'I 1 !X" '08, bit ed, ' 000 It flu- 001, ted; let; an nl( ion. AN anl or.: ' at! rs ab!i pint t ak ant. en lira per- ir.i IV ; IL pf. m. 189. Ul! )N : Sier ath. il'jn. t. apt. a. j rs 0 ptt. julll. rden cur erat til- ilirul lUt room jJeJ. raiTl' neni Willi d. TUB iwttn ' anla trad' .U )mbr , wl'l Wat; wool 0. p art Va( (lid then m. -r m -r--- " . . -"' mr - - ' - r '' THE WORLD OUTSIDE W By HAROLD Hulling tery of a fight fr $7,000,00$ mnil m btmutiful mitt VtH th' author cf "Th Mmn en th M "Lnck t th, Mth!' I '. CetirtfM, III,' fey Irf . ..' iihi .' "'VIZ..' riUiiir ilrenr into i?fiSD 'hem7 De .wert. th &?&& "i?!lyffa i'rvi .Mt fl tllutier IllfO naperua i.h. and Htt, 1ia.nltenartemhti humdrum iWe. ' a'tiuJV of .tipper onflew out 7 smiarl ,lu A Bey's Quiet Life JV ubat you would cell companion '. . ... i. ninnfness was serene; II ."L.t.f TdM'iltADliXl "- -"- i' . . .1.. VnfnKit WAR 8fnei ItC m l.rlr In the morning nnd returned We j tac V- " ", UD,rltl riy , --- . . mm.. .k. in the any. in me "" - , ?fflV,!hllen tb. perch; in : tbe t Mir before the Arc there. H nlways lnt.er:. , ., t l..lMiMt 8. Then I'd rDt te lien " """ 1 WBR . i.. .,! hn trin iii.v ivm"b . .. au Hnnillntf FW' " ,,.n- .e,nl.l of him. though I . . n little nirum -- m7 ..,.i,i ,,r hnnn ." il I"- " ... Ain't knew wny ' " - . ?.DH he ever give you nny reason for Briag In thlVbele?' "Ve He never w"""- -, ' inuhr1. liummed S. , or Fcemed te take any Interest h the notions going en about bin.. Jbc Sh he ecn smiled. hU attitude S, Jny. that of a man deeply no orbed In tbeugbt." "Did be crer answer .. "" Ve. Klther I or Mm. Heme an- nrmd the bell. He bad ainina u. Kid nothing te de with the vll- " ' . ha had the iL'slnMlncts of frugality., I neve. KUmiandneWIfeeiry cr Um. Net a trtcnti m i.e "--. --, u I knew." . The adventurer .tared into hi. wine. ' "Titkc the Merchant of Venice, wen Mn.nrre(t. defensively. "Why dete ft, world hnte him se? They toeV h lm, d they took hi. dauHucr J hat did be Ret out of that deal, that 111 aheiild neiesi " The adventurer emptied his glnM of nunundynnd refilled It. He looked Mringlr nt Hnncrett. who pushed hi Uet toward the bottle. Hew noeut iue ira "-' nV . .. 1 "Be you heard about that.' it ' 4Lte anything. It trill be this town nnd Its inhabitants, meugu x u .. te either." . , , . "And you never felt the desire te dear out and see what the world was ?. thousand tlmfi. But caution always held me in. Supposing l leiieii. Ind had te come Blinking back? It wu the fear that I might fall m ser- tby that kept me nere. j.ui. "-""" like timidity. Perbnpe it Is. I m no judge. But It will be seen that 1 lest nothing by having patience. I m lentut. The law of uverugcB gives me plenty of time te go, a-venturing, uui low about you? Yeu roust have seen lemethlng of this worm.- Tbe adventurer welcomed thla open IDS with secret satisfaction. Te thrill thli yeune mind, tantalize it, bewilder It. Se be Bpeke of Europe. Asia, Africa, the Seuth Seas; books, the Ittit picture galleries, cathcdraU and temples. Thruugb It nil Uancreft sipped his wine and trled te visualize these verbal enchantments. Here were the places he had dreamed of when a ter tbe great ana glewlnu world out fide. A temple in the Burma duat, a smiling lagoon In the summer seas. "I am going te give you n little ad vice," concluded the narrator. "Ge away for a few months." "Why?" , , '11iAn..A n mrun aa tha wnrlll lOArnfl 'about your richea, all manner of men- ruennts