niw' - ri" tvfw mmm, j twwsaMnanamBMP -, ...ltz , ,V' VMW' W "' " ?-W M u;-J-P'.Vr m, , ' . EC r. .?jf HVKMXG PUBLIC UODUEH I'HILAUKLI'HIA. SATURDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1922 i j!!SrZfZ&n a I I 1 1 i m I p f & I Wl $!VI H.ll D) JH? ft fl 1 m :i' r M I'Sr 5 m Mm r"(v ' i T ' i vr k?.u m Wtr w bUVYHKUO DAI ANNAPOLIS i if A7CDQ ILLHu SAYS OF CONGRESS AI COURT-iARTIAL In vln (.impelled n fourth-class man te for ftetn tin' father of one of tin vie t.iit his- meal iiiuUm' tin- tnlilf. Midship- (itn of tlit "KUtecntli," asking thai lilt tn in i'iim-j was tin- senior at the tnliln son lip protected. ami charged with maintaining elder. Tvw members of the fourth fines arc . is .liiim.-l with pcrmltt jib hazing. ln ,1P xnval llepttal ns ipmiII of aU Admiral WlNnli lu.x rnciVi'd n let I 1,.RP, Lazing. Fermer Budget Director Lets Loese Floed of Unconven tional Language Admiral Turns Oeaf Ear te In fluence in Behalf of Accused CUT OUT FLOWERY STUFF'! BRUTALITY NOT CHARGED New Yerli. l)- 1 I P.ristniller Hen- Annapolis. M 11 Turning a d.-af raj Charlps (: Mn'f, fnml'iarl e.-v in ..liicial ' iiil!nit lleni Ad- known ns "IMI ntul Minli. ' t 1.1 of muni 1 It-nt It Wil-eii. mipi-rintend bl8 experieni'P ns f'titiK'i 1 irncif n tlii" ,,M1 f t, wil Amdc n . threatened j Budget, 'nngi's as a n'! w huh -ale i.utii-lun.'iit mIihIii of vn- f "cowards." i-illed I'nhliM't lli'-'r 1(l niiiNlilpini'ii, pin .f whom an- en i "Cenmiiclip"' when It ram. t pein!i.u- m,,i .f,,i,. ., imul i-..uri-in irtl-'l and Bieney nnd fighting budget cuiiiid. ami j.,,.,. ,.,nl..i,,ii r,.r h generally had n corking taw l.i-i night Tim .illeed uflVniJers an- Sunii 1! lit n dinner glvin in lii honor In tb" lal.m. of'tt--.. mid I'.iu.'" Nw Yerk ClM t'.ii' MiUti t Hi.' V..- UiiIuiimiIi f Ailinn A th.t'l man. tiennl HtnU'ft Commit'"- Thiuii.t" .1 I'.T" . f .Vlns.'liu-"t - v Till emiplalnts rf 1'iibiint '.th'ef uiiilcr arrest mid i ! Ilmd te tl Inn: and bureau chief when tl"" .-ti'iinl.' ih.i.nd tbi -t.itieii .'ii. lt"itie Mi-r ''li" of expenditures iurt nit s"Uiiil.-d ni mi. of 'up i aptur.-.i .-pe'ii-d ' times, !P Flllll. IlkP IMP p'llllliiV" Will lin mill' is nuiiM--u im mt illudii-tin.! t.eivil I I. Mil ill" lliailllli II li. . Wall I'". I'l'- hush In wlibdi it "Hi ii"'l.iu "it1 tniuidur Wilfipil I' I'linU. i down te makp tnnin f n miiw pnblip in'indi-i l'i or. !! A '''I .. ...... ,f " 1.1' lltl II I'll I 'nil" II' i r .1 uuiiiiii:iiiriii ..1 w I l'' ..l rio.i'eo .ieHn I , MTU ..1,1 '..II Ml fl lltllCP ."llU "H II ' ' ?" -llll- III' "' VIC III I II I I 'It " ' .!.. . . . een bs tliP ceffpp n '.prxpil. tnr li Engraved Christmas Greeting Cards Original designs beautifully executed upon finest stock. variety of choice nnd range of price covering all requirements. J. E.GALDWELL & Ce. Jr.wr.tny Silver - Watches- Statienehy CHESTNUT AND JUNIPER STREETS i M im' r I '. lu ll C. in with I .ItillY gn?" rew from thp hip ;.eiki'i (! I"-1 "vmliiR dethrs a blnpk-'npd l ipp. hn'h In1 filled. IkhtPil nn.l puffi-d itli cihIpiii Mtlsfnrtlnn. When Iip ".irmpil up Inn -p '' I lull ll lllilir Mld-hiinn'ii H.iwk.n- and K"''. ik"'i urp net i I'iuk'-iI .i'i am .i-m "f b-i-'iilit. but Hip pre' ' f "t nui.tic Hi" PIpIji'-." In vlmt'M-r Imm iiei-' ti '.iv Adiiiirul 'il- in. If found irn.l'v t!i.' tvwi m l-'ilpii.ui V. .I.irtn..l Atl.1 llll.lL- Ina llkt HMll 101 Mt n -e;i.'.l damn ' .of...- evl- '" '"' " ""I ' fr" , "T 4rat enjoyment ( i f" '.meii at tl..' ;,Ift,-.."f, ,"'"' "';''- " ,' '" ' table. Tl..' Ilpn-ral 1". . b- knmu, ihei.i. lr i,m .,Jd Ii..t tha budset-mablne , t- I..-., a mm...;.. ).!. .n. ,l.. . ... j "dlsirneeful condition" that Inn.' - ,,, , ., ,. ,,!,... . HI IIMI . 1.11111' lltl-.l' ..