Vt HHnjC!Swnl1nBiII Jli w .AitY, NH $r"jp ? w i.""'rtj,inifi"'ln 1 i . , y'i vg r '-.- ' 1MAL UTATB TOU BAU WBAli TWIMTTC yOU BAU UAL ESTATE FOR 8ALE1 REAL ESTATE TOR I AW ttML&'ittATl yefc U ' BEAL UTAtttTOm fit JMMLlStATB OTl I.AIJ. rsalmtatr veb mm. obbmantewn OKHMAXTOWW fENNHVMTANM rBDKIIAN rrNNBVI.VANIA WPBITHIIAN PBNWHTI.VAWM mjBtmHAN rr.NNwvi.vAWM mmimwAN MtNNlTVAHtAHtTmmBAIs PKWKSsTAWIA--)tniPfMinr nniniinifflinni fc F I? ' ' I t I i Mnwrn RIGIIT ON LINCOLN DRIVE, near Mt. Airy Avenue, and clese te the Allen Lane Station of the Penniylvanla itaureaa. New hemea en Philadelphia's most noted residential drive. Up the famous WissnWcken Drive te your home, a suc cession of twisting, winding ways through vistas of reeki and trees and water. The noisy city seems miles and miles awaj- yet It's Just around the corner. These homes contain 8 baths and the entire house Is metal weather stripped. Between these homes and the houses en the opposite side of this bread drive there is an open space of 160 feet Quite unusual, isn't it? Semi-Detached, $16,000 Detached Hemes,$24,500 Cerner Hemes, $25,500 ft Pi A McClatchy Built Heme Is "Distinctive" Lf, A Jehn H. McClatchy Heme has in it all the needed things plus the hoped for things you never expected! By Aute Up the Beautiful Wieeahicken Drive te Lincoln Drxve and Mount Airy Avenue By Electric Train Pennsylvania R. R. te Allen Lane Station. Repreeentative at Heuee Weekdays and Sunday john h. McClatchy BUILDER OF HOME3 Pheno Spruce 8730 I""' ML ' -' 'V. ' - ' 1 ' 1 .. mim wimicraMR wmsi Eiraiiira w New Operation $6500 Inspsct thtss rew homes witn garsc Take 49 or 62 trolley te s'e- s . (formerly atenten me J ' 1 sajars north te Heist operstlen Tt.ne hrms are splendidly t. instructed nd lei nothing te be des'r-d In t-e actuil nee tittles and r i forts ' Jire 1 ' They ere betrg offered I10CO Ins tnar their present conatructlen cunt bamp t neus ome Bungalow Type $8250 Twe-story burgalew type. rtjece eer brlclt, 0 rooms and bath hn water heat, gas and electrlcltj hardw-ied floors Exc ll-nt locution. Offered te day for the first. Pelham Read Urand-nw Colenlai-typ heme: 0 &! rooms and 2 baths, centalnlrg nil ad aced features Near trellev and far renter Station Last one left of opera epera opera tlen. Trice ill 600. Opportunity te Remodel A slmrle heue Let 10Cx90 room for garage Near Upsal Station ant Henry Scheel A geed buj. Price 11-' 000. SMITH, DALGUESH & RUSS 5iri(i?.nf ibttw wmwnn1 $ ra wmnjaam w n GERMANTOWN 12,000 STONE BUNGALOWS 3 U0L8ES LKFT OF A UE ELOPME.ST OF i'O New belni built en Hsyward tnd Caryenter Sti. features net fejad homes In Uermantewn All stoee. sml detached. 4 Ian bedroeaif All modern lnrreYemnt. i-arace attaclisd 2 sas Henry dc oe. and JJ' x 4T". $6700 xwe story wnue siucce eunra t typ. deep lets tarae '1 rooms tilel bu h Ail modern Improvements Convenient te i stores, schools, trains and trel'eys CARSON BROTHERS 5601 Germantown Ave. mmjmjmmu i mmma mass u mwmmuiem. w iuunuZa 1 1 1 P P li tflk&uiA iu'u.i a. 1 jimjiiiijii. rtmui miu iAiLt'MraJ33atttiiiMii!i,ig0iiB CHESTNUT HILL flTOSK COLOXIA'. HOLSK containing 11 bedrooms and 3 balVs, en a let i'.3i33.' wlin garden tetl and iumrn,r hejbe and only e mlrutes Maik te sta tion 7.'