Evening public ledger. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1914-1942, October 14, 1922, Night Extra, Image 9

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!H, Mv
Nancy Wynne Talks of Miss Dickinsen's Engagement te
Mr. Nevin She Hears of Wonderous Veil te Be
Wern by Miss Carter at Wedding Teda,
THE annnuwcment of Uexnlenr-Dlr-k
lns.en' nigiiitcineiit t Ojtilcn Ncvln
today I1 u'1-' 'i'(",ti,,K ,0 "lnn nf '"
v,h Mm" I'"1'1 "l0 0U"R Pf,r"eii'1 rind
It's n vpr nlfp rnxiierMiicnt, Ien. Komi Kemi
lene, J mi H'tiiPtiibrr, pa,n'' nbeut
three J""-11 "B"- Mrri' """ '" J""'""""'-i
tTpr pnrenlH ll" In Trenten, but her I
metlirr, li wiih Hexnn'iir nevveii. vwih
I'hllniiwpimin.iiii'i ""i ninny iripims i
i - I . I. -. -1 . . . .m.9 I r.a latH
..,... ! Ik n
ller priinilniethcr. Mrs. William
Hewell. .Ir.. livei In Mils city, and
Mining I"1'" "''"'' reliitlM" here lire Mrs.
llenrv I'rnlt Mi'lvenn. Mih. H. Trunk
Clnpp .mil Mii. l!nlph Ucrr. Mrs.
Dpr' (irrt liti"l)ad IiiivIhk bi'cti the
Ute Wllllut i Roberts Hewell, an uncle
nt Itexalene. Anether iinele of hern
" ".- -. . . .. I
Is Mr. l'lillemei ificuiiimn, . nvc
In Chestnut lull. I
Ojilen Nevin iH tne son ei .Mrs.
iH the wen
rimrle Xeiin, and If I mil net ti
taken Is related te the OfidenM, LVrets
nnd Heffuuinr. of tliN flly. The Ncvlns
lived for Mime yearn at liOL'l Locust
street, nnd one islslit lnt summer two
of the Ievh barely escaped with their
llus from n lire In that house. In fact,
the limine N net habitable yet, liavlus
been burned out from tbe second story
up thiniiKli the Teurth.
Odgen' Nevin In the eldest of the three
boys, tb" ether belli.,' fliarlie nnd I'erut.
Ill's slhter Uoiethy married Theobald
Clailc. nnd they h.ive been livins In
Mpiirttnenti ill UH'IO I'lnc street. have
net hcaril hi Itexalene'n ucilillnp date,
but bmg etiRnB'ments are net en regie nt
ptesent, fe I pieHtinip it will be in tbe
prlng. If net earlier.
HEAR l.uelle Carter H te wear nt
hnr upilililip tednv that gorgeous laee I
veil which neiengs ie ner gniiiuiiieiiii'i,
. I -f .!. i
U Wllllnm T. Carter, and which lias
been en exhibition nl Memerial Hall in
the collection of wonderful old lnces out
there. I have been told the veil is
mined by collectors nt .fW.000.
Kiery mm Is verv hnppy about the
Reeves-Carter weJdine. for both Luelle
nnd Snm are great favorites, and it
peenis such happy thing. Snm Reeves
is the t-en et Jlr. nnd Mrs. David
Recus, ve.i ttnew. Ills mother wn
Miss Klls'c Fisher and ber mother was
Miss Mary Telsseie. I.ilti I-'Micr'b
father, the late Mr. illlum Usher, ,
as u brother of Mrs. Ueevcs. i
Lueilu I-. the daughter of Mr. WU-
l.i.ffliter himI H(ixn!cni- ucau'elj lnlwd Jnnuitry In honor of MIsh Marguerite J.
Rpp lire, "lie gUCt Of honor at tnnilj Helme. Ilvttiil. nn.l Minn Mnml Tlnrrlv,,,.
llnm r fnrtnr. nn.l ber mother, the!1"-" -e lern ai rieire h in noner
ienner Mi". Carter, new Mr, (ieerge
Breeke. ius Lucile I'elk, of Halt!
mere, one of (but city's most beauti
ful women. The wedding Is te take
place in the Church of the (Jeed Shep
herd in Itosement and Lucile bas the
prettlcdl bunch of bridesmaids. Alto
gether, It's going In be one of the
smartest nftalrs of the season.
Till! Charles Leus' dance for Sarah
Ilud-en lnlt evening was beautiful.
There were about -40 guests seated at
ttnall tables. Sarah Hudsen Is Mr.
Lwi'h granddaughter and a daughter
Of Mr. and Mrs. 1'eiey Hudsen, of
New Yerk. Mrs. 11 ml -en being Mr.
Lea's daughter by his first marriage.
Sarah were a frock of red chiffon,
tv Iitcli was cxn,ulMtel embroidered in
blue and gpld, and Mrs. Lea's gown was
of block satin, also embroidered in
xeld, Mrg. Hudsen chose graj crepe,
little resis of the inntcrlal being Intro
duced into the trimming. Kntharlue
Lea. wbee marriage with Voed Hun
MA..i. ..in i .. ..? ....t.. r. .... -
I7f " Running , a "n L'ef
wlmen-pliiU satin, which went well
wilh ber iid colorings.
Tbe HalcljiTe Kurnes.ses had a dance
for debs out nt tbelr place In .lenkln- ,
town after Ibe ten at wlihh Clffy wasl
Intre.luced. , It was an extremelj pietty ,
tea and party, but somehow 1 fancy veu
haie heard enough about teas this week,
find se with the remark
tlmt Clyffy's
flowers were iiineng the meb1
bi go
rgCOUH '
I lime vet seen, let's ire en
le the
Wliitemnrsh races this nfternoen.
rpili; races uie, of ceurM', Ibe annual ,
-- Whltemnrih nffnir. and jeu go ever
from Chestnut Hill in the liinterbuseH
If jeu don't je out in jour car. About
verj.ene vi he hues horses will be
there, thetish they'll hue te rush a bit I
te go fieiu the liroekes' heiihe In Itose- j
went te Wliitemnrsh, especially a.s most
of th women will want te change from
dressj frocks te simpler outdoor things.
