Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 17, 1922, Night Extra, Page 14, Image 14

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    W:.i...-,'J,"J.J.V,.J . ST'-l'U J.Ai'WE4V .1'.. ....! "J. WBWW"PPt""""""""" "iiPt
S'wiv " " 'wwjw'-swi' " "" ',ryiiwM.v" ""' ' ' ,' --v ' pwppi i W" imw m hi p i pi
' ' " -'.T"v "w" nBHwnre?3" " "- w r'TOPSffi Jraw
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U 1
Ocetch Comedian Wins New
Friends and Thrills Old
Ones at Walnut
' TValnnt Sir Ilnrr.r Laudc-. neain
turning te this ctt.v. illil nil ther
thing; lat tilsht which have ssnn hlii' n
Ttt host of friends and h.ivr made Mm
Imejt unique ns n comedian.
A. L. .I..- l. .11. 1 .. AfA
Sins hl fnmen "l)eiiRlile the I "THE BEGGAR'S OPERA'
Baker" enj. th Its ncoempanylng SCORES GREAT SUCCESS
ollllenuy en mntrlmenv nml flirting; .
Shows That Remain
OARRICK -- "llMn" with cn-u
headed by Jcnnne UnROli?
SIIUBERT "Ultcliy Koe of IPS:."
with Ilns-meml Hitchcock, Urcndel
nnil Hert, Jnelt I'e.srl, Audrey
Maple and ether.
EORRES1 "Sally," with Marilyn
Miller, Leou Mrrel ami Walter
'ntlett heading the ci.t
AUEI.PHl 'The Iml-Virsln."
with Har.el Dnwii, Hebby Watsen,
Peggy Cinidmy, Ulcnn Anders nnd
AIlce Il'-pcmim
BROAD "The Czarina,' with Deris
I.VIIW "The Uene of Stnmbeul," ,
Viennese operetta with Marlen
Green, Tcss.s Kesta and J.uncn
Ha r ten
"Face in the Feg," With Punch
Frem Start te Finish, Tops i
Stanley Bill
Stanlcj - - Fer sheer entertainment,
from start te finish, without let-up, the
palm. b far this kvcar. must be handed I
te "The Tare lit (he Yog," which li one
of the l!oten Hlackic creek tUerlei. I
In all the hectic jcars of the filmi, wc '
nrser remember having seen a better1
thriller, nnd the best part of it nil is j
that "The l'ncc in the Fes" is nctcd j
hy a matchlers cast and Is mechanically ;
with one's nelxhher's wife.
pen a sailor Ritlt and render a catchy
ehnntcy entitled "There Is b'umebedy
TTalting for Me."
Bring-out th" crenled itlek I' it t!r
Prince tf Wnlri gave him nnd 'inc a
new one culled
Dunoon." ' n(,,ls'' "' evening h-fere n f-ilr-Mzed ' .,,.. wf(, wie did the reforming come
Make nil the old-timers lmmv hv audience, which sins charmed by the out of the deer, and her p.sinpathy i
hrincln- Inct- tHt old fnve-it- of his "evelty and ,uainttu-ss of the work, as atetc.l by the beggar's plight. A m-.- i
urincuu unci, n.ai em inve.iip ei ins ' tiirnt litter, n hideous, misshapen face,
Irepertelre. "She's Mn Daisy." ' b.v the vei? excellent perform- , n,,,,pars t f thlJ feKi mj ti,c hegsnr '
Sing "Wee lloe?e "Mat's the nnre lil-li it received hy the company. , is struck dead with hi.s own crutch. All
fTealher" n ren'ie,tcd bv the b.ih-niit . It Is net an opera at all in the med- ' '''is. however, comes after the meiiili-
He has done all these thine- b-fere or VM nt ,i, . .,i i..,, it u ''"".t lins sHn"il '"te Hosteu Ulacklc d
many, many iKc but that ,leen t ...,.. .. ., ... .,
prevent their appreciation hv all th- '""'B ","1 '" ''" politics, the
1-auder-lexers and they are lcjien. Mi criminal Jnws, th nd'iiisiistnitlen of
winning wile, his Jauntv 'ii-e '''px. justicp anl the iiiumc of that day. And.
Ills still chnrmlng voice. l'N rolling at that a let of it app '"S righ new te
burr nil of th'" stl'l 'Tnil l.im In (onditlens n tlicy clet n this cimntiy
Ifoed stead. Last night, with the sweat Seme of the satire was j;n maticr-i which
rolling down his cheek, lie gnve his exist new cnl in detailed history, and
ery linst, and the audience gate him much of this was necvsatlly lest upon
UK tisunl generous TePt'ene. tne nuitiencc, as it iiinv be tipen any
First Musical Pl.iv In Ennllsh Re
vived Triumphantly at Metropolitan I nl"'"',tI'erf7t" , v ..,'
... I inn opening .cene show New lerlc
'I he lleggar's Opera." tiie first of en n u.l. evxy evenIlg ln spring. AVe
a long line of mere or less worthy sue- (.u a Kny restaurant, Its lights shrouded ,
' cessers In the line of musical comedy, l.v the meit curtain. There Is an jUI
1. .. 1 . .,. ,,. ,!..... ,-v ei'Eznr finniiiiiL' in ireni ei me tiuei .
iicua, tne i,ene en ... ... HoMen lllacKle. rcfermeil creek, and his
y ei
pocket a handful of lnels.