.00O MT. AIRY BRICK OI-OVIil- jet SE nar siat'en, has run parlor 7 bdr nms 1 batns 2 rar enrage und most fnrtrful sreunds with an abun lairs of shade trest with cartas prlvt'eire LINCOLN DRIVE SECTION ALL-BTONn 1IOL Hi; with 6 bedrooms, '.' bat! b tialeeny perch rr, a et 7(ttU0 Hh Karai e 129 100 8S0S LINCOLN DUIVn Is a store reuse with 7 Dedroe-ns nnd 2 bat 70x20e let, GERMANTOWN f'AKPKVTEIl STATION la only 3 minutes' walk from this vsry attractive boine with 1 ledroetnii and J baths situated In this beautiful section en a te' fcexlPn QUEEN LANE MANOR PISN'N ST has a very attra'tHe Kngl'sh stucco house with 6 bedrooms, 8 baths anl i '-.vir KSrttK 117 0 0 SAMUEL D. HAWLEY & CO. 80 S 17TII HT. HI'IU'C i: 7H7 kjMiv in i m imi.iiiiiiiw'imiiiiii mmamnmma JUST THE HOME YOU B HAVE HEEN LOOKING FOR 1 JJerlli aide Carpenter lane east of M Wl.sshicken aenue nw detai-hei a Dutch (. ileniai rtsllenie subntanttal en i ruction r,.itentlal es'rutl ts 4 bed hamberi 2 baths melirt an! up u date In letall throufctieut s rate let U2xlJj altractlu price B.B.ListerCaSeri 6812 aUlMANTOrt.N AMI Otn fllUl H lJi!i,U7!iii!iB!iiiisiiiiiiaiii:Hiiii!,2iriria!i!iaw.i,i;iiiiijj'Li;a!,i!;rj;ij LOOAN mimiuKimiiMEiniKiiEiiiii'E iiii'iiimaiirar i iiuT HOMES OF MERIT Seuth Side of Fishers Ave. jj Cast of 10th Rt g Built by nn honest hemebuilder f HENRY P. SCHNEIDER Completely modern in every detail. h Fer particulars consult 1201 Erie Ave 'rietfa ti-'JI f mmmiammmmwumm Alse advertisement, ln small tyv illeHlng column. ga isiie' iuM$Mm III III ll iafs-l i'i 1 1 hi "ll' 1' I aaaaaeaaaaasii 1" inwra uu miawmzinmrmw wmnwwu iw Lew Ceat -A 'etachel house offered at eri 13 500 A mene-sar whlih ou sneuM examine bfr,re it ! sold Ie 4'xl." ft 30 room and S Mths hot het "iter hm gis an I electrl lt ikril. wed - ier. Near I'ernlv irla It T. ar.J trelir Carpenter Lane Jlrand-new tnln all-etnne dire in' euthrn exposure Nr Carpon'e Carpen'e Carpon'e Statlen, Wayne de trolley ard H n- bch"e Ki e b-droems jnd J buih het waer reat electricity hardwood rtoe- jpen fl'f place Excellent u.ue 112 ICO Detached Colonial, $18,000 A slnx e Cel iilal house cM shad ta ra !t 1 iixl.'O ni- train Un'isual'y Nsil planned a tract finished anl thoreuitho modern home throjheut Prl-ed at J1S 000 for (julclt sale West Side $23,000 8 nrli all-Mn rolenUI with katkr N a T.lnreln lrl and UpprI Star n Cem" te - thin choice property Kls bdtoens .' tKthn Plr'rc perefr tn fact a 1 ur tu date fettture. A re ma,".able alue Oermamewn 0049 w wAvmn KLnvm TWHTI1WT t I ,L nj- otetr Large stone nlde Heuse S a ne Ae tars Let 33' $5600 two ster t vln perctee, C roen s and bath e.ectrlc ret-water ratlna- ' squares from Ulster Htatlen 71rsT efterlng of mis new eps-atlcn. Germantown 0750 Yeu intend building, se- n 1 j - .. - ."OS M iecc your location in i STENT0N Building sites with all improvements in ideal I city f rounding assured by careful f restrictions. Mauran, Delman & Ce. I N. E. Cor. Bread and Chestnut OIVE-K BUSINESS PROPERTIES IN OLNEY Msry deilrabls locations la tils Vurtnen "ten ceTtrlng a wide range of price, n 1ln n-wiy completed stores en 6th tt We crn End j Juit lis hen, you nnt f-em our large Hat ef RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Including bth city and