' ft-'c V'Z2?m r"K, rtvr?i ilr"' : " - i- X ' - JL,- 4&TJ, TAriteii-T.WTT.ATlWT.iftttA rpTTiaSfiAV ' nhrtWTCR 17. 102B ' t EVENING PUBLIC LDGffeltPHlUADBtPfliA. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 17, 4922 . -. i 4 : : The Addition of Charles Craig, of Oklahoma, te Penh Squad Makes Backfield Loek Stron HARVARD REGULARS IN CENTRE CONTEST Will Probably M&et for Last Time at Cambridge en Saturday Series Stands Even CAPTAIN BUELL BACK CniiibrlclSe. Mass.. Oct. 17. Heb Ftslier him Mnrted (e Rroem his Hnr rnnl varsity trnm for Rnturclny'H cninc nitli Centre College. -The tenms lmvc broken even in two games and Hntur day's mntch prebnbly will be tlie last for some time, ns the IInrvnrl-nle-Prlneclen agreement, which will bc bc bc come operative In 1023. will prevent such intcrecth)nnl centcstH. As tlie Harvard outfit starts prepare ine for tlic game, all the regulars nre In flrft-claii condition. Ocorge Owen, while slightly lame, was out en the field yesterday nnd took part in the first team Mgnal drill, which was long nml full of unusual pepper for Monday. Cartnln lluell was buck directing things, with Kky Clark back in center position and Ceburn and Oebrke working with Owen in the backflcld. Probably the men wh,e will stnrt the Centre game will net de it Brent dcnl of ecrlmmaglng this ttvek. All had long and hard work-outs last week, nnd the next few days, therefore, will be devoted te getting the plays going smoothly nnd fast nnd In preparing the team still fur ther te meet' the Colonels' attack, of which Harvard knows renMdcrnbly mere new that it did last fall. YAIiE The 1311s have started prepai . rations te meet Williams en Saturday. Ne shifts were erderejrU yesterday ex cept thnt Captain Itrilph .Ionian re turned te the line-up nnd Teny Hul jnnn, "Judge" Lnndls and Bill Ma lery did net report boeuuse of cenllietlns recitations. Ynle will face the Massachusetts col legians with practically the snme lltic np that wns whitewashed by Iowa bat. unlay. The first eleven devoted tlie afternoon te signal rehearsal and work en the dummy for breaking through Kd (Jrecne wns retained nt left tnckle and is a live pessibllty for permanent occupancy of the place. He was pre pared at Andevcr nnd lms plnjscu for two f-enMHis en the scrubs. He wns promoted by Coach Myren 1-ullcr from tlie fourth te the first tenin- STATE With the preliminary games ever, Venn State Li new pointing for the Middlebury, Syracuse nnd Navy '.games, which new loom up nhend. Uc7.dck jestcrdny was forced te shift his line, for Captain Hens', hud his shoulder hurt en Saturday, and it is feaied that it if fractured. At the worst he will be out weeks, but if (lie benu is net cracked he mny be able te get back in time for the Mid dlebury geme. In the shift which resulted Hamilton moved from guard te center, while Fleck wns promoted te left guard en tlic varsity. COKXELLFnclng the mere difficult games from new en. Coach Doble has rnllied all of his forces In preparation for the Colgate contest Saturday. Scouts shave icpnrteri that the Mnroen was mere formidable than the score of th6 Prince ton garni Inst Saturday indicates and tlie big Hed eleven is in for several days of Intensive effort te be In shape for the Colgate inviuien. Fortunately for the Ithacaus. the tqund is In normal condition physically again. liven Charles Ciissidv. Inst ycac's left end, who has been out of the) tuePgarne with a broken hand for three wkt, took ptrt In yesterday's prac ne. 1JITT Fer the University of l'ltts turgh football team it is just one hard game nfter anethir. On the heels of tk, contests with Lafayette and West Virginia comes the fcattle with Syraeuse ntxt Saturday nt Syracuse. Coach Wnrncr has started training the Panthers for the encounter with the Salt City eleven, which event Is ene of the classics en the Pitt schedule and which this enr looms nt one of tlie most severe battles for the Smoky City team. Conch Warner plans te tnke his men te Rochester, X. Y., en Friday, and then te Syracuse the next morning for the game In t)ic Archbold Stadium In the afternoon. LEHIGH With the Rutgers game eat of its system, Lehigh new has te leek forward te entertaining another roreiidnblo opponent next Saturday. when Brown University Invades Tayler MBtiium. Jn spite of the hard contest the Lehigh players came through fairly well. With the exception of "Mike" Iloff Ileff !, the big guard, there were no in juries of Forieus nature. Heffman preb n the week. Merrill, one of the regu- lrs, probably wll get into the line up uiu weeit. ILLANOVA The viitlie Villanevn football sqund wis en hand yesteiilny for the first practice in prcpninllnu for 'lie t athellc University gnme which is te be played Sntiirduy en the Main Line field'. Mii''f""' t'" Practice started Coach Miller j5ne the men n short talk en fast Saturdays mistakes that the Blue nml Mliite had made. Miller niailu ecrnl changes In the varsity liia'-uji anil it enms probable that Crnnin, who was hhiftp,! from iheNiunrterbnelc berth iji halfback, will be scen In this pol pel pol Jleii permanently. Haley will be used n ( renin's plncc. Five weeks age. Harry Kreig, the nig husky tackle, was injured iu scrim range and every Monday he has returned e the line-up enjy te be Injured again. ANNAPOLIS With only n short 5f1C , B y,f,leriln.v. Beb Fehvell did net W I. rnrKeH through a scrininwige at tne .Savnl Academy, but occupied time largely with formation drills, trying a number of plajs which will be used r'L, fi,nst,,imi: "L'xt Snturduv against Oeergia Tech The utiimlH worn can jiilly jiat.