Wi yw-: , sL ' i b: IH ft WfllJt w.rA i- w mmm mmrm Mtrt'HV MMgr mis Ge Blue-lay te your druggist The simplest way te end a corn is Blue-jay. A touch steps the pain instantly. Then the corn loosens and comes out. Made in a colorless clear liquid (one drop does itl) and in extra thin pla ters. The action is the same. Pain Steps Instantly rCI-ADS PARERS, COMPEL SUCCESS Unchecked WASTE In paring vtgstabtaa Is CMravaganc. M-iicI Extrav B -n M " I rants K, i St. sV W SCffRES THOSE WHO TONE Ml' BIBLE Rev. Dr. C. E. Maeartney Ad dresses Jersey Synod of Presbyterians FIND FLAPPER DAYS GONE BURBhIIHX. CrBiBBkBBBaBHHiBHPJBBBS'T'7n9FV'JMMHHR!iV'nr ' "" w "sfr WMulWBSaHSSBRBmSH I ? -n, . ," "3.TV ' ' . ' ' '. viTTr'f'f,''V ,'tn,, T ,' ,T. HSrt"' ? '' , , t iirVi 1 1 IHM ft li r.TIl Aches and Pains RunniNO with Mifflin Alkohel Massage relieves muscular soreness. THE LIFE AND LETTERS of WALTER H. PAGE By Burten J. Hendrick "I have never read anything that can compare with them. They are destined te become classics" Cel. Edward M. Heuse. Regular Edition, set of two volumes $10.00 De Lue Edition, 377 copies, set of two eIumcs . $25 00 Deubledav, Page & Ce. Special Train TO AMBLER, PA and Return Account Funeral of SENATOR VARE Thursday, October 19 I.fHTri. n e it d 1 n x Terminal 12 1 13 I'. M. Stepplnr at Hprlnc- Garden St., Columbia At.. Huntlufrten St., Wayne Junction unil l.egan, nevulur train ut 10)15 A. 31., Ui02 12140 nnd 1:02 I. M. ltturnlnic special train will leave Amblrr (it 3:15 p. M. IMfrKlM Philadelphia & Reading Railway 5V vssff.vss,7.msivvsssswwrji Announce ment Mr. S. Lubin, inventor nnd originator e f the moving Dictum inrlfla. try, is new giving his entire persona nttentien te hi Optical business from 9 A. M. te 5 P. M. daily. Examination of your eyesight made with Mr. Lubin new scientific instruments free. Ne drops used. Geld-filled. I 2-kt. framcless eye glasses nnd spectacles with teric curved crystal lenses as low as $2.50 LUBIN 21 S. 8th St Between Market and Cliettnut Eat. Since i873 Baawv;,;ww Bttcial DiKtatch te ltventnff PuMtu Ltieer Atlantic City, Oct. 18. Tlic follow ing Is nn excerpt of an addresa delivered here before the Presbyterian Synod of New Jersey this morning, by the Rev. Dr. Clarence Edward Macartney, of the Arch Street Presbyterian Church, Phil adelphia, en the subject: "Hew te Re store the Authority of the Rlble In Re ligious Education." "Ne one can doubt that the author ity of the Wble In religious education nnd everywhere else has been Impaired. This Is net due te the a saulta from every quarter ul,en t'le Rlble. These I assaults themselves, conceived In bitter ness and born In unbelief, could never have weakened the authority of the Ulble. This loosening of the held of the Scriptures In religious education and all moral In tructien is due te the shallow, unlearned and self-stultifying attitude efinnnv teachers and preach ers within the Chrl-tlnn Church, who have been mere anxious te please the world of unbelief then te declare the oracle of (Jed. "The have been mere concerned ever toning down the Bible fe na te make It acceptable te the 'modern mind' than thej hnvp been uut billions the modern mind into reconciliation with the re vealed will of (Jed. The. 'modern' mind is just a" tilli tinted from the mind ut (leil us the undent mind or the me lievii! mind. The ingle thing, se far at n Christian faith Is concerned, has hien the disposition en the part of n tchoel within our churches te accept wholesale, without the leat question ing or examination, the guewes nnd conclusions of the hostile school of criticism, nnd mnny of which are as centrnry te common sen--e as they are entrary te historical fact. "In trimming off the Rible te make room for 'modern thought' the pseudo defender of It has cut away his own platform. The most pltiatle object en the whole religion horizon tednv is the mnn who wanted te go nleng with the world, accept eveijthing the had I te snv .ihntit the Hible. nnd vef lentnve te kieti it, but who new stnnds en the brink of utter unbelief and mnttrial ism, afraid te plunge into that bottom li s chasm, yet unable te go bnck te i the heu-e of fnith and belief, lunched at b these whom he has followed te his discomfiture and righteously con- mneil b these whom he Bought te lead awav with him. "The prtsent-day methods of taking the Hible, particularly the Old Testa ment, are fatal te Its authority. The popular idea of 'pregiessne revelation' under close examination is discovered te be nothing les tnan that In tome strange wa there has happened whut Jeb said never can happen, that Is, a dean thing has come out of an un clean ; out of u crude, tribal worship, little, if nnv better, than that of the licentious and degraded Canaanltish tribes nbeut