suburban Jlstlajs WRITE. PnONB OR CULL fflOEffl! $ mJ zw&m 430 CHEW ST. BAUER-BILT "ALL-LITE HOMES" (RteMered) $6400 With Garaijea veir umwe foupf.hjKe S80J N. MARSHALL ST. Walter S. Bauer, Builder OH'ICKr-CbO'.' S 3TII ST. B $6500 EACH" New two story brick torch-front he-n, hot het W.,er hsat ...Mh wfloer. & OLNRY REALTY CO. B51. N urn ST Brrnvr.vTjffl, lnAf'oT?en,"rn,f,n',.,n",M ln "nSTSvT n.MtreiiD ONLY 1 LEFT i em tedav t Unutifm Northwood ard see a m.star. raft born- 0 loon's bath m re.nl unrMi hardwood floors electric hrV?. water he ikej. lets arige privileges "- "-. "lu. nui at . or H. E. SMITH ERJE3 AVB. KO. ssf? srvi' 2a J. 'iKeIIX rxss&iKfe n. rv?a r35f3Fi' ' .' t. i IM 1 IWH I: rlxi ,.-- ' All Never before have we had such opportunities for discriminating hemeseekers. It would be unusual, indeed, if you could net make satisfactory selection from our com plete list of Hemes and Heme Sites. In fact, our listings might well be termed a " Directory of Philadelphia Hemes for Sale" Germantown, Chestnut Hill, Reading Main Line, Pennsylvania Main Line, Delaware County, West Philadelphia, Central City any section you prefer is thoroughly represented. MERI0N We hae Just obtained this ne UstlDe; which we bellee te be one e' the full s but et pertunltles Colonial center hall rrsllenue com plete with laater eiwn nnd tn tn lesed i-enhii. C b-d chambers and M bathfi 2 i nr iraratfe. Cerner let. Nevr leferc offered 10 000. ST. DAVIDS fjtucce Colonial home of 11 rooms. u tatns en eteml tloe. V modem house en lean ifull weeded l'rlie 119 000 ct ', acre ST. DAVIDS f'enter-hall Colonial home, 10 reams and .1 bait's A rsn house en an sxcluslve read Let of 1 acre with shale. Oarac-) Price J18 600. WAYNE Nesr buIMInK, beautlfjl situated small heuics .enenltut te trains, stores ett Te sell fn m Jli Oeii te $16.01)0 Wrlt rr teli phene for plans and partltulars Well wert'i Inestlg-atlen 0VERBR00K Vear flsrti anl Hnerwoed Iliad ra senabl) priced old store H -covered mansion Llbrar) lnlr.K recm, dlnlnr room, etc 4 master rham bers dreeslna; room and 2 baths en ecend fleer central-p'ant heati lane let, 2 car carace ar. Ideal suburban horn BRYN MAWR Verth side oterleoklnc callers ereunds Iunc le all-ster Cole ital home with centr hall arrange ment en first deer T be1 chambers, 3 baths and bllilird room 2-car Ka rate and man's quarters 1Y acres (round, 145,000, New Detached Colonial Hemes In Germantown Stene construction 2-car garage Each house includes 5 chambers and 3 baths. Lare lets, near Carpenter Station, Tenna. Railroad und Henry Scheel. Many unusual features. Inspect Them Today! 7000 Bleck McCallum Street 1 Bleck West of Lincoln Drive. Priced exceptionally low. DON PETERS, Builder I a TcmTCra 'JiiiTi 'J"TWllT,,"IlTOT''J J '!" 'f " "i- LOOAN HALF BOULEVARD & 7TH ST. SECTION 4700 BLOCK FRANKLIN ST. t BOOlU, BATH, OARAOB A.'fO LAnWBSX. jubt a nrf? left or je. bed toeat $6250 Well Werd, the Meney MATTHEW W. DOUGHERTY "TVETJj-XHOWt nmi.DBR OF HOMES" 1 1 L . -J TIOOA, I U WflBlgmCmMWv'mar-m'm)Ji-A 1515 W. ERIE AVL Tiire-terT u-ie-w rr hth. cie drslll.ng, II tu Bread rt ;ty 112 000. iwuU. 3..7-. ,- rrf. I Matbaum Bres. 6c Flcisher fn cenaiwu" .. ... 