"mm? ' ir tWl'iW'WKri-ir'Virn" lWBB!iIJBBiWHBIIIllJ.JilWji.iLlW..lRJJAI I. JW"P J UJI llHMllL.t;rtT.fW7UW,iyf3P.lWBKW IfUUNRWU lIHM 11 ft UMHHBHBH H rf , ' .ffA1 ; ... .. W&&I wJjSfJSFcw?''''1''5''-' '"S","'5'H -.--ji tjf;. ,iJjm v " ,j . .. V ' ' " ' 1 If. K? & te vJjl t IK it' I I IfiU. I Euenmtj public ffie&aer PHIEABELPHIA, SATURDAY OCTOBER 14, 1922 JM '1 i " a tinBSH HBBSSSKSiBli MRS- ROBERT VON MOSCHZISKER MRS. ANDREW "WRIGHT CRAWFORD A ROYAL AUTOGRAPH The Prince i MRS CHARLES I.. MARCUS, formerly Mi HH WW . 1M J&i mfSSfcp MET BY THE CAMERAMAN AT THE FIRST TEA OF THE SEASON GIVEN AT THE Wales is placing, his signature en a football 1 '.amc F!h,s,;1'lURj,iub from EuJe'ie " SSISsS ABB1Bk'J " PRINT CLUB, 1014 LATIMER STREET lltt, lllfivi fSV 'h'MSiL TEST RUN. Train of four cars leaded with many bags of sand, as carrying ISfifeiflK&'jKHi iV'-Vt jL'V$H ,' WSj PWfl W1&KKW jBrfl capacity of Frankford "L cars is tested. Train is shown passing ever Glen- ffipgWwIlllre&flHa r I -.'-'' CT '- ' ;'; K 'H'v- "1.('l wfJ JS'WPvS6l & 8 weed avenue. The Terrcsdale avenue station can be seen in the background sMSwS9&rUti hi T'vV ' f'W'4 'M- feJH S A D I I.ECOXTE, French aviator, who (lew 216 miles an hour during a recent test in France MRS. A. C HECKSCHER WETHERILL, of Philadel phia, i sojourning at Het Springs, Va. HUNDREDS SAW HAVERFORD l)K clicked as a Haerferd s-tar made a long FEAT ST. LUKE'S FOOTBALLERS at Havrrferd yesterday afternoon. The camera run for a touchdown. Timberlake (left) is St. Luke's star punter. Johnny Scott's boys exhibited a let of speed GOING HUNTING? Here's a hunting "deg." A cheetah or hunting leopard brought te Londen from British East Africa THEY'RE HELPING ABINGTON HIGH SCHOOL. At the left is "Lud" Wray, head coach and former Pcnn star. The football player is L. S. Wilsen CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? OVER THE TOP UNDER RADIO ORDERS. Successful demonstration at Washington, D. C.ef me rauio-cenironeu lanhs. inc operator receives directions from an officer in another tanic P T ' --iSS CAN YOU RECALL THIS BIT OF OLD PHILADELPHIA? -,., -, ...... .. .., kSMS?K! Hayes issue just designed by the Poteflkc Dep irtment. The "salesman" is Assistant Pestma- w3t'Wi$J"Mfy '' '. . '11. i$ t& wSllP'fclEgV; . 'jy Hfcffl W " Sri ST3 f J0 flPwri AX ICE JAlyI' fCe881n S1!0 SchuylkU1 MVe,h-in Fnlr.meunt Park durin the w'ntcr 3a fT WPKil Wf$n rafl wl BfjSKfei iP- I feS'-'l a.PNwJ k, sWmw i3Bi,-:, :1 llrMaBI lal &.Wgm we-. -A t&$r MMMmMh -'' k-- ; I MAJOR CAPT. CIIAS. C. r APT JOHN II. LIEUT fOL. LIEUT. COL. . $ ' - Z Mi'limMVl mmBsW, ' MISS KATHERINE MI1S 1HPV r BARCLAY II. ALLEN McFADDEN, .IK. IRKITM.OR ROBERT E. 4- i . MWMmMiSMlMMIb' ; a vnv ft pT, MA?) & TITA TJTttT,rr.-v, r.,-..,- fl PvniVVIVfl t Ti-I IJLV " iVtl 'TT9W5")f J VT'! ?"r,"rT,T'?kfw 'W'- ' M THESE PHILADELPIIIANS m '1 be drcm-a'rd f"-cr- i vs renl, , .) ,n Mm Wei Id War at exercises asJf )&, paa? 4 i j ', ' " i' in the KiM Engini" r ' me-y, 15 rai and ("a! ' hnl 'rn , n Monday night t-- 9 . " fe vf-rzztztdlzLJfcrTZr rtfrJK t " ' ' .'H s - J' jBP iBll I MISS MARGARET M. MISS ANNA M. ''"' iviiUrtumN COYNE KKLLEil FOUR FAIR MEMBERS OF THE ST. AGATHA'S DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION who will appear " " ,'" ""' VVJ "u Kiven in am et Bt. Agatha's Church building iunu .:.- r iVjf K f bm; ; js i L' ; " p7Hr,;; -. . y nv f lflB ,y . Wr .Jt. mbr.Mtm..LJiirus.' m , w:- t i M '.'"' m t, ,m,9 fe?&:M -.am X' ,s rn Be-iiJW MISS EMMA STITT, daughter of Surgeon Sincral and Mrs. Stitt, who will make her but in Washington beciety thia winter CHILDREN START FIRE. Firemen extinguish- ing blazing haystack at 4268 Richmond street. The fire destroyed buverul hundred dollars' worth of hay and corn A PEEP AT THE HEART OF THE CITY. An unusual view of the City Hall Plaza Park and a portion of the Parkway as seen through the camera's eye from atop the Bell Telephone Company's building, at Seventeenth and Arch streets AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN, British Government leader, declares it would be criminal te break ud the present Coalition Government MISS IVY CUMMINGS, the woman racjgl motorist, in her car at Brooklands, 6 i land, whem sbe finished second in eft'""! handicap r.h Y 'JUS tA , Xti '. OtT&jil I J t I.V., tIWl l.. t-... .,Mtilv&?" .rfWriVA ui$liM jua- '.' V MM fi