Half .111 hour Intel', a Scercl Service
man. a s(u;ui 0f police, tlie man wlt'i
the hideous face, and a Kunlan exile
..re all en their way te ISIackie's house
10 tiiut these jewels.
Th" entire action of the story tran
spires in a single night, in fact, within
1 lew hours, with only etic "cut-back,''
In sterj term, te Kti'sla. This, hnu -
Photoplays Elsewhere
SVA&'TOX "Manslaughter." fea
turing Themns Melghnn nnd Leat
rlce Jey.
PALACE "The Masquerader."
VICTORIA "Mentn Crlate," with
Jehn ailbert, Kstelle Tayler and
Hebert McKltn.
CAPITOr, "The Ghost Breaker,"
with Wnllnce Held starred. aup
ported by Walter Illers nnd Llla
mPERTAL" Foel There Was,"
with Lewis Stene.
COLONIAL "The Ghost Breaker,"
with Wallace Held.
'Wives," with llouse Peters, Clalre
Windser, Myrtle Steadman, Rose
mary Thcby and Gasten Glass.
ALIIAMUHA "Above All Law."
MARKET STREET "Hen of Zanr.1
bar," with William Hussel.
LOCUST "A Tallor-Made Man,"
with Charles Ray.
eeon of the Reynl Mounted," with
OaBten Glass.
BELMONT "The Valley of Silent
Men," with Lew Cedy nnd Alma
RIVOLI "One Clear Call," with
Henry B. Walthall, Milten SUN
nnd Clalre Windser
STRAND "The Ghost Breaker."
with Wallace Held, Llla Lee nnd
Walter Hlers.
of Silent Men." with Lew Cedy.
LEADER "What's WrentJ With
the Women?"
COLISEUM "Her Glided Cage."
with Gleria Swnnsen.
CEDAR "Delicious Llttle Devil,"
with Mae Murray.
JUMBO "There Are Ne Villains,"
with Viela Dana.
Comedian and His Family Are
Given Big Welcome en
Return Here
EDDIE FOY AND KIDS I mk pesmend's.retubn
TOP FINE KEITH BILL 0p",C8'.,9" w..r "'"'
Dmmendt Mne Desmond returned
le her many local ndmlrerg, nnd hats
chosen te inuagurnte her new season
with Fay IJnlnter'a pepulnr nnd much
plnyeil role of Ming Tey. the slant
eyed heroine of "East Is West."
This story of love and trenchcry in
Snn Francisce's Chinatown gives ample
opportunities te the various members
of the company, ns well ns te the star.
The villainous Chnrllc Yeung Is just ns
evil as ever. Mijig Tey .fust ns nweetly
appealing and the rest of the characters
just ns Interesting.
In addition te Miss Desmond's most
ndetiuntc portrayal of Ming Tey, there;
nre fine characterizations by Frank
Fielder, Jehn W. Lett, Louise Snnferd,
Sumner Nichols, Hetty Gnrdc, Hernlce
Cnllnhnn nnd Ititn Davis. The drama 1
exceptionally well btaged and mounted.
beautifully photographed,
however, can de better.
Keith's Eddie Fey need never worry
nbeut the sort of reception he will get
when he comes te this city. Indeed, he
has come te be regarded almost ns one
of l'hiladclprin's favorite sons. And
whenever, during the Inst few years, he
tins brought nleng the sir younger
Feyc, he's been just that many times
mere welcome.
The irrepressible Eddie and his
youngsters nre the hcndlincrs at Keith's
this week, where they're being kept
busy answering encores. They're nil
huddled together in a t snappy little
' playlet in which dad appears as Martin
Connelly, the cab driver, and the
youngsters nre well, they're just his
Each of the yeuncslcrs has nn indi
vidual talent which, standing nlenc,
would prove highly interesting. They
sing and dance nnd de some clever bits
of ncting nnd. of course. Eddie. .Tr..
does his usual imitation of his clever
dad. Imitations of the elder Fey
become quite frequent ln vaudeville. Hut
dad. Imitations of the elder Fer have
. Hut , r . jt n I17 i
there has never been n tnke-eff done ns, UCl IOlirnOIIie tt 1TQQ
Kegeitt Anether of Hex Reach's'
well ns Junier gets it ever.
David Schooler has n clever singing
ii'iii'ii ? t. . - -- CT"n
Alaskan yarns finds Its wnv te the lnu:iig net thnt demenstrntcs te
screen in "The Hrand." which tells of (-'"' "'"yantngetne pinnlstlc nblllt es
u young wlfe deserted bv her husband. j Selioek-r and the cleverness of Louise
and protected and linnlly married bv an Vvi.ii' I li" "":, ' . .A'00 nll,l
h I n Ml- nfille,. .-if mntif ln. lift niKllPHl'i 111 r t u f.umtff I III t flutf.i ti i PUT illti'V tint llltl't Km nrfwi'l VI hfi'h 14
ave the pe,Vde en the el,:r Mde of -much of w itt y dlalegu upon the things the W concerted, direct and withal ' "" "i,,.' , t"e young Cap c , ' 0 tht.; d nccr S
the footlights a little lecture en friend- win. h are eternal in human lltV te simple the films have achieved in ages. 1k"v t nnr7dSUi,8J r T '3 ,rolVWe- In L ,1 Lf,.!" i
hip and the nhllitv of a song te keet. make it intensely interesting as W.l as Then, i, a thrill in the eP,nlng s-i., . l ?t ' S Z J i Ti ""' f?r mono Cue stun? hr ? J ? "
one's spirits up. Th-n he obliged ith ei.'eedmgly npropes. , nnd a surprise punch with a laugh In ' " n ''" nf'r,cp1n' '" ndmlrnble as tm mono leme stunt that gets n laugh n
mother bong, nnd finally, in order te The musical numbers are Interpolated for the finale. n ',"'1 ltussell Simpsen nnd Heb- mlnuK V, illlam nnd Tayler have n
ira inein an in ine nail
Including fixturt of rare beauty
and charm of design and quaUtv by
our wonderful organisatien.