14M 8. PEW suuaau i S mmsnxKmK kvkvkmv w0ak(me s ykinifP In Oale Lans. ais.re.. aaa iui.m Part, w nay in citgi rt i Hern and Balldlnsr Bit. & yi.iJtmUWM'UlMBMSU.lXlUlLlATTmVt'? Stene Colonial Heuse I Seven bdroem baths het water u heat electrte light and caa garage 1 acre old shade: unusually een- Jfl enlent te train, trolley s(.tie,ls aid S golf club, 1128 ier month m HERKNESS & STETSON 1. LAND 1ITLC III.DO iniiiiiMiwiiriiimwtiiimirMirmMwiiriiiiiiiiiiiine RUlVU2X8Sira BRYN MAWR Hplsndldly buUt Leus. Men'r)mery avs near station; 16 rooms, a baths perches en three sldss, beautiful old shade. DRAYTON BREAR & CO. Hpruce 0307 Land Title Did piTCl1PW1ftWaliW''ins WHWIESTinrrTX jn Utcyaerucr. a I OsUl LsM, OTPtt SUUen A I eal tin 2280 Mlr lill rr su-MmjtiuVMr'irn.'t t w. vpa m m PLahBJaMSaa m M I 1'; ij3 HOMES Styles Sizes Prices! Here are a few suggestions HAVERF0RD OAK LANE A handsome little detachel heme Just built All modern features such t open fireplace, French dcers het water heat, electric light, etc , 4 ehambnre anl 2 baths en second fleer. (IS 7.10 for Quick sale. WYNNEFIELD New Colonial home en larse cirre cirre let Center-hall arrnnuimcnt with k solarium In addition te th usui lUIne; rooms, 3 master chamber nnd 2 tiled baths en second fleer, 2 car raraxe. J30 000 let SEDGWICK On of the most hantseme tonus In this beautiful tei tlen of fler fler manten. Modern alltme center ha'l heue et 7 bdr 'ran and 0 baths. Una features nrt found In the averace home of tedai fia cleus grounds lth 2 car Kii-ite LINCOLN DRIVE SEC. On Arbutus s'rei-t Just off I.lnce n I)rtl southwestern cxteiure All etone modern home with " b n chambers and 2 Laths lteu L perfect condition I'.ls 115 50O MT. AIRY Beautiful- home en larae tot, with rarae Thoroughly melern heue with 8 bed chambers and a baths In th beat condition. Prlr 127 00" UPSAL On Bautlful Wlssahleken v . Qermantnwn. Colonial home wltti center hall arrangement of the first fleer, rt bed chambers 1 baths, V enr kurase Let 100'x200' very anxious te sail and any reasonable offer will be considered TO BUY OR SELL A HOME SEE .ulliAJJiBITIJB.FPvalMIIJJllMjTJamjiJIBjpjaw;ffJBaajjJJ.j.W. ZZZBBT&ZQ- $! I !! I I llHaBV ' ttlMUUtWlSilttf (&9Jf Residence Property Headquarters 1206-11 LIBERTY BUILDING, BROAD AND CHESTNUT STREETS PRIVATE BRANCH EXCHANGE, LOCUST 7100 wpjpiiiMmix'nMiBiiiii'f I'lii.iiiiTiiiiroii'ireMWMmrcm'iiii .umiin IX)OAN" SOLD PKNN8YI.VANIA8UllCnnAIf an nm ran mwumsamm'i BiufflM JENKINTOWN On Yerk Roud tl il.a best-built and flr.tvt- a .eklng horn in Jsnlrlntowe. il Hullt by th preent ewnr. 4 wne spared no eiwns te ;, -nake It a rsaj hetn There j are 12 rooms and 4 bath- n rooms, het-watr hat. ein i rreplacea, hardwood fleer ffl hrougheut! 1 acr of greund: m fl-cr garag with man' H yuarter. u May w aerrrt) ( rtmr f. inspection Q OaX lawb opiesrnii station fj 'ju. jr zeq I-r .260 Mslres 1888 TT. SUBURBAN EKeTrtlnIIy ksnally attraetlT. stoma) Ostaetal aftfr plan by Duhrisug. OM A . Cvry modern oeB,yntso neus, Zls-lsr. y modern oenvvtilgso Sicsllent nslgnborheod. .Vrgs ipt. Irtes only 120 000 HERKNESS & STETSON Land Titln RWcr. nMX!immmm:mmKMWWMiBnKiaiua Koxnenocoit nOXBOIlOL'OK A.ID 'WISHAmCKOK 3814 MtVAYl'NIC AVE. 0 rooms aid both front perch, elsotrlelty) IsBOO Me OSnORNE HT Sral-detaeht rooms and bath front perch, spae (or ga- .. JC.as'1 out) 0 rfinma and h AND KEJUaTr BTS tiatni id 300 m eumau bt. Bmi-dtauna. roeru anlbath eleotrielty, het-wtr rat MAJUCLK 'AND0 CIirN BTS. New under construction : story. 