Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 17, 1922, Night Extra, Page 10, Image 10

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    wVfflakfc'-' v-r' "?
"t,-, tXJi i
,M.'I ...1r,
The Danger That's in a Personality
That Dominates Strenriu Over Anether,
fy h Se Great That Any One Who Realizes She Is Being Over-
ft tvhehned by Such a Will Should Get Out Frem
t. Under Immediately
ff"II, I wnnt her te be nn Important
I J person in the world ! I wnnf her
it be popular when hIip'r young, sought
latter nH olio grows elder.
.m.l i
Imnnrtnnt. ...chilli- nr tihllmithrntileiillv
r reme wnv, when she Is n married,
,..-. ti
nl.A ..m Mlvlnm'. nmlilllnna u-lmn
lie- lllfle .Mr) wns Inst crnwliii tin. n
weet-niannercd, gentle Ilttle thing
'v1',1'""1' '. V . I
U .1. " ... ..t ... C.l.lll !,,,.., '
ZY. ...... .i . ...".i.; "t"l mm
Ilnte ihliR-itiB i-lu-iM-s timt she didn't
nnt te go te. Mic Insisted upon her
trying te he preniiiient In selinel life,
and Interfered with I'nit until the
teachers dlsllhed lier '.n-iu-tih .
As n result, the child kept ln-r i-ii
manner!) mid her gentle di pnMtinu. Imt
Instead of gnlning the strung htinii--ter
8he needed te have the rrwr her
mother was trj Iiir te give her. s(. (.niy
Set sweeter find iiieh- gentle under the
euilnntlng inllucncc that was always
exerted upon her.
She liml no mind of her own. Mlrinm
mndc lier tliiul; nnd net as she said,
Bnd would step in nnd linisl. a tiling
herself if the little gill .showed fitly
reluctance nbent doing I.
j, AVhen she is nwny frmii Mirl-im, she
can mnmige perfceth well a'ene new,
but ns nien as her uiether nppi-.irs .she
hrlnlis hack into hersell, beeuiues shy
and timid, and li-t Mii-iam de the
She will neier be the social light her
mother wanted her te he just because
Ul'r luuiiiei Hi'i mil uiiim iivr iu riiw
a character and persenalis for hvr
elf. S!ie will probably net marry early.
or espcciallv well because her mother
'will Mirely have inucli te sav about the
A DOMINATING personality tine and
splendid ns it Is if used for the
right purpose, nnd In the right direc
tion, is a dangerous thing.
It lnviirlaby pit ks out nine i Imglng
Ine nnd nhserhs her whole flinlity.
, A girl often makes n fiirml in school
swhe overpeweis her in this w.i.i.
She linds herself obliged te i'e whnt
the ether girl wants te no. m unable
, .te express her own desires in anv di di
itectlen. She feels depressed, unhappi, re-
The Superior Sex
7e7ni Rtrrtc wurrici Amu Temple
tttiewitw thnt ihe has n inn1 in in r
past irhirh ihe iri.r tu ihruhii'
lie 7.eir, tee, thnt hr lim no' Inn
him, but lie M ilctPi m nml le n in her
, love ami, iii their huiieiniinnii trip,
thci nre sirt'it tiitiiitllili) tmirther.
But hariiu non hir In art Ktnlc he
gills te think nheut Imir'i ;.rj v' nml
te tcnnilcr ihn,it In r seen I, I'lie'i n
f.ini ionic nail en irrtmn uinuian
Anne Ji'iii;i iirs nnd mus imt hum
about it here ihr hits hnn. l'i.i'illti
Otic ilni she eall.s Stale i en the
telephone mul snin she tri'l be nirnii
for tun tin lis. M'hen shi iituins she
refines te mill irln ri In hns In en.
hut she ntlmit.1 thnt he lm n n:lit te
Jklteic tiid offers te 'in iiictti.
The Peicvr of Leve
ANNE'S words. "I would hae
nwny out of our life fercM-r.
as I intend te de new." I1.1 1 a tinallt
about them that was ten-it'ung. An i
suddenly dehn St.-.-li 's t.rrilic ii"i-d i:
her rose up 1:1 his in-art. and bletlm
out the thought of ciei thing else. II
couldn't g.ie iier up. Ne matter whn'
he. had done, no matter what stem
?nvicn them, she was his wife.
(trough lier he found hsipiuiii-ss th.it j
lew men experience, even llieiigu 111:1 1
1. . .... . 1.. - .,...1
UnppillC-n 11,111 LIL.IUKIII' O'lH-ltt'."' ..,,..
t He crossed the 100m
te hei ami
feauglit her tip in his arms.
1 He kissed her rm:ghl an i the jnv
'holding l-.er close against his breast, nl
'knowing tliat no matter what the pain
lef the last few heuis. she was his own
again, was ier in.- pte-t'iii eiieugu.
"Yeu arc mine." In anl hoarsely.
("mine. De ou knew what 1 tint means''
It means that ; 011 liave pu-n me mit
(life, that j mi b long te me. He iii
think I would let ou go new? In
jeu? Answer me '"
And again In kissed her. His ll
! touched her soft lliN that hid her e.M-s
from him. the tumbled golden hair
'the rieiiibllng scarlet mouth, until in
Sudden shyness -he turned ln-r henu
(agninst lil i breast nnd jlung te him, her
jcheeks flaming.
. And se iu tlie ecstasy of liudlng ea.h
ether, the cloud that hu-i hun ever
them was dlspelk-d.
( Thev liad n gala evening. Anne wen
Ihcr prettiest dress and they went down
"town te dinner and nfterwaid te tie
theatre Anne had never b.-'i s() f,,
,se sparkling, nor had .I-din Steele ever
theen se .iinch the ndming lever Hut
leuch knew that behind tin- gaiety, he-
-hind tin eagerness
.'lurked the shadow
f then- line, there
f the words that
jfinu been spoken that atteinneu.
