Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 16, 1922, Night Extra, Page 11, Image 11

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EVENING '&& ' m-frMAti&PBlA. mMt: OCTOBER 16. 1022
Ltfe Benny s
Nete Boek
By l Pape
j,jt think of nil the mcny different
Tt fakes te innKe n aoe,
Teu Rtnml outslde their cages looking
And "hey slnml inside looking out nl
The elefunt Btnwli"eii his fret nit dnj
innklne Ktreiig ninl hnrty but lmle,
ifiw rnrllhriy he wnves hli trunk'
fid Jent de n thing with his talc!
O leek fit the bnby rlnewrlss
Tie Ih lirltty ber-mise he Is new,
While his metlivr en the contrary h jct
the reverce,
Bhc ns eiing once but hew she lias
grew.' 4
The menkcyH jump up the bnrs of thcit
feccnine they have no trees te clime,
Things You'll Leve te Make
Esy te MaJej Cemcnlent te Have
The suspender frock pictured it ens-
te make, and very convenient te have
or jour liny daughter. With nne
jiraight gnt1'"-"1 sklrt n fcw fclll'le
Mouses or gillmpcs, and a few eus
fenders', iinny dainty and pretty nun
lilnntlnn flecks can be made. The sklit
Is made of a straight piece of the
mnterial catheied nt the top and
Mwed te a belt. Yeu can innkt- one
of cloth ami one of ehet or MIK. The
fiipcndeis arc two sttnlght pli-ce of
lie mnterial. pointed or rounded at
etch cud and tinlihed with n button
hole. A button is sewed te the fient
ml hnck of eneh fkirt, se that the
imnenders can be buttoned en. Little
tope cnilais nud berthas can be made I
rrparntci . tints nuutng te tne numui-r
et stjles of frocks. FLORA.
But you cant Injey feeling sorry for
HecniiRe they hnvn such n wonderful
' r.
We stay there hrnvely n the lien rears
And nhews all the tcetli he can bIiew,
And jet en the ether linnd If he ever
lireiik looms
We'd be the first ones te go.
(Mlfe of (tin tlilnrac Amliftaftiiiler)
Roasted 0 reuse
Grouse cooked in iielf-hnstlng roaster,
seasoned and stuffed with brt'iul-dress-Ing.
' 1'lnce In dish circled by potato chips,
punctunted with groups of sliced cu cu
cumbere and iienrt of lettuce, ever
which has been penied oil and vinegur
dressing and a bit of orange juice.
Tomorrow Cheese Toast, by Mndnm
Loulse Hemer.
Free hair cuts for twelve months ami
a pint of "home-brewed" en enehWxIt
wnn wen by n eung woman In a Ne
braska Hinge in it raffle. A pair of
Hllk stockings was wen by a man.
this new idea in
footwear. At last
you can have shoes
especially designed
through patented
methods te give
unequalcd comfort.
But mere! the new A. E.
Little Shee in no way sac
rifices style te accomplish
this. Fashion was consulted
and obeyed in its construction.
I Shee Company
obtained in Europe
this summer, the best styles in fur coats and-tfraps.
I was particularly interested in trie style, as that
means se much today in-fashionable fur garments,
and it is nr? ambition te continue giving the ladies
of Philadelphia the best service in the Fur Trade
jf . ,. 70"
New Lew Prices
Fall Dresses
m low as
Unusual values new
offered en quality Can Can
eons, Brocades, Satins,
Twills and Velvets.
Beaded French
Evening Gowns
Of Exquisite Silver Cleth
Extraordinary Specials
Coats Capes Wraps
Repiescntmg the highest Steiling Standards of material
and workmanship. 5TJ.50
We leature Aiarveua trapes wun uiuck v,aracui
Cellar, at
'I iff ?r
1 '
Because the health
and beauty of your
teeth can be lest in
two ways
JJ-Sheppacd &Sens
Holiday Handkerchiefs Ready
This Announcement
is te enable our customers te cheese early, when
stocks ere fullest. Many of the most desirable lets
are limited in quantity1 and will seen be sold.