8 room and b,th. hat-water heat, electricity, open tlreplaces stationary tubal ISBOO. , BUi:nAL larire detached modern homes centnlnlmi from 10 te 14 rooms and bath nlth acru of ground and ahads WALTER ACUFF ' E200 Rlda-tt av , Wlisnhlckrn, Phil Pa I 'fsrirunk 09 !. . Pfflllmwwm mOTk -, V f islsMsr i ' M I flP ' -. u l ii, yr-IWNrtH l u MMH SJTSSw J . N. IN- f I IBIS H BS BS HSSBC 1 1 BffraU ;; I IB -. n--."WJ rT-irriT-j-Stir-SSr? J.'.i'.... '' M MHfl ffjOTJi Kastvi-v LH: II. I iT BtMBTlllf ITIIIIiIbIbIMbMIbIiIsjii i I I 11 V J V nnfe JUXIJ HTlU'ltVWfcr.TTjrifr-ll juiierani w v ii 1 1 1 isis sC ---ys" mmis m vUmumtmVftttmMt iii.i.f s -' bsbTV JpsTrjasssBBBsBssTl mM rYiM PI H llfl Uunralews ar In lie demand. Be this roomy en In Oak Lanei 2 chamber and bath en flrt fleer, terether with atlrncthe llvin room, dining room ami kitchen! h cham bers and batli en second fleer, rr. rage. An oppertunlo Act qulckli. I'rlc and particulars upon request, FRANKF0RD irraiiKferd "L" will b a rtalltT within a month) within (I squares if ths "L" e. beautiful hlrtl' i-sstrlcted let tultabl for 8 hemss facing two parks at Arrett and Caster Itead, Should net be r r iOeKed. OAK LANE MLst desirable and substantial-built (tntral-hr.il stone Colonial residence en a beautiful corner let with 330 feet frontage In Upper Oak Lane Heuse Is partlru'arlv attractlte and has 4 chamters nnd 2 barns en sec ond fleer. Grounds am well planted with matured treea and shrubbery. Uaruae Don't fall te see this property ELKINS PARK ter quick sal ewnsr will saortUe a desirable Colonial ham of hollow tile construction Splendid Interior arramerntnti 4 bed chamber and bath en second fleer, heated carat, btut!ful shrubce-y, let 88' by 120'. Telephone ter appointment te tn- 8Pl.t. New Main Lane Hemes Beautifully Located ON LARGE LOTS IN THE ATTRACTIVE SUBURB OP WYNNEWOOD Thete properties are individual, artistic and embody the very best nnd latest ideas in modern home construc tion. Various sizes and prices. Each home includes C chambers and 3 baths. These are exclusive listings and our represcntathe will give you full particulars today after 2 P. M. at Hathaway Lane and Kent Read, en premises. I'liirpiqiiimiiiiirewiniiririw U "' liijiiHIWH "''jt'iiiilfl ilitHII!l'l!'i'll!ll.i!lililllllii'il'il'l' SedgvicK mmmmmm& TjnnrMniOTUfliffisniuiiiiii.iiiiTntTPiri. nimniiiinn 427 East Mount Pleasant Avenue atlltftuaV TiImIII I I1 1 hlXXJI wttt, breid ei..; TintiSSi hall Tavater" liviiV'Si- 'D"i.,?I..J.FBt. room, large dining room, pantry, kitchen, etc.. spacious terraca' anS 5? t0" with tile noer Second Aoer: 4 larg chambers dressing gSern a nlxlX rmths. Third Coer. 3 chambers, storerecm and fnth Th heus.' ?.T,!I5 by an axcsllsnt het-wtr ytm, lighted by eletrlelty and hit &.!.! floors rhrousheut. Oaraar In keen na- with hew.. . .ilr.A.h'?0el hrougheut. qra In keeping wltl Itn man room and bath above, and Qewsts, Heine sold te close an iMFMrnnfimmmMmmmmwig Suburban Building Lets OLD YORK ROAD :f0l4l DE3IIU.HU3 LOCATION Attractive Price HERKNESS & STETSON LAND TITLE