Jku ra pES;333JW? 1TT??AT t - i j-v . -J - 'W XfifJJ.Tl v w w -vwt-, r , iii .wpmj l .. TO JflS "v7"-v ";- ' Hf ft ur jtemi KM W ZHJ kmummMmmmm BVAL ESTATE FOB SALE OKBMANTOWN -. d i ... .a I -,.: . SM .. ii J Mm JV . .use. J0W . i muk V OiJFa rjfWfrl(:fUfcWlfarjY .9.. I ' " ''-.J "'I-;. '',', ! U'i. ' . A .! .1,1'! ... J. ! tt.' :' ltti B RIGHT ON LINCOLN DRIVE, near Mt. Airy Avenue, and clese te the Allen Lane Station of the Pennsylvania Railroad. New homes en Philadelphia's most noted residential drive. Up the famous Wissahickon Drive te your home, a suc cession of twisting, winding ways through vistas of rocks and trees and water. The noisy city seems miles and miles awa yet it's just around the corner. Thcre homes contain 3 baths. Between these homes and the houses en the oppesito side of this bread drive there is an open space of ICO feet. Quite unusual, isn't it? Semi-Detached, $ 1 6,000 Detached Hemes, $24,500 Cerner Hemes, $25,500 ':. A McClatchy Built Heme Is "Distinctive" V A Jehn II. McClatchy home has in it all the needed things plus the hoped for things you never expected! By Aut Up the Beautiful Wissahickon Drive te Lincoln Drive and Mount Axry Avenue Is 1 1, By Elect nc Tra 1 1 Station. Iicnresc i i H. HOMES l-Mntinx. A FLORIDA HOME AND A LIVING INCOME These 'ntertsted In securing verniTnent In dependence are lnvltel te atqu-vlnt tnm aelves with our lllueberrj and Ilenev Wew Melen plantation and Our atsum "'' Greve lhei.e a e Menv reps MeMing vrv high uthentic flgurei show jl-!ds UP te '12O0 per aire annuallv ve take care of groves and p irntatlens for pur chaser a-surlni- , iwrt and efllclent linn tllnK and n-iixlmum results. Heney Daw elens ripen jeirlv thus obviating a three ear wall for rpturni NOTE This Is an excellent oppertunltj for Investors as It s Immeasurably stfer than stei ks or b nd The prlc of the p.anted groves Is verj low, and we a prepared te extend remark ably eusy terms Dcerland Improvement Ce. lfl-iS lmOADWVY NEW YOKK RBAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY Thrnugn HEYMANN & BRO. Heymann Dldg.. 213-13 S. Bread St Laird Schober Building yjm 22nd & Maikct Sts. 11 000 sauare feet. Whiting-Patterson Building 13th, Weed & Pearl Sts. tO.OOO se. ft. Will divide. SI ORES 4101 MANTUV. AVE, 100 00 N W ri'in 4lT AND MANTUA 100 00 23:8 FAIRMOUNT AVE .... 123 00 Will Improve 801 E CHELTEN AVE 125 00 And dvvelllnir GEORGE WALLACE 4 CO 13tn and Walnut. Empire Wdj l'hnne Walnut 410(1 Alse see ndvertlsemenls In small type In following lelunins Fnclerles. Warehouses Manufacturing Floers FLOORS Desirable for office purposes or sales room, can nlse be u'ed for preferred light manufacturing, ever '.000 square, feet each fleer pussenger and freight ele vators. da light en 4 sides, eprlrklsr system. Immedlate possess'en. BARBER. HARTMAN & CO. 1201 CHESTNUT ST Alse nee udvertlsemenls In smull trpe In following column. , 0Fn'i, in iinki' room. r.Tf. i554minauriiijnn,uiUiHiHiiu.i!hd!nriU!i!rjii,miiicimiwiHinunni!hn.iu,man!!J3 CENTRAL 0FHCES f Spacious With Fine Light and Ventilation VERY REAHONA11LE RENT H NEW BUILDING 1502 LOCUST STREET ALLEN & REED 1 1S04 LOCUST ST. H I'liiBin h s wijirraiJiis'iiffliiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiffiiiiaiiraTii's B,rj;i.i!imMi:i;Di!!;ii;ai!;r,mLiiiiiiiiiiiiiai:ffi!i;rjiiii::ii!rimr1ic RENT OFFICES JUNIPER BLDG. J. W. cer. Juniper and Walnut sts LOUIS H. CAHAN & SON 1824 Walnut at. Locust 7680 VICTORY BUILDING 1001-13 Chestnut Street ,. Made New Frem Cellar te Reef Several deslrabla offices for rent Albert M. Greenfield & Ce. 1BTH AMD CHESTNUT STH. 1120 SPRUCE ST. riRST FLOOR BUSINESS OFFICES 'MEARS & BROWN & !T. IfJiliMlIilMiBafWBKkJ SHUBERT BUILDING , 250 S. Bread Street' A JtPJAI- iUW UffesJeM OUIIsWitHI 7; imh v T 1 r JOHN I BUILDER OF if A ' FinnR space . m REAL ESTATE FOB SALB OEItMANTOWN i b'l . . it . . a . . i ...' . JS"; i J . . H. . -x .fc i hV, Mi w -fM asei in ' r - IK. , $$:,i.wlif .i i i ' ' ' I I 1 i Pennsylvania R. R. te Allen Lant ntative at Heuse Weekdays and Sundays : I I I t 1 McCLATCHY Phene Spruce 8730 REAL ESTATE FOR RENT CIIY (HTICKS. nrsiNKSS ltnn'K. PTC. Through HEYMANN 6 BRO. Heyminn nid.. 213-18 S. Dread St. Empire Building N. E. Cemer 13th & Walnut Denckla Building N. W. Cor. 11th & Market APARTMENTS The SWARTHMORE 22D AND WALNUT All outside rooms, southern and western exposure, modern fireproof building: convenient hlsli-ctiss Iocs Iecs Iocs tlen and Just far enough away te be quiet suites furnished or unfur nished of 1 and 2 rooms and bath, 8 rooms and 2 baths or larger, by the )ear. Maid service linens, etc Leuis H. Cahan & Sen 1324 Walnut St. Locust 70-80 Alse see advertisements In smill tvpe In following columns HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS WALNUT & 17TH STS. N E. CORNER THE LATHAM HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS ONE TO THREE HEDROOMS WITH ONE OR TWO HATHS LIVINO ROOM. niN'INd ROOM PVNTRY. KITCHEN MAID'S ROOM AND 11AT1I AGENT ON PREMISE03 OR MEARS & BROWN 254 S. 16TH ST. MOBTGAOES MORTGAGE MONEY LARGE OR SMALL AMf I'NTS I B. & L. FUNDS I'rlvate Funds for ration Jlertea.-es W. BRUCE BARROW EST. 1SS0 130 N 1ITJI THIRD MORiGAGES Alse firsts, seconds and bjlld ne and lean I funds iutek settlements I CAMERON & BARR4,Ile.ng.Ba. I 'fe'in IUal ,,ta, security, Immediate I JlJw settlement. Interest en estates ' TO beurht Cash at once. $2000 EDW. " MOLL y"., MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS- W. H. BALL 5c SON 'TO"' 1 ' y 1 ' ' L- J I H i ' offices te rent H&va THE DOO DADS The Animals Are in the Zoe. . 