EVENING PUBLIC -LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 18, 1922 ' Fl OUR BOND ISSUES PUI UP TO VOTERS Norristown, Narberth, Potts town and Springfield Township te Decide Lean Questions LEIB'S PLEA FOR LIBERTY IS DENIED Supreme Court Decision Puts Fermer Political Leader in Solitary Confinement MAN, 89, KILLED BY TRUCK ficfel Dtnatc te Evtntng fnbUe Ltter Norrtstewn, Pm Oct. 18. In three boroughs nnd one township of Mont Ment Mont lemery County the voter en November 7 will pnss upon lenns for school nnd municipal Improvements. In Norrlstewn the question of bor rowing $500,000 for school building" ,ltfg, buildings, additions and repairs will be decided. Nnrbcrth cltlezns will vote en whether S1C5.000 shall be borrowed te build, muIp and furnish a school en a let nd nd lelning the present one and refund 115,000 of Indebtedness. v n-.tetnirn rvU iIpeIcIk xvnethp S2flfl.- 000 shall be borrowed for completing gniritnrv powers and erection of a dis posal plant. In Springfield Township the voters will dcclde whether te borrow $200,000 te purchase a site, build a school and construct an athletic field. While backing his autetruck at Fran -ronle square yesterday Jehn C. Clem ens, of Mainland, did net see William Omheltzer, aged eighty-nine year. The henry vehicle struck the old man nnd one of the wheels passed ever his head, killing him instantly. The victim was one of the best known residents of that remmunity. Corener Neville Is Invest! gnling. Tuotnllatien of officers took place last evening at the Knights of Columbus headquarters, the ceremony In charge of J, J. German, of Conshhecken, district deputy. Jeseph F. Lawless, of Bridge port, was Installed as grand knight. Addresses were made by Philip Crimean, of Bridgeport, nnd Edward W. Keen, of AV'ercester, Mass FRIENDS TO ASK PARDON William S. Lelb, former Republi can leader and County Commissioner In Schuylkill County and former resident clerk of the IIouse of Representatives at Herrlsburg, yesterday again lest his nnnen.1 te the Supreme Court of Penn sylvania from his conviction and sen tence for forging tax receipts. The Court disposed of Letb's techni cal ohleetlnnn in iitilmm fashion. Lelb. through his attorneys, contended that his sentence waa Illegal because it did net contain the words "by labor, at scparate and solitary confinement." Lelb's attorneys pointed out that these words are Included In the Act of Mnrch 31, 1800, which prescribes the maximum sentence for forgery. In meeting this objection the Supreme Court merely made an order that the sentence b amended tev adding the words, "at separate anfl solitary con finement." This latcs court decision Is final, leaving no ground for further appeal. If anythln. Lelb is new worse off than before. It has been said he has had the run of the Eastern Penitentiary at nil hours of the day and that he was responsible for Schuylkill County's swfng te Gilferd Plnchet at the primary election. Warden McKenty denied that, however, saying Lelb did net have un usual privileges. Reports last night from Pettsvllle, county seat of Schuylkill, were that Lelb Is far from being a "bentcn" man. Ills friends, it was said, will new ask for a pardon. Lelb has been notified that a petition containing the names of 85,000 Schuylkill County citizen wlU be get up for him If he consents. Lelb was convicted en December B, 1010, before former Judge Albert W. Jehnsen of Lewlsburg, Union County, then substituting in the Quarter Ses siens Court In this city, of forging a duplicate State tax receipt te the preju dice of Merchant Evans Company. He was Fcntcnccd April 10, 1020. lie pre viously had maile full restitution of S5171.70 which covered the amount of the forged tax receipt. CROWDER SEES HUGHES $50,000,000 Cuban Lean Mentioned In Connection With Visit Wnihtnvinn. Oft. 18. Maler Gen eral Enech II. Crewdcr, personal 1 rep resentative of the President in Cuba, who is here discussing Cuban affairs with State Department officials, con ferred at length with Secretary Hughes yesterday. General Crowder had Just returned from several days in New Yerk. It was net learned whether his vlxlt thorn lin.l te de with the S50.000.