nLDO. mtWXST!IB!MWSISM!3MMiT!!BWKi BAU LLL dTONB COLONIAL nEblDErCK. n flhRmrwir. mrtl. ' luilh. .H.rJUn.ll.. exoeptlenally roemi aiiu wsll-bulli home with spacl uii-ve-ati aLDeinrrnfnts 7-rar m car garage Let 5H15C rrlc 128.0001 adjelnlrg let car be pjrehased Francis J. LunbertiSiL" BBOOMETX UUILttMUiMBEEEBfl Single Suburban Heme Price $7000 Single Cerner Heme Price $9000 r. m b glad te drive out t teem. Kershaw & Crewl c'mbi t. z-amm MniiirwiiiiipeiiiiiiiiiuiBiiiiM KEEaaii aiArw r.nB Radner Hunt Section ... I ""v ten beuse fmedem) " ana gararei iu 1 n nany nn old trw: situation, commanding HIRST & McMULLIN 1VBST KNI) InUHT I1LIJO, 1 Spree mi ; fcJB Simic 02fll I . J Z COUNTRY ESTATE A real Colonial bem built In Colo nial times, new modernlxed. Offers opportunity te one who t seeking country heme: 10 aeres with or chard, weeds nnd stream. Comen Cemen lint and accessible $20,000. QUEEN LANE MANOR Anether opportunity te secure u home In thl delightful ctlen. Htone-and-stucco horn with 6 bed ( hambers and 2 batt-.s. All modern conveniences. oeod !ted lt tl 0,600 GERMANTOWN - night at the Cricket Club. New homes belnit constructed, which offer the rrcatst alus In this sec tion. P. bed chambers, 2 baths. Colo nial or Spanish style. Oarase priv ilege. 14,000. GERMANTOWN Correr brick residence en tiafflo tiaffle free streets, 12 room and bath, eleotrle llRtit. Iet 40xlJO'. Ooed Mlu- at 113,000 CYNWYD A home et stone and stucco con cen con Htructlen. well built and en a large well shaded let. The house has 11 moms anl 2 baths. Stene garage. 1'rlce tJl O00. Investigate this. It Is a geed buy. iiunn iil'HI'l H'lW IliljMinwr Jffl llMriM l..l.l Interior with house te aoemrnodat J - arg grounds with Laiitif,Ti .JIwtfI" cat tate May b ajetd furnlhL NABBEBTH ''CT!lIiniTliMll!ilMinill NARBERTH wernsr residence! entral.h.n t.-. room, a baths, het-' S "iw aval) near imwun, ie uiiq. N'earlng eerr.Blstisni Oelenlal rtsl. r.:',.;.""L em . rrnnnnm shower. kiMwMd a... .7"". .Stan i... nr-im7lT-:'?' ,,wv'P H''"i wissiy rsst noted loetttlon, I.iUUVi Unusual te MOB trul.h. J '" ?.Hr?mi.,V,i.ffi- ;;.;. ;r.,,'''i.t?u.re"'""-. ti iara,.;'"cemp..r,'d1' ;r?h;0,ia,ra0 -..,--.--, ..--,,, , BJIUIUBBI SS1T1II awnings - "-- ROBERT J. NASH 1214 mrrTT arn Or Narherth Station .TttmtOTi COUNTRY E8TATO .. , ran, HIRST & McMULLIN TT.Di ana TTtUBT HLDa WTWOQ-f WYNCOTE Bsvsn rooms, batli, het-water h..i i apaasirw-IsS& HERKNESS & STETSON I LAND TITLE nitm I LMiiiadjmaiwiiB 11 m irciac i Attractive ALONG THE PENNA. MAIN LINE AND BALA-CYNWYD CYNWYD Whit atone Colenlxl residence) well located near etatlen en about 1 acre of ground) old shade and shrubbery: center-hall plan) open fireplaces) 6 bedrooms, 2 oath) storereom: eleotrle lights! vapor heati thoroughly mod med ern: Interior whit finish) garage. I'rlc 182,500. MERION All-Mone Colonial residence) center hall plim) 4 bedroom and 1 bnth nn tecend floer: 2 bedrooms and 1 bath en third, all medern: garage: spa spa cleus let: nell-plar.tfd old shads' con venient te station, l'rlce 120,000. WYNNEWOOD f-ftone-and-stucte residence n tlen- center-nan arrangement: e bed rooms and 2 baths en upper floer: het- aer heat. electric light) all medern: large jei. HAVERFORD Colonial residence, vicinity