QOMirn.Mi; I wonder why we go in
J se fiirlem.lv fnr llilnffH uncliil Kn i.nrlv
In the seiiHen. Whv. since the tennis ! wl" b" formally presented te soeloty
tournament there 'has net been one ' carl-v '" Dcnvber
Haj en which ihere has net been some' Mrs. C. Wright Hewes, of 1430 Snn
partj nr ether, lnrge or small, an theem street, announces the engairement
rase itiuv be. And ulwavs for the debu- f Jier daughter, MIbs Kathleen Hewes,
tante, Net that 1 have unj thing te ' te air. Jeseph Bntohelor Wattereen, ten
a flLelit tin ilehn. hlMM their heartH: r
lore te sec them have such a geed
'ii"1. inn uoiueiiew or ether 1 ue think
e give tie much for them.
In New Yerk the season does. net.
Herflii until November, and the elder
people mi' liicludtd as well as debu- '
tauten in most of the parties. I really
feel wrv for the girls of the second j
year ami j-enie of an elder growth in I
Ihlhidelpliiii. Te be ure, the veiy
rleli ami "much-eutertainliig" girls are
asked te thing jear after jenr, hut the I
in who is jut as sweet and charming
and uttinuhe ns she can he, hut does
pet I'liteitniu much, is dropped from
ImiMtlens nnd put en the shelf when
lie i- scarcely meic thnn twenty, if
he chat.
There's reinethlng wrong nbeut the
ajhtuii, and 1 think it's time seme of
"- .ill get together nnd hud parties for
tic out gitlh of several years, Mich nn
Jli" one. time Cinderella cotillens. Te
he sine. .1 iilllnlmt iipa nwlnrl t.. 1... t,l
v ,, , ' " ..j..v., ... i,,,- ,,H luceun), uiiuui-t ,i. , no iuuuiii....u n
ih, hut when it ciiiurs te a vmr like . charge of these dances are Mi and
tnU, .hen there nie mere thnn eightv'Mrs .lehti Gllbait, Mr. and Mrs Allen
llrU mi lh.. ilehulanli" list, u dance Hutler, Mr. and Mrs. CUjten C. In
tlmt Imhidei them nil menus L'OO te he graham and Colonel and Mrs itnlph II
etlteitniiiP, right ut the start, and thiit
Dp-sin n hull when ether.-, ure invited,
I mut sny j hinp nn solution ie
nller at tli,' present inoineiil, but It's
trth thlnkln? nheut, don't veu think?
., ,,,i ti ,.i
epenlns tea nt the Print ( luh
jrMenliiv nfternoen was delightful.
irs, .Trill llrlnten. win, win. In I'm, ,.i.
most of lnt '-eiK.eii, presided. She Is
Jjevldent of the club, you knew, and
Mr?. Andrew Wrlsht Crawford, who
rte, j,, Mrs. Hi'lnten's pluce while she
s iilis,.it, was at the tea table. The
'"' V " mi). iittractlve place. H'h
t 1(11-1 l.atimer street, next deer hut
one te the new clubhouse of the I'enn
Si"n,nl? Kiiflety of Cilenlnl Dames,
wnicli has been finished recentlv.
. ," ' ...i,, iv.ii-rii. iiiiu nil Nllt
nan te tell It without referring te the
ETC r.xt. ''.?" '.'"".." khI.I
".vuiri, Willi 111 TOM (In u mil
?arae i te the part yen could tint lemern-
Mill 0h'". "!!. "1 lust
rolled myeves," NANCY WYNNK.
hi'i V!1 'AIrr- ""' Meredith Dlckltiben,
? ' Cdgewoed Hvtiiue. Trenten, N. J
nneunce th cngageniunt of their
,V (111
K1'1" nun te tell a story lit school, tvventy-sevi nth annual meeting of th
- I.nter hhe vviih talking te mother State Federation of Pennsylvania
nil -Inter nheut It. SI le renllv hail Women at Heading Mis Uuehler Is
been w..rrle,l about I,. bcrauJrf I e m ' of U, We,,,t,,M C'Ub f Cr"
rorcettcn t bring home her hook i. 1,1n"",n , ,
wlilr.li tm i, n..,.j.i i ... .i.i viru l-.tivnid I. Power and her
(laughter, Mls-i Roxalene Hewell Dick Dick
ineon, te Mr, Ogden Nevin, son of Mrs,
Chiirleg XV. Nevin, of this city. (
Mr, and Mrs. Oi.irles Stanley Dorten,
of Chestnut Hill, nnneuncn the engage
ment of their tluurrhter, Miss Elisabeth
Jamisen Morten, te Mr. William Aaren
Ijlpplncett. 3d, Hen of Mr. and Mrs.
v.lllmiii 4. Mpplncptt, Jr., of Over Over Over
Droelt. Mr. tcerg a
Meade t,arge, of Edge-
Rtcr Park, h
J., will give, a tnratre
nr , a T. I1..I
dehutniitn rfmiirfcfer nt Mr. nnl Mrs.
Jeseph llp.rrien, of Itosement.
Ml. and Mis
Uaed A. Morgan have i
l"bued rardu for n
tea nt Mlnwnerln
Chectnut J till, en Thursday afternoon,
Niember I', from 4 until 8:30 o'clock,
te in stent their daughter, Miss Kllzu Kllzu
beth Merh-an, A dinner-dance will fol fel
low for the receiving narty and addi
L.tlllll 1 ITTI(NT
tienal gueMp. MlftB Morgan will alxe
be the. guest of honor tit ti barn dinner
tlnnce which Judge nnd Mrs. J. WUIW
Martin, of Kdirecembe. nhestmit Hill.
will glve en Saturday evenlng, Novem
ber 18.
Ml?s Itebeeca U. Thompen. daughter
of .Mr. and Mrn. Walter S. Thompson,
of Wecllca, Jtosement, will entertain
at dinner thin evening before the dance
which Mr. and Mm. Jlarclay McFadUen,
of Hosemont, will give nt the Radner
Hunt (,'Iub In honor of Mr. tind Mrs.
Jehn H. McKudden, of Merry Corners,
The receiving patty at the tea whleh
Mia. JeHBe Prew-Mear, of 102 Seuth
eighteenth street, will give nt thn Hltr Hltr
C'arlten en 1'Mdaj' afternoon, December
1. te Introduce Iwr daughter, MIhh Je
Prflw-Hear, I1I Include Miss Helen XV
Allen, Miss Ihnlly K Hartiw, MIk.s ,
Margiiffrlle Jelteid'i Mevie, Mls-i Ger
trude I.. Morten. Mia Barbara 1,. Clay- ,
ten MIks MllrabPth Casanae, Mles
Mary Mldgety Carter, Miss Nerma Orey.