9 L V ' 1WUW letTVCeJ) i C"j"M B iPQ, B QelJiMjIHHBJ Vfl eM 4 B ' WSCtSf s"WWafesTM Haemm sl ssgsassassassWasstassW 99CBM alsSt' es& B ' sH fj sH44afc& sssw g; em elflwS iblamSsf B MBr esmv or ftamvBAAaBlasVeL.aVeaVe9 gar sBasaBamesssme"sllimim ea BPhaMese w Qaas I !ttwtsirmj) f 'Qjrpiry ; i I m tfffavifflWL "- VlSltrl i fi fj 3sW v-Ts V 4 f 1WW 1 w aksh K VjV se) slmBBHyh Bi X awBeiasBB' - m elfJLll til fj Mmr.mrV kmLmatwtMfttm I 1 LAasmlas sfJ BL sBVlBBBisBasBmeKsasBaBBBg'VBBB $g4WagileWg4 " -SiiBBP ,,..,. Aly. xL.',,. u.M...if., C ,m aaa-BBBBM -..,.,,Jl . ,. .,,.. e,0 ,. ...;t,..t . EVENING PUBLIC MORTOAOES THIRD MORTGAGES It will be te Jeur Interest te see us before placing jour Mertgage elsewhere. We Have Our Own FUNDS Quick settlements arranged for your cenv. Alte fund for first and secend Mortgage ntittiirnrilTiiAnn A e T HNANU: KLMU Y WKKfinanck Alse ace mitcrtlsemrnt In mnall type lit following telunins EAL ESTATE FOB SALTj CITY 9112, r. t 1 rms bath, line cend. . (IJI W Erie nve 10 rnn, bath, Includes auto nimlr shop nilJntnlmt; opportunity. JIM J N Franklin at 7 tn, shed, elec, h. heat, perch excellent condition. 11)37 N ralrhlll at 7 una . and shed, com locality, reasonable 11(1(1 (llemvned ae. 7 rm , bath, perch, corner. R-irnge elec , li. vv. heat. 101(1 W Indiana nve 3 tj . 12 rms., suitable for lurgn hnm or apartment 3n.n S' Jtnlsnn lit n rmi , renovated, co? home In iroeil rnndltlen. I .Mnn N 7tb et (I rms, h. w. heat, let sixme ren. lerallty, .1i)'l7 N 7tli St. 0 rms elec . geed condi tion throughout, i.ur .mi: sef.vn veun ueai. kstatb 1'HOItI.KMS H V. SMITH. HOD w Erie Axe. CIlAWKOM) DUPLnx IIOMHS. 12th t, and Olney ni , high eletatlen, excellent neigh horheod, exch home accommodates 2 fam ine garage for 2 earn, every modern Im provement ntifl convenience, jeu can rent one ect'en the Income of which will pay all ex penes In connection with the entire building; tranipormtlen ficllttles unexcelled DAMKI, CHAWKOItD. Jit, Ilullder INVESTMENT PROPERTIES hnfe, eeund and rellnhle. kecd condition! 'convenient lecalltj ; tennmi nlnav walling, J7 per cent Interest en a M.'OU Investment; Irep a card and mv nalesman will call and expliln H F MlTlt 00 W nillK AVR $5800 N'ew homes close te Ileulevard '4 ri,nan- ..imii iiuiii, iui imi irui . cr.v leeO (CI rfrllHn fur-air nrl.llAOA rtamm U I .-IJ llenrj's and Incarnation I'lmreheli. nnlv a I' ft 1111)1)1 E s. en, 4(.M N Sth st I ,.,.,, , M . . ix.'L mvesimeni: loot) block . 17th- 3 slop HPnrlment house all cenvenlcnies, ' it t Jcerij win finance. H. J. Fasy, 18th & Tliompsen . riM, M-JAIl 11KOAD -Four-story house, every modern Improvement Including het- water heat, olectrle lights, hardwood floors, te be nli vcrv reasonable , WrrH I'El.DM VN JOB Mncnln Hldg C.HLE.N ST. 2100 Dwelling 13 roems: li edern plumbing, hardwood floors geld order let 10 te resr street cheap financed. Your broker, ur STnATTON, 605 Chestnut. 1 I enihnrd 4147. .Main 1141. P.Tmil.NT HOUSE 2210 Oreen newly ret ovate. up te the minute, ,Mxl77. 'hriiiwh te Ilrsndjwlne st , 20 rooms 0 . b.a!lih,l-oSenI,1.",rf.ul te'slhllltlcs will finance VI.HJiRT HALE Inc. Land Tltle llldg. I 07 000 PQ FT. enOL'ND I N'".r c.'Jn,er ' C,J- :l street frents: rail- read eldlnif can l n'ltalned nt once. u-iiuii.il iiAiiuiAN & CO. 1201 Chestnut at 2235 S. 15TH STREET Three story dwelling, in excellent conditien: pn?slen with deposit, make offer. wAL'T5iL2LI,ULIiL!IlSJ."'''0Sriyder ave 17(10 SNYDKIl AVE DEsinni,E ci.rriHeL'.SK r'dl.EY EQI'IPPED H C SINEX 1010 XV Passvunk av. MARLIUfllOl'OII and Olrard ave Lar I let. rent !0", price JdOOO j--ici-ii r L.L.u.viAr 2f)fl Lincoln Hldg 41JII IIIRARD AVE 3 etnrv. suitable for doctor or dentist, electric, li w floors mike exrel ant. 115 nnn P T vi-tv-t-t-t.' Hf.ltST K CO 34 It Fkd ave Fkd 81S0 W -'107 EAST ALLEGHENY AVEVL'E Stere and dwelling suit any business lest block Rt DZIVSKI &. DORSZEWSKT. 031 I nlrmnunt avenue ARDLEIOH ST Ten squarei last of Oer- mnntewn ave off Chelten nve torch 0 rooms and bath eleurlr 14100. cnh SB001 eten !undn ( evne 24th .yd I hlch nve ' 1,1 J .NORTH 1JTH STREET U rooms", electric fine condition furnished J7Mm i RI'DZI.VSKI i DORSZEW SKI. 031 Fair- mount qven u e VACANT J71O0. 1H10 W Thompson at.. S slerv, 0 rooms nnd bith .electric. H. J. Fasy, 18th & Thompson VACANT 2'00 block N llensall st . 8 rooms bMh Dutch hall, electric. Interior finished In white anl mohegans , price 18 100 THOMAS 2117 W Lehigh nve 321 S 20TH HT Opposite De Lancey school ... opposite Irwin Scheel. Apply milOIIT 2C07 Arch st. NEAR f-Ur wctlen: 3 little houses, unim proved, well located, well rented white tenants: ilWO for nil Toplar B124 1U2 NORRIS ST Three-story dwelling, 6 rooms nnd bath: for quick ssle J5500 SAMl'EI, OOI.DFR. Klnance Rldg. .VJIDLEIOH ST. Ten squares east of Ger. mnnlewn ave. off Chelten ave , perch 0 I rooms anl bath, electric J4S0O cash. S100 open gunds Coyne 24th nnd I ehgh ave I SPRUCE. hT. west Ilretd Twelve rnnm.' uz Mbai,r.'DNUTrtrsyR rFiceTrrtJv,?(!? 4501 & 03 FRANKF0RD AVE. Tlnrgaln SRNTO 21,1 S 13th st WILL Ill'Y an preperty, regardless of con. dltlen. for cash ELLEN-HERO. 1412 Diamond st 3130 CHADWICK (cer. T.1nn(n,nL. n r 321 rms & b $3100, possession. J II. lfrm 20th Tleg 0140 2616 GERMANTOWN AVET Ha gain SRENCO 21B S lClh st 20"". RAMIIREY ST Perch. 0 rooms and lath, laundry: electric: In lst-clasa cendi. Hen vac moo Cevne 24th inj ' "i" "O"; VIT)TtF TM tJTT PIFOV , " . heus- furnished' 110 000 RUDZI.NbKl (t DOniZKWSKI. 881 Falrmeunt avenVi? SAl RIFir.F Perch. 