Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 16, 1922, Night Extra, Page 7, Image 7

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i. ,
Mostly Unsettled
U . KVr."
Organ plays at 9 n ahd 4:45
Stere Closes at 5
Stere, Opens at 9
Miey "" vii..- -..
.1 K v!
The Crisp Air
The Great Nut-Bearing Trees
of the Seuth
pecans, Spanish walnuts, old as they are, are still
bearing their rich, healthful fruits. i
1 Why net likewise men and women, unworn by
I ge and heart-young and
I 1 r....!4 nf Avnnmaniia
ripenea uhh w 5.. .u t.jeUU.., w hv .
bless the world and 'te make life easier for these who
come after them.
We mustnt live altogether in the past, but strive
heartily and constantly te shed around us for the
younger set, a golden haze of Jiepe te mark their path
into happy new years.
'October 16, 1922.
Women's Fur
Finished Coats
at $145
IT IS pleasant te hear, as wc
de repeatedly, that ours is
the best collection of fine coats
for young women in the city.
A GROUP of beautiful coats
today at $145 bears out
the statement.
'T'HEY ARE made of the
most luxurious quality of
bolivie a quality known
under its trademarked name
S3 going into only the finest
wraps made.
'THEY HAVE great cellars
and sometimes cuffs
also of beaver, squirrel,
black or platinum wolf, or kit
line, bloused and circular
models. They are in malay
or marten brbwn, kit-fox
gray, navy or black all very
finely lined and warmly inter
lined. And sizes 14 te 20 are
in the group.
Other handsome coals for
young women go up te $350.
(Second Fleer)
' "Le Petit Fxere" and
"La Petite Soeur"
Matching outfits for the little
brother and the little sister of
2 te C years. Composed of
coat and hat te match, with
leggings also, if desired.
The charming little coats are
copied from a quaint French
model imported by us. We have
bad them made in a raspberry-colored
woolen coating.
Little differences in cut and
Jnish distinguish the boy's coat
from the girl's.
Set of coat and hat, 520.
Leggings te match will be
eue te measure if desired, at
light additional cost.
250 Women's
Sweaters, Special
at $5
Mostly wool and in the tux
m style which women arc
asking for te wear for golf
under coats. There are also
. n shp"en sweaters, nnd a
"wll number of handsome
silk sweaters.
ikEVeJ?' one has bccn Jenst
"iree times as much and some
even mere than this.
(Wrt AlnU)
What q Wenderfd Sweeper
te Clean the Whole Heuse
Without a Bit of Electricity !
Just the easy pushing at the pistol-like handle
operates the Vacuette.
But it cleans as clean as can be, and is se simple
'hat it can hardly fail.
Ball bearings make it run easily, almost silently.
Ane one gear in all the machine drives the fan te create
e powerful a suction that no particle of dirt can escape
and, with it all, there's nothing te get out of order.
But one could go en indefinitely telling about the
advantages, the unending conveniences of the Vacuette.
A he one sure way of knowing what it will de for you is
te see it.
. And an expert is here every day te tell the whole
fresh, still bearers of the
anil niieilnin in anfinVi atlrl
New Lace Tunic
Blouses at $8.50
In the pretty bright radium
laces, in black, brown and a few
in navy.
They are worn ever a costume
slip of silk or satin, and the effect
is that of an entire dress. Twe
styles, one with a panel of crepe
de chine
down the
(Third Fleer)
Four Exceptional
Medels in New
A Madame Lyra slip-en girdle
is of beautiful pink brechc and
elastic, with short bones ever the
abdomen. $7.
A corset for large women is
heavily reinforced ever the hips
and in back. It ha? a very low
top and a long skirt. $10.50.
An American Lady slip-en
girdle of broche and clastic has
clastic all around the low top.
A splendid model for tall fig
ures is topless, with clastic sec
tions. It is moderately boned and
has bread steels in front, with
geed clasps. $3.50.
(Third Fleer)
Semi-Made Dresses
for Wee Children
Little Swiss dresses te be com
pleted for youngsters of C months
te 2 years. They are in kimono
styles, Berne hemstitched and some
scalloped, and all with embroid
ered sprays besides. The scal
loped sorts are $1.50, the hem
stitched $2.
