mrs1" W'&nmwm WiWmwi1 JK. i v "&TW r 14 n-ty . f EVENING PUBLIC LEDGER-PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1922 HAZERS ON TIL B NAVAL ACADEMY As Court-Martial Proceeds, Beard of Inveotigatien Be gins Sweeping Inquiry REVEAL VICTIMS' NAMES , ,.ii HHvatch te Kveiihtfl ruhjle f.Merr inniPe Ik. Mil.. Oct. 10.-A court- ' li? of fe r inliMilpm In con- mnH. wltli I " rppcnl linlnB of two ''l''1'0 n ill t lie Nnvnl Armlemr. At ? rZ t m" n bennl of InvPrtlw- "T KLrt.W"!' tlS- Mil fnctB n"'Sr ilne IimI i nt the Institution. renv, he reiirt-mnrllnl bwiti It wmj A i i timt Hip phnruw wprp bnFnl mti'. hi efV." Mrflrcner. of tic linr-iiit? e ivnrBeii. '"aI 7nmn S n" rt Ilnwkln.. or 5nrlitflp"l Mhm.. m.,1 llrm H. Iloli Ileli of f'limiillpp. Ar .. nw rhnwd 1 l"i Hi" '"'"B' ,T,'n', IR?" ,T ?, "f nexbury. JIim, niid Themas f ,nrp. of Mount Vppnen. I ml., both Icnlnrs nre net-used of J.eins present nt ienl when the lintnB wni jletic nn.l L innUlns nny effort te Mop t. it.,th of the eitns men who were ,,, Ve in tlm Nnvnl Hospital, but I,' y McliiPSnr U there iccniw eMIip win- IViirfeii received n rilnlit hurt i.Vi nlmlne soccer. It Is Mated most Miiplinticiillj tlmt he received no Injury fl MrClrrsm-' suffered from exhaustion .nil strain, bavin bppn compelled le continue filiM-itvit exerelHes until he col lided. Slmllnr treatment was ac muled Pearson. ... , , , TIip euift form of basin consisted In adniinKteriiiK tlie ".Sixteenth" and "Sittlnc en Infinity." The former 18 n rcpnbir phy-lcnl exercise and harm 1cc If done In modpNitien. IIoeer, the h.vtra often require it te be cur ried out until the plobe is exhausted. im In tlip Mcfirecjnr cusp. It cetitdsts of MnndlnK with hands en hips nnd lop nnd rnWiiR the body by bending the J;nrpi outward nnd then bringing them jegi'fliPP. "Sittlns en Infinity In n mndlflcn mndlflcn Hen of n pliyslcnl exercise. The plebe ji compelled te squat an low ns he enn nnd miilntnln his bnlnuce. Sometimes many plcbPH nre compelled te de this in ieW, sitting en each ether's knees. Lebanon Weman Hurt In Aute Spill West Chester. Pa.. Oct. 10. Mrs. Jacob Ijawn, of Lebanon, Pn.. wife of ti member of the firm of Lawn Brethers, nf tlmt city. badly injured tht forenoon when nn nutomebile in whlrli r-lie and her hiihbnnd nnd two ethers were riding, overturned en the Whit hind rend near the entrance te Oakland t'l metery. The ethers escaped injury, but the car waa badly damnged nnd was towed te this place. WRECK SURVIVORS ARRIVEAT PORT These Rescued Frem Burned Ship, City of Honolulu, Reach Les Angeles ONE SAVED THEN ARRESTED tfu Anyeclatril Pmi AiiucIpn, Oct. JO. Tlir transport Themas, bearing (tie crew nnd passen gers of the burned steamship City of Honolulu, wns in Les Angeles early, today, the passengers nwnltlng the ummf health inspection before being permitted te come ashore. A Federal beard te Investigate the burning of the City of Honolulu nlse expected te interview (lie passengers before permitting them te land. When the Tliemnn dropped anchor the rc-cued passengers nnd crew cre chid In gin incut h varying from borrowed uniforms of Held efllccrs te blankets. TugH and speed beats circled llje Themas, nnd calls for ficsh fruit, to te to bacre and numerous ether small com forts were uoen supplied. Ran IVaiicloce, Oct. ll).-(llyA, P.) Kadle, which saved the life of Leslie Dewev Atkinson last Thursday when the liner 'City of Honolulu burned nt sea, jestcrdny turned against liltn and caused Ills nirtst. Today he wns in custody en Hu clmrge of leaving with army funds from the pest exchange at Pearl Haiher, near Honolulu. Atkinson s ex perience was recited In n copyrighted dispatch published by the San Fran Fran eifiee Chronicle today. According te the account, Atkinson left Honolulu aboard 'the City of Hono lulu, nnd when fate placed him en the rescue ship, the transport Themas, ma lines identified him. Itnille communi cation between the Themas nnd army officers at Penrl -Harber resulted in the order for his arrest. Passengers en the City of Honolulu identified Atkinson ns the "life of the shipwreck." They said he was per Irtcntly cheerful. BODY ISFOUNDJN RIVER Search Is Made for Mlislng Man After Beat Is Found Adrift The