0 rooms, bath 10th i ----- -w anfl Indiana ave . issei IIMdle t, m 40M N fith st U 4141 N ,'.TH H rms bath elec,, perch odd M H-nrj's R C Church. 102015 lihrnan 1 llli-khardt 1181 N. Bth at W0 B5KIW'' :S!I .0 2S-30-32 OAUL HTRKET 7 rooms-I i-.e casn nargaina Hl'DIN'SKI A ' DORMnwiicr 031 Falrmeunt av.mi. a4..e,."'5krNS8KTIRBi:TIBS! mi rairmnunt nve '".i.naiu 4H.-1 N elec , DAHIE 3N st or., bath, h -wh7" 14100 qhoemaker 7th t Brl.' t rice I 30d N. 1'airhili Poss 7 r . if no i I EHMAN St HIPKHARDT (Mil N nth st V 1. COR. 23D AND OAKKORI) SS -Xoi bus loc. Samuel Polder, rmnnce Hide 2110 N 8TH. 3 story, med dwr , let te rear strest ueinnnri nzi nstnut 5.M IX CAHOT ST J150O Quick isle t LIE 1'ATTON. Lincoln Rldg Spruce T20J, t. N AV COR 13th and Oxford, One home, ex. cellent ler, med OLENV, 1817 Columbia 1700 11LOCK N. WARNOCK Three story, hr end hath- harg Hregan 771 N gBtn " Alse see advrrllsemcnta In lane true In preceding columns. stores nnd Dwelling QArOICTPF i modern utere at Uiet)- Ottv-rUrlV-E. mn,i st and Cambria; 12 l rooms hathi Immedlata pesi I etwn Sunday, RIDDLE & CO 4011 V Bth st Ritl!s?JlJmnits ., WHARF PROPERTY scuXtifi?'U W" j Lee patron i.Lm nM, I . ' Factories. Warehouses, .Manufurturlni Floers I WAREHOUSE BUILDING rmiieintf nnmnui - ""ucr liii-'iT- i -a fTfiHiKH nnd sltft with railroad or " ilh0$KBW&uZnr Alse as advertisements In Isrre trp In precedlne columns. LEDGERPMlADEljBa THURSDAY, REAL ESTATE FOB BAMl rrrv lluslnns I'repertleii mid Plerew SANSOM ST. WEST OP 17TH ST. -.J'0T B1!l"'3 TO MEAn smnKT POSSESSION AND SATlflFACTOItY TKHMS JAMES D. WINCHELL 17TU ANO 3ANSQM CT3. 1727 SANSOM STREET MODnHN llUlt.DINtl. 10x05 .TAMKS . VINCHEbl, 171 U AND BANBOM 81 S, WEST l'ltll.Alir.t.rillA 1B1R piNi: ST. Newly built, 2-atery, atone , front residence, with garage; 4 rooms and bath en second fleer, with built-in shewer: living hall, dining room, breakfast room and Kitchen en first floer: Inclesed healed perch: second-fleer piazza, het-water hnat, electrle light, hardnned floors throughout. Agent en Premises EUOKMB U lOYNSEND, 0i Merris Illdg . 1421 Chestnut at . $5500 t,en Wand t. (slat and Chos Ches 7 . w tcr). 0 roemsi all conveniences! let lCxlfiO; tmmedlnte possession. OLNEY REALTY CO. Kim N Bth t. Wyoming f2..Q SPECIAl. irAHQAIN Modern. 0 rooms. In fiSOO hlcclc Cobbs Creek Parkway. West Philadelphia! alrendy financed te $0000. Apply luitiAKii I'uiiui uiiniis creeK Title imd Trust llldg. BSth at. and Jlaltlmore ave. I.'UO CASH Meve right In; 204N H. Dewey t.; fl rooms, bath, perch, terrnce front, at! modern; sample house open dally from 3 till 0. or call Diamond S482 J for lnfor lnfer lnfor matlen 1X)H INVESTMENT Several vvell-bulH houses In West Philadelphia showing large returns en the investment. C PEMIIUH- TON, .in., 813 Harrison Plilg. 404.1 11AH1NU HT.. 12 rooms. 2 baths: elec lisht. neap elnvnted sfntlen! rent from third fleer will pjy rarrvlng charges. Mc- ci.uni; & co . is h, 4nth st. 414 N. 40TH ST. Three sty.. 14 r 3 b.. H npls : e'ec light! large jard: ante for gar.- near U sta.- could net be built for twice tn selling price Met lure ft re in H 40tn. BOTH 8T, SECTION New tw In house. 4 bed rooms, extra larce living room and dining room. 8 clciets: 8D(in. WAITEn A. Mo Me CI.ATCHY, 70th and Market Helment 3401. N. VODOES ST . 300 bleck: cery hemes: 73800, cash I80O. Trexler, 0023 Lebanon nve llelmiint 0004. 13800 Six rooms and bath: close te L: small nmeunt of cash. I. Market i'iui;y & au.-v. ni.u I65TH AND PINE, 0 rooms and bathtelee : nei-watcr neat, nardvvoed floors. i. i'iii:) B420 Market. OVEIl me houses for speculators and home buyers: all prices: easy terms Rellly, 432 r oste si . Alse see advertisements In Inrge type In preceding columns OKRMAXTflWN 0242 N 20TH Nevv home, every modern convenience. Including garage privilege, will finance with 1300; prlce J0S00 1CANE, 1217 N. gdth Tlegq 0140 OFRMANTOWN. S30 Mt Pleaaant nve. Ten rooms and bath, het-water heat, elec: let 70x120 ft Shoemaker 7th A Erie ave CHESTNUT 11 1 1 J. HIOHLAND AVE. Three story stone, slate reef. 11 rooms, 3 btths: let 30x185: hard wood floors, electric lights; newlv papered and painted: near trains nnd trel.: J13 fiOit. Al.ltKTiT IIAl.lt I.-ind Tltle Illdg Spr 7401 ATTRACTIVE dwellings In Wyndmoor; lnrr lets: $,s,fn un JENKINTOWM HANK AND TRUST CO. Building 1xt LOTS in Erdenhelm ter.: all street improve impreve ments concrete walks: low tax rate: Sat. afternoon and Sunday by appointment.. JENKINTOWN HANK AND THU8T (.O. CHOICE UUILDINO bITES in Wyndmoor. Apply te J ENK1NTOWN HANK AND TRUST CO. OAK LANE OAK LANE New stene English-style resi dence with tile roef: center hall: (1 cham liers 3 baths, electricity, het-water heat, nation. hardwood floors; ever ' acre, corner j a. HAVENB CO LAND T1TI.R DI.DO OAK U.NU Modern Kngllsh style residence near statien: center hall, bllllnrd room. 0 chambers. 4 baths: 2 car girage. acre E A HAVENS CO LAND TITLE ni.DO Al.n see ndvertlsements In large type In preceding columns OAK LANE PARK OAK LANE PARK Stene bungalow. In In ceosed perch. 0 rooms. 2 baths: garage, let 00 ft front; sacrlllce, OLNEY REALTY CO. .IMP N. Sth st LOGAN LOO AN We have dmirable and well-located homes In this nnd ether sections; all prices auto will call for seu Welsman. 