W n i F mm It mr m i w fe.s, 'KELT WANTEP-MAL ftOBIERT -Yeunit man wanted for office of Urira hosiery mill; must be able te write a Reed business letter! Rlve past experience and alary desired. Address U"'J, 1'. U. llex. untiti. INSTRUCTOR swimming- Instructor wanted for new peel connected with boys' Institu tion! state aae, experience, references and alary desired, 1' 1324, ledger Office. JANITOR for factory offlcet active, rellnbU 'man wanted' reference required! per manent Jeb. Applv Employment Depart Fieiit. Abrasive Ce.. Tacony and Krnley sta., Irldesbtirg. Frnnkferd leOP JOINERS and carpenters wanted, plenty work, considerable overtime, bring tools, tun Shipbuilding Ce.. Chester l'a. Toke Hibway nurfnre car 37. Market st. laborers, laborers (WIIITE) FOR TRACK WOIIK IS.SO TER DAT TOAIdHT TIME. RAIN OR SHINE FREE TRANSPORTATION ROARD ADVANCED call a. c. r. r. or n. j. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 123 N. 15TH bT. LAHORERS ine wanted; steady work for men who ere willing and cnpnbln tn de bard werlc; adv. assured for men who learn work quickly. Telephone. Mr. Smith, Ard- mere sii, I.AUORERS wanted. Applv Jeseph P. Cattle i Urns nnnl anil latterly sts. MACHINISTS BOILERMAKERS CAR INSPECTORS CAR REPAIRMEN FOR RAILROAD WORK STEADY EMPLOYMENT AT STANDARD WAGES PLENTY OF OVERTIME J7REE DOARD AND TRANSPORTATION APPLY TO COMPANY OFFICE 123 N. 18TH ST. PHILADELPHIA. PA. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF NEW JERSEY OPEN DAILY. 7 A. M. TO 5 P. M. MANAGERS PRODUCTION MANAUEKS. SALES MANA GERS, ENGINEERS AND EXECUTIVES READ THIS Oct. 7. 1021 Personnel Mnnacer. Philadelphia. Pa. Last month nine mn were pro moted te exccutlve positions with this organization. An these men were selected from our Sales De partment, their advancement leaves openings for a tlmllnr number of men who desire the opportunity te become connected with us and be come available for advancement In the very near future. Would suggest your running an advertisement and selecting from the applicants these, who. In your opln(eti possess the qualities for which we are looking If ou use the same care In this ns you have done In the pxst. these new men should be available for promotion in a very few weeks. Would recommend yur attending te this at once, ns we contemplate opening many mere offices very seen, and men from our Sales De partment must be available and rejdy at that tlme for their pro motion te Sales Executive posi tions. Sincerely yours. ROLAND STENcZEL. Manager. New refer te our advertisement appearing lewhere under th cap tion "HETTER PAY THAN EVER HEFORE." and sue what it Is that vv e offer MANAGER WANTED Fer Installment fur. nlture house, must be qualified te tike complete charge of an entire establishment In every detail, both the bunc and selling, nnd the collections, store is looted In Pennsylvania, about 1.10 miles from Phlla ejeVrtita. In k t'.'y of 3.1.0 10 population; un--,,' usual opportunity for an ambitious man who II Is net ufrnld of work. mi. state refer- ences. and In application set fe-th ex perience nnd with whom, for the Inst five years, and hew presently situated: state sallnry expected; all applications will be treated In cnnlldence M ai)4 Ledger Office. MEN WANTED HAND SANDERS ON CABINET WORK APPLY VICTOR TALKING MACHINE CO. APPLICATION OFFICE 8S COOPER ST. CAMDEN, N. J. MEN Active, energetlc, determined men with a fair education, quick te learn and anxious te advance are needed In local branch of rapidly growing organization veu must be 25 j ears of age or evor. Apply Market10.,; p'ni,,.7"- Va" D"m UM ' 1001 .MECHANICAL ENGINEERS Tn VAfMUm llfl Pnmn,,n.i 1-4. J . UiMvmw,i Z V . '-"Jl- -iii-nu in iiuii :!n?LDepltment surt ei Imbricatien Hn f i n Thc vacayci's reaulra men haMntf w w4iusvi.m wui.iicaiien&; I Mechanical Engineers between ,1.1 and 4u ears of age, having had ' some technical education and a number of jears' practical expe rience In the actual operation of general power plant equipment and i Industrial machinery. Ceal-mlnlng engineer, between HI , 12, 45. '"s,0' . having had some technical education and a I number of years' practical experi ence. In the actual operation of the surface and underground mechani- ' cal e,;u pnient In the mines of the I anthracite fields. Street railway engineer between 3,1 i and 4 j ears of age having had ' some, technical education and a number of years- practical exnerl- I ence In the actual operation of all classes of ttreet railway rolling I We want men who are above the avers p- I Men who will accept responsibility. Men of geed address. DO NOT CALL WRITE TJS GIVING A I CO.MPLEJE Oim.tNK )! YOUR KDUC'A- VS &l7S$vJMJriXrn. STATING AC1E ' VACUUM OIL COMPANY Technical Einplejment Committee. 4th and Chestnut sts., I'hlln. MESSENGERS Beys 10 j ears of age. The work consists of receiving, sertlnir nrvi delivering mall throughout our genera offices. Advancement within a short time Ne previous experience necessary. Kliidiv brine proof of nee. """ Apply Employment Dept. 8 A. M. te B P. M. HEARS. ROEBUCK AND CO v 4040 ROOSEVELT BOULEVARD MECHANICS and helpeis, Applj ISll Lan caster aye. MILLWRIGHTS WITH TOOLS APPLY SLECTRIC BTORAGK 1IATTBRY CO. UTU AND ALLEGHENY AVE. -r HELP WANTED MALE OFFICE ROTS 10 years of ace Heys le enter nur clerical and merchandise division as Inner-department messengers, with the view of promotion te hither posi tions; no experience renulred; kindly brlns proof of age, Apply Employment Depirtment 8 A, M, te 0 V. M. SEARS, ROEDtlCtv AND CO. 4010 Roosevelt lieulevard OLD-ESTAI.MSIIED house has several per manent positions for specialty salesmen, age 23 te 2S icnrs, slnule. saliry $JJ per Week Plus hotel allowance; men must own car; cap nllownnre S4 dally. Appointments by phene cnlv. W. A. Hslrci. Ailclchla Hetel. PAINTERS and pnerhangers wanted amf 1! Keed irt both branches. 1 want Reed mechanics only 00 rents rer heur: steady V.0".-, , A V'"0'"1, Wayne. Pa.. Mimulre ltullcbnc. Phene BS1-J Wayne. RADIO SALESMEN Manufacturer of new and novel receiving set, territory In New i .,'.,"" ""- cniisyivania and .New nv ini ' inn-'V" '."''""unity for hustlers. I 'lox IB1. l.IBi Hreidway. New Yerk. " ;5'E:wif":.R. ""r; ? ... nMien. lone 1 hosiery. i: M Leve and. Tteiil stile ic-s ety .Mills. 1303 Wldener Rids., Phlla- BniVrMATNA(l,:1"r "?.'' "1Cn' " nene't fro fre ducers. I hnve positions waiting, no ex grTM.t0Ta,"'gtlJLr 'Jy '"""'tm.ni enlv' 3 A T Ta ntnntnHin. . ...- LtfXHZ"?'l.i H." .'"' the high-! ......... ........ v.., iu v.i vuuin ei acquaint- 'i t?,,"0" hove enough faith In your I selling nhlltly te work en straight cemmls-1 Mocksen .Moter Ce.. CO? N. Rrend st. SALESMAN WE WANT A SALESMAN; WE CANNOT OFFER THE IARGE SUMS WHICH SOME CONCERNS PROMISE; YOU WON'T RE ADLE TO RE TIRE AFTER YOU HAVE BEEN WITH US A FEW YEARS; OURS 13 A HARD BUSINESS. AND OUR MEN EARN ALL THEY OET; BUT. IF YOU ARE A REAL SALES MAN W I T II TRAVELING BALES EXPERIENCE. IF YOU CAN SELL WITHOUT 8A1ITLES. IF YOU ARE NOT AFRAID OF THE BIO EXECUTIVES. YOU CAN CLEAR FROM $500 TO 1730 EVERY MONTH YOU WORK WITH US; TOU WILL RE CEIVE THE SAME LARGE COMMISSION ON REPEAT ORDERS rOR OUR ADVER TISINO SYSTEM AS FOR NEW BUSINESS; YOU MUST DO CONSIDERABLE TRAVELING. BUT WE WILL CONTINUE YOUR INCOME PART OF THE TIME YOU ARE OrF THE ROAD. WE WILL ARRANGE FOR AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR SALES DIRECTOR. PRO VIDING YOU STATE YOUR AGE. BIRTHPLACE AND PHONE NUMBER. ADDRESS M 232. LEDGER OFFICE. SALESMAN FOR WOVEN LABELS ON COMMISSION" BASIS M 234. LEDGER OFFICE 8ALESMA1 INSECT SCREENS We ar Just opening our own branch. !n vltu applications from men exp Pi the sale of window tcn-rns; give pist record, agi itnd t Ipphnne salarv or rommleslen. or beri, rtply In (.enlldcnci by letter 'Iho E. r. Uur Uur revvea I'e 1,121 Chestnut Kt. SALESMAN Security salesman, deners te work en live lends rclead and prespects: Philadelphia concern which Is developing Inte a national Institution, assuring permanent connection te these Interested In their future; beginners Instructel tuny at school each day; ref. re- quireu. &ee .ur, .liTica. jiuem a u, lull inestnuv st. -I bALESMAN strong personality, te call en architects nnd contractors for nationally known concern, salary and tommlslen; give full particulars In letter te secure Intirvlew permanent position, replies In strlr t cenf,- il nn' 'f de red C n.'1 Ledger i ifileft SAI.E.-MAN of the highest type only for remmiTci il and banking propesiti, n, ref erence refpilritl, earning power from 'ii te "i) Ir dav , no t.tuil,s. no invesimwits .ipplv tctweun 1 and 3. Meehani, 4 anu Men hajiJHMikIldgJ33 JiMu.rk t st .sALEbMAN etiwrlenteil in IntmiLs' and rhl.". drn s wear te repr-'sent l'hlladelphl 1 ni-vr. ufactuii'i making blanket bathreb, s sleeplu ' uagi mil novelties, cjuld bu carried ns el'le ilne, cummUslen bafeis only. C U17, Li dg r dflce. 5.U.K.SMAN Yeung man. txp . aiiuilnted with women's wearing apparel line, rom rem rom nilsslen or salary, atttactlve line fjr ener getic jeung man for out of en Nu-Fit Petticoat Ce !'-' S l.'th A1.ESMAN I'lrst-class Halemau s lnai dist man tit mnrketlng altrac pe, urlties Isau'd bv te-puti house, exrel eppnr. for large Income and per. cunnec. fet a prurlucer iM.inf he iliiem 7Ki ldl Hrnadwav, V. ' SALESMVN Yeung man ep aeuuainteil with women s wearing apparel line mm. mission or salar, uttrarMve line for , nei -getlc veung man for out of town. Nu-l'it I'etiiiuat On 12'.l S. l'Jlh. ALI.S.MI.N uNL Our preposition will nii"il te 5 or (1 flguren vali'sinen. the p. .111 euab'ti capable mm tn k-run exclusive tenlieiy en tlu sal., ut a unlqU'j servlie, for which trore Is a con stantly growing demand, live le.njs f 1 . n direct clrculnrllng. ou want te see u, Itl.AL PR()t)l" of this p'an den t veu' cm after in IK) A M oaebsr Id. ut CUs, Ches. nut st . ltenni3jm AL!MI.N lu se'1 -n Per rent jref se curlty of a blgh-clusn PI La Lu-ness, cte that wl'l Maud Ihn rluxist Invntigitiun 1 jeu am ft. prudiu er anil want uh te ce-uper am with ve'i In making big money nn a 1.01a mission biisisi ou will 1111 1 this a gcnu.ii gcnu.ii uppertunltj tn irui,,, w hi 1 in liew iesMlt and furnish best ri-f'i neei An Intend v with Mr. piinu.hu" w . lie Peneiirln t ) , J I' M 107 Murk I . m h.lllji 1 1 1 t ftAl.EbMEN If .v-u '" 'i Ultra bclioeii,r college graduate. Intns'e m ulucullnu and willing te work nard. we can otfer jf.u if qualifications perm t an unu un I epi 01 tunlty for peimanent dlgnltbd w;k. ien.i Ing te managership, wheiebj jeu can ehtn ium $20(10 te JDOeO tht fljst jtat. If yuu are u hlBh-cIans Hum mil iniHremed call at 112 Lllieiti Hidg, MoinluyerTiieda, .SALESMEN Exceptional opportunity Is uiTeied vnung men who possess Integrity ami w 1.0 are capable of assuming greater responsibilities, a profit, able future with presp Ma f.ir executive, po sitions for theso who euaufy. Call ,,, 11101 nln hetween n mil In .Mr r 1; i.aw. rleJH.IU S Penn8nuirel,rill.id(Jphla. .SALESMEN te nII n,v,Ity aprons ""arid npien dresses en eiiiniriinslen. local and out-of-town terrlteie en , Answer Ine.il Apron Corporation, 1i2U H7lh st , llienlilyn N V SALEbMEN Men vvhe have selllnir expeii- ence te sell popular priced .rvliuer auto mobile. A drawing u -count edvaiicrd 10 these who can prove then abllitj Apoli Apeli lanis Heated toetldentlnl P lai'tl Led, (iff siAI.EHIEN te 'el 11 full and compl-te liln iif punt brushes l, tie retail paint iwi! linrdvvaiH sturis: siralcht ceinnilsslnn, n.uni veur territory 111 flist lettr M 2J.1 Idu-i iilflre SALESMEN Factory branch meter truk has 2 openlnus for hlgh-grHde men, sslaiy, bonus and commleslen. P 1.1.1, ldi er Off l I I HALlMirN, 2; lutxry and eemmlsslcm: apply In person. Emergency Supply Ce . 320 Will mil t SHEET METAL WORKERS-Geed teb: come mill: te work Sun Shipbuilding Ce. Ch -t I Pt Tn, e eutine eut face cer 37, Murliet st EVENING PUBLIC . HELP,vWaTTEP MALg I SALESMEN RETTEti PAY THAN EVER BEFORE I'ROMOTION PERMANENCY .. FUTURE Wn make thh positive premise! Anv man of ordinary ability who Is In dustrious, persistent nnd honest can come te us te be Instructed bv our ex ecutives, nnd If he will then go out, de as he Is told, nnd keep en doing It. we Euarnntie that he will have 11 large in come and te In line for promotion te nn Important executive position, cither In our parent corporation, or sotne one of lis subsidiary companies These, men are actually and actively here. Yeu can meet them face te face, learn hew thev de It, and let them teach seu their same method of success. Our average sales force censluts of sixty men , Prem this group of sixty men. within me last few months, thirty who proved their ability In n big w.iv have been promoted te exccutlve positions. P. A Breck Wna a J7500-a-vear ex ecutive In ene et New Yerk's larrest eorperatlons. Started her ns salesman. First Ihree months earned an average of I10UU per month. Promoted te nn executive sales position. Earnings should new be very large. Sldnv l'etereen Was sales manager of one of the largest schools of salesman ship, brought In cenlsit villi pr.ictlcjlly nil the sales organlratlens m the vicinity. Joined our organization In preference te any ether. Is new director of per per lennel nnd chief sales Instructor. E Hunter At the nge of fifty Joined our sales organization as salesman Ileia se suicfsafully that In n few weeks wen promotion te an executive, position. T. F Bludworth Formerly mechanical Mid electrical engineer, ntnrted here ns salesman. Within one month was pro moted te assistant sales manager, is new- manager of ene of our 1 reducts. .iys he would net change his present position for 125,000 n scar elsevvhcte. Reland Stenxel West Point graduate. Started here hs salesmun last venr Had no kales experience. In six weeks wns promoted te assistant sales man arer. Earnings lit the rate of SIO'hj ft month, New sales manager of Phila delphia ofllce. Olynne Merris Started as salesman last December, after eight jears In musical career. .Made district sales manager in February. Promoted te sales manager, opening new unices eti October 11. O, W. Trams Entered as silesmnn August 0. Has sold c insistently and claims he has the b'ggest opportunity that ever came tu him. T. II. Elliett Was sales minagcr for large Packing house. Savs he would net have left nn excellent position en August ,1 te become salesman here 'f. this wns net the biggest thing hu ever heard of. It. P. Campbell Started as salesman Janunrv, 11121. Had never sold onv env thlng before. Promoted consecutively nnd Is Hew director of sales In chvrce of our entire sales organization. I. irn Ings average mero than tlUUu per month. A. P. Lebeck Was sales manager In thc specialty line. Started here In May. 1U21. As salecman made ever J20O per week. Fltst promoted te district man luer, and later te general manager of ene of the company's, products. E. M Partridge Formerly emplejed In government position. Joined us last Jsnuarv. By March was averaging ever $111111) n month. On April 1 appointed assistant sales manager et ene of our subsidiary companies. New kales man ager of that company. J II. Beans With some 'nrs experl 1 , nee. stnrted here Julv 17. and has made nn excellent and consistent siles Ivcerd. 