I As thev were leaving tin theatre
i they rnu into Kntli.-niii Clevelaii'!, wh 1
wns with a p. rti nf friends K-irheiu 1
;wns looking her best. -Ad as she cru-tnl
(Anne ga.ilv and uuniT up into Meele'.
;'eyes, it ntruek liliu for tin- h-st tun
that she was a veri ii.-niititui woman
Behind her dnrk i-jw th-n- linked a.
ffcnrful secret, she wa calm, well poi-"d.
serene. I lie mnn wne im-eii i,er weul 1
knew peace and contentment t.Ven
theueh lie missed the timrlliiL' nf tin
j'Julses nud the piissimmte leugin'.' that
'went te make up a low 1 1 u his fnr
i It wns Steele who suggested thnt tin i
fall go en te supper siiiiunlipri1. and n
Ithe restnurant he talked te Kntheni .
tend found her interesting. She g.m-
Jhlm fl feeling of well-being thnt senth. I
ll- 1.H..U. 1 ,.1 . . . , .
tun Jllli.n -I in-i.i-s ii'iu in- imi'il nill 11 !
iremeiuiH-riiig unit iu tut- past In
SAVeltletl her as mi'-li .1. nessible.
'was geed of her net tu Imhl it again t
jhim, for a friendship with n wem.r
like that weu'il he a splendid and wert1,
f while thing.
' And then suddenli 111 the midst uf
-their cemersattnn the or. hestrn begun
a haunting wnltj;. It was one nf tin,
, en thei
. namn
nerltiius y 1 i- tin- iireal. water
1 He turned abruptly fiem Katlierine
met Anne's taw'nv ei, s f,, ,
r d..pth" little limb's lued Icing
wltl! n leap of ids heart he renlUe,
she tee remenibt-red.
anil met Anne s tawny
n nil
The next moment he had swum? In.r
lie lllli Aline rid nne.il m ' "' -- -v -...... .., Kitchen
,. lwmei mi,., i, ,,.! i. i ... sue niiiii"! i" .'iiiniii ungiii- nml slilnv way. 11 is uuue u.-iuruuic te get tlie nuiiueriiiiK .". ...... -.'...: ,. '.. ..". .. ' ' . '" """v
Vlvi" ''":...V""": ' "IBI" in I'u- , ..'inl's1 e 'l, n'.'V'1 r !',." ."".rhed'r',:'" Zl e"tli7 rln.l ve loon, still ill "- as enndy and p, . Yeu 'Vi-ou
..- .... ...-, ii iiiuukiii ..... .. i. . ...v.i.. ... . . - .- .. '..,-..!.. .. it. . ". .u ,. nn,i . ,,. ntn.... nt rue rioitein. eatii one or tnese linn e-ive in. .u-..
, mi. i .linn- s sum mire n t. ' , ... '"-.". '"'i sue "" "- "-.- ". .....v n.-sii -.," n-1 I,,.. nr im. n"" " nnve jour pnvn can's ailn,
..i e i. . , . i tun ii.-nee nctess one nn .. i ,,t. ...... . ,i, nmu.M up cniirrnntiiitiH ..in .. i.. cenerai uhc. i in- nini' ni....." w. ..... ...p,. ,,. .-... .. :..,... .,,..
rriiii; mccii heck, iiuiancin" - ' - - .. . . ' ti-ninees. n- n.. - ; ..,. mmm- ; . .,.. i ,..,. ,A..a n.wl "s.w... .ienifiiiiiK a. riuui uiui ei nnv
lout en the Heur, and Katherine" wm. ends of meat, these many IiIi,Bh wlii.-h from the sting, and If this is removed I , ,An T,T hl nr t5 com e,'
forgotten. Hut ns she wntd Steele, ReJ thrown out men,, many tilps out- without breaking it, none of the poison I '" "5 TJ" ti e 'nine bv twelve
strlcted In her thoughts and fictions,
mid she doesn't knew why.
Then something separates ncr irem
UllS 11I011K KIIKI HI Il'lt'llll " no .IUU-I1 i
, mi-nil te be wrong fit nil. .. ,
Is ns If the Min i-nine 01U wmaenij,
irem ucuimi n iicusc emtie, or u n i"
'III HUH I"''" rCll'llSt-ll Ulllll II JIICK- HI-
Lhe - lo - C, Lhe - le - C, se great Is the
.nllnf frntn
nger must she. wonder whether
kiln nllL.llf til I'll tn tint iiuivIi-m nr til
MIC Ollglll III go II III!'
the feet hull ciitiie. hem
i- slit- doesn't
hnew whnt Mnrtlin is ceiiitf te de.
Ne longer Is flu- weighted down in
that iny.sterletis wny which shc enn
luu iindcrsliiiid. Sutldeiily she n-nllzcs
wli.it it ii .iliirtlui hiii jnt heen ileiiil
inning her. taking . utile charge of her
11 1 1
lele life.
W,,.. , ... ' . , . ,., .
In, she hadn t a thought without
Including Martha in it because she
S. : hadn'tVn c- ai.where or starte,,
un nfrii ,1 s i.. nne it In.
told her whnt te de. find hew te de it
It's all wrong, that kind et (lilinr;
it h.nilil never he allowed.
The ren-en it does happen is tie
i-ai-se It start" when the Witiui of tin
-ti-i-ng perseiial-t Is all unaware of il.
S'li - thinks lier fiiend or metlii"-r. or
whie-ier it ma he. pist happens te
htm- a driving' will. Imt she doesn't
ret'll.e hew that will power Is curlliu'
am mil her weaker one and choking It
as a rank weed strnngh'
tin, ileli..ni..
nn iiiit.ii.
cni-ilen llewer
It is enlv after the damage has begun
that she may realize hew loinpleteh she
is under the swav of ihe ether mind.
Hut then she should take action te
get nut from under.
I T : life Is her own, her will should
be her own. her inltnl should he .ilih .ilih
te I'l'Tii-tlun of its own act eul, If she
is ning te have am kind of a life, or
b" any kind of a v niu.-ni.