Established 19 Yeari
CJrItflnaterj of our own dlstlnctlvt
and flexible financing Plan which
insures te cash oustemert equitable
tavlnn as compared with the tit
ferrcil plan.
enai antnem. may, wuneut any apparent reason. "i""' "r cininge, ns nosien niiirnii- , ,, - ,- , u , , tnM ,ti . i(....ti.. ,7. , ,
Infectious - Many of them nre cv dently parodies is something of n rare treat. With a '"t"0, atn,,J',1'0U"h "CTCr nevc1' HSSSlffite ltan.'.'
.nor there were upon the opera of the middle and cies- twinkle In Ms eyes and a smile hovering interesting throughout. TSwcc voice nnd h.! m 5?
tastes. Cintare. lag Handelian period, nnd are cry " Bis lips, the Harrymere of th s ,, , c- , . f" l Ji f mL8',n!. tW..Z I
in niiiiweii te tins n
penent of heather humor
ether nets te n ease nil tastes, (iintnrn. lni llandelinn nrrlnil
n Jnpnnesc, did some wonderful things clever, csneclnllv the finale of the Re."'- ture is quit different from that of "i'lie
with a ten nnd i nlle nf hleplts De nml mi wlill, iu .iv., in n v.- i C'elinerhcnd ' and "Hoemernnc Hill."
l'ace prexed a real wlzrrl at making grandiose manner. The exceedingly Wc riin think of no part in all the
jj 140 N. llth St.
Opn Trtrr Evtnuur Exeept SitnrJar
tractive numbers. There nre n hunch
of cleverly trained dogs and ponies and
a inuie in .unaam Jean ucrzac's Circus,
m... n-m .. . an net the eiinGruteri nurilv nnW Va.,
manneim taut; inena winter clever trio Is also appnrentlv a pa red v ""i""i i i unuum uciuiinuirii. m;u sikeb r-iaa Deiere immense Audience in , ,,-," ," .""" , : ,
a real nerseiailtj Iu Pilttinz ncie-e unen .eme eneratlc nemh.v v., -11 Inmni ' "'l calculating calm (necessary for Ai , .. -, "',"' V"" .. nre :, bJfnc? Importations,
r sencs and added sem.. ventriln.im.n. .,,!,.,,, uv creeks or, in thl.s case, cx-iroeks, which ... r-, u. ec. . who m. ruiy i iieuei.ngin n wny thnt
geed measure : the Hrethers (iniid- f Mtlr !, n,r,Mni rnf..,,eu , ha-i been half as well played. Mine. Olgn SninnrefT cave the first of ?.muf'R n".' elevpr. Of course, there s
111, did tumbling with two e'ever ,, ,,rsn,w ( iii,ii ii,. .vi.ini, nr tleergc Nash is a bully foil as th ,i,, i'mim lni,.ui .ir.u i, ,i- ...i. l". '"evie eltcring.
i. nnd 1 intah Mastman imitate i in.llented by the t-hara'cters in h,. pla J!f"" S"r 1l' nn who knew I'.laclue in Mus hs e c inV n L form ' " ShW-
Jntlc. bird, by her adept wh.sf.mg. ,nvn long since parsed even out of h. 1"- unregenern e days; Mac-y I arlnn. m "! ,nst I"-" t.',p form
tury. but they are funnv enough t.. T, Ivnn' ," 1,ls'sl!"1 villain : Lewell ei a piano recital. '1 he auditorium was CASINO'S "RADIO" SHOW I
C"v- TV 1
At tiie Casine last night, "The Hndle
Girls" began n week's engagement In n
fantastical extrnvngnnzn entitled "The
Isle of Adventure." The piece wn)
pleasingly staged and costumed by its
nreduepi'. Sll'lll Wllllnmn n,,,l Jr. 11
equipped with humor nnd .action by the
author. Tem Heward. Selly Field is
Nixon "Beys of Lena Aae" sand en their own merits. The dia- hl1""11,"1- nunciise as another Huyiun ,.n,wded te its utmost limit, every seat
. Te say that it's a whe'e show n. it- 1K" ' 'i'vr and shows strlkingU "'."aOwen ,;ii Inrdlv l" ' wnpleil nnd about 100 chairs
elf is just nbeut right In faking of .JIlHbli? toward' the IT,inns''l,I,,'s recgmVed W n Itulnn grand duchess, being placed en the stage nnd the
"Twe Hex s of Lene -e " the f..et.ire ,,, .rJriniVv l n,,i ? but her ability te net is still with her. program, whicli was as well selected
0 " 0s e: L0"B A0, u' fl""' net muter a j changed in the last -till .,, ,. .-., in ,,. ,,... siktnr. ns t wns nerfnrmeil. u-n rnneivnil win,
attraction, temcriy. music nnd mre- Jenrs. A hile the types depicted have hl(1ell mPnncinK, is ,,ive.l bv our one every evidence of delight nnd thorough ' producer, Sim Wlllinms. nnd is well
u V, V.r " T ,, i:l ' """' " , .'"""""', nn.l enlv "Hairy Ape" In n vl.lHlneus appiecintien by tiie audience.
