rerWTOfrf . m M f WORLD OUTSIDE In" WXP8- Bear for Punishment By HAROLD MacGRATH nillllhe tfy of a fishter $7,000,000 and a beautiful glrVe "bythe author of "The Man en the Bex," "Luch of the. IrUh," love etc. Cepirlaht, 13tt, 1U Hareld MacOrath fi..ta fiKfllNfl THi: PTORY .ft'niwOOD JBRKUIAH BANCROFT. OOWZPi"tfliAt. mwlfrleuf maanat. who ult cenlrrtl of drain, unaer circumstance. Jerrii nmia rare iverKi hit nhtll'reit, un til, icnen ecr Info AfFienrf. ftn ialrmni 0 nri jrrru i tin- fs ' .r.!l en e foniclue fci EJilW' .ft!?'.:. l.w""M -;efr. '""z ". .. ...m' jiily-nVfiin nlutief "P hatnrds and The Adventure Syndicate 1 . .,. M nfl llm iwltfnnr tirli iiV0U I'lteldlv, "if you nre marked, nil te precaution In the world will net U" .. .- fn.-Hiniiti. vim will "'f j.M,i. That's all there 111 DtU, ' "" "T't. tl. .I.I llnnn ffteft. u letnemuc. ... - t.l. fntn inn mil Mi He either tears ma " - Or hi AW" "r0. "'I1"1 I , 1 nb 'hires net nut It the touch Te win or lese It nil. "ttliafs the use of nil this money If v " . u,.mn fun nut 'nf if. ffhrnveefruy? Wl JU' ? "1 II In rlllfnltl living. Or Will 1W. .mlftw hepitals I""' research lnbor lnber TJS& Or "will ou let it Krew until & ever nn.l smetners jeu? In tt,?Pi while veu will no longer be n AS you will become the slave If three millions. I ener you n ten S,irT,eenpe. Have you ever played.' PtheuliI W that you liiul net. Well. Lertly "e will never Imve the chance; K ill be a -IrudRe a jpur life. "'.. . .... ..I. n nllPSt Oil. ....1. n mntiv iiucstlens an you like," Hi1 the seller of atlvunture in rhpeiwe NS&Tned a contra for n mlvcnture. said lianrren. l"fSnS lore. Wouldn't it he likely for me te dWruct her as one of your Mid puppets? Hew nl out tlmt Yeu read the prepectus n little bur riedlf. All e offer is man-tuff, 'ler K is of a subject of rea-enInB but of feeling and therefore there are no common principles upon which one can persuade another cenivrnins It. He i,T81eiif mutnal friend lteswell. If n reunS and pretty woman entered the nine, the would enter it imtunilty. in the true ndventiinniH style. And If the n'ght'JfOn, your un immnum mi iiuvi bcentpfU invested." "Yeu liac an nuswer for pwrythlng. "t'niim Who telU nnthitiK Mieuhl hire.' Well. I'll leave tins prospectus, iplotejraph of tleerse Itfllinnn, who bought one of our ndvi'iitine-, te- (ttber mm a hjuiepsis ui nut ui-n-u lai. Understand, part of the ml rentiire ii ours, part of it the imtnral Kqaence of events." The adventurer placed the photograph and synep-ls en the de"k. "Here Is our regular nd- JdresK." "The Hellvia Knierald Ceuipnny." read, Bancroft, "West I'eit seeend, near uienun.r. "That is the sign en our doers. We should hestltnte te use the (Ireat Ad Tenltire Company for rensens already tiplfilnM. (NtrnMbly wi are manipil Ittlns net pioineling a small emerald mine from whleh we are re.tllj taking 11 qnantltj-ef nurket.ible emeralil.