Women's Handkerchiefs
A wonderful assortment at 50c each. Omer lines,
25c te $20.00 each (fine embroidery).
Handkerchiefs for Men
An all-linen initialed handkerchief six in a box
for $2.00 the box. Omer handkerchiefs, 25c te
$2.00 each.
Children's Handkerchiefs
3 -in -a -box for 50c the box. Decorated -with
nursery characters.
100$ Chestnut Skeet
is your last chance
te rtet
M Tl ' ' MIItT
,r r. Tir city. N!i J
i -ffTrKsr
un thn iieHrti rrent
Day ratai In effect until
February lit, 1D3S.
Imrltan Plan Enllriiy. Alwin Optn
SlniU Kuem, Runniait Waler IS 00
Single Reen, IMfile Beth 16 ti le 17 00
Deuble Rem. Haantng Water - -flOOO
Deuble Roem, Prltate Haiti 1 1 1 00 la I U 00
Deuble Ream. Prl,ale Rath.
flreen Freet Carurr, 114 00
Ownrrhjp Maneicment Phene 14R5
IIH1IHN" Mll.is . .1.
The Pig'n Whistle Inn
Brewn'a Mllls-ln-tba
Pinea. N. J.
Net a Sanitarium
Ml of lla old Ulcntelc,
Im liidliiR weeU cncler
wrlcenm nn Ita roepenlnff
tlie lust nf (iLtnlier, It
i ill miinin n iirxi i n l.
nTerlni? niert dlvrrslnn nni! mi ret
i. Tin; in' MMiiuirium irmiege or liyiltn
(liini'i, nimnugi' and dltitli' auperTlslen
The Ontwoed V,vn,1'11 "" ie" ieU
it'inuiiii siim, mi an nnd
-" HiiBaWHi Homelike Furrllent tttble nitlt C L Smith
AT 9 o'clock tomenow
niprht, the Colonial My. My.
tery BricU Contest clese1".
Notes postmarked Inter will
net be counted.
In the nults of the South Seuth
wnrk National Bunk is a aeal
H envelope containing the
nnnies of the three flavors se
lected for our wonderful Ms
tery Brick. Wednesday at' 10
A- M. em elope will be
If you can pick the three
flavors we have .selected, veu
jvill Ret FREE a brick of
Heathi7ed Colonial Ice Cream
cery ueek for one ear.
The contest is open te all.
e restrictions. Get your vot vet
inR Mips fieni any Colonial
dealer. Full details en every
yetiiiR slip. Don't delay vote
today, vateh Saturday papers
for announcement of win
nei s.
M)stcry Brick en Sale
Saturday. Place tour orders
m adnnce.
m AH
I ..-.... , wwii ,,i.j. i AMIlVII.t.K vr
Dire-nl.y en tlie Ocenn Frent j - H
I The Aroerican Plan Hetel par-excellence 5 ' J.-lskflfTlrl.'i'lZ'Kntfil I
g Brt-kGaraBeen '"wAWtRJ HU7BT. ! If flLXlt- ASh Wll I C ajVT 9
hotel property Owner and Manager if.v . L, ASnfVILLE,N.C. I
)t ?Steakctg iS
pieunum reaka en even aide Twe aupener Hh
hole On f Ceanei Ilard aurfare rnetSr readi
iuiiuit nFyLNDORf. Mir
On Oecnn Krent ririrrnel
Anivrii mi ,". rureiiean riatia. fjelf Club ii.lvl
!!; a llur. Ilediuid Call nnd Winter nitea.
Have Yeu Seen the Dresses at
$10 te $22.50 in Wanamaker's
DeAvn Stairs Stere?
All Sorts of Geed Coats
Wanamaker's Down Stairs Stere dresses aren t like
"everybody's." There aren't dozens of duplicates of every
style. There aren't peer silks and poorer cloths and
skimped workmanship.
Ne, 'these are Wanamaker quality dresses, bought ad
vantageously se that the prices are particularly low.