win lie mining in your uuii way, Creeks In foreign cars, charity committees, relief organizations, oil rrometcnt, book agents), female vain- Ires, onllnery thugs in nepc3 or your eitiK tool eneucli te keen large sums of money about. Your mnil will mount wait high, for you will be en every miciter nit in tiie country, xnerc win be ten thousand Ingenious plana te Henarate von from vetir money, and nine theuiand of them within the law. Yeu rill the (ircat Adventure Company urenoitcreuB : unit until you see some of the ether prospects! And you will tan xer some or them, wny ; uecause you rnn afford te risk a few thousand out of curleMty. Oe away, and Inside of six months you will hnve been for gotten; some ether millionaire's son tvIH be the target. Oe te New Yerk the New llngdnd ! nnd take nnether aamej ivarn Rnmetlilng about human bemgs. Contact! All the learning there ever ns is werthlesa without ceutuct. What's In your head new? Lumber. Contact will tum it Inte polished citron." le print his nernenalltv indelibly wen this receptive mind ; he believed ! .bad accomplished thla. New t tit the boy out of these protected en en Ttreni, where he could say come In or te out, where there was confidence M serenity. Te get him Inte New leri, where diffidence would jostle him en-jae Bide ami confusion en the ether. The boy hnd n pleasant, attractive ace, singularly clear in the skin; tdy, graj eyes. Heme day, when e eyes begnn te obncrve and weigh humanity, they would be difficult te mue. lie was well set up, tee. Se i,,,0 "cite his Imagination and T. . n.wuy 'rem ,h,s stronghold, n.vl 'I0 S'nses of wine hnd exhilarated R0"', Jfc f0,t expansively ehnritn rii.,.0,;ari the future, toward the nast. rt. 7 .'i1" ""Mtalnlnn adventurer, me most lnii..u.i,,n .. i.. t. .. ., 1 tBA rri ".. i nv null vrr Mn' .. Ilne wtls mischicveuB incllna- C.u. .lk1 u,e. u'" thousand, tem it iffii," ;nly te nee hew he would een.nl.t.11"; .,,eck i but Immediately he wnprehended that it was. the wine 5m.WiI u.r.e'"K Mm te make a feel ft V."' a" ' i? J0"' , llff. ""' . . ttinli..: n" h'ng could be franker tat ait v "uu J'rui'eaeii lime we tor ter Gmn. nb.eut th Mt Adventure Sn,B.tebverVWC,,t,jr 'U Ure '"U ". II HIT . I lin.l - 1 .!. "iy nN ? whimsical absurdity." tralin !"U,U"B " wur camp hna idven ,.r V' ,Kepticiin," un d the "enturcr. wIkb ui,ir.i., .i i.i.. fifinS. .i.:,,1,nf- Veu made no rea 1 hiwhhlr "men.K the beya. Yeu were Ien .. ,u l,cm, ami uu tne wnne uirnnimf ir r .. r.' . .. .K0w I... new i'..r "". u mix i but didn't airn.,1 .wpieer; all yi "men from bonk,, ,,. imL nil full linveA It h.,i-(re.m b.oek8 was lumber, since When 'tnUK,,t ? te he a mixer. NreVw ,.wcnt '"t0 town-the one w ,, '"'"I'-Jeu ent alone and .itfi .W t,lu ,nubMc llbrn,,y- Yeu tower- .V .sl'?et ""J"1 or curKP hgwfffcSJ... lint ...Yeu escaped t th . . 'Bl;1eu' middles found out ti , TiSrf tl,nt c"u'd iike your ? can e'.n. "felf 1':. ma nil juu urrur JirtULlirn 8B, kit n rcr ,u:tcI- Nobody liked -.. .veiacteu you uecause you 'Us tl" ttflfl BIMHNS THE BTOItY filfiF? 