Leck for them in the White
'Goods Stere.
(First Fleer)
14 Celers in
Fine Peiret
Twill at $2.50
An admirable quality for
the smartly tailored dress.
Net only the favorite dark
blues, but geed brewna,
green, mehawk and
shades, as well as
All 40 inches wide.
(Flrat Fleer)
if c mi w
tn If H
of the New Winter Season Pervades
Something New and Something Altogether Levely Greets the Eye
&Fleer. It Is Amazing te Think Hew Many Lands Are Represented
Brought Frem All Over the World!
$100 Fur-Trimmed Coats Are
Preferred by Many Women
Ne one will wonder at it who sees the marvelously beau
tiful coats which bear this price. And there are se many
styles te cheese from ! There is no finer assortment of $100
coats in Philadelphia,- according te women who have looked
In four of the prettiest models the material is a warm
soft belivia, silk lined and interlined. There are huge cellars
and cuffs of kit fox or large cellars of beaver.
One coat shows the Balkan blouse, ending in a wide
stitched belt and full skirt ever which hang pointed panels.
The cellar and cuffs are of beautifully blended kit fox.
As many as three styles are of belivia with huge beaver
cellars, and another is of finely wove tweed in soft gray or
tan mixture or plaid, with cellar of natural or dyed wolf.
(First Fleer)
Women's Metal Cleth
Evening Gowns $65 te $80
Half a dozen models, carried out in various
charming metal cloths the simple silver, geld and
steel; and the metal shot with lovely color rose,
green, orchid, blue.
The designs are rather simple and rather pic
turesque, and the gowns altogether are striking
instances of the richness which can be had for a
small outlay prices being $65 te $80.
(First Fleer)
The Fashion for
grows stronger every day. Never
have velvets been se exquisite of
texture, se glowingly beautiful in
color and se adapted te the new
clinging lines of gowns and
The most beautiful velvet of
all, as supple as the finest silk, is
in evening colors, 40 inches wide
and $10 a yard. Needless te say,
it is every thread silk.
Anether all-silk velvet, chiffon
weight, in all colors and plenty of
black (which is very scarce), 40
inches wide, is $7 a ynrd.
Millinery velvets, 18', i inches
wide, in all the wanted millinery
colors, plain and paen, $2 te ?4
a yard.
(First Fleer)
Mirror Black
Vase Lamps
Fine mirror black Chinese
vases, each mounted with cast
brass, geld finished, and equipped
with two lights; price, 550 each.
They suggest themselves for use
in a room of moderate size, and
would be particularly attractive
in pairs en davenport tables.
Shades may be had for $25 te
(Fourth Fleer)
New Upholstery
Materials -
Most extensive assortment of
xiphelstery materials we have
ever shown!
"Such beautiful fabrics for dra
peries!" "What a handseme piece for
These are often heard in the
Upholstery Store since the
Autumn fabrics have coma in.
There are some exceptionally fine
veleurs, velvets, mehairs, tap
estries, damasks, armures and
reps at $1.50 te $15 a yard.
Fer draperies of nil sorts, there
are veleurs, reps, madias, case
ment cloth, armure, fiber silks,
etc., and most of the lighter
weight materials are sunfast col
ors. $1 te $15 n yard.
There is something here for
every room in the house and for
every type of house.
(rifth Fleer)
Part of
The Piane That Lincoln
TN THOSE dark days of the Civil War, it was
J- a Schemacker piano that steed in the White
Heuse at Washington a sweet-toned, gold geld
stringed Schemacker piano that rested the soul
of Abraham Lincoln, in the brief intervals he
could snatch from care.
Today, as then, the
is the favorite of these who love sweetness and
tone in a piano. The sixty years since Lincoln
loved it have taken nothing from, but rather
added much te its prestige.
The original Schemacker piano, made in
Philadelphia since 1838, is sold only by Jehn
Schemacker uprights are priced $725. up.