-olled and none but friends of ine .Nnvy neriiiitteil tn veiimin 'im... Practice wns continued until the flee lights nreund the field hnd been nci ean for H mK ti10i till neces- ,'1'V K'e imt up by Ilucknell nn bnturilny proved the finest kind of Thirar'tl',,, ttr ,,",. ,'i'1 'l'ccl1 F''w. iliern is likely te be one change in the W" iV. .W,,l,p FIIJ)1,e" Kuv lr"iiK, nd i. " ,1 FT," f,r " ii'Ruinr berth, ml is likely that MuKtfe will bn in Hatur ' U Bnm HUxrH "cxt HA'l'lf 1,'MIHV MM,... .. . InnJ , i , . Jin-Hi were nn scr "hes1,,,"Ml",1!'.,K O;1"'.11"; Tr,n,,' H,,riH hi,,. ""; "iiiiiiirui wan iukpii out ecu se of his bad shoulder, but this ad been t ,,, condition previous t l lenlllct. Pud Helllngshend went lu 's place. tc.ihSJ,i,,,i" I,rewp. wlu made two lnl.niT.i,,,"".''MI"1' niw umtii -.- BTuutftttMatoefc-juQMftMBa iwrnurea ay fimi:i,nuw8ti Chicago Student Is Fined for Scalping Chicago, Oct. 17. Further appli cations for tickets for the Prince-ton-Clilcnge football cntne here Oc tober US will net be considered, it was announced today. The Univer sity of Chicago football ticket office has been swamped with orders, nnd no seats nre left te offer nt public snle. .Ticket scnlpers are receiving at tention from the authorities. Ed ward O'llrlen, a college student, wns fined $50 for scalping tickets for last Saturday's Chicago-North-, western game, nnd two professional speculators have been arrested. out en the field yesterday for n drilling In passes and line plunging. BROWN The football squad lins started nctive prepnrntlen for Lehigh game nt Bethlehem, Pa., next Saturday. A Brown scout who saw Lehigh nnd Rutgers battle last Snturdny outlined Lehigh's system of piny, and yesterday Conch Koblnsen sent the regulars through a light drill, emphasizing spe cial plnys, which will be used nguinst Bnldwin's men. All the varsity players were in togs except Fred Sweet, of Philadelphia, who hns n slight cold; DufTy Myers, of Ardmore, who received n hard blew in the face in the Syracuse game, nnd Jehn Johnstone, whose weak unkle still causes trouble. PRINCETON Conch Bill Reper appeared en University Field yestcrdnv with n leek of determination. He hail eft off the spotless derby which he were in the sound s practice nnd hnd denned his working togs. Xe one renllzes bet ter than Reper the size of the job ahead necessary te whip the Tisers Inte shape, and the practice lusted until darkness made further work impossible. The first thing that Reper did was te order thnt practice be closed te nil except ene representative of the press and one from the dally Prlncctenlnn. llicn the nquad was sent through a short setting-up drill, followed by n long signal practice. Later the can didates for the wing positions were set te work running down under Ynngcr big's nnd Cleave's punts. baskeTballen at Early Cage Practice Is Started by Coach Davidsen With s 25 Candidates TUIOUGII the scholastic football sea- son Ik just getting under wny and tlie first basketball game Is two months off, Germantown High already hns started prnctice in the cnge. Workouts have been held two or three times a week nt the Cliveden Scheel Ier tlie last fortnight. Conch Harry Davidsen s Idea is te have every stu dent in the school who has nny knowl edge of the game get a chance. Fer this reason he started practice almost as seen as school opened. The five te represent the school there fore will be in doubt until shortly before the opening game. Four teams have been In action and a few ether candidates have been pranc ing around the gymnasium. There are eight men bnck from the first and second tenms of last year. They are King, Dieterle, AcuiT, Lalb mnnn, Scwell, Rhymer, Gorden nnd Harris. First Team Pithed Out of this bunch, Rhymer and Gor Ger Gor eon were members of the first team. At present Coach Davidsen is uing Hagy nnd Harris, nt forwards, King, center, and Rhymer nnd Dieterle, jimrils. This quintet is working nicely to gether, hut it does net necessnrily mean It will be the one te face Germtditewn's opponent in the opening gnme. The sqund has. increased at each practice. On the first daynheut ten men were en hand. The next it had Jumped te fifteen, and new it has reached twenty-five, nnd Is still going, Gcrmairtewn hns never cut u big ficure in the coco. And tliU iu tv!,v (Davidsen is anxious te ,bring out nil inn ninicriiii in Bcnoei, test It nml tnen send the best against the rival teams. A schedule of nineteen games has been nrrnnged. There are nlse thrce open dates in the list. Central High tlie lirst opponent.! The Mirrors ,,,,,',,, -,, ,, KOKUInq thn vniFllIn,. nnmiA