13. A Lnmy Starting as salesman en May 17, he gave up a Jewelry business et his own. After 11 weeks of high earnings, was promoted te executive kales position en August 1. C A, Maheney Formerly olTlcer In the I tilled Mates Army. Joined ns sales man In June, 1022. Promoted te assistant sales manager October 1. O. D. Dantzcr Was Inside salesman with one et the largest rubber com panies Started with us June JU. 1H2.'. and has produced a very gnect regular Income and Is In line for btgser develop ments. D. S. Dwell v Was piduetlen rrsniger of large manufacturing plnnt. Started as salesman In our company. Earnings very high. Promoted In six weeks te assistant sales mana.cr. R T. Folwell Formerly selling special advertising Joined our sales force August 2.1. 1P22. Sas lie has learned meie In six weeks here than In all hts former experience. James Corneal Started ns salesman July 22, 1U2-' After consistent produc tion, premut- d te assistant sales ex ecutive en October .1. Rebert I. Brown Ne previous sales ex perience Began June, 1022. Earnings Urge from llrst week 1'iomelcd te assistant sales manager October 1. Mark Spiers Ten years In educational work vvlth some soiling experlenee pro moted In six months te personnel ni.ui ni.ui ager, Philadelphia oft! , W II. Wheeler r.nglii'-sr and college graduate. Started here i var age. Averaged 5201) p. r week. 1 - or. 'ted last December te distrh t se i manager. Piometed In February te asslctant te the presldi nt. and assured of a meit brilliant future. A. E'rlc Mechanical engineer, formerly empleied ly a large mining company Matted here as salesman In m ptciplw-r. 11121 At the iml of one month pro moted te englnceting department. W. It. Rich Was nutomebllj sal sman Martel here as salesman a e.n age Earnings very large. Promote! te ex ecutive tositlen April 1, 1D2. Dense believe us that this opportunity is nut restricted te salesmen e nly. A man may be a natural s.ilesm in and net knew It. We have a stint et per s. nnei experts sales Instructors and character analjsts thnt can take a pr leetly green man. provided that he has 1 some peraenaiiiy euuvicu uu eneuun i umtitlnti and Industry te de his twet. , ana make et him a craclp-rjack b,. sp e 1 salesman and a geed salekiuan can earn mere than In liny oilier Hue en th.i face of the earth. Just get jeurself In a corner and flr.d out if you have ambition Il uu ui w l.i.-h If ou want te tnke a big pine In bus, nets and earn big pa and if veu I will work hard and work st, au , win net only an Immediate I n.iin i,w ri turn, but ubsolute promotion te tui tui teons higher up n loon as jeu have demonstrated sour ability. the men selling It tire net wizards, , man should lead such nn.mlv, nls. rr.ent as this containing the de-llnlte prom prem ises that this deus without mekiig up a pen and telling us enough about him U"lf te Justify an Interview ' .u .i( ens bhert rote amount te: Write n una c-eme te tee us. Write tediy de that miii-h for vour veur self injwny Just te show tint veu ai really earnest and doing jour le-i. M 30'J. LEDGER OITICE SHIPPER Expel lenced express shipper nnl le, 'living clerk with cP.m ivt -r an i laislm ss ref-ieiie, . state experience and salary ile- slied P lint. Ledger Olflce. hOI.K'lTiJRb Men c.f geed persen-ilit; ex peiienced In house te heu-e solicit, ctleri, can ,"irn nnnu illj S.luiiii an I upwurl- , urn. mlsstnn basis, representing THE LIIFRARY Dlijl.sr MnxuBlne cxptrlemi, helpful I at net necessnrv. I or enins appii I del ills si,wart Roem 214 1Mb st Fuller I.'ldg in STAVli'ER for tine et.iti me rv , nerin.irerit , ii,-itinn, geed piy. Drekn. 1121 Ch. t- ' nut stj m'I KN'eGlt.M'HEIt Ynuin.- nnn fs i. "j.,") vears of nge, for general elcilcai work in Heiks eftlce. Apply In poison te emilev. ment cltpirtment New 1,erk Miipbulldiug Corneratl, n Camden. N J; : .STENOCIRAPHER Energetic eung man. 18-20 seats of hse, with tjrlng and stenegraphing experbmce; state qualifica tions. c 7!l.J'orerflco i h1ENOORriIER familiar electrical terms i pre! Write qualifications or Phei.e Lern- , hard 77HI ' 023 Ledger Office i STORE EXECUTIVES 'Wanted: several men of guud lersenslltv 1 30 ii 10 sears et age. te l. tt.iimd f,,,. , exceutlVH positions, time liming hud ds-paitment-sten e.xierlinei, picfc'iied Apihy ... in.en.len. off .. ,u, ,,, ( ,lt r r( ar. THREADER, experienced In levers luce 1,1,1 .' -- ,.' " oemerset si s nilnaitwM x.,nSS; or enmnetcnt men: steady werlr. xe- a llreekhurst Ce., 223 S. Iireadwuy. Yen ;, Y. .near New Yerk City, kers . use,; in wurie mini eeciuij,, w ri experience ami salary wanted IIUIKISiiV riliTIIRii iii . rvj t v WANILD ni.vviiyj Jiacill.xu AUJUhTE't -4Cnpable of taking cuie of nil elasses cr ' Union Spe-clal and Singer Sewing machines LEDGER PHIL ADtetpHIA, MONDAY, ' - HELP WANTED MALI) WANTED FOR 8ERVICB ON NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY MACHINISTS - BOILERMAKERS BLACKSMITHS RATES TOO te SOe PER HOUR PERMANENT EMPLOYMENT TRANSPORTATION WILL BE FURNISHED ArrLT ROOM 809, FINANCE DLDO. 1420 S. PENN SQUARE nile.ADEt.PHIA , WANTED Salesman having hid experience In calllnt en the retail grocery trade, also competent tn.hs.mlle .lobbing trade, t: 70ft. Ied. Oft. YOUNG MAN W'snted for office "of fare's hosiery mill; must be able te write n, geed business letter; give past experience nnd sal ary desired. Address M-.3. P. O. Bex d48 1, OUNU MAN te learn carpet ynrn elyelng; man with some experience preferred. Ad dress, stating previous experience and snls.'v desired c nls. ledger Ofnti. YOUNG MAN. resident nf West Phils., uttal" I red for general ledger bookkeeping with en-, niiiiiuinv; state scnoeiing, enueatlen, experience and salnrv 1 1 .12'.', ledger Off YOUNG MEN I I 18 te 25 years i Opportunity for a permanent outside sell Ing position in our Circulation Depirtment Must be clean-cut, willing worker and pos pes pos ters a pleasing persenilltv. Openings for enlv a limited number. Ex perience unnecessary. We will train veu. rwfil fnr.e.?,r1;. CexA, rcmpteymcnt Division, , " Publishing Company, r,ni Sansom, .- . ...-.-,, im ,i i- ait ainnnav, icji;sti .ML.N One or two eun men mav - tl "',"," leuKiiiene w-un cenveni ences, but without beard. In I ova' Instltu- ..en nnr center or city In exchange for three, evenings a week supervising club ac llvltles. V 1.105 iig.r Ofdee. Oenerat BECOME A TRAFFIC MANAGER ,t 'millions point le nn enormous Increasing 1 1 emnnd for traffic experts within the next 'V.m2nin,: salaries will rnnre from JJOOO te I M2.O0O a year. A system hies been devised bv n greun of trefile- specialists te fit men for this grow ing need. Hv tills system, without Int'rferlnt vvlth ymir present work nt nil. you ran euallfy for this splendid profession In n few- months, ' I inil out nbeut it: call or phone for Infcr niatlpn or wrlte for booklet R-lll: no ob ligation. j LA SALLE EXTENSION I'NIVERSITY Philadelphia "office ' 1321 Walnut et Phene Spruce 1481 Open evenings SALESMEN International company. Inrgeit of it, kind In WOrpl. liau nnenllltr fnt nmhltlen .nan Inr position of Importance In Its organization, men who are looking for a future and who tire willing te fellow the Instructions of ex-1 perlenied nnd successful men will receive rapid prometion: selling expotlence net rs - e ntlal. as we Instruct jeu and are mere , i-.,t-u iiiiuur HueceHH ns a manager man i l.l MXKSS Si:itVICK CO . 