body of .Icremlaii Held, forty- live years old, of Island Heights, N. T., was found in I lie river jesterday , of the. ilvcr. morning nt Island Heights. Weld's beat was found ndrlft nnd n search wns made. In dragging the river his body was found near the feet of en of the decks. It Is thought that he either fell from Ills beat or from the deck nnd became. embedded In the soft mud nt the bottom Chicago San Francisce fr" Bettbn New Yerk rjUuiMmuiiiTmffln 'ZJeVjfXSfeMMKasa- Guaranteed Never te Stretch and te held its shape indefinitely. Yeu will want this mattress when you sec it. Jt is the tailor made mattress and its use a guarantee of many luxurious nights of rest. See the Display This Week at ''Heme Beautiful" Exposition Or at Your Nearest Furniture Dealer Hess Manufacturing Ce., Phila., Pa. FINE PUPvE WOOL UNDERWEAR In light, medium or heavy weights te suit varying tastes and requirements. r Msn's Union Suits 8.00 te 16.50 Men's Undershirts 5.75 te IO.OO Men's Drawers 5.75 te 9.25 Women' Union Suits 6.75 te 1 1. se Women's Vests 3.50107.50 Women's Drawers 4.50 te 8.25 Children's Union Suits 4.25 te 10.00 Children's Vests 2.25 te 5.75 Children's Drawers 2.00 te 5.50 "THE celebrated standard of A quality for almost forty years, Jaeger underwear is made of the finest Australian pure virgin wool designed and perfectly tailored for these who appreciate com fort and demand quality who desire underwear te fit snugly yet net te cling. Especially desirable during the inclement fall and winter days, Jaeger underwear keeps one evenly warm, dry and thus comfortable since wool only possesses the qualities of transmitting te the outer air body moistures and impurities. MEN'S UNDERWEAR IN THE NATURAL COLOR WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S IN NATURAL OR WHITE Mail Orders and Inquiries Invited 1701 CHESTNUT STREET Cerner 17th Street ITS A IWOCl)UT- BACTERIA SUCCUMB TO MtfNOS A CLEAN SWING te the point of the chin, and the pugilist "takes the count." The count is ten. A clean sweep of the mouth, and the bacteriologist "takes the count." His count is hundreds of millions. Hundreds of millions of little enemies, dangerous when they once grew active in revolt, multiplying into MORE hundreds of millions in the incubating tempera ture of the mouth. Kolynes Eliminates Them Daily Are you making any intelligent, regular effort te CONTROL and ELIMINATE these threatening germs, many of which are disease germs some destructive te the teeth, ethers injurious te the gums and threat, and yet ethers of which pass into the system? Cleanse your TEETH and MOUTH daily with KOLYNOS DENTAL CREAM. Use it TWICE daily morning and night and use it ON A DRY TOOTH BRUSH. Kolynes was produced originally by men who were the FIRST te understand MOUTH BACTERIA, which establish their colonies in the gelatinous film en the teeth, en the gums and tongue, and en all the mouth membranes, Why Physicians Advise Kolynes It is because physicians knew that the mouth is the seat of septic processes the chief channel of entrance pf bacteria dangerous te health that they join hands with leading dentists the world ever in advising patients te daily use Kolynes Dental Cream. We have en file in our New Haven laboratories personal applications from ever 47,000 American Dentists and 74,000 American Physicians for Kolynes Dental Crea-n, te distribute among their patients. An unclean mouth is a diseased mouth and te brush the teeth alone, even te the most brilliant white ness, does net necessarily CLEANSE THE MOUTH. A GRITTY DENTIFRICE, which scores the enamel and assists in its EARLY DESTRUCTION, will scrape the film from the surface of the teeth and give them an UNUSUALLY WHITE APPEARANCE? Cleanses the Entire Meuth Kolynes DISSOLVES the fatty film the only safe way te remove it. It renders inactive and ELIMINATES hundreds of millions of disease-producing bacteria including these which produce the acid of teeth-decay. u TC vvSSle g,?e mouth and washing away d5!!' KOLYNOS IS ALSO POLISHING THE liLh.iH te their original, NATURAL lustre WITH OUT THE USE OF GRIT. ux" lusire' min' Begin using Kolynes enjoy the incomparable mouth feeling pf true, health-givinc cleanliness P The Kelyna