllin irient iirek fraine. where
memerlnljstR nrp nniiuesiiiiiiablj (liiPrKlfipil
In their Interests, iiilbnlic in Hieir tastes,
hH reillfinheii-d ('linnipnll Tin re H nn
pillhentlrllj in these re-pci i which the en
t(rt eh Mined nurhl inaj adiaiitngpuiisy
It Imn been niul nf N'npidoen ltrin.ip.irii
thy nnrtinnns pressed te Mihinn one mn
'! tr.Ul'tlvr iieeeliipllsbiiifiit nf the epic ,n.
JsAufrer that he Im-pired the I'ede of Hws
l LImIi luiiru Ills llillilfl fi ml iti &flll .!.
louhdatlen of jurlM'nidmre in I.ntfu Innils
j ft l...rt.lhl be milled that the r'lral ('nnnil
V-mMtlct'?!1 " "P--'1"" I" K"Pt In 17011,
ItJP" . nuril(ilii enterprUci but
i ;?uiwiwii'i t
ttntB i'Miy rrmlent p;ewprJfU
E,NWwt .IFflKSL: ! i
Jab if bin' k ban!t. di-sceiercd bi M. Ileu--nrl.
n VVnHi i!fitrr ni Pert St, .lullcii.
nrni .MrjLunilri.i. lli trfflsure tr-uf n
llii Heeiln 1iiiip. lli inr.k' brilliant of
jU In tlin rr'irtii nf nri liciil"R .
Prniiep Iet tlii" irl''flri trnphv w lin
Ale.iiidrln wns t n k-ti li ill'" 1'iikI1Ii i"
jpnr In (!-. hut it u our nf lirr fitizen"-.
the imlpfrtigiible .frnn I'rnncelv Clinini'"' Clinini'"'
lien. wIhi hiiI(k-KH it vpi-Mtn with n k-v
failileiiiil in lil nn rf,st!r hrnin.
Mis fnTliitien"' wrrr tir't kImhi te tin
jinMli' in t he Irllrr te h ifr'Hin M D.K'iT
lnibllh'il in 15,''.'. t -hn inrtlt!eii "- infti-! c
Mini; of the three ni-Tlplinn "f tlm lenf
In lilcrn;ljpliif n. Itpiimili' tbf lntrr prints'
writing- nml t'rcek lmi inhnl th" inet lm f -Him;
rifl'ili' (if tl i Hiii'lin vnrld
In tin- rd nni "f lii'turicnl "rlin'int'-liip
t'll lllr Bli'flt H'lcrlltlTC Tli" I'rcii' b
id (i. eirn In f in - irnr of liOrnj'ilfniia:
ri'ircililirnii' fv. In linnep llir mini) "lii'-li
(eiirrncil mul )!mi'pi n mt'I.mI V mri'l
'I he Wiii Fi (.Ira red for the Nomination ;
of a Majer te Carri On the WerU
lreadi Well Hccun
T'l MAV Ip lakmi for sijinlrd i tin tl.i nn
- trel in ip Hi Km prim en b p"' ' '.'il
' m trai iriri b - mm in an mi
'I be b'Sinn.nj: of ''at nd w.s iii,iikpi
hi tbp adnptimi of t,e ni t'bar'pr "linb 1
PIiinwerid 'In i ti tn dn its ,,-, n unci.
Vaiiins ami 's nwn iel"unii nf iisli"
and spibncp. and " h' b prendul tliai tin
I'inti.'iii sjstrn, shni.ld nut hp nd'ipJ'd -aie
! the npprn'.i' nf i l,i Mainr
Tills prei is, nil 'nab'p" tllP p'np p te r'n !
a Majer who "ull prntPi ' tlip.p iiteti.'i n
lb'. Tgnrrl against iin mil binirinns nf a ,
iit.tr,T ter-i nntrii'I'd ('ti I'niiiPil.
Wl pii .1 Ilnmptiiti Mm.p nn'. nflip 'Iip i
entiae's fnr 'I p ie,-r lipd bpi n f n .1
i ii i.'ii'il I. is spimhiI tar lm' lb" nbi'"i if
tie lireit'il i.f Pilbl, Wnlk- I" ' 'pii li lliP ,
st-rp;s lias .el.e(j ,n firi ( str.i- It s', .
pfi'd e iir'l tb,r d'ir.ng "h" -i. r: n' inn
a'l the ilran ng and Knieilginj "e'k ba
b""n dniip under I, s d're'tieii hi i'i phi
p'e; PS
'"' ,pf Inmliip. of the Itureau of Highways,
las j'i-t reienled some pertnipn figtin.
I'lnlpr tli e'd dan .t mn !,"i,,.i."e.ihi(i tn de
thp wrirk Thp dtj will spend imt ninrp
than 4 '.lU.fMMI nn thp -.imp vnrk n"t
eat. at a saving et .n:',li.efii ohm "h"
l!i'JI ies( This piinrinn is mi wrtf Ititn
l.p pfi'kp's of I h r i nntni' ! s .is pi-ntll
I' na- n.' n' ii that I In ; nind'' 'inn nin
fthi't inn- tn iari';. Iiiiiigh pi -Mic t".