UNI.KSS she breaks away iiunie.ll
iteh she will irmw weaker instM.-i '
of trnnger. mere ilepeinlent Instead of
me - able te take care of herself, le s
of ,i person than a preti ge.
Ii would be much better te lese on en
friend aiirt gam u eharueter. tine as that
friend mm be in ether w.-ns. than te
hem tTie friend and thereby lese all
eharnct-r and Individuality.
Yeke Effects Featured
in Autumn Medes
ll.i COKINM-; U)l:
sniie the i,iin nf tin- beautiful Km
pre.s Ihigenic. when shoulder lines
dtiinpi-tl as sjtematically as long blink
lashes, we h.ive seen no such campaign
waged against the siiu.irc, atliletic
shoulder. Kier.i thing is done te sim
ulate this effe. t et the slop,.. Itertha-,
tre.itlnent "f sleeves, the present low
cm n the bateau neckline all these
dewninll mutilations make us weniier
if 1 .- w.re 1 ver (iibsnu girls with shirt
waist sleeves plucked out at tilt' top.
Naturally the yoke features might -ill
111 this warfare against bremines-.,
mul it is a feature of many lute evening
11 raps, of cats, mid of frm-ks.
1 if-"ii. linnet, or, the joke steps when
it las ilnne its iluty by the shoulder
Th -s in the abeie imported frock a
.toke formed b.i a band of embroider,
einu-cles only the back and the sleeves.
Tlii j rock is of llaine-colereii geer-get-e,
ever the same color of chiffon
I'-K.-t, and it has an original girdle in
gr.-n , blink and geld embroidery. The
sal if tints show- en einbrelilei.ei) leituls
of the veliet underskirt.
Observe the extreme Internretntinn
of lie sleeif. which puffs lit the fnre
aiiu just above the wrist.
m n.M i.erisi; IIO.MGR
Chei-se Teait
Iiutter nicely browned tenst.
M.ce ever it hard-beildl eggs, boiled
at least ten minutes.
Pem out this cheese snuce nnd h'tv.
verv het.
Make the cheese aiice bv pnttinr one
tab'i-sjioen butter In a pan, add one ta
blespoon Heur, then .me cup ,,f mnv
pepper and sUit. n,,.u w,,j . ,i
en.- cup grat.-il American cheese.
Adventures With a Purse
j,TAH(.'IA was preprint,? Crnpe fnm
, fr ,ii,1,n' !"" nr ,(,n,t ''" wns
showing Mdne hew it is ,w , 1
she showed me a new knife si,,'. i,.nl
l 1.. T.-. . .1.1 ... .... ." ".Ill
ii.iiiKiu. i.ii-ijiiiiui; in uie new kitchen
ion. iA-ery heiiM-wifi, knnwn hew in-
dispensable is the little knife, nnd this
" ",f U' I.1"" " " l '
I'""(l at thtrtylive cents.
parings, crusts 0f bread,
M i M I!"
-"- r. ..... ... .,,. .....I .....I. ...,l . ,, ..... ,.... .l.....mM.....I .... . .... . .. nml ... ,1,1. II.W.'I .'l.inn.l.ULC ...... .... .... I. ...I ... ...... , .
lilllll lilll. .,,'. Olll II IllilllC III, 1,.,., IIIIV Wlll'lv II 111 111 ll 1 II III lll'l'lllir Ml,,. .111... ... ". .-..-- -- . - w, L, u IL I1IIUI1L llllllll II. 1111111 I I
Please Tell Me
What te De
l.rttcri te Cinthln' column mint te
u-iftlrit mi our M' nl Ihe imiirr eitlu
nnrf iinir he iyii(cl villi the ii'rilrr
mne mil tuUlrtu, The Hnitf trlll v-r
he iiiilil.inl 1 thr willrr tler tint W'i
. I'ntiMfit Vtlrr mul lcl(-r irrllljn
nn euii .inY-i el tir miiiir trill net be
nnniiernl U'ritcr! ti-he icli'i iirrieii.il
niKinrt thai rnn Ir uli-rit I ""
column ii-i vlcrft: leek there, as tier
tannl Mfiri err- eiilu urltlcn u-ncn
it'iiti'i'' w tircciiari.
Would Encourage Sorrowful One
nPnr cv,,thnwill you please print
me louewing in your wenticrrui cei
III 111 llmll.lv JOU. TO " V limlt'llUg
Who wiete nlHint sly uoelm iice:
Wnndeiinir. loeklnR evir "rynthln's
. 'n IM you
et experli-nre I have hail It nenrb
broke tn. heart, hut seniethlnR: told me
te tiv ii iniKet and the rlRlit veiinjr i
man would come nleng. t knew 1 shull I
neir fetgil but I am waiting.
I hni- never written te lnthl.i'
relunui In-fore, hut your letur made me
.".'"V...V ". .. . c '"uSn2,,n?.1-. 0U..V"' '
hi- mi 1,1 i fin- nu 11)111 iM't ii uuui'ii
ever Tli. p-epk- l mv cltv cannot
unil.Tct.m l why he threw' me ever, be-
eaue I in spoken uf as being very
Ked ki.il.mg and having a let of honor
"."" '"'' -I"'-'- I uun I nun ..ii.iii.i
$S$ ?'
In a Quandary
fVir I'xnihla I've Just In cenn- en
gaged r. eently. I'm waltiiie p.itiititly
fe- . .ii j,-nis te I el" ly liefere I get
niarrlid b.-e.iuse we don't t'lltik there's
u ueli en. tic ler n start h-fere then
Vew m pieblem Is tills. .Mv frlenil
has b-eti away since tin- last of May.
II. s b en home three tlnus since then,
but nnlj for Sundnv.
Thi r.- meth.-r fellow I mi-nt part of
m.v "eat no with, at Ills home I don't
0UJ1 ,.(1 hm 1)1U j ))remlKill t0 Kt H0
s.O"-"-r 'i ! iMiii.e Until t-eltmrs I weei
Vew this I.ev Is g, Ing a pirty H"
wants m te re, and I said I would.