4O00 N nrnad st Wyoming S0O0 4020 N. FRONT ST. (cer Ileulevard) Twe modern hemes: JS0O0. Kane. 3J37 N. 20th Tiega nun Alan m ndrertlM.menta In large type In preceding columns. DREAMLAND Winter Nute Ur DADDY Jack and Janet find hazel nuts In the tcendi, but tchtle they are asleep tome one talcs half of them. CIIAI'TBU IV. Nut Acress the RUcr rnAP I Tep ! Tappity-tap ! JL Jack and Janet were awakened by a noise en the reef of the woodshed, Ten' Tnn' TeDnltr-tnp! Tap. lap. mPP" v t. . . Ueth of the children thought of the Fame thing nt once the thief who had stolen half their hazel nuts was steal- Z mere. They couldn't see the weed- shed reef from their windows, but It took only a moment for them te slip Inte their bathrobes nnd run down te the jurd. Sure enough some one wu stealing their nute. That some one was mue Jay, The tnpping notes was made as he tried te crack the nuts with his bill. "Hey! (Jet away from theBe hazel nuts!" SbeutcdJnck. "UOOO ineriiiiie., l". ,""". a' cocking HIS Iieau en out) ome. u i. i. Hi,euij I cet nway from these nuts. Tlfey are giving me a fine breakfast?" An(j npl)nrCj,tly they had given him a erv finn breakfast as emy n iew nuts , r. left. "vn ebnnlrl iret nwav from them be Vi .,,. ..... " enld Teelr CmlH? theZ3 V," Bhie' J.t'b SaUcV much annoyed by uiue day s saucy thievery. !.' And wnere "i" j" b"- ..".. nulml TtTim .Tnv. 41UUI ' "-ST-. . .- Jl "We found tnem in tne woeas, answered Janet. ... Itliie Jay laughed as though that were a ''And I found them here," he sang. "I.aHt finders are best keepcra." Jnck and Janet ceum net tmrui ei nn answer te that. They Just steed ,end looked ruefully at the reef of the I woodshed. Net enough nuts Were left - .nter. Dlue Jay laughed at them. "Don't took se glum, he screamed. "I'll m uTwJFm nuts enough te lest you and rue all nter long" Thnt iiremise sounded geed te Jack '"7 new uueau vi tuviu unuus" udaiIh ! ' 'Hay 1 Say ! Hay I hope you brought he Ulft UUS.O IU ..... .... ... -.- --, "There nre tUeusnnds and Hcrcaineu. Thanks te Mr. Bug MJBAXi E8TATE.FOB SALE mANKKORD FnANKFORD English dwgs.: Pllllnt t. bet. Orthodox and Arrett (2 bleclci welt of Frankfort nve.li let 30xl2A; garages: low prices; -small amount cash rcq t prleea will advance, due te opening of Frankford I. Dreby A Byani. 1007 Lincoln llldg, Sp. 7880. If ,,. , . la" ORTHODOX Twin: 12r 3 b., elec.llet 40x118 te rear atreetl suitable for doc- V. w, uviuieii linmeu, isib.i iyun. w Kuhn A liwery, 4005 Paul st Fkd. .1447. FHANKFUHD section! 8 mln. of I.: 8308 .!; IC."UI '. I T r.I meuern; shiu-dshi If.noe Key at 8100 Devereaux at, 1050 lfOWAKTl! 01", Twin: n bedrma..: 1 eq. from U sta.: elec. I exc. cend.i bargain. Kuhn ft Iiwry. 4001 Paul St. FKd 84 7, TIOOV 3888 N. 11ROAD, next te St. Stephen' Ch, 3-sty. finely equip. 2-fam, heuse: tner. med, j 10x100, Deane. 8017 Otn. av. Tle. 0784 3.'84 N. CARLISLE Four bedrme., bth, perch: near Tiega sta : geed lecg.i nhe. roomy house. Denne, 8(187 Otn. av. Tle. H734, 200YOTARle ST. 3-ty. cer; prep'ty: Inft 5S'7'1 1 1I e .iii,lAi.lia tiAMii tetrt Tle eta C.W.D'eane, 3037 Otn. av. Tle. 0T8t 3823 N. 1BTH ST. Flne 2-fnm. heuee. h.-w, iiem, eiec, nnwd. nrs : seien. invest,; oe ee talls en app. Deane, 3037 tftn. e.v, Tle 878 1 1040 W. CAREY ST. Twe sty., perch front modemi vacant B. J. Martin, J4S N.i B4lh at. tninne nelment 3084 , Of.NF.T BAUKn-rtlLT AtiWJTB HOMES 10400 te 18000. with and without. garages: Colonial, English, Dutch and Spanish rchl tecture: row, elite-yard and corner Lheusea 115 !f'?' nn1 restricted community in the fiSOO block en N. Falrhlll, Oth and Marshall sts. ; furnished sample house 8814 N, Oth it. Open evenings except Sunday. .... SALTER 8. IlAflfcR, liUILDER BR02 M nth St. Phene Wyoming 17B8 Most eeslrabln location In TAhne A .ham tile bath, hel-vvater heat, electrle lights, hardwood floors, refrigerating shed, Inclesed I'tiii-ii. inunury in cellar; convenient trnln end ti treTlev. ARROW tni ngn diiv nran. UK'AI.TY CO Inc.. f,28 W. Olney nve Alse sec advertisements In lane type In preceding columns. rRXSHYLVAMA ?UR1)R1IAN 120 ACRES OK LAND v Suitable for a gentleman's all-sear-round residence, with fertile flelde, weeds and pasture: located en Leu Is lone, between the Merris read nnd the Sklppack turnpike, hnlf-way between nreadaxe and Rlue Dell, ll4 miles from Ambler Statien: the surround ing properties nre of the highest clnss and the neighborhood Is most desirable for a family residence. C, PEMUER'ION, JR , Harrison Hldg. SOU III ARDMORE 145 E. Benedict ave I detached modern dwelllnc. 4 bedrooms, tlle bath, het-water heat: terms te suit It M. Uarncs, 14 N. 00th t. Sherwood DEVON. PA An unusually attractive, large nlry roem: large greunds: old shade and shrubbery: ftrst-classi home table- vegeteble garden Phene Wajne 887 or address Mrs E H. Flster.. Deven. Pa. LOT 80x200. in improved street: only l block te West Chester plkei prlce I80O. V 12 Jl, Ledger Office. ARDMOKK 1 WILL SELL en geed terms my residence In Ardmere In one of the beet suburban sections; 10 minutes' walk from train or trelley: house contains living room, den, dining room, lavatory, kitchen, butler's pan try, laundry, 7 chambers, j baths and lavatory, large blllard room, vapor heat, bread perches, old shade; let 110x188: J2" OOO. Hex 404. Ardmore. MNE ROOMS, 0 bed chambers; a home of beauty and beautiful BUrreundlngs: first fleer has living room, dining room, kitchen and biitler'a pantry; 4 bed chambers and large bith en second fleer, and 2 bed cham bers with large linen closet en third; hot het water heat, every modern convenience, for llfl.fiOO. Ter partlculara call W. A. MeCREA (Ardmore 20) Ardmore, Pa. II A LA BALA Stone Colonial; 8 chambers, 4 baths, electricity, het-water heat. hardwood floors; gnrage. large corner let: old shade. E A HAVENS CO . I.ANiD TITLE RLDO. RROOKMNK SINGLE stone heme: let 128x128: 4 bed, rooms 2-car garage' this house Is priced right. Walter A. McClatchy, 70th and Mar ket sts Helmept 8408. SINGLE house, center hall: large let- 4 bedrooms, til, BOO. Walter A McClatchy. 