MA.nAa I Cnmden ITI'ili. Geerge Scheel. P. I. D., .Atlantic City High. Darby Hich. Phil adelphia Xermnl, Ilaverferd Scheel nnd Chestnut Hill Academy will be played. me scneuuie ioiiewh: Tfetm1r S. Central Hlith. nwM S. North- ent Hlsh, nway: U1. Southern High. hem IS, West Philadelphia Hlch. away; 111, Frnnkferd High, linme January 'J. Camden High, nway; n, Central High, henm: 1(1, Northeast JIlRli. home; 12, Southern Hlsh, away; in, Otergn Scheel, uw.xy; in, Vest Philadelphia High, home; 10. IJrnnltfenl High, away: 2fi, P. I. D.. home; 211. Atlantic City Hlsh. nway February 2, Darby. High, away: n, open; 0, Phlladelnhla Nermal Scheel, home; 1.1, Haxerferrt Scheel away; 10, open; 20, open; 23, Chestnut Hill, home. Swimmers Practice While-the basketball r-uuriidntCH nre ibe regular scnen starts Some of the veteran mermen nre Captain Ashmentl, plunge; Schimmel, who is versatile, competing in the fancy diving and sprints; Wagner, Cegel, 100 wtt'ds; Jauiie.snu, 2"0 : )-enmx and Farmim. The latter is a bis 2-10-peiind boy who competes In the plunge event. I The relny team Is ninile up of Wag ner, Kngel, .liuiiiesen and Iimax. IWest Phillle in Cage 1 Sectional basketball has started at West Philadelphia High. Coach War ren Weller is In charge. Games will be plnjed en an elimi nation basis. As u team loses it will drop out until there i.s ene flvu left from each year. These will meet for the championship of the Softeol, This is a geed idea, as miitcrinl is needed for the vaislty team thiN sea son. Three positions' must be tilled, as "Pet" Kllintt, who was te have cap tained this ear's quintet, is ntlendliu P. M. ('. Stevenson, the captain of the lO'-'l team, is at Darlnumth, nnd Johnny McNIchel lias joined bis broth ers at Penn. Dutch Parson nnd Dinty Petter are the only two regulars te tcturii. .... The vutftltv will held its first iirmctic en Monday. An extensive bcliedula Iu yii Minrauj. ."-"-. .V,".1",'J " GEIANT01 HIGH mini nt. it ine bw miners nre preparing "",'", : .V.'r '""i "' V..'" .ur.S0K1.n ".' ,ne for a busy season. Conch Carl Fre- ?xhium1UA8reUc'i!!ti;.nn,0Yt &ihS ii'SM muth started praclce lest Thursday in ' thrills all the way through. Tiiuta was the Germantown Y. M. C. A. tank. mTmllr.u treX tSf'.W Ne intends te held workouts every bout was Maged. Henry Mick of smith "l'uesdny nnd Thursday afternoons until Pf0."H!r.n Jfa,8j Charley Mmruy. ef'phii- INTERSCHOLASTIC GRIDDERS READY West Philadelphia High and Cormantewn Will Open Season Thursday SIX TEAMS IN CIRCUIT By PAUL PREP The Interschelnstlc Football League season of 11)22 will open Thursday after noon. West Philadelphia High Scheel nnd Germantown High will furnish the opening day attraction nt Tnber Field, Seventh street nnd Tnber read. The contest will start nt 3:.10 P. M. The ustlnl sir tnptnhers of the circuit are ready for action. They are West j Philadelphia High, Germantown High, , Southern High. Northeast High, Frank- ford High and Central High. ! Central High docs net get under way until Tlltirnilnv nnhnl "It nml Knlltll- I ern High, the last starter, plas Ger mantown in its initial fray the day later. Coach Delnplalne's West Philadel phia bunch Is the favorite overGermnn everGermnn tpwn High in the opening contest. The Speedbejs looked very geed In their two games plajed. They defeated Darby. High in the opening contest by n 33-te-0 score and then held Catholic High, with the strongest eleven in recent years, te n scoreless draw, outplaying tlie Purple nnd Geld nthlctes. Although there tire but a few players hack from last year's runner-up eleven, tllO SOUnd which Ime hnnn wnrtrlm wltl. Delnplnlne has ennbled him te fill the many gaps left by graduation. One Veteran In Ilackflcld Bcrgnmnn, the only man in the back field from the 1021 team; Sweet, a brother of Fred Sweet, who is starring With the Brown University team, and who made a brilliant record en the gridiron while attending the West Phil adelphia institution, is following in the footsteps of Fred. Cellier nnd Gaunt are tlic ether members "of the qunrtct. Germantown High hns been nn ln-nnd-eutcr since the season's stnrt. In the opening game the Clivcdcns did net li'y up te their usual form and Rad Rad eor High, which generally gets off te n peer start, defeated them. tt, n next frn-v nguinst Camden High the team looked like anilllen dol del dol ors, defeating the Jerseymen by two touchdowns. Hughey Gordnen. the captain nnd left tackle, injured his ankle and iins been en the side lines ever since. It is doubtful whether Coach Miller will start him against the Speedbeys. Ceatesville High was played Inst Fri day, and Instead of putting the regulars In against the im. Stuff. nm Miiie. called upon his second-string men, but urn- luisiij- eacn eeing in tlie same. The result was nn easy victory for the Ceatesville eleven, ill te 0. In the meantime Germantown has been work ing hard every day. Se dork nre the things kept around the Cliveden Scheel that one cannot eny for a fact that a single man is positive te start the contest. West Philadelphia High lias net tllnvcd n