'Pipt- fnr iniPrs aiid.panl lh .petis( nf
tin ir pe' t, nl iiiin l.inr
'I In i t' ' '.- true, bas itin i"i ahnii'
S'J.lMiii.iMiO in its i leaning ami -.aiPiiging
plan' l!ni tii" s.-ning m tun i nm . v i I
ti iiiilnir-p ' 'I i.p garbage ipe'ip' nn plant
I'Oiiflfr has , ,elrp(l II llienile ..I .'L'lMI I if Ml
finlii it- hi -pmiliii I-, nil, ell Is no igl, tn
pni ten per i'nt liitPiest en thp mst- of the
n I nlf s.,iung.nz and ili.iiiing plan'
'I lie tinain ial 1 1 etimnn's nf tli" in w si sem
i'( -n gren that ih" i iti i- net .ke'i nn
tn t' turn tn the e'd s siem
The pni inn! liPiiPtits nf tin si -tern in.
aliiinsi .fiPMnnabl". t hup strnk' tl." "H
' rn tnr mm lime wns dipnwd nf t li r inetn r
nil lil I.IS lSfl e W II ('(I I nil- .'III krp
l('f in pnwri. Ami lim dPiitb ni spii.itn
'.ip I'd- ninined tin i hPt nppem ir nl ll.e
1' sstem
TliPir is llii one lr who ha- p'liltl nl
afhlKi'imi- strong nieiisli in b I ' t ii in
bunging aim it i' leiiirn In leg- at nn in
llarii-bing 'lln nppii-iiiiiii - witinml
'r iiersb.p, 'i.!" ihnsi w lm I'l'n .n'.n in
- mug the i ' " I barter mn " .' '" llii
di"ti I'tmn of tie iniitra'i sstm 'i- v!n
dn nijnn of tin ip lln'm i".
In a ild 1 1 Ien tbp( ii nl Ik in l h ' ' i ' ,k
man-ion n Hat i I'buri a man 'n -i.ipntb-
"III! the pPnfllP e' Ibis iltl I'lin line he'll
fighting for jen's iii lm i invn ii' nn lb'.- j
el a leiitrai'in leiiiinl'd gnu iniiii nt I
I'n iipi iiienf i niiiPi snub lm' it '"in'- i
'I I e-p ii lm haie brrii fight i n g te' ' f"i
ip.'i'- n ih" in i-i nf iis.'niragpiii in- nni
seihaik- nr" miv Knpiir; tlni t"iiau ''
satin-,.' imn for what bns aliiad' hi en a.
i.,' , i-bril and are looking fm'i i d '' mi'!
gll nil I- H sls.
The nni is iliiiier ihan ' ''- i 'en
a.i'ii'l - ag" for them in bung im ' the
nun iii.'it.eti of a Miner n't i en '. u.ll
. .. i r v -nil fnr'her the ilnik lug in In Mi
Moeif It ibeie mm be i ii'Mtinii en
an nb i ami fent'pss mrn the uiidi'".
the I. tni nf the inntest fm- tii m n lti
imn fm tin- goierner -hip 'In- " ' 'nil b
Kpintdl lli'Xl inni. .Hid fn i. em.iient
v i'i ii tn-t n IMin het nm,
'I hi n ' imn sn i ih nut di i 'hat
"nil' I'llhil It'i'it em e gl 'ph '.'I'' ','i'id lin
in up' inn-piraii iiiiisi) ,( r.nl.n.' 'is He.
pubibniis in this mil has been I pueii up
ii. I popular geirniinf n h'i- In 'ii isinli.
'I b" " peitlllll'l I- I" K ' "' i I'
ll i i'i (1 's (hi i I -Id li tn -"p ,' iil.n ti p i ,, .r.lge
In ellllll'aiP it
Sr,t'iir.Tin imti nr the m-.t ,,,
-n fin ,i- i . an mi. " lm I .,. hn, ighi
a i no' and mn' in inn' n ml In inn inii-id-1
,, mn n' i he I. nn n ' l.lnllt mi nf I In
wnrlil III 1 h( pi I -i ii' ' III i
'I he nupeinl'iiis "ii ih I's I imp appa'I'd
mnsl nf is beiaiise " e h.ne nni hi en in the
bnbit of thinking ii Ii I mis nf iIeIImiw nnd
b"i!iiise we in in.' I ,i k " 'ip Itn.bi i,i . , , i u -nare
loinlii'ens im" i'li inmlit'enu m
the pan
Mr llnniei ,i hul ,il,rn i tin (.Ii in ,,r
the Kiirnpenii nni nn- in pni "h,u I r-i nwe
te the I nrni S'l 'ps H' 'night Imie gene a
liltte further ami haie, t.i.kPil about the
nbllll.i nf the I'n rpr .i ii iir.linp. in iflm the
ilebts wlnib tlni nwe tn tin nn n nennle.
and lie might hau u ll.fd w i'i pmht n the
iimiparnnii ensr
th 'ill . h lie mted
States i nu inrii its nun grni' war dpn of
OMinn.tifHMiiiii nr tins sum -.10.11(111,.
0(1(1,(10(1 is own! te 11s In eiIpi 1 miiiir en :
lull eien if this sum in, 1 didijiipil frnm
the Intnl dfbi 1111 exnniiiintieii nf ihe tlgurp
In the natistifn! abstr.'iil .iib'is,n In the
llppni Hum' "r t'emmerie will sbn" thai wp
lire nn weise off than we w 1 1 e al the r 'n-e
nf the Cud W'ar
The maximum debt was rem bed 'n 'sijc,,
wlieti II anin'itilrd in .S',tlT4 0011 mm 'Che
nallennl nenlth ni ihni 1 1 ir - wns J'J'J.ftfle -linn,
000. op a lifle ninie Mian eigh" nines
the ,'linei nl "f 'he d''hf O111 prrseni ,ebt
nf SSI 1. 000, 00(1. flOO is lrs than nnr 1 w ( 'fi h
nf the nntmnnl vnnltl rs'iiunteil nt beiveen
srinn-one oen.ooo ami xteti non poe oeu -e
iiiaiinged te survne the burden of the riul
W'ar dehl. and ,ve rn" ""r' rnnly survive
the burden nf the pieent debt.
Ni let iif lc k nt the ene of Knclnnd.
She. Bad n grer lebt after the Napoleonic
WlirrM " '10 ." 1" "I "' vt,U"ii,VWI,mn
- t i".'?,ce.f,''',t ?LfvW.rM)
-W f, T. Jmjit?' tjii.-ir 1
j ear. This debt ivns progressively rcdueed
while the interest nn it ivnc paid nnd ulille
th" tuition grfiv in wealth nnd prestige.