111! fnnd Tltlp , ACl T Mfu., J!KH)-?300i); a-t-Jt nudlter. ""-fnwiMi, m-s, t'.i"i ( SALES Lubricants, screens. rc. aeeris ' I liends. paints, etc. M'Pi' IMlnt experience, $3000 up. I I SECY. & STENO Sales d'p.. , lei-. 2.1-tt1 ' 'TRANSPORTATION WORK TrnfnV nZ7A. j elation wants .reliable, men te nuailfv for' 1 editions directing domestic nnd ferelitfi I shipping, also expert and lmiiert trad'; I I S2.10 l) J.li'O monthly, exp. unneeessarj cemmnn sehenl education -si nti.il: enlv ! ! met, of Bind e-hnrnctcr need apply. If wliu Ing nnd dislruus of nuking connection verth "vlille. write, stating prrsent pesl- uun. ace x-ruin., f. cj. 1SQ 411 I f'l VNGINQ JOBS AfUIN"' i Whit vi it Ik- thU tlme' Just another Jeb ,er tt' 1" III n for whlib u nre b st tlttiel ' l n -. ' "irv ngeln." b'lt let us tell i ".. u fr m an analvsls of .veur mentality as (shows In iUr fuce the work veu cm de , IjI-T ns( '..r booklet "II" Mrten Instl . iut, IT .' Walnut ft. Spruce 0203. MEN' .ANTED te beconie draftsmen, sal ary J25I) le $300 monthly when competent; 'Inef drnftsinnn will train jeu at your home; nlse furnish free all tools; training given until In position at above salnrv. Ad diess Chief Draftsman Debe. 4001 Broad Bread wav Dlv 232 Chicago BRICKLAYERS carpenters nnd builders: S' nd fur free plan ' f tl-roem bungalow nnd nur book. "Hew te Head Blue Prints". Just out. no ciiiiihi-, i i in niane morel ,ev In the 1ml ilncr business. Arf.i. l.dg I'ept. 2111, Chicago Tech. 2721 Se Michtcnn nve. ChleaBi 111 '$3ii Til $.10 WEEKLY In sour spare lime doing sreclal ndvertls'ng work among ir.e lamuies m jhui uj. no experlence ,nece.sn.r; write today for full particulars 'American Products Ce., blOS American i liulg . Cincinnati, u, bALEbMAN Traveling salesman wishing te add a reliable toilet geed line te his list of sellers; New Yerk manufacturer; ex ex reptlennlly unusual commission basis; glve full information in llrst letter. M 213 I e'U'T Offlee . ..... ---,,.. .... . ., . . a'VaVt.cum7sVaVn J'-aOOl.O.J!11 big demand ler men. Inexperienced or expert enced. city or traveling Nat'l Salesmen; 1r Asse.. Dtpt. 2i7. Chicago. juur rule- iiuiiiiy, we nave no nattering or- nteTnirt'TFItS wanted nlde in i.e. firs ami de net hulld u veur hones nn DlfiTitiii i a wanieu, neie te take ever tals,. i rnmlses Cni i n in in Si ia "" exc uslve selling right and finance same te migeF' Wldcner'BiUg. . fSf S' retliavrepea " ' nPrV tWO Week. With 0Pr 100 nor rant 'mfg w th ateno-rnehv itsftn ' INIM'STItuua men am vvcimcn wanted te I CLERKS l5es Sl.?0i: blllina tv-r,lt, re-tall the genuine Uatklns products In CI il' 'MISTS Yeuni trmluai,. Jtliw inrnl.h U11' territeries: exceptional opportunity te tle 'nnl 'nVlnts Jlsoe eraIua"" J1"uu' vnrnlh up with the eldest und largest company of U RVFTS Mech ornamental Iren lT.ue ' lt3 ltln,,: ,our hU8tlers' uvcrnce Inceme Is L'NilRS Mlnrn""' "tTuct rvvy ce'n s ,e ' " an lmaV nJ 5eOU delnir ,nn we"? " iSwi'ii p; ci;"ljir.0..rUmech? inc"'1, I I',0', a rs'"0 The" if wSmS' Eh hALES MHP.S. Englneerlns product, auto, '"l?"' v?k "N' Y ' Pt' S1 .1i,st. nslntit i,ii,1 efi,lhee ' ' .'? ""'I '- t: iiki'iis iitriiiuir cniiii ,,-. nrnn. l.. . ' . " ' iTiv evr-el te weik sraie time n,ni.i,i. necessities, Kt-e umi, viuiie euany, postal w 11 MEN, several ,,,V ,' JiVed '' " ' ' ,ie American Products Ce., b.07 Amerl- niet.'lw by ne v metiiei, no exp. required: I can Uldg Cincinnati O gie.i wages made. rile Uunmetnl Ce.. 03 "......,.- 7, ,1 rrr; ; . i. ti.'.iitur 111 AGENTS sell J' l. Mellv dresses, every '-".-lil-iiiiV TrTV-TT; r. ' woman wants th. m complete line; no cap- iyi'l.--Tf Lain J.'.i-JIOl) weekly spare time Ital r'l'ilrnd. eniiimissiens ndvnnced; write c.pjlng authors itiniiustrlpts White It today. The D mi si f Products Ce., 828 T Cirn," Auiliura Agent, lallapeuaa, Qa . Divjcs Uldg ,l ivten (.) for pirtlciilars ' TELEPHONE mouthpiece'; pure .white, sanl- VIEN WANTED for detectlve aerk; experl-' tary unbre ikabb- will fit any telephone, cure unnecessatv . vv i 'e for details explain- Meet pruilt . mniple "r,e postpaid. Marks ing gin ra need lieslilati J. Guner. former ' Brethers C" ill 5 Alli.invtt.. Bosten. Mass Geve rrim; nt.l'.'J."' 'i'i' .Me j "aI'THKNTIC LIFE OF HENRYTeilD .AUTHORS' nianuscrtpts typ, written nlAmaliig thrl'llng, fastest selling book; be pr .p. r form for publication, ,10e.-75c. per ' llrst. Jien vveek'v ease; free outfit. Hertel , iheusiind words. Heward O Mai sten. River, i e' . 1 s Clu ten Chi, no ion S.J. . EVEIIM'OI'Y us n extraets; sell Due Deuble WHAT JOB ARE MU FITTED FOR7 Stnnsth Extruets. crnplete line household rind out' Send for free booklet A. Harry "eeessltl't b'g upeaters; wilte today. II Rilkln Clnracler Anabst und Veca. i Dn" C i Dept E-ll A. Attleq. N'. Y. IV.I llOI , "- " ...,,..', nnnl Adviser, 023 Walnut sf MEN II guirantteil nursery stock nnd ipl'emt ng'iits prompt p..v. new meth ods lnrrIckNuiser Ce. Ilm hester. N. Y. MEN wanted aevt. postal clerks, carriers, write for Instruction part. Immed for ap ap r'lcat.en Nev 1. P 1421. Ledger Oftice. CTTTT ATTflTJR WATvTT'F.Tl TJUMATr t efiK First r'ass woman wishes position In i.'ecd fim'l uisnciiiien. AUOress Mis li "j: l.l st Phil icleit, hia .1,1 SI., I miiicielunia. i ufiK , xpenene.il In geed work, city pre- ferred let - 3lll,1",h, lone. GENl'I.-WOMNN of experience, desires pe- sltlm te iii.in.ige widower a h une. where se x mil me I opt no olilcetlon te children; g 1 i, ferenc;'s furnishi'l ns tn cluuucter and utilllti i i.4. Ledger lilies lillll N'Ht. iidustilnus, eapable colored ,-iri .i.'.'ies imif.time wrrk. 730 H. 2"th st Phene l.oriHll,lie. ciiltl. s. n led '"'I gill geed cook or down" dewn" stnlrs xv rk. t.'lv let ('. i2'J, Ledger Offlru u il'.'-'.W i il'.K Cipitb! rel woman wants I nisewuil' l,e the d, v or week, n f , Call ,r wlt 1.117 I'limlal'Ke st, i .vi'Vimt'S white, first class, vfrtnts wnru ut hei home. Indies' and gents' line pieces i ur-, s n ecml jeung Irish girls lately hi pr. ferred. ntcrences Phene ixicust 7217 riv-,1 la mdr' shhs ii day or week; couples MANAGER, thoroughly exp. In tafeterla and I , ' " "K "-iw. eesi reter- tea r ' m management, buying and equip- - i!-!!!-- - . ; ; . Ping, lest ref'rencu P 1321, Ledger Office , MIi R'lOI.P.ri 317 S 2t)lh st . has excel ki ii. n mih ir. e.miinKnile.l-Prnt mi... ' lent lejeks waitresses, parlermnlds, cham. Nl, ' ',"", r ?Mer .hid 7 ? x-Biira' rarer '' ' beriii-ilds who few: comb, waitresses. 2 sis .'",, ",rh" L? l3 7-s '.Oth st"'"- ""Iter, togeth .laundresses, maids . ' lean,: it."" " i. --.-- -- Birp-icH irjT'iru at cnuu h imrsca; v.u, 1 ranch i if r 11 i - a.s i i .".. i iiiui iituy. i inn iar -ii iirai i iini i.nu. uuiicm. vu.iim nmiaa. elih n-iri h.islner. ker nlmr cbnvn Olcrhen.l sales mgrs ' recenis, sales territory lay-out. etc .wishes te malm change. C 02h, I-d Off .STENOGRAPHER having machine nnd I spaie time desires extra work. Call Fil- llicrt 1HI2 STEN GUAPHER SECRETARY. EXP : I VERY BES'I' ItBFS O .I'-M. LED. OFF IM'J'IN(1 governess deslres position French I Engll n tch il brnnclies: ref C .102, L, 0 TEACH I ft Pal Islennc-.xlsltliig.daily; Fren h ! leieiv chlldrei r ladles. C 1122. Led. Off 'WiiMAN 1 hid" ag"d, desires position as I companion or prucl cal nurse with peri,en 'grlng te winter ii'sert; Protestant, refs . , please sthtn j 11 tlrulars Bex 7H2, Dorlind Advertising A,- no Atlantic Cits, N J. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE ACCOUNTANT, U years' praetlcal experl experl ence In whelesale and retail business, de-slie-j le in ike a change, at present employed vvlth one of Iho largest tetall department stores In the Seuth; experienced In making up II forms nf lux returns; ran audit una -v-teiiitti 1 1 eefi'rejnces fucilshed, Ad U. in, pi M s Me ,S C, BITtTAMON1). WAWTE-fa-KALE ACCOUNTANT-BOOKKEEPER Ae. 21. de aires position with public accounting con cern I four years practical experiences will 'ns; te start for small salary. C (104, It. O. eeeni lun,. . -.." -r- ' . ..-. .vwuiuAfli', iu venrs experience, nesires Position na'cest accountant and systemn- llzer ne Mm.iMi,.. r -ne t.,1..... nept. user or comptroller. 0 72,1, ledger office. ADJUSTER and general Insurance man, age i thoroughly capable, clean, enviable rec- el, long experience at nil kinds of casualty work, desires permanent connection vvlth Bpeii company; compensation te be based en tllsplnved fiMlltc- n sen Tl0n nfrie BUTLt3It.VAT.1irr Tnna.,A ...laKea nnatllnfl. IlITTt I-i t. . . . ., '. prat class, cere' gentleman's tilnce; coek'r, hskpg.t careful; best ref. C 711). Ledger Oft, CHAUFFEUR, machinist, English, 12 eara' European-American exp., desires position private family only; take entire charge of ! CftI c": best city ref. J. Warren, 202(1 N. inth. Diamond 4014 M. CHAUFFEUR A strictly first-class, high- grnde mid. -aged Ring, matt wishes pos. In prlv. family, city or sub.; specialist en Im ported nnd high-grnde domestic cars; Ien exnnnd best of ref. C 72H. Ledger Office. DRAFTSMAN, experienced structural and concrete designer, detallcr and checker, de. sires Interviews regnrdlng change. Address It. II. Delchmnnn. 1121 Mt.. Vernen St., rhlla, EXECUTIVE PElRf'T: SCHOOL ORAD - . . UATB. Extensive corporation exper., 8 years In ac counting dept. of a nationally known manu facture'; a years with e publle service cor poration In charge of branch office account mg; for the past B years office manager for n Phlla. retail store; familiar with corpora cerpora corpera tlon Income tax statements. C 721. Ledger O. EXECUTIVE with extensive corporation ex- Perlenec. cnpahle of taking full chares of llnanelnl nnd cost accounting; also pur ?.nB.."Jnl' ."ei'nrtment desires new connection. C 11.10, Ledger Office EXECUTIVE. Capable, energetic man, experienced In finance, credits nnd correspondence, desires ".!',-conn,,ctlen! nvnllnble en short notice. C 732. Ledger Office. MAIL SALES MANAGER Who has earned at the rate of I B000 yearly for the Inst 3 years seeks connection with progressive heuse for the purpose of organ izing a mall sales department; experienced sales and advertising manager; let me do de vclup this arm of your business. M 230. Ledger Office MAN, colored, wants position as houseman, city or cnuntrv: best of reference; sleep out or in. 17QII Cathirlne st., Phlla,. Pa. ORGANIST Position as organist nnd cholr chelr mnster wanted by one experienced in Epls- copal nnd ether church services, M 233, Ledger Officer PRINTER, 15 years' exp., can be of some value te concern who farms out printing; take chnrge or nsslat: A-l refs. C 720. 1,,-iiK'r eiiuc--. SALESMAN high-grade read, open for po sition November 1: best references; new .Mnl., u,l nnl T A ,. nnj.iuiT,, . ...,., iuhcr eiuer. 1EC1INICAL GRADUATE desires connection ier sales engineering: available at once. l UI.. i.eeger eiince. V ATCI1MAKER wants position, watch re- pair room, nil or part time. C 705, L. O. YOUNG MAN 211. seeks connection with business man as associate; has college edu cation, selling nnd general business experi ence; let us talk It ever personally. M 230, YOUNG MAN. married, with college train ing, desires n position with reputnble firm. epp. for advancement. C 700, L. O. AGENTS a eTT-OMWTntrnrtneA n'ripM. .,.. specialty; wonderful new $15 adding ma- ' .hi... emrtf .nilflln SanR treinhln... ... inn tic ally udds. subtracts, multiplies, divides; lightning speed: errors Impossible; five-year guarantee: tremendous demand everywhere; I a fortune for live salesmen; llbernl free trial ' effcr. write ciulck. Lightning Calculater Ce.. i Dept 2.10 A. Grand Rapids. Mich, iriiitiv (ttnfn fnllv In veur flrn lttA vni pnc nnl aWHty te erK.inlrp. with reference i Applv elmxl Mnnufarturlnff nnd Dlfltribut- ii (.nmi'ti iiv, .... r. nn'i irtin ti, I'nilil, SALESMEN' Ooediear Mfg. Ce.. 13-C tlend. year Iliili.. Knnsns City. Me., has open- Ing for salesmen te tnke orders for tailored- te-fit raincoats, no experlence needed; big s"pmn,l3!,1"n3 . ,n advance: we. deliver and ?5''lf.c,-i eamvMe eutm ttnd aalc Instruction RISK A POSTAL und learn hew te start profitable business without capital or ex- periene: $00 weekly easy: silvering mirrors, refiiilshlng tableware, reflecters. nlntlnirr ' complete outfit furnished. Intnrtiatlenul Laboratories, Dept. 133, 300 Fifth nve., Ni-vv Vetlt. RELIABLE MAN wanted In each town for special advertising werk: $3.1 n week te man who can produce satisfactory results; exn. unnecessary opportunity for prometion: ref required. Address Eastern Ce., 33 N. Washlimten. st . Bosten. Mnss. AUTOS KILLING THOUSANDS New device prevents accidents; officially In In dersed ninny States, retails $3. costs Jl.nn; self-s-lllng plan; state men' with $300 te KltiOfl considered. Carl Brown, Mkr,, Dept, r,a c eiuuuiu- w. AGENTS 7,1 weekly: take orders new re. verslbl'i raincoat, one sld ten dress coat ether side stormceat: guaranteed waterproof; net sold In stores, big commission no capital reciulred outfit f ri e Liberty Mfg. Ce., 07 Lir-rtv l'lilu- Davten. O. MONEY MONEY MOS'rv . .V1C-1. 1 ... '.'! .... .iej.-L.y Agents, either sex. can easily mnke Jle dally selling our celebrated line of Christ mas cards Hlghcrt commission Paid. Full particulars. Lonsdale Bartholemew, st Albans VI AMBITIOUS men. wrlte tedav for attractive preposition, selling subscriptions te Amor Amer lea's most popular automebllo and sports man's mignrlnes. Quick sales. Big prents. Pleasant work. Digest Publishing Ce., 0220 Butler llldg.. Cincinnati TAILURINU AGENTS Our $211 ,10 all-wool tailored te order suits and overcoats are S20 cheaper than store prices: commissions paid In advance, protected territory; beautl. . fel nssnrtment GxO swatches free. .1 ti SLMPScN Dept 312 Ml Adams.' Chlca AC.l.N'lS Snappiest household line en nil. red-het sellers, steady repeaters, big profits, Iir.ii llifhtn eight, fust selling, Pupular-prlced AGENT'S Meke n de lar nn hour; sell tnenlets a latent patch; Instantly mends leal.s In al' utensllH sample free, Mcndet Ce Vinsterilam S' V eT'MII.I.S i" r gallon inula with new pat- en'cl gas dire vaperler Write for par tlcular. Mr.m-ky Vaiairlzcr Ce., Pukwana S 1 1 fr Vel' ai iieluilng tailoring salesman vv.ni'ini' ex, ntien.ii line with large com- , misi n wi't l''lil Kiine Dlehl Tailoring i'e . inui,iiitl ) (live references. .,, -i,v i-..ei,c i n-i- tve,.!. . . . mi mw ,....- "u" ,;;v" '', numer 7eci . ,... ,a ,..s . I . 