What I w.nii te knew Is, shall I ke" My
fib ml wnii be limni) fei at least tin.-.-w.-i-l,s.
i, Kiriil, ami I'll be willing t--s,-lt.
i'i ii whin l-.e comes, lei It'r
awful'- iliiM without him. I cenlii n-vor
an- t r i.n one else, and If he nbtic's
in ii" -'-miiir around he wouldn't ia
se Whn- hall I de? PK(!
Tlieri I i.e reisen why ;-ou should nt
go te tin- nthf r party If the be who
Is takli'K seu knows you nr- eng.igtd
te fiiinthi r man Uut better net fnitn
tli. Ii.iblt of going out tee much with
etl'i r.s. .-seN-n .tars Is a ery lone en
gauement Cm It net be sherti.-iK.il7
My! My! This Is Hard
Ue.tr Cvnthln I am a stranger here
in l-ini.i, ' Ii a, having only neon h-re
three months I came from Renten,
Mns i.i- i nnve nein .rv ui'.'i.-e.ii
In ;etir i i-.iinin since I came 1 would
.1. Ill ... I.n,.. . ..,, I..U.I l.t
your ii.li.-i'i a fi-w words te 15 icheler
(llrl for in.-, as I agr. e with nrv word
she sal.- u regards te "A 1 ..icheler '
lla.heli.r mrl. . -iTe n star and I eon-
gratula:.' leu for jour -.punk am
ir..riitti thiw imt the third titm' at the
iK-..ft... tv-six" Thank heai.-a lhai
a i.al n in at last Th.re nr,' senn in
the we-li'. imi knew Uut icry few,
nnd t.n- b'twein. Veu gave them a
n line the. tits them perf. .tlv wli.n veu
?:,: :, m " li'S'Mil,:";:
cause th. i are afraid te spend their
nienei en a g -! and support h.-r in the
.,'1. Ill l II 111'- 11. l,,, ,Wll l-tlll. I,,
rlirlit w iv n n.it t.iev nn. is te nave
tli.- wlf" work and support them wlibe
th.i 1 .in u at nml Ii-' cm tier and pool
rooms. tiiI tins-., all kinds of remarks
about ci.ry girl tl at gees !. and wh-n
tnt. w If.- -s no longer ah e te we-k thev
stiji i ir mil l-.ue lier te the merev of
th. n-i t-l 1 I hnew about fiftv cases
lillB this, and I speak from . .p-i ! nee.
Shall They Forgive and Ferget?
Iinar i-ithla We ari iVill.i i-.drs
nf lour i I'unm and appr..i.late the w n- i
derfiil --. suits' that halt been obtained
through lour adilcc. New we ne.d
5 our k -i -nil Ice
List Halloween we met a few bois i
whom w, lik.-d ery mu.li until a Mi
month" luck Then the trouble began.
ne of tiles,, boys i very conceited
1V. nrn , e n i nf five uirls ntn tn.ul
nuit a let of parties mid annus invlt. 1
.'ii s-n iiiii s. . tew mentas .ke one nr ,
j ii. s; be; s nude a partv and lnntul
enlv en. girl out or n-ir club. .-1
themiht -h.u was very n-.-an and f.-lt
1. . hurt A little later he made 1
mther ,'.irtv and then -'111 .inethi r ,
.11 d r-ih -lilted this one pirl 1
Tui-s.I.i nicbt we m-t thU be at ,
, a I'arjy ""' he treated us as if nothing I
it ' irielT this a "we In.' !. -,.- Ve
-. rl .oil ii,.. te siceV.l par" At
the'narii h s. i-hih irry snr--y for wh.u
Ik hid iV.ne and new' wants te start j
la club w't'i us uirls We found this!
iit mm in-s one girl w-.ie ivmt te '
im--.- ,..,,..- ,,, .,,.-.,, ,,.,K u.
iii.ine .1 lien.. ,11111 n.i.ie us in M,ie
hew s0rr he is II, w.mts us te forget,
the 1 it! If Ae leflls, we will have 1
a v. rv rt-ill time till, nin'er. but one
girl In our -lub thinKs it will be lower
i lag le r pride if sdic .tcci-pts He is
' wlll-ng t 1 .ipn'ngize te each girl, but
again th! one girl thinks If sh ge.s
10 hts pnti new she will be making
a foul nf herself, ns if she wasn't geed
enough fr him for the ether parties
she isn't gned enough new The ma
jority of girls are In fmer of accepting
hi" npii!'L-
1"j r.. ' ilnn'f 1 -. -i iV - . t
will jeu'p'msn artilsi US' I
. ' ,,...,.,,', I
i - ' X't.l.l.i. lilUl.S
iVrt.nn v Jein lu with the bevs
-,, ,
attitude .j a bit wrenir ani-w.iv. Thei
w.re no. obliged in any way tu unit'
you te nl. thrlr parties, any mer. than
-mi are el, irimI te ask them te jour.
He ln(lp : dent, don't aiwavs feel seu
must - jjst with certain pi-epl.- .n
erv !..., in a club, but net for -er
Can Yeu Tell?
J: .. nnd A. W. Ueilmer
II 11
What Happens When a lire Stings
.fn-r the bee tin" penetrated the
llesli with 'lis sting and worked It into
jeu wi deeply as te satisfy him, hP
begins te hud that lie is a prisoner, '
and at urn e undertakes measures te ;et
aw a). 'II,.. average bee is gem-rally 1
beaten te death by whoever he is sting- -
ing at in.- s(hj;i. nerere ae j;ets nwny.
If the mi, who is being stung, however,
can lontiel himself sufficiently nnd s
willing tn devote himself te observing
the hie, he mav see thnt as seen as tin-b'-ti
linds himself t litis caught he begins
te walk ureiind n circle, anchored ns
he is hj the sting, just ns If the bitter
weie a screw which he was about te
turn out nf a heard. If allowed
ntiniie. the hee will work out of hie
predicament nlene nnd get nway un- I
If rliiu Is nllewed tn eppi.t- r,..
inrlm,. I, inn ivlll l-nnin tn i-nn ....