ret-nln,. ,., since Friday a week, but hns been hnlil. ing scrimmages daily en Kirkbride's lield, Thirty-eighth and Market sirccis. Delnplnlne Confident Coach Dclaplalne is confident that "is eleven will come through en top. Our goal line has net been crossed te date, and if I de net miss my guess it will be the same way when the game with Germantown Is completed," says the coach. Central High will play all Its league games en Housten Field, Twenty-ninth and Somerset streets: Germantown High nt Taber Field, Northeast High at the Northeast Field, Twenty-ninth nnd Cambria streets; Southern High and West Philadelphia nigh will ploy all contests en alien fields, nnd Frank ford High will play en Brown Field, Oxford pike, above the school. According te Mr. Hummell, schedule maker of the league and a member of the Supervisory Committee, everything posslble will be dene in order te have nil the league games started promptly ut i !t0. The schedule of the league fellows : Gormnntewn Illih. Octeber 20 Frankfort Hlh afNerthent IIl3ht Uctober 26 Frankford Hlth at Ontral Ortober 27 Seuth Philadelphia IIh at Clennantewn IHh Nuvi-mber 2 Nerthmst Hlfh at Seuth Neiemtar a Oermantewn IIIh at Central HlBhi West Philadelphia Jllsh at "ralikterd November 10 Seuth Philadelphia JUh at Neember 11 Nertheait Hlch at Wut TMlfi.l.lnl.li. 1flK -. v wcat November ltl Kerlhjt lriH ... town Hll-h. ......- November 17 Weil Philadelphia Hlh nt Centra! HiBh: Seuth Phjladelphla High S! rrnnkreru. Ulgn. November U3 TVeet Philadelphia Hlrh at Seuth Philadelphia High. T November i!4I.'ranltXerd High at Oer Oer mantewti High. I November 1!G Central High at Northeast Russell Surprises Wolgast Atlnntle t'ltar. N. J.. rw.t it ,.. ... Sell, of PntOfHOn. nltrnrUn,! lll'.i... tt.i..7. of Atlantle City, and wen eOirv LI' ? ..' eigni reumia in the w nd-up of the North SliK. Club UlTC. A punch by Kid McCoy of Detroit landing en the head of Yeunii Kellv, of Chicago, flattened the latter In the third round. Whltey Iturhe Sid VeUi K,l Murphy, both of Phlladelphla, fought fi tlx tlx reund draw. Iteferee Hurry Hrtle stepped the bout between Johnny O'Neill and llat tUn Harry Fields, both of Philadelphia In the fifth round, when the latter wa. com cem plrtely outclassed, Jee Tlplltz Beats Bert Spencer Ilroekbn Jf. v.. Ort. it in. tiu.- .,. Philadelphia lightweight, .wen the derision Downey Winner en Pelnte nosten, Oct. 17, nan Downey, of Ce. Iiimbus. O., nutpelntMl Nate KlereV Vr nil ere, Mass,, in u ien-reuna bout here. Yeu Aute Knew tnfiSSSa'fn'tfeSr.V.linU' dlrt beCOmln metlniSyffflygttlSf "'""" wl" u" .D'JJ?t,!Jl?ka w Practice of washlnir our tlnfsh excess washing deadeps the It will prove a saving te apply a thin film of creaee te the eleclrle terminals, m Whop cleaning the meter never toueh any elcctrleil lermlnals w th the ineui iher"' clil-ult.' h""U BS ,1"" mv eeUM 1i It Is a wise precaution te keep all nuts pulled up as tight ns they will go. " llefore applying a bedv polish, use a feather dUtLr tn minmr. utl ... .Ta.,.? surfaced reuulrlng the dressing, ( Whfltl a enr in tn 1i mtnA .. i.u !2hw,l",fl aU. nlcl01 work sVeuld be "Sated with n film of sreasq or vaseline, ia !emprmu air tre,lij ettn. " ,'; aueipiiiH, in ten reunus. Harvard's Deception, BACK 1 CUTS i POWM SECONDARY PEFEHCE BACKUP FAKES TO TAKE BALL FGOM BACK "4 ANO RUMS TO rsfs POAT HARVARD has "built up a system of offense based en deception. Through years of experience the system has been constructed te itsi present high standard nnd the hidden-ball plays of the Crimson rank with the best iu the country. As the success of many of their plays dcpcnde en the cencenling of the ball, Crimson players wear leather en the nrms nnd bodies of their Jerseys. It is difficult te distinguish the pigskin from the leather of tlie ierseys. nnd. further mere, the hide cuts down the number 1 of fumbles te n noticeable degree. On of Harvard's favored deceptive plays is a run-off tackle by one of the halfbacks as a fake sprint around the back'SpetsX J M outfeuback TACKLE OUT W 1 effZay I i j." M .1 jfe(D V , .. if4 r OFF TACKLE fi "---: . 4r lk.(D RUN PROM PENN HARRIERS START REGULAR WORK TOD A Y Dezen of Best Will Practice Over Park Course; Mead, McLane, Kerr and- Fisher Are Brightest 'Prospects; Pes Miller May Play Sat urday CRAIG IN PRACTICE By JOSEPH T. LABRUM FRANKLIN FIELD is a crowded plncc at best, but mero se at this time of the year with the scrubs In one corner, the freshmen In another diag onally oppeslto and with the varsity using up the center from pest te pest. Add te the general scene temporary seats vrected nn the track nnd htige piles of building material at either end nnd you have some idea of what Lawsen Robertsen's cress-country candidates are up against. The score or mere of fllmsily nttlrcd students hnvi been figuratively running the edge eTf Franklin Field for the past two weeks. At best they are force il ever te the extreme corners of the field for practice. The cinder path is lm- ""ttiJ cannot be used because of the throng of foetbnll players. However, Lawsen Robertsen, who leeks