(consistent theme, which Is highly enter- never existwl in th s country, sti 1 the , ..,, thn, is ,...., rm.,rit!1,l,. fr its The first hnlf of the nreernm was
falning. Tem ard plays a prominent are se cnnuiiciiigy represented th.it ' 0;n Hpll.it Th( ,-,Kht , nll(1 it,lrrv- devoted te Chepin and consisted of the credited with the stnging of the show.
an in a prereeuings witn geed re- me piJ ' u ueiigiii. 10 wiuiess miu mer st!1(Cl, njmest n KTl.Hn ,.ius,ic. Hnllade in A tint, the nocturne in F ' nnd he hns done excellent work. The
Jtilts. And then there are Lvnns and "ear. Marie Mnjeveni. Mary McLaren and sharp, the etude in the same key nnd i company, composed tnninlv of ex-
rrosce. undeubtev the best musical act fbe mus.e i' eudently based upon ,j,mtnVf, U)I, Seyffcrtitz complete the ' the grent Sennta in II miner, the one I vaudeville ncters, wns a capable one.
VI vaudeville, often referred In nt the ttritlsli. pentch ntld "I-11 folkseng am -! ..i.i ..ntt I tnii.,,. .!. f..,.,,.. c.,.ni ..,-.,!, I,.. I..,n.l,l i, mil- riu..ii .... '
Kamee of that kind of en'Hrt.ilnmnnr na been nreiignt tin te ilntu Iu a !.. i.v...i...i..i. n rv.,ein,wi n.i,nMn, s:,,, -.. ii.....,,i,i,. i,n. .,,i,. . n.. -., i i. . -,, rZ9u Kirn. .VAu4
Trncy and McBride started Inughs early mnnner which laniet give offense te the (Hr(,(.tP(f fin(1 , ti, unnamed camera aeterlstic interpretation of the grent , n classical dnncer; Emma nnd Bebby , TlATTTIC r-m 4.
fcnd moved them fater ns they reached most fastidious. 1 here is no vecnilz.itl.in t mn who created nrtlstic mnsterpicces I'elNh composer, playing them all witli Wilsen, singers nnd dnnccrs; Gutli tlVUJKe jAfnL-"ljPfi
ne uuj-ii. .uerisiiiii ami nis ueg snoe- .ciu,.. ...... v.c.. ....- i..uu.... -s- , tggj .mm eri; streets anil lamp-lit . tiertect execution, ns was of course te Hrethers, singers, dancers nnd instru-I
er were a resounding hit nnd the same eerpts nre done wit h great consideration I ius,ian alleys tee much credit cannot he expected, nnd with a line pecllr tneutnlists: Arlene Jehnsen, singer of
tan uv khhi ei nicenc uretaer', w no "." '" ,''i .i.-,.,......-. --.. u- .....u u..- ()(, ,,. owed
thrilled en the triple bars.
After Yeu Leck Up
What then? De you leave the
cash you've collected after bank
Inc hours te a possible pilfering
by burglars? Make sure by making
a dcreslt every night We are
open until 10 P. M.
i Keystone Ferd Revue
There are lets of wholesome lnugeier
ln the show which makes it a geed in
.....in., i, .it in is i hv lemur- aurncueii. ,i ,i,
simply short nnd cha ruling sehg.s, with
ill! Ilisti uiurJ.IUl.Uil . lUl'J II1UM lllllOl Q
te a .nnslilerable extent tr.e erctiesir.il
resources uf these days.
The company was altogether eien;.
lent, adequate ns te voice and capable
ms-Miui luiis 10i, linn.. ......I vuui.ui. in, (xpucicii. miu wiiii u mi," iniir ineMtaiisis ; Ariene ,lounsen, singer of
ie bi- towed. "'L'he Face in tlte Feg" is f.-eling which wns never allowed te Negro songs; Warren Fnbicn, Alice
emethlng that all the fans should sec ,rep into the merely sentimental as is Carmen, ingenue nnd ethers, There wns
ind enjoy. It's real stuff. se often the case with the modem inter- nlse a chorus above the nverage in leeks
Kaiiteii--"'L'he Sin Floed" is a pic-
stment in entertainment. The Max ' dramatic action. The leading parts ' ""f.idrdlv'head and slieuli
JIfE"VJ,h.. V ll-ywnrth ami lulnf Varies MagraU, aLeckm, th merage" output
im-n Hint is .leiiuitelv dllTerent from the Hralim rhapvedy In E flat, two nun
output, J urtliermere, ners ireni i.einisN.v. tnc j.iciiesiriiuiii in
uers ateve A lint of l.is.t and i.rncst Jiutcueseii s
arrangement of the Hide of the alky
pretntiens ef-Clmpin. nnd nbllity. "The Isle of Adventure"
lie second lart consisted of me u in two acts and six scenes, nnd nes-
sesses a score of tuneful musical num
bers and some geed dancing.