70th nnd Market ts Relment 8408 URYN MA1YR 08-ACRE country place en Steny lane near Wasne MscVeagh estate, J800 per acre. WESTNBY 208 Liberty Rldg. RYTTOOD - SINOLE stone home. 4 bedrooms, finished, heat 3d fleer, ncreens and shades Ineluded; priced right. Walter A. McClatchy. 70U and Market sts. Belmont 3408. ADVENTURES thousands of nuts In the patch te which I am taking jeu." Jeck nnd Jnnct followed eagerly. They rode fnr nnd finally came te a brend and deep river. There was no bridge or ether way te get ncress. "Come en ! Come en !" screnmed nine Jay. "The huzel nut patch is en the .etlif-r shore. It was nil very well for j Wue Jay te say 'Teme en," because I T reul,,,fl? mcr he rlvcr- But w"l Jnck nn(l Ja"et things were different, They wnw their hepcB Sf a winter aupply of liuel nuts smashed te bits. Then Jack get an idea. , luf SiftS! will bring us enough hazel nuts te fill our bags we will crack nil you can eat." I That seemed a geed bargain te Blue Jay. He flew away te the hazel nut imten ana oreugnt uack clusters of nuts. Micro uicy are," he screamed. "I'll nrlnp vnlt n let tnnA ' AJ . 1.- .11.1 " I'""," "." """. nuu ou lie U1U, flying back and forth nil day long until he had filled their linen full. lfh . it left ever. And Jeck and Janet did ehutr ... of the bargain. They shucked the nuts and cracked them be Blue Jay could eat the meats. Ulue day seemed very hungry, nftcr his many trips back and fertli across the rhcr. He ate and nte and ate. My CradeUH." vrhlannre.l Tn.f t Jack, "If he cats this way every day we will net have enough nuts left for ourselves. He will keep us se busy cracking them we will have no time for Pla Jnck thought the same thing, But UU KUl UJi 1UVII, 'De jeu remember hew I didn't like mlnce pie for a long time after eating tee much Inst Chrlstmna?" rm nl-d Then he crocked nuts faster than ever anu icu tnem te lilue Jay. And Blue Jy ate grnatllly. "Drink lets of water, tOO, advised Jnck. "The ureter, mill woeh the nuts down," iiiue Jay nte end drank until he was stuffed full. And then the nuts gave him a stomachache. He felt very, very sick. He stepped eating. "I don't want any mere nuts," he chirped weakly. "I'll never went any rnore. Yeu enn have all that nre left." Jack and Janet were glad te hear that, for new they were sure te have hazel nuts all winter. , (Hew Jaclf and Janet an alter wet- nuts and meet an exciting adventure , mtIII be told In tomorrow's chapter.) T ! ' t e m . OCTOBER 1& 1922 REAL ESTATE 70S BALK I'ENNWYT.VANIA WUBPmiATs DRKXEL HIM SINGLE 8TONK HOMK. let 78 ft. frent: 3 perch'isj nnencedt owner' rpen t. offer. WALTCtl A. McCLATCHY, 70th and Mar- ki. iteiment asurj. Vnks.HI j, HILL New, detached,, central hall, 0 sleeping- rooms, tile Bath! 00x120: $13,000; easy terms. LYNCH. Dreiel Hill. Lansdevvne 21H2. . KT.KIXW r,RR ELK1NS PARK Modern Colonial residence of hollow-tile construction! center 'hall. 7 chnmbers. 3 bathsi electricity. het-Water heat, hardwood floers: 2-car caras;i about 1 acre of around between train nnd trolley, fe. A. HA-VKNH CO . LAND T1TLW BLPa. EAHT l.AKSIOWNB TWELVK rooms nnd bath: let BOxlJO: must be sold quickly: no reasonable offer re fused. L. L Uuckman, 0002 Walnut. Sher Sher weed 21n.'. . rex CHASB rDX CHAHB A Lavvndalei New A 2d-hand homes for sale. H J.Tunstall.lOOO Cettmsn IIAVEBFOKP HKJIODELj;d, 13 rooms, 2 baths: 9 cores; carats: aarrten: 135.000. WILLIAM C. CIiAflHORN. 1218 Chestnut at, IlKHILAXn PARK SINGLE home will be sold Quickly at best offer from SHOO te 11200 cash: financed, Walter A. McClatchy, 70th and Market sts. Helment 3408. MODHIIN dwellfnc, 4 bedchambers, living room, dining- room and kitchen; 110,(100. Gee. L. Hsmes. 1201 Chestnut. Walnut 4085, nnd Hlithlsnd Park, I.lsnerrh 7B0 MODERN dwelling, 8, bedrooms, living room, dining room nnd kitchen; 19000. GEO. L HARNErl. 1201 Chestnut st. Walnut 40811, nnd Highland Park, Llanerch 7B0. JENKINTOWN JENKINTOWN llrlckl Colonial; center hall, 8 chambers. 3 baths: modern throughout! excellent conditien: best locatien: $23,000. n A HAVWNH CO . MNP TITLE HLT)Q. llnlldlng Lets CHOICE building lets en Washington lane; best residential section. Jenklntemi Hank nnd Trust Ce. LAWNTlAt.B LAWNDALE IBSOQ Perch: semi-detached; e rooms, bath. Happ, SH08 N. Bth St. Tlegq 07B1. . IANHDOWNB APARTMENT for cnle te close an estate. Rented, first fleer, $12B month Rented, second fleer, $100 month Itemed, third fleer, $0.1 month DAVID DEXTElt 103 E. Essex avs T.LANERC'n TWIN, stone, slate reef, screens, shades. etc : I87B0 Waller' A, McClatchy. 70th and Market sts Helment 3408. , LONflACKB PARK NEW Cobbs Creek sectien: attractive varletv of modem residences, semi and detached; all cenvs : no coal troubles; heat from cen tre 1 steam plant: small nmeunt of cash re quired: prices 10760 te $20,000; less than cost of reproduction Phene Woodland 4130 R or H I. nriimbauch. 1420 Walnut. Hpr B07O MERION LARGE, beautiful home, with 3 acres of ground, large garage nnd stable; the home en the first fleer contains living room, dining room, hnll, 2 sun parlors, kitchen, laundry In basement: second fleer, 3 bed chambers and 2 baths: third fleer, 8 bed cham bers and 1 bath: all modern conveniences. Get full particulars from WM. A. McCHEA. Ardmore. Pa. Pheno Ardmore 270. Offlce open all day and every day. NAnBERTn HOMU, 0 rooms and bath, het-water heat! large let; well-planted grounds; geed leca tlen: price $11, BOO. J. A. CALDWELL Open evenings Sunday by appointment Office phone. N'arberth 1711: home 1087 SEVEN' rooms and bath: het-water heat; electric lights: best of condition; $7000. J. A. CALDWELL Open evenings Sunday by appointment. Office phina N'arberth 1733: home 1087. NESHAM1NY FALLS NE31IAM1NY 1'ALLy Fergusen's Tract, neir station nnd creek: flne beating and bathing; geed train Berv.; near Lincoln High wa) , large lets. S7f up: easy me. payments; guar, tltle; send for bldt, plans of bunges. FERGUSON, Frent and Yerk KIDI.EV PARK CHOICE bungnlevvs. 