nfter the harriers and trackmen iu general at Penn, is net at all dismayed. The veteran cencb has given his charges as much practice as Is humanly pebslble, running them around the field te get in sham for n grueling season. This afternoon the cress-country men will start their work in Fnirmeuut Park, the first sign that the hill and dale season, cellcglately speaking, is with us. An even dozen of the best iu the big squad that reported have been selected te dally run around the drives and evor the hills of the spacious play ground Pll,t r.ohmen nmnnn. th. ..rnral of the best distance runners in the Enht ' ,' " '"F, , rsl ycs erd; y and hhewed in schoolboy ranks last year, will also I ?Um? n.r.c nni1 "" "e banged make n doily pilgrimage te the shows J" llB a la"nnu'r nmI Br thc nl' of the Schuylkill te prepare for the sea- i '""thdewn of the fraj. Ills line buck ing and end runnimr were Ktpnnnlnt. PROSPECTS for a championship team this year are a trifle brighter than last year. The reason can be found in the fact that three of the freshmen distance stars of last year are available. Only one varsity man, Captain Donald Head, is among the candidates, which might be enough te stump any coaeh, but net Reb- ertsen. i HEAD Inst year managed te place In I the intercellcgintcs, finishing up , nreuiid eleventh In the nnuunl cham pienship in ."sew ions., This year with the experience gained lit con nc- titlnii. he Rhnuhl nrnvn nne nf llm !,.. men en the team. It is net upon lleml ' that UobertFen Is banking his hopes, tint en tne nioremcnueneu tnree year lings of last year. Tlie Hopefuls Thny are Elmer McLnne, the Western led who last yeur surprised the inter inter inter cellegiate world by romping home a winnerln tne iresnmnn ciiamplenshlps; cording te the stnndardsusunllv fmi,i nineng the cros-ceuntry runners net tee big and lithe of liu.b, rinhcr, because of illness last year did net find himself, but this cnr witl'i Increased weight he new weigh 10 pounds and a geed rest, he Bheuld be up among thn best. Iu addition te the ettnrtef , i pobble has Harmen l-'ricl, Ilennnll. Van TtMla Ii'lrtfjci llnni, .....-. . '" Dyne, Kless. Hearn, lla es, i'cnk n nniim'nn NiL,,,' '., ..,,,r".K and inembercd as one i of the best lin-".. ' tnilPK rnniin,'u nmrx.n. .!. I.li. ", . . -- - "nil m- iiixe scnnnis several years age, when he carrlwl the crimson and geld of Central High. 'I'll a. funulimiiH ... . t.."S",:a., bvueuii opens en Octo. Hi:.i.,i."."r, -I.....!!, auu ITT is m nn irn-rvitn nmnunhn.,. i . ' . '"- -", '" '".! in tun result tnai ine j.CDanen youth will be titular meet, nm Usher, -the former I out in togs tills afternoon. Yesterday Newark Central High Scheel star. he watched the signal drill In civiUan Mcl.ane and Kerr ran for the Hd clothes A ncculinr thin.' ,.i,!,, .i. ! and Illue en the four-mile team ihat irv l," ti, W timV lnii ut tbe ln" ir.trap'c'ffisissi1 a tH $s w-rw mr ns. lleth youngsters nra Imllt nn. "" "L l"rns I1L M,1Il'i,. Off-Tackle Run, Built en Succeeds Through Fake Dash h BACK 4 AFTER BLUFFMG TOatVE BAIL 7V BACK 2 TURHS AfO PASHES OFF TACKLE si) ' 1 ,w,i ?' i. . ijats n.t.r i crti muni cvls Mri Cl.f-e RJT BLOCKS I (i) TMfc 'aSnSe J '&?"" X FORMATION By IIEINIE MILLER, I'ermer I'enn Cnptuln nnd All-Amtrlran Y.ni end is being made by another back. This is the play sketched above. This, play is usually run from kick formation, but can be used from any formation, which makes it mere valua ble. As the ball is passed te the qi'iarter back, the fullback takes several steps te the left and then dashes through te take out the opposing right halfback. The real halfback runs close te the quarter and bluffs te tnke the ball. With his arms folded he begins a dash around the left end, running wide. The success of the play depends mnlnly en the ability of this athlete at deceiving the, defense. If he sn carries his arms as te feel the opposition into believing he has the oval, the hole will be opened and the quarterback will gain lets of yardage. State Receives Ne California Invitation State College, Pa., Oct. 17. Football authorities at Penn State College said today that no official In vitation has been received for n game between California and Penn Stnte at Pasadena en New Year's Day. There have bepn intimations that an invitation might be extended. It was reported In the West last night, that Penn State had been selected for the annual East-West contest. at the start: Bauer, Moency, Lomns Lemns Lomns sen, Bailey, Dutten, Frnzier, Grundruui and Estcvez. nrnitllE of the number ate well known te schoolboys in this city. Dutten and Frasicr earned their spurs at West Philadelphia Jlieh and listeves at West Catholic. Moency it the Xeva Scotia flash; Uaucr, from Rutherford, A". J., which sent the Whitehills te Pennsylvania, and Lemasson, ene of the best dis tance runners in and about Cleveland last fall. IF THE cress-country hopes aren't se high, the gridiron prospects nre, ns si??'rtrv-. KiStV n" piScK im- ifsun hi me nea it ny renert siiti- Pes Miller, captain of the team, may be m me nwarinmere