There are hundreds and hundreds 01 mem at $iv, u
99 Kn viVlir nnw. mnrlv tn snp and carefully examine. Often
iie n r. m nf n lVinrl "Finds" fnr the woman
size they are.
only one or two of a kind. "Finds" for the woman whose
Canten crene. charmeuse. crepe de chine, wool jersey,
Peiret twill and tricetine dresses, all $10.
TwM-back velveteen frocks, $15, $16.50, $20, $25.
Lace and crepe de chine dresses, $15, $16.50, $25.
Evening frocks of the most fascinating sorts at $18,
$25, $35.
Extra-size dresses of serge, Peiret twill and Canten
crepe, variously priced $12.75, $15, $16.50 and te $42.50.
(Down StBlm Stere, Market)
Specializing Women's Suits
at $18.75 and $25
Certain thinps nil of these very moderately priced suite, have in
common. One is geed silk linings. Anether is careful cut and work
manship. A third is geed style nnd wenrablcness.
$18.75 suits are tailored and tperts models in tweeds. Net many
of any ene sort, but an unusual assortment. Sizes 14 te 44 in the
25 suits are geed-looking tailored tricetines, and a specialized
group of sample velour suits with fur trimmings beaver-dyed ceney,
mole and nutria. The tailored suits are in navy blue and black only.
The "dress" models are in blue, brown, reindeer and fawn. Sizes
10 te 38.
(Down fltnln Stere, Market)
for Women
Between $10 and $32.50
All new, all interesting, all quite out of the ordinary
at their prices.
Tweed Spert Coats at $10, $12, $14.25, $16.50, $20
Pepper-and-salt mixtures and herringbones; blurry
diagonals; heathery mixtures. Seme plain and some plaid
back. Half lined, fully silk lined, lined with suede cloth.
Coats With or Without Fur at $25
Seft belivias with caracul fur-cloth cellars, cuffs and
band-trimmings; silk lined throughout.
Deep-feeling veleurs with cellars of caracul or beaver
dyed ceney. Many are embroidered and braid trimmed; all
are silk lined.
Many pole coats in soft tan coatings and chinchilla.
Smart diagonal tweeds and "invisible" checks. Seme silk
lined te the waist ; ethers fully silk crepe lined.
Spert Coats With a Distinctly English Air
$28.50 te $32.50
Novelty tweeds, rainbow flecked tweeds, wide distinc
tive herringbones, rough mixtures and unusual block pat
terns. Seme in characteristic sports styles; ethers with
very full backs, wider-than-usual sleeves, larger-than-erdi-nary
cellars. Half or full silk linings.
(Diiirn Ntalm Stere, Market)
16 Styles of Women's New Shoes at $5 te $6.50
i .... .- i ... i ,
Best-Leeking, Best
Fitting Shoes We Knew
of Anywhere at Such
Moderate Prices
By going straight te the
factory and having these
Wanamaker Down Stairs
Drders rushed ahead of many
ethers we can present this
complete assortment just
when new shoes are needed.
They come from a maker known for the quality of his
shoes from one coast te the ether. Seme of the largest
stores in America sell almost nothing but his product. This
is the first season for them at Wanamaker's and women
are cheesing two and three pairs at a time !
They are correct in style, they fit, they seem te be
Deep Bertha Cellars of Shadow
Lace Special at $1.25
On the Down Stairs Central Aisle
Cobwebby patterns ending in Van Dyke
points or scallops are fenturcs of new
bertha cellars just unpacked.
The cellars themsehes ate deep enough
te hang well enr the shoulder, thus
forming n sort of sleeve. The neckline
is softened en seme models by rows of
shirring, though the crcamincs of the
lace and the soft, graceful lines of the
cellar make this precaution leally un
Sale of Little Round Percale
Band Aprons, 25c
Special purchase of all the manufac
turer had at a piice considerably lower than one usually finds.
