iETSPP MStf&Eflim J '4 wii w JJtLtixALilSlirrXlJ.A WJaJLf.W.IaaAnevi PVI r.OSSIP OF : W RVMWWMW1 W J4 ,iV?ACT?wSIM7r? W77V?? e a ' ' . - i THE STREET) . -i number of trained traders ta nracUcally thrown u the sponge j "repeated failure,, te 2 of the current market &. iZl of the shrewdest men en the street Ki he prwnt campaign te bejend CI imply because all the eld-eeUB-Jnd rules and nrecedenta haye preten 1. . mpiy a question where the h-meIm la going te strike next" said Betn,n,' ? nnerater jeeterdaj. ff.Vnt the only safe thing te de tu can we Is take up a long peal; H ,"- tnek where you think U a'bullUheMlbliuy A calmly ffuntU the apfrlt mew It. Alw !1 if eVftre nnywaye lucky you run ?& of picking out a winner new MflfhaT' ! better than floundering " v ,iT ...i.. nieW the next 5SSS. B pebble-ha. been Kd te switch the awlft-runnlng specu W. WJ.. from the Industrials te E? . irritt from the Industrials! eh railroads. Never in an my P" gL has there been such organ teed SSiitanda te boost the transportation 8552; They refuse te bull the right , This Is because you can always I a better run for your money In the filter moving Industrials." Stfll Beem for Inftlatlra Walker D. Hlnes, former director cnetal of rallreade, Bpeaklng before the associated Industries of Massachusetts, declare. I that new difficulties tn the as new opportunities for Ingenuity and taltlatlve and net as excuses for a stind'Still policy. He admitted that there te much mater uniformity of wages and work werk fa conditions and much mere complete onanUntlen of lnber than before the war, which tend te limit railroad In itiative in the direction of the Inde pendent action. lie declared, however, that these conditions call for even Eter initiative and Ingenuity te ad railroad practice and labor con mi te each ether. Utilities Coming Back Vast One of the remarkable features at fending tee recovery in the security atarkets during uic mm in"u Seuths has been the radical change of tntltncnt toward the public utility shares. Till class of Investment was pos pes jm. hl hnnrinr thnn nnv of the Other Coups during the pest-war period, and r a time it was feared many would gever recover rrem ine noueruuu cub cub aitiens which war produced. Order, however, was established out of next te a chaotic condition and these same tearca are making rapid progress in the return te favor among the In vestors. In yesterday's market the public utility issue were among the mere stable features of the trading. Brook lyn Edisen epurted ever 5 points en expectation of new financing te be rn rn Beunccd shortly, which would involve valuuble rights. Consolidated Qaa Slncd ever 2 points and Brooklyn ion mera than a point. National Enameling Special forward movements In In ehlduul stocks have been the order of things for some time past. Each day the peels and speculative combinations, big and email, find encouragement te trot out one of their pets and find a warmly sympathetic following. In consequence, making of new "tops" hns become almost a continu ous performance, particularly among the industrial specialties, and mere es pecially these enjoying peel affiliations. National Enameling waB one of the Te the Helders of Bends of The Republic of France 5 Redeemable National Lean of 1920 GUARANTY Trust Company of New Yerk has been informed that by the drawing of September 16, 19a, bends of the Republic of, , France, c Redeemable National Lean of 19:10, of the following Scrieti 813 tuid 564 have been called for payment en November 1, 1922, and will be re deemed en and after that date at the Office of the French Treasury in Paris, France, at the rate of 1,500 Francs per 1,000 Franc Bends. Interest en the bends se drawn will cease en November 1, 1922. In order that holders may receive, without delay of-collection, the value of their bends of the Series te be redeemed, the Foreign Department of Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk will purchase the bends at the current rate for exchange en Paris, if presented at or sent te the Main Office of the Company, X40 Broadway, New Yerk City, en or after November 1, 1922. Bends of this issue, Series 74, 170, 032, 260, 375, 597 6x7 and 64a have heretofore been.called for redemption. Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk favorites yesterday, making a new high and representing an aavance or nearly 80 points from the low reached en tat passing of the dividends last Feb nary. Since Incorporation, In 1890. the company has paid out only 3t)ft per cent en common stock, although In nine ytatB alone, from 1012 te 1821, al al neit 78 per cent was earned. As a tteutt the property has been raised In fears from $25,280,000 te $30,094, 000, and profit and less surplus has grown from $1,050,000 te 97,003,000. Profits for six months. 1022, were 8.00 per cent en $16,691,800 common stock. Fer the last month the plant has been running at capacity en business booked te the end of the year at ma terially higher prices. The recent buy Jag is In anticipation of dividend re sumption, THE TRADElt. J. S. BACHE & CO. Established 1892 f Announce tbx Opknine of a I Philadelphia Office AT 1430 Seuth Pcnn Square ON Wednesday, October 18, 1922 MEMBERS I've Yerk Stock Exchange Fkiledtlphi Stock Exchange AYm Yerk Cotten Exckangi Ckieoge Beard of Trad end etktr leading Exckanges MANAGERS Walter S. Humphreys Jeseph F. Hickey Formerly of FranltF.BeU&C. Bell Telephone Spruce 8550 Keystone Telephone Raca 5421 William Whitman Company, 7 Preferred Stock -XlCe Authorized $20,000,000 "ed $7,800,000 Par Value 9100 per share. Dividends cumulative and payable quarterly, January, April. July and October let, Redeemable, at the option e! the Company In whole or In part, at 110 en any dividend date upon thirty. I days notice. An annual sinking fund of 3 of the total amount theretofore Issued Is provided te ' retire this stock, but the sums se set aside up te and Including the year 1923 need net be M expended provided they are carried as a reserve for the retirement of Preferred Btecl, Dteldtnds xmmpt from the pre$nt Ner mil Federml Income Tx v Free from the State Inceme Tax in MatsmchtxeetH TRANSFER AQBNTS Guaranty Trust Company of New Yerk State Street Trust Company, Bosten REGISTRARS Bankers Trust Company, New Yerk The First National Bank of Bosten for further Information, ttftrenct is made te letter of Ur. WUllam Whitman, Chairman of the Beard, from which the foUet hg is summarized: The Company was incorporated in 1913 te take ever the business originally established as a partner, ship in 1887. The present Company, the largest of its kind in this country, markets wool, cotton, and cotton and silk fabrics and yarns and actively assists in the management of the following group of nine textile mills in which It owns a controlling or substantial Interest, and for which it acts 83 exclusive idling agent: AffUkted Companies (majority interest) Acadia Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Monemac Spinning Company, Lawrence, Mass: Kauma Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Mary Louise Mills, Cowpens, Seuth Carolina t ' Associated Companies (minority interest) Arlington Mills, Lawrence, Mass. Manomet Mills, New Bedford, Mass. Calhoun Mills, Calhoun Falls, S. C. Nashawena Mills, New Bedford, Mass, Nonquitt Spinning Company, New Bedford, Mass. The enterprise as a whole produces and markets a full line of staple articles, each grade or brand repre senting a definite, reliable standard. The various mills are equipped in the most modern manner for the production of the highest grade products In their respective lines. The entire group normally employs about 17,000 operatives. In addition te strong previsions