game, Maturdav. Secondly. Craig, the husky lad from Oklahoma, indulged in his first scrim mage in many days yesterday, thirdly and se en, Hammer. Veeglln, Sullivan and the remaining members of the team who received hurts in the Maryland contest, are still fit te enter play at any time. Cralf Will Bolster Back The return of Craig is one of the bright spots of nil. The brilliant lad from the Southwest who showed se much premise in the enrlv workouts went into the tcrimmnge drill between 111... ... J i; .. . lre Siring VUrRliy Cie even nnd the from the start and showed the coaches that they have another dependable te uh behind the line. Craig never played the backfield in his lite before going te Mt. Gretna. All his gridiron history has been cen tered around end. His size, strength and genernl adaptability convinced Coach Ileisman that he would make an Ideal back and te date he has sustained the judgment. The Oklnheman will in all probability see nctien Saturday un less the epidemic of boils thet luld him low returns. Docter Arthur Light, the team nhy- sician, announced this meruuie thnt " 00llnru.t"e hiS freshman back of last JCUr Would be able le nlnv -tiirfini. "ext week. His injured knee is net as yet iu tne proper condition for the nam scrimmaging, out a rest this week will bring thu member around in tip top shape. Weedy begged the physician te let him try the knee out in scrim mage, but the latter was obdurate. l'es Miller's examination of the in Jury he sustained Saturday proved less serious than at llrst supposed with thc pAVL JOHSSOX, the g,ant end, who captained Trinity two years age, watched practice from the side lines yesterday after having several boils lanced. The big fellow crxcM te get info prnefice thi, afternoon TUM'l upuel rudimentary drills were . i uu,l''(:Cl1 ,n y,"'ly until 5 o'clock. when Ileisman ordered scr mmnirn t,: dey until 5 o'clock red scrimmage be !lV' .,hp,.ve.r',l?. ,?wb' ' the Junier portion of "IJ. I1UII HIIPI1L flirt n .., II ie- aftci'iinnn l ,i..mi... Hulljvnii and I lamer, the first named in catching punts and. using the sldearm ...iu mr miiur tu iiuuiiiiL- anu al yr wiin uiu an, inciUUll W -A The front halfback cuts te the left and takes out the opposing right tackle. The opposing right tackle and end in- I variably arc sucked out of position by the fake end run of the rear halfback. In this case the front half is free te aid in taking out the secondary defense. The quarterback, after bluffing te,' give the ball te the reaf half, turns Cricket Club Fast completely around nnd dashes through I However, Riverton will have te bit tackle. nnd held a very speedy pnee te make The left enu runs across tfte line anu f flnti'n tlw. rnvlnc? riinter. whlln the cuts down the roving center, while the1 right end blocks the opposing leit tncKie for a second and then sprints en te take out the fullback. As has been said before, the success of the play depends upon the rear half back, and Harvard backs knew hew te deceive. WUXTRY! POLICE E Club Swingers Will Tackle Smoke Ball Tessers at Phillies' Park Today MAYOR TO WITNESS BATTLE Grand larceny right in the presence of the police eflicinls and even Mayer Moere will be perpetrated today when the champion police bnsebnll team and the best team of the fire department will clash for the championship of the Department of Public Safety. The big row will tnke place nt the Phillies' grounds-, starting at .1yP. M., meaning geed afternoon, nnd ns far n tickets are concerned it's te be case of open house. Snealclnir of lnrcpny. tte patrolmen I ray they have a ceuple of bae stealers who will put the game en Ice in short ' order, while the firemen nssert thet . Catcher Itcill.v and Second Unscmnn Scattergoed form nn airtight combina tion which will make any such thefts out of the question. There will be nn abundance of fire ennss. nelice rattles and ether riot paraphernalia en hand, ns well ns thc police nml lire unntis. an or wnicn win go seme toward keeping enthusiasm boiling. As both teams have been In great playing form during the season, and en their tees, se te speak, a nlp-nnil-tuck, net te mention neck-nnd-neck, battle is looked for. Xew all you Kids who want te see your favorite cop and fireman play ball, just remember this: N'e grand- mother funerals will go in obtaining i absence from school this afternoon. If you're in high school you enn go see the game nil right, hut If you re going te elementary school then you can't get in unless mom or pep is with you nnd that's that. Here's the line-up that certainly spells action : riKEMKN Themas P.clll Kielne C"mennv ;n, c Jehn ICInnni, K'nclne Cenipnm IS i Den ValKh, i:nlne Ce-rpam 43 lb Frank sCatt rmnd. High Pressure. 2b James DatH llnglne Cemrinv T, si. Uasmend .Srh.nPHr Truik 7, 3b. Adam Seheld. Truck T rf Arthur Dviart, Pnrlr C mipanv H Nerman Huzby, Dngin Company M ir cf. per.icn Ifnrrv HembIi. Th'rteenth District e Frank Hern. Tr.ilr.mir Si-heil, i Keriteant Jehn liarthnh Thirteenth Dlsi lb Jehn Monre. Ninth Iltrict. 