-i. TIiim Hene? coer our rxpenxe-. dm lug dull tiraeit, when c linl nelhitig but thy nnhy jeuth." I!.ineri)fl gfinueil. "If I mulil K' n n adventure with jim 11s a r,di' part ner, nhj. 1 don't vi. ." rjuMi it Mould become n e ik s imir ' "atig t!" he shlil, with n gnycty which would have deceived the Cumnenn Hlbylj "I B,y j. 1 fcci ttl(lt 1 H,i be perfectly nt heinet" 'JAnetlier plntc. Mrs. Heme." I put nnether one en, sir, net knowing " "Come nletiR, then. Heswcll," said . .".,!r,,lft' ievlnlly. "I any, de jeu drink?" "Occasionally ; but I nm mere or less 11 !SS!,',rn.,.e m,,n Mr Unncreft." "The cellnr is full of the stuff, though vfjnever opened nny of It. Sometimes, In the fields during harvest, I've taken my g ass of eggnog, mude with hard elder." "Nobody in the village told me your father drank." II "e didn't. He wbh a teetotaler." Ah I another one of these forccles- lirnu ' "Possibly. I'll take the randle and well explore. Yeu can pick out the brnnil you like." "That's royal, I must say. Lend en." Inwardly the adventurer smiled. He reached Inte tlu nHiei-'u mtn.i nn.t' opened the nebulous Idea forming there, "" l'c ,'nlght have opened n ripe plum. Uet.1!Iln.,lrm,1:' cll "e he would babble? Decidedly the boy hud an old bend en liw shoulders. it T'.15 w;',0,e 'euth end of the cellar was lined with sloping rucks, upon which reposed three or four Imridred bottles, covered with dust and cobwebs. The adventurer seized the candle and bent te serutln-ize a bottle. Hemance Oentl. ?." Hm.ui"c wus '"-'IP. tee? Itemance Centl, (Jjh de Vnugcet, and Chateau que111! Up leaned Hgninst an apple barrel and began te chuckle unmind ful that the tallow from the candle drip ped 011 his whees. "In dead world like this!" he fcaid. Have you any opinion of what you have get here?" "Ne." ;iIew long tins been here?" Oh, ever since I can remember. Tick t'iiig cold ""' T'le StCak Ui" be gct" The adventurer returned the candle mid selected a bottle of Remance Ceiiti, which he wrapped in his handkerchief, careless of the dust, and tucked under I; s arm. He followed Huncreft into the dining room. '"ou will have fe drink il out of an ordinary goblet," said ilancreft. "I suppose there Hie some formalities, some ceremonial, in opening a bottle of this! n...... .Mil ! nm a giecn hand en thnt score. Will you join me?" 'Well. I don't suppose a glnhs will be my utter damnation." "1011 mwer can tell." "Mew much je thin muff worth?" "Somewhere around ten thousand." J.ancrett s sensation was one of in in (lifterenee; and he began immediately te analyze thl'i indifference. Net se long age the information would have wrench ed 11 shout of ineiedulity out of him, while new he accepted it as something ordinarily puMible. A millionaire, whv shouldn't his wine cellar be worth rome reme thing.' Hare Old Wine "I could sell It for yen tomorrow," said the adventurer. ' "Hoetleg it?" '.Seinetliliig like that, of course." Ilancreft laughed contentedly, and began te attack his steak. Hut the higiiillcancp