- 000 lean which Cuba proposes and which. Ir in bnlleved in well-informed quarters here, will be made in the near future. COAL PROBLEMS UP TODAY Hammend 8lated te Head Fact- Finding Commission , Washington, Oct. 18. The Federal Fact-Mndlng Commission authorized by Congress te Investigate the bitumi nous and nnthrachf Industries with a view te the prevention of periodical strikes will held Its first meeting te day In tue oiuecs ei me ucuiushjiu Survey. Members of the commission, Jehn Hays Hammend, Themas U. Marshall, Jutlge Samuel Anwliuler, fi-i, Tt. 1I (irnmp Otiq Smith, lit. Edwin T. Devlne nnd Charles 1 Nelll, arrived in Wnshlncten Inst night. After a cntl nt the White Heuse, where the commission will receive gen eral instructions from President Hard ing, the organization will be per fected by the election of a chairman nnd secretary. Jehn Hnys Hnmmend Is expected te be selected as chairman. f CARPETS & LINOLEUM TREMENDOUS SAVINGS &3 x 10.6 ft. Seamless Axminster RUGS In pretty Oriental floral ef fects. $27:25 Royal Wilten RUGS 6x9 $39.50 8.3x10.6 $54.50 $62.50 $87.50 9x12 9x15 11.3x15 $110.00 9 x 12 ft. Tap. Brussels RUGS A g-enulne bar. Bain. A limited let left $85 NATIONAL CARPET STORES COO MARKET STREET U"U PHILADELPHIA 1 t""m''!it?Tmi gfreiaiSJl PHILADELPHIA MUST ALWAYS LEAD 1 PHILADELPHIA LODGE OF ELKS Twenty-Year General Mortgage 6 Sinking Fund Geld Bends Dated October 1, 1922 Due October 1, 1942 Interest Payable April and October First Free from normal Federal Income Tax and present Penna. State Tax Kensington Trust Company, Trustee. A Sinking Fund of net less than Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) a year te be set aside for the redemption of these bends. These bends have a very high investment standing as they will be secured by mortgage en a new building costing $2,000,000 te erect in addition te the site, which cost $750,000; located en the west side of Bread street and the south side of Weed street, extending one hundred sixty-three feet en Bread street and one hundred ninety seven feet in depth along Weed street, making a total of thirty-three thousand square feet This section of, the city is rapidly increasing in value, which will guarantee even additional security for these bends. The Philadelphia Ledge of Elks has a membership of ever 8000, which is still increasing and insures the stability of these bends. The bends will be sold at par of $100 in denominations of $100, $500 and $1000. FACTS 15 stories high. Granite and lime stone. Entrance of thoroughfare te new Delaware River Bridge. Restaurant and Grill. 350 bedrooms with bath, shower and running ice water. An entire fleer devoted te the largest and most artistic Rail Roem in Philadelphia. 2500 seating capa city. Swimming peel 40x75. Complete gymnasium. Squash and handball courts. Turkish baths. PHILADELPHIA LODGE NO. 2. B. P. 0. ELKS A Cause for Civic Pride Full descriptive circular, subscription blanks and any ether information as te security, etc., will b,c furnished upon application at the Elks' Heme, 1320 Arch Street. (fad- Exalted Ruler I REDUCES PRICES Effective Oct. Announcing the Lewest Prices in the History of The Ferd Moter Company (Regular) 7 4fl T j0. rQht (Regular) (Regular) Chassis Runabout Touring Ten Truck Chassis Coupe Sedan $235 $269 $298 $530 S59S F. O. B. DETROIT Authorized Lincoln WALTER PRICE l!9th & Yerk Streets Diamond 2909 Park 30111 SOUTHWESTERN AGENCY .")3nl & Baltimore Ave. Woodland 1807-08 Weht 1020 SPERZEL & SWARTZ 7211-17 Market Street I.ansdewne 1977 ALVIN A. SWENSON 1131-50 Kciibingtun Ave. Trankferd 2787-88 East 792.1 SWEETEN AUTOMOBILE CO. llread & Cherry Streets Spruce 8130 TRAVIS & McGARMTY G21-1M S. Felten Street Sherwood 9940 UNIVERSAL MOTOR AGENCY 3127 Chestnut Street l'usten 3281 West 17G9 WAGER & KARPELES Sfitli & Chestnut Streets Helinent 3251 AVebt 1717 WEST GIRARD AGENCY 2517-19 West Girard Ave. I'eplar 5371 Kace 51G4 ALEXANDER ALLAN 19 HiRhlund Ave.. Chestnut Hill Chcbtnut Hill 4819 ffiD7ze Fordson Dealers: JOHN BARBER 9734 Hustletei . HuMleten 805fi E. M. BARLETT 1310 Urewn Street H.iuiiK 1231 West 2956 BAN HAM MOTOR COMPANY KidRc Ae. & Dupent St. ICoxherough 07715 J. A. CUNNINGHAM 1153-57 Seuth llread Street OrcRen 1877 Race 6521 ROBERT E. FOULKROD 7119-21 Kisinj; Sun Ae. Te Chase 1660 ALBERT A. FRENCH I rankfnrd e. & E. Clementine St. East 7085 (Jarlield 1237 HARRY S. FRENCH, Inc. 1212 1'rankferd Aenue KensinKten 2778-9 East 7246 HENRY & GUNKLE, Inc. 1631-36 North llread Street Wyoming 6780 HOWARD-POTTER MOTOR CO. Torrcsdale Ave. & Cottman Street .JOHN K. DALY 27-29 M-iilli fourth Street I enthaid 8031 B. V. HOFFMAN, Inc. 321 North llread Street Spruce (jf)13 U.ice 2171 THE IIOWLEY COMPANY 2119 .Seuth Street Spruu' 8156 llace 1672 MORRIS JONES 6200-02. 01-06 Moedhme Ae. 0erbroek 1901 West 2919 ("HAS. K. JOHNSON S. E Cor. 15th St. L l'ahijunk Ae. Kace 1816 DEWEES F. KIRCHNER 7219-21 Woodland Ae. Woed'and 8215 West 1115 KOELLE-GREENWOOI) CO. Ut-K. 6025-29 (iermantewn Aw. (ieriuantewu 1025-6 MARGERUM MOTOR COMPANY Yerk Kead H fit v Line Oak I.ane I9H0 THOS. B. MARTINDALE 3137-13 North llread Street Tiega U76-7 1'ark C573 W. II. NOBLIT 7108 Germantown Ave. - l'I .. AT ?J - .( le, x hlf