Ib'ggnT, Josepii Farrlngten as
T , 1 , .. . , ; ,. UIKI 111.- l.-KUl. .I.'r.-lil. 1 urriilKieii IIS - '
J.. n. 7. ', J Tny "rl'!lnal lnc-J Macheath. he revealing a splendid Mii.-e npt
Trocadere'o New hew
,s i ..."... i.... .. ..k..i. ".s,. ,,., b,,ii . tp,.i.iiin.iB r.n.1 in. ' lYoradere "T he .Tel V Ori." which
leus te picK Haws in tne illinitig en """ ","" . "" . '.. ..." " .1 nnene.l lnf nl?ht ,.,.,1 nn,n i. ,.
'"" ."- i-.i- -" ,-, ., -, ..-..-, ---;
Fer this rcani.
then, it miglit seem I'il"4- Tl.1'"' variety of composers and of!
.--l.l.t.sl. 1 1 H - m s,.... y
nun hituaiiens. anil tne music Is nbeve ...i n ..f ,i,. ,i ,.,i i ,!s Ilennini? lSerzer story. Iu Unfit
ZXZ Mt'n'nT'0', AIM IWthVrV rarhT IasS ": -mbllB, ".hd praiseworthy The faet - X1' show wh 3 leaned as mu en itT
5'Temfrv" Vr " IlHril "."n5"'! l""llH lnn.1 n- Mra. I'carhum t.i splendid rep- remains that the real P''rpe of h,s ,,,'and Deb, .Vsy.fer example, te-dnte comedy ns.en its tunefulness,
'W in ,'.wi,;n, " I ' c1,n" res.-ntatiem. Denanne llavn ns I'.dh grim and meaty tale et the weakness of " ' av prettv nenrlv the same nnd ns much en Its tunefulness ns en
i , w ",',,h PrV("1 " r-achiim and (Vila Turrill as Lucy mankind is only dimly and partially """ev nre as far removed ns the its pretty rfierus. Glndys Darling, a
Iffii. i."' . n Sed acts were Ij0lll!lft The dapcing was characteris- allowed te penetrate te the m-wii. .VeImi t'fclr innnner of nlng it. The dnnseuse out of the ordinary, was n
fc 1 J -n .',n',Jlean,) ""V? "V1 ! of the .lav and was vmj graexfufy E'"'1", distorted and w-nrped eul ;s ' r " npn lh M ne. Sam - special feature that pleased, and the
the I .v... "ir.JlI.m ,?,,1 P"C,Ien ; ' '" n1 heautifu'ly performed. nr- caught in a water-tight, empart- 7" rl ' iff com- large cast included "Fnt" Hamilton.
the UaJsj,f Buffalo Hill. ,,. nnd. r a saloon when a flood Jniiii- .i tT ,,, for ,, nrtistrv. .lack Knew, Rene Vivienne and Jesic
, ,,at(., thp teun. ir tehe hours they C,.. ...:., hi.l, ir.' Piv.. two encored. I Fountain.
Allegheny Yvetts
This week's program is one ,f tli
.nnusunl merit and pleased nu.l.er..vs nt musical comedy which featured the bill
'the opening performance? vesterdav as !lt Fav's. Ash and Franks offered some
,-,i..,i i, ,i,- !,.,- , spar sling ceuieuy, singing nnd tn King,
videnccd b) the heartv applause giv.n , Spnrk, nn(, ,.enip,1n. appePIed In
.'"" .ir s. i..-,ie nnil lanil n n ,n w h , h wen much niurhrni- l
ingin. unneing ami vieiin neve'tj .. annlnure en account of erlirinnlitv. The
heads the bil'.wlth Heme- Dlckinse-i (iladiaters offered an interes.ting ,i. re-
an,l rlerence lemp.'st. nuisiuil ,.(imPI., h.iUl. exhibition : Itnlph and Iti'se
Mars, as cese contenders f.,r that mixed songs, dances and putter In nn
Hener A Scheel Day act Jennings appetizing ceiktnll The novelty or their
,and Mnzler. biachfnee .emedUins. and .-t was cpeclallv refreshing. Delzell
wviLin. .nn ueiii, singing nn.l .lancing, and Carrell. blackface femedians,
eiiereu a .emeuv-unci-iinncing speci
alty, in tne .Name et tne Law wns
,...., nrrtsllni tlv,. Oenlll. n I reiiei' lillice
A huge company was npplaidcd in mflStiv of the psalm-singing kind.
"The l'epper Bex Hevue. ' a tabloid strikes them. The Brotherhood of Leve
lumps te them in the hour of their perl:
and wc are led te believe that they are
reformed ihara.'ters. Then the flood r".
cedes and the skies brighten, nnd thej
come mi from their refuge. Are they
puiified and r. pentant souls? Net se
ye i ctfild notice it. .Just one out of
.'these elen'ii i.Tsiiiis is chnng.'d for the
nlnvlne Kreisler's "Tambeiirin Chi
neis" for the first and n nocturne by
(irieg for the second.
iui.i,,fie uie program, me moving
iicture Tea tur this week )- He-ise
'cters In "Illch Men's Wives '
b'-tter: tiie ethers immediately revert for thought. Geerge Kelly ellercd 'i lie
t'i their former characteristics. Shew-off," a sprightly new comedy.