14000 un: 4 and 0 roems: best locations between Darby and Chester' handy te cars. etc. Phene Ridley Park 270. Apply Hefferman. Illnksen Uftd. Ridley Park ROSEMONT 8TONB and stucco house. IB rooms, bath, gas. eleq het-water heat: $24,000- garage. J M FRONEKir.LD. Wayne Penna. WAVNE TWO acres with house In fine condition, 12 rooms, 2 baths, het-water heat, electricity, gds, stable, garage: $18,800 J M FROVBnELD. Wayne, Pa, WIHBINOMINO A OOOD bu) , 0 rooms, bath, shed, perch: h -a. heat, gas elec: let 07 ft. deep: near Wlsslnemlng Park. Kuhn & Lewery, 8005 Paul t. Fnnkferd 3447, WVNNEFIELD WYNNEFIELD Popular-style Colonial home, brlck-nnd-plaster constructien: cen ter entrnnce hall, 0 chimbers. 8 modern baths, elettrlcltv. het-wnter hent. hardwood floers: let 00x200: excellent condition. B A HAVh.'NS CO. IAVD TITLE HLDG AUn aee advertisement!! In large ti-ne In preceding eeliimns NEW JERSEY SIlHUItUAN NEAR BEVERLY 2J4 ACRES 7 rooms, city cenveniences: garage: 220 fruit trees also small fruits, clone te station and tlnllev S07BO- photos peti:hs t hes oeH cherttit bt..phila GHEM.OCH N. J Hungalew: 1 minute fi-n-n liUS! $1200 Tnt'IS C JOYCE Jr., Orenleeh. W. J. UI .Al'KWOOD, N. J. Dungolew; J minutes trem vrain rt""U,' T r, wu7' """ U)L'(-) VJ J'Jin. i . ..irunicii. j-. J 11ULLMAWH N J. Bungalow; all con. veniences, nuiu IiUlS C JOYCE. Jr . Orenleeh. N. J, OLENDORA, N J. semt-buiuralewj all ennveniencea: e-uv LOlIia C, JOYCE Jr , Orenleeh, N. J, QRENLOCH TERRACE N. J. Bungalow! ail I WUriliriXJ'-n, g ivwi ii 11401. T.OIIIS C. JOYC'V Jr Grenloch. N. J, QRENLOCH TERRACE, N. J. Dwelling; AIL CUIiYCItlWIlfB, '"" till 4(1 1JU1H C JOYCn Jr Orenleeh, N. J. WiAC'KWOOI) Ti:ilRAC13. N. J. Bunjralew near trolley. S-IOOO; terma. ljxtlll- .H.HV.U . f inwil, iV, j. GRENLOCH. N. J. semi-bungalew: all cenvcnlem.es, eicellent conditien: $4000, terms i. ;. miii. -r . urrniecn. re. j ORENIOCH, N. J Dwelling; all cenveni ences joeuo, terms. i.uui.1 v u..... w. , jipiiiuuh, , j. BLACKWOOD, N. J. Splendid location for f arete. jOVIH C. JOYCE. Jr , Orenleeh. N. J. 183 ACRES, 1 mlle from Iuliem Station, $1B per acre ' vv r.n i in i- y , ana ineriy uiqg. BLACKWiWD TERRACE, N. J Cement block store and dwelling, all cenvs. i $6000. LOUiq C JOYCE. Jr . Orenleeh, N J. I.AMHH TERRACE. N. J. tnOQ Leuis C Joyce. Jr , Dwelling; price Grenlech cn- " J- jnelhlJngJs BLACKWOOD Grenloch and Glendora. N. J.l deslrnble lets' verv reasonable. IUIS C JOYCE. Jr , Grenloch. N. J. CAMDEN Factories. Warehouses Maniifacturlng Fleere 8 ACRES, with bulkhead, Delaware niver frontage, adjoining railroad; near new bridge WESTNEY 201 I.llwrty Hide, PADDONFIELD VERY destrnb'e residential property op Kings Highway, near center of town, with abun. dance of ehade trees and shrub,: let 100x409. JESSUPficSONS 838 FEDERAL ST . CAMDEN, V. J, , Alse see advertisement In large type In preceding columns. t HEAL KSTATB TOlt gAEB jmmjiftiA!ViRM? CHESTER CO. J'ARM-EQUIPPED w. i nM... ,.., vttatt ten tmftfln v Yeu will like the convenience of the '."f-c'ty markets, the excellent neighbors and i tne opportunity here; geed money "'I"'tlh.,??"y plants In gre-nhousei 10 acres loamy tillage, pasture, home use weed attractive J-etery house. BO-ft, basement barn. 00-ft, " hedssi demesl e reasons forced sale, $40OI horse, cow. 8 heifers, hegt. poultry, furnl- ture full Implements, hay. fornreuosr, iee included: part cash. JOHN M. HORNER. 401 Market St.. Oxford, Pa, - IN THE Pickering Valley where the big ree apples grew: je-i acres win .iuue ....-, 12 rooms, stone tarn, stabling B0 head! larBe pasture! ,... Ill Ann J, M. R0kErIELn. Wayne. Pa. j MAIN LINE fnrm, east of Paell, "," rich land free from stones and all I"0 worked, stene house, JO rooms, bath, het. water heat, electricity tenant house mod ern barn, cement fleer, steel tantnlena ler 70 head, water supply by gravity through '"S!1 flf'h!&Mfer.D. W-vne. Pa. - NEW JERSEY FARM WHEN the brldee Is completed. ' ' farm land for It weekly with Immediate possession will be ancient history! better iseiect your location newi rfi:... pveekly, nne. rich ell; soed readdi fllmn"' weier, etc; ianu ueruera en r""l"J",vv. near Jfays Lanrtlnit: (cet our map and book- lei aivinit lun pariirumi .- -O'Callnnhnn, 70.1 Walnut at., rhlla. !J ACRCS I'rents en two reads! no nunu lnus: splendid stream: $3500. LUUIM U. JUIU1U, Jr . wrcinucn, rt .1. 20 ACRE Half In fruit! splendid dwelling; near train and trelley: running streim; IBOQO. Leuis C. Joyce. Jr.. Orenleeh, N. J. 1.-A1IU rlnn fnr development! 110.000. LOUIS C. JOYCE, Jr.. Orenleeh. N. J. HEAL ESTATE WANTED I HAVE MANY calls for homes from 18000 n tannn, whnt hnvA nu tn erfer7 Fer w ., ,,..-- .. -- w ... ..,,. m.m quick results, iisi your puiiwuir .., ...e. It. E SMITH, MOO W. Erie nve. t WANT a l'stery building. 20.000 te 3,0,000 feet! must have railroad aiding; will buy or rent. What have you? Centldentlal If de sired P 1HI0 ledger Offlce , LIST your properties with us for quick sale! list of buyers waiting. 1'. J. Wlnterserst A Ce. 3414 Frankford aye. Fkd 3.1S0 W. DEEDS, mtgs., wills written: expert work, med chg. K. P. SELLERS. 