restricting the mortgaging of property of the Company and any affiliated company, the Company agrees te maintain Net Tangible Assets and Net Current Assets, as defined, at net less than $200 and $100, respectively, per share of Preferred Stock outstanding. Neither the Com pany nor any of the nine mills above mentioned has any funded debt or ether preferred stock and none may be authorized by the Company or by any stock controlled company except with consent of holders of two-thirds of the outstanding Preferred Stock of this Company. There is a small mortgage of $254,000, made by the Whitman Building Trust beneficial interest in which Trust is owned by the Wil liam Whitman Ce., Inc., which does net constitute funded debt of the latter Company. As per Consolidated Balance Sheet as at June 30, 1922, Net Tangible Assets, as defined, amounted te ever $377 per share of Preferred Stock issued and Net Current Assets, as defined, exceeded $218 per share. Net Profits after taxes for the 6J4 years ended June 30, 1922, Including the proportionate interest in earnings of affiliated (stock controlled) companies, and only the dividends actually received en ether shares, averaged 4.69 times dividend requirements en this Issue and including the proportionate interest la earnings instead of merely dividends received en the minority shares, ever 5.39 times, Legal details in connection with this issue have been passed upon by Messrs, Stetson, Jennings and Russell, of New Yerk. The financial statements con tained herein have been certified te by Messrs. Storer and Bishop, ej Bosten, Price 100 and accrued dividend W. A. HARRIMAN & CO. INOOHPOHATKD PllllADELl'lIIA mW TOBK CHTCAO BUFFALO HTHAOUHB ESTABROOK & CO: NEW TORK HARTFORD PHOVIDKNCB BOSTON wsrw BBDFOHB BPBIKGFIBLD We de net guarantee the statements and figures presented herein, but they are taken from sources which we believe reliable, gINAMClAt, THE HOLDERS lAfID TRANHIT Hwr TUUHx ceaxnricATBd bebjes OP PlIItADBXPDtA I COMPANY EUlir. Heilra t. harHw vm .ha. th. a,IAa,A. tvitnaiter 0numrniMl. tnau undar t& Cqulpir.tnt Truat Afrttmnt ter mtnttenJ Elite cm Wm. P, Qat; Fidelity Trut Cem. ny, Truite: and PtelUdilphla Bapld Tran Company. LcatM, dattd Mar 1. 1818. : In accordant with the terraa and sro sre sro Jtalena pf laid Axrarmtnt. bsn called for jaaemptlen and raymant en Nevambar 1. K:i .?'J '!. """l ertlfleat. being all of eutatandln Equipment Trust Crt!flet f ffja lu which will matur aubetqutnl ?.'... .,n V dtt raaardleag of tha dua S,V.T...t,ltr,l'' n! eivldand warranta S? i!ln!itT "'a "III baoema void IJ... .- holder et aald oertlflcataa tjeratn- tf .,i-Sum"'),t' wl h untitled en preaan S;J0? "' only te the par value thereof ?hWiiSL,5,mlllm.0i'H thren tethr I S,V?ei 9.J !'V,J?.")!J dJ.lw en aM date, bat i fteu,k '.5 alvldendt acerulna thereafter. , :K-ih,.!f,rs et ,n- ' certificate are J13?m!?i.L r,ri1t (! '' payment and it ,hi'"3H,nl 'Vy?!"1" warranta attached lithe cffv of Fidel tv Trn.t Camcnnv. I iSami'5hV,nu Fhlla.. en No Ne Tt?r. 1932. from and after wWh data amaena upon the aald M,illlutia -ill Bayuk Bres. lit & 2nd P.d. Stocks Bought Sold Quoted Stene, Presser & Doty 12 WUliaai St N. T. Haaewr 77M II fr The First National Bank of Bosten Tka iMdinj financUl ImMtuttea el New England "i? Km lae1 tnaVen ?," or rnjptlen are!1 Vi' m !2 !5J?' '"InalTe. doe My 1, 10M . . -' '"rinaiwF. nnp iirav i. imn awiiiaTT ' vmmirritl- & t'lilladclplila ar orftnliatlen that needa the acrrlcea ef a young man with a geed education, who bee held public executive m. tlen for ten ytati. den considerable public apraklng and writing, t mi fled eitetnlrelr In the C. B. and Europe, and abere all la net afraid et hiird work. A letter addrMaelt te Bnz 0 T8B. ledger Offlce will briny nlm te you. rnilBT COMPANY. Truatee WAT, P. OK8T. rrcaldent. rhMSfAiZSimfe IMnfcnr Fund IMiinaneMA. Indiana ni S-.i'X'iVil Bends for Investors Reed A. Morgan & Ce. Member of the Phlla. Stock Hxcli. Wttt End Truet nidp., I'hila tnr ikm 1 i . .r.'" receiva ruaien Hlir RS lnShK "" day" of fjeve'mbe'f: !r:a,rn-d e"?"" the eweat prlei? net iefti .ri "T. anoriwe intereat. l Sitr. . h"ar be offered at the Salt b?""