......1. ..t i.ninM utiini. i.Mi.11,.',. i. '. .
I..-.. ....... .... 1.1. .. i,i ,
iiiiii-s wnii nun 1111 niiuic chub, poison
bag and all.
When stung by n ben thnt hns
heen nllewed te get awny lu Ids own
greatest distress occurs when the poison
hag Is left In the wound. Te remove
It the blade of a knife should l"'Z
llnder the poison bag and th sting .
lifted out. It Is the poison bag that
causes tl
Inlhuniiintleii which ?p,its
rie New Style Gowns
The draped
that Dame
has brought
into style
for 192U
cannot be hung
ever the same
which were
of little
or no
They must
a form
I i .s n grand dnj for business gen-
1 u AJs u grand dnj for busln
J- erallj when ihe long dress was
launched. The false hair mnnufactuier.
Ihe shoe man, the one who manufae
'iires e.M'hrew growers and last but no.
least, the corset manufacturer, leth
iiprui the aihent of the new silhouette
,is something that will save Industry.
The corset business trembled in (he
balance for the Inst season or two.
With the snnie gusto with which the.i
were abandoned n while age, new they
are being draped about the 1!"-'S figure.
.e new model, unless particularly Ir-
ered by Providence, can v,e'l appear
eersetless with the IleW cllnullig. slink'.
(..,.. ... .:i, .,,.11. f. .1.,, illusion el
gi.n-e ami sh nderness.
., , , ,
erset iiianiiiacnirers nave pill iur.cn
art into this revival of their wnrrs.
Their studv of figure-, and nf hygienic
inineiples deserves fnverable comment
.,,,,1 the adoption of their manufactured
ilM.:,.i, t 1 . i . . i .
i"Ui:e. I de net hesitate tV s.,y thai
lew "'"ucti ever twent.i-ine ate net
mipreicd by wearing a nell-littcd
,,, ,,jn,,(, ,.er.t,u !U.P designed en cer-
' -..in iib.... .... eti,,-.-
""' f'T heavier ligure-, whv go te a
i eunter and pick i a bargain piif
lien one might null; out much mere
triiiinplitintly v lth a mi set that Mould
wear longer and jive a hettei line if
luted te the individual ligureV
There is no doubt that a corset Is te
Ihe majority et figures as important as
the dress. I'nder my direct ebseria
tinii was this tlenieiistrated leeen'li.
An ucipmintnnce who thinks nothing of
spending hundreds en dresses and furs
she leans toward the heavj weight
class had u pel "coneinj , even as jeu
mil I have one. and hers was bargain
ler.scts. She nole-- looked reallj smart
lecause she hail lleshi shoulders and
inn m taste le tlie tightened waist,
whirl sent her bulging from the corset
,en .,
,.- !. , '. -v . .1
"" t" " "'". - -, Uie cn-i-
luiuer nier a tiieam 01 a .-..,. uress.
unit liitie iier 11c ,nu irnicrij
cannot have this dress,"
or yuu
vrin.i r ,,, i,,irk net the ,ln.s
irieml J. came ii.ick. put the .lu-ss
'. 1'"' " "t exaggeiating 11 lien 1
i-a.v ten years was hidden away Mime-
where in that corset. The corset lere
told In- tliat her corset wns three siz.-.s
tee small and Its waistline was tee
'' Wlth, thp h"K'r t ftl.e
,,lll-l") nn 'nissms nnd the wearer is 11
credit te the artist designer of the
I suppose the worst lines nre spoken
by the woman who Mill insists upon
tight incing. 'J he results are n heavier I
..... l..lvler lnvve. linilis- nnd mii mi.
lmst' " aU r 1,,w ' I,ni"i- ll"" '" "
The Weman's Exchange
What They Wern
T11 th hilitnr of U'enia-l'9 Vnai.
Dear Madam We are two young
girls and expect te dress ns Komee nnd
Juliet for a party Would you Kindly
describe the fashion of clethe.s they
were? M. r AND O, V.
Ilomee waars doublet nml lime, with
. .. S..II ..w.tv lllu ul... Hn ln,.
'l tuil iiim- inn .th-,-,.-m nic luiiH,
,,,, .,.,,1 iil ,,lt U ....... ,!,.,. linlnir
caUKht here anil there te show u puffy
lining of white. Ills can h.is a feather
In It and he has short curls
Juliet wears) a long, nulling white
gown, with lace bodice and puffed
By Hareld Donaldsen Kbcrlein
Method of Weaving
, ii
Looms nre still made and used In
IVr.ln nu tbeV WlTl CelltliriCU llgO. In
fnn .t.A. iint'i. phiitiLreil little since
...' ..... ..i.i.....u ,.u.l tlin.n nml we
i iiuraeu a buuj.i.i .""; , ;,' ;
can trace some of the inllucnees of
enrly Kgvptinn craftsmen in the med-
Mn Persian rugs, lwe uprlglit poles,
weaving advnnc.-s the rug s relletl, nn.i
'" f0"', v" metlil ' ll Wee It h,
J,r?,H,'ainl.'i " , "Jmh "in.1 the tufts
"i"'11', Hl" ,"r ,l ,',,,i ' flr
....... --, . - - l,t .,,!
closely clipped wnii snt-ars.
J r. ...J.. .l...t ICli
'li'ri !
1 1' i
1 ifT' ' W
. ..... .. . BntiAH nu r,i
Demand a New Figure
i..'l . lt.nvi.nii.nl. Tin t li.li! lirnssiefC
which is usually added by this t.ipe
i-ii,i makes matters worse, by causing
mere bulge. When tlesli is siim-i-zcu it
needs bulge In hard and ugly
.1 nilf
lumps, if miii are inclined toward a
heavy bust, get it wider waist line iu
the erset .mil lace il loosely, mere
loosely than jeu need for comfort,
Inns,, enough te provide for the dis
posal of all the bulges, big nnd little,
which will present themselves when t
ou sit down. The brassiere, tee,
should he bought in a larger size for
the wa!' t line, and if remodeling Is te
he done let the tucks lie taken In i
around the upper pail of It.