.Tames Kirk weed is the one referme ' ether excellent numbers were Hostock's
sinner and he gives his usual sincere
"Pepper Pets" at BIJeu
nljen Moe Mcsslng's "Pe'iWrHets."
with seven principals und a chorus of
Orpheum Jack Wilsen eighteen,-opened with a bang last night.
J.ick Wilsen, Charles l'ersythe and Tlicre were two acts and eleven tcencs,
Willie AVnrd were in the cast of "A nil of them nttructively nnd clnberately
Nonsensical Revue." whicli plenscd us staged. Charlie Coldie. a Philndelphin
a headline feature. The comedy gees boy. was the chief comedian, nnd the
at a rushing pace, giving little time I I'nma denna was Berthn Delmonte, who
. vuin i.uiu n.i.b iu i-auh u jiuicill pel -
Glebe Beb Nelsen
Heb Ne'sen. former Winter i.nrdr n " Csl
tar. Is the hcadliner of this week's bin
at the Olebe and dhglited nudien. e
at yesterday's pcrfcrman.'c-., NeNnn is
n singing comedian of merit nnd is
well worth hearing. Heroic Hewsen of Claire Vincent
assists liini at the piano. Cither ,.t. worth-while efferin
tiie film feature. It tells a thrilling
story based en events of today ui.d is
presented h an exceptionally r),ncr
Nixon's Grand
A true -I i-I'fe s
I'Dt. niia.; gneil
-Claire Vincent
tore f.ilu 1," "'i iv
( list IllilUej li e s, ti ,
and C.impaiiv a
.Miss inc. tit lia-
inl nntnhle nerfermancc. Itichard Dix
is net se satisfactory in " weakling
i ..Ie. Ilelene Chndwick gives one et i,,
most striking pieces of ncting in the
pi.tur.', and cameo iliiiractcri.'itinns
ire lenderu'' 1 Hte Heffman, Darwi i
Kan and lialph Lewis as jdeies el
driltv.m.l cidliitcd iu the saloon
Lsen the'lgh the subtleties of .hninc
i r n u.ils sis ennnet be put in rnss in
the si reen as they were intend. d te in
tins story, nnd even nllewing for a
siens te pejiulur scieen trudi
ltidlnz Scheel and Lillian St. Leen nnd
.eaipnny in "Hew Circus Riders nre
Man.- " This, ns usual, scored with
the Kiddies. Mndgc Diamonds, novelty
act. and James demons, nnd company,
In musical comedy bits, scored big hits.
Others en the bill nre Combe nnd
Nevlnu. mnsters of syncopation, and
Bert nnd Sue Kelten. In music nnd
dancing. "Rich Men's Wives" was the
til in feature. On account nf its true true
te -life scenes this strv appealed te
these present.
Travesties at Dumont's
IJument's The new travesty this
week is called "The Pinching Squire,"
with n locnle In Millbourne, nnd n enst
of capable funmakers headed by Charlie
Heyden, get every hit of comedy out
of the amusing situations. Geerge Frede,
a capable musical nrtist, was n side
attraction ; Emmett Welch had new
ballads, and Jehn Lemuels had some
dnrky comedy nnd stories, Te first
pnrt hnd some unusual features of en-tertainment
The Quaker Faucet with
its single swinging netzle
gives mere work room in
the kitchen sink. The handy
soapheldcr is another fea
ture. It keeps the cake firm
and dry. Your plumber can
furnish this.
Haines, Jenes
& Cadbury Ce.
Plumbing and Heating Goods
1130-1144 Ridge Ave., Phila.
ey,Ytf'M'W,W; U.M;;jj;;.mi '
tractions this week Include David Snb- kiuc, -f getting real v.ilue ..it of "'u .nis-.sieiis te pepuiui s,,eeu tnuii-
lesky's skit, "The Kid Frem Madrid " ""rv line and with her .onerkers sj- "en. "'Ihe Sin Meed is n powerful i
with Jimmy (Jih'.ca and .lav and Dore- tains inter.-st until tli" fuii-l. Thf.-e '- "d effective HCrcened dectumni, int.-
All Medels
Eaiy Terms
-22 Open Men., Ftl, & Btt. Erenlnri fe
Ihy IIndriel;s: "Th (Vintrv St. re.
a ruial nniklcal comedy. nKn ndds t.eji
te the show. Four ether acts couplet
.the program.