of Merlen Qelf Club: ery desirably Arranged flrt-floer plan with open fireplaces, etc. I 4 bedrooms, a bsrth sleeping Tn sece .'i noer; tnira noer un but can be easily mads Inte and bath; about 2 aeres of Price 127,600. niched bedroerr ground. Samuel C. COMMERCIAL TRUST BUILDING LOCUST 2871 mi i iiiinniii aMlUiillli'lE Suburban Properties IN ALL THE LEADING SUBURBS OVERBKOOK, 28,500 Just betntr completed en Sherwood rd. near iHlh St., all-stone, brick, plas tered LnEllh-at)l house, slats reef, hall In tenter, larse UMnir room; tar dining room, breakfast room, S bedrooms, 3 baths, Inrg closets, ceuthern emesurn: wonderfully built; an opportunity te uunhnea a new horns at n Ien figure. BYWOOD $14,500 Dtlached stone Colonial heuse: 10 rooms. 5 bedrooms, breakfast room, hardwood fleer white finish: thor oughly medern: a erv deslrabl of ef ferlrur. MERION $16,600 Attrsctlve detached vrlilte hollow til house; 0 bedrooms. S bath, Inclesed percn, acuum acer tatn sleeping nerch' meaern in eery aeian garare; let 00x17). near station In meat as- alrabi nelrhborheod. Charles J. (MORRIS BLDG.) a BisiiiiniiBiiiiiiiffliii imwiii innirBWisimimMTni m mm rS T'i I llil ininilllllll!llllllllilli I'll' I 'I I lulil'llll! I III!1 Hi lliIM III illllil CHOICE LIST OF NEW MODERN HOMES HIGHLAND PARK Nw 7-room modern, detached dwelling, til bath und shower, let SUxlBO. PRICE, $9350 A.1BO an H-room stena nnd sttlcoe ds tuchcl home, riear trolley. PRICE. $10,850 LLANERCH ttr T-oem eml-detached wlttnc: open r.replace and anewer near trelly. PRICE. $8250 Alfle au H-room detached atens n3 Btucce oweuing;, .01 .lunev, PRICE, $11,000 D. F. Kirklyn, Pa., or 1OTBI1llllll!l!i COOPERTOWN ROAD Belew Ardmore Avenue NHW, ALL-STONE RESIDENCES WITH GARAGE8, ON AN ACRE OP GROUND High Location, Overlooking; Merien Gelf Course OPEN FOR INSPECTION HARRY P. ANDERSON. Builder 6236 CHRISTIAN ST. I Phene Woodland 7448 J SI ifliiiWDUininj An Exceptionally Attractive otene Heuse of mdem Ensltih style, containing sloping roens 3 baths HERKNESS & STETSON IJIND TITLE BLDO. iiinaiiiBmsuiiiiiniiiimiBiMiiiiiiffl MKHION MERION Benutlful all-stone detached home j ideally located; first fleer hoi llvlnu room, dining room, mezzanine, den, butler's pantry, kitchen, laundry and rear perch; second fleer contains four cham bers and tvre baths and balcony; third fleer has three chambers, bath and atcreroem; let 83x180. Inspection by appointment only. McDevitt & Mullin 68d and Lancaster Ave. OTtrbroex SM WinffiMsSgaVH Merien AH ateMi dUehe slats roefi 7 Ud chambers, 8 baths; best of condition, rdy te eccupy: Immediate posslen, larg let! wstl financed, Trice 128 000. tmLUeSSXa. OVERimeOK, 1018 iiiiiiiieimiiiiiiiiiiireiMiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Stene Colonial Residence at Merlen In vry geed locatien: contains 2 bath, den and 0 chambers, I'o'eOli 70176' "Id hade. HIRST & McMULLIN 'vp-bt is;a tiii8t iiLnn IRIIgSBIaSniDBIIsVGZISi i Suburban Hemes ARDMORE Rtene residence In vtry dsslrabl leca leca tlen: large let: house contains Urn lin,ll, living room, den, dining room, mtti.. nn flre( flner! ft hedrnnma anri n etc.. en first fleer n bedrooms, an a bath en second' 2 bedrooms. hat. storeroom en third) eleclrle lliriti garage. Immediate