Schemacker grands are priced $1150 up.
Instruments of their quality could net be
made and sold for less.
Inferior instruments will never give the sat
isfaction of the genuine old Schemacker piano.
It is always purchasable en convenient terms.
(Ecypflaa Hall. Herein! Fleer)
the Wanamaker Stere
Paris Sends
Trimmings of Metal
and Leather
The metal gives the fashion
able glitter and the leather sup
plies the color. Besides trimming,
the dresses, they are frequently
used for belts or girdles.
One kind is composed of a
scries of long, narrow metal
slides, run through with leather.
$3 a yard. Anether is in scal
loped form, the metal and leather
being used in combination. $0 a
There is still a third, a leather
fringe, in grey, brown or black,
with metal clips, at $7 and $0 a
(Main Fleer)
An Unparalleled Showing of French, English
and American Hats of Informal Character
"Sports" millinery has come te
mean almost any kind of simple
hat that a woman puts en for
walking, metering, general coun
try wear, or street wear in town.
Wanamaker's has come te sig
nify the unquestionably best
place te be sure of finding a wide
variety of such hats, of in-
Today Reynard Is
at His Finest
We have just new in the Fur
Salen a splendid collection of the
big, simple animal boas which are
at once se picturesque and se
satisfactory foxes in various
shades of dyed gray, in beige, in
tan, in brown, black, white, taupe
and blue, net te mention the fine
natural blue. Prices for these
run from $75 for platinum te
$375 for natural blue.
However, we have ether foxes
black, brown and taupe as low
as $35
(Second Fleer)
Pink Silk Chemises
Envelope chemises of pink
crepe de chine, with lace trim
ming, are $5; ethers of pink ra
dium in tailored styles are $5,
?5.50 and 55.75.
(Tlilnl Fleer)
The Time for Buying These Living
Roem Suits Is Running Short
Quantities are limited, and after Thursday next these living-room suits
will no longer be available.
$190 and $295 3-piece suit, in blue figured
velour. Cane backs with loose spring cushion
seats nnd pillows for the backs.
$225 3-piece overstuffed suit, covered with
blue figured velour.
$230 3-piece overstuffed suit in tapestry.
$250 3-piece overstuffed suit, with spring
arms, tapestry covered.
$320 3-piece overstuffed suit, with hand
carved base and tapestry covering.
$360 3-piece overstuffed suit, covered with
blue figured velour.
variably geed style and distinc
tive character.
Plain felts and veleurs; em
broidered duvetyns, velvets and
felts; hatter's plush, chenille,
moufflen and wool. In high or
dark colors, simply but perfectly
Priced from $8 upward.
Slippers of Brown
Silk Brocade
A shade of brown that
will harmonize with most
gowns of brown crepe,
silk or velvet, and will
also go charmingly with
blue" gowns.
Made with the Spanish
heel, medium rounded tee
and one instep strap.
Priced $12 a pair. In
black silk, brocade also,
at the same price.
(First Fleer)
It Matters a Let Hew
Hair Is Cut
Beys' and girls' hair can be cut
in such a way as te improve or
mar their appeaiance. Alse, it
can be cut in such a way as te
keep the children happy and
pleasant or te make them ex
tremely uncomfortable. The bar
bers in the Children's Barber
Shep understand children, as well
as everything about hair!
It is best te make appoint
ments se that there will be no
(riilril Fleer)
5000 Yards of
Linen Crash
Toweling, 40c a
Geed, sturdy, all-linen crash,
woven from supener yarns
and with red or blue Lerders.
( I'lrHt 1 luer)
OCTOBER is the month of Halloween and it
doesn't take much wisdom te knew that when
one sees the Candy Stere! All the black witches
and pumpkin-colored favors, Jack Herner pies, bon
bons, etc., are a-glow with it! There's everything te
make the Halloween party mere fun than ever!
Prices are moderate, loe.
(Down Stnlr Stere)
The Oriental Rug Sale That
People Wanted
The Rugs That People Want Are in This Sale
They Are Marked at Lewer-Than-Usual Prices
These are the two outstanding facts of the Sale.