of ih0 laughter did net cape ... heen ears of hs giRMt. riierc uie boetleggeis and beet leilgeiv ' lie sjiid .t:i v.... l-.,... .....I.! 1 .. -....... .., 01,111111; iiijeiii rein wme By Sidney Smith' CDH6MSSMNH, . UCU&.j30t WM. UCE TO fV VRMTZtt- WVIW XHe CKJM6rA TM.ltfc nrei nnevKiWrr (ou wiWi K oewc- VfW TU. CAVAtVt CAHXf NTt WMt yT09Pt t6VTH6 tlvCW OTWcX AV4 Mi. WTNCHQ NDU- 'WKT k 600V S6H- THt EtCCTlOW WKR -rek ewo vem fc scoeo- v heiwif uinkm sr TMROVO KtmetO.XC X1 MtJF BUT V "TUtHK VOVJV. CAMfttiH S WW6 M,VNt)V.t AOMIRiSV- v.e ; CVItts VHk.V.rV.T: SACF 1H THt KISIUXUI COUEK VW t'O'S- W CA'APAAG.H LtTerUXURt , TAItRM MOTt MOM.- tvcwi MOVem rN-ivr&v. nvi. j,iww lyv. rjrrr- - . 7.. ,.,..,. XZJLTl&XUTtt ayww-JMs? OHS GOlNCr TKRO S MUBRCKNt. rirv 7 eiwDtekME. ftWIVA- TMINK HW ACT itl jA t 0,000 MO- ' II 11 V4V1XS CONdRCStMMsl- ANt ABOUt NEXT VMEEK t Atiuv. expec-T Nev) Te tke nt stump Se 10X .TTfcS. H9TE tX ?eve5G 'fOOR SFtECHtS-i INE'LU SW0O TUit EECi5Nt STORN VOUTACKfc vug ARC O0tN TO 3W A ViN TO VMsSMrAQTOH- NOT A. VtJLfnCL MANIKIM- AHO ON TVr EXGVtTM tAM F NOUfcMBfc. TWCRVL RP StiMt. uhie HfcMJ in THtS. STCT BWT I l vvr Dl la' ?m---L V Ll I VIM "s. HS f JBTpBBBjTMrMij V ,MJt SOMEBODY'S STENOGThe Saturday Night Dance The Bull Fighters "rblf A W0dB?ful. DAMCEI?-tW(.tr-uu nenlHtrr"! f, I'eti'tit nm AA1D LIGHT A3 A U FEATHE.I? : -p . i i .i., i. SiilliriaeLliged for I'ip iIieurIiI." tln ! v,m "" .!' ,''"le te penult this nectar adenlluiT add d dryly. "W i iel eiitually leturn te sediment anil bit - tOjjdlier. Who ran mij V" lie strappei llie perttiillii iiii-l lese. .At UN moment there came a tremen dous rumb e of thunder: feil.el lislit-nln;-ifailnl hither and yen; th" wind rose te li-aipest strength, ami the old heue Ireiahleil. The two men .steed IIMmJiij, nhsti.ictedl.v peiliaiiK The idicnturer liirned. his eyes twinkling Willi fictitious llierillliellt. 'All llli't is neeileil." lie snid Oill'l in theportlfiilie iiniiler his arm, "te perfect me moment l. Ter me te viiiiIm'i la a cloud of siilphiuiiiiu smoke." "I WOll.Icr if it Uelllll uslnillr.ll IlleV" ld lUiii reft. laughing. Then he ob- Mrieu.ur.s. ijiirne in the doerwnv iltitud .im hestitant. 'Slipper Is en III- table, sir." she announced. HJ." Mid Hani reft. uith llml rudy hnspitalii, which Is tti te he leund among Ihr ceuiilr foil;, "lime upper uith me. C along. The local hotel In nreth ininr. nm! 1 e.1,1 i.Im, i..m .., 1 ' r ,' " .leah, trail potato , miIihI. and miiih nines ilic. MiniiL' in..,, 11,,. siuae as hinitaii beings. A certain num ber of years, nnd they reach the top of heir 1 Iger; then ihey begin te decline. li. i knew what is nelng en in the back of your bend. Yeu lime wiitten me down nenie bind' of a creek, and our suspicions lane been confirmed bv nix ener te take the wine off your hands." I.anereft was conscious of n warmth 111 his cheeks. "Honestly , new, can xeu blame inc'" .111 ngni. p 11 vj ,, nj,eut 1 he ( Aiheiiiure Cempnnv. Keen the prospectus .mil laugh ever it in the days te come." 1 here are semn rutt.,..,, . in ; pass in advantages the most tenacious """"" ' '"" who nnu something te sell and did net care pnrticularlv whether jeu bought it or net. Ilaneref't was impressed. He pyed his goblet of wine, n.ek a swallow , and found it geed. A mellow lire .sepmrd te set nlmut In willing every ein in bis body, ".'ine let of chairs." mini: siiki Bancroft, u I,., iin,i r ' 7 -3. WMJ.X, Safe p W$ yts. I Bet ydu Siai6 Doht tgu " l"i thm SO BY THE. MUSICAL LAU6H HbU HAVE. I UOULDaiT M5ajDEJ? ip Seme. Gf?AAtr$ OPRA D"tCTOR PlCKEO V&O t,UP SOMEDAY. 1 "SWL . r Tfci - . -r T ir Tv 8&QPJ fctJ msz. if I c 1 MUST COMPUMEH-T HJ OH YOUR BtAUTY. Y)OR 6YS AP5 WONDERFUL AAin VOIIP fieWAJ HARAOAjlZeS sSel BEAUTIFULLY WITH THE: COt-ORS ' THE f?OQM. TOU HAVZ tf VACWDERFULrar 7 JUD6ew6AiT.LT5 ffk rSti By Hay ward jk. r j J ," 11 1 1 ' m BEFTT 7ffl rAvw' Vmi'n aiv: m hi u--' .v vx. rJWi v 1 1 I i BE AAj AWFUL. WX VN WnWimw Mim hit lAj r MVi. F"fT fImU MM M '-rMinl PHI IWIiv rnmvlmw, v hi it.m er-'AAj j iimia, The Yeung Lady Acress the Way PATHETIC FIGURES The young lady aciess the way says she voted by mnil nt the pri mary and hasn't get an answer yet. nu FONTAINE FOX -0s. SCHOOL DAYS j s$ 1 rLt atr a i" v si5 A f j Yjn iu l v j! ' w 4 un N -( r' ftVir I . I U I It i , if W .l3i '-fe f jiHK, i MX&L22 ni a Ah mmshi ami nmraif?iT7&ri y,we i giaiiu.-v WrPSi' ' Z - - jfe- -g " ' 88); 3S -s- "- I 0- rLi. .r"-: II 1 11 -i.. . WS w . -wm. DWIG ssafei " if. 7 -TO Zts S - -jg? j- f 1 M-. K 11 PPle pie te remember. The worst f ! been studying his sensations tie blew will he ever in" an hour! hiipper.'" The adventurer's head camenNmt with a jerk. "Supper-- Allethrr Inl. !,...,. , ...,i ... U glaiic-e : there was dlllnleiice in old u?". r,ll'', '"Iciniicp 111 n.incn.ft's: rat in u,e ginncpH f t, adventurer were was remMthlng akin in the loe'c ? "laniiidliig wolf who unexpectedly Bnds hlmself ,11Ki ,,, .lt R, V, 011'." n'"1 I,IV'' wuiiper." urged r..arnfl' Hlm wouldn't bine tinned ... u irninp into hiicIi u Nlerin. Net 1 ", . iw j k. ('I,-, 11 v" 1 111 irn if) I HI IIC 11 'eiiaritabe Instinct was wholly 1 that a lever illicit thus smooth a wen tat thl -iwu inn 11 ... .1 ,. .. Th.. "" eesem llivilllllell. latre wus n mi.i,... 1 , .. r ... ", '' "" e era wei; ler fc,u ,, "" "Miiiiiieiii ; ami tins l.tL,k.,r'ln.1!(;1'' '"' ""'''d be both. "Come li.,' .,'s. u ".nailer of a mill ,.:. V1."5 m"cl. mid the wa ilies.j chairs here. A fine let of Dutch cherry , worth about three hun dred each; piebably mere, since the set s c-eniplete My word, this house is like All Haba s cave the farther you go, the mere wonderful it becomes. Ileinaiiee Centl and nntifpie Dutch!" "And both are ever my head," Ban Ban ireft confessed. "Yet T have always admired these (hairs without knowing why." The adventurer rece and shifted the chair about In his bands with loving ,..... 