?"'1' of l," " '"' nail 0 m fl pre rate k,,i n.. xeedln VT. L-i" "' ln! teweat price, net Ceeatli fil i"d- aeerued Intereat, will be indii of e um, fiMn mm m m nn m-. .. .IW... www.. riettM ,. "" '"If eaei. a raany aa & oTOnVefCT"'0" t0 Wtl019 nUm W. J. DAKTKr.B. Beeretary. PreriAeala artmknt ev rrrni.Te nenns- nu .,., PhUudeluhla, Oct. IT. 1922. ia J?. t)'',;?l will be reoelved at Roem at thir1f1-Jl0T"n,,,'r ' l93- n M i 5! 'Jm ,n ,arn 'e0"" 'or tfli mf"? .lKrtJn Altaratlena te pro pre an c n.Vrn,'Stl?n. '?' th Jehn - Jehn' Rryi?ll?0hVande!phVaa.,n,,n' M0 8eUth BrPd at h,i, ."J,d H).:";2tlen may be obtained HHEf" p,rmt 'e eiamlne Johnaen Heuae 5hltee0tJ ,,rMN,,,al00 et r" ' City CHJ,mpI?lVln Manayunk Park. Creeoen, S ,,.,BIAV,rw00(I ni1 Heoter etreete, In 2J..a' Ward, by grading. treaUn ae a ff ,,na "P'nntlng hrubUry. let. 'S,,:lni'' aawmbllng and Inttallina com. JL, 'ulum cae for the National M. Ijutn. Indepandene Hall drnup of Build-"V-eih and Chtatnut street. W.ff!li;ta,len 'of Ne. I and Ne. a ."0 J11 Unenl ". City IU1L UTCltyriuil 0rm,l0n !n,u,r' l ntem (BUreal) ' TRKHK It. CATlOf. Maama 25 SlTin Peansylvasia Indemnity Exchanjs -- Sread St, Se, Vena Bauai . Ul BETVRNH AUDITS SYSTEMS I. Franklin Heward & Ce. I Csrtlffed Public Accountants I lauU llll UMg Munaey UUgN I I'lUlmklvhU, Pa, Waeblngten, I. 0, I Capital Wanted trlBtpe"Ine., and leeated In rhUaaaT Ikla. lata ef erdar en haaa. eaix rsEsieM mi pirldenda. TUB OOMMONWKALTH TTTUI DfStJaV AWtii ANU TL.1T IWANT thint.tinhie. Pa.. October 11. Tula. Th Dlrectera havj lhl day Uoe.ared a Quarterly Dividend of JTeur Per CenI (J) X'im of Tax. payabl Nevambtr Jlfth. u aiockheldei'i aa reglatered at the cleee of bualnaa Oetber Hlat. and have tran. ftrred I2H0.U0O te aurplua, making that ,.u..i.. aasi jjjgt Packard Meters We have ready for distribution a special letter en PACKARD MOTORS- Its Plnancaje Famtiap Te the man who Is inter ested In the automotive industry, this special report en the company producing one of Amer ica's greatest automobiles will be of great intense. Aak ter apedal eettSawem Pmcta-dMaa.w Jenes &. Baker Mtmbm New Yerk Curb ttram Direct Private Wlrea aw Terk Cbkeg Bene rkbje)eU Phuxitgk Pttfelt Baltinwr Cimbaa PHlLADELPinA OFHC8 WWcner Building Tliwtm SD ' ' UeaM)f0 aviTHax . rue I ALTIMORB OFHCS Etnaraeea Heul IS4S1 i Tmttmmm nan l! $12,000 Life Insuranc at Age 35 for $10.08 Per Menth in aaeid.unt company lap Ten Date e? Birth and leara What 110 a Menth Will D forTea PEARL & SUDLOW AGENCY . JTOl fllJANOE B1B0.. tJCtlA. "DapendaMa Inauranee Blnee It," . H. Rollins & Sens Founded 15JS Inrestment Bends 1421 Chmetnut St., PhilmdtifMa Beaten New Yerk XVtVttMm Baltimore GXtcage Ban tTremeteee Southern California Edisen Company 5 Bends due 1944 Tn no year has this Company failed te show substantial In crease in gross or net earnings ever the previous year. Current nat earnings are at the rate ei ever 2 18 tlmae bend interest charges. Price 95 and Interest Yielding about 5.40 Descriptive oircmler en regweet $25,000 at Fifty! Are you systematically building an estate and an assured income? Babseiis REPORTS If yea are Interested in a wec tag plan for your money that will build an estate of $25,000 and an assured income of $100 a month en as little as S50.00 a month merely Taar awt A Mama Band it te your eccretary whep I mejl, laaaaraaam you dictate tha mernlni' MEMO S far Your Secretary g I Wrtta tha Babaen Sutiatteal Ornnlsa. l UeaWallealyilUU.e2,Maaa.,aa follews: PImm aed aa A Meet trm Tear Memmy" NEW ISSUE $400,000 Fifty-Five Park Avenue Apartment NEW YORK CITY First (Closed) Mortgage 6 Serial Geld Bend Dated November 1, 1932 Due Serially up te 1935 PUBLIC SALE Anthracite Ceal Lands tn Main Basin Southern Anthra. eita Fields GUARANTEE Trust and Safe Deposit Ce. 316, 318 and 320 Chettnut Street laie, fTem'.nt at, a a wi at. WIEGNER,ROCKEYCO Certified Public Accountants Tbe undaraltneS will effar at public aaia at tne reruiyivnia Hail Hetel. ' PettavJIle. Pa,, at 11.80 o'elock. A. M en the Sixth day of November. 