'ere nilb Mulled, bum rail, nt plctuns Irreslxi lile, millions te be sold; free iweii vnr-ei i r , iii iT.urie. c;'icsge , MEN OR WO.MI'N te sll ne-tarnlsh E-Z-dTp " .' "" ""!,"; twnuses, quick sellers; nigral lemin 2,i4 MldtleCltsIHdg. ! WAN! I l -! agents, te sell our 1.10 prod- ' rts n i nrnn" required Wrlte Unre Ce., 'DfPt 311 i-l Leuis. Me. , ' EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 1! CMITIIY 202f) scansem Positions ,,, , iit.r,is emlis. trained wait i Vila '.in taku butlers place, parlor 1 i'n t s' mt chambermaid lady's 1 ...I., i,. ilm m l.ai uin.l. .. .-. ... M m .. in ".. .,,.,.,.,.-..,,,,,. mm waning. nun. ceuDles wanted, exc. cook for Cnlif ,M 1 m n Sued cooks, kitch maids 2d cooks. , x,v,TE,) CcekiT chambermaids. xvTIr. r-ses, chtldnurnes, housework girls, girls for Catholic rectory. R, Dougherty, 1010 tc.linrd av Mils Vic 11(11. 1. H. 28H H. 20th. u-nni. n couples coeits, inw-ivei leniaie cner, $100: wnii 1 1 sues, chambmds., nurs's, laund's, tn. MRS KANE, 5il"s. 10th St., wants first- diss ceuks, butlers, parlermaids house heuse vniic girls, chlldnurses: references WANTED at office 31J S Uth, cooks. vvtellie ss, nurses, iaundressts. Iieu.u e"rls WANTED, first clues cook, kitchen maid, 1 waitress: competent help 111 every capacity; rer rep mm iiainei iqh". BOARDING bU2'l WALNUT ST Sunny rooms, wltb or eviihniit heard: electricity, DESIRABLE rooms, furn or unfurn. 1 con. bath: mhln benrd. 4800 Walnut st. PKNNHVI.VAMA HIIIHJKIIAN lueuths excellent tii1.li.'. Wje.nlnu- 422U. OCTOBER 4&' 19&2 . BOOKS fOB BBM- 1IEAUTI FULLY furnished room In JrJ . modern private home! electricity: ahewer bath; 111 minutes te Clfy Hall, Preston fi4ag BROAD, 8.. 1723 Furn. or unturn. rms. or nssrg. suite; men, cenvs.i reas, i e mr. . CHESTNUT ST., 4420 In owner's well-appointed home, a large, warm, well-fur- nisneq room, central, rer gemiemnn HAZEL AVE., 4018 Attractive furn, bed- room witn sun parlor! eiee., nei-wnier heat! twin beds; for business couple or 2 men; !'-' per week, ivoedland 7B,1 W. . LOCUST ST., 8717 Large double room, sec ond flerl electric lights, near, bath; f a week! also third-fleer front, double; 18. Call Baring 8483. , , SPRING GARDEN, 1818 Newly renovated; well-furnished single or double rooms; 10 minutes- waig uity nan SPRUCE, 2230 Large, well-furnished room with fine kitchenette, first fleer, southern rlUUU'i f.n, n, ii, en,,,, SPRUCE, 1404 Attractive large front rms, and suites, furn.i electric; maid, service. WARNOCK ST., N., 1734 Entire second fleer, 8 rooms, kitchenette nnd private hntht 10,00 per week, unfurnished. Inquire nil day 10TH. N.. 180 (HOTEL RURICl Central, shopping dlrtrlcti near stn'.lens: beautifully mm rms ; eiec. t spotless; uaiiv. wkiv. raiee 18TH, N., 2012 Furnished rooms, single or aoueie; nnuecfceping; meucrn; reasonaeie. Diamond SsOO. 22D, H., 130 Suite 2 rooms, bath, house keeping, unfurnished: also furnished, steam heat, electric light; also furnished room. t 22D ST.. H., 130 Furnished 2 rooms nnd bath; nlse single room; business woman! vapor heat electric. E. Rheadea. . 45TH, 210 S. Cheerful furn. rms. vvlth hath; sitting room, prlnvte bath. 34TH, N., llfl Attractive second-story irent: wertric nnn net water! n per wk. 10TH AND LOCUST Beautifully furnished front room, near bath, large closet; private entrance: nmple vapor heat; small prlvnte family; slngle gentleman preferred. Locust 7342. ATTRACTIVE furn. apts., some heusekpg Sherwood Apt. Agency. i33t Walnut st. WEST PHILADELPHIA WHITBY. fitl22 2 nlcelv furn, ncwlv painted nnd papered rms., light housekeeping; bath; convenient 34 car, I via 00th st.: 52d and Baltimore business section nnd Parlt. Pheno vv enainnii .mi a. WALNUT ST.. 3020 Sunny rooms, with or vviineiit ream; eieciric. PENNSYLVANIA SimURRAN ft! N. W. Harvey at.! 1 furn. or 2 unfurn, roems: rensemble. Oermantewn 2374 R. Furnished IROE front furnished room; elec. : owneri for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 1832 N. 13th st, Phene Dlnmend O2G0 MACHINERY AND TOOLS WHEN YOU- NEED ELECTRIC MOTORS DYNAMOS MOTOR GENERATOR SETS or kindred equipment, tell ur your require ments; we will furnish the right equipment at "get the order" prices and remember each machine Is backed by an Iren-clad guarantee, which assures you ii'lsfartinn. R. SCHEINERT COMPANY 123 NORTH THIRD STREET Machinery Bargains Boilers, cheap. 2 1B0 II. P., before remeval: generators direct connected te engines, 212.1 K. W. 2300 volt. 3 phases. (10 cycle. Fert Wayne U. E. te Erle City 4-valve engines; 2 filter tanks. 0x0 and 8x0. MOTORS AND DYNAMOS ALL SIZES Gee. Sachsenmaier & Ce. Office, 926 North Third St. WAREHOUSE AND SHOP 028-30-32 NORTH THIRD STREET Electrical Machinery ANDREW I. MEHAN CO. 119 North Third St. PHONE MARKET QUO WE BUILD and repair machinery, make IaaIsi An) nil fin milm Tlnl il am Tl..t. f I v"ni X--..-.U, eiv I- -it'll. Ill JiUI. OlldlJ. Ilii-fnll Mfg. Ce. 132 N. 7th, Market IbilS, COMPRESSION COUPLINGS, PULLEYS HANUERS. SHAFTINO. BELTING; HALF PRICE MOTOR EXCHANGE. 327 N. 81) DYNAMOS, machinery, plants bought and sold; welding machine, sell or rent. Ycars ley Te., 221 N. 8d. EXPERIMENTAL work, models, metal eat- terns and dies; builders of speclnl mnchln- erv. Oner Mnrhlne Ce. ifi'.'.l Cambridge st. STORAGE ANJ MOVING MOTOR VAN SERVICE TO ANY DISTANT POINT Weekly service for small shipments between Philadelphia nnd Washington The Big 4 Transfer Ce., Inc. 17th nnd Market sts. Baring 1201. A B STORAOE- rtornge In separate locked roems: free delivery te warehouse for one month only; want lead" te and from New Yerk: $.10. $10 nnd $50. 007 Parrlsn Phene Market (122a. rnsn. K. ft D. STORAGE CO.. 814 W. Indians! axe.. Phlln.. c-nnttt innil tn ne Cm t.. burgh. Scrantnn. Bosten and seashore points Tiega ,1371 M asiiore VICTORY STORAGE r.201 riI.IU:UT. Pheno nelmnnt 4070 for e ttrmfAt atnter vnnn PTrlclnrr nnrl rrn 1 1 ne. The Jehn Rhoads Ce ,7,;V"v aternge. i-ncging. .xinving. carpet Cleanlnr MONARCH STORAGE CO . 3H70 LANCAS TER AVE. AUTO SERVICE. STORAOE PACKING LOXO-DISTA'NCi: MOVINfl? ' LOCAL nnd long-dlstance moving; (broom l,.UA 1 C-BII linn,nH rninu ..2A .. room ......-., .. ..... . ut.liu ,,n. iiaiiejxrerrt TO HIRE Two-ten Autecar, by day week or month, reasonable. Oregon 8820 M WANTED WE PAID A WOMAN CAD RA .... ... .. , . ... "'"'. e ,ue we jeweiry sne naa been nf fered 40 for elsewhere: bring your dliernends and Jewelry te us: we guirsntee a full, hen est cash value. Established 1S8S """ " ''' "- n; vvnlmit t. HIOHEST prices paid for .. nz'nes. rags, carpets iron und all k hd . of metal trv once nnd be satisfied truck rails unywhere; send pesla or rail nl.sS;5 .tr.S'l. J Bender. 2.121-2.1 Rlclire nvn a""""1 Reliable Uphelsterint? Ce. w. eair n" k"','n'a N. '"sT'Vl'i'-,,"''" ej.r. lo-nersopower meter. 2-phnsa nn Ledger 'office. Pr'Ca "'" CQniJltl0"- i I31J, WANTED- Novvsnepers. 73e per 100; .. zlnes, rags, drop postal 4712 Marker GENTLEMEN'S clothes Highest prices nd Berkewl.z lllfi Columbia aye. r"lar nnai WANTED Artist's nlrbrush B00 mn,,r tlen. C 110(1 ledger Office. MndU MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS PIANOS $s,1 cash; $(1.-. one dellnr--! magnificent !3,".(i plnne. been used- (leei.i.i bargain. 11 II Tedd, 1300 Aich Onen Men day. Prlday, Saturday evenings Pe" Men COLUMBIA Grafonela. SSfl.'le (Jl".-! "nimuiT leijsi1 '"I" "Cf, .-lS!- A? " Monday, rrlday SatuVdav- Tiffi' fen V-J3.,,;i,.-V..!- .? "in. h-ivp" TsSJFST .'.. iim "'iiiHUiii. II, If Tin..! nnn Arch st.. nnd 1023 Chestnut st ePen Men day. Prlday and Saturday v v ' Men PIANO. Lester upright. MbO. cost $,,(I(. CUar. niitned c-oed ennd 11 11 n-.i. ...... lSnr- st, OpenMcinclay, Frl lay and Saturday eves PLAYER-PIANO Regent TBlnsus)7s20e'ma"' hegany case; cost new $050., Il li TS 1300 Arch st. Open Men Jit Sat' T-ves' WANTED Talking machines iannSrnnA7 tlen for cash. Call Diamond 0730 J. DOGS AND BIRDS CAltu en- iuus ire.); valuable, Instructive '',! en iraieing, a seaseM t. .i nc. flen eelll, S ........"'