- 'Ill' ' ' I Ip.lll" ' .III I I ' ' ' !'l tt.,l fur 1.TJ irar The few attPinpt-. ibai i" toad" t.i laud iJptipral Iin.vp- t.n hi- "'.k '"" te a fpeblp tprnilnafnn whn I..' wiim-.I them a-Id. with hiinm "f iliippr.Mi .i''.'fii'.."l ii "i" en ii hi . n - ami" t t f.i'l li.djipd ..til., i If tl.p pilvllpens jMM'iiil libcrtv will I. In . ii i' f-id i. -i ihip i .it. 1 Ram A. Lev n-din h.;R.m it b -a? .nc .n.,,,!,,,,. mr(. llKllU ,,,,-, ,,,. , 5 thnt fop some time the inillte- lm-1 jj;,;.),;, ,., ;,,. ,.., . ,,,... , : Wished te PMnw li" ai-pie. niti.'ti "I ,.nil Illlt ,, ll.b-- , r,u ,, '-.. General Dawe-' ni'liievpinpii--. and Hi" ,,.,,, , in .,, ,, ,) , ,. n,k iffl fjeneral tiHik hix pipe "in f hi la'e'a yn, '-siMi'.-litl," f.m : .,f 1 ,-.,ri.ii- 1Us1' lent pneuffb 10 I.nrl. "Aw, rut out that tl..-i turt M'lw.i. Willi mi M 1 'i.ullieiirii.' 11 ..'1 te pe.ik nf the i:r.'it .'nlue.'r I'r.-i.i' ni Hardlns had Uem il l.-..--araln harked "Yeu .-lit that "'.' "1'v le the irt "f l'i" .''ri"' " "' Inc." sail iSeiier.i l'anr- ' 'l-'H 1 I'--unn. "I hH'l ' hefei-p I " i" J'rnnre The eondltieu 111 iIip bu1-.!.'"" .f "I BlnUtratinn. he said, -mh vt i.i m-h like that In the arm when it "i' t.. France, and it a feuu 1 that win' tins needed ai t -'iperlmpii!' a lui.i JlCf! htaff tn rn-erdiii it"' (iiii.'inm.-nt financial ntTuii "Kerybedj 1 id .i- th. il.-inui plen-wd." he said "A nm-j di!i"i'P fnl condition of affair" hud ;;i..wii up. ' If at thp bcKinninK et the war tli.-iej had been a po-erdinatms .. tPiii b",-' liens of dollars would hne been aM'd." j STUDENTS PLEDGE $80,000 State College First-Year Men M.ike Building Fund Recsrd State College. I'-i.. e.t II -l. u ylvanla ftnte Celt.s. -iu'Ipmi ilm. a -rnoen . Mt' tlun "s''!"-! "(,,f ''' top" in 'heir rpmrter iinu-ui delhn ramvniRii te aid ill" .iH'C' fin.". s'"'"' building fund The organisatien ineetiu- f tip ft-p3bm."-n elnf. m he'd lift mzht and at that time tb" tivt .'ear --ludciit turned In f'liul pl.l. - nmeinitins te eeer 5..0.00O. en wli -!i tlie v i'I lin even years te ce.nplete paMin'iif. Thl15 in the largi-dt amount pli'dc.-d by any ne of the four fiat.--. 'IIip ppiiIei-. pledged $4fi,.-.()n. il.p junior Sjs.tiOO and the Bpohemnre nlmeit StlO.IHiO. The two-year agricultural htudenlM pledged S0700 a in tiik .iivkmi.i: cnrrtT Tl.r li I" ' n a, mi e Srt Imply boy pnl .i .u ar bad Vi. mt hew nrrnw il-..' I ,- n I h sauted Biter rui nc t e i et ..- , in r ft ln article 01 J. v. .1 1- -in iu 0 Court by 1 rel Illrt ' ire tuuui n s -tlen of tht Hundy Pcni'c Li,i.!:ii isi It a Habit " .!'. 1 tilns-'i'i .".' - -. w In. a lim.'s ri.iit'liu.'d until th.' ' nl!.i'iei. fi'iii. '' ni-t 1. 11 l i i-hipmim II.. ' .n- 1- 1 1 1 I . . 1 1 ; a m Anether Xetable Concert at Sunday Evening rPilE netetl Arcadia Cafe Orchestra, under the direction of Fery Sarkezi, insures our juUreiiH of one of the mesi; pleasant ways imaginable te spend Sunday evening. Emily Stokes Hagar, Seprano Table d'Hete Dinners. e Cever Charge Phene BiiRtlctmi 8169 for Table Reservation At the End of the Roosevelt Boulevard w m I Bi Special $1,25 Dinner Tomorrow U'K HAVi: A MEN'tJ I HAT AI'l'DAhS, CM) UK VV THP. KITrilKX AND HIUNC DOWN TIIK nNTim: T'AMir.v. During the Week SI Table d'Hele Dinner, te 2 S te 8 TSc Luncheon, 11 te 2 cAFE' LUBIN rOH A MKAL THAT'I kltAL " " ----'-----'-'-'-'-'-'- m WALNUT STREET ADOVU TWELFTH N u n Ene for IT X,-''.-w '-: EIE five Piane--, listed below have lieen taken -is pa)' pa- ment for the famous clutch less Cunningham Pianrq or Player-Pianos the 1 are hpui thoroughly reiuiat'd at iur own factories and art' like nev M theujrh tlie.e instrument'' nre priced at thpp low nmr-, 'm are fully guaranteed h u EASY TERMS $475 Vese & Sens Piane Ce..$j85 SE ETMI K!