The pieseni Itrlllh debt l nbeiit S.'tT.OOO, S.'tT.OOO,
Olie. linn nnd the national Incnine Is SlU.OfMI.
iilHl.ildd. the ratio of debt tn Income bolus,'
nheut three te one. us in islit.
Vew if the Urillsli at n time when na
tional wealth was net Increasing; se tapidli
it is today ieiiIiI siirvlre the debt In
iiirifd in the Nupoleenle nnr.". It crrliunlj
urn surilie a (bbt of the some relative size
incurred In th" war ngalnst (icrinnn doiul deiul
unt Ien.
There in no ncnMeti for panicky feeling
cither at home or nbmad v ben the nizeNif
the war debt'" l contemplated. Thcie i-
slight iunilicatieii fm il." remark frequenll.i
Irani that most of i'i" war debts will hove
te be lepiidia'ei! en amount of th" Innbillty
"f the nations in pai I liPin
NIll t lipinn t i - is a unllllg 'c.enee. If It Is
.'ippll'd te the -iilniien nf the prisent liniiii-
al problems, tip tetiipern' " of tbe(3 who
disiiiss them n I i'i be lowene
WIIKN' the 'n inri Hall, wIiipIi is nne
of the piibli .mil 1 i.ik.ngs nf this city
'meling a .i'ame 1 1 eliipietnni. is leady
fni eci'ii,i,,m 1 l- v .nn "i in s,ip, uilh 11111--tnnteil
audit'" ,n s - ,,"ib'e for nttt actions
of the ihaiaitii 11" 1 ass,, iatml Vltll the
A'nb in; of .M 1 1 1 1
As a tn ti ti if i m I r n'erpt '(. ihe splendid
ti"w edifice will be frm tintn tnntlen. nnd
as such will In in'! ,1'lapted fnr pinmnting
nitelleptiial. aii.-'ic 'inn esthetic enterprise
nnd thes" ciiini iitiiuiall deserilierl as of a
('pillar nature, the 'tune nbjei t of which
is tint money -making 'lln possibilities of
utilizing tin lapinmis building as a 11111
11 elp.il opera Imusi . as a 1 mntiiiitiitv thea
tre and as a peiiniiiii 1 hnine fm the Phila
delphia OrcheMrn an liupipsnenablj allur
.ng. In the meantime '. . '.e Aeanpmy fif
Music, a dis'in tnr ml leminblc I'lnladil
pbia institution r ,n pif-l gi . traditions
and honernble a--n ' t .n - midm ted pre
einineiitlj fei Hie hpm lit ni the "iti lather
than as 11 ine.nis , nn ,11 Anting profits.
I tut . Mm th s'f.iking in nut w Ithstand
itig its ni'knew ledgpil .nn' i',i-ie pnsit.en
,is a simmliis tn prngi'-- i'i diiei-e nnd
iltnl lines, tin. Acaibmi is . priinte enter
pii'e Tile nnsen. ilia" f.f I'lLM-'JU. whiih
was bj far the u n- iniiiil and the
bush st in thp hsi(in of 1I1 1 ilthe, has been
fendurled nt a nc less ,,f mere than .'-T.-(10(1.
The penalti ." n iii'n spirit is thus
shown tf be tens. dei. ib e ami the burden is
no alleilated by an mi-fi-i of .'-Jim. 000 In
ihp valuation n-sp- im ir ti n In the Mould
if Kei ismn nf Tai -
I' I-, nf iniirse. .njiil , br 'hi I'.-" nf
lirepiTii labns in ,.,t'. Pi I'lelphin i
.1 istifii'iitinn for tin "id ' mm Icirge-. Itni
against this 1 nun n mi .- 'n iibiieii" fin t
that the Ai am nr - nn t 1 1 J .1 11 1 utallj
(perilled fop gain. In,' f. he adi image nf
the 1 miituuniii .
N'nt eien the :.' 'ins- "ii 'h.M.'p- fm iim-t
if the Ai'.'ldemj's 'I'll 11I1-. pni.' nil meet
ings i.Veptl'd. mil he 1 illli'I'll In llff-ll this
truth The A' inii nn 111 .1 nn- pm.i.t - use
i- a ipiiisi-publli- in-iiti "ii Mill .1 inaikdl
kil.ship In intelli" 1 nil il - u,...i-. s, linnl-.
iiiiisi inns, libt.11 n s n g il'i 1 .. -
While n laiiimt be '".'.'.ili ni.'i.iit.iinid
wiihnut rebelliiii; ag.ini-' 'In w lm!' lh"nii if
pinpeiti tiiMllinu ih." tie I'.nnl'l nf Iteil-
-ieii of Tae- I a- ,.ieiii us nti'bnr.t in
imposing tlie 111 n.i-re a-si --nn 1 t. 111,11
I" s iggesieii thin i'" nnb 1 mi-nb 1.1I loll
has been giiell tn i" ill ir 'id 1 '.udilli
Tl.e Acnddin dr-p' ii- fi tragi 11 nt and
niiprer uitlie rre.itiiK 1 1 . Wi'l.011 'I.- in
s'ii'itinti main nf He ''' en igm .i'n :
a-pe I- nf prngi'-s .unl nnui nniil ibiiinp
ihpiii In th.s ' rv wn .Id bi s, 1 ,. ,.i
si ininw Pil
The Vntmi Hull tin U will n 1 'ie
lie sitlimnm Pi.t l.lltll ll.H stnlitUM S
in ixistni" 'n Af.diini nun hi leglti
i.i.relj icg.nded n I'd'' srii.uit "f no
-mull ieiisi'1'U ti e Ul inig 'I pe-ilm 1 In
h 1 I, tl tn . -- -"-. ii.t I "ii' I ng 1 d"
1 in '.eir di.'i.s nii. , iiii.tii lie.nl
niistim 'in ' im-t'.' atlf.n.