Mies Maud Ilanisen, Mlsa i:ilzabeth
1 1 lit Ve tiir (lit I
Knowles. MI-Sm Mnrvnrnt MrAilnn. MIrs I
t-ll....t..l. w n... , .
i,i ugui .i. .iri.irey, .iiss aiuiu
Sehwnrtr, Miss Katherlne Schwartr.
MIph Mertha F. Stnjthe, Mla Kllxabetli
Hltcr, Miss I.lllle Htewart. Miss Doro Dero Dore
thy H. Valentine and Mlsa Kanny Cox
Welghtman. A dlnner-danee for the re
ceiving party and additional guests will
fellow the tea,
Mr and Mrs Oeerge Wills Morien,
of Oermantewn, have Issued Invitations
for a dance at the Hltz-f'arlten en
l'YIday evening. November 4, te Intro
duce their daughter, Miss Gcrtrude I,lp I,lp
pincett Morten.
Mr. and Mrtf. Archibald M. McCrea,
of Ballyhenthcr, Ardmerc, and Mruns-
wick Hnll, I.awrenci vllle. Vh , will cn-
tcrtaln at dinner en Tuesday evening
of their dauchter. Miss A. Marcaret
Uunlep, wluse marriage te Mr. William .
Stcele Oray, Jr.. of New Yerk, will '
take place en jiiuisuny at St. Tnemas
Church, New Yerk. Theie will be forty
Dr. and Mih Jeseph J'rlce TunW and
thelr daughters, Mls Annls Lee Tunis
and Miss Kydla XV, Tunis, have returned
fietn Maln-, where they hne been pass
ing the summer, nnd are spending a
shcrt ttme in Chestnut Hill, befere re
turning te thelr town house, 22 1G Pe
Lancey strct, the lntter part of this
month. Miss Annls Le- Tunis will be
ferma'ly presentcd te society at a t.i
te be given bv her parents en Thursday
afternoon, November 23.
Miss Krnnces Sullivan, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. James Francis Sullivan,
of the Weeds, Itadner, Is visiting het
uncle. Mi. James Clews. In Leng Island
Mr. .mil Mrs. AV. Marklle Henry, of
Pine ettag, Ilosement, are spending a
few days at the Mrlghten, Atlantic City.
Mrs (ieorge H. Karle, Jr. of Bread
Acrej, Bryn Mawi, has just returned
from Atlantic City.
$n?rL WvJSS
months' tilp abroad, and are occupying
their apartments at 135 Seuth Kight-
eenth street.
M , M j , , Ketterllnus,
f(,rmcrl). ef201fi Spruce street, who
have been spending the summer touring
the continent, will return te this country
next week. Mr and Mrs. Ketterllnus
will entertain at a dance ut the Grewi
1MI a uilliv Jiuiri, u.eii'iuuni uii am
IJ T.,nuu.. 1T..-1 r. l..,1r ... c?
UAUrw ueiuilK, wciuuti Me.
Mr. James M. Anders, who has been
spending the summer and autumn at
her cottage at Ulun Hill Kails, Me,, will
return te her town I10UE.0, IGOe Walnut
street, en October 2C.
Mr. and Mif. AVIIllam Irwin Mlrkll. .if
Hi yn Mawr, are receiving congratula
tions en the birth of a son, William
Irwlu Mlrkll, Jr., en October 11.
Mif Katharine V. Stewart nnd Miss
T.?ll-cihitYi T1 Wliirn vrhn tihv.. Virin n-
tert.i nod as the ruests of Mrs. .lesenhlir Ilvu art rhn wn tli rlnn- hmn r.
M. Oazram, of Jfi5 Seuth Nineteenth i
street, have left for a visit te New Yeili I
and Leng Island before returning te
their home In New Orleans. La. They
.ll .... I.. X?An. l!.n n .. T n riM.Ai I
"' -'lr' "'"-"' v' V "V1"' au"t " ',
land. Ml-vi Hewes' sister. Miss Mnr-
garet Hewes, In entertaining at a small
tea In her honor thlB afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeseph Fisher, of 740l
Clarldge street, Lawndale, nre receiving
congratulations upon the birth of a con.
Miss Dorethy Haley, of Cottman
street, Lawndale. Is spending the week
end In Trenten, where she ts thn guest
of Mlsa Margaret Baulcen, of West
States street
Mr and Mrs. G. lluhu, of 1110 Hob Heb
bins avenue, are lecelvlng congratula
tions upon the birth of u daughter.
Miss Agnea Cluue Qulnlan will enter
tain Informally at tea from 4 until 6
o'clock en Friday, October 20, at her
rooms nt thn Art Alliance, 18J3 Walnut
The Huntingdon Valley Country Club
will ulve a dinner-dance en Saturday,
October 21, and also en Halloween,
' ,n..AM.. .A. n. nuA A..iAA I.
Germantetvn Felk
Plan Various Trip
i Jr and Mrs. Jehn Nevln Potnerey, of
' sin PMimm rnnd. lieim.intewti. will
I leave en Kilday lu-M for a mouth's suj
in Europe
Miss NlIIIe Kmpe. daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Waltei V. Knlpe. of 1'20 West
Chelttu avenue, Clurmuntewn, will leave
en Monday next for Danville, V.i., where
she will be the guest for a fortnight
of MIbs Bland Schoellleld.
Mr. and Mis. Francis E Ceitnuy are
receiving longr.xtulatiens en the birth,
of a seu
Mrs. WIlllHiu IJ. Uuehler. of 21 PelliHtn
rend. (lermimteuti, Ih .ittendlng the
ilauu'liter. M h.h (Jeiltuue rower, nave
relurneil te their home In outigMtewn,
O after a vlilt with Mi William. Tat
nall of rnii Archer direct
Mli'i Kiiilli Hanlsen, of Murehl drive,
will glve n luncheon of twelve ceveni,
en TutMlav aftenienii, III honor of Mli
illailvn Wentwerth, iluughter of Mr
and Mr. Paul T Weutvwiith, of Hun In
burg, who Im vl.Mtlng MIbs Harrison for
a few weeks. A number of enterlulii.
meats ure being planned for MIm ttent ttent
werth during her slay
' .. - k yy 'y
m Dorethea mr;; tm-'rm
Imu. vTi --T-T '' s ftm, r.y t.t S r '"-(f B
IBBHMaiHlHaaiMMIlKIBK . ff-fM I Breai
Miss Lucille Polk Carter Bride
4 c.-ll r ll - it,' i. if
.iiiiiH Jinn; tsuuva n i-u.s imi, lyuuuiu &. XJlRftiu, u.