1 ........ 1. .., I . .. .n'iiir,v, n erriirreii e ilancreft from will be lift nlAntn ... . 1 . ,'"" in IlllMlowiiiieiir. ."rotwnsjeting. II, uiu hi mi- .1......: 1 . e , . . . if ft..."' ""I'liie'i 11 lermmiinie arrav He had by con- :cti v.. .n... . ... et f.w .1 ; .1 '"''"" uieai; mil as ten of thcNe tnctN Imi.i i...., ....,,.. II.. ' " ' ' . - N e.1. These miiimIiIi. t. ......... .. 1. 1.. 1. "Pen a, nan's wits aiidMVenth,:,;, I," ipVif,,'1'1'' ,I"",V"' ,"8 Klw ledge iteffi"01"? ",H" Presentidiunry. an s hand. He glanced nt the neir-h. boring chair, but could net see what tbeie was te fondle. "Hy the way," Miid the adventurer, setting down the chair, "I believp I saw a volume back thereon antiques." "The one book I never took much interest In." "I'll get it." He was gene but i iiiinule. It sti uck Ilancreft as odd, the eaie with which the man found the 100I.. ".see said the euest ns In. lnld 1 en OLD MAM FiriK WHO HAS BEEN YjmE. YteAfts PLArWlrte A TftiP Te THE CTV Te VgR.Pr THE REPORTS A80OT GAU5 THtt STREET IH SKlHTS OP Te TW6rt KMEfcS. ..& PETEYGet His Name and Address H eit V CR OtO He "&T DiO ffl DID I SAM ttH THins ABOOr ffjk P ftPPLE Pis KC cine., te , simpw ASKeD W P''f WC fffl r Picmie , eh h tej, m nsusk lmseagel ip vejr- Ef UK AHO TteN QrStiCe t JIG ? ( ( R FMHeR- COOLO HOLLER- Se LWt ra YOO Kwtf DDRH LL e DiONf. S Vw cs Hca. ri A fAU A' flU vmi'. BeCAOse, Ria We ffeoe am& c 0 oHeeasTAHO A$ lM VeJ MArte ME Sick ft. AU. Veo Hwcroce. MM -Nes He sans HE 5 IMTeREiTee NlesUv Ifsj 5TLi- UFE STUFF .. . II.B m,M. then, snmethlinr like 1 "ue leek ui. ii,, . . , im.m. . . mini 11 r 1'iit'Ni at iii? inn vC Th!,,::.!i?i::":,1,,,,:i,,,','r. " t n..- we ..r iC uuiii s iPiiuc. Jiang me, out Jiere's a photograph of the identical cbalis!" "Dees t say who owned themV" asked Hancreft with an eagerness ail out of proportion with his actual In terest in the chairs. He had nlwass "terl , ""s"r"rlll,"n""- """I ' iimi 1 I'liin.., ,. -.,..1. i. . t kMi.i V -'!- Ill nilllll I Mil llll Illll ill I . I I vun'ii;ini(.. n(r(, ..,,,,: "in",; ' """ 1'""""" ""out tne books, he vase, ;ww er, '',V np ',P J. "?' L I: ! the chairs. They did net belong ? iti.ii.-nih.. ,7 lis uV 1 t '".I', ll"USL ,llls ,m,,ny ",,nll,- ltm. i't of ,,js h. ,.1, nL 1 Z " M1)'s ,",,, ,,,llf !" ''hairs a:e Si '" thr..ii"w.t lliu r nr 1 n. "'' ''' the author." The adventui, r UleV' '"' l' e dd " l!,l,,,! ,,n,,! ,0 ,l, ,it!" l'" rA'.rh. fiii llm,. .,. 1,,,' .... '.i-'V.",r 'hat doesn't get us any wbeie. '('. ,1. fffl m , .- ... " ....n.rti i.s.'ii '.'. Ill," Hill ,... ll blue ejes of the 1111- lailgli. UW'. 10 su.hlenh I,,.,,',,,, I,. 11 is true iha traliusl in th,. "ion 011 liuiiinn faces, his ears Mi' ""."'"i -'-, iin 1. i. ... . .. ... ... . Vei ."."," .'"" '"at liuncret s li..:."01 "'"lined In the an of r.m.l. H ejpre. r... .... L 'VUB' P eiuiual, i ,, ,., 'i, , "f ruling it. " " 1 1 uiiniiiiiwti in 'wness of ,:" iV 1 . "T1 i"1.1""- ....! , , , IM- ,n 1M- IHMJ'M'I whli-li or 'Mil Him1 ttllH.. llOWIHiM. Mini. K'V'iril from I UhU. i. 