1 The Wet-Dry Issue1
r.j ( i.ivruN w 1.11.1:1.1: r
ppiir. we i-m .1-1 - !"' - '" i" ''"
i. ...muig lc ti"" " ! '"", lf,f"ri1 " "''''
tbilii ,1 tin' test .. I. .1 . op ' '' en 'm'
-ilbje, 1 nt tne . Istr .11 in 1 I'Hn wen
should 'i'n - neial'i w ." t ,. 1. ,. .1 mi
ll si Willi the litis, iig, ! M, 1. - II, d been
1 I si 1. II 11 I II" Hi -. 1 - ' -
wiui'd In I"' nisier I l.tn nn ti tin 1 an
n,,w Hut ti ft''1 ,f'" ' ' ' ' " ii'"'-- 'hat
tin p.ibln 1- nl" I '" ' ' " iil"
VeUtdid a 1 wn ib' In 1 " 1 if 1
; c II, ,n khi. seiiei.nv ..' t ' Niimiiiil
s.nciatnn iiu-(d '" P111I1 1 itieu, I 1- ist
etilineil In Wiishiiiglni 11. ,n 1 1'sit in -e'.en
Ilddle Western Sine- 11 1 u hn- hi en
iniesiigating tli" p -1 t- ..f i'n net
'! here an four Stat.- hi 111. n "ni" will
In 11 r'ferenduni mi "" l' is' nl it Vnl
stfiil law 'I I'" i'1"- ,l'1" ie!' nf ;nn
inig in one 01 t of ti.-( St n.-- Tjn v
lm e ,ise. sais I' II 11 , in ilefii
twenli-llie nf the "" 1 i"i nliitis 1., 1 .,e
n,, se nf U"pns"iii n ."-
In Ni 1 eik. Mn- .1 ,-e 1. ' 1 01- ami
'i. ,..-ei. lie I '" gii 1' I 11 111. have
till 1 11 sub - "il tin ' . 1 d v ... In these
s.';ite- as 11 a'lne t 1 1 gl"--lnli,.! mil-
..si. en Hi'- I'- ,e ' 1 Iti i .bin an . have
t.iki 11 tne dii -I f 1 ' '"g in m and the
I lenim li'ts the v 1 ' -im 1 ,,. ,, ,,,, j,, u.
Stales iust nir iitimii d lie I'tniiiiiii t Ii 1
is 11 in-iidiaiil.ti'' '" i.i. - !i r in al
In.ir Slate- Ihe Iti . hi ' - 1 tn,. ad-
vantage Illinois ami M. 1 i-eii- ,ne
,', erwhelmlllgll ll'p.hl' in l.ii' Mnl 1111
mn thinks t lin t '1" 1 1. lunenn . nave nnv
1 lm tin nf i in mug tin N v lnr and
ew ,Ier-i 1 a ' 1 '"M ! ' 1' ,u bulb Stall
tne nulls f.r or Ihe It'l '.b1 iin
In none of tiii-e S' I'i- 1 ,e ilit-drv
issue pii'duiiiinaiit Iti Ni ii ,,.i 11 , j ,-(,
i. legal 'led as mn of 'in gn 1; mr n gn, ,m.
of till I'll I lb I'l'lsmlillltn - nf tin tue
candidate- lm Cli 1 I'.xri'ti,. m epshaduw
eierjlhing el-e The ni., - imige-i inner
mirs lln Slat" I. .is Im I n 1 1 r nan- are
running ngmnsi e.n b ..l ir
If lioierner Milb Ii' p .mn an, is te.
eh" ted i' w 'II net I e I,'. ,ni.e ,(. s ,rv ,
bill bnause In '1 iiiiiss,ii me Slali In
Ins niliiiiinsti.itiin t 11 i,,,., ,,,. Smnii',
Ileinnirat defeat, in, ,i ...i ,,,,) , (,.
iiiiisi In 1- "CI. I, in 1,1 ,-e jic inn, ,.,,
n istinguislii d meid a (ion 1 nnr, and be
muse be himself is 11 m nn (f i.innh'e Angin.
and Is iiniuciiselv pepn'm ,t, ,. ,,.,.,,,,
In ,MiifsachuPtis. the pir-nnalitv of Sen.
atnr l.udge eiershadniv. tier-thing 1 Ke
Sew .lersev prixn's ,1 .'inrir is-ue Sen
atnr I,re!iiigliin-"ii '- di ,ui 1 iev ei mu
Inlwnrds. bis npl'enent i-v,,, Neitbeim.ni
has nun h of " hnbi n 1 ,e pnpilm im im
nginntien. A inten tm llduind. ,n ,0
a Mderv for the wei. i, pj.),, ,t , (lv(,
In Map'a'hiiseiis nmj r,if,,i 1,1,1 iheienre
te l,e ivfeieiuluiiixen Staie-enfei ceinent acts
and. airniding te Mi ,ncklev the nets
espect In mn them In Illinois ,,nd I Ihjn
there "I'1 ,,,ff' '"' "fi'itndums. hm the
"baiu'es are Mint both Male, ui cn .1..,
1 'fhe I li ii 1 light adimttPilli dose, n is
also the lentesi benuen ihe It'epi bin tin mn
1 Deniei 1 aln paiins iheie r n, ,,H
should win lli" lefeiendinn m 1 line, the
prnctinil elTeii. 1 s believed In Imiveis,
wruild be te n lien lln Slnie an I hm 11 ipj. ,,f
nil ri'spensllnlit.v ler infnning 1 In. proliihi preliihi proliihi
tlen I.aws. and thin the wiiele bmlen .,
the I'l'ileni! (ieiernniPiii
I his would r route an impossible Mn,n.
tlen 7r" 1 1 01 . 01 new 01 law enforce.
ment. i'1''.1!"1 'he aid nf .State nmj ru
tiellcr prohibition would be 11 dead Inter
The. Federal, fieterniiieiit cntild nn afford
te dupjieate the local police (irKflnlisatieii,
Kta-ltytiliyjth that eiiferctpitnt I. difficult
' What It Costs te HrinK Them te Our
Peers Commission Men Complete
Nntien-AVide Surrey Little
Profit in the Business Shown
PAUL f. KTP.W'AHT. of this cit. is vice
li president of ihe Natien.il League of
Cntnnils.sinn Merchants.