Other Important Nuptials
One of ilia most important weddings
et thy early autumn Is that of MIsh
I,iullle l'elk Carter and Mr. Samuel
J. Ueevcs, which took place nt neon
today In the Church of the (loed Shep
herd, Itosement. The chancel Vvas
banked with Easter lilies and palmM,
and the church uus decorated with
dahlias and asters In shndes of golden
brown. The Itev. Chailes Townsend.
rectcr of the church, officiated, assisted
by the ltcv. Stewart 1'ellc Keeling; of
St. Peter's npleciypal. Church. German
town, who Ih a cousin of the bride. The
bride, who was given In m.irriagu by
her father. Mr. William K. Carter, was
gowned In cloth of silver, inn de with i
a ceuit train falling from the shoulders,
ever whieli rlcn resu point lace ren. Mtr '
veil or lace was tastcneil en euner siue
with a spray tf orange blossoms and
she carried a bouquet of Easter lilies
and lilies of the valley. The brides
maids were gowned nllke In costumes of
cloth of geld, with hats of burnished
geld velvet edged with geld lace. They
carried beuuuets of fe-cldctt brown dah
lia"., tea roes and autumn leaves. They
Included Miss Jessle F. D.i Cest.i, Mri
William If. Rcevci. Jr , Mra. Emtie C
tJaytlln, Mra. Herbert Church, Mis';
Margaret Randelph Trlmble and Miss
Florence I,eew, of Xew Yerk. Miss
i3Uliy ivevvvE, iiu wan 1110 iiuwui gin,
were a frock of whlte sntln und curried'
'. ., . ,V.......'.. . k..w ..W...O .4. ...V .rf. , .
a basket of tea roses. Master William
II. Heeves, 3d, who was thn ring beartr, i
vvorre a French cestumn of whlte Fatlu.
Mr. William II Heeves, Jr., attended
hlj brother as best man. and the ushers
l.l...!..! ,h 1. m..v.a,1. 11 d,.lilni A,m
It r-. ui
I,ee Dali
Cecil St. Geerge nnd Mr. Francis Durant Tlckner, of Great Harrington
lalngerfleld, of New Yerk : Mr. Wil- Mass , and Mr. Kdward McCrady c.all
T. Carter, 2d, Mr. Geerge C. Car- laid, sen of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gour-
llnm T.
son. Jr., Mr. XV. Standley Stokes, Mr.
Andrew Van I'eet, Mr. Nerman Keese-
velt Manure, Air. uoergo isewnall, Mr. .
William iJ. Churchman, Jr., Mr. Car-
roll S, Tyson, Jr, and Mr. Alfred A.
Middle. A breakfast followed the cere-'
meny en tne terrace or tne ncrme et
the bride's mother, Mrs. Geerge Droeke.
at Almenbury Heuse, Ithan. Mr. lleeves
and his brlde have taken the house of
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Chew, at Itad Itad
A wedding cf much Interest
clty will take place nt a quarter after
1 u uutu nun uiiiTuuuii in nn, tiii
Presbyterian Church at West Chester, I
when Miss Anna Stllla Dulles, daughter .
of Mr. and Mrs Jehn Welsh Dulles, of
iviiu. ranii, vv cv iucHier, win "i: "i: "i:
ceme the bride of Mr. Edward S. Buck
ley, ad, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
S. Buckley, Jr., of 2030 Sansom street.
The Itev. Mr. Hedge, of Princeton, will
perform the ceremeny. The bride, who
will be given In marriage by her father,
will be attended by her sister, Miss
Julia C. Dulles, as maid of honor and
only uttemlant. Mr. Lloyd 1. Cnrpenter
will attend Mr. Buckley ait best man.
The ushers will Includn Mr Gardner
Cassatt, Mr Itlchard C. McCnll, Mr.
sT.mllnl A frriyr Tf lTihitlnpfiin TT.
Haiter, Mr. Jehn We'sl Dulles, Jr., a
lirettier et the lirlde ; Mr Panlel unci.
ley and Mr llwurd C Gardiner. A
reception will fellow at the home of the
bride's parents for th families
A weddlng of impertance will 'ake
place at 4 o'clock this afternoon at
Glen Elm Farm, the summer home
of Commander nnd Mrs. Edward F.
Lelper, at Areola, p.i , when thelr
daughter, Mlb'i Maiy Paiseux Leljier,
w ill become the brlile of Mr Kenneth
Andiew Hhead, beii of .Mr and Mrs.
Geerge William Hhead. of Valley View
Farm, Pliocnlxvllle. The bilde. who
will be given In marrlage by her father,
will he attended by Mm Themas Illdg
way, Jr., her sister, as matron of honor,
and Miss Mary Ashhurst, of the Unl
vrrnltv of Vlrirlnln. a cousin of th
bride, w 111 attend as maid of honor. The I
bridesmaids will include Miss cnterlna
Ziua, Miss Mercedes Cubrla, Miss F.
Angela D.i Cesta Newbeld, Mist Eleaner
Hart, Mrs. Allan Hunter, Jr., Mrs.
(ieorge Gentes, of New Yerk, and Mrs.
Henry Mluet, of Bosten. The two
small (lower glrln will be Miss Helen
Roberts, of Moerestuwn. N. .1., and Miss
Keith Shellmim, of Ualtlmere, a cousin
of the bride. Mr. William Heberts, of
Moerefitown, N, J, will be best man,
ami the ushers will Include Mr, Jehn A.
U'lper und Mr. Ulchanl L, A. Lnlper,
biutherti of the bildi ; Mr, Allen Chirk,
of Bulttmere ; Mr, Frnucls Themas, of
Phucnlxville ; Dr. Henry Themas, of
B.iUtmoie, und Mr I.lejd Smith, of this
Tim niairliiKH of MIsh Julia Tovvnsenil,
Inuitlitcr of Mr. I,. Krett Townsend, of I
TtiwUliinil KHim ttecklaiirl. Pel., ind
ir-y-t - : ti j r 4 r t rr..
iHj !.'' -.:,'' iV
i mi i ii 1 1 ir unman rwnrnriM" W"MIMMWWnWWIM
of Mr. Samuel J. Reeves Miss
iii ion fi a J '
Mr. Edward K. Blaphain, bon of Cap
tain Harrison A. lilspham. V. H. N.