2 tllrlt. mMertei maenatt. who Pv&JL n eollVefer of antltH$ em4 rare - IT tL" (?ndi MwSilf (n ,ft control . I !!"".;. inerefaliied ctW?!f!!k .iSSl i gKs,r,iWB.r fiyM&r iiiiipi -..i. iiinHfiriiiMia ninfli. ninvn r MacGRATH ltVT I. JTareM JfaeOrat v made a tiptop, soldier by the time the war blew up. Bufyeui ought te thank yeurstare that you never get as far aa Hoboken." -K , "I wanted te get Inte lt" "A war medal te being home and flaunt at the villagers. Yeu didn't want mud and death ; you wanted glam our, the excitement of .crossing the ocean, of teeing foreign cflles, the pretty girls, and all that. Wbat this? Ileal apple pie, as I live, with, clnuu- "And a second piece, if you want it, Mr," yald Mrs. Heme, bustling out. . ."Would you like another bettle7" asked Bancroft, with aly Intent. "Would you? Ne, young, man, you could net get me drunk under four bottles, and by that time you would be under the tabic. I use my education, and It tells me 'ware of strong drink. A little exhilaration new and then will net hurt anv one. But hew few. of us ere Rtreng enough te halt thla side of the line? Would you like another bottle?" "Ne," said Bancroft, readily admit Hug his failure, but free of chagrin. , "What are you going te de with all this money?" Bancroft's hand went te hi brew, his fingers Inte hie thick brown iiair. "I don't knew.. Spend some of It, give neme ef.lt nway. I don't wunt te waHtc It; I want te de geed with it. and I want te have , a decent geed time, tee. But hew nnd where te be gin thnt's what bcwlldcra me. With en income of ten thousand a year, 1 Kheuld he veiy1 happy. But .mere than a quarter of a million, when a twenty dollar bill still leeks aa big aa all Wt Wt doers! If you had set your adventure nt a (millten, 1 might have jumped , N"My mistake," eald the ether, dryly. "Yeu can still offer it, however. Yeil are n free agent. Your fnther'a will was without tequests or conditions." 'I can spend If like n sailor, or go 1 accumulating it. Did you see the we; but I was given a gist of It." It's a literary curiosity ; one of the Bdenesi wiin en record. Whenever feel myself getting foggy I take out my COnr nnd retlll It. I Urn r.l If vnnx. self and tell me what you thinkef it." lie halleil till. unvAlnnn hiwiM fKa table., The adventurer stored at .it rather stonily. ".?-?P' ""d " Mll Bancroft. Impatiently. "It's worth reading." thus urged, the stranger 'drew the envelope toward him and extracted the iiiHirumciu, nnu smoothed It out upon the tablecloth. KNfJW ALL BY THESE PRES ENTS : Bclnt hale nnd sound mentally, whatever my body may he, .1 leave 4e my son, Collingswood Jeremliih Bpncreft, all my real and personal property, unconditionally, without let or hindrance. There will be no debts te pay. I had twenty odd years of Intensive pleasure In gathering these funds and properties. My son, if he fe pleases, may dissipate it In aa many months. ' (Cepv) SILAS BANCROFT. "Ne debts te pny," mused the ad venturer, his roving glance touching the chnlrB, the books in the room bevend. the vases. He returned the will te Its envelope. The Beginning of Adventure "Ne bequeste. Even Mrs. Heme, who has been housekeeping since I was n baby, received nothing. All mine te riue te lieu with, if I wnnt te!" Bitterness, eh? The wine had rent a corner of the reserve. The boy waa uinvr in me aeuir 30 much tee bet ter. In New Yerk, with this bitterness which was bred of loneliness, and n thousand, temptutiens nt his elbow. Ne debts te pay! "Well, what de you think of It?" asked Bancroft. "De you want the truth; or, rather, de you want my honest opinion?" "Yes.' "Well, then, by the way he brought you up and by. the way he flings this fortune nt your feet, I should say that he expected it te destroy you. I'll go further. Supposing you're net Silas Bancroft a beii. What would be mere exquisite thnn te brin you up