them, there has been 'evolved' the pure monotheism of Israel. the religion of the Hely One of Israel, upon w nidi ,ie5us vnriit ioek unreserv j wily His stand. "We midit as well face the fact that if the Hible, in whnt It has te say about I the universe, Is a tissue of lies and crude guesses as te whence the unlver'e came unil hew it devi loped, the grand t authority which the Scriptures once hail is forever gene. Therefore, te re establish and preserve the nutheritv of ( the Ulhle we must take pains te show , v no sen nee whatsoever has proved I the Ilible, correctly interpreted, te be in error. We must show the marvelous cengrulty of the first chapter of Genesis ! with the findings of the best established science." i The Mapper has had her fling and will net come back during present genera tion, ncceidlng te statements made yvs tcrdaj before the centennial meeting of the Presbjterian Hjned of New Jerwy j in esMen here. I "Women are fundamentally nnd 'morally sound, but there will nlwnys I be found a small mlneritv that will go I te ettremes," declared the Rev. Charles F. Uazata, of Newark, former moderator. "The se-called flapper I should net be associated with this ml- Inerltv, for she vvns only one of the manifestations of the new woman with 'her new-found freedom. Flappers are I new becoming a thing of the pqst, nnd lit is doubtful if we will ever witness their return, In thla generation at ;east." It's a Tem Wye A tramp In the country, walk te the office or school, or a ride In your car en a snappy morning are mere enjoyable when you wear Tem Wye Knit Jacket. Just leek at one. Bee hew stylish and goed-looldng It is. That well-tailored ap pearance will stay, tee. Reinforced shoulders pre vent sagging. Pockets stay snug and neat. There is never any bunching under the arms. Twe styles in beautiful heather mixtures. At men's wear and sport ing goods stores. Loek for the Tem Wye label. Qjv KNIT JACKET $750 2-iMxVrt sBtxtal Vecfct meds! IS.St Ne "Help" Wanted We maintain a retfular, permanant staff of experts throughout the entire year. Each a special 1st in his line, we believe it is the best economy te carry them through the quiet season te insure skillful cleaning and dyeing when you want it done. They knew and love their work the work you end them. They are satisfied with their positions. Yeu will be satisfied with their craftsmanship. We have no connection with any firm of timilar name. I. HERZOG CO. AH arffefes insured againtt fire and theft until delivered te you Germantown's Dyers G? Cleaners 5904 Germantown Avenu Phenet Ger. 03-92 iv f J rvjij. '1 10-Day Exhibit hf Superior il 1923 Medels At Our Twe Salesrooms 923 North Bread Street 3430 Chestnut Street Beginning last Tuesday nnd continuing until Saturday. October 21. inclusive. See these remnrknble cars. Studv th specifications. Nete the quality touches; realise the engineering refinements that further increase economy. The distinctive features nre Btream-line body destsm. hint. heed, crown paneled fenders, vacuum feed, renr gasoline tank en all models; drum type head lamps, legal lenses. AH closed models have Fisher Bodies with plate irlnns T.m. Btcdt regulated windows, cord tires, sun visor, etc., etc. Prices Remain the Same Quaker City Chevrolet Sales Cerp. Opm until 10 F. M. Daily and Sunday-- 1 v. wit p4 ffl Rebert RdiSi Ce. B&;wW;WmMmH-JJAMlgaii ter'5nir JL. New Yerk atr ' HI f rM&JJ5&w- 1 trngp US DON'T LOSE ANOTHER HAIR! 35-cent "Danderine" will Save Any Man or Weman's Hair Delightful Tonic See Dandruff Ge! Hurry! It's your duty! Each day i you see a little mere hair coming out nnd you are making no effort tei avoid baldness. What a pity. Fall-', ing hair menns your hatr is weak,' sick, possibly dandruff is stran gling it, or the hnir-roet pores in the scalp are net firm and tight, thus ! wasting the hair-growing oils. Danderine almost instantly steps falling hair and cleans every par ticle of dandruff nway, then your hair take3 en new life, vigor and strength te grew strong, thick and long. Danderine is delightful net sticky or giensy. Ge te any drugstore new i and get n bottle. Use it. Have healthy, heavy, beautiful hair and I lets of it. Adv. THE GOLD MEDAL MILKy WAY this is the big money saving electric washer offer of the De it every day wrap up a couple of slices with the children's recess lunch. Victer Raisin Bread 10 Leaf In all our Stores ISADORA DUNCAN GIVES STRIKING DANCE PROGRAM i Tschalkewsky and Wagner Inter pretations Presented by Noted Artist Fer the first time in many venrs, Isadora Duncan, the interpretative ihinctr. appeared in Philadelphia at the Academy of Music, last night. Each number brought enthusiastic applause from the crowded hniwe. Her first dance was Tschalkewsky'a "Sjmpheny Ne. 