'i u nm,,, lift IK.... I I ' .. pMfcl,,., I'.Muurn ny u Hinlli Oil in, " lk i . 1 . ""fit iiwni'ti'ii hX.ViiiInl!iu,l',,l,UB,,,,,r' wl',,,h rtilxiin ,i"ml v"!1"'1 nhriiinly. did At .1 'N'!. I 1' !xnnl jt, .Oil tn.. ..., . fUfjr, ". iluij; . , Mny , Hup. lfer,ir""!",'K I''"'"'.'-." la (..., ""b'1'1' bieii nu. conscious of en tmf i.,"::" "".ll '" " WBH no " Jfari.: 1, '", ;,,"",ntl fr I'ejen. "lulntiii : I 1 If, lp ,'"' romantic "U)1 n',ir K. "'", 'eckless, but be r,W' ''nhsillil. Uefusc the sup. kCi " ? "" f'Tgct nil about !"," Hie. A!u'""''-" company. He ","" 1.1 L1, .""'r1' " Promote I.Ih thll r ' .1, ' ,":,0ll. hi.i.sell' in- k,,, "" "iiiiiT ins root 1 tie TTflfolie upon the. chair. K.' Of course, the iiubllsliers would knew who t ,1. K.' is. or was." The adventurer turned te his chair, "An tlipie. uie net valuable merely because they are old. but for two reasons the artistry of the maker mid the shndewy associations which cling te the objects. Take that chair theie with the anus. Three hundred joins old. Yeu hae Imagination, Think of conjure up all the women who have sut in that chair, their bright faces, their iacc caps and dome of them with a child in their arms." Te lluncreft's wonder, the smlle for which lie had been waiting broke. It was directed at the rluilr a smile tliitl was lender and wistful, lending a strange beauty te the harsh face. Ilan Ilan ceoft decided that his opinion of the man must undeige (oiihlileruble rccon rccen rccon Hiuctlen. Ne rogue could smlle like that. .Still, when the face came around again thpie was mockery in the eyes. "I suppose I hern must lie a casket about Idled with pearls and rubles and duiiiuiuils." "J doubt It," said Itallciutt. "Hew did jeu two gct en?" CONTINUED MONDAY imm? 7mMmvi , -An :. : iUz a wiiw 7WWMT jjswjf jTWfwsww 1 - t jt rr . r i-- fczt mr' wmwmrn r? arSEs xeah ? 1 M JV WC.? Z""' I BELOE WE'5. iUA0T.,T? 111 ?'' Sfea jmem ? ll-v imNX:z rr -jl t-ww -r-inr l: ' GASOLINE ALLEY Read and Run By C. A. Veigfit i&2&?Z&lZ52. 'Z72?' rs -t v " "' -. 'a-ra-TT: f- v humH-i Had a Humeri Me was A SoeTlEGGER.' Ofg u- 41 LSf . zt, "V; uuht UO SO FAST AVERN. I uAMT 7 Te READ This about f c 'm luvvrs XWERE COMING Je f A'ij7 O WELL, HET VEAC lAeiL Take the same Trip AND STACT ih The Middle of all OF ETAA AND READ HE SECONO HALF -1 -- 1 ' L zz ""'C v .hii Vw. V ' V j K HlXBURJB - , I 1 THAT ONE N7 p READ THTN S y WXBUfK IS SA.r, t a LtT" 5et FAR. WHV Dinw-r " jj... - -wr-,1,. j ,t- trrt v til iirHi ik. i A -. i - -1 i i -suj? i-; :z7"?r mm u;' v "in vii n. . T.r . si . . -wwn rii i- rtujen , - " -X' i "- - . j y, " i 7'Vw ' wffw ve fi,s .: ; r -- 1- V LST part 7 "u "" , zzh A'1 ziBi&weFzrr"w- m. - w. ,h P'WSL mrZZzT-r-?,i I IV ' -t L -aJwBL jViJk . fr.- 1,0 AwianN "5awikn'-Sc jumx - jd-. s? &i-a J e 1- """ sj-4i js Jf irfTflirnrrni iifffi' -s.- KyV'S iiw - cy . H .r