It Is one of three prent fruit anil vegetable
ergniiizatlniiH that pti'dicnlly inntrel th
whelesali; (rnrle nf the United Stnte.
Thej are the Western l'ruit Jobbers' As
snuatinn, the Nntiennl League of Cotuniis Cetuniis
sinn .Merehnnls and the International Apple
Shipper' Association.
I.iery lending iemntlsinn mereltnnt tn the
I tilted Statfi i.s. rllreetlv or indirectly, eon een
tieeted nidi nni or the ether of these nr
gn 11 iza linns
A Joint le'incll of them has just rempleted
a niniti- -nide niripy of the iihnlefcnle dis
tribution of fruits nnd vegetables.
m It 11ns made by H, ii, Phillips nnd Hntnuel
rrneep, msperti'.
Thej mnk" a remarkable showing
In (iddittnn te which they disabuse the
puhlii mind abmit smne prce'itueived notions
n f te whelesabrs" profit In the business.
JVTH STI.W'AIJT sais that the surv
l'J. nls,, a pintcst ngninsf iillticatien.
ey Is
Its purpose is te su the fnmtiiissinn
inpichnnts of the I'liited States in the riglit
light hpfeie tin i enslliner.
This lertn onimlssieii merchant i fre
I'lentlj tisee ImJiscriminntelv, n the exports experts
p'diit out. te npplv te the commission
merr limit jobber and whelenile diliibutnr
The siri'i was eipiallv intended te prove
that the coininissieti inerchnnt is th" Indi
vidual who i trcpientlj ground between the
upper mul nether mill-stones of railiend
nites nml 1I1 shipper of the produce.
W'henevi 1 the worst is bunded out the
wholesaler s in'inlly en hand te receive it.
EAUJ. S'lTW'AUT and Charles A. Muehl Muehl
hrenner. nt Pitlsbuigb, ate nle members
nf tin Adiisnti P.nard nt th" Notional
League of 'oiiimissieii Men bants.
1 I nei witn hundreds of ether reputable
j business men object tn being designated as
I "piratnal" and the "most lemnrscleis prnti
1 leers" u, this 1 nuiitf.' .
j 'I bise linns ate quoted In the suriey nl
1 !.'i!pii fiem an iditnrial In the Itailwai Age.
P.igis nf tne snrtey nn deinied te ex-
j ipipts frnm ntiniks made en wholesale dis-
triliuieis hi i.iilrend eftieers.
The iipirts mine bnck at th" railruad
people 11 ilh both fi-t.
"As a icsiilt nf thesr nttarks," say the
evpeits, spiaking fnr the inmmissi)ii
ineri'hnnis nf I'm I'nited States, "ilt-trnst
has, In en 1 rented, iniustin deii", co-
1 e 1 intien i ml iiiulerstanilitig preiented aipl
mi'i netiug .niurnl.'
j fTMIIS sfnn .f th" fruit and legeiable
-L siiuaii'i'i. or Mine, is nf interest te
1 iiii famili
'I'n 1111 v pe -ni who biiis a fiutrter- peck
I of apples. ,1 lunch of 1 elei 1 . a (Imrgla
wnteniKlmi m ,1 fi.e-ieund basket of Yerk
Stain ciapc.
W'lnn 101 ti'ti-b reading the findings nf
these cpe. 11 1,,, were unii striee( in their
! csear, Ins and miesiigatieiis, inn nrc com- !
pilled in iM-kiien ledge that the wholesale
fn.it and iegi 1.1I ', commission merchant has
troubles nf his n' 11, te s;i nothing of losses.
Till: (itfes-nnend an: Philadelphia. Pllt- 1
, burgh. Ibistei, ('hii.'ige and New Yerk.
'Ih" siin.'i eiiibi-.n es among ether things
!'liti mi', distt ' iied eier a period of ten
1 iiim'tbs frein Sri,ii mhiT. IH'-'O. te .Inly, l!l".l,
(if this" t'il."i) ens were bundled en com-
I mission
j These who fnnci that commission
men iianls n, p "iiermnus pmiits fiem
' bandlni'.' fruits and vegetable- will read the
following simwiiig with intciest:
J'he til." J car- snld in the wholesale mar
ket., fnr .(!. "iTs. 7 I "J
The cnmuiis-ieii men bants' gross enmmis.
I shins weie S 4 1 'is ,,r f,,,'i7 per cent of the
J -ale ii" p.
Ther evei!i0..d or mst nf dnmg business
11.1s ,V.tl',L'.."i07 nr ,". l!l per unit
' Till- did lint unhide itltPlesI mi capital
inie-leil m salarn- of ieculiv
Without lyiinti'ig this the net piefu was
Ssl.sTl 0: 1 tS pe, cent oil lln sales prn e.
IWeNlJllIt if tbp nltiniale lensiimer, whn
bins tnini ti.e irtiiil tr.eri bant, ever con cen
snbn, ti" iasi nniiiuii of detail, 'barges,
msts and tn thai lies behind his one pur
iiiiise nf ni.etnb!es and fiuil.s?
Cbaige. en ihe tl IT'S cms, including all
factnis. weie ."., I Js.. ""!i, mi average nf
Mtik'i.'.in per 1 ar
'Ihe I'n. ght nml exptess chaiges amounted
tn is."..:! 1". Iii'.l an nvemge of S'n.l."". per car
Trans nri nl mn ia alone amounted tn
! 'Ihe si, ,. nf these pnri'baspd and con-
1 'igu'd tiilaled ,ill ."il-l.."i0S, an aieiage of
I SI Hill lid pel (in
I N'ei. v b.it nni i.ie iiiiscellaiieeiis handling
, of lim 1 liormeils mneuilt nf fnndsluffs
I bundled bj oiiuiusslen men cost'
I Stei,ni, nl'ige, unloading costs, leirindt-
i tieinng el gun Is en airiial, lepnikmg ie-
I'lmjii'i ing. In'id'iitr crisis iwhicli include -ti ip.