0" (I'nthetique), in four movements. Miss Duncan s claim te rhvthmlc pantomime was fully justi fied bj the expression en her face one moment denoting joy, the highest pitch of ecstasy the next, the most In tense ngeny nnd suffering and by t!rfi grace of her body as bIie swayed with emotion. Her last two numbers were Wagner selections. The first, the Overture from "Tannhauscr,' and the scend, Venus berg Hachannle, from "Tannhauwr," were the outcome of her jeara of in tensive study and d'votien te her art The Bymphenv orchestra with Nahan Franke conducting, gnvv the Overture 1812. Tschalkewsky, and Prelude and Death of Isolde from "Tristan und Isolde." The work done by them nerved as an added charm te the dancing of Mlsa Duncan and a decided worth while factor In the evening SEEK ESCAPED JAIiTbIRD Dragnet Out for Anlcela, Who Squirmed Through Cell Grating Jeseph Anlcela, tvventj-ene years old, arrested three weeks age for rob bery, is being &enght In this city fol lowing bis escape from Northampton jail early Monday night. The prisoner, together with William Eglauss, of Uethlehem, a forger, filed his way through n window of a cell overlooking a large field bikI squirmed through the opening. Eglauss was caught last night at ht home and re- ,itnarl tn rrtA fnll Warden Pascoe bellerts a friend of Anlcela's smuggled a hack saw Inte the , jiui uuriiiK, u uh .ueiiuuy ouerneoil. He wB awaiting trial for robbing a house In Banger. Pa, According te police, Anlcela has been In trouble for several years and has Itaan oil a.inf aA rt nnm.Mui. . 1 . t..e vicinity of his home at Resetta, Pa., an Italian settlement a mile from Dan ger. He Is described as being five feet four inches in height and weighing l-ie pqunds. year Only 9K3ilel $99 illy for this strictly high-grade, full-size, six sheet, copper tub, ELECTRIC WASHER ABC make, one of the best en the mar ket! Here is certainly a splendid washer value; one which we unhesitatingly recom mend te our customers. And, better still, if you wish te buy en con venient, easy payments, you can de se at only a very slight extra charge. Only $1.50 per week pays for this splendid labor-saver considerably less than it costs you every week for a laundress. EVERY child can point out that great mass of countless stars trailing across the heavens, known as "The Milky Way." A map showing the points in South eastern Pennsylvania, West and Seuth Jersey, Delaware and Mary land which are the sources of sup ply for Supplee-Wills-Jenes GOLD MEDAL MILK resembles the fam ous constellation. it is se closely dotted with stars that it might properly be termed "THE GOLD MEDAL MILKY WAY." Clese te sixty sources of supply are drawn en. Fer se tremendous is the demand that no one neighborhood produces enough milk te supply it. Every quart of the great quantity of rich, fresh milk which is shipped daily te these dairies must stand a rigid inspection test and meet the highest standard of quality before it is accepted. It is then rushed te our city plants te be tested again, pasteurized, bottled, re-iced and delivered. Perfectly re frigerated cars, with every sanitary safeguard along the way, bring the milk te the receiving stations. Express and fast passenger service, having the right of way, carries the milk from points a hundred miles distant in two or three hours' time. In severe storms the milk trains come through when little else is moving. Frem nearby points less than an heuf is required. The receiving stations in the city are always close te the dairy. In some cases they are across the street It It but a matter of a few moments for our fleet of immense trucks te trans ter the many carloads of milk te thi dairies. The metropolitan district of Phils delphia includesa population of two and one-half millions. In no ether, densely populated centre in the ceux try has se large a percentage of ths inhabitants expressed a preference for regular servica from one di tributer of milk. GOLD MEDAL Quality and Servics have built and held this patronage. Our customers have found GOLD MEDAL MILK always fresh and rich. Speed and thoroughness, care and watchfulness feature every step from the farm te you. Stupendous Electric Cleaner Offer Still Open. FREE set of nine cleaning attachments with each Phila. Electric cleaner and vtry easy termtenly $3.50 first payment. Phene Walnut 4700Extintten ST The PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY TENTH AND CHESTNUT STREET kL?!'.. a!? 'nf?,Um? Su 'fMktcra At, and Orthodea Si. - J JE3LZ?n,d CU"flld 9- h at. and Columbia A. BreS and RuMmb3t.(Uan) 7.i.d IW.Ch.lt wiAv.. Bread and Wh.H. St. DELAWARE COUNTY ELECTRIC COMPANY Chs.t.r Mi4u Unsdewna SUPPLEE-WILLS-JONES GOLD MEDAL MILK 26 Awards for Quality rSTiiaLm IIIsSdI HssSsVsBr m MVJ "'mm a 2t ij.