Yeu may want a small rug, a large rug, or a rug of any
size in between.
This is the Sale in which you are most likely te find the
very piece you are looking for.
There is a wonderful wealth of carpet-size, Persian and
Chinese, all of fine quality and at very moderate prices.
Of particular note among the smaller rugs are some Serapis
in rich all-ever designs done in rose, dark and light blue and ecru,
sizes 3.6 x 4.6 ft. at $55 te 4.6 x 6.6 ft. at $95.
Chinese pieces, with blue grounds and tan and ecru figures.
w .... uw v .. w j.w. vx
at Every Few Steps Along Every
in This Glorious New Merchandise,
(Fifth Fleer)
The Man's Shirt for Fall
Is the One With a Cellar te Match
Ne doubt about it, men like the idea.
All of which, leads up te the fact that some of
the best shirts with separate cellars have just get in.
Saying "the best" means the best ever, for the woven
madras is exceptionally fine soft and serviceable.
And the patterns? well, a pin stripe must be as neat
as a pin !
Cellars, by the way, are the latest shape, rather
low and slightly cut outward at the bottom.
Price, ,$3.50.
Every Husky Man en the Street
Needs a Shee
Of course, a husky shoe is one
that is armored everywhere for
And of all the shoes that come
along, none leeks better than the
new oxfords that have just
landed from England.
Big, roomy, comfortable shoes
Halloween Costumes
are full of the
jelly spirit of
the famous
"even." Chil
dren's cambric
huits are in
expensive: Rabbit suits
are $1.7 5;
yama y a m a
suits arc $2.
At $2.50, there
are clowns.
Jack and Jill, devils, darkies,
Jiggs and Maggie, a Mexican
gentleman, etc.
Children's mere elnberate suits
are of sateen in Bey Blue at
$3.50; Colonial dame at $8 and
gypsy at $8.50.
Adults' costumes are $4 te $10.
(seirntll Fleer)
Extra-Size Bungalow
Aprons, $1
Twe or three hundred colored
percale aprons in extra sizes may
be had this morning for a dollar
a substantial reduction from their
first price.
(llilril rienr)
jiiv-cu. tlb ptJ LU tpUU,
$375 3-piece overstuffed suit, with covering
of figured taupe-colored mohair.
$383 3-picce overstuffed suit, covered with
fawn-colored mohair.
$450 3-piece overstuffed suit, covered with
taupe-colored mohair. Hand-carved base and
spring arms.
$513 3-piece overstuffed suit, tapestry cov
ered. $320 3-piece overstuffed suit, covered with
fawn-colored mohair with geld background.
Just as Husky
rather after the fashion of a
Made of Scotch grain calf
skin, tan naturally, with thick
white oak soles and lined from
tee te heel with bleached calf.
What a shoe for all weatherl
Price $13.
Men's Sheer
with three kinds of tape bor
ders and hand-rolled hems are
just the handkerchiefs te have
initials embroidered en, and it
is well te order hand-work
done early. They are about
the nicest gift handkerchiefs
for men. $2 each, $22 dozen.
Beys' Woven-Celer
Handkerchiefs, 75c
Firmly woven linen hand
kerchiefs have striped borders
and hemstitched hems in wov
en colers: tan, blue, pink, lav
ender or rose. $8.25 dozen.
(Main Fleer)
Te Help the Fun
Halloween noise - makers of
every description arc 5c te 25c
Novelties are 5c te $1.50.
(Sctcnth Fleer)
Decorated Filet
Laces Hand-Dene
Seme arc Richelieu filet and
some Russian; both are loose,
irregular and very artistic, used
in table runners, piano covers,
curtains, pillows, lamp shades and
ether things.
Richelieu filet prices run from
S2.75 for the 11 -inch te $5.50 for
the 21 -inch widths.
Russian filet prices go from
$2 for the 11-inch te $5.50 for the
24-inch width.
(Main l'lnnr)
(Hftrnth Fler)
w ,nt(1ftewji Ah ,,
y3..!L''JvrWIX)?.Mwi) frly- we, n.u-te' hi