I plug, biiiiiiig hi. 1. (leveriimeiii mspeitiun.
I weigbil .. 1 ruit.illiel s mid ether msis nf
! baiidlili!,' Hindi' nu aieragi of ,sl!l.'Js per nil-
1 Tin w hn'i-a'i r's gross profit was .'.'!.". l.'l
I per nir
I updating mt te the ciiminissuui men nas
mi aieiage nf .s.",1-! s per enr
In tin illusion nt the dollar of the intal
sales Ii.' 70 i"i cent went fin fi eight ami
expiess, wbnii ihe iiiilrends giit.
Tin t-nippi leielied ,"if.l per cent, m
j 1 lulling 1 p' r cent fm 1n, inakiiig ,1 tei.il of
I !C II nr fiit . which the 1 arrieii and nnp-
I ei- ie en. d
.Misi ellaiii mis handling cost I ':. per 'ent.
leaving a biiluliie nt '! HI I'd ''"ill tn ihe
. wlielisnlc iiiindbr te meet npeiating (Kpcn.ei.
aninuiiUlig tn T. per cent
It nils an nut -ef-per kei Irniisactmn
I 'I'h" shipper and the railieaiN divided the
1 melon.
rpill", greatest losses, according 10 the e -,
-L ert-. were In In 11 el appli . and bnv
apples fi,,m tin Parihi Const
1 (in bull, apples there was a mi profit
1 Priilnab'e shipments were Cilifmnia as.
; pm.'igus ami Imperial Vnllev. Calf, uuita
I ieui.es
j rieiuln citrus fruits, (nlifmnli r null -
fluvier and California and P'erula if',n UPrfl
j pi.itituhlc. together with giae- ,,.1,,,, j,,. .
ti'ie, mixed ve elablt's, nn-f i-ll'immis fruits
1 :m I loilllltees
The crentest losses were -,, mined in
Southern straw homes nnd T(.i. spinm h,
' iilich "an us blub as SUll.Tl pi 1 .a,
ion unuRiial sliewing m ills sUPvev
1 MiminarieH the disposition of HI'.' ,.nrs ,,'f
Tevas spiuneli, onions and abbage.
Tin (onsigtimentH sold for 1 ,07(100.'"
I Freight, express mul transportation tn-, took
1 ,-.(,.' II of thlf.
I'nt- i-iising mid handling the shipper lo
omed S4S7.JU".
1 1 li nrlli tits costs ceimuined Sis J"(
, After th" returns wie ml in the mm-
mission nierciiinii" i..nn m-- mi me trmisnc
turn was $Km.SI.L .
0P, of the surprising t-hen ings pi evented
In this survej Is that iM t, ,,'nr since
haie the ciep of fruits and legembliw
eiiunleil tli",p ' llln '""''PI in the one
Until of Kweel liiHalnes.
The predui lien of sweet pniatnps iimibleil
'I' 1n,!' , 1 r ,1
In P.VJ1 the ntiple nep fdl ,,ff M0,lr, tn
thirds finlii that of Mil I
....... 10 10 the clinic .,,, i,,,u 1
, -.nni- ,, 1, , ',, , ,1 .ms nieii
stendili cainln'.'. H doubled Inst ,,.nP ,n.,,r
1 that of 1tt ,,
Proliitut'e" is -nn nniinig grape culture
Crnnlierry predu'timi has been decreasing
neadil.v. ith Hi" exieptien nf 11HJI. until
last year, "hen it wns lust ,,,0,)( ,lr,.mf
w lint It hed '" fi'i; "wn jenr-r before.
arf.,I'., Riini'flr I" tliis ete nre under
ivnj?Hy "J wholesale grocers threiiRh the
Harford rVhoel of Iiusiiuss Hesenrcli. ,
. . ymTOgt;'y-.vg::.vr.'i;.'if""in-iene
Wff'Mffy1 ft j 1 1
4Bpflav jiifl I iiry'!-fjfJ
Csx&&9EEmzzc,'" 1 mP iwfip''Bni "z-u fty I'll -s"-?r. sse&?iREeiSf'
jf? T25BlSstL wK n J 7 will i I (iJll SSSSSSKIttSS
'" "" " ' r""s. r" . zl fiw -Jf-a.
lslivv l t 4 " I ,PTL "fBniliy 'ii. ' '.ix'Hl : 'VI-
C . -- "ti. a. J2 -Jjljr?fY " '
--4s--. -s - s Ts -v . ,"!----. "a ' ""alas- -
' . . s, --J-f'..-.n.. iSi a
.-7'-Pj, - v. 355- !.,-sl.
Daily Talks W ilh Thinking Philadelphians en Subjects They
Knew Best
On Co-erdinatinR the UuildinR Trades
II' Tim situation in the building nudes
of Philadelphia and its immediate lidnity
Is tn lie made easier, te the f.utlienns of
the interests nf the city and the public nnd
the ailinin eiiirnt of budding, both i-o-nleuces
and business places, then must b" m m m
ordiiuitien in tin building trades. av. If.
.1. liaringer, seeretar.i of the Philadelphia
ltuilding Congress,
"This co-operation." smd Mr. I'.itt inset,
"mu.sr be effected hi men lepieseniing everi
one of ihe innnv and highly divetsifieil
ttades. piofessiens and nciliities 11 lib h enter
into all buildin.' operations, if ir is te be
made thoreughli etiieieut. 'I Imn main pur
pose must be an inlenslie simli of economy
in the building induslri.
Idea Is Ceuiitri . ide
"This iden is bv no means new iirgnni iirgnni
Htlens sinulur 10 ours ahead exist in New
erk. Mosten and Seattle, when nun h has
been aecempltslud. Our nipnnii'.ntleii has
attiacted attention fiem oilier il if"-, nnd
vie haie lecehed rr finest, fm Information
as te our procedure from Midi large cities
as Chicago, Detieit, Clevrland. Pittsbuigh
nni ethers.