H. t. of this city, will take place to
day In the Westminster Church. Wil
mington, Del. The bride' will be gowned
in white satin embroidered In pearls
and made with a court train lined with
whlte mnrqulsette and trimmed at the
hem nt thn lHrf u'lth n lianrl nt npurl
trimming. Her tulle veil, which will be
edged with old lace, will be fastened
at either side with a spray of orange
blossoms, and she will carry a ahewer
bouquet of white orchids nnd lilies rf
the valley. Mrs. Rebert Wetherlll. a
sister of the bride, who will attend aH
matron of h
shaded embre
oner. will wear erchld-
mbreldered chiffon and a large
black velvet
hat. She will carry a
bouquet of autumn flowers. Anether
Bister, MICi Sara Townsend, will be the I
maid of honor. She will wear light
blue embroidered chiffon and a picture
hat of black velvet. She will at- -carry '
autumn flowers. Mr Cleorge N. Thomp
son, of Denver, Cel, will net as best
man, nnd the ushers will Include Mr.
Samuel lilspham, Mr. Emll du Fent and
Mr. Ellisen, of this city; Mr. Sid nev J
Scott und Mr. Jehn Drlggs, .Jr.. of Wil
mington, and Mr. ricbert Wetheiill, of
Chester. A reception will fellow the
nArnmnm nt tt,n hnm, it ,l,a lirltlM',
' .
A wedding of Interest te this and
ether cities which will take place this
evening is that of Miss Virginia Tlckner,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
4n,11.,A rt Vh nn.l !,. tl.nlnnln
i.u.... u Ml. ,,ltl.l .,A,0. JJG,ljl.lll
din Halliard, of Chestnut 11111, fermerU
of Charleston, S. C' which will take
piace in Ht. jameii Episcopal Church
Great Harrington, Mass. The bride, who
will be given In marriage by her father,
will be attended by her sisters, Miss
Martha Tlckner and Miss Marlen Tlck Tlck
eor, as maids of honor. The brides
maids will lnnlude Miss Louise Durant.
of Great Harrington; Mrs. Jehn II
Hamllne, Jr., of Chicago; Mrs. Donald
M Westen, of Plttsfteld ; Miss Ellen
Williams, of Camden, S. C. ; Miss
Frances Hruggerhef, of New Yerk.
Mr. Samuel G, Galllard, Jr., of this city,
ami the ushers will include Mr. Edmund
win tici us Desi man rer ms nrethci.
a, j-urves, or tnis city; Mr. Gensen
Penew, of Buffalo. N. Y. Mr Elliett
Woelay, Mr. Wlllard T I.ttt Mr Pd.
ward XV. Bourne, Mr. Geerge U. Walker
and Mr. Allen W. Ames, of New Yerk.
Mr. ciarenoe Stanley and Mr. Delane
De Wlndt, of Great Harrington, A m m
ceptlen will fellow the ceremenv at the
home of the bride's parents. Mr. and I
Mrs. Clalllard will mak their home In i
New Yerk. '
A wedding of interest will take placa
at Te clock this evening In the Pres
byterian Church of the Covenant, Cvn
wyd, when Mis Dorethy Butler Clear
(laugnier et jir. and Mrn William
J'.dgar C ear. of Bala-Cvnwv.i ui i,.
Edgar Clear,
cemB the brlde of Mr. William' King
Allen, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H.
Allen, of this city. The ceremony w 111 ,
be performed by the Rev. Dr H, XV. '
H h ber. paster of the church. The brlde
will be given In marriage by her father.
Mrs. Benjamin Allen, 3d, a cousin of I
"bi.'d,?,'w"L.B,lte"?..jn?tren of honor.
..,". ....1?'".' '..3 ..'.' mciuiie mibs Der-
rffi? nAndT-Ua ?"" wl tnelude Mr
Hhrlgley. Mr. Heward n inir.Jr -...
A. K. Mathleu, Mr, L. r. Levr' Mr
Philip T. Mattsen. MrT Warren i M u'
dred and Mr. William n Tciea? Jr A
Club11'0" W"1 fIl0W ftt the c'w'1j
Main Line Doings
Prove Interesting
Mr. and Mrs. Jehn 8. Guatln nt
Woodbine avenue, Ovcrbroek "re 'en.
.uivuiiiiiik iii iv series or ma 1 dlnnn
at the Philadelphia Country ciui, n
Saturday evenings befeie thn dances It
the club hnuHi. Mr. and Mrs. ejus tine
ha 1 1. rtltri,..,l fr..,.. .. ... T HllHllllO
.. V? ir", '" " ,rw OS8'
te New Yerk.
Mrn XV. tlelmeii Pargeri. of t ln-tn i
drive, Chretniit Hill, will enteruvin Tin
jjenlntr. Octiib-r 24. In honor of mi,.
Mrs. A Ilfllniar Knc-liinH ,.,.'. un" i
re.nl, uverbroeli, whom. rn.irrlaKA trl Mr
ljnk Sllllnuin. :m. teM lL l,
Wdtielny evrnlnr, Octeb?"
"u 'Tiuipiiniiu, jiiss t'i oaner fialnwir
Miss Katherlne Thompson and Mrs'. '
Oie.ir A. Kennedy. Mr. Benlamin I
Allen. 3d. will be h.r li,... e.'.,"ml."
Dance and Card Party
for North Philadelphia
The Friends of the North. Eastern
Hebrew Orphan Heme are making final
--.., ir.e tnr fi tnanouerade dance, te
1 be Klven en Thursday evening, November
Prlee will be given te the best, most
comical and most erlglnully dressed.
nMneni" reallted will be devoted Je
the sheltering of children, ranging In
age from two te six years.
Mr. and Mra Philip It Schuyler nnd
daughter, of Bread and Diamond
streets, who passed the summer at
Atlantle City, have returned te their
Ministers Entertained
by Norristown Leaders
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin F. Liars, et
S63 Hamlllten street, entertained cloven
of the eldest ministers of thn Philadelphia
Methodist Conferenco last week at a din
ner and trip te Valtey Forge. The guests
the nev. Samuel smith, V. P.. the Mev.
V. XV. Gehret, P. P.. tne iicv. j. w.
rthKivV'Afu.uV tteks. . P.
the Itev. F. Mervine, P, v, tne iiev. .
ITnnrv Fratikland. P. P., the MeV.
It. xtiV n TV in T(i T,uiil
Jehn .Nelsen, P. P. tne Mev. Paul
iresni were j ir. anu
Mm. Jehn Watchorn. lr. f.eorge Hcn-
son and the Mev. Them.is U. Kvuns.
Matters of Interest
in Seuth Philadelphia
Mrs. Jehn V. Heylc. of 1301 Jacksen
street, will meter te Lakchurst, N. J,
tomorrow, te vWit her son, Jcsejih J.