possession. NARBERTH An exceptionally well-planned hollow, tile residence: excellently planted greunds: shrubbery and shad trees! n bedroom, 2 baths) all modern. Early posieasten. Price 114,809, BRYN MAWR Modern atone, residence and 9-eae garage) well situated en 1U acre of greund: vegetable garden, shade trees' southern expesure: house contains ths desired center-hall design: living room with open fireplace, den, lavatory, etc nn first fleer' 8 bedroom, dressing roem: 3 baths en upper floors, Every modern appointment, ST. DAVIDS ta- Hollew-tlls anj stucco residence: wtll situated en ltt acre ground adjoin. Ins golf seurs: center-hrrll arrange. .nun nn npaf Aaapi f l.J. T TT ,,ii-,,fc v.. ... ..ww. . iiaarilull,, UAWiBf rificiiiiB uvrtn en house thoroughly modern en upper floer: irn: garag for Pric 128.000. ? cars, man room Wagner, Jr. IIUl!IWll!lllllllli.lllllllllllllJllllllllipHllil'llllll ii'iiiiiiiiiihi'iiiiieiiniiiiiriiiiiiiiiiffiiiiiiiiiiiitt rrinjinimmn!iirmrmnstTatTT luiiMiiwiiiiiiffliiiniiiiiiiitiii WYNNEWOOD 21,000 Attractlr ten nfl platrsd heus. en th north ld: Urn llrln- room with open flreplac. 4 bedroom and .' baths en 2d floeri fl bBdrbSSi 5Sd bath en 8d floer: vhlt finish, thor oughly modern; larg ground, ST. DAVIDS $21,000 New Colonial horn en attractive cer. tier let: In beat section; eenter en tianre hall: larg living: roemi hard hard weed f.oure; bast e oenatructlon arid finish. a CYNWYD $18,000 Excellent locatleni Engl! trl heuse: itten. PlatT(T and half timbered oenatructlon: 10 room., i bath. (1 bedroom! Bleenlnr vW.., lctria light: het-wtr heat: let let t In this II VI UI1V L U1D IB9BI a(U section, early possession. flood (Si Ce. 1421 CHESTNUT ST. I'liiinirnnii' mm i wwiwwnraii'iiniii'iniiiiii .HiUIHUIUUUHHL'UIIUIlJHHUUIUUlHUUU 1 UHlUStlM KIRKLYN f 0 and 7 room modern dettctil oungalewit; hardwood fleer, til baths PRICE, $8750 AJ 7-room modem tnece-anJ-ihlngle detachsd horn with gang. PRICE, $11,000 Builders and Investors We ha cbetc building altos with all Improvements, Prices reasonable. RYAN 5916 Market St. Cynwyd We efltr ie1uIt-J7 a. bwuitrM w built, detaehed bem, hardsraed tm en all thr fleer, attraetlv InUrUr deoeratlons. whlu and m)iiar, het-water hat, 2-ear -. la la ttea will oenvtno th prudttrl kwir. lelffBSitBar OVERBROOK, 1618 SiraraDSMiMtiii nvvTiHanm aimi' lOTBaMWIffliifll HUNTINGDON VALLEY Btee dwelling, oentalnlng 10 n .. uaui. every meaern oenn Its sere beautiful grounds I eel mands magnlneent view ft of r inrreuD1 In country. Prlaa fllV.Khd. HERKNESS 5c STETSON LAND TITLE nLDO. iraramMflMiimiffiimMi. WYNNEWOOD WYNNEWOOD Tills, Is .an axcarpt inguan neut IiasOia lnlAjl sleeping perch, br' ..z- "L"""?. "j."?. r:,zr.:.n .u. ! ruuiu, aiaaiii iiaat, aiTM.. .'jL. ronccsalen will b mad ter town decorations Owner leaving town wi sacrifice at lit) 300. Little ,a required iuSSSX OVERBROOK 1618 MlfcliiiBiSrjSK a jniHHllllll'i , . BBTN HAIVm a jSfiTnvir! utrert nwurnn t K', , Rf Cenvnlntly lee.t4 t V 1 r- anhiknla inri lhii Imtnailla t. U 3 Cf possessien: containing 16 H y t a room, 8 baths and 7 eham- ! a very reasonably pr1ed. H - I Tl ...HM . mm m. t -.! mJ ! A HIRbl etMcMULLlN ti ? X. WEST END TRUST BLOOXjW enmD , M"""" ' ' i " Baa-," nniiiiirffniLwsira a g 1 te il