Walten Rcef Big New Shew
Vie'et t'arHen. lute of t!ie "Spice
ei i.uj ami Known ns lie "mii.v
sns in tien every nintnent in me m isi
"kit "If Happened m I'arf ' n.fcie.i
l.y Bill Dale and Cipjpnny 'I'i.e nii.s.
si'iis especially intchj. Ben .Mar.;s and
Delly Wilsen prcsenied tr.ise-s j n t . -woven
witli 102- id' as ssith geed re-
lan.cally, almost perfectly done
Aliilne- 'Kindreii of th. I'.isr 's
another of tliesc ery cnteri.iining l.t
entirely pointless our-of -deer yarns
'lnt love te lind their way te tne si rcen
i ther geed nets nnhuM Nil- Peter B. Kvne wrote it, nnd when he
i urn '
bur Sweatinnm and Ins syncenatcs.
t'harltun and lute, singing comedians,
v...!-.- I .. . '"' ' . IiarilUll .1.1.1 Kin-. r,,,,.UK v i.ui-i, mils ,
puma-denna, v.is nn outstanding hit Pnce Brethers, 'lewn a. robots, aid
in a number of new sencs wlnfh ru. s-... ...,,i '.,,,.,,,,. ,-,r,rv,,,
resent a cycle of mush . She has ,m
Ingratiating manner ssiiirh is ,,.'
nsset in her iiTering. One of me Leg
wallepn of ihe show is i h.. n i ,,f t;i.
Mason-Dixen Seven, i sejitetie f
musician!, from the Southland, and thes
put their melodies a. ress in a manner
which leaves nothing lacking Real
autumnal surroundings add te tne jnv
f the shess.
Visser and Company, gymnast"
William Penn Comedy
Jee Merris nnd Winn Shnv gruOU'd
many laughs wit.i a comedy t.ilUfest
called the "Mesquite 'Ini-' " It eser-
tlesss '.sun original unet i jye men
writes the fur illcs nnd the red bloed1
Hews. The fans svill net consider
iin nev badly spent If they go te sie ir
The locale of the plot is tin shore of
1'i.get Sound, whicli nlse is a eggmg
eunt r . Tills, of (Olirie, gives uinple
iippertunlty for leg-camp scenes and
tin.!!, ns" the big svoeden giants go
hl.rmt.ng down sssirling meiintain
streams with brawny pilots astraddle
them. At such times' ns the. there
'U J!L.
vti 1
uuite iui "i'n'i." "" '- litt'ii .. l Ml t i
nnd two women rang the .lii.nges en " '", many who will forger the mere
,..., nu i, i ti..iii,,i ,. . ,. meehnnical iihnses of the plot, nnd for-
'"'- "" "..':: . ''-. mu .... :,.-,... .. ,,. . n.i..,.
g.'l ill' I llll l Jll.1. i n, uir,rniu,m ., 1 1 lllfir
attention en the mnjcttl" drama
Central Electric Official te Address
Foremen's Club This Evening
The Foremen's Cluh of the Philndel
phin Industrial Absei Intien has arranged
a "scientific night" program, te I
jircn in Morrison Hall. Nerthiiist High
Scheel. Llghth street nnd I.thlgh nve.
!, .7 ,,r,""K. '' "ill Incliuie
radio talk and denionstratlen hv V. I
Ldwards, manager radio department,
dencral Klectric Cuiiiiinns . and several
mM,t,le",.1('tu.r( "iibjects. including
"Ihe Reveliitieus of the X-Raj "
"The Light of a Race'' and a "Woolen
This will be the first nf a series of
two special evenings arranged h the
club fur its members nnd friend, nnd
the second svill he given iu the same
place en October 111, at whicli time
Commander H. C. Ricluirdsen, i'. S.
N.. the pilot commander uf the NC-ll,
(Which wns one of the licet of airplnnes
which made the first official trans
Atlantic flight, svill describe his ex
periences and svill also show sescral
reels of tievcrninent films describing the
feature, Sherlock Helmes. This thriller
held interest from start te flni-h and
gave Inside information legarding the 5. "
unraveling et crime. An especially geed . .
Bleem and Alice Slier offered a teniedv
,.. . i. .,. . 1 .1 :..!.. , ..
skit which M'ercii iiei-isis-fii ..nrtr.ti ,-
and Rive did stunts with b''cy. !es. and "n,V.lr''; ,, .. , , i ."in, i , . .u
Jehn Barrvmere starred , the ,,'. Te tell the plot of "Kindred of the
iiisi. jini , i-i,.4..h ,. .,s,,.- ,i -, .1 n
would enlv be te repeat svhnt has been
giien us in film fare many times be-
ffA t ti: nnrrt worth Sl'hilt, in ,a.
esTiecia v ceed .' ., '. .,,..!. r- ... i. " - .
ast M.prer.8 Mr. Barrymdre S ,'X "w- hivZ !
" " " steals the acting honors in one of hi
Broadway Fay Marbe luiin.tnble charnctcr leles and that
I'eisenality plus a pleiring ve., ,. dn, Miriam Cooper Is n restrained nnd
uistie stvle i th .iinbiii.it;, n un.ii model t heroine.
,!l i enabled Fn MniLe te s,0-e a decisis- . .. , . ,, . ., ,.
Ill t. She elTer,-l several inw songs in ,mnii;v.-. '";.' ."" -nainenu
n manner w in h ennbl...' li -,,, mines wiin-ii i. ...nj. ... i in inn nrsi
te hear 'very word and n'..:e en snh.
, sinntinl tesiilt in scscr.il new dances
'Listen. I.esK r ' tie Bie.i-.nv mu
I sicnl ceiiieds in t-ibleid form, iv anetl -,
Cxccllent n'tic.-tinn. it in duile, se .
crnl lively cume.iinn , and u nmnh'T of
prettv girls. Jehn Bnirjiimie in
"Sherlnt-lc Helmes" Is- -he nlu, fMtuie
There is n thrill esers fesv uieineiits
and an ubiindam, nf cenni-,nnt action.
nie-e i.ewni , . .nelnilrninntlcnllv pff.tit-n ,n.