. ''eel- scrlpllci, te e irbiB', ,.!'. ' ' M ' " ' Sportsman's Digest, ' IZV' nidr.. Cincinnati. "'si, .u Butler GOLDFISH AQUARIUM I'INTS te bT tlful varieties, $1 postpaid. UQuari?, guidn. 10c; Auuntlc Life Magazine ir?,U,.n fl. Wagner, 1000 N. Capltot,aZwashlng',en: PEKINGESE spaniels, 8-s weeks old i7T ket 47S3 S.13 N Bill. Nejgnbg..'' Mar" RABBIT HUUND.V for snle".40 eachFiT Tlnre St. WIU WANTED Punples and grown doers- hi: prices paid. 223 Rldge av. Bhe. p,p''8757h HORSES . iHiiiiiiniHism'tmilli nil lllllltllllllit I'llliiiiiiiii'i-ni ii i, - .TT- I Km i-inuiuiiiiiin.i'ii iiiu-iw s'uuiiifiw v ;, lijiininimii miiijuni I I Fer Sale Fer Want of Use 1 Sri .s nniViTP nii'Miui -... " HI $-ivirt ti. "i,i, 1 iii.- ITTlI.'lTf ljltuwrxl tiEI.Dl.NCI 'saddle hersi' 16A hands high, H yours cld ii tKrSUHr-A fef J & -s WILLIAM BOYD " .,r?-Z,l,,1,S,K!,!K,!;,!;,!;,,,,,,.!,.,.nln.llltnvvn llll llliiiiiin """""" '"iiililllllllMllllllllllllllilll OLD QOLD Est. lb!7 J U Cia.li" riilne1,'.'" "nSCe1n',' TTSEO APTOMOlill-HI REMOVAL SALE HUPMOBILES rid-r In" wleWrlSS mod.l.bfer rSat.nd.lv.r. Xl.e have a demon- """"'PRICES FROM m9,VP TERMS TO, YOU Open evenings HupmebUc Distributors 804 N. BROAD ST. BARON'S 1244 N. BROAD ST. OPEN MODELS MERCER 4 ANOB-; PACKARD 7 rASSENOBri FRANKLIN B PASSKNOER ROAMER 4 PASSENOER AND MANY OTHERS iininmiiiMM MACK TRUCKS A1A, TYPES OF BODIES IMMEDIATE DELIVERY General Moter Truck Cerp. 26TH AND MORRIS 8T8. aiiiffinTiiiiiiiira 1022 APPERSON touring car; splendid con dition! high-grade car, will rll at a snap. 2.10 N. Ilrend st. , AUTOMOBILE mechanics, owners, garage- men, repairmen, senci ier iree copy Amer ica's popular meter mngr.lhe; contains help ful. Instructive Information en repainting, overhauling. Ignition, carburetors, betterlee. cic. Automebllo Digest, 220 Butler Uldg,, Cincinnati. BUICK C-23 touring, starter, lights, etc.: sold for iterage, $125. Oarage, 1402 Weed, . BUICK lfllli touring, llke new, don't miss this bargain, 133,1; open Sunday and eve nings. Parage. 1402 weed. CADILLAC landaulet. 67 model.Westlngheuae shock apsorners: privaie owner, rnenu CJgentg 20 or ejgeniz iiea a. ccimunsen. CHANDLER Renl Dispatch, run only 8 ... ,. aImh n.ai all ai,i,ufl,l., est weeies, iuiui n.,., ... ---. .,., ,vu. .v.... $2200 delivered, fully protected and guaran teed; will accept big sacrifice: private owner. Apply Monday, 1111 fl. 4th St., Philadelphia, Roem 004, ' CHANDLER touring. 7 .pass.: new pnlnt. geed tires; geed running conditien: wilt sacrifice; 'arms. Oakland Moter Car Ce.. 1)11 N Ilrend st. 1021 CHANDLER. 7-pnss sedan, beautiful npnearnnce, condition llke new. low prlce. 2.-i(l N. Bread St. New Chandler dealer. 1021 CHANDLER s?dan. a real bargain; will demonstrate anywncre; terms ee suit, Baren's. 1244-411 N. Bread at. COLE, sport model, 1020. sedan, wonderful condition. See Mr. Hunter. USED CAR SALE 878 N. Bread at, , COLE 8 1-pnasenger touring cer, 1023 medel: run only 3800 miles: excellent con dition; will sell reasenable: cash or term;; geed reasons for soiling. Ph. Walnut 2007. 1021 DODGE srdan, splendid all round condi tion, $275 down, balance terms; real bnr bnln. 230 N, Bread st. New Chandler denier. DON'T trade veur old car In, Let Payamps overhaul It for you. Three months' guar nntee. J"ST I.IKE NEW. Diamond 8371: Park 3223. 2220 N, Mnrshxll st. reilDB We are headquarters for used Fords sedans, coupes, deliveries, touring, roadsters. $100 up; terms arranged, itex Ce.. 140,1 woeci. FORD soda late lOJli perfect running or der, $100 worth extras, new tires- run 40011 ml. Theno Pep. 1017. or 1.100 N. 13th. FORD coupe. 1021. perfect condition, $330: terms. 1402 Weed. FORD roadster. 1010, demeuntable rims ivpsv, ten, $178, 48211 N. 10th, Wye. 4S20 W HOLMES 7-paseenger Touring; 3700 miles; $12.10. Spruce 7.107, 1'L'DSON town car; perfect cenellt en: geed tires nil around. Apply IIOWLEY CO.. 2410 Seuth st. HUDSON touring, 1021 11.000 miles: Werth new tires: perfect cei Met or Car Ce.. Beverly new tires: perfect condition; $000. N. J. HUDSON speedster. 1022, very classy, llke new, $300 down, balance easy terms. 250 N. Bread st. New Chandler dealer. 1020 LIBER'IY sedan. S pass., excellent condition, geed tires; small amount down, 1 a I. one year. Boren's. 1244-40 N. Bread. UARMON. 1010. teuring: excellent conditien: sacrifice for Quick sale. See Mr. Hunter. USED CAR SALE 078 N. Bread st. MARMON. 101S. 4-passengcr chummy: won derful condition; cash or terms. See Mr. Hunter. USED CAR SALE. (i75 N. BROAD ST. 1922 MAXWELL BARON'S 124 1 N. Feui: like crtrn new BROAD. ST. new; tire. MAXWELL. 1017: tern-town parts for sale cheap. Belmont 342S J. MAXWELL sedan. A-l shape: $100. Call llex. ejus: wenaeriui uargain. MOON Hnve seu seen the car that has taken America by storm? Price $1108: I will trtde sour used car. Phene for demon. alratlen. Wsnmlng MS4 J. NASH 0, 1021. 5 pass.; first-class con.: will sell at a sacrlflce. Call Brvn Mavvr Sfll W OAKLAND letdstcr. 1020: wire wheels; thoroughly rebuilt: repainted: new top; $475: a snappy cur: terms. Oukland Moter Car Ce.. Oil N Bread st. OAKLAND sedan, like new, $7,10. Beverly. N. .1. 1021. cord tires, leeks Werth Moter Car Ce., 0-44 1022 DEMONSTRATOR touring; enlv run few miles; $ii,10: terms. Oakland Moter Car Ce.. 011 N. Bread st. 1010 PACKARD sedan, recently overhauled, repnlntcd must be sold; terms If desired. Baren's. 1244-40 N. Brcnd st. PAIGE. 1010. touring; first $800 takes It, Mr. Hunter. USED CAR SALE 078 N. Bread st. See PAIOE sport roadster, slightly used; lets of extras; snappy, powerful; cost $4200; sell $1400; no dealers. 210S Walnut st, PIERCE-ARROW I am sacrificing my 1020 7-passenger sedan limousine, in excellent mechanical condition, new tires, just re painted original cost tin. 000; excellent per sonal reasons for offering this car te the first buyer nt $8300; will arrange terms with responsible purchaser, M 300, Ledger Office. 1021 SIMPLEX sednn. car like new. paint nnd erUlnnl tires; upholstery llke new new leek this ever. Baren's, 1211-1(1 N. Brand STANDARD H sdnn, old ROWLEY CO. just llke new: one xear 2410 Seuth st. STUDEIIAKER roadster, slightly used: jn"anv extras. sac.jISO, ge'ng nhread.21(IS Walnut BTUTZ touring. and roadster, all med.: thor ther thor eughly overhauled and relltilshed: excep tionally low priced; cash or terms. See Mr Huntsr. ' USED CAR SALE 1I7B N, Uread st. STl'TZ Bearcat, dual vnlve. Call Ambler 203 W. reasonable WHITE touring, Hi-valve moter: bargain te quick buvcr. Apply ROWLEY CO , "liS Seuth St. WILLYS-KNIOHT touring cnr. cord tlri;- Cellev""? N'jf M,0r Va' TO ItlHE .'j-T-passTuT-Fiirs & limousine, $1.50 per hr. up. Poplar 1017. Park 415n; PERSONALS PENSItlNH undr net Sept. 1. ipoe , June 4, 1020 Spanlsh-Phlllpnine .".'' peried: soldiers, salleis. their ',V Sews nSi ctlldren. certain former widows. r-nn?ni. Mtle II. Stevens t Ce, ?, . i :, ""orneys, 03 n Established mat st . Washington DIAMONDS BOUGHT AND, PAWN TICKETS FOR ivr.i,i, co. 110 Suite 2-22. seeone Poe r. ever C4HM.. 'p.n, A SURPRISE We pay 780 per Ulli pounds ,f magazines niKs; 1c p,r found, in II. Askln, 20 10 N 22d si newspapers, bend postal PATTERN. MAKING, weed and metal nat. xx.rtl'1 lOld Otn, aye, nr 1 hen "mL""?,. V$ LADY'S $1200 dlnm. wonderful stone; $250: communicate. taS'rlM..