Company New Haven Conn. U.S.A. ASCO ASCO sjwau'v'Av y, h H fi fl irniri bnivni ASCO ASCO-rt vS'K!tX8SX An Organization Built en the Bed Reck of Experience, and Breathing the Atmosphere of Efficiency that's the American Stores Company's chain. Nothing theoretical or vision ary about it, just a carefully studied plan of direct merchandising constituted as a workable, practical medium between producer and consumer. All of these years of experience and direct advantages, coupled with our wide distribution, are among the answers why American Stores' leadership is se pronounced in every neighborhood, city or town where our stores are located. "Where quality counts," means mere than mere words when applied te American Stores' merchandise. ' Lifebuey Seap, Cake 1. It's itfntjlni' flue prlrr. Iiilli. "Where Quality Count" Buckwheat Pancake Fleur ( Each Gelden Syrup ) Jnlrt MnnrstelT or In snr combination yen ilf.lre. prrpnrnl. All freili nrw pnk fnll enel, . ;3fer25c A .... timnltn Urnltnmt Hill OATS 3 pkgs 25c Canned Fruits from Sunny Lands Calif. Peaches bi; can 23c Sliced Pineapple mti. can 25c Sliced Pineapple bi; can 35c Crushed Pinenrple.r.ied. can 19c Calif. Cherries . . bi; can 33c fZSW Perk & Beans 9C can 3 cans 25c Snowdrift Vegetable Shortening lb can 12Vfec '. Muflc from pur Trrrlnlilr ell hr.t fur f n Inc find hnl.lnir. Big 'Where Quality Count" LSy Eggs dez 40c Eggs you can be sure of! V 2 Butter ib 54c 5n Tailt ,tt Unsurpassed feed value every pound contains the Pasteur ized cream from ten quarts of milk. Little wonder it is known ns the Finest Hutter in America. Geld Seal Eggs crXef 53c II Richland Batter 47c Thr pick of tlir nrtlM Rich Creamy Cheese, lb., 27c rira.lnjr flnTnr. Jn.t the rlrlit "mi." Srmml nl le the fnniem l.euflln. sce UJcemarcarine, lb., 23c i.P "'L'Tr ynh.tltnt" "ril In Ihnnwml -. .,....,.-... -, , nuntirrrt or our Mere S-raSi $see Where Quality Counts" HICeffee 29 Yr rnre net hew rrerli von hnrr hrn imlnr, Men up In 4flr or 50c Ib. ,en nrirr ilrnn' , eITm tlmt v.U cle ou nn, lietlrr hnlMiictlen tlmn rn lilrnil, jwtvir(3l c ilfi mce 4SC0 sens mm? IX """"1 I l rai m . mil lea lZc Vz-h., 23c: Mb pkr;., 45c re nil-nl Tra. brine (Imt nt.fPflen te III- ler of ii (t.hhI run of Irn tlmt urril't rtplnln. Imi must brn, u "pet" te rrallf, ! nilmntlnc fliner lilPm) , M1i, rxrr 1nttf Quality Vegetables Choice Tomatoes, med. can, 1C: Asce Tomatoes, med. con 12c Asce Maine Cern, can 12'"C Cot Strinj Beans can, 12c Sugar Btets big tin, 14c Tender Peas can, 12l2C Soaps & Powders Babbitt's Borax . .G c:I,ts 25c P. & G. Naphtha . c:l;e 5c Ijerj 3 ci!.e TOc Yenn'j Borax bij ctlie 12 . c Ycunj's Powder pk; 12c Stcr Tewder ....pkj 6c 9 Quality Candies Chocolate Min'.j lb 39c Whipped Cr. Chocolates. Ib 33c Petnut Brittle, big pk 29c Asce Mints .. .,b ?sc Asce Caramels . ,'b 33e Hershey's Chece. Kisses lb 39c Pk Best White rotatees (3 ib) A Peck flZ Ir.. 9-? lrrtr.. smilril f teri. uoeil roekrrV Geld Sea! 12. t AQ FLOUR , Z!lr I .'..lh ;;f ref fnm'l, flour rnn'i br mill.,! brttrr Asce Cern Starch .. . ,b U(. Asce Cider Vinegar . . . ,,, Asce W. D. Vinegar bnt Best It'mk Salmen Red Alaska Salmen . Asce Witch Hazel nn ciin 16c 12c 12c 25c bnt 17c 9 Geld Seal Macaroni . Blue Rese Rice Best Pearl Barley Seedless Raisins Fine Table Salt inB New Norway Macherel end. 7c, 15c lb Hi c Hi pi s: 9c 9c 6c 15c The Wonder cf Baker dem! fcead Supreme "Where Quality Counts Yj.YjlfffSAA'y?2&i -z Tiit m ic&yr i w .sta?aa v4 SSgkWf5 Big a&SS&M?LMf Our minster Tkiker' Mn.lprplcre The Ut enl In llrmiiMsjUlnar On the Table of Thousands! Victer Bread Regular Pan Leaf Victer Rai?!n Bread ... . '' 10c Victer Whole Wheat Bread 1,mf 10c fc Meat Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday Small Regular or Quality Hams Skinned Hams Large Slicing Haims lb 111 28c Ib 32c 3Sc Fresh Killed Poultry Frying Chickens -'' tn 3i H, nvpr.iKe. Breiling Chickens . 2 te :'; lh average. City Dressed Perk Chops Cky Dressed Perk Roast Selected Cuts ,b 38c New Made Sour Kreut t lOc lb 28c 28c fcsiSSaftaSiRSSySNSW These price effective in our Phila and C.mA. n. ... ... ASm ACi-i rn"a' ana Camden Stere and Meat Market: vazt a3- K wk n a 4 - - -w AJU . v-'V, ' " si .a mwt-it.