,,.,.,, w.,v -;----- - - ""-
h'. U-
M rftv te th nltractlsenr'! of th.
MMratilna pletur. uf famnua folk, uf m.
uaUKV.aiinla i-ntr illulint trila mm ivklnk . .
) inmp In iucIi vumlant mmaura In th Uetu.
l- "' .-r., .-.. .'UH. . -.
V"nl M -'
ffc.& VXilJT
ward the end Is disclosed In "Pink
Cods' winch Pcnrn.sm htanlav. d'
Tlicie nre tsve women In "Pink
finds." ..lie of ssliem falls n pry te
the lure of the Hushing stones, 'and
..in wlie lesistK the lure. There Is no
real here, although the part that James
Klrkwoed playti is that of u leugh-
nuiiy nnu roustniieui.
nnii-rrnuy inuij '.i"i rounwineui, sslm
rm Ku unM-i.,!, 'eferms at the end because of a woman
Cress Keys Dummies" Rnsiuend Hatten is effective as a
"Dummies, a miniature miisi-nl , diamond smuggler, nnd Adolphe Mcnjeu
comedy produced b. Ilh-hnrd B.utlctt, is n dapper nnd smiling villain with a
with -big cast, Is the feature en thn trick mustache, who uses the. ilinmnne
week's program, and proved n decided lure te attract women. The two women
hit. Uther lifts i.u the bill iiicluue the iiientiencd first are the most luipertnni
Four Fiintlinni, aerial svenders; Less I chuinitirn. Tin victim is Bih0 Dan-'
,lsen, ceuieuy niiigs nun clintter: lels. who illcs nt tin enu, Jilie s; e.
Cuse and Mnyne, comedy, singing nnd
talking act; HniTy Tenncry and com i
pany nnd the Oklahoma Four, pre-'
seating a novelty -.act of merit.
mlh'tit. Anne O. Nilsson Is ninn, ilin..
geed as the strong mid heroic woman, I
Overwritten and hectic as this ta, It I
has interesting moment, nnd is nlaxa
i Art Medels
n fi r n t n t ri t ii m f n m rn mi m r itiTiTmtrfnTi'-.gyi
T"ERlOD furniture, in vogue for a
"The Lenger Yeu Play Jt, the Sweeter It Grews"
V OfiUC Jr number of years before the war,
I f 1S today mere popular than ever.
Ol vOllSOlC Especially have Console tables wen the
favor of many who take great pride
in the refinement of their home furnishings.
See and Hear
Regular Medels $115 $275
Console Medels -$250 $127
Dealers Everywhere
Cheney Sales Corporation, 1105 Chestnut St.
rB! iBnllt' I i S i IIH9!1
Iiu.ii. 111
ii m
p y- m;x&A
arrantj vow own ttmL.
within reason. trZTi J,?""
accepted tn exchange mV
Mat payment. par'
The ESTEY, Judged
Solely by Its
Musical Qualities
Quite often you will have occasion te be proud of your
piano if it can be praised solely en the strength of iti
musical qualities.
Often some one comes te your home who has no eye for
the beauties of architectural lines or depth of finish, but
who measures a piano's merits from a musical atndpeint
Te musicians like these the ESTEY pJane is a source
of pride and joy. Once seated at its keys, they are inspired
te play and play in order te draw upon its inexhaustible
beauties of tone coloring and blending.
Its smooth and even touch, its depth and richness of
tone, make the ESTEY a musician's piano qualities you
should net overlook when selecting a piano that you expect
te keep as a lifelong companion.
TVelte-Mlgnen Reproducing Piane, PtayervPtone and
Estcj Organ.
Victer Vlctrelae, Bonera Talking Maehines, Chenev Art
Phonographs and Victer Recerd.
ESTEY &et-fcneten musical same In the world. Mere than
half a million pianos and organs have been mate and
are In use in every country e the glebe.
17th and Walnut Streets
fXF the three great Leuis styles in in in
terief decoration, that of Leuis XIV
is known for its grandeur, Leuis XV for
its originality and Leuis XVI for its sim
plicity. Considered individually, each serves but
as a magnificent monument te the period
which festered it ; studied collectively, they
embody every element desirable in treating
present-day interiors.
In the one is found the regal splendor of
Baroque classicism in the second, the fire,
inspiration and enthusiasm of romantic in
fluence3 and in the last, a calm simplicity
directly tradable te the motifs of ancient
Beauty alone may present a very stiff and
formal countenance the romantic, a most
bizarre manner simplicity an appearance
of modest ugliness. It is the proper blend
ing of these elements into a harmonious
whole which distinguishes Valiant deco
rated homes.
Whether your plans for autumn call for
the decoration and furnishing of a corner,
a room, or your entire home, Valiant
decorators will be glad te assist you in
creating the effect you desire.
Valiant's fall showings (most moderately
priced) and the sincere cordiality 'of their
welcome will truly inspire you en the
occasion of your next visit.
ssS26JV.eharies St.. Baltimore.
"Vuttuid Service is Cordial
Valiant Prices are Moderate"