Made of geed firmly woven percale in white with small black
figures and trimmed with rick rack braid All have pockets and
sashes te t'c nt the waist, and are long enough te pietect one's skirt
White Seap That Will Fleat, 40c
for Bar Weighing Over Te rounds
An all-around soap which can be used for shampooing, for
bath, for laundering delicate fabrics.
A bar weighing ever two pounds can be cut in eight sirable
(limn Stulrn Stere, Ontrn! AUle)
Fer That Halloween Costume
Gay-Colored Cambrics, 15c Yard
Half the fun of Halloween , vivid color schemes. Yellow,
is in the costuming and deco- ' scarlet, emerald, orange, dull
rations, and these brilliant blue, black and white. 24
cambrics suggest dozens of inches wide.
(Iluwti Hlnlrn Stere, Central)
exactly what people want and they are extraordinarily geed
quality at the prices.
Large new shipments have just arrived, insuring all
sizes in every style for tomorrow, Tuesday.
One-strap, two-strap and plain pumps of black or tan
calf, black kid, patent leather and kid combined with suede.
Lew, medium and high heels. Mostly with substantial
welted soles. Many of these shoes have rubber heels at
tached. ,
(Down Stair Stere, ( lieMnut)
Men's Shoes Specialized at $5
Yeu should hear what men are saying about them!
What they think about their fit and their geed style.
All are of solidly geed leather, mostly with rubber
heels already attached saving that usually extra expense.
Tan or black leather oxfords in almost a dozen styles.
All sizes.
(Down ntalm Stere for Men, en the Gallery, Market)
SI. 25
fi ' -"i'.
U,r-- "h
I ' ,'... VJ
.."! '.
'v W w:
-. . ' '.. I y-
Lj'i- '--
-.' -J'
Women's Novelty Chamois-Lisle
Gloves, $1.50
Made for the dozens of women who are tired of buy
ing ordinary and uninU renins; glow-, because they are
"serviceable." These new delightfully original doves aie
as serviceable as one could ask (they aie washable, of
course) and in addition the. aie mightily distinctive leek-
ln,-0ne Etyl ,n eray 01 'JC'aer has deep perforated
cuff lined with contrasting color, and embroidered te match.
Sand or prray fringed pauntlet irleves have -rlf-embreidcred
backs Levely I2-butten-kripth ones in cafe, covert and
walnut shades h.ive two perforated, contrastingly lined
bands and embroidered backs.
(Down Stulr Mere. Central)
Vlriilulu a., H.l lietel from IhuiIi. 1'iliaie
aauia. rumiiui; nuirr; riutmer; reuueid Full
rutta. Sjiii Ullla, mvner. N. J, Cnlllua. mgr,
Hetel FRASCATI B.rmuW-
A ineai : delljhttul natir front location.
eQi cre.jca ormuae- Hnest aaa batnljii
, te gnt.ta. Meating, Flslitnv. Tennl.
I'rtnrimr lira unit mn, nnnMiV..
1 all year. UwU H. Davidwi. 5
Moderate Prices en Geed
Wilten Rugs
Advanced wholesale prices and the increasing
scarcity of reliable, standard-grade rugs, emphasize
the attractiveness of these Wilten rug offerings. Firm
ly backed, thickly napped rugs in well-chosen patterns
and geed colors. Where two prices are emoted for the
same size, the difference is because of the weight of
rugi, $67.50, ?81,
rugs, $100, 5125,
the rug, either medmm or heavv.
2754.in. rugs, $9.."i0 and !K12-ft
$10 75 590.50
36xt-;j-in mgs, 5ieiO
4.0x7. (i-ft rug-., $20 ."0 and
6x9-ft mgs, S55 11 3xl2-f( rugs $100. $125.
8.3x10 6-ft. rugs $65. $S0. 10.6xl3.6-ft. rugs, $136
'85- 11.3xl5.ft lugs, M25, $150.
iDenn rtnlr Stere, Client mil
r.:mAl-nl ALvaya eien. al.iyi I
VtUklllllwSlLCll reau . irmi me lerata
Wrlie or plume
Hnrcl Roscellfl h'ntULLjr am. ur. Ueacn
wcikly. UilopUuue UT. A E MAltlO.N.