-i I ... litv (Mahogany Case) $500 Ludwig .. Ce-$215 1.IAI' l-!W (MaheHany Case) $550 Chickering & Sens, $235 I..k H-.T (MnheKany Case) $600 Schomack Schemack er Ce., $250 Lili Hew (Mahogany C'ahe) $625 Blastus & se, $265 U New -" v (Mahegnny) IT PAYS TO THINK! BBmi mW&ifl9 HEsrl fsit our Beeth .vn. 27i, center of fleer at the Heme Beautiful Exposition, October 9th te 21st We've doubled our facili ties for making the fam ous Abbotts Eskimo Pie. Yeu can get as many as you want new at every Abbotts Ice Cream Dealer. We had te de our utmost te meet the big demand but new there's enough for every body. ABBOTTS ALDERNEY DAIRIES, Inc. wb y etts ANO OO. 2reSITH AND CHESTNUT R "W;, Qsen KveningH L-J-t f f 'irutr . ParkMide) lWr - ' .-MM MJ-"AjLiw?-d- m?. Read Rolling the Public ! What de YOU think about it? Fifteen members of Council have passed the Taxicab Monopoly Ordinance ever the Mayer's Vete. Fifteen Members of Council have voted against Better Taxicab Service and Lewer Rates in Philadelphia. Fifteen Members of Council have voted against the Public and in favor of the Taxicab-Trust. The "Fatherless Jeker" in the Ordinance will enable property owners at congested traffic points te sell te the Taxicab Trust the use of the city streets and te make the public pay higher rates. Why these Councilmen should favor Mon opoly at the expense of the Public we de net knew; but the real authors of -this vicious legislation have what they think is a Reason. Prier te March 21, 1921, when YELLOW CAB started, Philadelphia had the worst taxicab serv ice of any large city in America, dirty cabs, indiffer ent chauffeurs, exorbitant rates. There was no service available except at the railway stations and hotels. YELLOW CAB reduced the rates at once from 70 cents for the first mile and 40 cents per mile thereafter te 50 cents for the first mile and 30 cents per mile thereafter. Further reductions have been made until today YELLOW CABS carry you at the rate of 25 cents for the first 25 mile and 10 cents for each 25 mile thereafter at the rate of 25 cents per mile. This is the lowest rate en the Atlantic Seaboard, i YELLOW CAB gave you clean cabs and decent courteous American citizens as chauffeurs. Yeu can trust your wife or your growing daughter in a YELLOW CAB, day or night with no fear for her safety. The Public appreciated real taxicab service and gave us its business. YELLOW CAB CO. today employs mere men, operates mere cabs and carries mere passengers than any ether Philadelphia company. It is rendering service everywhere in Philadelphia. The Taxicab Trust has Exclusive Privilege Contracts with the largest hotels, giving its cabs the Exclusive Right te stand at their doers en the public streets YOUR STREETS. YELLOW CAB CO. has been offering its service at these same hotels and the public has used it. The Tax. Trust new calculates te render competi tion impossible, te keep YELLOW CABS from the business district and force you te pay higher rates for Taxi Trust cabs, because you can get no ethers, The Real Reason for the Ordinance Is. a desire te Punish YELLOW CAB CO. for Improving Service and Reducing Rates and te Punish the Public for using YELLOW CAB Service. The Ordinance is a Disgrace te our City. Its purpose will net be fulfilled. YELLOW CABS will remain en the streets. If they cannot stand along the curb, they will keep moving. Yeu can hail them, and they will draw te the curb at your signal. YELLOW CAB rates will be further reduced, notwithstanding the Ordinance. Reductions will come with the increased volume of business, which we knew you will give us. The Taxicab Trust was afraid te come out in the open and sponsor the Ordinance. It works in the dark, but the Public Cannet be Fooled ! "The Thinking Fellow Always Takes a Yellow" Yellow Cab Ce. Hail a Yellow en the street or call Poplar 8600 -rjj ' It