-'' PRWned $400; C no iif?w" 'Xet c- i.lll. I.e,li-n Office LADY'S $500 beautiful diamond .n. . ring. irfect blue whlte im7p"eclg;1,n.!!10 ticket, $100, C 731, ledger f)fflr "'u tl-"'i sfTX Au ve'A cnl Inst It. x.n . urday morning, send veur n'.i.i.. ?r ." Sit nlng. send your address . HlN Verena I'listefflce. N t t0 m- F. w. H ROACHES, rats, bedbugs it all Jiu-T uests extennlneteil: exnert: V.V. cr. h"use Nt llsiin. 3s3 Haverford ave Pre W?.- WIRE new fur electricity ! m Ulierai ener, mop. ENTERTAINMENTS liberal offer. Mehn 4.113 N lTih0r PUIL-tINO AND LOAN BTO.NIiWALI. Rulldlnif and In As.' series Oct. IS: you are Invited t'.",'Ml Marmsduler l5. Smith? TrVaV.. iaa !"? TYPEWBITERS AND SUPPT.tpcj riiiMiu i ... . - i. trlleciuiBt. i.imiermaii, 70,1 N a K' ., "" INVENTORS wn" """' .'J-V-m will ler .niiivc rTTlT: .l ..,- 0,5B- Inc lilt premises 01 xeU"M, "III w a ' juaci .,"" sg "n"",,,'. Vifflr&w&z- fl ! . : rrrr.... -acKUJ VOt! HAN RENT AN tll.IVKRTVpFwiTinnT.T: THREE MONTHS FOR ft. VllE ni'i J t't I ,7i Hi'iiwmfijR t.u. ivaLnut and 4Xk " STREETS. WAfUT U10I,TJS.8 "feT" Mc -W 1A-.H Plumbers', Steamfirii and Machinists' Teel Stocks and Dies Slightly .Used Beavers te 12 Cut eX' Tolcdea Osters' 1 te 2 Cut. ? tTf. e 4" Cut....' Duplexes - te 4" .Cut.. e3 Armstrongs lyte 2' Cut. ,,2?-la .nl" JJSffl. 'Iffi Rf., vise,: Vr.,.3 P.. l -.'TIB and chain' tone diUli..n-m.;."a milin0, .1.7,Dh 'SSI vyii t 1 305 Cherry St. ' I Market 2869. n6p. HINCR) PHILADELPHIA'S LEADIN0? PAINT .J7V.rrV""iV0 PURE LINSEED OIL PAIN.!' vjuieiuc WHITE $2.50 Gallen ' WILLIAM E. HINCH 1 ACROSS FROM THE 8TANI VV t-. IN TB IinART OF8 PIULARElilfriJ! x-ltf fllAKKET ST. BLANKETS " SPREADS, COMFORTS AT DIG SAVINGS SMITH'S 9" . Jimin J WALNUT ST TYPEWRITErvSReJTECr .... MU? , ea ANri tm ractery Kebullt Typewriter, :i ALL MAKES l AT" :'J KU p.wabl r...c..au wnung machine Ca WA,.T ifSSS CHESTNUT ST. .. .Trm '"Z 5IATN wfiuu i-iiuxiTlON, 1100 feet In ..e".: . clear or riorentlne ..' '". 'eUW. doers and trimmed ready te ereet. ...i T'S miitnmm, '.. ..:r."",!,"t TOm?iet emce' ...-.....,.... e ,,.e ,nn, ,.., .... -; iinn. nm and Ruttonvvned. ""' K',I,;,,VNCI tHtlen Rnsoline pump, uiiben l tank! Geed conditien: barcalnV Iludd WS IIIIIHITi ivnn MM. mmUl .. ." 1 - W....S. w. mi, nnav DKSKS. chairs, Koeds. slluhllv ,,ViiV.-?.?v'.P Ftirnlture Exchanse, walnut Us. --.( u iMirt's. vihh S B.. cer. Uth ui A,?y.sLis,-,.iyj .?!rtiH-T, I 134 N. 12th st. Phene Spruee kit 4 1)1 1, Li Ann itr:AneiiAriTt.-ni! d,,.. '."s bles. new and second handj'bewlln 1m lltTTrTTl.''Tia 1vJrvrwf' '"... . " u'lv,.?L,IP7:?.t"-..Mta Hill refrljornter: also new- 250 1 feci t?ic sell chean. 1721 Rldrw eve. CK ..-., ....,...., H,,e. uiiiiv iiiininin'T' ! . nA... nn ."- !- REFRIGERATORS AND FIXTURE! R T. Rsndsll Si Ce., "'i'n li cirnrfw 331 N. 2d t. $ l.cH,K Chlmlnir maheinny; wonderful ten- ,,.-c ttiiieiHcvi, Kreiee Bnien ee QK. LUVM, Fer apt., eve, or Sun., ph. Wyomlni-legol REFRIGERATOR, B-deer butter box. refrl erater counters comp scales, sllcers ut safes. 82!) Callewhtll at. ALMOST new electric 'llEhtlnir plant ferpnV I ." i - . l, raieec'ey; iiiic-w a. eieersf T, nrciiinKen, rtarcsvilie, I'n. OTN. Heuse seld: contents of same (sefflt very unusual lurnuurei te ee sole! qulcu T. ttycjinuiK il.li n. FURNITllRt: of verv larne homes mutt be wiim. 'in.iu i-qrKRinn live. safes, fireproof, cleslmt eut: nn sllrttlr used, a I Is I zes, styles, makes. 70 N. Fourth .HEATERS, riPEI.ESS. CHEAP i 2131 Market st. COAI, RANOES for silo fir, :p. Call flOOl cnestnut st. yncrvvoeci u,iri7. POOl, TAHLES. 4x8, for sale cheap. Call at hit a vt st. tximnarcl 411IH. KEECVRIC Wclte orchestrien, suitable for mev. picture, laan w. Qlrnra rep 2M., IIUUSKHUU) furnlture for sale: private, st no im. lstn st. Apply eet. 17-iH, u at WATER HEATER, CHEAP 2134 Market st. PIANO. 125 Shoemaker; ceed reason for selllnir. soed conditien: uarinr siss. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ESTABLISHED LEATHER BUSINESS FOR SALE Manufactures and Importing- brldb. strnps, harness. legclnB and ether special leathers, Plant completoly equipped vvlth mua ern machinery; central district. Phila delphia. M 218, LEDGER OFFICE laiiiiitaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiaiagiM tRAuiie st AX?,eirrv l.Hc trAllwvrrsnllll Philadelphia manuracturinn,, ,""';' would llke te Interview capitalist - would be Interested In associating nlraMit with a successful concern, whose """'J,!! 1.. ...... I.. ..... it... ,Vtr. rtrnsiene WOrKUif capital of the rempinv will n-rmlt. ""JiJ inv at least i.ici.uuu an'i neic m ,..---additional eapltal If business develops Mi such nn extent as te make It n"""'?;' predts large and business conducted ew with lamest cempanies: fullest inveitiM tlen; present Renrd of Directors " m,1n,,,L: tee nest ennracter: reicreaceai im w.- - C 722. I.edeer Office. I VV V. i 1 . ,.M 1. We want a mnn with a car nnci i. ' start en: we can snow nuii "' ""-.,. . Li ...Vises n Will make mere in a aay man no i". ",""-;, ln In a week and he Is in DUJin; -. himself: unless we can show mm a ""' " incresninir ine nriKiuni ."v "--':.i. M,t era! thousand dellnrti vyc are vvssiiiut ' time: f you meet the oeovo rmu.. ,...-. . want te see seu at otice between the noun n 0 A. M ami B P .M. . n, .. W.vl, A VttllM. jr., i'.:V"" (Ehtabllshed 1832) Sales Division, '-M fleer. lOtn X. l'linerc bcj STORE MANAOERS , .,,.,01vl A ,.i,i..i. eeieier ehsln stere orB.iniJwes, i nniplv cnpitnllzed and clirecieu ,','-"; merchants if hlKhest st nici"., -- "d' munlcatlen from "perlenced store or s p.irtment rnanncers lecaten in i""j ,fr cl les of net ever r.O.000 P'P',0'';r!nle0r, J ninbltleus of emniit.iiB en a I "";; h An Investment, which would in basis r.Binl secured. Is deslrnuie, dvi ' inly secureii, v "" "-"i ,- i. essential. Write limply nnd in. coin "'" A. M. Aic-KIIWA.. """' ,u .r inn, Jrtev Ynrk. . ... . ,..-. . ,-. .,.- ner !.'. automobile eeint.," AD H'S:!,sr,urr!;un!edJ!.? rre'Ither Phn delihU.Ncw Verlt: WS 'are River bentlnw. ha th 1f,'..ct.f"TSVv(lf ordinary opportunity. Altnil'R i. " j. shade: 8 miles ,TA HHND. I.nr.tfhurne Pa . - ...i... Cnr I pvfFM.ENT liartnerrtiln "l,l,,nr,,u"i';i iSI L.i nnee.1 business man te !.?. half IMI .".'; i ,hn1RlH mercantile uusin' j i ? Xsr.ffi?,&rTss, nee' ler.." M II M, !, - FACTORY reptesentallve vyanted : new n's Acia. Patente.lart.1 costs Si rfl &' every mercnuni u,e " ,i-,t,b. com' 100& cuiJ'r.a.lWi ,?.f'S,nV."irnr.. Tn n tmr4 nnpelnt. Scott tlRQANIZll'l your cempanv .,,... ... irnrlur nflOu " ..... matmmt Mf'Bl iruBVs '. '" .::...,-.. fees; de uusii. -':"fv ; VTeteIet. exre're s''"- Seslniter. Hours" Exchange. e vnnrM rill 11. 1 '" i , - 1'hlia Jebbln trelly lecated: opperliinlty f" . " " win, money. , 'fridrtTW'' I.IIIKHAI, penus ier,i.,i '"V-" i, i n 718 l.eiiaer uin". CONSTABIiE SALE top for sale, machinery for rjntM ij i .Market st,,, feuMh J0.', "ew" I sere, Oenitable, 618 S. Oth ! ,1 1 2. te V iZl" ?? i . t. ei'. . .tn U1..D lAlli4l.-)lli-W . .. .. .-...ri III TUHt.'f 1 t,ve of the most nepuiar i j.e . owner retltln from nclive bu Inefs. w tlen centra ly i-ltua'.cd company "wnj "" Ins1 ,md is wllllmt te al " ff, ffi jesr lease: will sell a II ri l;(, Vp'fmU n.n.B.nrpl Ut COSt. J1 1 II 1 1'. . I''L - W'l ei nMitiiru. 1'IillM .. . .A.1.II11 in mirr P-l 1 fiM"' ..y. .jfHr,tlMt ,.,, ,e ,, 't-