, :;,!.r",!::;, r s'iK,' z:
Ne one thinks mil thing new of asking
for n I'mI, !l!i or It I unset, whereas a
lew years hack when .-..r-ets were con-
neliiue. nn hi gle.llc prili.-iples she would
have blushed te ask i r a -'.. s7.e. l.e.el
, ,,.., t,i,ii,u liMi.., in. tfriMit l.n.1 llii.
Iweeii corset e.ics. as iu former dns.
due a-tist litter telN me she (its lier
MS. fmm:,'l' 1191
911144 lelSiik i n
KsvmSfiKMMMrMmi 9WMmV Htiifllk ukWhH
1. tin is s,, i., i i.i;c .ii-ii" i injl nun.; . , , ... .,.,
Inn an inch wide. Then, if the cerset''" serve this meat with n tomato, pars-
I .v. loe-, after 1 . ing worn n while ' ,,r 1,r0-'f 8?UC0 ,l ?'! l. , ?,
she refits it and takes a tu.k here and i unnherry jelly for tnrt flavor or ns a
ii.ilin-is si, t:,at the lacing Is net mere
,,,,.,-f.,ii ,i w,i,,ie.i ..Imiilders
me thus disposed of. -V cerse; te tit niiinner Ihe neck nnd breast are usi -mm..
Hi." she t.-'ls me. "is o.ie that I ""J' used for stews the ribs nnd loin
h..l.l.s tin- lever hiii nml abdomen firmly , "' ''i"l,s, !!",.11.,1,! hlieulder and leg fei
supported and still permits an ease nf roust and boiling.
mm fluent I MN inn can get only in
n corset wide in tlie waist line
lieii-ially sj. .,-iklug. the low bust cor
set is te be leceiniiicii'lcd, and if there
is nii.i tenilfiic, te heaviness of the
bust, let the hi.issjfiv lake cart of it.
Hut no bras'ler. should be worn fl"
ti.'ht as te cenipiess the bust. I am
told leuug gill, are given te this bail
liabit in their desire te attain a de
lue slimness.
Women who lead mlenlr.ry lives pre
apt te sprout! fimn ling hours of rlt-
ting. A leiiL'-snirtctl 1 eiset with ehi'tic
1 ,1S(.Uri , iew f()1, comfort is
memlcd te pi event this.
ihe leng-si.irtcil cei set may be worn
by the slender girl a-, well as by l-ei
heavier sister lu tin- new gewne there
must net lit that distigurlng hri-ili
of line wheie the short corset step-.
If imi have uiii'i.-u hips or ether de-
lennltles et tigure, you will be scr
prlse.1 what .1 geed cei-euere ,an de
for ie.,. i'.-u de nm bu, a cer-et en
one of your hurried shopping days
i Take time te try en a iiumbe1 of pnii,
nnd if veu are heavi de no economize
l.conemize en the dresh instead, since I'
line, line'' that is all important te-
sleeves, nml her long curl, are crowned
witi,.ns,r!ii m..iu ,.,..." . i"tlc
pearls ' h ' - , ,ninteH, lift te drnin, nnd plnce in het
broiler. Cook for four minutes, turn
M,un c...iu tli . "" t,oek f"r five 'ninutes longer. Lift
Making Eyelashes Thicker , i,et ,dntter nnd sin-end with parsley.
Te tin 1 ninr nt Wmnn - ',. , horseradish or mustnrtl butter; garnish
Dear Mntlnm K-iid i .ulvlse me hew I with parsley or wnterciess. .
I can make mv fa... , pttb. stouter. n ''. rii, ollens ,lluv 1 i.-renrhe.l hv
no ninMir hew nmi-h stouter I iret mv ..- ' ,' '"",' '' 1 rencneu pj
face still stms .ri- thin m I cutting meat from three inches of the
Alse please' tell in,. ,t K"oeil harmless ' "l1 'ni' of t'u' rl, Uf)nes mid scraping
wa tn ,nikr mi t-einshes long nnd I ''eni' ''pnu. This end is then covered
turn up They eein t,, iu. very strnlght, I with n paper frill just before serving.
nTin!?miw 'Jm"nr""'f ' wnnt some, i l'erk chops may be breaded ns for
TL, IT,, V .,"?, 1'"$! .m P'CS red,,,he "' P,,,,,,0,,H " cliep or panned
' u ' brown bv dipping in flour, then brown-
BO-nnr. I ing in het fat, allowing about eight
Dilr.l; as mi.ch m1 as von cm nn,i 1 m.in.u,.es ,0 oeok- Tlli'' -,hop is served
, eat plenty of , -tr-. Utt. r nnd plain
loons, u veu Mi-i ih,d Veur face Is
thin, why den t nm irv changing the
WHl' loll WOll! lour Imlr ui thnt vim
will make It a,,,,,.,, f ,.f? "I
Applv liquid i.is.li,,,. with lt camel's,
hair l.iu-h te i our ..i 'ashes regul.irlv.
but net tee nften. This will make the
lnMtit.Q fhlr.lr, 1. ..... .. 111 .,. . ., '
...e.,.-.- .in.,., 1 ,m( v in ffn tnem ni
lenaency te rt.rl. if . nvthlng will. It
Is ptfeetl safe tn lJU,. t lilsj if Veu apply
It carefully and uvj univ u mtle at a
Wants Costume Ideas
Te the r.d tnr nl ll'emmi I'nae:
Dear Madam -I am a girl fifteen ,
years old ami welsh l.r.e pound, will
ycni pb-nse 11.11,11. ..nt rie.it masquerade
I. 'what Te'i'W1 i,:a''" a
weight''. ferntI am1(1,lisW'le,l!0 T
htfiril Jicpln mlinir is m, sift i.. n. ..,.'