2b. Hnrry McClenkev Hei-rvis HiTtTMnt Junes Ninth IMstrlet 3b William l.ees llfiprew rf Jehn Dais. i:ieenih District If Gorce Parsons, Hserei. cf Umpires Namej cer.v.eu'cd until is it mo ment. Mitchell Outpeints Krause Trenten. N. .1., Oct IT lta Mitchell of Phllidelphla. outpelntod Jehnnv Kraui". ils.i of Philadelphia, In the tUht nuna winduD nt Vn,, - C.r,Tn?.,n."f....I.n, Peu" "'n - "nut In the Hftni-nnnl ,if Nir rrmn 1 Ymn., ........ DflnL' iinni,!., I i ft n h. .d,AHn of llrlstel, b.ie Al 1'uhLi of l'l tladelnhla i laclnr. llennj Pase.il of Ph .il.lphla de i"" ''' .uteri a,'e nt rn uaelphla In i -. .uu.m.b ,uc) illr, rtiniHii u nr.lW With Johnny Merine Mldn.'t Kllburn steppn,! ju'i H-nn In the first round K e FrancS "topped Teune xrilllnms In the second its. the "set" of our suits is sewed in It stays. The careful stitch. j ing in Jenes custom-tailoring Junius is reneciea in tne better fit and a distinctiveness in style that is widely appreciated. Our prices re moderate, $50 and upwards for Sail and Topcoats CutQnt'ZallorsSiKtle7o A FIREMEN JyB,""' II Opea 1 TreuacMl II I Thundii I I I that I1J.1D Wii ! S. aWtcUltvl il c Siturdijr i '8 gett ni thi. ' av : "'" ' r.MII I ETtliati I U Cricket Club Heckey Team Trrtrrtt IPrtsil tfs4-l4-lfW ' St. Martins Women Split tribuling Stars en Other Elevens Riverton Looms as Big Threat Fast Team at Bryn Mawr THE perennial domination of the Philadelphia Cricket Club ever the ether teams in the Philadelphia Heckoy Association, the new controlling body of women's field hockey In the Phila delphia district, will be challenged this season by the reconstructed Riverton team. Fer many years the St. Martins clan hns had things pretty much Its own way, never being given renl opposition. Some of the ether elevens have looked pretty geed en paper, but when the real test came they crumbled. New, however, the Cricket Club hns made a real sportsmanlike move. Realizing thnt ns the situation Meed there was but little chance of renl com petition, the St. Mnrtins women decided te split their championship team in two, dividing the stars as evenly ns possible and filling In with the best of the sub stitutes from lest year and any new material that was nblc te make geed. This move was ene of the best things ever perpetrated in Philadelphia hockey, i ler it inspired tlie ether tenms with ambition and renewed interest in all the clubs. Riverton, which had alwaya had a geed team, hecame possessed of the idea that here icai the oppor tunity te ehtain sundry chunks of revenge and immediately get busy. As a result the A'cte Jersey club has accumulated a combination that seems exceedingly dangerous, Jliverten's greatest acquisition was Miss Anne 7'etcnsend, former Mcrien tennis and hockey star, who is one of the best individual exponents of the field hockey game in this district. i;uuu ir ine rnuaucipnia Urickct C;lut' "Red ' eleven Rwnmnpil Mnpinn inaf eleven swnmnpil Merinn lnif iuursciny aitcrnoen by nn H-te-2 score. Besides the Philadelphia "Itcd" team the ether entry from St. Martins, the "Yellow" eleven, of which Miss Eliza beth Chesten, the noted Internationalist, is taptain, is very much in the running, 'then in ndditien te Merien and Itiver Itiver ten the Germantown Cricket Club has nn entry. The failure of the Merien Cricket Club te muster a team for the scheduled practice match against the Uryn Mawr College varsity Saturday was a great disappointment te the celleginns. Hut they made the best of a bad situation und put en a practice grapple between the first team and the reserves. Miss Censtance Appleby, physical in structor at llryn Mawr, who first in troduced women's field hockey In this country nnd has been boosting the game for twenty-one years, has evolved a very clever scheme for putting pep in prac tice games. She starts two elevens tctth the girls in the position for which they believe they are best suited and for which they are trying. After five minutes of strenuous scrim maging she blows a very shrill whistle and everybody skips te the next position. n. -. : - --- Llhe Old Game of "Moving Up" us seinewuat line the old game of "moving up" that used te be popular with the elder generation bnck in the . . t ... . days when each district school had its own playground. A field hockey line-up is something like a soccer line-up. It stnrts with the goal keeper, the left and right full backs come next, then the left, center and right halfbacks. These are the de fensive members of the team, though the halfbacks are supposed te join in the attack when the occasion seems np- ' prepriatc. Then come the five offensive members of the combination, the left wing, left i inside, center forward, right inside and Sweater Barg PuIl-Over V-Neck $e.oe Pure Worsted Navy Only Marshall E. Smith & Bre. Men a Incorporated Furnishing 724 Chestnut Street :M. & H. SELL Prize-Winners in the M. & H. FISHING CONTEST The Eighth Annual M. & U. Fishinp; Contest, which started April le,'camo te a close Sunday Ycaterdny thc Ueard e Judges, headed by William E. Mrehnn, former Fish Commissioner of Penn' sylvanin, new .superintendent of the Foirmeunt Pnrk Aqunrlum. pored ever the hundreds of catches repotted and attested te by the men and women contestants, und decided en the lucky winners of the prizes awarded every year by this firm. ... Thore were ninny hundred entrants in all, and many ble- fish were caught. A special puze was awarded te Vm. C. Owen. 3058 rs. 15th St., for his catch of a CG-lb. sen turtle, as the turtle is a rcpt, e and net a fish. Moskewil & Herbach conduct the ocente't S ealth? ?. tht' pUr,P0Se ,of, ""mulatto nn interest in thS slm l'iV ful 1ut(ioer Prt, and have been lesponsible for thou theu snnus of men nnd women becoming its most interested devotees. he Winning Jehn Meiler, c e B 8..lb n.l reweli. Delslr, M Jeieph J. MeNnlty. 