1201 Chestnut. HUGH S. WALKER 02B LAND TITLE HfDO ESPFCIALLY KQU1PPED TO MANAOB W. H. HALL k SON, Land Title rldg.. ., WANT TO HUY a tl-roem house in West Phlla. B117 Race at. l-STY.. fl-rm dvvgs. near Fkd. "L." Buyers waiting. Webel, 323J Fkd. ave. Qar.0,l7. PENNSYLVANIA milHIBIIAN Et.KINS PARK Furnished FURNISHED houee, 3 master's bedrooms, 1 or 2 malda' rooms, 2 baths; Oak Lane, Elklns Park, Ognntz, Jenklntevvn or vicinity. C B2t ledger Office . R. E. SALE OB EXCHANGE 13 I'ROPKR TIES, all loc, for exchange. Rerrv. 1027 Real Est. Tr Illdg Wal. 170 HEAL ESTATE FOR RENT CITY SPRUCE 1480 Entire building, suitable for offices nrinrtments tr huslnessi will glve satisfactory Improvement lease. viua. HitA.vi. niit npruce st. 2043 CHESTNUT STREET 000 square feet fleer space; newly renovated WM. LINDER. 1328 Chestnut at. :318 RIDQB AVE. Modern store and dwell- ing, SAMUEL QOI.DElt. Finance mag. Alse see advertisements In large type In preceding lelumrs nuslness Properties nnd Stores STORE Vicinity 12th and Walnut: low rental: new: thoroughly modern. Ask for Mr. Tewnee. Lembard 0300 13-' S 4th st 11.1 S. FRONT ST. 4-stj. commercial bide, Including dec, elovater: rent ISO pec menth: lmmedlnte possession. II M, (lunch, 80O Land Tltle Wd Spruce 7071. rarterles. Warehouses. Manufacturing Floers 133 S 11'IH HT. .New buildings, floors; can be used for offices or light manufac turing. Fer Information apply te I). DIN 1ENFA8H. 307 Lafayettn Hldg. Lern. 8200, STH AND LUDLOW 8TS , oppesito the Bourse 43.1'i sq. ft. third floer: will divide; freight elevator, suitable for light mfg., sternge. etc; rentals moderate. Albert M, Greenfield A Ce , 1Mb and Chestnut sts. 1322-30 RIDGE AVE One-story building: fleer will carry unlimited weight: daylight In every cerner: no pests; high celling; 2 buildings each 00x180 HAHUY i. 3Au.iui.iia. m n. lain si. 18J S 11TH HT. Basement In central sec tion of city; eultnble for plumber; rent cheap. Apply te II. DINTENFAS3. 807 Lafayette Illdg. Lembard 3290 ENTIRE BUILDINGS, R. H sidings! 00,000 te 150,000 BO. ft. MAIIONEY A DILLON, 205 Flanders lyidg. Locust 2018. 8016 AND 18 N. OTH.-M-sty brick building with basement for light mfg., ever 2000 sauare feet SHOEMAKER. 7th and Erie 148 N. BTH Cerner. 20x80, freight ele v ater: whole or part. Apply 150 N Bth A FACTORY warehouse and fleer specialist Alvlrmiv rnAPcn, i r iui si. .t1n .m fiHrerllsemcnta In laree fvne In preceding columns erKHEv nrsivEss rooms, etc. 1210-1212 ARCH STREET DESIRABLE MODERN UUILDINO PASSENGER AND FREIGHT ELEVA'IORS $0509 llBOO fJOOO $8300 OFFICES BUSINESS SALESROOMS CRESSE 1328 CHESTNUT ST. DENTISTS, PHYSICIANS Suite suitable for three professional men: 2d fleer. 1820 Chestnut EMLEV & CO . 1420 Chestnut. TWO ATTRACTIVE OFFICES, with heat and light: also desk room space; best lo cation for building or contracting tradts, mutt be seen te be appreciated 1723 Bansem. DESIRABLE OFFICE. 1800 Locust at , 3d fleer, north and south lighting, heat and ianltnr service; suit nrrhlteet or artist. tr Tnwnes Lembard 8100, 132 S. 4th. DESIRABLE desk space, with stenographic service iuu bieck ,xcnangt uiag. Loeust 8717 SOUTH side of City Hall, Baxter Hldg. Twe offices, handsomely furnished In ma ma hegsny: suite of 3' single office AH1101 r BUILDING Deslrable Bread st. front corner effice: rate reasonable. Northeast corner Bread and Rare DESIRABLE nfflce nimcs, fireproof building; elevator eervlce- moderate rent Apply E J ELLIOTT. 1114 Chestnut st. CENTRAL OFFICES geed Iljht; reason- able Wlllls-Wlnchester Ce 'A H 18th st ESTEY HLDO , all outslde; rent reasonable. Apply Estey Bldg . 17th and Walnut sts SMALL office or desk space Apply 820 mini line iiuw -ipruee tzi, Alan auj. n.l. mrt la.m ah.u Ih !.. - tn nTereillng eeliimns WET I'llll.ADELl'HlA Stere" and Duellings CORNER SI ORB S B2d st Suitable n'u" tomeblle showrooms drug store, candy. Ice cream parlor, long len.e te rosperalblo party. M 210. Ledger Office OEItMANTOWN OERJUNTOWN. $400 month Large Ce- , lenlal brick residence, 1B2 Carpenter st near Carpenter Htatien. K It. It,, electric branch; aero lavvn: shade trees; 4 bath- rooms, ateam heat from rentral riant: will WUH1H. agnt. 8th" and Lehigh nve Te I phene Diamond 200 '" . iele PENNSYLVANIA- HI lllmii axi I HAVE 2 beautiful homes for rent- both are single, haying extra Urje Intiii one itei f. ttW," !?? L.'.lSq.per-rnenth the ethor Is 170 wr month- waltfY "T! iP." CLATCH 7llth nnrl Un.L.i "." " " 70th and Market". ' AltDMOItE Business rrepertlew and -Un-.. corner itore, apts , jjr, hotel property. Decker. 28 E. Lancaster",' By Arch Dale ATToneygALtit ;- Arch' St. AucrTRJ "ii-u irtrch f s TnhiV (AY A. M , OCT. I" in .. t!tMln t nnn FROM PRIVATE HE31DENc.AMDE consisting Wardrobes cinameioe d Beds, Kitchen CabVne'ts"'-' rabmtl, Bxten.i nS?i.Be unina Chain, upright Pianos, off lc, bs!' , ttc. Don't forget tm? i.?."' 1 leums, BEAL ESTATE FORJ NEW JEKBET mimtsiTr- EL SPIUNOn hi. .-11- LAUREL net- hngan watse hVi. ii....'i .r.??m enTTB MSMMm DBA Faf tertM, War-heniM. mii .-"T I a fctt trnTTv?! n manurALiUKiwc p 5K!'"t'i"!ls,r cen'tructed brick bulMi.J nuia ler carrying neavv w...... -?-. property Mv. nn In. inn-nr .-"?"'"sryi c feet .y-t-TKW'tas.? frel and freight .il.li. J'r.V r.,m'HP"e eming: gssT', .......x. .-. u. neg ni TrentSiii VKNTNOR FOR rtmMiv itm.,1 ..... .. . . -....... w,.. .unv jn, niesiv nungaiew. 