SEASIDE HOUSE cntlie 0"l,n front
w Ouu all year.
for Baltimore
Tar K00 ene nay, $3 00 round irln
Dully nt r, l. M .I e lleck SatunlavS
sieamera mop nt Itettorten, laa!nr Tlei
J Siiuih Delaware Ae. " i lei
Senil for ramphlet
I Men's Exceptional All-Weel Overcoats, Light and Heavy
W.aia-1i4-G 9K f (E!Q7 K( In
!tvi&uj eytj tf tUtJ I VJ 111
the Down Stairs Stere for
Men, en the Gallery
8-Day Vacation Tours 83
Via Palatial Steamers
With, all tlie ultra tmn of a ilellttltful
rachlln trl te a qualm lerelifn lana
M Mlr-w M-ilnr-.il- j -ml S-firdira
All Land and Water Sports
Modern Hotels Ne Passports
II ll..aliln . -II r a
urn in k
llmlilnK, rvrllni.
I, oil rintT,
IrniH. ndinf.
.--!i tii!j ; .,."" -i.
epccim neuaay sailings
Icnilni N Yeik !) i'O i) mill .10
frr I'liMitmaa nr Nrn Year In lli-rnimla
Dcek New for Winter fr JIMldav 6"lln
a,.,,,, .,., .....,,,,, t,,,,, liOOhlff
runwii, Withy & Ce.. Ltd., Beuna I)M,, pr Any Teurlat A.Vnt.
fit. QEOHOJB IIOTEI,. lltrmniln Kenevatad and Riturntahad B-in., ri...
TanTt. OelT Mmmmliui Teel. Poeklni. iJAw" BermSSa ,Ui?w fut.
r K .Pv-
i B
Ne matter 'what datt- tne caI
endar may say it is, a ninn never
thinks about the next season's
clothing needs until the ther
mometer compel- him te. The
calendar has registered Autumn
for n long time, but it's only in
the last week or be that the
Weather litis been convincing
enough te persuade men that
winter is just 'round the corner,
nnd new is the time te prepare
for it. The Down Stairs Stere
for Men is ready for winter, with
ene of the weithieet collections
of overcoats it ha ever been able
te offer.
Light-weight met coats in
straight-box and raglan sleeve,
belted stj les; plain colors,
tweeds, hei ringbones and heather
.nntc?'vmi.tt!,r..iln1n!Mi..-lJi , . .. .
v-"7 "' ''"'i"1"1"1 H"i ur iJtnin deck overceatlngh in blues, browns
and grays; cut en geed, big lines, with large conveitible cellars nnd
pockets. Quiii tei -lined with satin and isAme with Venetian lining.
Many as low as yjB; nene higher than $37.50.
Men's Separate Trousers, .$5
Geed all-w-oel trousers in a wide nssertment of neelt -mixed
patterns, tweeds and hm ringbene. A man if, lilcelJ te find a pair
here which will mntch up with his coat nnd vest, thus g.ung them a
new "lease en life" at very little cost.
(Deun Stair, qter. (or Men. en tb Glltrr, Market)
New Shipment of These
Blanket Bathrobes That
Men Like
Yes, Only $5
Best blanket bathrobe the Down
Stairs Stere for Men has been able
te offer in a lenjf time at $e. Much
mere like the robes that cost sev
eral times this sum than one could
possibly expect. Marie of unusually
soft blanketing it's cotton of
course, but it feels much like wool.
Their colors are different, tee, from
ordinary five-deMar bathrobes, soft
er, mere masculine, and the debits
are really luxurious.
Warm browns, red, serviceable
blue, sreen, gray all in the indefin
able plaids and figures a man Ukes.
Cut plenty large, se thev lit com
fortably. Wc suggest 'them for
(Down fiUlr, 8er for Men, en Ilia (Jllerr, Market)
I '"I
IZ&rrr, i'-'tsw.
.III -. .!' V