. " ' f""i IIL III Llllf
n.eu .''.''' tn-", se i,b ase naine sonte-
uiiiiB uiirurrni. . jj
1 Hale ,i list of ,, i K1(S of ,.00(1.
fe'ikuig ones which I will he K)ai ,0
.send villi It iiii t.ii.,1 r.,,. .......
ni"' aildr. ss en a ctamp-d enveleuu
' The descriptions p includes are tool
...... .- - - .. ...... ...... ,,,, .win j itiiiii ,
miiK i i imiiiiim nere i
lllcicln rlillliif Was ree.iiinni.n.lnil
slmplv as a form of . erclse te (Vain..-
In r.iiji..nir ny this Is in inmnr ,,h, ..
yth "$;;. hi ? 'lntl e'0 ' 'rr
rtaH f tx, .,,,.., , u ' , ' L , mm.1,
swimming p'.iylng t. mils nml herse-'
lull flint If Vifiril ... ..,. n..r p,..i,l . .
- - , . . "' .hMI..I PIU1 I
of cxereise ,.t this tune el th yem-
"no te 'takiff '"et' t peu'nds
'"" want te lese " M'" f tl10 "UnUH
- -
What the Heroine Wears
'She had chosen black for her frock
'-OCTOBER 17, 1922
Mrs. Wilsen Tells
Cuts of Meats
And Gives Correct Ways of
Cooking Various Kinds Se
as te Get Best Results
ny Mits. m. A.
Covvrleht. 19tt. lu J'". "
rleliH restrvtt
T7EAL Is the yelll
ng of the oxen, nnd ;
V i
...... 1.1 l. n .tnllnnln tlltll; CO Or. IlTtll
. .... I ...III. unmn fill. Vcnl (IOCS
I net contain ns much nutriment ns beef.
The estimated feed vnlitc of veal is np-
....... i i..i.. .,, (n1I....M- Protein. lU.U:
IU.IAII1III.I.-I. ill. lull.,...., ,. - ', .. .
'fnt, 7.1); wntcr. T.7. : nsli, .!; feed value;
I .. .. 1 lljn nnlnrleq. I
vi tu ,.,,i,ui;lnviil ii toethsninc dell
ency, nml tlie time nllewniice for cook
ing Is nlHint Ihe same as for the cheaper
cuts of beef. Veal should he well
cooked, nnd the most desired parts nre
the loin nnd the cutlets cut from the
Hank. . , .
Lamb, the voting of mutton. Is also
a delicacy, and is divided Inte two va
rieties, the spring or hothouse lamb,
and the lntnb thnt Is In season the year
1 round, and known te the trade ns
venrlliiR, the jcnr-eld sheep or lnmb.
Te distinguish between lnmb nnd mut
ton, breiiK the second joint of the feet,
and If the joint shows ns n snw teeth
it Is then a calling or lnmb. If this
joint is smooth nnd of the if-unl ball-and-socket
joint, the nnimal is elder
limn vearling and the meat Is mutton.
The approximate value of hinib nnd
mutton is as follews: I'retein, le. j
'fnt, 1212.5; wnter, 50.; fish, .; feed
value per pound, 1001) calories.
Perk, the ment from swine, comes
.next en the list. This ment, owing te
the large percentage et int, is simauie
for cold weather feed, nnd should be
used tpiite spnringly during the worm
season. Tlie smoked perk products are
an exception te this ruling.
I'nrK" iri'sn linn Kane... Liniii.iiic ...s
, . . e I ...... ....., aamIaIiiii ...ni
.i ..... t 1 ..t.. . T.fnln 14.
fMt eSj . water, -15.;' nsli. .0; feed
..,,'m,0.. Im im,i ' JJOO calerics.
... . ,,,..i,,i . Protein. 14.S: fnt.
. .... . . .. l
HI.; wnter. .m.s; nsli, '.! : loea vniue
mine tier tiiiiind. 1700 calories.
The methods employed te cook the
above meats differ greatly with the
character of the meat.
Veal is cooked as for stews, brnised
and roasted. The loin nnd rib chops
nre panned nnd broiled, while the Hank
or leg is made into cutlets nnd snuteed
or fried In'deep fnt.
Leng, slew cooking for the stew nnd
Ihe braise is the usunl ruling. The
roast Is hnited frequently and roeKcil
?.i:. miewmg fr,,,,, tWcnty.vC
te thirty minutes le me peunu.
The chops nre either broiled or
' "! ' "".".'?.. .i ". -. .. ....
. l 1 1 .. . I..-.1 rt't.n r.tln.u nM
, "",-", ",, ,,, .. .I,,..,".,, henten
'.,7'"' . ,, t), ' .,,,. .
niin. .in. ' l-p,. ...... -
ciuinbs and snuteed in suHiclent het fat fat
te brown; then placed in even for ten
miiiulcs te llnlsh cooking. It is usual
i condiment.
! 1-uinb and mutton nre cooked in sntne
I Laper sauce nml mint sauce.' ns wen,
ns the regular brown gravy, accompany
the broiled and roast meats; also cran- ,
lieiry nud currant jelly. Celd cuts of,
this '1111 at me served nlse with mint
icily, cranberry jelly or tnrtnr sauce. 1
Time allowance for boiling mid rensting, ,
twenty-live minutes te tlie 'pound.
The perk cuts are tlie loin, hams,
sheuldcis, hack ami belly cuts. Reth the I
shoulders and limns are sold nnd used '
as fiesh and smoked cuts. The back
. and belly cuts an salted and smoked.
' making bacon and salt fnt perk.
The loins art- used for chops and
1 roasts.
I leth the loin, shoulders nnd fresh
hams are used for boiling ns well ns '
roasting. I'erlt lequlres long slew
cooking, allowing a full thirty minutes ,
10 the pound, whether boiling or roast
ing. p Uncen is boiled usually with gnrden '
! greens or labhage, and broiled or fried'
as a rasher for breakfast or ns garnish. !