031 North 18th St . 72. lb, blaek drum. E. D. Wlest, 634 Bsiley St 70. lb red drum fslmvrp.. n. j.. I9.lv, i.t... a.i. r- :ti.. -.::."...'""'' "" 31. ilb. k llYnVJflVh!3S W' " th '- ! TuVZn; "M N-28th s' 8-'b' ir,n.M ...a n-i..L.. .. ... - r w. oil 12.er. flmind Mx Kauffmin. 3728 Brdrnham Bt llz. white nnrnh. 1 lb 2. Wm. Bolster Csnal St,. Mlllvllle. K . 131, .In yellow rerch. James Meyers, 8180 Lebanon fv?" Jl" ereler Elllah Payne. Olen Klchev. . Ta,, 4-lb. brown trout V. F. Oeuldey. 632 ? hr'U, - -4 SSI Championship Teamy DUg. rfght wing. They nre usually ptckttf for their fleetness of feet nnd their abil ity te hit the bull hard and true. Of ceurse every enndidnte for tk team has her own ideas ns te which po sition she can fill roost acceptably. But Miss Appleby believes that a certain , amount of knowledge as te the flae points of the ether girls jobs la apt te prove very handy In n pinch. ' Se during these practice hours ' makes every candlddte work out for at least five minutes at each position en the team. It's rather trying for seme of them, but the net result Is a better-balanced machine than could be obtained in nny ether wny. There will be practice and then mar ' practice at every available opportunity this week, nnd Saturday the 1022 model varsity will face thn alumnnc in a epe cinl match as one of thc features of the inauguration of thc new president, who will formally assume the office recently vacated by Miss M. Carey Themas. The Alumnae team will be emiU strong and will give the varsity s real test. Of course the under' graduate eleven will have the edge' in physical condition and in team work, but the grapple should prove a rare treat te the hockey enthusi asts who have, returned for the inauguration ceremonies. GENE SARAZEN RESIGNS National Gelf Champton te Leeata -In Metropolitan District fly, N. 1, Oct. 17. Gene Sarazee, whose recent victory ever Walter Hagen' '"" for the "world's unofficial golf crown" gained him his fourth title of the year, will cast his let with the metropelitaa golf nrea in 1023. Gene, who is new at the Westchester- , Biltmore Country Club here recuperet- v lng from his operation following an at tack of appendicitis, stated that he has -sent In his resignation te the Highland Gelf Club, Pittsburgh, which he has I cnrcSHnfed In rnmnetlffnn 1mIm t.. past season, nnd will begin negotiations -1 with some et the local clubs in search of a professional. lie has requested the Highland Club officials te return the national open championship trophy which he wen at Skokie last summer, and it will be put en display here along with the Profes sional Golfers' Association Cup, which he wen nt Pittsburgh last August, and Hagen's British open championship trophy which the latter wen at Sand wich Inst spring. Exlde Has Basketball Team The Exlde. basketball team of the Klectrla feteraire t'ery Company haa reerganised, with J. Tuns-y and Klrchr. forwards; T. ?,1irn: center.- and 'WV.aallaBher and B., Hlbbflrt. guards, (lames nra desired with Media. I.anca-tef. Fex Chae and teiraa of this clan;. Address TV. McCann. Elactrls Storage Battery Company. Allegheny araane and Nineteenth ftreet. M. & H. Back In Cage Gam ...Th.? MoeJcewits & Herbach five U back la rit?.n 'Vv' n tt ',ns,t, ,cnnV Vhjch Include. ullsen. O Nell nnd Mnnmln ,h. i.-.vu.m. luminaries, Hcrene. of Philadelphia Terminal!.,, MCCinn. Of Keystone Te!r.nhnnrt nnA nrmf.uW w i- irtnic-i j,riwnv inirl of Flelsher Tenms d.lrlmr sramn ahnuM"& Bet in touch with Kdcar j, Market street. Clarke. DIZ RELIABLE RETAIL AUTOMOBILE SALESMEN WANTED ALSO TWl) FIRST.CLA8S Used Car Salesmen ?-r ?.".?, J h eldest Factory "ranch houses In Philadelphia. InterTleirs at 911 N. Bread Street am Athletic Geed IT FOR LESS- Fishermen St.. NorrUtewn. 12-lb. v.tkfllh t7 07ab,fSt,n.?UO flStU At- k . ti . ' "' Stint-ray. Linten Reden. 6J5 eran Are.. Palmyra, t "' y .I4", trlnnd bast. Jeseph S, Burr, Allewav. It. J.. 7ii.iv. rrn,r.th8rb."20',3 Ma """e&n, Wtl lb nickerel iare.meuth bats. ..... ... deira St., HVl-le. 84.1K nl.i,::.! " """ "ni Ah sa n.t. t.. nih , 24b. pempann, ' ". .uien u uerrr. gmpel Aee,. Merehsnt. . iv.N,i.J' J"t"u Ash). 24-lb. shark sueker. Wm Owen. 3081 N, nth (spa- ni , e.b sa turtls ciai rriie) Loek for i t M. k H,i! imc ' & m !J ryr iflvama li lent nf Vffl ii .ife&W&t ' rf' .A A. "frr.tikvA 4tt liul-. 'J'i' 'www.aa 111 mwM nil Uaau& k rTW H . rjl'llater'rt-' "