4 bedrooms, i hiih." room Aiilhgtrn .a..... --" a open s th St.. Phlladelphle Lembard li.il JgQBTGAGES APPLICATIONS wanted first mortgage lunes. MAGEE & R0DGERS M ecust St. Phene Bnr...r OJOfJtM' 1 1200 Locust FtlNnn rtlNDfl IN AMV Atrnm. fe'J ruifnir SiiUi'S tt!i r ggq SSstf: e"i. UNDS for first nnd second tneri..... . f' ameunts: teasonahle ratss; mifi.l.,"S. ameunts: tea labia r. ..:'".:.. ' iTement ft Ce. Walnut 0861. H02 North Ameri,'..,a-rJ "k: MORTGAGE AVT 7T77ZXZr- IX3APW ON INTEREST IN ESTATM,Ms JOHN A. nAnnV BrATM. ! P.nT t.h. n-i,,. U;. J W ..-.. ...... . iUO Jung r HAS YOUR JIORTGAIU: h..n .,,..;-; for flrst and seoend mortgages aiRr1 hand. II. E. Smith. BOO W. Erie .w'w ",'i eit i ec nnnte ,tmn - en Jl.J,yjyJV nnd leunti Mertnfjt R TAYLOR MTDDI.F.TON'. .01 Waintjs 1 FUNDS. FOR FIRST MORTClAflFg LARGE OR HMAtt. A vm'AVfilF8 SAMUEL POLDER. FINANrT: iti.nn SEE MAURICE LICHTMAjT SPARKS A WHITLEY, 401 Emelrs KC Walnut 0020 First and second mS!" JIONUV ter troed nret mnrtinsti. . -"lefej. uiniiymcr yiti ' Oi ion ai IliVP mnrlsiliir fiiHa fl.-a 7i . ITsei "'" '""'" '"" iiibv ana tint emj lean nnn Charlt Wltiinn. ieiq rl.T ... .. ,. ummm A I a art Udrpr Mat mental In iL,a" In iirerrdlnK columns. f" 1 apartatentb" i,OAi,i'i'nu r.iucivncy Apartmsntl: . garage for each tenant: 12th st. ana Olney nve.: $8S per menth: capn R rooms and bath: every modern co'. i venlence: high elevation; location us surpassed; excellent transportltlen DANIEL- CRAWFORD. Jr., Bullair .n . v.nrrr. .. . . "LANfERN LANK" An attractive vlllii with gnrdtu walk: at 10th st.. bttnai Mnrket nnd Chestnut, hnek f u.J77. Theatre: Individual homes operated ssisan.-.l ments, 4 rdbms. bath and basemnt!iB 1 ler IIlBIci:iluii uillll JU 1'. il. UlIAB f KOLH Celnnliil Trust Illdg. ' f' WALNUT ST.. 2040 Select n.lghterfcwC near Rlttonl-euso m. nnd L3tli st.; bsisti. furn. te suit If necessary. fARK AVE.. . 1035 Unfurti sets,.-J strictly med.: nil cenv.. geed leca : IRS as 1402 N. HUH ST. Handsome apts , 2 rea. tile bath and kitchen; open fireplace htrl- wiHiii imre. . t. I'l.AZA AI'TS, Opp. the Pnrk: 171MI K oeu si.: n inrge eutsiae roemi. z Mini, perches; 1mm. poss : exc." service: resretuili rent Ap ion premises or Belmont 72M I Frontenac Hetel & Dining Rem w. COR nROAD AND OXFORD STI. APARTMENT HEODQUARTER8 Central apartments a specialty. Shtnreel Apariment Agency 1834 Walnut St. - 103! , N, PARK AVE.: HANDSOMELY TCI rii"'. ' a hath: all mob. cuh: cvi.niuii.-su is r; vv . SPRUCE ST.. 17111 & 2 rooms with Mr bath. A. P. Brown, Lincoln Brg. Spr. Tell i.sneciany cquippee te menses . W If HALL A SON. Land Title BUg. , LOCUST ST.. 202H 1 rm . prl b 4 xtteV I a. - Hrrm-n Bin Lincoln Hldg Bur. 7WI, 400 S. 15TH ST. Seven rms & bath. M- noer irent: recently aece Apply prumsis, WEST PHILADELPHIA MONTEVISTA APIS.. 88d and Oxford Ht- Three rooms and bath, housekeeping, Ml new section; Just cempleted: equipped Wh Murphy-in-n-deer bed, elevator; dlnltufreetl snrire opiienai inene overnreex sons CORONADA AI'TS., 22d and Chestnut-OW-side apts of 0 rms and bath, with miU'l quarters, exclusive tenancy: moderate ra tals; Immed. poss H M. Geich, GOO Lul Title llldg Spruce 7071. D007 CHESTNUT (The T.eeneV small keeping npurtment. unfurnished: 2 rtjeu and bath, furnished or untursjis), cafe. v. T HVH rooms and bith. percn, all nodere. cerner apt.: 4511 Woodland ave : epeiill dayj rent $01 per month. Fer lnfonullee, . n,, t.lll nil Q1.J J 82D ST., N.. 0213 beautlf ill cer..aptt,,J ths and eltsHt 1J te Hf . ,4 and B rooms, private baths ATcn or Hpring narnen cars HAMifON COURT. 203 N. a'VTH ST. ive rooms ana bath, 3 Apply tn lanltnr 18 N r.OTH ST Second fleer. 5 lrn,r and hath' modern' congenial siirreuMlsw. 09a M 1I(IT . n, 1. u. I, .... h. Wallnre fe"Ce "lath and' Wal 'Wal j BALTO. AVE , 4030 Furn. apt.. 2 d It. and b : net heusekeeping: near 4 carim. GERMANTOWN $00 First fleer, modern 0 rooms; UfklM qlr en 4 sides Phene Oermsntewn gets. . BWARTIIMOBB THE HARVARD & ANNEV Living room, bedroom and bath: pnjjl perch: table the best Pli 140 BwsrthmsTi IVA WK LOUELLA Dining-room serv W. II. AJ Sen Land Tltle nidg bur 0500 Race Alse see udlrrtlM'mcnls In lone trsf In nreceillng columns . HOUSEKEEPING APABTMEKP Beautiful Modern Hskpg. t Living room bed room, combination brjifc fast room and kitchenette, bath POtjeS Inikers- plenty of heat and het water, wjr weed floors elec servlce st-ilrs, apt. Off" entrance $05 128.80 N Park sve ' 18.10 S RITTENIIOUHE HQ centnlnlnir 11 lirge rooms. 8 bat21J5 twelfth fleer. tiverloeUini- Rltlnnheuje NJJ und 10th st : rent $000 Applv te $ Intenrtent 1S1Q S nitlenhens i-giurs FURNISHED APABTMENT EXCLUSIVE npts.. furn . mn.i : iiiiwms Sn ere nrl bit)'"' rt '. H '"'S- APABTMENTHOTEtS. THE GLADSTONE' tiTii and nxn STS, AiiseLinr-LY I'inni'KOer APAnTMF.NTS. FURN1SIII D. VitWmtt IA1NO AM) SHOUT TL'IIM LEASlv THF RARTRAM sun AND CHESTNl'T fcTnCETi ...... ...... -,,, ....J einriirDlaU ,;,v.nVr 'slmr't ter ItaiWl. home, tj munta r urn mnnii linn iie-- long anil siieri lenu ",,"",. jiiIl, ownership management- ' f -5f THE MORRIS APARTMEIflS 18TH TIKT.OJV SPnUCB BT. g HE81DENTIAI. ll2T,fiW, niiiSn T ' APARTMENTS FURNISHED l 1 tTWI IIIMINIIII.il rsnin rvn MAD MWRR ltu?H,"irv,v," f J ailltMAMOWN btiti itiviiTpq ail nitOAI) ST, BT""L ..I nr iinfnrn. suites hniHekM I. s . . . ''.'' ii.i.i Maif V THE BTENTUN api. "---. 0 5nr,ujar.Bi1,a lane Hull furn. or uniuru inn. - -- rout i'-;;T nrvlea: d nlng, rm "' .'."".' """. . 'H.nr. hall, garage; Phene locust .118. n.n.4 SP "APARTMENTS WANggPlfr WANTED -Thwe or 4 roen,. andtg veung loupie. ".""i" :,r,friWei ..! ?" i!SS?i 07ent"rper' 'Ml vule ul. Immediate possession. Jdi-er Office. Furnlslifd, i'.UHNISHED .AlT.vjr roenfJ Xft 1 near liitteabeuu Bauare. u