?nl'ee;i 4IrWJ&hte" mim0"
Jry Beyle, and her son, Mr. James
lyle, ani ner son, Mr. James
Miss Klizabeth McUenuett, Miss
I Edna McDermott and Mr. ldwnrd Kane
, will also Jein the party.
i Mr. Heward Klmmel of 2435 Seuth
Philip street, left last week for New
Yerk, where he will II ve In future.
1 Mr. nnd Mra. Ixiuls Apple, of 2211
Natrona street, announce the engage
ment of their daughter. Miss Gertrude
Apple, and Mr. Saul I'auzcr. of this
Closed C&r at a
New Lew piice
by Qjjstnebih
will be announced
in tomorrows papers
A fitter Car
Tim i a Teutb tj
la All CtU Dtj TUrj
245 N.
Kelt, LeruHt 5055
BBE 14
West Philadelphians
Plan Pleasant Things
Mrs. Franklin A, Smith, Jr., will en
tertain nt cards, after the meeting of
the Ladles' Auxiliary of the Miser cor cer
dla Hospital, en Monday afternoon at
the hospital,
Mr. and Mr. Edward Ilebcrr Wegener
whose marriage took place .September
10, have rcturneil from Mielr redding
trip, nnd are nt home at BIOS Hazel
avenue. Mrs. , Wegener vvlll be re
membered us Miss Mary Bulleck Keene,
of West Philadelphia.
Mr. and Mrs. Lelley Owen, of Seven
teenth street and Columbia avenue, for
merly of Fifty-third street and Wlllevva
avenue, sailed today for Bermuda, wbere
they wllUremaln several weeks.
Miss Gertrude Corcoran, of 232 Seuth
Fifty-fourth street, has returned te hef
home, after spending a. few wceki at
Atlantic C'ltj.
Today Is His Birthday Anniversary
a)be of Battls of Hastings
Today is the 1170th birthday nnn!
vcrsery of v illiam I'enn.
.., i ..,. - .1... i..,n n ,1...
lenav in 1111x1 1111; iiiiiiiiiii,.ii.' ji -
..... ;- iia(lllt ,i, nllMin f .Tentm. I
""", V . " ;!.. , . 1 .1
iiilontien of the bill of ri'.'litu mid the
births of the great Lord Colchester,'
Daniel Huntington mid King .lames II.,
The only nne of these events te be .
celebrated In Philadelphia Is Pcnn'm
birthday, which had Its principal
marking yesterday b the school chil
dren. WOMAN LEAVES $10,700
Will of Mary A. Grundy Is Admit
ted te Probate
An estate valued nt S10.700 was left
by Mary A. Grundy, 4."!?."i Hedgu street, j
i whose will was admitted te probate
Inventories of personal properties
filed nnd their vnlue follew: l'rederick
Webber, S:tni.Ili').-7 . Samuel XV. I
Haines, ?l-0.fll0.n . IMward II.1
iSpheUl. S0M4. ,
Letters of udmlnlstrntJeu were
..,tl nmnn nt iU .)(,. nf
I Jehn A. Turner, 0-0 North Tenth '
street, which Irft nn estate valued tit
1 50900.
Mary Cemmandery te Observe 63d
Anniversary Tomorrow
' Mnry Cemmnnder, Ne. SO, Knights
Templar of I'ennsjhanla, the largest
cemmandery of Knights Templar in the
world, will ubservi; Its fifty-third nnnl
crsnry tomorrow by attending a
special service in rnrit (.iiurcn, sec
ond street nbeve Market.
The battalion of Mary Cemmanderr.
under command of Dr. Albert XV. Jar- )
i nimi, commander, win iiuircn te the I
church in full Templar uniform, escort
ed by the band if the 10-lh Field Artil- ,
lery. !
This" i the only ( emmaudery of
Knights Temphu in Peiinsylviinia which
has erganised its members In battalion
formation, in acierdance with the
United Statfs Armj regulations.
$52,000,000 for Rockefeller, Jr.
New Yerk, Oct 1 I. -Jehn D. Iteeke-
feller. Jr.. i ?.-'J,O0l),00(l richer us the '
result of the lOeper tent stock dividend
declared bv tlui Mnntlnrii Oil Cempnnj
i of rsuw .icrsey, it was revealed Iat
ntcrbr The atm-lc new selln nt S5ji
share us compared te ?15 last year.
I 'j:5.'l Chestnut
Fresh Cut
Carnations) 35c Dez.
' Everything: In Fleuen Open Sunday
Eight Ninety
The Ultramite fnime is distortion
proof. The combination et" carefully
.selected steel and rugged construc
tion serves te keep tht entire chassis
and body in absolute alignment.
The Etruscan Bedy Lembincs all
three of the principle features et
ancient Ktniscan art and architecture
Beauty, Utility and Durability
,;. .;. .;.
The Envelope Manifold mere nearly
selves the problem et perfect fuel
combustion than any ether intro
duction in meter car construction.
Ce-ordination of spring length, size
nnd suspension, together with the
special construction of Lovcjey Hj -araulic
Sheck Absorbers, create the
new Cele feature Hydro-Cushion
Spring Action.
Bread St.
Kryntenc, Rare M9K
22' I'iKP
Club Werk Feature
.. t If -..( lJrmi9
Of niearuvmvn ,ivw
Mrs. K. M. Lcnmlng has Issued enrus
- - ,. ,.. rtnUnw or. frvni j until
r a tfii en October -r., rreni uiuu
6 o'clock.
Miss Mnnrarrt Jenes, who litis bcli
doing seclnl settlement work nt the Hln
deman Settletimnt HCllOOl, 1V'111UCK, liaH
returned te Moerfstown,
..rl 1 nflV
nenu ei tne i nuri'ii f racmurai ciiu
settlement work during Mrs. Thicker-
...,. " .".. .-v I., v.. f
Mrs. R. Herbert Crewell entertained
members of the CJarden Pcpnrtmtnt of
the Wemnn's Club nt Her netne en
Mm Hdwln II. Sumner will be the J
teasimisiress ni inn nun luncnun iu
be held at the chapter house en Monday,
, j. -
Werltt by Eminent Painteri
Etcblnt by Vt'Mitli-r, Unyden. Cnnifren.
Nei Proofs by i;ili-nn Seyer
rtas Framing
iltiterin Pstntlnn '
ARCH ST. CltTIU II. I81I1 nd Arcs.