1 Ham is silt ed nnd panned or bruised, '
boiled mid baked. ,
Time allowance for boiling hnm, .
twenty-five minutes te the peiynl. ,-
. Time allowance for linking'" sineknd
I ham, one hour per pound, in slew even.
, Hew te Uroil Veal, Lamb or Mutten
I Hnve butcher cut the t hop nbetit ,
three-fourths Inch thick, place in tlcep
j dish mid cover with well-seasencd '
! ',"" ," "' .""'sensenccl
I' ri'iich dressing, mannnte for twenty
I w,Hl jr0vs" grnvy.
1-" mu season meats until after they
I lire cooked ; this will impreie the flavor
.mil tender, toil nf !, ..,.,...., T....1 .!..
,,V "" ' "".","" a,? tl:,"1. '"V
nsening nil meats, except
A New Fad
Sw en tern nre. becoming mere nnd
mere complicated. The latest hns a
design of silhouettes for the border
nltheiigh, as if in nnolecv for cnnslnn.
f0 much trouble, It does net insist
Pnn n,1T further adornment around
neck or sleeves. The figures can be
copied from n cress-stitch nnttern bv
th0 persen wh,) lR f'""i'"' w th the art
P""1"" " --'siEn.
f " -
mt tr ... r .. .
M. Ultima uu 11 LiUVC lO lUOKC
A Very Kffw'"v' ''"immliiK of S(iinri-s
lMSwMi'' Te-n
lly UcUn Dccte
nik i yw i
The editor of "The Trend" recently
paid snrcnstle compliments te nn "ency
clopedia of etiquette," or rntlu-r, te nn
absurd advertisement of It, which, pro
fessing te show "the right nnd the wrong
wny," declared, "It Is Improper te B.iy
'JtlT. Smith, meet Miss Ilrewn'; the cor
rect wny Is te put the girl's nnme first,
thus: 'Miss Ilrewn, meet Mr. Smith.'"
Tim woman's nnme should be men
tioned first, but the word "meet" Is out
of plnce both In nn Introduction mid In
the acknowledgment se often heard,
"Pleased te meet you I" The ceirect
form of Introduction Is, "Miss Ilrewn,
may I present Mr. Smith?" And. ns the
pleasure of meeting Is taken for granted,
ncknewlcdcement Is mnde merely by
saying, "Hew de you de 7" or by liewlurf
nnd repenting the nnme. If n woman
puts out her huntl, the little ceremony
of Blinking hands fellows, hut reme
women de net proffer the hand when an
Introduction takes plnce. In no instance
should the man be the first te offer hla
About Women
Under an old Inw still In force in
Pennsylvania the nrrcst or imprison
ment nf nnr woman for failure te tlflV
j ,,, Js prohibited".
Because he believes woman's plnce is
, .. ,
.'Ill llie lieillt
nnd beenuse two women
' left their homes te serve en the jury
In Circuit Court, n Detroit man refused
' te serve with the feminine jurors, lie
wns iiisinisa.e.
Samples en Request
f rhenr. Ixicunt .1010
1 ATtA 1 Klfc3
X K . w-fcS,.,. ..WW
FOREIGN or Demestic
at RIGHT Prices
' linns, tlcnrlip. Clinlr Heats. Fnot.teoli. I
rtc, With Wnrklnc MiitrrlsU. j
lllr; assutiiiirHAi 1-. 1 .-.1.111 ii, 1,1.11
Germantown Novelty Shep
I 02 W. CHET.Tn.V AVE. fitn. 4finI
The Onward
v- -iv 7W
". ir
. V - &rtvyar
i ft J W
into every home in the United States
i a silent compliment te its Delicious
Flaver and High Quality.
w a niin.i.1 r s41
iFiOflD uadviKH .
it.7-"!! nre 1
. "'WAOlLrMI
Hew te
I rStac!?JV'Aet-Ml..,jyl
Geed Petate Salad
With a deli- Dell one quart potatoes with
ci'eMi drcsiing the skins en. Coel, peel, cut
Inte small pieces. Mix with
one white onion chopped fine with a little
parsley. Tour ever it this dressing:
2 tablespoonfuls French's Mustard
Z tablespoonfuls sweet cream
1 tablcspoenful vinegar i teaspoonful salt
Mix thoroughly and serve
Remember it's Frci' Mustard with its
blended flavor that mikes this recipe se Reed
Cream. Saitedl
1 T
The Masculfne Mirror
Ilectl net the sanctimonious wall
mnn I or
Though he Telcc his solemn ebJte
tiens te your lipstick and face pewdw
take him net seriously. Though he poke
fun at your furbejews, mark his ewb
goings and comings with keen ob
Fer is man less mindful of his adorn,
ment than is woman? Are net the slot
machine mirrors a witness te his van.
Even the husband who smiles nt hit
wife's cosmetics indulges secretly In til.
facial mnssnge of his barber. As worn.!
sprinkles, French cnu-de-colegne uwS
her handkerchief, se mnn luxuriates In
the shampoo, with its aspersions of
perfume. '
Foolish is she who drapes herself In
sackcloth. Fer her days shall be spent
In loneliness. The ways of the con.
sclcntieuB oMrcter nre like unto a crab
Yeu never con be sure in what dlree.'
Hen he will turn.
Even ns you turn your back utxin
your mirror, se also will he turn Mi
face in the sntr.e direction.
CopvrleM, lit. lv Public cdff,P Cewa
Old Stuff!
Women's jewelry in the Egyptian lif.
of fiOOO years age often bore a clout
resemblance te present-day ernntncnti
Sold Everywhere
Ever try it?
In all ear Stores
LAVA-VAR nished
woodwork reflects
favorably en House
wives' care and thrift.
.At rii c:uu.r- A11
"""-""". court
Manufacturers of Celers, Paints and
Varnishes Since 1863
I ,, Made only by flgWf-' ?
r.1. 'Tin R. T. French II WK"--jdih TStl-
iVZiiTr: d AiiHsSi-R
SSssSSLf 'h3V '
in ' ii 4