mere or less like a pauper and then te destroy you with tee much money?" "Ne; that won't de nt all. I was born In this village; net the least mys tery en that side. The myBtery is why I was brought up like a pauper (te quote you) and given all this money In the end. Thnt's the real problem." ' It waa merely a supposition, Yeu asked me what I thought." Somewhere a clock beat out tbe hour. "Nine? I must be off. (Jet te maka Kaw v.b by midnight." "ie train until morning," "Oh, I have a car at the curb." The adventurer rose. "Yeu won't dispose of the cellar?" "Ne." "Ner the library?" "Ne. I'd hang en te that If I Were as peer as .Teb'B turkey. They made it iHiKHlblc for me te survive the ap pellation of miser's son these books " 'Vhen your fellow townsmen len'rn the truth, they'll, forgive you; nnd having forgiven you, they'll fawn upon you." And te this irenv Um n.i..... addc.1: "The women will thnmr thai. daughters toward you instead of away from you. But remember tin. rnnii.T. crew who dropped his cheese." "Net even the usunl horse-trough me morial. I ewe this vlIloBe nethlnr " The promoter of adventure ntrr - comment, but proceeded Inte the li brary for his portfolio and thence into the hall for hla hat and raincoat. ijiB wina is uymg down," he said, "but It Is still ruining hard." "Take along an umbrella. Yeu can lenve it nt the hotel." "You'll trust me. then, with a bum bum bum bcrshoet? "Take your pick. There never was an umbrella in this house worth mere than fifty cente." "All right, since you are willing te risk It. But bear In mind my advice about clearing out for a few months. There's no place like New Yerk te hide in. If you come te New Yerk, leek me up at the Bolivian Emerald Company's offices." "I will," premised Bancroft care lessly. The adventurer went out, nnd the deer waa closed quickly upon hit heels. Ne word of thanks for the hospitality, no offer of the hand; but Bancroft's thoughts were already busy elsewhere, se tbe rudeness passed unnoted. He get the book en antiques and re turned te the desk In the library. 0. J. K. Paid Kennedy In full. Was thcre nny connection between the" au thor and the man his father had pnld in full? If se, then it signified that this unknown man hnd once owned all the choice tilings In the house, the books and vases ns well or tha chairs, But why were they here if his father had paid Kennedy in full? Well, he bad tbe publisher h naiue and address; and probably Snell would knew some thing. He Bhut down upon these cogitations bernuse they threatened te bewilder ns well nR oppress him, and studied the photograph of Ocorse Bellman atid read the xynepslH of his truly remarkable adventures ai promoted by the Great Adventure Company. CONTINUEDTOMOBROW. i IBERHJR THE GUMPS-TeuefiamlGim "S , ttLisfttus tmn. Vtti UK It - M 'TMCN OtMlit frunMme 'pel etvttt t-euft. MUCM eVC wsvtxn EllC CA,lT VOCK- tMtttNt m tot. HVMMV 13O.O0OW 5 ll r4-.ii HI- JLJL I j SOMEBODY'S STEtiQGToe Bad, XJamI - BA-Bfer! Le6kA"T THaTSH&kJ Siy Feet if he's A Reudb.'OH N&U Cellar ad! .1 Bet he Cd&ld f LUTTER 10UR HEART SQME. WHEW W& fiETSfiiAlfii- HE UOKD RliSHT OVfil HERE HES ' The Yeung Lady Aereaa the Way The young lady across the way says she hates te see se much class consciousness In this country, and the sophomores ought te remember that only, last year they tee were freshmen. i , -n Vitka.. - a ' C t .tf-aVSJataa lj ittZF S t PETEYIt Clears Up Considerable ' I,,, I ,, j aaaa.a.