The fundamental idea is te place the
bidding Industries en the highest possible
plane of integrity und etheieiu v nnd te cor cer
1 elate all the efforts toward betterment new
being made bj single groups in ibese in
dustries, ' All the component part" of these indus
tries 111 Philndelphla nnd uelinti 11 if being
niged tn paiticipate. It is pure! a enn
ferciu e irseeiiitbin whiih bnud'es us weik
threugli lomiuittees and is ibd.uiteil te the
inipievement of the seivice v Inch Mies,. In
dus! lies can give te Ihe ceinnuinily.
"'I hose, component lmrts m gieups me
twelve in number, nnd an in (onfei mnuce
iuih,-the tame groups as 1 la.i!i d hi ihe
American ("oust rut lien Council of which
I'rnnkllii I'. Ftoescvclt is pnsldeni 'Ihev
are inchltects, eilglnecis, geneial uuitrni
inrs, siib-contiacters. censtnu tmii labor,
111nte11.1l and eTiipmcnt maiinfai tureis ma
teria' and iiqiilpinent denbus. financial,
suietj. nccrutnllii)!. inminiice, building ami
bun and fpjl estnte organizations Mesules
Mien', tlieie an also representatlvr s nf the
great commercial organizations, sin li as the
Chamber of Commerce nnd the P.nnid nl
Trade, the public utllilv construction ih -paitmenis
representatives of the 'r'edeial
State, miinty and municipal bnieaus and
depHrtments 'concerned witW the eonslriie eenslriie
tiun associations of builders, the einph,vet
and the p'.hllc.
Medi Censtnu tlen Cnder Wa
"With npprexlmnlnlv .fUlO.noe.noo worth
of building ( (instruction under cnntiaei sn
far ibis jenr. and with the s,nicii f
1 raftsmen in nearly all lines nml the pnsein
bidding fur skilled help which is gning mi.
It Is eaviii seen t lint the building ceugies.
iiieven "nt must apijenl te all these intension
In ihe stabilization and betterment nf these
"The snle object of the local meiemeiit Is
10 (liable the building industiies te pminntc
th" geneial welfare by discovering, through
scientific siine.is, the needs nf the publb
and nl the Industry; by finding nnd lecnm
mending means of sntlsfjlng these npuls;
hv defining finup functions und linnnonu linnnenu
ing gieup activities through Ihe formiila fermiila formiila
tien of cedes of cihlcH nnd of pincllcc; and
bv am nt In i- means ngreenble in ami in 1 1m
interests of the public and tin indiiMir
nml 1 onfermable tn Inw.
"It will b" noticed Ihnt the riglits of the
public il 111 1111 iuipeitaiit pail in the ob
jects which the cengicHH Iiiih set em i
nchieu Wc believe Mint the dny has
pnsseil when the public cannot lie considered.
Ii Is the public thm ultimately pn.is the
bills for all such work irtul which ect upies
the buildings wbl'h are crinstrueled. mid It
has a leading place in nny dcllheialiens as
te urns and una lis inuccrning 11 Ibing In
which It is se illully Intel ested lis in the
work of Mie building tunics,
"The local ((ingress new beasts a inein
bershlp ' about thirty lepresentntlies of
the variiiuf trndPH inuilied In the' mete
ment. each of whom in nclively interesleil
In the work nnd who itt present represent,
ns IndlridualH, all the component faclers
l'rl,n ITaeilf iva Cnnnntlldfl nf llln ..na.t.
isfifleitj no-v at work en ,n preliminary
phat-e iil the sevctal industries which go te
make up the building trades, from the num
ber of empleyes, in cidents and deaths, the
rate-und-man hour reitilred in nil the build
ing crafts, up te and including the build
ing teipiiienieiils of ever' type of construc
tion fiem n wagon shed te a modem office
"This material will later be anal red by
a special committee, which will co-erdlnnte
and ceuelaie all the data into one large pic
tme of the fads and the leijulreents which
mnfreiu the industry.
Utilldlng Cedert- Vary
"Take, for example, tin larlatlen In the
building cedes nf various ciiies. In the
matter of the erection of grandstands alone
there is a diveigcncr of from 'JO te 1LM
pounds; ihnt is, the requirements in one
city will call for a stnnd which must be
built te en rr. 1L'0 pounds mole thnn the
roquliemi'iits of another dry. This lends te
vvnsle nnd added cost in construction, for
It is appatent that there is nu necessitv
for a stand te he built which shall enrr'v
l-'tl pounds grenter strnin thnn nnelher clt'v
requires, the latter being well above the
safety point.
"There is no doubt that there Is enormous
waste in building (enstri.1)U industries,
but these run only he definitely aseertnined
nficr n scientific inn stlgatinn such ns ive
ate making This waste is net mntined te
am one group, but runs clear through the
larleus industries.
"Anether thing which must be cnrrfiillv
npprenched nnd scientifically determined is
tin matter of apprentues for Hies,, trades
and of vocational guidance, mu, ,,, u.j8 we
luill be assisted by the Heard of Kiliicutien
the Fianl'lin Institute lim Y M, n(j
the various emplejers and eiiiiloves''asso(i.
liens. In this manner we Imp,, that the
building linden and craft, mm he made
mere atmielive te young men, and Mint It
will hi abb te afford them the fullest means
fir-l. of educalinn, und Inter, of emplev-'
menr ter nflicienr werkeis. These cinfts
must be censtnntli recruited if the com cem
munily is te he efficiently solved
The Neqii. Cenlennl.il
"The building construction affairs ,,f the
Sisquj Centenninl will nlse have m t. inken
up. mul our committee will (e-upciale with
Mn management in every nnv with respect
In nnv matters wherein nil' the elemenlH
of the construction Imlnslr.v mm prnperlv
take part. There should he, lirst". carefu'l
siiivc.i of all the hotel and housing fncillfieH
te nscertain ivhnt coiistruellen in this line
will be tiocesHnry te accommodate ihe in.
lease In population due le ibis eveni
"Mm the primary object is t better
wntklng inndltlens. te make fr a boiler
iindert-tniuling of the men with the mnterlnls
with which they work; for mere m-epe, .
live feeling among ihe inrleus groups ...
absolute fairness In even- one wlm Is e.