Ktv Clftrence IMwnrd Ma artney
11 4S Dr Helier' K Ser nln prach en
I'hrlBt nrnl World ('unli.iti
100 lllbl .(.hiH.l ;wki' J-
7 80 Oman rtirltu.
s "Ij JKUK ( hriB' Ui' f)r M-
'rtne will prea, h lie f. 11-th fprin'm i
th rl from ll' Tin n.nnen nrl-eit
out of til etpil'ire f ntu v hew fp.
eri almettv son !i ln, rachfl ou
for th I.lvltm hrl?t
I nprriiT.KiiKM vuKsin-rniti vv cim'rcii
I Hreail nu. pisrn in i
W Wir.T.IAM I. -.tfORvrirtf. Pmter
10.30 A. M Kh mi . .-cijir '
3.30 V M P.ibbn", s ) oil Hully Ur.
7:15 I M ' The l'rin of Jac.'
All ttats fr, at All -prlcs
SBOONli l'RKMlVTfHtlA.N Liftmen
JIH and Walnut en.
nv. AI.BXANDBH .MurfOI.T,. Mlnl-trr.
Rv. AI.V1N 11 KL'RLKT Anltant.
Dr. MacCell will rirjn at both -.rv!e-,
11 and M
Evnlnr Muilr
Anthm. ,'Hrk, ttnrk Mv fii'il ' hIly
Hole (burs) ' Tu VJrr-iful Vnf M O (7ed"
V It Ilfrnl,l
rherUR Choir un'lr th" d.r'Ctien of N
l.ln'1-ay V ir 1. r Mu' INti.
Vlsllnrq t -Jail f ''O'nel
TIVMI'I.i:. lri t . n ii 1 II. nipnr
Th.j (Jbt. i' i V-'tir i W 'h ,i Warm Woberro
Rv li' Wit JlIU ' H I.I'TZ ilinlitiT.
hinil Ani v rh, ' v .rirc,d
je 3'i t emrriiir.l n
6 no ' nur It ii f",hace.,,
.30 -.mil, j h- 1 nl 0 ;,n c. I.
The All Year Round Retort.
Eight te nineteen-day tours by fast and comfortable twin-screw steamers
sailing from New Yerk every Wednesday and Saturday
Inclusive fare covering first class en steamer, hotel accommodations,
carriage drives, local sightseeing, etc. 75 up.
BoeHttl and full information from
UU .Seuth 15th Street Telephone, Spruce 8820
Bermuda Office: HAMILTON, West Church Street
I1 M-l
Ulrk a JrJ Cruue. Jnuuary ii. 1V2J
IaeluJtnl Hotels, l;ce, Urivci, Guiilct, etc.
Qarlc Oniinatid Round the erlil Cruiiea
ClarW'a 19th Crime. Februi-rv 5. 1923
"HMPRI.SS of SCOTIAND" 200(1 Gren Tm
Frank C. Clark, T'met P.nld'ni! N'- Yerk
liartlett Teura Ce. i'00 Se 13th St.
l XL MNJt rsfij5js
ATia.NTir t irv x. .1
IHt ra vr .
Ui the Hr.ieli 1 rout
Day ratea in ffct uitll
Fcbniarr lat. lD2i.
marlcin F'tn Enilrslr. ilmvi On-n
fimxlff Huwni, huualun tTalar ft 00
Smalrlle'ra l'riel Dalb 16 00 la COD
DeahU ltta. HtiniilnK U at.r - 1 10 00
Doubl.Hnem. I'n.tt Kith 111 00 le J 12.00
Il'iull- lloem, Prlvaln Rath,
lrr.-i Irnel Cerner, IU 00
OwrfTthip Msnaewrent Phpn I4I.
IHrect! en lli Ocrnn Kruc
The Amcr an 1 Ln Hetel rer-exccl!enc
r Me Atlantic r asr
Hneh GAms mi WAI TI K J M3BY
hotel fr y rij CvtCfcrtDJMuiajjer fl
13 OT
V ukiuiu . i . in li ji m i u a Steal
I'ler. r.w.- u.-j .etumit. Hie l MuiwurU la
cuIaicv nul pi rv 1. u v,u' r la fiery roenw
Uilt. Katek , r (I r. . t. uSl J'ji,
duuLttt $13, nit., lit . ,. fr .leubl (00
Bett-well Tren.
aer'i. (yjffr Mete! Success
rlrsiDlu ue . .ii
fl Ul t,il. l'lltut
batu, riinniui; mitr
rati'a. Hiu LIU., un
ut r, riluM'j Kail
N J Clilm regr.
! Continental
V vv V
a rrni
n '
-' i. or pi
H lit NT VN-
Westminster " , kv ,'
liithi run vnit. r I Kul i
n fit 1r ;
Mnlnl Kn-r.k,il K I
' i t ti . nr Ltii u
u ltIP (!, 'fl ei
. tf WW kl. ,
weekly fplnpli inn t)" r IUI(v
New Clarien 1V..,,;k1fk
Jit off
rnt rvneN i
f tar Ii rr
WanamaUer Institute
23d and Walnut Streets
tine Arts Itbcrul Art. IIikiiu-h
mercial bubjaria Ilenu r i en
n i ( am
ui anu Mtcfiam nl Dra.ne an J
i Ceuraea
man who succceJt is lh
man who works toward a definite
Trlepbenn Locum 3H for CaUlej
Hi K 'ft l.lli'l i
. ir, i , '
tl . . , .
Secretarial C
Sberlhanil (j
I ' ii , R
i i n
I (HI ilium si I'M' ilHiiln.i
wrtfeirmw tqi
"ItVen'T ana IWks (1000 trth).;
Vf ,n..""nf "ih n,. n.ntlst Oh'
Ifotiie nt tnn tirftCrt Iiaplisi J"
t,)h nnniml Ueni(l cemlnic W
rninDrnicii ncteinr 13 10 -. inriu.j..
."."" .'.'":."! .- . ..- ,..,. .Iua '
. , .,, - i. v, . Wuh nreachM
..!.. I
prvicvn uri nununii u,".-. t.
- ituss-ll II 'oneII nt both servluet' 1
nmninra irapn vnu r. w " 'Vi.TTi
Jinillin. lllicfllll. Y.ll .......v. "-'"T.---
crmii" st lieiti nrvKe"
Or nan recital
i,, l3 HiRri. 7.1.. te Tiie.r.
jullv ISay In the MIHe Hchoel, ,JrJ
, ,,.. T-HAA..n 11.111 AM.1 7 t 1..
i prat-er meeting, w.in A M Hutinny "S22?l,i
IIUI1 lilllll'IlVtM, ,,.!'. ....... . --..