- J fal' I Cnma.T UV TaWm...,- il,. . Z-Z XJJ BaPaaa(WSae GASOLINJE ALLEY-Going Back Inte History WAS VMEMTINaTi OAV. HUE DOGRaeLl UAKtfNEO MB. AT DawliCmt. Slipping into a BKTHROBG I HURRIED Te TMtr - - r . .j DOOft. WONDERlNO WMO COVUO WAMT ME AT THAT OMEAttTHlV HOUR ggl k CS..t.a .a. a- ' f" . """U-W'tlt NW tUUU IO - ww- . J UtCtl IKCWWSU r , i&j&s. r,,5,- h."'5 "'"5 y hf-: -tS - g.lS550V V -a. fisa sat" iv J x ' ,"" .V-r P ii AlnlaL W4 rlU 2i jMiLf -'"tattHam-JaBBaiikat :3WL lmM '& PaW - a.lllHialHkSaiaBflgB HgM Wm .J . -VaaaBCBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBrBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBi aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBiaKv "I aV.BBBBBBBBBBBBBB aBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBaBBBBB aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBMCiV . UBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI VX' kaHBBBBBBBBBBBBB -t --- i mrimttk h txdu J?iu.en re k rtixx K 1M TaXr ,. seu ert MC k CWmH UOV3- ITiS AieT ThCMl IhiERE, POWER SAMILIA16 ! OtOILED I'AA VOT NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS V- S 1 -. " .w .. A HhV T .J JP lgB "J X6f. 7Lalllh&'aaBBatU IM I THerMS a Ceal WACerf BAcx-ate -'".' ' " ' jwr . Twwv .cmkni WIMOOVM . WAS WHAT VBrtrieM fiCjOTT SAlO Te ED FlGOfraS A0 IT $MT tO HUSHlMG ACKTfHl5 KeOaaVArlO MAQg HIM Hiss A TrtAiM AtiO URYTrtiNC. i i K3H - r V IHERE ON MM OOOR&TtSP LAN H I BROUGHT HIM IN AND HE 1 WT7T" B J. CODOLtTO IM THIS UTTtE BASKET H SMILED AT ME. PlNNSD Te gWi WALT"VOl WOF COUESE VOU THS BRIGHTEST. EN ED BABN M f DRESS WAS THIS LlTTtE JUST MUST LET mv, MRS BlOSSOM J ilT TJJT bfeSN THE 1 g OTC BESIDE WHAT YOU SEe C 7 UT JUSTtReMrTM0fe .. . BH . a,-,,. .. - wr-.a fJaaH iir nCKC IHtKC VVft CD I mtl Mate m W JFtf W& K i i JUT WTTUL TcKec AflPotfme tm tei. K0mt t tot- p TeGrw lkW W e.lTM)lkHt OP THeM tkZk tO Xtt k.. HUMT LU 0Kt."t- -- V tte NDU Mfid? COM OMe eVNt J . . - -- . .m w i. . a w v r aaa . , - Ht VWKGD'. OH HEAVEAIS HE LOOk'ErTHE3LAOATAE., I KAiOW MCt 80T S&U CAA4T TELL .A7 vhich Doer peaaaajce is KUOCKIeM' THESE DAVS SO ILL A LICTOO. IF HES A!0T HAffO IN in&ewv. .nt..-.- -fCC ACTLY FARTHEST MeKTH. -x By - ' . Z ' K "JRi? vtr 7S; H s . ' X -hK J jZxss:- . . .Tar aaaai '"- law.tmsn HNXUHtKC NOT fQai AO AI ,,T.., . y , . ,r- -r- I ION' 1 .TtX1 I1U1 f., -r- -r.- at . ,re VSOSBS . 1W 1? H6HIN NEVIOC. OHr HtttO' VtErr- NOOVt GOT TH "Wt.D F1?6CtNCt AtV. UNtt UP reft fil ? HWM . TrNCrS 600t- VWAt? .HCvM MUCH 90 NOW HWCl? COM VtlU TKLX t BULLS eye', he's COM1M6 OVER! xpyriw. FONTAINE FOX SCHOOL C -I 9kJjSK . r a V rrtUJ ' " ' "PafcaaaagMiM a-raa .. .,,,,,., , , , , -TrmTltmM1L-j;; - ''SaPt j' ? aVMocK aVMecK aVMocK eeuvEft t -ruir4K Mt-W VrA OMfH IMNfc P ev OVieR - M - Vlttt Fvnty neitlPilercd P. HOW LUAICH, T "' DAYS fm am ' reH i 0Hl I DOM'T ) MI4p! fr-f l DOM'7 , ) mm vrMm c..s u msrs , by riiMit IMftr C ) H I - f fBBmS iV- SieMvcHAae few. M&klM& ViV&wrnVW By - n,ootvt - - n,ootvt - - n,eotvt - 1 r4Vt"mv N VlS RUNMN6 PeR 0piCi V). COVIVNT vvs eui Me-tt- X'Te Wr STtVTYTINai ORCkMlZiVTtONS TO OET MS MOMW FOM NOT eVHCTtO VT V,. "TOVJCtH MTtlt TOIt - I Ck HttP jHt meMC ermwcj wmt twMttN UtsTOH.e KHt RM.i TKVf - - I - I I a - - . BilBMBBM I Tgg J .L Val D4SagH By Hayward ratrnt Offlrn ABOUT SWEETV I . tt'MA'TWIfcBin' fU By DWIO By C. A. Voight By King li it ailvartTa- i au r-tj..1. ."k .Vtfi? lii J?k ''-----DHslig nngggV I' '""' "i1 ,""a--nltTBata'al laMaffalaTaTaTaTaTaTaTM isf