(.aged in or who comes into active contact
with the groups ,,f liulustr. If ,,iK ,,,
he a.eeinpllsbf, , 1, !. ,
the tlehi direcllen. net nnlv fnr the wnikers
and tin. emplevers, but fnr the public s
,. . nnvnna. Wurtemberg
l)(ispcrate and Had-n have ,.
Kemcilles mauded nf the Cerninn
'invernnieiit (a m 0 ,.
"Mur 1 I.iiism Mint ,1(. death pennlli be
pievided for speculation In feedstuffs' and
lertaln ether necessities of life, and Ihrent.'n
iiiilicnl economic niensures en their own .,..
muni ,f 1 hen- uislies me net mel. 'i'hat the
fevei'iiineni is giving serious censlderaiin
e the 11 llimaliim Is -. idcrire of Its desnera-
lien laiber thnn of any merit in the .Vine.
dies suggested,
,. ,, ... A," Anti-I'glv Assoeia Asseeia
Wy .llenr Km Hen has been o,gnnUe,
(emplaln . in Kansas Clti. its nin!
, , , , hr'".iK Ihe Clti Fleauiiful
I.v haul work and strict attention in btjsi.
boss the numliers hope e pn,ie Ihnt liand liand
snnie Is as handsome does, Whb h -Ives
rise te 1111 Inipnilnnt iiurMiun j wlieie
ucliness is inn- h,., ,,, (l . Kn , . ,
silting pieti '' -' '"
rull-bleililed Chinese 1 harped M n k(,.
lerv coin rwltli diserdeilr- iuulucl 11ns
fmihd' te speak no Iapgiin,e lull Polish.
He,rns born In Poland and had been cele.
'I'.rajtlPK n I'ellBh hq)dntv( Ne flr-Ue Met weaia,'
OptimistH' weather.
Congress new knows the President te
be both courteous and kind.
Hew tunny acts in the. New Brunswick
melodrama before the rtnnl curtain?
"I never cry," says Mru. fjibcraen
Plumb discouraging for sob sisters.
These who nre hammering nt Ijleyil
(i cerse appear te have hit their own thumb
If the Ylce Society persists it may sup
ceeil In making Pctrenlus the author of 11
best seller.
Ptesldent Harding nnd Oeneral Da wis
appear le have looked at Congress threugli
different glasses.
Mischii Eltnaii sought a blend and in
le marry a brunette; implying, as it were
1h.1t love is color-blind.
Should wisdom meusure up te asu
nance, f'eerge of Ceergia should be welrnnu
in Ihe Cnited .States Senate.
. ll.ntnli 1, lYint, line ,i-mi In .mm I
right te keen n skunk ns a net. Perhnns "1 I
is insisting en his right te privacy.
What seems te peeve Kurepe is that "
she steps out of her sick bed we say, "Ah!
New jeu'll be nble te pay jour debts!"
Nult new bends Federal field fours
New Yerk. In deference, we pi ermine. I"
the Halloween sensen approaching.
Beth pnities te the dry-ship contreversj
nie desirous that the Federal Judge hearinn
evidence should prove a helping Hand.
Tteudeis of Ihe Hull-Mills thriller will
be iuleiested te lenrn that the authorities
me still en the verge of something really im
portant. There is a disposition te spenk of th"
women's nrdei in the Seuth, "The Itni'lM
Kie." us semeihing new; wherens. nnv old
time husband is willing te declare that h
Iin.s tried in hook it bundled, of times,
I'nde Sam Is m have "unofficial repr"
sentatiies" al League of Nations cemini
siens nu npiuiii tiaffic nnd white slavery. "
the League of Nations Is dead, why tin
persistence in sitting up with the corpse-'
What De Yeu Knew?
1 Who said Hell s pined with geed In
2 Who was I lie serend Wife of Menty VIII
of MnRland-'
3 What was ibe Tiled fceii decision ana
11 hm was It proneunrfd?
4 What Is ibe ineialne of 11 cliH'iei "
f What is the etIrIh of the word plebeian?
f, What was llir first nam of General
Sbei Ida 11 .'
7. In what dlieoiien ders the (ianses rtn'er
flew '.'
5 Who was legjubd as Ihe KUatest nf
Napeb en's marshals'.'
'1 Who inienteii ihe pevipi .loom
0. Who was the father of Hani, Shern ana
AnHwcrs te Yesterdny's Quiz
1 Telferd reads lake their imiiic frnrn
Themas Telferd, a uelcil Scotch rngi"
iieei and lead builder
'.' A patamar Is a roasting ipsselt w itli a
arched heel nnd a laige stem and si'ni
lake, usrd along the coast of Ilia'
from C'ejlen te tieniba
.".. The rtolsheiists obtained conlrel of tHJ
ii'nieriinieiit In ltussln in the fall 0:
4 A Maueur Is a Inunger or Idler
t. Illle. en (be Island of Hawaii, is til
second laigest city of Hip Hawinlan
i fis-slk ine.ins capable nf beinc spin nr
sepai al nl into laers; tending 10 spit
T. I'rniitum is a rnre, white nietalllc el
inein. It Is neier found native ( en
Mln of lis salts are used as plumem'
In Ibe manufacture of glass nnd P"r"
I I'riiiiieiitniusni Is the nnine Klie" '"
news fauunbl" te ihe nlueluta nutuer;
11 of Ibe I'npn in inntlfi'6 of faith ''
(llsclpllue. It 1h nlse a term describing
a paisen who liven south of the All'8'
J. eirleil ranks" means ranks prf'si'1
closely together. The Verb serry '0'"
from the French "serrer." te Ieck r
wiueeze, r
1U, Ale-aanrter Tayler' Stlllf m- W'jww
imjujicmn; (is.i7l'i;wi-tcr' -".