Tuemtni'. Veurnr Penple's
Wecln.iiila)', rrlitay nlsnt, pi
rlpftcenV rec(.i)tlen te uhl end
pastor's t Mli
id new HMIBr.
lKMrnl Cnltnre .
j m IV jVh'I'ei.mV.H 'wtl'l f.
"What Mun the World He te lie BaV-T",
Publle Wflrnnie
ip'p. r.' .r.'.u. .. ....-i.u... 3
11 i, puujpri iiuurjun ,.iiu v,uuw...
V!lter wolrein :,
Methedlttt Kr1reiMl
ST. MAItK'H ('llintf'll
Ineuat at. bMwrMi lflth A 17th at.
nv niANTC ;, vnrtNOM i d naeter' a
8 ami ti 3D A M Muss (for communions), .,
ti a M Hnrmn Tnawii and Rprinnn. Tne
lirpftther will bn tbe IUlien of IlanheWI
I ) M Solemn .nnetiif and ar0I5''j
Kill! 7 7 sr. ii l. i" i mi "
TIO(i. N W or tstb nivl Tlea-a. Rv'.'
PAMI i:r, MeWlM.IAMS Minlrtrr. rreeen
inv 10 30 A. M. 7 4-, P M.I Subbntll
Hchoel, 1! 80. Jehn M s-i"npr. Itlp't.I lllbla
t'nlen 4.V Kev MeWuiiams, teeharf
Miss Oram Dur-n. Ill i r.iteil talk, Max
Ire." rrldav 7 SO P it ,
i. t. ll.N'tK"K"MllIruil.. i7tb A WFk,
A K cneWCM. T'anter
Tltn IlEHUr- MSTKIIS ,. ,
)e10 and 7 15 fnch pvn nn. 7:4B rjA
t ICTT HAT ) Tuti OV-. It K HAKOj
r' in- jae llev J V I'lNDAM- ,
I'nitra'snt Knlarf pal
ClirilCII (!' 1IIK IIOI.Y AI'OSTtEll
I l!lt nnd flirtetlan s"
n.. ni'iflinn ir Tnit' tttter.
t A M tlelv f'emmtmlnn. '4j
, 1 1 lift A , r,irl,i n,. Vfl, And MflMn. II
I Sill.l'-cf ' W-JI.I. n THi: VV1HP.''
i; 30 ! I Snri'ln.' "choel ,
I I", I' M--I vcnlnir Vrair
Sole 1 1 11. I n iwi.i.njn Hltnr. aopranei i
in riilnu'" iru..n jubject "THE TOP J
1 T'unT '.f 1,1 PI- f
7 3" I" M Yoenr Peoeli i SerrKj; t
It arf'i. -,
I flit lt II Of ST. Jl li; A TIIK NATTV1TV J
.,' W. t'.r 1 1 tli Htnl Jit Vrnen ata. i
CunilJv (rvlreii 10 4S A M T 1 P, H j
ai I S A M en th flrpt ejinlaj". t
A 1 1 v- church with a warm vr-le0ma. .
Tl-v JAMH1 r rrtOfl.SOV Reoter. y
jT. I'KTKU'S ,ltt Rt'lt. Ofrmruitewn
vVa-jr. av ami llaivev at (Car HI.)
RtinrlAV rvicn 7 39 and 11 a. M..
n r r.v. ...A !, K..k ., ,, a -J
All olrem ConKregntlenal MnstnaT. if)
J12 CIke'iiu' K I
n-v rr.nnnrtn k rt anrrrix miuh.
It V M Mr r.nfrtn will Prenth. I
Mil .'.'ct 'J ji IVfrrn IMiHta." Itm
F'tiitMie litw ,-eu rrivn. juJicment meg
1 lib npln en
l.MTARIXN flit ikii or oi:rmantewn'
l,i.' r hi ,r 1 W l h n H
SiiiiJk) 'H.ieb"r 1" -i. .es at 11 A. M
Thi MlnletT In Kinil.lt S rORDES.
vMlljira'h Sudj' t "The Keur Ancher!."
i hurrh s hoi I in the 1'arlari Ileuaa aOlj
mm" r."ur a i r.. invi'cu.
TOl Its
i:m c vriex.tr..
llelh -.
evor Hnt.h rnmnnnv
tne iarcist remmcrcial art or-
' r vi
aaaaaaaaaW H aaSB aaal aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
La r j '
f IKB. V
. t ".'
Kunizutieii in the field, offers you
difrcrent trainiriR. If you like te
rlraw, develop your talent. Study that
rirncticelcourae taught by thin widely
kn'.Nn institution, with twei)ty-twe
vcurs'Miccc which each year sells te
nlvertisM ever ten thousand cornmer cernmer
i in t drawinv Who else could give you
w wide en experience? Commercial art
ii a liishly pnid. intensely intercatUj
profe-ien. equsllv open te men ana
rim,n llninn at'idy inntructioe G6t t AOtt
bflfern you m roll in Any rlienl W rlln for ourlt eurlt ourlt
luitmtHtieoV 'lOI liOPIOnTUNITy."lr
uav hrlf lh'" O't '.rrninlins four creta InaUnpfc
1214 Walnut Straat. Dtpt. 41
of Commercial Art
Become a C. P. A.
!-. I'Tenlnif t" rut nuallfy
' 1 I xAu r ut.jn
T'rn.t nl l.i iM etn nn reumn nlae
In 11 il ii V lmnltrnti m Aoceiintlne.
' ' rl I' i I " 'Jl' Miiuualiln, 8teno 8tene
r"l T e 1 in H, n inrlal und Teacher
1 ii 'ul! n.
Dav ari'l EtetiIiiit Cum
New Open
of Buaincas Adminiatrariea
Write fjr tith Year Uoeh
v nt- t fl of "re.id
i .ei Httccttafut
s f till! dI(lDl
-apaat 41.HT
' ii r and bet
' i ' ' aucmafut
i iii inrk
il I I" I
V '
H, s il
iif- i .
i ' nil ...
Ill si SI I
Till 111 s I
. I I n
Phila. Scheel of Dramatic Art
arl I ii" . ' rr 'el .fiRi Htitga Prrpair
Ml "'I i .' ., .
i I 1 ir-n a I
Bclirflni. l'rln
"i L jirv
'In i"1 Kv. Km. .
1711 cHatiiut Hpruit alfr
nenVk,fplnn ft -hetltninl ,1t n'ht el(M(.
rii'la llnxn-t CiUntr 1710 Maraat St.
A Scheel of Individual
Inalli u 1" I '
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