1922, , all of Ita right, title and Intereat tii &T4 acre af coal land, mere or less, located partly In and eaatwardiy from the City of retUTlUe, fleliuyUtlll Ooenty, PennayUanlm coreprUlng the tract locally known as tha farnutn land Janotlea Tract, and parts of tha trrea-u. laiity and tha Kranel YarnaU tran Theae land are oreiaed by tha tracks of tha faenayltranla Railroad and ei tha PhUadelphla) and Heading Railway Company. They are of aumclent area and of proper conformation te accommodate-a alntle colliery of large ca ca paelty. The tracta contain all the coal measures commonly contained In the deepaat baalna of the Anthraelte Field Including tha Boek Mountain, Mam- metn ana rrimreM rein. Term i Flfteen (16) per cent cash when the property la atruck down, and the balance within thirty daya, upon Uie tender et the deed te the purchaser at the office of the Counsel for the under signed wheae addreaa la atated below Fer further partleulara apply te the undersigned, or te the local office of the Company, Lanaford, Carben County Pennsylvania, where maps of the land can be aaen or furnished te Dcrtlea interested -wwa Tha Lehigh Ceal and Narration Company, i, I fttene, Real Uetate Agent, SSI Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Pn. Oeo. M. Read, Attorney, 110 8, Centra Ntreet, ra MMsnHas- 1 ejatMaBasssssssssssssr' 1 ran...... ... I I I I ITJil SBJSr WHOLESALERS Bankers and Invcstteent heutee are Invited te use our service when desiring te buy or acll any Govern Riant Leans. -4 tUtUm.fUe Ueeet" COMMERCIAL TRUST COMPANY Ucantwf Federal Reserve Si City Hall Square Railroad and Terminal Bend SHEAR. LAKTON & CO. S NASSAU ST.. MEW TOBK Pe4eTpMa TeL Nne Yerk Tel Lembard 7957 Rncter 6781 HEWBORGER, HENDEKSON & LOEB Members New Yerk and Philadelphia Stock Exchange 1512 Walnut St. Principal and interest payable at Title Guarantee & Trust Company, New Yerk. Redeemable at 103. Free from normal Federal Income Tax up te 2fe. Denominations $1000, $500, and $100. Security: 48'3"x80' of land, owned in fee simple, with a 15-story and basement st' i construction apartment building te be erected thereon. Valuatien: Land (Actual Cost) $150,000 Building (Architect's Estimate) 415,000 TOTAL COST ....$565,000 Based en these costs there will be a cash investment of $165,000 back of these bends. Inceme: Estimated annual rental from 118 rooms... ,$102,070 Expenses, Taxes, Allowance for Vacancies, etc. 40,300 Net Income $ 61,770 This is ever 2J times the maximum bend interest. Management: Apartment will be designed, constructed, con trolled and operated by the Fred F. French Company of 350 Madisen Avenue, which has had long experience in erecting and operating apartment buildings. Title and yslldltv of mortgage guaranteed by the Title Guarantee Si Trust Company, New Yerk City. Price 100 and Interest When, as, and if issued and accepted by us. Upen rtquent we will send circular A. Puritan Mortgage Corporation Peabody, Houghteling & Ce., Inc. 100.611 West End Trust Buildint 366 MadUen Araaiua PhlUdslphU, Pa. IW Yark SteckweD ' cornnEe rvmc Wilten & w"" Frederick Peirce OMDS Jp fl INVEST rea OC V0 mmmt Unlisted Bend$ Fabian F. Levy Drcxel Building Dell Uiak 714 ' Karesaat Mta n .'i . n v 4. fi $ . .i; VvttsvlUe, Pa, UflTiU .tMiTilUBUfPUs. u .-.... C 14S1 CsMstaal StiaaS, rUlaWtalaMai ' X t,..ty vr,, KiM f.Viv. H. . 'vJrt-a?